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[ijIARCH?ST NOTES $H0W VAST PLOT eu (o CiiiZantic Conspi 1 mo, ?gains. U. S. Found ?r, Mundelein (aso. aams PLANNED IN SEVI RAL CITIES ijpjasjldliPMC?- ? ?l,Tn1 b> ,h0 ?jllf0 Reveal Cooitry-Widc AjSSSSiaatiOfl Schemes. - . . Has ?s ? nal day dinner ' The S finnr I ? I * ? Raid Planned. ,) and - : , - .1 my mind. ? e have from ernmi I Ian ;?n<i from - ? ? ? ? ? . rouf.*!* on the ' ? ? - 1? in Ii, - g ; anr?rehi?t ? m? ? ? a hen he Si ^eiiic, . norn|i in the ? r that the p ? rnlshed an Btlt H! ? . ;..l i e? ' ' Of .*.., t .-. ?n I that the viel ? said Di R? a . ?? mild ?11.?M II. . i ?> ould b? . rho letter is bu Detectives Think (rones .still Is Hiding Here \ ?. ? aptnin \ ? : - quad, ut?' the t! . ??! \ ' ?ton ? ? hundred i i ? till ii ? . . thai und posted n Neu "i i>rk is 1 > r-'.i 1 ii;i\ I- . inton, 1'i'iin . writing thai m Ictl i ?ol. : from Hi ? man is niii regarded * or tli.; he ?s us w? >.'io??ii ? Wt'stchcster ("oui e B DECISION RESERVED IN FIGHT FOR SON Or. Htisck I ells of 1 cars fur Hoy's Morals. ? lerved the proce? Dr. Gunni J. B . ? ? . divorced. Dr. .. 1 i!? moral? under which tl ? -1 >r. Henderson T? l"o;. ' : . ' or Mrs, ?. that ? . wife ? ter of Dr. proce. ? ?' ? I ? ? ' MIDGET AND GIANT FILL TWO STATEROOMS Hole in Wall Lets 7.Footer's Feel Share 2-Footer's Bunk. If Jack, the well known G?B1 t Kl ei had met thp . a hard ?vlnti i of ? the Frent-h lin,?r. UgO bo. tomy. ' ? ' " ure. -i.i his ' ? ? ened things up ??:i?h ihc WS > the giant ? .all friend's ? The men were held ? ? ? * MAJOR BERRY URGED FOR POSTMASTERSHIP Bronx Democrat Favored as Compromise Candidate. ? eb. 17.?-A < candidate ?or the Ne* York postn iras proposed to President W ' to-day by former Ht | phen ?? ?? York. H ommendation wa of Th,* Bronx, be appointed. Ma? ny D? ? A Unique Lawsuit If such a unique situation could arise as a lawsuit to determine which had the greater claim to beauty, an Oriental pearl or a TecLi pearl, it would be vitally necessary to keep the two exhibits apart, or the Plaintiff and the De? fendant would have another law? suit on their hands, to determine which was the Oriental pearl and which the Tecla pearl ? such is t.i<*ir similarity to each other! Tecla Necklaces with diamond clasp $75 to $350 r$^ r / 398 Fifth Avenue L?^>i??r-a-i?-^?-i>e-*i?r^^ ?.??????.. " " * * ' ' ' DEALERS BETRAY 20 IN BAFF PLOT Score of Marke. Men Who Know ingly Paid to Kill Rival Named. GUNMEN SILENCED BY DEATH THREATS Pleas ?if Wives Md Mothers fail Qirl Reveals Murder Gang's Poison Raids. : U t I V, ., h Market j ? aterday gae s the who . ? ? buted to t1 -? fund et paid ?o h ...? Barne? Baff mur . iven to ? ? Dooling, The identity of the tuen Mr. Dooling ? : ?. .:!,???. bu? Intimated tha? would be under ? , ? inler ?de line, it developed . m ,| i,; the Dii Itl ? i\ : . in, I'M when jobs requiring the dling ni' u gun were acaree . (Iyer at poisoning m a it two. \ . ? led to Diati r i ! : i y that im Ht compete with n ..?' ,-,l with Bafl waa die Ignored re threal of her Imr-e? I of business. Thi? .,, ?, !..i- been traced irder gani t" Bafl ? The underwold a low ?tul act dumb : ? those ? grilline;*, net ? word. : Charley F ts he *aa- hired t>, ,i,. ? iterday at,,! ? 1er of chick . . 0 knows n Bl ? ?? ? ' .... ib 1 a t o th e i ' ? ?' Mire a ? aid ' ' ? ? ? "I might k." he mumo 'Youi ' .?? atrapping I low. V. afraid of?" Mr. S-vann ? ." an a wared the f*ir!. A visit thei failed ? ? ? to the ? , ???'.. . "It wann. "1 infen.i . e inn. I DIE FOR LYING," SCHMIDT* INSISTS Anna Aunuillcr's Murderer De nies He Killed the Qirl. "I ? ? for 1 y i n {? and ? ? , !.. old th em s I they ? ? ? \ . . '. t cam? 1 orn? . Ko? I ' ? ' .? ' j of justice," Sri ? statemei of 1 ..,? I ', - ,.,.. i . e tolil il,. ? ..!-.. . | , i . ' kumulier 1 that I ? wa? violating the law of the State of Vork. la knew 1 ; lating the law, ao the jury had I ? ? ? i'i found Schmidt Will ?:. i.iiii th him. I'" ib? v him whether he would hold his poi , when ..ich throui'h the door OSBORNE'S MOV? SURPRISES WEEK Demands Court Quash li tlictnients After Me Pleads Not Guilty. NEW ?SINCi SINCi INQUIRY laS THREA Accused Warden to Appeal Whitman ii His Motion Is Overruled. "Yard hfott O boras i -i pi : ed I ' ? ' toraej V. teks Westchester >?? terday morning, whs lied to plead to ??? i mu indi?.'i,i nt,il l?? ? mitted by the eouii to plead t?t thf i dictmenl charging mismanagement ai immorality, he moved t?* quash thepe jury indictment and made formal in i to disn nol onl) thai indie men! bul serious indictmei .i well. In the moving papers ?he rali? of ths indictments i? attacked, ? I1 trid Attorae; whom the ? arge - with I ..? Ii invaded his constitutional rights i i, ad ions before I he y and Jsry. JuBtice Morachas er will bear srgi menta on the demurrer and motions t disrn ' laj in Pe igl k< ? If the eourt sustaini his contention Mr. Osborns will appeal o* Governe tman to order an investigation un ? l ad of condtl Sing Sing, particularly during his h. mini and more particular] hi - eooducl is s and an Indi vidual with In the pi ison mnl oui "l b, ? ? ? Goveinor has the righ -,. m .... . ..-. inquii j.'' he ?aid yei terday, "and 1 believe he will | I eei tail t that" I muel have th? right t" clear n ? name of the attacki made upon H by erool ai d grafter i.i prison ?.i.'i . as yei out of ." Mr w e, - ? ; m other ? in the Sing Sing casei late in the da* -..i'*!: Alexand I in, eouBsel for th Bllegei immoralit*. bad hin bi fore Ju ' ei how can why Joseph ["oblinsky, olias Yesky \'in ger. ? . I to plead. "I ha? i" ? o.i of mj i il? ndai sn? wiII arraigi 1 ths Distric tttoi ? ..: no "Thai no? "Th? bi ; sign the aecuaed after ? time baa elapsed and th? ? ?l ? 1 wil ect that I ? ? .1 !??? ai : and allowed to plead." Toblinaky not being in court, it wbi finally arranged to bav, him plead nol latei When Mr. Oab? i ic araa called to thf I'.ii to plea - -? perjury Indict ? bird drawn to co ei i ? guilty. ' Gordon Battle, of In i len re newed the demand thai be al ? Neither Mr, W ?? r. | ' W ] ill,.ill .1 ' . ii I ty. I f the ] t sta ? -?Vill (,-o '.'? '. rii.l 01 PATROLMAN STUMBLES INTO HALLWAY AMBUSH Man Who Says Me Was Waiting to Slay Couple Taken in Duel. Pati olmai Coi treel tal ion, found a door -. . - .: this morning, He , ? bj b : ? "Ham . Iman dropped to the flooi ? . time trangei up the '? ?k h i m on the roof. 'I ttled foi a fe i minuti--i bei ore 1 .dered. A ? b sta! lid he ws . Baldassoro, twenty-four, of 620 E*as1 Thirteei I he wai waiting to kill h girl and her . ? heart) aad ? tering. H ? -,i ?i the girl and hei irt do? erted bin i their Bid? Faurot, Tired, Takes L?rav? Faurot, worn ou! ; snder , thi Do? Bureau, baa obi ive of ? days. 'I hs action ?? ? by Deputy I oner Frank iLord. .. ,. :? j,, | ? taj on a boat ? trip to JaeksoBvllle. ^HEN you pur? chase a Sohmer Piano you buy an art product?evol? ved in a lifetime of experience in the piano craft. The Sohmer is time tested. Forty-four years o? continuous piano making by the Sohmer family, is incorporated in the of today. It is a personal product made by those ?whose name it bears, and its marvelous beauty of tone is the reflection of the pride and skil! of its makers. The*e ?re rrto'e Sohmert n use in the Metrx-i r.Kttmrt DiM'ict thmtn aeny f'f'ifr OtHtHC ptntne. Sohmer &, Co. ?A?E ?LTMORE (BII.TMO.tF-. ROTEL) Open Air Skating Open to the public for three? ?teM?-eie-aiiH daily (Sundays eieepte*d) ?SO to 13 SO, 2 SO to S SB. S .80 to II (?L.ASS ENCLOSED TEA ROOMS Kalaluhi's Hawaiian Orchestra Will Play for DANCING in the GLASS ROOM r.r.m. IS* C tl fo 1? /?Via?-* EXHIBITION SKATING BY All -VEO & BIGEID NAEBfl OF THF. BIPTODEOME l'cmpaei-il Tr?-ryrtor? 4,500 ON STRIKE AT WAR PLANT Men Forced Out at Pistol Point?Mayor Flees Vol? ley of Snowballs. 1 1 .".. la) Tb? r Aflaonia, Conn., Fob, 17. Every hratn-h of tho American Brass ?nd r..p por Company bore ???>? luddealj down anil milliom of rjollars' I i*rth of ?.?..H erdera tied np to da) bj the walk out of 4...on srorkmea. The turn wert* eallod OB1 b) leaders, ??ho marrhni through tin- plant eg if. olvi i i, Anybody who might have horn nap, rsuaded by rerbal srgumei i ediatel* yielded to th? el nri?unu-t.- a abandoned their machine?,. The strikt? is one of the most re markablt? m the history of organized labor, in that the workers, repr? ir.c at least a dozen European nation ilities, have hem welded late oae or ? ?' With but a tingle il.-tnan*l a :'.'. per eent increase m pay within ? I he bail temper of I trik, ? ?? ms de manifest ei rst. An .?:r. - .?? 15 eei creas, to men making $2 E .1 .. t?a?. 10 per -?? tu all others ?vas recei?i -l tit' laughter from the ? .. . .' ich er, appointing ? ? . " nittee of one to bring ebout peace, attempted t*? addross s crowd of strikers. They answered his plei.4 fin peace srlth a \*olley of snov, that parried away his hat and . ooled foi . o h method:, of, -ti i lement. Previoo to I fnl appear- . of ?lie Mayor, Superintendent Moody, in 111 i **< o1 all the plante, had ? tO mollife the -inkers id ?.?.?a'- -t. roughlj handled thai ho hur-; from v :? plant, from the I nine. layot Schumacher decided thai the onl; rent muniti m of -a ar makei a*ith the aid ol He Immi d iwore m seveBty-five firemen a- * mea, ai Neu Haven for nil the . ,i -.? I.?, could be hurriedly . te ?.mIS PLAN WAR TRAINING IN N. Y. HIGH SCHOOLS Governor. Gen. O'Ryan and Fin lay Confer on New Measure. Albany, Feb. 17. An sdmintsAi t.-1! dealing ??? ith milil -c in the subject ol .i ? ? . (iuvernor Wl John H. Finley, State l i er ol Education, and '?' I ral John F. ?:, of the State i Guard. Details of 'I"* measurs probably would be announced next week, the G.raoi said. LegislatiOB de?:pn-il to provide for compulsory military training in hif,h schools has boon introduced by Assem? blyman Welsh, of Albany. This me ha*- been OppOMd by Or Finley, but . . ? seal SC ?pe bas been approved by i .* in ral I iy liu- new measure, il is nnderstood, will earn an appropriation of |1(W,{HKI ?u im. -ive. Air Bomb Fools Dispatcher. Dan Hegei I is Neu York, W? H ehester ? Boston train dispatcher si the Pe.'ham Parkway station, last night found n bomb on the itation stairs ir ".-i- of ths ga? pips ?? bi ;?':?, nine ? ? b ol the three fuaes eras half ! when Dan rushed Into the sta tin-, office and thr. : ?* pail of ? .i*- i "? i" - in, 1 he bniiib ex? pel t, -.'ti- called. "Very dangeroue, Full an tho-e practi .- Bid he. Knox Hats Spring Styles /UrWYXUtA, A Knox Hat is always in correct style 45_ Fifth Ave., at -40th St. 16I Broadway, Singer Building BOTTLE SOUGHT AS ORPET CLEW Snow's Thaw Leads to New Search Where Girl's Body Lay. ill/ T.:.-|raph I., T Chicago, Feh. 17. Tha two-ounce? bottle which Willim II. Opa? boufht in Madison, Wis?, before starting for Lake Port?t to moat Manan Lambert nn, atlll tho missing key to-day by winch officers hopa ??????tituul.y to unlock the myaterp of tha girl's death. It cation whs put up to Leslie P. H attorney for the ponas num. "Will you lot Orpet tall," Mr. H was aaked, "what he did with the? bottle which C. W. Haasinger, tha Madison drug Clerk, says ho sold iiim, and I Orpai himeelf ailmit?i having boiifch' ?" Mr. ilunna denied the roi-ur't. "I do not recognise the s ?ho many atorias about tha bottll Mid. "Have you diseussed the matter with your client? I'o you know whe ? ? -ourse If ?'' "I have discussed.Tarions ot tha ? up," answered Mr. Hanns. (hie'f McGuire, of tha Lai police, took advantage ... yesterday's - ? ? !., a the di ,?ovary of Mur?an Lambert'? body, to renew hi search for the bottle With five i ?' ? ha S? irtc,| early in the morning into the woods where the girl was fourni, planning to search every inch of the ground. Mr.?. Lambert, mother of the dead girl, v.,,; reported to day t" be ai '.< igh not in a dang? ia ? ion, Harry R. Board?.ey. of the W J, Burn - Internal ional Del ? , >. -mi he ta,, ild teai eh the ? 1 of the N'orthweatem i' between li s-l u Park and Cl for tha bottle. Hia tl.ry la that Orpet three l ? ing into i h li| bland Park after he bad left the girl in Helma ? ??| have traced Orpet'a move, from ? ' ? i the empty ?i: riedeman's drug atom, at '?In.I.-on. at 11:46 in tha morning, ?' week ago laa? Tueaday," aid Beardi ley. "I a!?o know that Orpet ?rrotS William J, Zick. a fellow atudent ??t Madison, las? summer. In the letter ?. ha wanted a medie ne foi a girl friend. "A* riedeman'a d i ug itoi e I v? the fact, airead) reported, that Orpel an empt) ? ? traordinary aize befori empt) bottl? He to? - the bott le only big enou capaule, "A' l :o,", ,,'. loe k, oi ? l'r m i left '?' . i ..u a N'orthweatem tra.n. He got <>tT at Wt ? Allia, near Milwaukee, ? there twenty minute? for a tr.iin to Highland Park. At 8:25 ?,. m. he tale d to Marian Lamber? from land F'ark. The record of the call haa In en found, b I I have no? bee ? d a telephone operator who over? heard the conversation." DYNAMITE PLOTTER WROTE TO CONSUL Suspect Held in Detroit Asked if He Could Do More tor His Country. .-?: . r ? T.-itiUna ] Detro ?. i efa 17. In th? rre aupposed ex?employei of the Air ? <"ar and Foundry Company I , n u;? a p| ? I . ? ? \ ?-. he re munitiona are bi ired for the ' i lent. ? ,,r Police v.:n? il Mar? tion wl h re Bar? tholon -.,,1 up ?n Plinl by De IB, lie ? , purchase mita in Detroit. The poli? ? eommvnt on the arresta or their eir enmata Joseph <i- John-ion, il is* net manager of the American I ?r and Found**) Com pan). admitted having rumora of plans t? the muni - ? mi. The fa? I guarded elo ely s Wh? ii det? orna, the a note) "or. ,..-.i . i ? ter to v ? ? thing mor?- for hi? country. i could not make out the name There wer., al m notai OtebOOk, It 1? -a..I, Stating that l.urtr.oloma's intention! ware I cape to Europe after aueceeding in the ?ting plot.*n.-.>? i to have ' lid follow prisoners that ho di?l not know why ha had been ar reate d. "Suppose they think I had some? thing to do with the dynamiting in mada they've got my -real, too " ?'anadian oAcia ' " re watch the ca?i'. it 13 Days to Pay Income Tax 1 ho w I tional M per rent a noun,-, ? ? ? ' f the Inl ; - ? olleetor r.ere. It is am ing t ha' the pe ano? be ;. ,>nce "he\ ??re 'neurred, anv more than tiie o ri-* miel tax. ?>aks&ffiampmtw I,roadwav at .I lth Street i f* Broadway at 84th Street NEVERBREAK HUNDRED WARDROBE TRUNK A TOI GH PROPOSITION? TRIE LITERALLY A,M) OTHERWISE NEVERBREAK conitruc? tion ? all vulcanized fibre covered; heavy cold rolled Steel hardware; self-locking snap lock, tension bolts and all hand riveted ? making tiV toughest frame and con st ruction that can be adopt? ed for trunk building1. Price $15 A patented removable gar? ner, t rack?carries six suits, or twelve dresses?without a wrinkle. Can be lifted "bodily" (clothes and all) out of the trunk and hung away in a closet on two hooks or nails. YOU CANT GET THIS REMOVABLE RACK FEATURE IN ANY OTHER TRUNK ON THE MARKET. Drawers for Hats. Shoes, L'nderwear.etc. and a draw? string Laundry Bag. -al..? 1 ,|(,|, llt-DJ,. Holds enough for a trip across the continent for ??ither man or woman?yet cannot be packed with clothes to exceed the free baggage limit. Guaranteed nol tu break for five years and lur ly the price will never "breaK" anybody. Let us repeat, Fifteen Dollars. See this Trunk--usa M you'll confirm our judg? ment. aks&Cfomptuj Broadway at 34th Street * L Continuing today and tomorrow Sale of AU Saks Mixture Suits at $21 Formerly $28 to $40 These Suits are our regular stock and nol by any trick i?!' phrasing or circumstance so-called special*, cut tur sale purposes. They are the selfsame Suits which are the theme of all our advertising and t?? which we owe our reputation for clothes. All that lias happened to them is that they liave Leen substantially reduced because tiny are the last <it' the crop. They have changed only in the solitary particular thai they arc infinite!") lutter values than the) were. .1 ^ mu?l Charos foi Alt?rai ont. GARMENT STRIKE TO END AT NOON But Another, Involving 64,000 Operators, May Be Decided Upon by Night. B) i.i tO-day, according to the - .:,.!?.I hum of. i all over th? will announce tl "ike of prad ically at an ? ? , ? , living 2.200 m and lui? trade : members, may b? [the rith the de bed o' preferential union ? "The uniona are ready for an) s that it mai be neceaaary to take." ^t?nl ?ral manager ol - ? ;,,ak and Skirt Miik- i lay. "Wa are not of the coun 1, although we hope a peaceable agreement ma) be reached, wa ?hall r. - , usti?n to-morrow night." prei dent of [ni il Ladies' Garment ad to report ed l itement ? ? tinue to trii ?? i . - Wednesda) ? .,:' the M . when the ... . . raanul right m it ?:,. i referential union 1 - ? stieved, I will completely ti. up the 2,200 .?hup? in the . A closed conterene.? was held yes-ter Municipal Building at which l<-:.. -.?>. i. Sch esinger, representing the per, Houaedresj and Kimona Makers' Union, si II ',.? tn-rg, prest? 1 lociation of Manufae*.? urers trades, worked out details ol a?' ' ?.?.:, employers and rheir .iirri...?lient will be ? ?mer- ho.ird, of Charles I Bernl elm ii chair man. Mack, ehairmaa of the Board of ' ? hurned matte re - leint to the 1 ?? r . . ? ? ? Makers' Unioi to in.* bond demanded that perators ihould resume work at lepl M? sttarne) far the rmed Independent Dresa and ? ire?--.' Aaaos il g a . lift ion I i'iy ni'tnbrr of his ' ta.jocuuoii does u.t rasalTB Ui. r?. quired settlement papen by noon to? day. FIRE WRECKS #THE STAMLER ExplaoeM of '.??.olene Singes Ihreer Workmen in Hold. !er,e fumes exploded yesterdav in the hold of the Ja, ob Siamler. B lince its sbandonmenl as a wor-,?-n'? hotel has I at the head of North Henry Williamaburg. 'Ihre.- men who had iron? aboard with a gaaolene lamp to draw oaT water from I ; a narrow eaCSB?) tro focatioa ?'.' -?er,, singad by thu Three lireboata the Seth Low, i,-,,rge B. McClellan and William B. Strong put out the tire, although the Iv at was badly damaged and probably . .->. er he uv : il .,?- ,ir 40 WOMEN MOOSE SEEK 1916 LEADER Progressive Veterans to Launch Campaign When They Lind RiKht Man. W ted Al'- :? ? ? al car, .?.date. !-?i ty goad womei ai : true, at *he Hotel iiattar..... hard for the In'? lay any plan? for the campaign, <? I ? it the Progre The i mostly Pre. ? ? they did tl thai . \ . ?? B l'a'- ? imona* thooe ton i renca. 'I he ? representad atea. They agreed that the purpo.e of the organisation they were about to form shoulej be "to take part in the pal campaign as members of a political party." Tl a decisions a? to what party and what methoda would be ase : left foi future action. The next ing will be held In Apr.. Maal forty expect to (?o to Chicago In June. Mrs Winston Churchill. ? te ol I reformer-novelist who ran fe ? or of New Hampshire on the Pi ... .? ticket, v..i* at the a letter wa? erad from M Bird, wife V i Pro ,,-r,-? i??? leader Others present wer.? Mn Jac b Ri . Mr? '. Soi ? i ? .-ho ?. ? 14i-as Ma H Ingl a " v ? Rutl Morgan, ' ? \rthur Sei b ter. Mrs M I - ?. Mi ? I- man lei TAn itein, Mi Leonard Hand, Mrs [ Sortie, Mrs Mary Be ai Mrs Mau.;.' H"\, ? . , Pennsylvania, < e lalan i an . ' i -?, were .ey