Newspaper Page Text
jtg CROSS SURE | WAR HOSPITAL \? H Harrinian Gives ?essary S24.000-Ex L|2 More In Week. s REID'S MEETING HEARS COL. KEAN ?rg? "?**??-* Prc" parcdnoss \rmy in lead Shape. ..,, sai "*-*iul ? In the of out? ??*"" f. . ? already a-< 11. Harrii I v n*te>rnoor. ^;-r . he homo of Mre. Madison Avenue. , two other ? ??"??h? -, be b-*e*un at IL tears . ka most ??omen. ilitary .'o;eph H. ?-.'oailhfan I *":c? Medical Helief. ... | units i >.** rai ? .0. Ho ?bk! apitals i ? ? ... ? ? ? t? ? ? -wee. ' . build . . -00." men to *-'ml\ *Sur?ini*. ican an.I Mrs. Frank ? ? ? ?oh H. ?' " ' '., - ? BARS CHURri-l UNION IN LATIN AMERICA toigioi.? Congress Says Ad i-*?Would B( Misunderstood. pene and of the lot .-??! : . r part that church eat our ?i indi ?h any B-aSai SUFFRAGISTS WANT BILL RECONSIDERE Mrs. Rocssin<a, Says House Cot mlttoo Should Vote Again. r 1 , Washingtoa, Fob 17. ruin;mi? t that members of ?bo Houss Judteil Committee ?\'ii? opposed woman si ? fratre in?toa.l ..f votiae in tbo reef committee meeting to kill the queati for ???. morel] voted to pi rollo ,:, Mrs Frank M Roessing, ii vie, presiden? of ths National Amo ca? n ??t'ltin Suffiags Association, ?.o ?lay outlining ? next -tep m tlio camp i Becauss four members ??: tbo romm lor favorable ?o SuffragS ??oro ?bar from ths meeUag, an effort will Bsads to obtain a reconsideration ths foniinitt,*! . "W? sraal not nierolr ? VOtS o-i t natter in eommittes ami Congress; ? wanl favorable action by both tho eOl mittos ami Congress.*1 said Mrs. Ko,' g " l'l'o action of postponement I course, opon for a reconsid?r?t! ?he committor, and tho Congr? al committee ha* already tak? ktepi toward ?ha? end. "Postponement by committee i? n .-? suffrage There a o - snenghl in thai particular mes ng of tbo Judiciary Comittee to ha turied our amendment for two yeai stead of merely delaying commitl actiiAi, "Il Ki oak* votamos for the MUM equal suffrage ??her. men in COBJBre ?? b ? an avowedly opposed to II rafa to defeat II U. S. ACTION URGEE TO SAVE ARMENL Missionar?, Fears loss r ?Prestige by Silently Con* doninj. Cruelties. Bj rnako an official ?.tat nient on tin? Armenier, atrocities, tl ? ites may loso its iIght -- for humai I and justice, writ, im A. Shedd, a returned mi sionary froi ? ? a letter to So ng. Such a crin i on ?cor b?tants is as worthy of notice bj tl American gov, ? letter, conta ring reai of woi under Turkish rule foi the Presbytei ? ?ard of Foreign Missions, \ ? .a: Commute, it fVrmenlan ai : .Syrian Relief, *.- ei no. "1 am t?ure there are a errat man thoughtful American? ??ho, like I feel that silence on the par! ? ? : ?a Bel 1 ' "ai ?I thai foi our go? ernn ? ? ... it i of auch magnitude perp?tr?t? i ? ? . n ni atante, th wome ,? unusual or port m erve humanity, if not I - . ?ame o a-il] have tl '. ? ? by tb la*. eh pov ernment to the I 'aeific Expoai on February 7':.'. in the old - "tl Avenu not i . ? r leavi rom th? la the familiei o ? led in th. ? ? portrait o Hall, A: re ??ill be a room foi end dancini ?? . in blacl ? Arthur B The joint ' ee ol !;. f?f Fund ha? mai I : I thuanla for Au i Hungary and Gali? cia, 116,000 foi 115,600 foi mod.. - ? i'.. ?. ,500 foi ' orthern Gr?e :e I and $1.'. ? il "f |614,. by the up, branch of th? ' R?? ? ie, include: Mri ?Mri ! M ?. ? p Ken Ballentine, foi Mrs. M. W. O'Brien ha ipplies ? ? Schumann H< ink. Mn en Stons and ths Artists' ? wai he given by the German ? Ight, FIRE RECORD. ' i '? . ?Ita?l> ?? , ..- , a ? 4.1. .* a . . ' !.. - - ' - * ? ' - ? I- I-? I . 4 4-.. . -i ISll i ?.?.'?- " . i ' ' ? ' - ?a?. ? ?. ' 111 ? ? a?. 61 Third ?"? . H. ?V. B lumaii IriSlni , . Way Ml . af?. unni I , i ? a pr; S2.00S pnMiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiim I Chauffeurs' Outfits ? \p Special <&, l ?? $43.50 fLj?fofA ?i?-*-.' i /<<; Overcoat, Suit and j //W /> ! I I t = te-^ Cw,?*??,?? ifH.r //ah . ,\ rt, teat, perfecl fit- ? M? ? IfK/*^! and durable*; the r|. . jUB >\ \ ?? L ? vain?* ii v /rnr*ip-a?-L'i - Iji . .1 Clothes ioi Chauffeurs I [j^C! be boufhl I , /J Double-breasted O* >??*/ ? s ? A Smarl Norl I ?I .'/j : or i WPhs) -- Regulation Chauffeur's \ /flu i rv i I Made <-f fine qui rv*#*/VJ I ted whipcord in Iwo g I \ _3 I ??* |rsy and in V^ V-*^ = i tan-?the outfit complete \\ \\\ I ;J L $43.50, or, as follows till = I '^rrrt y-^ Overcoat - $25.00 \ \ = ?1-1' ? ? *'650 ? 1 \l = oSS ' ' $2 ?? ' mil VklSa 1 ?V'X^ ith Iwo pairs if ^/^ \J\ 1 - 01 Breeches 01 /L\/^ \J I \a pair of each?$23.50 --***^ ?? u! $57.50. $75.00 .IIId $125.00 .1 Waterproof? $20 a id $212 Ma led 0 Hv,; iLROADWAY AT 49th ST. I ^?"""??lllllllll.liillllllllllllllllll.Illlllllllllllllllll.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIHIUIIIIIIIIIIlii DEALERS FLAY ! NEW P. S. C. LEASE Real lis?ate Men Indignant at Body's Renting Equita? ble Building Quarters. CITY'S PROPERTY STILL STANDS IDLE - Board of Estimate Should Have Veto Power on Board's Finances, Says Operator. Real estai,, men. taxpayer?, not yst .recovered from the 17 point increa-e m the ta\ rates, aad tha Hoard of Estimate greased yMterday ??ben the, l'ubfic Seltne CommiasiOfl announced thai it bad obtained new quarters in tbe .-Equitable Building. The loase ??-a? sipnod in tho face of tbe protest of the Koal Estate Hoard of No??* York, Controller PraB4**ergaat, and tax? payers. To the Krai Batata Hoanl. ??'.ich in? sisted up to the la?' miaste ?hat ?lie commission make use of one of the ! a-ity's idle buildings, the mbibi?sbIob replied! "I 11 th, city ?ell it- build Real ? '.ite men pointi d out that the co itself ha? about | 0,000 ? urth o prop? rty ei it ha.-, bi en unal le to Con? P Bid he bad sent a letter to the Mayor, rueaday, a.: ii "? one ol he preMnl empty The lease uns signed with nut the knowledge of the Controller. ? cd Wednes evening, ?i an annnal pay men1 of $105,000, at $1.70 a aquar? for the new quarters, with privi of release after two ?ear? ???i six months nol ce, and ls.onn feet ? In '.h.- ? ity I intjc Building, thrown in at $6 :.,>r t.?o yea ? ??? ??? I -.??I ? ere the I r is th? Hi n i?. ?*-? oi the New York fe Annex Bu Mi .... p floon of tl*?- Hallenbeck Hungerford Build ? about BO centi pei iquare fi ?' or the continued use of the present the Tribune Build ? foot, v itli the ' leg, of racat i ni ? ; at anv time at 10 ?H i c. i : . ach month. President McGalrc PwtOSta. M. D. McGsirc, presiden? of ? ? R? I t?te Board, aid yester "lt i= higl the Leg to enaet I. ture n I I ? final al cm."ml of ? - ? Public Sor? ci Comti isioB m the of Estimate. I am Ihor? Boai ' Estii batl bed tl if veto thi would have i.e\et been signed." Ane nos n ti-a 1,-r cal ? ! ike tearing up ?* 100, i.ihi ?, -. Mr, McGuire, E. *'. Cammon, Fred Keller, t haile? F. Noy? A. (Une, of the Ooupla?. Kobin .-. Brown CompaB*/, coo? ferred a th the commissioners on Toes? ir that even ? .i morandum a h ich pointed out thai : H, '?'? tney, of the 1 ?ite ? ? itements pace I ad b I at fi om ?30 .i iquare f< ol 1 i. . ill ? I. | .1 ? *. I r. ? - TI ? VUS ?,. aboul $60,000 for an eight toi ? ano ? . ? ? ?.;?:? r ? ontaisisg ? '."',i 00 iq iarc I ? I two :"?' floors of the New Hal? lenbeck-Hsngerford Building. 40,000 iquars feet, grass, Maid b. had for abosl 66 c? are foot, ex . nf light and service; The Hallenbeck bsilding ?'.-i?- s pa""" intit ? ' ?? ? are, contain* ? room for the romp. ai ?! could bo remodelled for abosl $50, 000, Four floor i could be add? | tuated .i"..r the Mun ? light on all fo ir ? ? . h ceiling . -.?:, oo ned by the city, limat? $1,260,000. HOBBY CLUB DINES FROM 2-F00T MENU William B. OsRood Field Enter tains Members at His Home. Meml ? : of the Hobbj Clnh i ned ? nt tie l.omo ?if William B. 645 1 ,h A? ense. ? bs ? :i is composed of nullion tori distingsished fot ?. bi ?oui boi-i' After dinner, ; Mt, 1 ? ? ted his collection of thf work ol early illsstrstori I ? ? nth eentury, which includes rare ? - of the flrsi editions of eoloi I he u naer menu was printed on a caiii two feet Ion,;, bordered with Icshank'i drawing:' taken from tho ? il WOOden block?. These ?are in ? Mr. Field's possession. Each gne ? rs ceived from ?be host h cops of a pre - bed mbs?/ by Thacke?* ? on, bouti'l ?vuh five ra? il the aul hoi "s mi Mtnres ( peroi. The book was prefaced a letter to Mr. I eld ' * ? >m Lad] R?C hi. ? ?ai": ht? . I arwin I'. Kingsley, presidtstl of the ? Life Insurance Compaay, led al the dinner. Tl?e member? ? ?? club presenl wert Archer M. lluntinpton. .lohn G. Milbiirii. Adrian H. Larkin, Alvin W. Krach, R. T. II. Halaey, George A. Plimpton, Winston H llii(?en, rhoetiiv ItiRraliam. Albert Gal latin, William M. Schnit/ler. Henry S. Van Dsaer, John T. Tomlinson, I>r. Baahford Deas, Professor i)a?*itl Ku gene ' rge F. Kuns, Professor K. K. A. Seligman, J. C, Tomlinson, jr., BBfJ 17 T. Newel*. SULLIVAN ASSERTS HE IS STILL LEADER Sends Oui Call for Election of Stale Convention Delegates. Ths Irish in Paddj Sollivaa, deposed Democratic Emi Bids iMder, la Afhtiag luck. Me announced yesterduy that be ara till tbo leader ol the ,"..l Assembly District, and be has i?.--ued the Mil to his followers tu meet to-night in Arlinrton Hall, ZS St. Mark's 1'luce. K. P. A. Vacaralli, of lbs ??ays aad nu an? committee of tbo organisation, immediately iasued a second He displayed an affidavit, ilgasd by 186 ??tubers that . o? ?'?'i,- l'un Sulli\'.i en deposed La ? |U -?: I ; ii Broi ne Stri? t, aad a:,' end. ? ?, G? "i i;.' W. Lofl ande i sto. d tha* Mr. Loft s ?? eepl ths ??dice. meet mi,- at ArllBgtOfl Hall nicht will be to elect delegate?at?large , tu the Democratic Btate Coaveation (a I Syracuse, Sallivaa*a n?a!s havs al ' ready elected their delet-att?. I What Are the Philippines; Who Are the Filipinos? A Distinction with ?\ Difference?Re.sponsibility of Amer ?ca to tlie Non-Christian Tribes?The Dis? arming of the Moros. By WILLIS FLETCHER JOHNSON, L. H. D. Author t?f "A (Viitury ?if Kaxpansitin," MAmsrics'a Fortriga Relations," sts The I'liilippino bill 1 irate the? Philippines as a unit. That fact alone; IS BUfteieSlt to ?lamn i*. r.'irnnllcs.? ?if fell othor objSCtiODS. It 19. also nn amp!?? indfetsssnt <>f sithsr Om Ignorait? <>r the rsckkisnsM of Ihoae who are? responsive for th? measure?. They are trying to treat the Philip lines as IT? trente?! Cubs* ?r with pome- differences which make ?h"ir conduct vastly worse than it would he if they foil,.wed exactly th?; CubSfl i". ample. In Cubs the? 1'nited State?? dul Insist upon the Mtsblishmsnt of ft \ stnhle government, lepuliliian in forin, and capalile ?if diaeharging BStiS? ?liturily it? domestic and its international duties; and provided for th? perpettud nsintsnsnes *?f ?hat gwrtraMnt at a itsiidsrd ?>f efficiency mea-nirah.y SCCOrding with our own. But in the Philippine hill, unless fir sonn' obscur?, e?|uiv?Kal ami fii'tivc interpolation, Iher?; is 1,0 hint ?if such a requirement. After we pet out the; islaml.? may have democ rsey, monarchy, despotism ?ir utter anarchy. The radical difference bataraan Philippines and Cuba in local ?t has already been made cli-ier; and ?juite snflclanl to mark the iinpr?, e t y of attempting te Ircal thaia h! The Philippines were eed ,i la ? ut,a a ?i - not W s i," ii the Ph ilipp a? absolute!] as we own Alaska; wi no? on ti and nei n ha a on m-il Ct w .. entered the Phili] etora and aovereigua tale in** pe -? - of our own property, with the un? standing th;,- we were t? remain tl forever; we entered Cuba a- tempo) and pi oe ' onal ailmini? 11 aitii an underata m?; that we were present?] to evithd and surrender the Islhnd to its mh ?.. ? for their own government Incidental!)*, It vim',! be aa gn*n of faith for ns to get out of Philippines as it would bava bean u to ? ? fuse to gel i ul ?>f Cuba I But there sr? othei iadical <1,.T between the two, of really grea importa ? ? t considera? than that of legal status. If only tl oho existed, ?ui abandonment of i islands wou i be nnthipf, mora thai brearh of national trust and a pro? tution of our national honor thii tome politician?! at Waahii ton 8pp?'ar to be negligible trifles. I the ot ". oulii moan ?r worse than tl would moan, in add i I 01 to all that, t ? ds into evils I ? oms po s would quickly be compelled, for t -,i i- ,,f humanit , to Intenens ami the dutis i v bieh s s I, shirked. ( ubu is one i?!and. occunii,l i y t laces having tin* rame re?; .? ? san e langnage, I ;.<- saa a p? social Ideal . and living together perf<, ? i..h ?,. ny ?-rid sharing I i rnmei t betwcei them ? a P pu are I ousanda of ialand .? n : 111 b./ l?verai d ? arying in lanpuhiri' and in political at, : tile each to t! othei and nflexibl- etei ? i nol te in a co . ? timer ? \ this bill t real . the )'; thorn geneoua ;.t as united n Cuba it actually sees to have be? n x\- omebody w| tupposed thai 'i Filipino government Manila would be perfectly aeeeptab to anil unhesitatingly accepted by a ? the people of all I he Islands, .in I ,, .,.,. government at Havana is .. eeptable to ,11 the pi oe in? ei ?,f e tab . i it i ? , : ? . ' . *? I | the ialandi pla than woul labt) I.i i ?'. by pro? ipon that th I ):?' i m l,,ur 11 ibal ubdivii I? never, aince our knowledge i :' th ?i political ?ir . (?ml accord. They bave often been i ppen and i l*\a> h potent il warfare During the ee of Span i ih aov ereignty, the overlordship <>:' Spain ?a ail that kept ilo m ami it did no? al .??ays kei'p them from flying at eue other's threats. During ?,ur poa ? of the ialand I h.?s similar!; i ? en only American anthoi ? ? he peac? and pe i ha pa a i. our bei ?? i whu-h the pending bill purp? ilaced. The re ? of an) alack? ning ? a ,is cr, a aomel. den lurinf Aguinaldo'! i? I,..'.in,::, when lived Filipino rub in the Cayagan Val ley, the visayas ?uni elsewhere uu< lit ? rally ap orgy of at roeit ? The United States army officers an?: the officials of the War Department understand all this, and that i? one of the roaaons why they are so inflexibly opposed to the policy of l-ciittliti";. That i? on?> of the reasons why Secretar) Garrison to eathingly condemned the pending legislation, and resigned from the Cabinet rather I qnieace .?i it ?ir to ponsibilitj .' .in ii it ome Senatoi R? pr?sent?t ives, in eomi.i a I lent, seem t., b< . them, Apai difference?. ri\ alrirs and Bl .?lion of the nor. Chriatiai ti iboa p ? what should be an insuperable non to abandonment of the ii There an' more than a score ol tribes. 1 hey nre divided among two distinct racea, th?- Negrito and the Malay. The former are very low in the peale of mentality, and do not seam capable of any considerable depree of Vet i? would scarce!) comport with Am?ricain principles to Ion them. , the io ad ' ? an I at til ! a!i il i from whii the pe if t.?it ?he outright slave?, of the Chr! tlan Fi ip nos. 'I he Malay tribe . a> the other han are of t i m. men) ii iti and phj i ?! so Tl hill tribe? especially arc probably, i i he bj kola, - lift ioi to th* lut?. ..,i .I? v i. ? i oag ? as ale the MorOS, hearil much Tl ? fan il cal '?' .' omi tai ?. pa * 11. to propoi their faith ???h?i .n good old Mahometan fasl ion, and ". i.aii. t ever to sol nut to the rub- of the ' briatlaa Fil p -. .? '.m for c? '. ivs b? i their enemies. .' he United Statt i ? ' e :, -,,| OSej ; the I i! i|* I h . th, .;?? pi . and dot, ?. I.* g ol lin- campais i loi America abai i" . uia ths .M"r. have been makiag It plain la the moi direct aad emphatic maaaer thai tht give their n,. gia ice to the I 'i 'It .-tale?- Bad ' tO BO Othl authority, and that, partiesla will res ' te ipt tu 111 ?-.-? ? hem te Fil pii o ul v. I I \i:. ? . an 10rereig ? ? ? ?. h. loro 1- il pino ? ?.' onld be Inevitobl ??ould he marked ?rith all the borroi of miogled relig on i fanal ? uncivilised savagery. That la \? hu- , :..- ru-ut end ? ceci ? bill would meai I or the i':*:? ed State to mi s r. poi bl. ? ? ? - ach " occsi I. addition to its waoton breach of fait sad I reaty-scrappi ig, nrool. bo luto erabl. Bat eves < t wosld no? the arorsl *jf it. There ??-ould be ii ? 'int .n!i ?if f-a i t h coir par.-,i v th whieh ein, making a tree? a mere "scrap ol eem - not t;. nadir of iniquity, i i 11 it] contrae? bel ? i ils, into whic both eatei rolaatariiy and with thel open, Bui ??? hen ;? -up? Dor i ot ? ?oil omi ,: ? ?. .11 apon an infi : mr an demand?* that the latter shall ronlid .n its beaevoleace aad la^arity, n pudiatloa of :a:th involve? a far croa! er degree of turpitude than does mor treaty-breaking, it most !"? remembered that ?am ago ae dl mi mod the Muro !?? ea a warrior tribe ? isive aad defeasive. Our admit ? ?on la th. sod an oi ?1er f. ? m ; aad if say "> not rolaatariiy obej, wa coi iti tllOfll ? . 1 wit ? orce, even to the extent of blood shed. In Zamboanga, ii ?i said, ' ole of "Chinese" Gordon, did in?' wor with comparatively little <l irti.- M. t -, though Bl t.fnes .-ven he liad tu ein ploy streoaoas measures, Elsewhet ? ;:'- [.ait of the worl '..;i ibifio at the BXpOBSS of mucl %i?lenee ami loss ol life. Hit th'- work Was ?lone, and ?va thorougbl) dose. The Moros ?ver raed. I hey were told aad thi ? :" our ad tha it was coatrary t.* American prit l'or them to use the ? ?,| a -a of propagating their faith and i ig i? upon othei : while i ef. ? ? . their aims *?? oold m ? :;.?? r be ? ? I nite? Statei wosld % irantee them protec lion a| ' ? In wor? .i- -i de? d we thai pledgi d osrselve to mainti n pe ice in ths archipelago end (?' give the Moros whom wa ha disarmed complets defence airains their hereditary Now, however, it is purposed, by ar .: Ion which rauata I ? upon its mission of service to I ity, to repadiatc that pledge. It ii purpoMd to srithdrav tkat proteetioi I' is purposed t.* delivei iato tha haadi of their bitterest and moat unrelent ng bl.l-eaeraiei the people whom w* have disai raed sad i horn wo ba-. rendered helplc to d?ferai th?*m. adv..? ... . possible to eon - i .,- ?t. depth of moral tsi pi i ude than i hat WOOld roach ? That is .in-' ose of the moastrositiei "!. ih ?i ?nvoived la ?he propositioi which i- beiag so blithely and eai ly made tu SCSttls from the Philip? pine ; as one might My! ?'orno, let SI ge on a pit-nic! It is a part, but. a part only, ?if the disregard ol facts, of logic and of equity which i? involved in con? sidering the Philippiaea and the Fili? pinos a-- coexteaaivo and aceordaat term i II s though one won? t?i i <? gard, lei as My, Esrope and Germany as one and ths ?ame, and to assume :, German governmeot si Berlin \?ould l>4i ?--.nt acceptable and | . ? . to the en1 ire watiaeBt. bur res nd l.aiin uml Slav are nol more different, nor more satagoniatic, than the racei which dwell ?a our a archipelago! bo? wosld 11 b? reasonable to expect France aad Eag? le sorraader themselves to ths iule of a German goverameot at Berlin than to demand thai ths Moros should accept the sovereignty of a Filipino government at Manila. The SOOBOI met? purge out of their r.indf, the notion that the Philippine? are occupied solely by Piliptnoa. aad that tha wishes of a fi latter ? ?? all a o ??re roejBired to resm et. ths bett. r it will !?? i ?* oaly fur theii aad ? thnologiMl knew I? edge, bat bIm for 1 ;.::.! foi the I oaoi ol ? ? ?..- ? -. ? . r kee| ROYAL BLUE LINE PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURS TO WASHINGTON $131 <?o Three Day Tour> Feb- 19th March 10: April 13, 11>. 27. May 27 and Sept. 2 $18" Five Day Tour? Feb- 26th Mnrch 11.2'. April 8 nnd 22: Mny o ?nul 20 ALL NECF.->SARV L.-PrNSe: INCLUDED NewJersey Centrai-BALTIMORE &, OHIO-Philadelphia & Reading ? . . i . - et aal*, i . ? ? . - ? . ' ... . : ;.. -, 1 ?. -.i.-ii MILLS PICTURED AS CHILD'S FOE Mountain Districts Pro? vide Best Education, Sen? ate Committee Hears. BENEVOLENCE PLEA RAPPED BY EXPERT Ploughing Barren Farm with Brindle Bull Better than Work j in Cotton Factory. 1 T,m M n. e 11,if? i ' Washington, Feb. 17. An almos-' phare talrle/ rooking with benetrolonoo, sketched by the exploitera ai child ; labor n Southern cotton mills to the; Senate Committee on Interstate Com* nieroe, was blown away thij aft? moon i I,., a t're-h, vigorous breeze straight i from the North Carolin mountain?:, ai j W. IT Swift, a<;rnt of the National ihiid Laboi Committoa, beRan his testi- : tunny. Mr Swift ?aras born and rearm, in *s/ant inga I aunty, in the heart of the mountain . Ha went to a mountain aehool . | I i I ? state uni lated with honors; f eitj aehool ? ? '... ? .. for aeer? : . ral rears, and red BUthl ' ' ? i1. , a drawn from ' I ...?? he d ? I the eotton ? lie | mly that the rural torn . . Carolina i ii ? ..,! er rolment und school but that the mills, with their ? Ii.'m up? a tl i of the child i ?-? ? oon s - the . i .. . ? the ? hito child ate. led the theory e for the ? Id is bar lai I raised on n farm, has lived next doo [to aome of the best null? In Nortl Carolina for e-v-ral years, ha? ehlldrei r,f in own ..i' mill ago, and I"- ess phattoally doe? not agree --- ? t-1? i ?r ? V.'. S'iles, quoted y.stertlay BB prefer Unix to put In? ,?:, rear-tale* child t cotton mill to leaving her cope '?? Hi the hookworm on the farm. Before Mr- Bwlf? would pul I ? chll dren to work in a cotton mill h< "would i/o back tu i. i mountains, b'i .? a ?hack l,y ?!.,? m.,;,, ,,:' n spring an? plough witl a brindi?: Lull ofi a Iihi r.-r i.uiii," ha aaie*L Mr. Swift showed '.i' i't Koanok. Rupids mill, tin? suporintendon? al which, Sum Putters,m. boaBtod of i'? educational facilities, th?- part an togs al tchool enrolment was tifty-one, the at tendance twenty-eight. In the rura! districta of Halifax e'ounty, in which the mill village is ?ituatel, the en roiment is seventy-five and the at te nuance forty-seven. The average en roiment for North Carolina rural dis? tricts, white children ulon?' conaidered, ii neventy-livc, and the average daily "attendance is 6? per cent. In one mountain county, which another mill i amer described is illiterate, the cn rolaSOOt '?as H'J per cent, the a", niic -l<i per cent. The .same contra?t between rural and mill district? iras ?hoA'ii in a report from Caldwell I ?ttl ty. one mountain district in this county having every one of school age en lolled. Mr. Swift will resume the stand to? morrow Bnd Rive first hand information of tiic results of a thr"e >ear study of North l.'arolina mill conditions. The milt owner? appear to have given up hope of exerrioting from the operations ot the Federal bill the Southern cotton mills. I'receding Mr. Swift*? testimony. Pro? fessor Thomas 1. Parkinson, director <?' the Legislative I - r.. ?" ? : r. arch I'e partmont of Columbia University, made an argument maintaining the cons itu? ttonality of ' IS K:i- Dg?Owen WRECK ON SEABOARD INJURES FOURTEEN Floride Flyer Leaves Rails Near Richmond, \ a. *: ?ehi tond, V :? . Feb 1"- 1 be ? Air Line's Florida Limited, No. in, aorthboun :. wn? wrecked to-day at Kiiig?ilnnil Bridge, ten miles south of i ere, while running ut high speed. >.'o i rn> >? . but fourteen person? were badly injured and others less Berioi T'u > lumped 'ii'* 'rack, rails and tie?, and four conch, i a iv ii, a n a s*.-..-p embanh ? ? The injured weie brought to Rich Dr. Aruiistead Gills, returning bar?? Our GUARANTEED MORTGAGES deserve your CONFIDENCE 3rd. Becauie while the price* of stocks have shown sharp upward and downward move? ment*? ol late, our sccurltlw remain always at par. LAWYERS MORTGAGE CO. RICHARD M. KURD, Pratt?ant Capltal.Surplus & Pr. $9,000,000 with the lajarod, declarad that bejord doubt - ?en ? . Bgera wosld hava boea killed outriztfl except that all the mr* wen of iteel construction, with not enough wood m them to kindle B t r. . A oiTici.'.l stotemer* by th" r-<.,| Mid ?* MUM of '?reck had r.o*. ho'-n .! ?l. c Hanaahan, of N m Vork, ard David ?. I'rako, of Newark, If. J., .?.??re among the Irajsf. ?I UNTERMYER ON U. S MISSION South America Calls l?B*J er from Vonkera Fare light. Samuel l.'ntermyer ha.? ??ruten Mayor I.ennon, of Yonkers, from Miami, Kla, that ho probably * ill be unable to con? tinuo hi? fight again-?' | ? p--. ? i New York CCBtral Railroad fate lit? an in? vitation 'n g?. ? . ??ary of the TrOMOrj 4cAdM tO aid ii ?can countries an?l the I ."?' r. I ' ' ' | . . '. to re? arn to Yonk? May 10 W^PCROOMSViA? 3,33t?. A Thought (or the Business Man Salesmanship ain't the science of sellin* folks somethin' they don't want. It's the science of teaching 'em to want what you've got to sell. p^t AND VELVET is its own best salesman ** ?n teaching smokers to want it. It isn't possible for an advertiser to print or a salesman to describe aroma, smoothness and mildness. But you won't need any descrip? tions after your first pipeful of VELVET. For VELVET has that natural mildness and coolness which belong only to the choicest Kentucky Burley tobacco. And then VELVET is brought to its full, mellow perfection by two years natural ageing. That is what gives VELVET its appeal to pipe smokers?its smoothness. Jfuffat/ftf 4(^t&Jo&UU*3 C*X < pyright ttlt 10c Tin?, 5c Metal bned L>?.g?. One Pound (?U.S Humidors