Newspaper Page Text
SWEDES ASK U.S. TO AID PROTEST Want Neutrals to Unite Against British Ban on Mails. CAPIT-M SUSPECTS HELP TO TEUTONS \jsaai*t nedines Dctinito Reply ^Likely lO Continue Inde? pendent Policy. has that ?He Tinted rence of ; outrai pom -.,, .r take other action Interfsrenes I S,.*:etf.ry UoslB? > -,,-ten a ?- I * I ? ' war of i.? .? a,f .-' to partiel] ? ?? ? *c that t". '..< Of aSW? | t and? -takes to sslporate \?;th the . on in the possession of country are as*-i.?ting Gimi" Wc a.? in avo mjfl a? ' te ht to-?"?"? the 1 ? "j | tl .ctod by h ? ? ?.?ht to ma '. commcrc ? Neo I * rot set l Ignored. ' ? ? *ed. ? ssure, I ? ? make u re ? ' ? egard to ?-?r linary ? -eizure of pirce'. | .ear..?? ? MV? ? i ? mas ? lolatloB of Malla ? ? ? litior. i 01 tei - > - ? bel ? this conven? ? unieiit of the ? .' i it ' ? uirai f i ? ? ? ; la?'.' -be t? - ?ure hy British and ? rican for] in Kuropo ? ? and a rep ? ? ' ? ' New York Bankers Confer on Seizure of Securities up their pro ? ir.d ? : ?.t a ? has t ""e lead in the moi to] l.old mail. ?? -. mr -.*. in ? Matral ? *J*a_l !" ' ' ! :,rt ?Jrt ? ? arill be foi con tained am ? ? m . lb?* I. . not,ni? rrirnnlin?; recov lile Hcpartinent will ap w i ng will ik? in the i rar ?in? de . . ,. ?; r?lui k>f ti , el ? ?. bange ?.. i vu.,., Heult to learn, It is '.ut they will run ?? -, dollar? m hail besa l'y the aaiBurea ? in ?herkini* up taeka. \ n I he pi irr of \ : enluy. Thim any ilerline m th. . bu? ta renew? I in the exchanga rata foi Ugh? ahout , rferenee ilia from the intri?'!". Sweden Seizes Parcel Post tn Retaliate Agalast British ? "i l , ', 1? 'R( porta fi ,"ii ' "are thai nburjr a ? by the ire ?,f .-ion n f TELL OF 11)0 DEAD IN ZEPPELIN RAID Espagac Passengen Dispute Paris Count e?f Recent ! ess (if life. The French c- ? ' statement that January 29, \v. ; ? - | . 'ri the the 1 . i ? over 100. Dr, '?' after , rvlee v\i;h the in l-rnnco, the raid. "Ai ? ?r the . later I ng nil HTkiur e Parns ? ? : ' -i .?ure m .led. "1 'cloud yard.? m clou,! i Irship T he ruse ? ? . riti i-, Merc: .?'-? the German church offi ? -. h -inny, can-.r her?* ? ? | \- ? . House tj -i und . waa -nary ? ? ' ENGLISH CHURCHMEN CONDEMN REPRISALS One Bishop fails to Indorse Archbishop's View. -S ]7, The 'Ihurcti ' ?' land to-day took I . 'xdicy The bishops in con . ? ? ? rcy "i" God we sh? .... .t, of a ?' on. "Jn a \v;,r like this," he 8;ud, " com hat.-ints from non-coi. if we ? in a puni !uwn 1 DURESS NOT USEI ON BELGIUM-GRE. Country Was Free to Ac ccpt German Offer of Restoration. BRITAIN CRITICISED FOR SHIPPING RULE Balfonr Admits That Rales An "Preposterously High," but Denies Selfish Policy. Lande a, r, b, it Under the pu. 'e o n question to Bir Edward Qrof, Lau ni?,' G nne I, an Iriaa National!! f I'arliament, mude the alia b in tl ,? H ou ?? ii' i aaaaaani to-?ia; thai in i .1 I bean need by ", \ to ? lanada the Belgiai ,i accepting from (?er an ? ?', , to rei tablish the In j of Belgium, tu restore h? r in , ? and full) to com] i .? -i,i . ? ... i i,. brought a blunl answer Hum the ifot .. ? .? i Sir Edward a?i?lcd that be be tatemen? of an offer bin.. ? in? rue. ie Add ? rrpl? ..? wai ? d bj Ba ber :,.- I l bVil ihiit, ??? ho moved hii II- iii elared thai the pi ? ? I ?pping war .? ?- of tha priiii Inn. ri< ,1 baa nol . us? .i. he declai i d ? .. ' large ? sd been taken than would bare I,, en . under proper n ment, Shipping Profit? Gigantic. erted that the ,-i-rantic sde by ahippen wen lent by i innaent. Two third .. i heeii r ? i, and third ii.?d been allowed ? ? ..!' tup iring i v hich wer ? itely absurd, he In . Arthur Shirli ?m Plymouth, .-? amend .'? .!. Balfonr, First Lord af tha A4 miralty, in replying aaid he thought the ahipownera ?oui?! not rempli, n af rat? i we ic not only high. but | ? hiph. lie denied th ? . . i . : iney out of th i il pr? riv? ts ] n Im . ? ? could ' acting selfishly. ? ' ? Mi I .-? - that mat . to admiral! and gen? rals, i . ? ? ? ortaga 1 whatever Hey of tern ropriation of gth of the eountry'a mercai I hoped r ..?'? ng ?? . ild be aaid In critic i tion. ' -o ?1 ? .' ' ' ,1, .. . . , . . ?: the Iiou.?i' of I'om ? The . er added that the ?i ap? ache 1 v.i:h ?, r< , ei nil food to be aen? to Poland under neu? tral control, bul that the Allies had re? plied they could not , tfie ques? tion until the various methods of spoil - '...... herwise, hi wouli I to the WOMAN .SPY GETS LITE TERM il.r Death Sentence Commuted, Home See retarj innoan? i ? l,'. ! he 0 death I ut v. I immuted t? ? ,r life was am,, in the H" ' ? nmona to-day by ? I.. Samuel, Secretary o; f o i Hoi The woman waa found guilty in a . ? , An appeal wi ? i, hut united. Her se? tivitiei were dis, afta?1 hi r arrie a] in Great Britain and her She Brit ? "',.? hnrjin ?' the war, il wa that a ? ? ... ... ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS - I. -?-?u 1 n ii ... ' ? i ? , ,, i ? . . . ? III ? 1II I? I ? .K . : , ? ' I'HILIP M1HN ?< : ..*.?'???, '. ??. Ill l??l I) . I ? ? ' ? . ! ? ? ? ? ? ? ' 1 ??II.J.'.??I H r ?' l.l.M " ' ; 1 111* K W i i.i i \t \ lAIU ? ? ? ' a ' 4 I R 1 ? ' ' . : 1 i ? i ,- ? : ? \?t ? ' : ? ? . ' ? ' 'VIM M?l II a i ? '?__*< l . 1'Ui.St.Jaa I ' I? 1 t.,.- 'ti a- I . ? ?a I ' III (BUI ? It ROIIM V ca? . a ? i ' ? I ? M ' '..'I nul . ?'. I ?M ? -III Ma. ' ? v. ?i.i.:? ?I ?M H.I.: ; It,. V?1V I ??. r ' ' i ?vortn ?~- ?? i . ? v ? I* II ) It It IM : ..... ruDDAKD la 1 Ml i J P I'Al.Tir l .ol?; to .' ? ! * 11.1. ! A K I ? ?o.a. : : : i i>? Hoi I ? . a!.-If T r II .lust -4 T c -' ?NO . .H. P. K. WF.A? Ml ?. .. : > : . \1?, Ir* I" ? .- . II ?.l.tlV ' II 4.a .<, J?M. n a ? rk i . s ,?*] Ho?, n*: n - - ! i hi.'. . ? . 1. t? ? art KINKS rado; to ? 1 II ? >lIf l;?, ..??*.:.-4 North ' ? I TWIT, ?I* I !.. .-a '.- 1 I'!" -. I ? ? . | at Ban MOI ' * 1 It I . a- I . ? ?, !.. ' ? ???al K-l . ? . ?t l'en. .1 ?I III a , - a . . . .: Ha:. . sah n '??a- rr?!H?. ? ? ?-a, I ? in*** D*.?.-- ! -, a Ml -till?-,, ' 1 ? II I . . a ? . : . ? ... > i. i a i . ? ? ' - > I ? r . a ? . I. . ? I - . *?? ? *..?.. ? ? I ? ? . I I ? ? II?,* ? T-rti : la ? I 4, ? ... . . i t j a. ? ?. la I. ? ' ? i "? ? ' a ? ?.._- a... a. ... a? laa? aaJavUl a _a~l_ Serbia's Ruler in Exile ? Holds Hope of Victory Aged -?tul Bent, but Unbroken l>v Misfortune, K?h?< Peter Prays God to Reward Tins Country for Its Bounty to \ lb Stricken Subjects. aCdepoM, lalaad ef I ahma, P< b, II ria Pai . I i b. 17), Hidden awsi la Ithis almost iaaMeaaihla spot, bent un ?i?"r in*. .. i M., two boom, dlaill : ts aad lufTeriaga, phyaiMlly bro lian, virtaally Miad, bis bwwb goae, In? nativa lead overraa by aaeient enemies, the Billed Klag PotOI of i bit i,'. m!-, i lings to Ufa in th.- ho participating m the altimate triumph of hi? Maatrymea. i bo ?ils hnvo tut dimmed tin? ipiril tu eleaded thf latelled of ti." h In?;, li.. apol a th Hi?? Mme determined coat-ays ?? character? i. -? i bim whoa ha lad his ici H victory over the Torks. aad he aas *? tli.' MBMS BBd mMBlag of th" v,,i With lii? Mid loffio of (he man who translated John Btaaii Mill into Sor biaa. Sjio?k*) to Ameritan*'. "I have lu?.' Wasted very micli to .?.peak from tho bottom of my 1 the jroat hOBli "i America, ??h?. deeply moved over th? fate of Serbia and In.- .... ? ,..,?r aahappy people,"1 Mid the Kmi: "r ii.?? that si.o.i how > .'ir com] I have been able to divine in H;?1 straff? gles of a peuple, limpie aad ragged bal .stubbornly Individualistic, tho saate laerod tir?' ?Aiuch inspired tbo Americaaa, three, I yearn njjo, to lea? e Eorop. I ? ? In the a lid. ot' America a home for freedom. They uaderstaBd as. Wo speak tho same 1 ? 11 ?- K ? i :. t ; ? ? I "Ai,.! tbo ts ?'?ho have ruin,* tO B ?? lOCtOafB, 1 the American !-? I ; I Sanit?r] bra? a j oang peop ,-, ?? bo I . ? ? not a few res? forever in Serbian soi it nol the) who brought to " .b when thon of s* : ' . : Iren, enable to flee, r< tain '.here, ? ? ? - r i ive?l of i thing, dep? ? he enemies of th? r nui try, have unobtrusively lel to work t <> succor the naforl mat. ail, who have a? ed ol l'ra?s tur ?.or" . Reward. ? ? If ay God ia H is mercy i try ! ' i 1 ? ? ng loag i i what you j,ie thinkiflg,** King F Onallj . wh have renia ' no reproach- 1 I too late ' ? avs bat I h? j Tbcy wer? Had th? an oi n to toa, o ral? "i ? . ido aa oa? j I ected I r- t : liberty tha? it I ess and ? ' cumin?, but none : i Supreme Ftftirt ,*f I cud.ilism. "I do no? ? - ? in Amen . that almoal 1 ?rill tell :?? ? preme, the laal . freedom morrow, So l - ? . i. m , .1 Its . ? ? ? ideal. i "Yet ?\e Bars alwa , at peace a * way hai bo? be? n r way, bul Serbs ara liks iroa An * of our creed to v ith our i ? f ? um m -. ?? iadoa - in B. and have said to myself, 'How i it ; lue an "Bui feudal thai ma . ? and A ? ? of 1881 - be i ? nounced : I - ' . ... : fore?to cr?ai Serbin, Moi : Hl : ' . the I" ? i ity. Hut ??>? cannot land I aro r i ?'I ?.'ii Klag 1 como rron pi,, bal a I . "at?" *Tt__S_3 ?Comiort.-'hlc while you are smoking them and after you have (smoked thein that's why they're sen - i? JO S*~) TOR f 15* F?TIM? slavery Mj grandfather wai ?? pe-ss ? .1 i ???H pi luder ol 11 at than o? ai ,? illume. ? iroa ns are lost, bu? th. i ,i,. alean i>!.,u,| af t a bava lived of the eai'h does not die ? \ - for Bul| aria, we bae s pro- ad that we have i i cor against the ?,,],her? v ba fought i aide wit i the libert) if t i. We ? i ???,! thai when wa mad. i , .; ? ? ,, qui friends 'I he t ,i d aol ia will, 1 b< obi s emonv pur ?nei them. Vi t, despite ever, thing, I ? ow wit h all ' . be irti Xa? thi H ilgariana live in tranquillit? al home There la place enoei Ul that i require d ia .? ? " \ ? i.,i oui illy, , under -'..,,,| different ly fi om aa Her inter? it? In the 1er ' ' iho ilder ?-? [th aa, ?hu fulfilled the ?liitii ? ,,,. To day . tality " Llvaa Only for i re? serhia. With a the K ng ? . . . ? ! I . ited: ??! le luve in ? ?. i? Hi ?In.I. Il N , ' ' be ,li ? m?, youth. It waa for tha? I I II hat be reme the faith o? 'he twilight of my . ,| free. I pra la? m<? live until -tie the red? mption of my ?? lav I am re wills. I ba it i'.' al i-i my life, and am tired, bruised ami ? ta eountry drew up h ? ' i.iii. pain twiated i ody to military thering i ich once more at the : r* their I Boi'in. I will before . : AUTO SELFISH WASTE, ENGLAND'S DECREE War Savings Committee Decries l se of Motors for Pleasure. I "You ly Hair, le the ? . ? i other*! i . r ? . tha < I'om of appeals, In which I ill oint out ? ? ? ? ? KITCHENER TALKS ON AIR DEFENCES Three Fold System of Par? rying Attacks Perfected ?n England. ADVANCE NEWS ALL IMPORTANT Anti-Aircraft Artillery, Says the War Secretary, Takes Prece? dence in Ordnance Shops. P b IT. Karl K>chener ? B . et Lotit te* during the lae? efappalln r?M .?In that 'he Brittah aaaonnt-| ,.,i i.>r ai ?? ulrahln, which ? aa lost at .nd that there waa good reaeoa t') ,. h second airship hud been put out of action. It la believed that Lord Kitchener ra ? [. 19 i h the laat i to the pi laent," I ord Kitchener uir invasion oi Eng huid has bad no Influence whatever aa the military conduct of the war, ami. . , the loi - "' citizen life , and damage to private property, I do? ? ? the i sople desire to give : ,r, great Importun?e to th ? allow them to affect military lions. "It mu.-t ba realized thut in wnr it ? ? to UHure safety . . ?, and some rieka muat i-? accepted In order to he ?strong at im? portai Coetly to Baldara. ? from a repetition of theae air ine I It we slvill make them ? h time." Oui '???il of aerie! de fene? In Great Britain, Lord Kitchener "The defence is threefold: adi ?mee Inform the movement? of hostile airerait: ond, defence by anl i rera?l artillery; reidera by leropl " \ re rarda tl tern which gin mpending i robabl ? ?: lery, the , has preced? . dueed. will be ,:' to the I ? ? it tl " l"he ? it will lea* a no I ? ill be f Visco ml French, Sir Pe . i ?? Nlgfct Work I'iflirult. In reply to a question regarding the u.?e o? sei i at night, I 1er baa ever yel ? ?o make an as, ? ' ". He lidded: ? tercepl ? the si on the -t.i.t. If he , ? ' ' . ? .? tended with great dlScoltles, but I he ? ha? xc.'h more extended pr?eetic we ?hieii overe?me *iu, ?l?fT*ia-,4 ? Announcement waa mad? ofllclally to d'iV ehnt during ?he fir?t four month of operstio** of the government's ai raid insurance plan more than 1.109, '. policies were written. Of then, l?j per cent cover damage? which ms; be sustained from bombardment or at t.ule-i hy mrcrief?. The remainder cove, aircraft risks only, Say Spies in Paris Signal to Zeppelins I I'eh. IT. The r, een* /eppeiir raid li?*" reopened the queetlea of ntret-et lighting m Paria, orte contention u that the rniuctiori in illumination .???rved no pu-pote, tinec it did not pre ' tha airakif from lading the n'y: eons? |Uently more light la demamled ted, moreover, n.any of the light? that shine out from the In? terioi ? ?' the regulation ????* ?-? ??i th" ener,.,. ? ? 'he.t ZepDt I1111 can operate effectively only hy ? from ?and ligaala. ties e vit ?"ate.? '.hat German acanta la Paris, w.-irned of the com?,. Zeppelins, give i.Iumi fr?m threp different ? a triangle, in the cen I tr?. of Obich is (locate,I the BfOt the Zepi ; .:, lire to ?-r,ke. Experimenta have boon mnd-i a?, to ,.<?>? of thin Huppo-ed plan Threi I .ipon roof? In t: ? . ,- pasltion with lights ? ? were easily picked ? it ?rom s coi'.>idertt'jle height. it i proposed tl it eertain avlatara be bed for the ?perm! wotk i,f in i'uns fot the de H 11! ? FIND GERMAN MINES OFF THAMES MOUTH Dutch Ship Recovers One Float? ing Below Surface. London. Feb. IT. The prevalence of mine.?- in tha N I ' causing a eompl ' I in tiie routing of Dutch shipping. Dute es rec tly d -covered ? had Leen causing di?n?ter to their shipping off the mouth of the 1 bame - m mines a ere aa? ,?' the usual floating type. The theory of the Admiralty here had BOW minen, feat lieiow tha .-.-. hut ?,ne ?.truck by a Dutch I -eeterday, an being recovered. red by a uerman marking that it I ?u! an anehor whieh heid it a few feet ?he water. The method of laying these mines ? Keen discovered, but it is, I? l? is done by vessels j flying neutral flag?. LIVE IN THE SUBUUBS where ehildreo ^ Py ean grow op -/kJqL?a* ?mid healthy ??r^V7\ lurroundings. j ?/ HiMM 4*?!?: /?C4/. HOMES Alone the line of II?? New Jersey Central Tl? Ht IT ANY TABTE AMI PTB?? ir?.ii?nt. fa*t ?rain?; low e?m? mijta'l'.ri fir??; a? ?moka? har4 ? f..r f.?).,??l?l H w. t. wara\ ??- r. a., ?toom sos. Ill Libar. s. St* V'.ra I '? GERMANS FIRE MINE; FRENCH WIN CRATER British Hold "One Lip" of Ex? cavation After Explosion. London, Feh. 17. .Severe local ilj/hO in/ || reported B an official ?'atemer.t Iseaed by the Rnti?h War Office to? r.irrV?t. "Karly ?h?i morning," iayi the sta'emert, "the er.emv iprangtwu mineo one near Fo8B4 I, th? oth?-r ?oath of I ?> Af't-r the explosion of thf latter tho * nemy attempted to occupy th? bul ama dnvea back b? our t'.ro. We holtl tho near lip of ?he crater. "To-day our artillery bombarded the ? trenches near the Hohenioilern ? re? "Be'ween the ""preS-CominCS ?anal ar.i! the Ypre ?-.'omines Railway the i- unchai ? "In Helgiutn." laya n French official ??-.i-.-emenr. i??ued to night, "destructiv? t n-s were directed against the (ierman tatioaa In tas direction of *rae*e and in front of Boes;nf"he. "In Arto:?, in the ne'ifhborhood of the road to Lille, ths en? my exploded a mine, the orator of which we occupied. "BotWMn BoiasOBS and Rhein:* our batteries shelled moving troop? m the r?R-ion of ('ondf-?ur-A'.?ne and hom (jerman works to the north of Sciisoti4. "Th.-re wa? foobls artillery ?itivity on 'he re-* of the front." Pacific Steamer Afire at Sea. San Fraaeieeo, Peh. 17. The ?team er POBama " air:-..*?! at Yo kohama from Ban Francis? i two dsyi afjo, experience?! ;i Bt sea, accord? ing to a report, received here to-day by th" t'hamher of l'utnmerce. Do? tai!? are lacking. S"-m., ? ^lllllljj^^k 11 ' You are safe when iw^m?m? ? y?u buy a standard iF.^^-^i^ Dentifrice like - i^-f Dr.Lyon'5 &Ejr&$i PERFECT wi Dental Cream' , < ?*4[ A Standard Ethicat Danttfrtce Wjtyjft im\ I / Send 2c stamp today for a generous trial pack? WL. fil ? | age of either Dr. Lyon's Perfect Dental Cream ft'Og //??\\\ I or Tooth Powder. ??K /fl'ij j j i. VS. Lyon* Son?, Inc., 514 W. 27th St., New York City - * ? - : ' ?fl ? ' /;/ the Baltic The life of a submarine is never an easy one. Even bucking the ice and dodging mines simultaneously is all in the day's work. A page of pictures in the Graphic Picture Section on Sunday shows how the E-9 ran a combined ice and mine blockade to help bottle up (Jermany's commerce in the Baltic?one of these striking photographs was taken from the periscope. It is an unusually interesting page, but it is only one of sixteen big pages that come to you every Sunday. Make asure they come to you this Sunday by telling your newsdealer to-day. He'll see that your copy isn't sold to some one else. ?fill- ?m,i>ai* Srtbimt* First to Last?the Truth: NeW9~-Editorials -Advertisements Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations