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\ PRONOUNCING GAZETTEER. ?hi?',?-.! ?Yl-ij??:. I ronsid? red bow Enerum ?feli. Am? then I thought that *?,*ino "Awo'iph?. '.'he : ?in?e of ErttenuB. ??\\,- ? I have poverty with us," r-aid Mr. Samuel PfcttoraOCJ of \orth (.ir.'.ina, m tho hearings on thi? Federal chiUl labor bill, twfaaj, | I . it II necessary for childnn of six ami ? ? werk in different localities in tho country." We still hsve (icath. Bl long ns that is so the schemes for prevent ? might a*-* well, Mr. Patteraon might :ic?l. I ave. too, so Why should there be railroad THE PERFECT MILITARIST AGAIN. p ' :\-r you and your battleship the thing is involved, Worcester's ?and :y. which are tho only two nt band, are my Mtfaai ?' '''? pre-piireil-ncss. I thir.k a man's brain ?-hows ? horrible andness If hi air national lack of prepared! ? ' of dont Cared' I UnleM lu? i?, rceivoth our lack of prepared!-? Philip J. Rooseyixt. re th?* battleship edit? r, wo k Mr. Vlfred it bl ? - ? ? ?. ]? - ." eship, a battleship, hip 11 arish I : . ion!). The ; ttlement lias lieen postpone?.! on accounl taima ha? com,? to discuss natter- of greater mo Hoard of the Ball Committee of the* Interna a.>ciation. New York Branch, consista of August Peck t. - ?Beer. IT WOULD BE JUST LIKE HIM. Sir ' re Austrian? conquered Italy, do you suppose that "?Vhoeveritis would wite the King "The Italien are _ E. L Q. rivet against the French front, Paris cables, are What a local drive is we are to?-, inept a ?strategist drive, however, is the campaign you begin at ? I yourself near the door at '.??th Street. In the Millennium. - - i??catinf: place? on New "?oria aveauea, such a* ;4*t5 aifa ':?:??. 761 Fifth Avenue, et, . ?srlll s*ate neat ??hat cros? street. ? ?srlll enforce the rule against ismokint in 1 . A. H. I ?/thing beei to our r:otion, that contains ???.ore p than, the ragtime burlesque of "Common Clay." ' '. ? " '?. the end of the Revue a origins 0 the curre* I "Our Mr?. Mc ? g from "A Female Drummer" and "The ('?real. that the "Common from "Iolanthe": hon. The lady of tr.y love ha- *iK to another. All.? on is a rogue! phoa.?I tell bar very ] lady i?? my mother \ll.? Taradiddle, taradiddle, '."1 loi ' 1 declare? we must be parted, -se on a career of double dealing I have started, Then grive*? her hand to one of thee?, and leaves res broken-hearted ? All-? Tarad; Idle, taradiddle, toi loi lay! n.? Ah, cruel ; art two faithful lovers from each er! Oh. ft? 1 Strephon is a i . Quc?*n.? You've done him an ' it h s mother! All.? Taradiddle, taradiddle, toi loi lay! Lord ( hancellor.?Tl as any other. ? didn't see her fa' ? ndled one another, .-??' = bu: ?Boventeeo?1 dor.': believe it v;?.s his mot Taradiddle, taradiddle, toi loi lav! -field Storey, testifying ??? before the Judi tee of the Senate, said that Louis Brandeis. in his not to be trusted. What he was not to be trusted with it state, but the inference is that he is not to be trasted 1 pecial privilege. A COLLABORATION t-.vo composed this trifling bit, ?illation of our wit. ? ? a rictal cavity Athwart your high specific gravity. Th*-.' we essay to do our best, ? not stand the acid test; For matter like this zinckic atom, Folks sometimes will not laugh at, drat 'em! Yet to all caustic comment, Bhort, lat le is our retort. ?re not reducl In humor's super-heated crucible. ? analysis, tensed, our song amounts to tl plot of this poetic ?story In "ur collaboratory. A. P. W. R. W. H. L. Then?- ral ad?t*ert?8?ng is expensive, yet tbe managements an .**?. ? rising. Do ten per cent of the theatres ?ha, up th?.- curtains at the advertised time? ia the life of ?he camp. He keeps ever*, . a tall, I ng man **-ood i ;. ? old Willie, '"The eold [ail. ? ?' ?ok? s lu 100. to?TL want ILLUSTRATORS TO READ THE STORIES THEY ILLUSTRATE, NEXT. Sir: Wouldn't it ! Idea for the head writers to read write the heads? Frinstance: In The ^??b,ne a head r< "Widow and Children Are Found Starv I the tai! end of the tale occurs: M'Please Mrs. Criflin." Ar. ? *. to a widow. Which H seems Mrs. G? ? Hype? miu u, H \nk. Mr, Vernon B I ? writing In "The Editor" on "Stand? i habita that it would help you and ? *f ths P ?' ??. wish to undermine us, they are ?jraating eoo<? cyani'i?- if they put any in lemon cream meringue pie. Bayi Old UY.l White of the "accusaik>naH against Brandeis: r Cu ?Bl ?? ig; When a man takes the lone trail as a '?ormer, if *'? _ . .thing 'on' him, it will erne out long before 'ar enough up to be mentioned for the Supreme Bench. ??"tformei ?with . eyond second base.'1 ?' '??" i,, comprise the 101,208,815 who road land, including those who are ? I ?? ? ?? who are attempting to demonstrate ' *'J':' ! : m . ii in honorable gent!' - an. i. & A, C. DANA GIBSON'S DAUGHTERTOWED ? Miss Irene, One of This Season's Debutantes, En? gaged to Q. B. Post, Jr. MISS DOROTHEA KANi:, BRIDE OF S. JOHNSON Dean (irosvenor Performs Cere? mony in Cathedral of St. John (he Divine. Mr, . peinent liaa Ire ? Gibson, tu t.e.iri:,- B. l'est, jr., son of Mr. i,nd Mm Goorge B. Poet, of I Kast Fifty-first Street. MlaB Gib* aa the dlatlaetion o;' heinv, the of this seaaon'a debntaatai ta I, the two others bolag ut and Mi ia Dorothy ' Greer. Mies Gib ,>ti was introduced f,, ?,. I eiety ? u and haa been I much ? n;> : , ned bj relative ? friend e is a niece Mrs. Paul Phipps, Brooks and the late ? !'. rkina, with Mrs. . ... ?:?!-.' i |*ra ill Dabney Lan*-? , home, of Richmond. Mr. Toot whs praduated from Har? vard, class '13, antl la a member of the Baltuero] Golf and other cub?. No date has been net foi the ling. - Mis.? Ht ion Dorothea Knne, daughter by a form? of Mrs. V. n, became the brido of Seymour ; Johnson, pon of Mrs. .s. Fisher Johnson, , of 11 East Sixty-third Street, . the i athedraJ of ? I waa di eorated l>c;in William Mercer Grosvenor,* of the ? i rfonnc.1 the ceremony. A aas held nt the home n, ?'.: East ?ii Street. The bride, who wa? piven away by j her Bt in E. (.lyn. wore a gown i f -in trimmed with by n wreath I i attendi was Miss I in, who el ffon and satin ? ? r lilac straw .. earried ? ? ? ri L. Millie "Tie Henry ' W 'iir 'A .'::?, jr. Am? ' ... ' Charles > i . ; .... " I . Mr?. Dixoi ' . ney S i': ? - ?,n ! Mi.-. ! 1. ' i y ' y Mrs. T ruler Smith, who i ; .?pendine; ive a lunch? srda ' ' . I nrlton. The . I] Mall ? ?' teen in nutn Bi ti . ? ry Belmon? Mi Ralnh 1 ' H. McK. Twombly. H?rne.. S I ? Fifty? . ? nigh? at the Gotham foi Ely Mrs, v. ? her home. E 'ook her ;? for th | ;? ' numbi . included some of her own fr: if her daughter. i Dresel Biddle, Jr, /i dinner f r twenty-four lut ? . ! .venue, an 1 later !"..'r. her guest; to see ' '? laook' ' the Globe 1 i the cit* The > abeth U:?re i Powel, of ' I ?. a-,,I Mn . Rob? Powel, to William B. ? ? Mi Evan J. : this city, will take day ?it the home of the ?? lane. Ard.'ley, K. Y. Short '. whir.. M r. . will enter the ol I The fifth of th<? 1 ? ? ? Dal . ? .Mr. nnd Mn W. Goadby Loeo ? Island. 11-born, daup? Prof? -i an i Mn H will li for Aiken. S C., where she will be the guest of for two ??-, Mr? ' Bard MeVlekar and her 1 ?i ai H. ? he!,l a reception . . . . Mr. . I. 1 raith sr town yesl ...or De ?.raT Cuyl.-r. t ?five to-night ? , ce, Mi?.? I ? ??? ?laugh Mr. and Mi i. Da Witt Cuyler, . r Ph Is ? Mrs. Henry TIer?ey Andrew ?rill give ? at her home, 1107 ?ughter, re i Mrs Jnatui Rupnert ' part'.?.? tin? ? ? Id? ?.,. . '. 10 Eaat i mer Knapp will < t h.r home, , if her own iculpture work, : n ?*?"*??? ?" | tract, MISS [RENK LANGHORNE GIBSON. ]'e!,'?taute ?lauirhter of -Mr. an.I -Mrs. ( Dana Gibson, whose engags> ment t<> Gaorgs B. Past, jr., was snnoonced yastsrday._ ROOT RECALLS HAPPY DAYS Speak?? to Alumna- of (.nihiini Bckoot, Where lie (?nee Taagfct. Klihu Hoot made the principal speech lart night to three hundred alumna and friends of the Graham School, who ? Ri.if ? :.. Plaaa In commemoration of I He re bis a school, in which I?.- taught fifty years ago. ".'vi' often wondered/* ha said, "how j I . ? through without falling in love ' it waa thai r? ? f of them it I for a little wh the o] ? . and that 1 ted - wha? I beaut Deal irnard, Pr . ?' D. ', . . I Dr, ll.nry )'. c'obb alao spoke. $387 PAID FOR[LETTER STEVENSON SENT AT 19 Autograph Note? Hring 583,116 for Present Total. A thir'y-, by 1 .... his mother, date] Friday, June 1-, 1 rough? the top price veaterday at the fit . i on of th?' I Anderson < Stevenson i of a itogi ??; , ,i orgs !' I M for the letter, whieh is rei a re? mark ible pi? tive writing for a youth, Ste i:i".<'. li ? ? ? . thedral of St. Magnus, ..- Kirawall, he "I kr. ?. s mperstitloi - . ?tim ulatin** to e and ? i ' ?'? i eh .,s : ' ?', ig os, in Kirk ? An Interest : ett to i mother, i ?. for ded "The I Garden of Rose?" to All ? was al ' Mr. Smith foi The same buyer gave | : "Jtakyll" by Stevenson, ?rrltten in 18? , at..I $170 . .,f., r descrifa k. the principal town of th., ? ' . land i the t'A .i ? :,nd o? ull the parta to ? 16.45. Henry Piano, Bandmaster, Dies ! 1 ?-????.. ' . " . ? ? ? Newbuiigh, N. Y., Fob. IT. Henry ! . ... ninety-five to-day. He for eighteen years waa aa? sociatad with the West Point Hand. He for many years at Beacon and Newburgh, where he conducted cornet bands. He was famed in his day for ? cellent .latir,- music. WHAT is GOING ON TO-DAY. free a?!? ? . ,1. I'M*. \. I'M Muaam ? . ' -*. . ?rtun. | . .. ?\ .:.?.??.' Li. I BfS ! 1 . I - 1 a- k. ur.p'-r-'i.'.'tlr. a' 11 c . i. -, i ? ? ' it..-??! n i. ? i em -"Th? ? ? ii lit i i' ? ? . ' . ou.?. I ? p , . . ? . . n. .'?. 1X1 . ? ? \ \ . ? v v . A " ? l,f ? ? ' - , . ? . . - - I .' .?? . . . ' - - - It H..?*! a 1 11 .'. I ?? ? - tent ?'.., I'rv ' ? ? ,.??:? : ? i i , i FM, ? i ih? n " . ?- s, Beat A.tor. rat New Tirk. Hot?! - ..?mm?, ? Aj.-ria-a. < . . I . ? - ?,' ..... . - - ' , . \ . ?; . - I ? ? i . ' . i 4? e'?. , ? . ?. 1? i in ...\,, h i,. A. .? .-, i ? i. ? ? i ih? lit Un m : , ? . -, . \ . ., . ? !' I . >. , .1 . ? I? . '-? . ? - I . ? | . - i ? '. - ? . . 1 . ' H , ..:.-. .- ? - ? . ? I I i ? ? - I I P* Witt V. t - ? a t and . . i -. kweataml ilt'.jaiN.? ??U Ct?i..?v.iU?e ????.Java li^-a?tle?-?. | NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS "The Blue Envelope*1 in Rehearsal?New Play by Bayard Veiller. "The ? ope," a far.*e in three I Robert Ho . in r, l.? ur-ai )? '"ii in ? V by V. i :. Ar? ia Paik, ? ere, Ralph ! . i enimore, ind ? . ? year, A new n:. . Bayard ' anthi?r nf "Wi hm tha Law,"1 has been red l'y KI .*,w (.? Erlai , becauss ?if ?ta un nol b ? d aatil next i asoa play deals with ? orate i haract? r tion ia ? n ?" i I addon Chambers, who h.i? re? n his rlay. " 11 i Idler," ihoi I luivi- an all-i il, has renamed It ''The Great Ps the direction of I red, ?? Latham, ??ill rhe aen r ? he modern ? ? i and the ea folloa : Phyllis :!,:?? , " Tempest as Mi Glj . els s ? Ka1 ? .'-!t-i 11 a ? Cynthia Brooks as Mrs, ? rosby, Bruce a- Simeoa Strong, C i hi rry a -'?' u k ' .re by, Ii. ??? i Browns as General Merrywi igu Love ai Sir John Harding. After two weeks in Canada, starting March 18, the ?how will open i:? New York, at the Shubert Th. Eleanoi Pa i *? r, who waa forced to leavi ? - Pat" l.i-t ? Illas i from White Piaina, where he la iuk in-i th : ihs expects to for work when the p! .-, at tha Majeal re, Brooklyn, next ? -'. .-ir?- ri'tvrr l wil s year old Saturday, ;.nd they ire to have ?'. birthday partv at tha Ri itaoranl aftlt the sveaing performance. Every one coanected ??ith the Players in say capacity i.s invlte*l to help celebrate. Wallis Clark, who played ia "The <~ritie," hns beea added to th.? cut of ".lustice," bow being directed b* H Mt-ti Payae. The Arr.uut Broth? ts, Eon clo\?r.?, erill li? added to the perform? era at th. Ziegfeld Midnight Prol ? ** Monday night. Edith Randolph, playintr the rol. of Louisa in "The Weavers, at tha Har? den Theatre, has wrlttea ? in collaboration with Thomna Grant -1-- p r : ti tc ? r. Wi'h th.- eloalag of eoBtraets with Walter Perdvel BBd Frank McCormaek dey, the Stuyveaaat ProdoelBg 1 . : pany completed Its east for tn Bohemia!'' e BOW mBSlcal con.' the Lai ri G? Chap pell and K." ulric?TquitsThicago opera; wont say why Resignation to Take Effect in April? Discord Denied. IB? T?->ir?ph to Ti-? Tn'?:' 1 rhicat-o, Feb. 17.-Uemh.ird I'lrich, maaager of ''?? Chicago Grand I ':'? ra A .*?.-? ..-? ? tha An toriam Theatre, ? Mrs iation, to *. racl api Mr. Ulri? ? ? so to add '? word to i ?.he fi.rn:..l announ.* which he h.m-ie'..' ? - ' ?Thai ' " he ?aid prea.-ed :' ir further tolla 1 tory." Ha was friction betwi ? a him and th.- directors of '-he ., but refused to add aaytbiag to his formal at nOBBCOB DEBUSSY'S MUSIC CHARMS Deboasy'a "l-a Mer,- Btraaaa'i "l'on Quixote" aad Hayda's Symphony la E| ' tha Symphony Orchestra concert last Bight Bl I '. hart? -??a muled safe Wii ; '? tbe luolil a Bvea and the lir* laughter of the ocein and the ?? - Debussy of I bs la?t of th?' ! Bketche? that tnMK?.- .p "La Mi-i" the "jj.uluij-ue of Wind arid itea." SCHUMANN-HEM BACK AT OPERA Ring Cycle Audience Gives Artist a Nappy Welcome. CARMEN REPEATED BY MME. FARRAR I.ou-Tellegen's Bride Pleases! I ar^'e Crowd at Night Performance. in roice, style, ?me. faca, figure, or any one of half a hundred o'her quali? ties Mme. Ernestine Schumann-Hem? und Mme. G?raldine Parrar-Tellegen are about as widely divided ate the Arctic from the Antarctic. Yet they have une bond 6f no mean strength they both interest -ne publie, The huge audience that e/aa drawn yesterday afternoon to the Metr?poli? ' an -? is t i >,* perhaps because Mme Schumann-Heink was appearing m apara at the Metropolitan tor the firel ? ... ira, for eu-1 nt Ring cycle are ! ? s !? rda i not a part 1 forth ! ,,r' applause, ; i ,. King audience ever a, ni,: il ti.,, curl v.u- fei nu..i.' t,, fee! 'i;..' t .'t'ini Wfl I nine. Her tones v.ero not perhaps thuse of former days, but much of their beauty still re? mained, while her diction ?vas a de light Of the other member?, of the cast, i Clarence Whitehill made a really re markable Impression as Dar Wanderer.' It ware re performanc.' compoutideil of |,atho?, dignity ai nse of haunt-1 in- tragedy, most heautifully ?.ung. Mr. Whitehill deserve! mor,? appear Itnceri than he iiii-' lii'en getting. .Io-' I tch a aa ai ? Sie?/- ' fried, a ho e \.,rnl > n ? much fr> it than la the rule with Ge Hr- gave most effectively the . m,; r? i Ion o? feai ' Owing to a I . .'"m Mme. Melei t took Mme. Gadski's place ! a? Br?nnhilde, and sang the music Miss Edith Mason was s ? !. Bird -util Mr. Ruysdael a rea i onant voiced Fafncr A- for 'he Mime ? and the Albert lOttO i.i.r.xr.. let US repeat the of! ta!r. ?hey have HO SQUals. Mr. BO" dansky's reading of the -enr,, was a?,u.n ?i crystalline clarity. And us the evening follow? the after? I noon, so did Mme. forrar T? 111 gen fol .'humann-Heink. Mme. Far? ? rar-Tellegen was reappearing as Car? 1 men to the va; i Car? men much, h i? Fan >r ? Mme. Fan .r :? ng woman ? ".er imper | ? ippear The mo'. tanee, were mach m ev "Car ? on of the year .ti oo, Oma East la hela!).?re,I, und Mme, Ferrar evidently believes wi.a* ? ,u,.-h for Nebraska is ?nough for New York. Perhaps it is, though In the procesa Bizet ..nd Merira? i depart ?. sad jour letion of the o,K>ra to that of Avenu ? what si Vet at times in this net hen eras a '.?cry Intel ting Cal il deed, with little touche? of r? ? uI me rit und nality. Above all, -he was in excellent and sate t with ex nr? lion and subtle ehangea o' mood. Later In the opt .. lUCCessful. She made little of ger with Inm Jos?; nothing ... Here n? ther in voice tmr in i she trlke the note of et i dy io lary to thi? pr of the character, M Far a comedienne such she has been, .-u.-h she - but she will 8 her Carmen compelling - ' Mr. Cam proved in style ai ?! in gen? rai ou Alda Is, an I Pi tainly not an id a ! 1, th. t pel i ity and pure all he undei - ?.-.??? Good word . too, ihould be -aid for i M ',! ..!,!? ami Bade, aa the four glers, Mr. Polacco com!., ?pint and authority. The c i, . Ha . I ... ' . ' ? . . !'? ? '. . I .... . I ? . ?/ . If! Marl ? i k ? .a: ...--? COLUMBIA JUNIORS DANCE liighty Couples Attend e In?. Prome? nade at Pelaaoali a'a. sld its promenade last nigh? ..* Delmonieo's. Eighty co iples .1 Mandolin Club I the mm. . the nur Ana ? of thi ? - snd faculty ? ? ray Butl? i .\ " ?? ? ? ; t I ?11 ' . " M " ?? James P. Balghl ?? SI chairman of the ci with Will lam T, Heoerea, jr, presid? at of ( ? linger, C. Hayward, K. M. Earle. B R Smith, J. U Wegener, V P, I ich, .1. 1!. Donoho and T. Me? ing the patronease? were: ? ' ? u H. ei ' MISS PYLE GITES RECITAL "loung l'ianlst Heard for i'ir>t Time Here. Miaa Wynne Pyle, a young | who cama hire . ?? ? in (jermanv. gat ? .. Ha'.! In Bcbubji I ? nenrousness but in ed Schuau ijrm? Brahm's --?on ..... Cloel . ? ; :. flat ? ? '.. !,-'??; Miaa Pyle'i pro ??rutnms. j WINTER GARDEN SHOW IS LIVELY It Contains <?i .ic-son and Plenty ot Song, Dance, Dash and Noise. ALSO SOME HUMOR OF VARYING SORTS Oood Staging and Huge Chorus Will Aid in Making the New Show Popular. "Robiaaea Crusoe, Jr.," ?? full of BOBS', dance, dash, noi ?, (?iris, scenery, costume.? and Al Jo.son. The new ?how a' ths Wlater '?arden is not designed for the highbrow, or even the lifty fifty, but Mere are a million or no pir.on? who will be hugely enter? tained by it, and justly so. In addi? tion to poeaeseiBg mo-t of the qualities ni" successful musical comedie, from time immemorial, it contains a rattling MOd i'lea and treat? it quite well. It m a show that will umloubtedly pack the Winter Garden until the buyers - aest again Since his last appearance in the?e parts A! Jolson ha-< had to put up with coaslderable. He has been trm? aro ;:..I the country for a large num. ber of eoaaeeutiva weeks :f one had time th.' exact number could h-? dog out of the hies. At a'.l sveats, h?> BBtab? ? a record. In consideration of this fact, and also in recognition of services rendered by him in musical shows galore, he received a tremendous ovation from the Jolson fans upon hia Riet entrance. Thereafter they laughed loud and long at his jests, and ap? plauded strenuously at his songs. Hon? estly, there isn't the slightest bit of doubt about it. Al Jolson is funny. The Kobinson Crusoe idea is so good ? on>> that it is hard to understand why ?f ?vus not used long ago for musical comedy purposes. Several seasons ago there wm a plan afoot to adapt it to ?vi- form of Bert Williams, but nothing can*..? of it. The Winter Gar dea authors it is never poss.ble to list the names of all the Winter Gar? den author?* have used the idea well. They have evolved a play that gives Al Jolson, the scene painter and the costume designer opportunities to show at their be-*t. It was rather a wonderful island *o which his dream wafted Hiram "tVestbury. the millionaire. It is tful if it ?vould have been recog? nized by Da loe Daniel, not Louis. In the first place, it contained a lot of chorus girls, whereas you will search the origil lal volume from cover to cover ?without Sadiag a single word ? chorus cirls And in some man? ner Captaii Kidd ?trolled into th.- pi ?? to. Hut in the end it all runde for Jollity ;.r.d song, and you couldn't have found any one in th.* ? um who ?vould have had it Otherwise for a minute. Jo.-on, hi Crasoe'l man Good Fri? day, was a* his faaaiest while making sech to the eaaaibals par? irly when he axaasiaed a menu cird ai.d discovered that he ??as the satire table of contents. Before and the dream Jolson was Gus, the reckless chauffeur of the dashabla hero, Scenlcally tha production re.ich.'d ?*a height at the end of the drat a?", WBCB dainty pirates scampered up the ng glng while B ship went d'.wn in the n? e. ? Ither tooi set:? were the hauated forest, ??here choru aad on the lasra la front of Wastbury's home. I are wa? almost a .Jo^e-h Urban tinge about the Throughout tl ? -?"?1 S irgi . . hand? some choru- -? rted itself, or them? selves. ,t flrsl the chorus wa? In? clined to be tar 1b the 1 rutht out on the ruB Ittd iBvited the audience to help - In it? humor the *-ho?v obserres a ?.trie* - ty Some of *.?:?? came . *h" and othei ; "Fliegende Blaetter." Still ? ginal. As a matt? r i I .; jokes wei*e ths was ral ? r a pity thai the au? tradi! ... sucij at the new | ' ? ? th diae luragiag si? the "'?i oaes were welcomed ;.hter. Th?- ? rk is tlone by the members of the east, Jolson, of course, ;< much in evidence. ' Plemmlng is thoroaghly ca, i title r?le, but Lawraaes d'Orsay has i to be humorous as h*? sver was, Harry Lupino was an eC? ? .- tumbler ??ho should hu\e had t-.. \?a- true of . ? I Walters, th I trio. Th.? leading ft-ni? mm* : lei were ia ?he hands of Helen K "v Dotier and Mme. Com PERSIAN RUG BRINGS $237 Mrs. It. B, Wilbur Bays Antique of BoyaJlsB ( Mlactloa? A ran- Persian Sultaaaba ivory bordera, br. ' ? pri?e rd sessioa of ths ll Silo's Fifth Avenue Art Gal? of ths Boj bJ laa Heel ion of ind carpeta. It ?vas B. B. Wilbur, after keen Mrs. T. Fredericks gave |270 for an Imperial Osi . ?. , ? ST] * ?'? tl I grci-n ^ and medallioa la a ? t< . Id at. : ug with petunia R. S. Pierr? pon? gave M I. Other p i P '-. .1. R. ; '?: E. Tyson. J. P. Cut loan A :on will be hsl . ' SHAKESPEARE AT COLUMBIA Teacher-.' (allege Student? tn Present Flab?.rat.* Festival To-night. An elaborate - will be ? of l'each ' ilumbia Uaiveralty to? te morrow night la the Hag up the ? ? .- , . ' ... .... ? ? ? ". from in*' games of childh u I the rougher ports of you''., through dance, music sa to drama, cul ? - of Eliza? bethan cookery, aril] be nerved. Federal Club Ball. B?Tair of the year on ir?' Eaat Side takes place at Pulm, the eceaaiea be BBBUal enteraainmer.t and ball . ' Club, tiie Re* publica Btioa of the *ith As -' Keen g, Re? i chai unan, !? tha Bl ? . and Judge IS and just plai' Re? . out in force. Among I lests lor the lirst time will he f aaay V Koealg, i ? i tlaughter Of Mr. and Air? Samuel ?. Koenii?. CHURCH TO BAISE $4,000,000 Presbyt?rien ?ieneral Aasembly Plie? Jlurlif. i for 1916. tTapreaaJaatad growth of ths Pre?* ?i i hurch was reported by the executive commission of the General Assembly of th- Church yesterday, la announcing that |ifle-MM would be necessr.r-. ta carry on it? work during the fiscal year beginning next month. The rommi??i',n. which is holding rta at the Hotel S'a.oy, flxed the ludget at 14,600,000. The week be? ginning March 12 has been set aside for special sacrifice to raise the amount needed by the Church boards. $435 FOR "SKETCHES BY B0Z" Dickens'* First Edition Storm Caatre at Herbert Colle?-tion Sale. An octavo firit edition of the original tweaty monthly parts of IMckens'i "Sketches by Bee?, lllustrstive of Every day Life snd Everyday People," with forty illustrations by Crulkshaak, pub? lished to sell at one shilling a part, proved the storm centre of the bidding yesterday at the second ?ess.on of the, ?ale at the American Art ("aller.? ? ? f the Herbert coll? rat editions r.f rare books. It was finally sold t<> V W. Morn for |tlf. This remarks? bly fine copy wa.s printed in London by Chapman & Hall, in 1847-lSSt. J. P, Drake gave? $167.60 for the ex? tremely rar.? Brei edition of "Christ's Vietorie and Triumph in Hesuen and Karth, Over and After Heath," printed within blm - ?h?' young:-. er) Fiel ? i eat erne? I ? 'ire, at e'ambridge, in 1610. '!'?.. earlie I s of the :'ir?t " i , I> Smith He also (i-av,. *>104 fur a tir?t of I 'u*k? ? i'n.?thumous Papera of the I" Ira ,k < iub." Th? total of the afternoon session was |34? ? *) , CHAS. HITCHCOCK, JR., EX-YALE STAR, DEAD Former Intercollegiate Oolf Champion Victim of Pneumonia, Charles Hitchcock, jr., well knoir-l as a former MllcegiatC golf champion and hockey piafar, died at his home, 78.1 Madison A-? .day after? neon. A seemingly trivial cold BeM - tiacteil nearly ? ?reek a**0 developed into pneumonia ,??? '??ath. Mr. Hitchcock wa? a broker, with of? fices in Exchange Plac He ?a? thu? ty-four years old. Wh,'n he was grad? uated from Vale [sj l.. , j ne wa? cat tain of both th- ? > golf sr. 1 hockey teams. 1! .,. m: ama? teur golf player wa? recognised throughout the country I,y his pi in many matches on Easter and Mid? dle Western I.? Mr I hy a w'.do-?/ am] one Ml ? Hitchcock, 3d, He was niarr Id I ? Jen . sral services will take place at the rrow morning. B trial will be In Greenwood Cemetery, WILLIAM DAILY. William D ty-eia vean ?r. the eaatoi at his lion-., ,42 rht Da Atichor line pier, foot of u, n z Ith Stn 5 o'clock that afternoon, and u 11 h : ? ? an hour was dead in his home. Hi? physician declared that he died of . > wa? Cl and unmarried. ROBEBT DOUGI as. Robe rt 1 i? a I York lacr? importer ter many yean, died yeeter . Ivonne, Flushing, ? yeara, Hi torn li to, \s hite. ? loi ?? ?i o?, aaara ago. PETEI WOBBALL. P? i? v. | bington, L I., Peb 17 ? itter? ta al Proa i ? ? at h li borne, !!?? ??- a mem bor of th? e ition of S'tw York and ?mal Ban?, iie leaves a wif : tour - m - Pirn. ? ? ? f. Silva Hi Perry, W Item A tte, Percy < Worrell, Tetera B. ; In Memorism. ?art, 1 \ HITCHCOCK A* h i realeleaee I r, Charles Hitcl ? year. Fu? neral pr; i il.I ? Clemeaaoa, i'rinc?' - ton, S. J. Funeral ruary l?. at I p. m, Trinity Cbareh, Princeton, N' .1 PERRY At Hi? re-:derce. in New Yorl. City, Wed ning f el rua.-v 16, William Alfred Perry, in the hi?-. ? -he lat?* ?If red ra| private. . requested that no flowers bo REN'VILLE February 16, 1916, Msrjr Barnes, wife of the late James Ken of the late Cath 1 William Barnes, Jr. ... Saturday, February 19, 2 p. in., at her late resulerce, 125 Went RONT1 .iieth. Born in Fng Ur..:. Red Bei k, N J . : friend f(,r the home of Mr. at.J ?on. S?!l! LTZ N. J., ..n ! Schultz, a,-. 1 : Funeral ser ., o'clock at his . . ace, Sims? bury, Cunn. It.u-rment at Sun? bury, Conn. BILV1 Thursday, Feb? ruary 17. Helen Mana, la the KM of her .i?',-, w:fe of the lat ? Char' ? , . 1 mother of I?r Henry Mann and Lewis Mann Silva*', il ' - i ".. L'tah. Funsral from ? - it? i 20 Sidney irday, February 1 .<, at 3 p. m. VALLETTE On February 16. 1916. Pel '? Services at : d? see, 9H Fart lH'h tab, an 1- riday, February 1*. ,. ? ? p. in. Intel metit private. ?WORRALL Suddenly, on Wednesday. : iary 16, 1016, at 1,:? home. Finis Four, r.i-ir I'urt Washington. Loa** i, Petera B. Worrell, la h ? year Funeral services will be held :",? Rutgers Riverside Presbyterian < hurch. Broadway and Tld ?et., Ne v York City, aa Betardey, F**bv<aarf If, i,- !'? U o'ciock in the mo'i lag. Interment at the driver. iei c?. of the fam I] i\ ? I ? ami? learei ? IN MKMOBIAJt , \.,., \l.. \ . .,??! a- \\ ? ?. N J ai Febraarj 16, Itll e i.mi i t ten ? I III weieim \e\ *? CDfl IKRT. !'? H <? mu r ?,., ?r. 1 t,y Troll?/. ' Lu?* ' ?ale Uttl. e. SO ta??t 23' 8t . N T.