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MOTOR TRUCK OWNERS TO FORM RESERVE CORPS AUTOMOBILES IN FEDERAL SERVICE Uncle Sam Now Has Moro than 630 Motor Vehicles in Various Departments. The transportation ?mire ol tlic Federal itovcrnment, as far a* is BOS H-b'.e. Is fast heme motorlsod, I ? si the derar**4 of tvc government set vice belt i? without their quota o? auto rr.obilea. The WllltS Bo?SSS BOS In use six motor vehicle.; the Interior De? partment, in its \ar:i'ii branches, "3; the Department of Agriculture, 16; the Departa.?-:* o? Labor, 2; the Treasury Departmc: it, T; tha Mate Department. I; the Wat Department. II; the Toat offlce Departmeat, _2f; the Commerce Dssmftment, 4; the Patriot of Co'.um partaient, or>. ?rat Vor I., Robinson, ? Affi ??' ? "? do not motor ? :n?tances rented cars II ! hi? is true us to the customs and postal cer h city. A? a result of the ?roubl ?? ' v-. rh tha Post off CS Depart? ment has haJ r- the motor eontr la pre s* least 100 additions! cars '.-...: 1 a purchased for that service. a] up to 611. Th:? de ? reata] about j0'' car. -.:. various other II ' othi r ; - iaa i.< s bei;.? BO ? re than 700 rural motor ? ? ? ? ? ! th. . . teed la sen it ? ment buslne?-- alone The rural free delivery vehicles however, will be owned by the individual carriers; hut while privately owned, will t-tatid as a testimonial to the :. . I y thi? (if the Federal service of the utility of the motor car. Th?> WhltS llou-c trarase contains I e elec ? apon The Interior Di r.ment two iarg, . 'rucks ? ; three freight truel iile 'bus. ' ? Ind? ian Bureau; tlin Uureau of burgh, four trucks of the Geo . practical!v all of I ? r '.<?? n.clc-i?. ;?. :?.? :.? Id aorl t'.on service. -: he Dei ? '-; cnltnr? i ? -. ? ? Tae Department of tiuek ? ambu:. ? postl and ? | . The vchici. tita ar^ jirinc;; r service in and aroun.i - al capital. The Navy is in use in yards, sad in Other stations through? out this co ? ? ten under trol of the l'i I sixty or ri. ore motor m h: ri i ?. (if | *?eav? * slaac ? are fully a? .-. an? ticipated. The <? I much cheaper than ? ? rernmental de ird of the cost o' .1 co?t. etc. \\.i- most complete ol this char.-. ? ? that "f the Reclamation Si-r.ico of the erior. On a 1 - practically ail nf them u~ t transport ? and N . ?-?p fiiscel : labor | ?ill? '|4. glnally cost 1 nombi total numl er of i . . $10, 10.017; In ii!. $2.1 ' . ? | ? pairs, ier mile, t r,-,- s lion, I I tutal sverag? I report . ? . milea; cost, AUSTRALIA'S LEADING GIRL MOTORIST. ; ? ? ? Miss Rita Neunhofter, of Melbourne, in Her Dodge Brothers Car. truck displaced three horses, three 18 and an old electric truck. Truck, 2,000 pounds, used in miscel? laneous work, made from November 10, 1914, to June 80. It'll, 1.41t miles, with an average of 22.fil miles for each ' operntion. and ten miles on ? of pasolene. The total cost in for the period given ???? . 01 an nversge Ol :i little above ?i cents for each mil? operated. l hal th? ? ? on ol thP raral ry route? by th? IVstoffice ? \- II undoubtedly pi o*, a roa Indicated by tha early re fron some si the carriers that already adopted the motor car as the delivery vehicle along their routes. Poertner String on Accessibility. William C. l'oertner. distributer of National motor cars, has developed ara case of "aeeeaiibile-itii1 thai ssvsral members of the Pot r ( ar i'inipany'ion have that Mi Poertner cl ange h - middle name to "accessibility." has been brought about because Mr. v i mphasisf - I i I that the .'?. ? elvs-cylindei i <.f all uy motors, th> I .n. on th. i f the "\ " Instead ol do* n I i carp. Mr Poertner points ont that tl eter cf the National .v( is a? te pet at as the radiatoi cap, it Ii located in the middle of the "V," where it stands high, dry snd ?vi all times. Thii preferred position of the carbureter, sccording to Mr Poert nor, permi*- tl . .: to hi a n ..? inc. H? < iaimi tha- it i ? considerable witho- t f thi A. C A. Dance for Actors' Fund. ? ? nf the .i lenea on the . ? bruary -H, nt 10 ?liiroom of the Hotel Special features, novel and ? ' i?', aril] be introduced. The i :,.?'. di n re t'j be donated to the dots th? Actora Fund of A n.erica. Chandler to Drive Crawfoids. who fir.?t mobile ra? ? followers t I: . ph Mulford, an?l luently waa first man in racing ..: tain of B tiam of three to i-- campaigned this sc? tha (raw ford Automobile ("om ? I Hag. rstOWB, Md. Chandler is now at Hagerstown, (retting ncquaint h hit new moni I WILLIS'S ROSE GLASSES New ( halmem Sale? Manager.Esaoi 1916 lu 8et a New Sales Mark. Prank. B. Willie, who hni j isl hi appointee sales manager of the ehr ancra Moti r Company, was i? town da lag th? 1h?? wet ? g? mar tl local situation with Geor| hranch manager. Mr. Willis is eathui ? : the outlook fot IV16, whit ho aapeeta will he a banner yenr f< the Cha?nera car. There are indici tons already that the yenr vr!". be record brasher, because in DsCOSSbt the sales were eight times those of tr ' some month ? year ago, and In Jam ary twelve times more than in the col ding month si : "I thlnh thli big 'mor* alas," aid Mr. Willis at to .?nil hranrh, "is due not 01 ly to I I irlty of our closed bod] joba an . lan'a Stanhope, but also t p. m. car, which has esasei such i by its unusual per ? "The i ie?ent visit li ? . ov.t the lation thor -. with Mi ???. ? i ist Hi i i ranch, in the biggest i ? centre hell refleet, in the v. rj best wsy principli ? an I pi i Chal ? - \ . i adj Mr. Stow? irgamzation second tc and I am nur? that Chi mera product will he presented ttraethrely a? .ver during the cotn ( war. "We bava a groat year ahead of us ere, and a great war ahead of us throughout tho country- An Interest . lion of increased enthusi? asm over th? l halnu-rs is thi imonir our dealers. The numher of leslera la increasing phenomenally. lake, for instance, a couple of BtStOS ,kv Iowa nmi Utah. Until recently we had In the former i I en or twelve dealers N forl y. at :? . In Utah th? number hai from two or ? ? coun ? in the Chalmers proposition that aer? era] big deal? bee? been arrange I Peu | 1 aident, selling divii loi . . non i the fi ? ' conven? ?ions in Dsllsa, Mem] hi? and At Mr. Smith reports great prosperity and enthusiasm In th? South." Motor Movies I H. Balden, a veteran in the auto? mobile trade and a well known auto? mobile ?-ngineer, baa been appointed boly engineer of the Packard Motor Car Companj. at Detroit. rge M Davis, who is known ghout motordom through hia long connection v? ? t h the Tierce-Arrow com? pany, has beer; appointed sales arid ad . ? insger for the Stewart Mo ? ?? i orporation ??' Hu?Tulo, manofac ? ? :' Stewart truck?. Mr. Davis will continue to act in an ry Capacity with the Internal Gear Drive A aoeiation, of Detroit, with which organization he nan been aaaocisted Mnce its inception. Ward M. f'anady, formerlj advert .?? r fi.r tin- Hoosier Manufac? turing | ? . i-'- I a-tle, Ind., is now occupying a similar position with ' the Willys-Ov? rial .1 t ,,., Toledo, 0., ? George M. Harry, who become manager ? ?? Overland agencies. Another old timer and one of Auto Rov '? "bei t teilen " hsa be ??? : tu the local Mitchell forces in of Chsrlea M. Welch, who ^ itationed at "a place :n the Colambua Circle, Rroadway and ? . l'..'r. West }!(, has been away the trade fur two year* while he fed 1 he moMon pictun 11? will worl with the metropolitan manager, J. A. Clark, and the let t< r's assistant, Harry N. Pik?-, another recent Page recroit, 1lie Bppointment of Andrew V. Co burn to tl a no tlon of sdvsi I | f tha Maxwell Motoi Cosa? .eil from the De lartei ol tha company. Mr ira will have entire charge of the ration oi display eopv and the mi I ima, Prior to his Maxwell connection he was advertising manager of the Cleveland Twist Drill Company. He has had a thorough Andrew E. Coburn. grounding in adven.:?!r:c, sales and agency experience. F. R, Wilaon, of Worthington, Ohio, for many yeai i i ser of the Jeffrey Manufacturing I ..mpany, ha? invented a resilient rim for auto TRIO OF CHALMERS OFFICIALS ON BROADWAY. Left to Raffet: Frank B. Willis, Sales Manager; Hugh ChpJmers, President, and George Stow?, Gent-raJ Manager of Local BrancL Move Started to Form Motor Truck Reserve Officer! of National Guard Discuss Adaptability of Motor Vehicle! for Military Service Before Motor Track Club?One Company Organized. Initial stepa arara taken last Wednesday evening si a meeting of h Motor Track Club of rtnasski toward the formation of ? motor tracl reservo corps in the metropolitan distriet, and, as was stated by the newly installed president, Roderick Stephens, "a non-stop motor run" was Inau* unrated for this liranch of nutional preparadnaia. Oflkeri of tho New York division of the National (?uard wire present and spoke of the tin portant part that can be played by tin- motor truck in military servie, following which n committee, composed of Georgs II. I'ride, Rod< rick Stephens and A. J. Slade, was appointed to form an adequate organization fot motor truck roaarva. Thi- art ion Is s part sf the plan ford the formation of s nation-wide Auto? mobile Reserva Corpa, which has been under way Sir the last few months. In - Wbl re ther? 1? no present In sllying the companies with the national guard, reeroita srs setoal ly being sskod for, while la those -?ate? whets th? promoter, plan the corps as an adjunct of the organize.1 militia there has been a nSCasSS? OS lav natll a special act H passed by the Legislators. The form of an enlist? ment will practically be a contract to fhartor the vehicles. The schedule ?8 pay not only has to be worked out, hut accurate Information is needed u3 to the probable co?l to the ata*?! of in? demnifying all vehicles when in active service, also, the cost of wrecking car?, with lepair parts, has jet to ho de? cided, ? | first truck company to be formed under tha plan recently worked out by General Staff of tho United States army has just been complete.) ?? elty. Ii will servo as a model, and from certa.n experimenta with tins company ami others now being formed will he compiled the data that must h-t presented to the Legislature before the New York National Guard formally get? this volunteer transport nervico as an adjunct. It it? n Wur Department requirement that every truck in one company be of the same make, in order that a wreck? ing truck need carry repair part? for mi.;; one make. It la uiso required that each truck bo of the name model, in order that the apeeial war bodies may be made which will ho interchange rtbie. The first company ?a composed of twenty-nine J'ieiet Arrow trucks, do? nated for tha servies by Individual owners, A company of Macks is sow being formed, and, to -tart off the lut, the International Motor Company, of this city, offered five. Three .Mau with military bodie?, which were unused at the piattsbuig encampment last year, an? among the fil 8, At the meeting on Wednesday night George M. Pride, of the Heavy Haulage Company, offered to enroll e.g.?teen truck* owned by his company In tha . and with the organisation com? mittee at work It i* expected thi.t simi ar offen will eoma from mai concern, in this elty. The m i Of a motor truck company of th? mobile reserva corpa composed of one ear or truck master, a c tmmis : officer) three assistant car ..r -.inek n,nitera, ??? ? ie?j officer? or : : ? i .. . twei chauffeurs, rergeant?; twent. . a. * <-r t r-ii-ks. one na. I lergeant; one wrecking ear or truck. One helper, one trump? ti r, one cook and five motorcyelei and riders for motor ear companies, corporals, * ine ? iken P/edi ? idat night rood Menken, pr?s: 'ont of the K . kid i - p of 15,000 ? . n snd hsa eatablisl ed 200 I throughout the country, \\ its our long , tha mobilitj oi >ui force ? ? Intel] i ital to tha defa a of the country was the opinion expressed by Mr. Menken, who Mated fhat the motor ?ruck wa? undoubted ?. the solution if ? roblem. He de? tared I truck mobilisation tend? toward sa tional entelen? y. and n c tod the taken by toma of the Eoropean COUntliea now at war to have their truckl so constructed that they could rted into military \ ?? ? ible time. Major General Allan p. Reagan, in ? ? eral, S. G. N. V., who of llotoi ?." aid thai Major G? 11'Rvan, eon mandei oi th? Ni i Nat'.il I . .,( e.i to the fullest extent mobil? pli a ire eari and truck \ ; formed for the niariu ms, and il i? e.-.p. that a factory nill be locatu d is, Ohio, a i ? s s tei atic ef ort to b lild ?i) un ?? ? ireign nade, the Chalmers Motor ('??? nding Thomas M. Kirker, well export atan, on .. tour through South America. Mr. Kir ker Will sail shortly after March 1 and m .11 de? etc mo it ol hia * ime to mis iry work among Latin-Americsn esa men. Among the impoi entrea te be ?iiited by Mr. Kirker are R a da laneiro, Monte? Buenoa Ayres, Ssntiago ds Chili, ' i, i !si tsgen i. I srs? a Porto h.en and Havana. H. 0. Smith, form? r hesd of the Premier Motoi I ompanv, Indianapo is, Ind., and pi avion to th? organ I gSI eral manager and president of the G, S-. ,.' ?y, which he start, d, ll . to enter the tire manufacturing busi plant to ho I itablished a Indisnapolis, D. ?'. McKay, well known among the manufacturers in Detroit, la BOO ted \\ its the E Iwara A. Caa ? :-. ? ompany, in.-., automobile sec? *::d parts selling agents, of thi He will ha. .artera In D - i i will be ipeeis] factory representa ? ? K. G, Gunn, chief SBglnses of the Noithway Motor I ompany for ti fiva veins, has bei n i ngSged to head i of the new II Pr< mit r Motoi Corporal He will be as < hsrlsi ? -.i. furl, chief engineer at the <'..le factory for the last years. J. |_ Tartan, known prin. , l ? designer and bunder ol i] Glean Cartisa V-type multiple cylinder aviation motor, ia uso a ? the Premier engineering Howard A. Baoor, identified with the automobile industry for real nd ? g tin with the Oaklaad Motoi ( si l ompaaj in vai ? Deti rgai |l George W. II : H Page Motors ( . \4? el ... i general aaanager, te remov? te B i - .ir.e, Wis., where he will take up the I ? of genera . i I for the M tchell Lea ? Motor i urn- I ?Man., hit. U4i_ile cam. to ?New York I the Motor Trurk Club in it? BBOTS teirard organising th<- motor trneli owner? ni this eity into ? voluntary militan body. Bo told of th? |i>nr token by th? traaaport is the sctivi . ? mi army. ?'?? it sa in the day ? of Napoleon, ?n army trsvela on It? belly, said Major General Rengan, and tl erefor? it is highly important tha* supplies Im. carries without laterrup tion from tha baas of ?applies sstsb? lUhtd st the railhead to the field quarters. In organizing a trurk reserve corps, .11 proposed by the truck club, Major Kenyan suggested that th? club obtain th? ?nrolaaeal of all trucks In this dis? trict that could be mad? assUsbla for military purpooeai that record? be con.piled shewiag tlio type ?? f truck, OWUtX, everyday service and where the ?ri'k eeald be obtained apon the abort* itiea ITi? a earoleasats, ha said, would be gladly received st the New Vm-'r. headquartera of th? National Guard. With ?affleieet enrolment? obtained traeka could tie divided into teats? tie? eompsaiea, each company consist? ing o. twenty-eight vehicles, one of ?rfa .ii was to \,v assigned to repair servies aselaaively, Morale can bt? bu It up Is a voluntary organization th? ?SBM SS in the regalar brunch of th" militia; moral?? being, ho said, merely u spirit of OBthaaissm and co opeiatioa. This eeald be attained through inatruetlon and fsmillsrity of ? he individuals wi'h the various duties are expected to perform. Captain T. H. Shaaton, (juarter msster Corps, N'. O., N. V.. In tslking on th? motor track In th? saartsrmas tors' department, told of tha Imprevs? thst could be made in til m branch vi the service through th? ?.doptioi) of th? motor rehiele. However, lid that there was still nr4'd fur the hora? sad mulo, for while th? motor vehicle might be capable of transporting ?sppllea fsr from the rear of tin- righting liao te the bs ? supplies, horses and malea, as indi ented in tha present arar, sis atill <ary In taking thes,- supplies from tha baas to the actual lighting where tractionable reads are rib!? quantity. There tome doubt, sold Captain Shan to th? tj pa of ti ask be ? adapted to military service, especially 1er of drive const i ict ion. The vehielea with the drive from the rear wheels ere all right on good road-, ? m- front wheel drive ? ? sdapti ?! to all-around opinion. H>- said that his ex] in charge of the % a? hieles of the New York Citj Polie? D? partmenl emphasised ti"' need for of ? ' ?? ? | ?H- ? of ve? ? ,ce. The need t''?r itandardizatios of ment was ?mphai : ted bj l Kennel Gard . Infantry, Si. Q. \. v., who declared I ? reai nl war illustrated t I and advan ? gained by thi sat i .i>... type ' In the did ti tal ion i ompaniea, l ?ermany, i rani ?', R 1- ?a and Austria all took up . - blect of stai dard sing thi il soi time ago, and ? i .. ir broke out they i poai to i ? rue is in division i ?'1 ? ? am? make and s II :i . . Il?, ?aid that In Paris 1,100 motor bases were built ? .iii4 laid down b? ?al and wer" standar i : ced ni group? of ta enl ?nv? ..i Germany had Hat '.i oui ? delivery, which, when the wai I, were divided lato Heel ? ' il makes ai'd each accompanied . ing parti which could be need by an.,- of th? machines ? ompany. from !'? i several ?. ara ago and ii ? lens a ith the Whiting Motor Company s A. Elliott ? " ? ompany bee ime ? I arl il. I i rhi the latter the diati ?butio i of ?!.> ' ?." M eai. Ilia varied es pei ience in the automobile ? ? ? ? ? i he has for ? ba 11 . arl) expei ience with ?he Nal ' Ri pister i i rell for the responsible : " will till in the Mitchell organization. One of the most recent addition? tel th? motor colony in the Circle B ai di t -, which ? aed quart? ij at B l ? n distribu tbbott-Deti ? car. Thii :n m a ?? in a territory, includ I on of .N<w York State, New Jei It eetii ut. it ternstionsl Aeheeei Gi iy. of Niagara Kails, N. Y.? 1 ?? ? l hereafter will as the Acheaon Grspbiti 1 ompan; ?'. M. i - tian, a wel : k: on n cap' president of the Pel fi : Rubber i ompany, and C. w. \\ ston, a ? ?,!,? man. is lalei man f;|.|.r n ? company, pened ? Msrquette Building, I - caga, and will manufaetur? Perfection tori?? at Waba-h, Ind., Fort and Toi OBtO, fa?ada. Wit'- - lonmenl of road - ? ? ? ? automobile factorii and thi adoption of thi msl i ? ? ...r througl ? going to the consumer, th? ' in og drivei i ? ing of th? pest. The . pany claims I :? ? i .Lr B ; ?? ]?- m B< ' i - vera in Its ma.i ta t tha iny n da i . smenl f a red letlea o-' ?Cole ? ? ? avhieh Colt ? Compan). snth Street, a ? ? tart ? trad : ? m thi I in the vei .re. II A. Detterich has been appointed teat to a. L T,-.v. manager of tha roit Motor < ai ? ompa og K. J. Sweeay?! ?ho has raaigaad THE FRANKLIN SEDAN. A P ive-fassenger Car Selling at $2,850. TRUCKS AT BROOKLYN SHOW Ninety KvhibltM Arranged for March Dtsptsy in _;id Regiment Armon. Greater New York has hy no means completed its schedule of 1911 auto? mobile ? boa , for the motor e;,r dl all : over in Brooklyn uro to have tiieir turn. m promoting shortly, when they i-i.tul ict their fifth annual exhibition in the 23d Regiment Armory from March i to 1.'. Prom present Indications the fofthcoming event will bo a grea'er auixess than its predecessors. To data there are ninety ?lifferent exhibits, and the entire show space of the big armory lias been allotted. At the national automobile, show? hel.l ?n New York and Chicago only motor curs and accessories were dis? played, while the Hrooklyn ?how ?ril Bava BOt only all of the representative of plsasurs cars, but also a com? prehensiva line of motor trucks und Dusineai wagons. Also there will be ll own eight different r^akes of motor \ ! | v bits will be displayed on one floor. The li?.t of exhibitor? reveals that the biggest and finest ears ar? to i>" displayed along with the machines of medium power, weight and price, si well as the lowest priced vehicle?. Cur; that Were seen at the New York, Chi? cago, Philadelphia and other show.? will be among the displays, The as cessory display will be larger thi ios son than formerly, and this section of the show will be complete in every way. The following makes of pleasure cars will be on vi?rW| Locomobile. Mot.. Auburn, I'odge, Cole, Steams-Knight, (.rant, P.'iick, Pierce-Arrow, Chalmers, .'et, Velie, Cadillac, Mercer, Kis ???1, Hupmobile, S?ripps-Booth, Candler, Hudson. Heynes, Lexington, Maxwell, Mitchell, Jeffrey, Packard, Nation..1. Krnnkhn, Crawford, Apperson, Inter State Oldamobils, Hen, Studebaker, Saxon, Overland. Peerless, Pathfinder, m, Alien, King, Daniels, Briseoe, White, Paige, Winton, Moon, Pullman, Oakland and Abbott-Detroit. The truck exhibit.4 will include the ng makes: Pieree-Arrow, Hall. Schicht, Jeffrey, Packard. Heo. Garfor 1, \\ i te, Buiek, Studebaker and Veil". Paige Cars on Partial Payment. Announcement has been made I : Harry M. Jewett, president ol Paige Detroit Motor Car t ompany, that plan? have i.n perfected by hia com? pany fur the accommodation of the automobile buyer who nay wish t" purchase a Paige car on B credit or partial payment basis, Under this plan tl-.e purchaser and the dealer will re? ceive the accommodation throng! Hankers' ("ommircial Corporation, of New Y'.rk. a company entirely separate from tti" Paige-Detroit Motor ( ar Com? pany and with which it has no connec? tion. Thia company, capitalized for 11,000,000, was organised under th? banking act of 'tu- State sf New York and I? subject t? the -?ate banking ' .-'.'111 The purchaser make? al once a cash paymi bslf the Hat prii-e of tha eai sad about s:**,, which Includes ?ire and theft insurance premium for One year. The balance of the purchase price is paid with eight monthly notes Sad divided into nearly equal pay? ments. The notes are carried by the Hankers' Commercial Corporation, who take a mortgage or lease on the car as security. The dealer receives at once the cash from the Hankers' Commer? cial Corporation on the frst seven The cash for the eighth not? is paid to the Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company and is credited to the dealer It futuro, purchases of cars and parts. The ca- is delivered to the pur? chaser immediately. Perlman Rim Patent Sustained. Judge I.acombe, of the I'nited States Circuit ( ourt of Appeals, Second Die* triet, lust Wednesday handed down n decision affirming the opinion of Judge Munt, in the united State? Diatriet Court, who declared the Perlman de? mountable rim patent valid and in? fringed by the Standard Welding Com? pany, of Cleveland. Thi? case was of mote than ordinary interest, because ;t affects the u-e of demountable rims on nearly all the automobiles made and BOW in servie- in this country. The Perlman demountable rim pat" e:;ts were applied for in 19iir>, and tinally granted, after niany years delay in th? Office, on February 4. 1913. Good judges of the volume ol the output of the automobile Industry ate that of the million cars pro? duced during the current year about 100 will use demountable However. Mr. Perlman has stated that the loyalty asked for the use of the*e rims will be so moderate that it will not add at all to the retail sc?ing price ox automobiles. S. A. E. to Elect Officers The lust meeting of the fiscal year for the metropolitan section of the Bo? ot Automobile Kngineer* in to be held at the Automobile t'lub of Amer? ica on Thursday eve-ring, February -i The meet ing s 111 be I laion of ?j,.. ele.-'ion of m . ?'let ? tion. Peter P. Dean, former er\? i H I ? .1 Manufacturing Company, will pr.:.* a paper <>n "Late Develop :?. Engine and Chassis Testing." which will be illustrated with an excel? lent colle?tlon of lantern slide.-. Notes and News At a mooting of the board of direc of the Motor i k.aory Mann ? \ the following wen elected to member-hip-. Blanch ar? Bro, a Lane, Newark, N. .1.; I'iin Varniah .M: ?olor Works, Flint, Mich.; the Harri n Mfg, ? o., Lockport, N Y: Pri?e Electric Devices Corp. Waynesboro, \'a.; Byracuse Malleabl? Iron Works, Syracuse, N. Y, und the Walker-Weisi Axle Co., Flint, Mich Driggl Se.-.bury Ordnance i i Sharon, Penn., wos reinstated to mem? bership. I? r? of 11 a Ford Motor Co, i. ; . id and ii ilt-claimed te Henry Ford all tiu-ir rights ..? teresta in the farm tractor be which tha latter promoted last year. It mean? that this businesi will be eon ducted SI a pel -onal businSSI of lh-ii'J on, Edsel B, Ford, or ? the ? rm of Henry Ford I which wsa formed last year. President R P. Monroe, of the Mon i ... Motor Company, Flint, Mich., re? cently announced that hia company will ? n ..ver by the Chi n ? - Motor Company. A rumor eoneerning the mi these i ompanii been current tor some pa.?:. Mr. Monroe sis? I ' - that S BSW light live passenger Monroe, with a chassis ..tor limitar to those ?in tha I'ti I? ...1.1. will be market,.,! shortly. etlon sehediile Call? for 10, ' ? || .1 -uli Wo '. haa been ?tarted on a four ?.on to the faet?n of the ??.? Motoi Car Company at Indian ? ? eh v. 'l eosl 1100,000. . . i ng will be -? i entj f? el wide and -"i feel long, and when com : Will almost double the : capac ty, l*he itructura la te be mad? ? i ? inforced i a Its. orna i be Stol '. factory ii located in one of tha residential dis ? of tha city. The contract BtO thst trie building shall be read] ft>r occupancy July 1. Effective March I, the regular woik ,i ;.' in. .n - ,.; the South Hend, lid., plants of the Stuilebaker corporator will be reduced from fifty-live houn per week to fifty bean per week, divid? ed into nine hours per day for tve day. ?ad fiv? bean on Saturday. To adjust wages to the new working hours all rate- and hour rii'i-' will be in ? 1 10 l>er tent. ?V ciir.cim to be known as the Vsa Briggle Motor Devices Compel been formed a' Indianapolis, Irul., to manufacture tha V?B carburetor. The ..- of the eompsny aie I.. H. Van Briggle, president; Kobert E. Hosea, entj Henry S Rsminger, treasurer, anil Herbert M. Glossbrenner, secretary, One hundred ar.d sixty doliera, rep? resenting the baiss?e of a fund of approximately 14,000 subscribed for thi New York tu Seattle automobile race :? i ..- tha Aleaka-Yukon-Pa ciftc Pair Grounds in 1909, has been given to charity by the AutOH Club of Seattle. A recent addition to the Willys-Over? land sales department is J. M. < ram, known to the aatomobile trade Mr. Cram aras for fourteen years with 'lie Mitchell Lewis Company, leavini there to become vici enl and msnsger of the [.. p, c. Motor Company. ' fashion Spring pan y iias been organised, ?nth wi I>. McCullough as president and gen? eral manager; W. \V. Pells, viee-prei - msnsger, and J. A. Schult-. -? '.'???? Mv and treasurer, foi asnufscturing t . ? automobil? seats, company is located in Detroit. CAR INCREASE MARKED IN 191] Registrations at Beging of Present Year Show, Oain of 686,998. ??? -< At ti.e c on sf Iftl ?h?r? ?_. automobile for ev?ry forty ._?- ' the L'nited tstes, ?rrordir.i _ __ latest eompiiatios of motor ?-????l Irtratiorii trj Tij?-, 2,4..1,?SK pleasure car? ?nd esnatr. .entries in une st the btgtnniigaim year, representing _n inertmattf__ ?j'j*. or 39.6 per cent ov?r <__.__! period of last year. * Farmer? Its sf ItEill _. munitiej bought car* in rip..'. creas,t./ number? all throurk J irhick e??r?. ?_ch strie_H__ centn . Illinois, lows, Indi.r.? f tend aaatgjS hlgb ? trat on 1 .?. yt?Z the fa? I that th? ?? ? ? ',_". any o*'- er . r.-.)ta m_T and II ? . rural ,r.?j__ took : ??.-,' ill if lets. ?. ? ?ropi i?$9__ vital factoi '?r car mirbi There were 20.46S tr. t<-r r%, ?j^ in the I'r.ited StaU i a' th? eod of II according to ligure? eomsflsd by -;^ Automobile I rade Directory," *, total of Ca> ?. : - ?'t>\.'.y dca.'er. \ pair shops, garage-, ar.d e_irr;f , ] - i? given by the -ami ?____? as 81.793. Adding up the i?-,',.. elasslfieattoi i, rerer amsaa p,v ages, repair arging ?S__Sh dosa i ot |ii flg ire, sssjja % a number of iniuncei on? ttasM. mer.t comes under i'?veril ____. ??.endings. For ;: <tar.ce, s liegt? t? tablishmer.t might be a car as. __? ?..ry lalearoom, a garage ?__ y^ ?hap and a chargirg station forte, trie vehicles. Similarly, 'he *otai of 512 _____* urer? of mo'or cars, truck? ?nd ??_, is divided into 230 ear batlders. y truck builders snd 61 motor bmuta some of the concern? build both en pie*? cars and motor?. ?? Philadelphia-P.ttsbr_rg_ Etceri With the nesks of th? A?egb?. covered by a glare of le?, ?_. | hollows full of drifted fnow, JUy _ \amara, in ,4 ^-horsepower Mur? >iaze<i ail Pennsylvanl? rectoHe by driving from Philadelphia to Pin burgh 214-1 miles?is eight _?o nineteen minutas. The fomur ?? was nine hour', twenty mir.ct*?. _ N'amar-'s run ?ral thoroughly cheeki v v newspaper men st both tnditiki York, Bedford and Ligo.mer ?lone o The road between the twu m cttieei of Pennsylvania hu locg bw a favorite t-stine ground for ?uions bib. manufacturers, on account of a ?reap grades and the r"jgh aSOM . ' .-ii. for moit of _ distan? e, - Maes paralli thi A'.1er??; l?o?: ?uirs 1 ?- v ? ? evicts war? __i left to loci tr?* reeord ? tin? _nji?<? -. sub.. - ? ii, tbouj'. 89 ?tempts I Seed. .on of long ? ' aad not? I .ble road .01 i tons. -. ? Colt Predicts Proiperoui Tz* I Ham i. Colt, rrniif' Colt-Stratton Campear, Bro?i??y ?: Piftj -??'? . ". Stre? t, which hu Iiod^-e Brother? a- .1 Cola tan that then ver been sue- ? ''?' ot* optimism a- i- ihown this - ' The heavj retail I.u> :r.g ?1 of the year, he layi, ii labtta - 1 ry pro?rero-s I?'* ahead for ??? erj one. Mr. Colt is inclined to look it * ma utility ?tan?i?' more than that of 8.888818, for * marjorit ? m'say arc aas pursuit ?i sum? haaiaem, ?a- ? being the c?-. they represent ?a ? ? laving. The utilitansn phu?' the motor ^r. Mr. ?olt says. :? * real reason why the people .' ?'. ar:- buying them by the um ? a? ?...mis. He reoorts an inert? H in m.i for th- ?'ole eight, 1 popular priced Podge is bemf Mi? '" April delivery J. H. Trat, at K. V. A. Ml loss?? H Traey, ..-????tar.t cv.<?; ,. ?.,. ipmlu ' . g of ? N>? ^u ' ' -h.. Ci 1 ' ompaniias-J ng, i K. : n. m ? ?' ,ub?f_? . K? R_te D -'-argingaBSW^ Hatteru which . .-rear ,lell w in pi r-. ? ? 1 metaees !fir.__r_>: oner..- iKnJ^m tended to many garag? ?? ? men. and a very interesting m?"? ?ed. _ Hudson Town Cars Populs ' ,?a? ??m* ? _ MAXWELL FLEET FOR MUNICIPAL SERVICE. ' . , C*tt s? Harry J. De Bear, Local Maxwell Manager, Has Recently Delivered These Eight Borough of Queen?.