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SPECIAL FEATURE SECTION. flto ?tot?i Wrt?mnt SPECIAL FEATURE SECTION. TAKT v. EIGHT PAGES, SUNDAY, FEBRUAHY 20, 1916. ART V. FICHT Massa* RUSSIAN BALLET PERPLEXESBIRSKYAND ZAPP "A policeman will hide his face and holler for the police." "The Police Thinks," Says Birsky, "That Everybody Is from a Place Where Dolmans Is the Latest in Women's Garments." I By MONTAGUE GLASS, Illustrations by Brggs. Copyright 1916--The Tribune Ass'n. ^Y SEI: where the police gets after the feller which is running the hallet," Barnett Zapn Midas he glanced ove: the bill of fare in ler'i Restaurant. "Some thec-.yter managers is very lucky '-?at way.'' Louig Birsky, the real estater, ail 'Tarum lucky?" Zapp demanded. Because what the police calls bad, ?sits awful good to a whole lot of people. m, Zapp, all that a show needs is for -"?t police to call it immoral, and a couple I orchestra seats down front becomes r??u gway as valuable as two perfect '?atched pearls from ten carats apiece," ?bbJ said. "The next time I get roped "lor such a thing I would go to an op -ian not a speculator and buy a pair of '"-"dred dollar held glasses, and stand up :3:? dollar in the back of the gallery. I jaaYttve a lot of money that way." And was. it .-,0 bad like the police Zapp asked. Well, I'll tell you," Birsky replied. Y?u wouldn't think it to look at a po ?Huan what a delicate disposition such ' !'?er has got A New York policeman l- get red over something in a theayter :'ch for years respectable young fellers '?I Old country has been taking their -"?hers to see and neither of 'em turned '"i!r. y'understand. Also down at Coney JN a policeman will hide his face and "? lor the police because a lady ha^ toon a bathing suit which if one of them ^tsses wore it in a Follies where they ^across p?anks over the heads of the ^?'d two dollar seats, y'understand, wa>pared with the other ladies in the '?* you would think she was dressed starting out in an open oitermobile to on her husband's relations. ' ' ^'as the show s( bad like the po "'d'" Zapp inquired once more. Wel1. I'll tell you," Birsky repeated: %hen the police receives a letter that a show is immoral and they should please look the matter up and oblige. Zapp, they try to put themselves in the place of the average theayter goer; but the only thinj> is, they got an idee that people which goes most to the theayter was never in such a place before in their lives. In pai - ticular, when it comes to a show like the Russian ballet where the orchestra seats would cost five dollars apiece at the box office if they was for sale there, the police thinks that excepting the ushers every? body in the theayter is visiting New York tor the first time from a place where they still got an idee that dolmans is the latest up-to-the-minute design in women's outer garments, y'understand. and, not being experienced in posters by this here Bakst, they don't know whether it's 'Ben Hur' or 'David the Shepherd King' till the cur? tain goes up and shows the inside of the harem with all the ladies not yet dressed to receive company." "Naturally people from the country Zapp Wonders if It Was as Bad as the Police Said, and Birsky, Who Saw It but Doesn't Know, Tries to Explain. seeing such a thing would get a Schreel," Zapp commented. "They would if they was there," Birsky said, "but actresses and actors is got to go a long way to shock a New York audience. In fact. Zapp, if the police knew their business they would arrest the two front rows of a New Yoik audience on looks alone, for the bad effect the faces lias got on the morals of the actors and actresses. However. Zapp, supposing that the people which goes to see the Russiafl ballet is as innocent as the police claims, Zapp, it wouldn't make no difference any? how, because a ballet is like the dcef and dumb language, Zapp, people has got to study it for years before they know what it means. In fact, Zapp, if the police con? tinues to find this here Russian ballet is immoral. Zapp, you would see advertise? ments in the paper : LEARN TO BE A RUSSIAN BALLET AUDIENCE AT HOME. New method. You pay only for the diagram and postage, which is small. Everything illustrated. Plain, simple, systematic. Write for free booklet to-day. Because as it stands now, you've got to take the police's word for it that it's im? moral. Even the fifty cent books which the ushers Ines to sell you don't help you any, which I picked up one in the aisle and read it goin;; home in the subway, and I give you my word, Zapp, that book was just so good a description of 'Within the Law' cdrr 'Camille' as it was of the Russian ballet." "That's because you've got to gut imagination to en? joy a ballet," Zapp said, "and the trou? ble with you is, Birsky. that you ain't got no imagi? nation." "Maybe I ain't," Birsky agreed, "sjber when the book says: 'Mrs Fatima Harris is the favorite wife of Sultan Charles Z. Harris,' y'under stand. and a couple of hundred young ladies comes out and dances it for you, for all you understand what they are driving at they might just so well be dancing: 'This theayter with every seat occupied, dm* gebt Gott, can be emptied in three minutes. Look around now and walk, not run,' or that the management requests the ladies to remove their hats. I claim to got just so much imagination as anybody else, Zapp, but with this heie Russian ballet it ain't enough that you should be a mind reader You've got to be a leg reader and that's all there is to it." "Might it's because you ain't acquaint? ed with the Russian language maybe," Zapp suggested. "You take a Russian ballet which ain't in the country two weeks, y'understand, and naturally they couldn't even talk the English language let alone dance it." "Then how did the police get on that it was immoral?" Birsky asked. "Probably they sent a policeman there which speaks Russian," Zapp said. "They've got such fellers on the police force, Birsky. There is even policemen which can shake down saloon keepers in every European language, and Chinese and loschen Uakod th also, Birsky, and besides, Birsky, what business do you got supporting a Russian ballet? I thought you was agaimt the Allies." "Mc against t'.i? Allies?" Birsky ex? claimed. "How can you say such a thing? I've got just so many customers which is for the A! lies as against 'em, Zapp?more even, and I am perfectly neuter about this hete war. Furthei ? more. I've been an American s i t s o n now going on twen? ty-two years, and I think that that oi termobile factory out in Detroyit is quite right which wouldn't give jobs except to sitsons." ".tlirr if every? body done the same thing, Birsky, what's going to be "They sent ?i policeman there ?mc ?f the Srcen" whlch speaks Russian." horns?" Zapo "They would arrest the two front rows on looks alone." "Would We Be Better Off if Instead of Vaudeville We Would Got Rus? sian Ballets, for Instance?" Zapp Wants to Know. asked. 'It takes five years to get to be a sitson. and in the meantime they must got to -tarve. is that the idee? It's like all them advertisements you see for ex? perienced talesmen. If every concern done the sime thin^. Zapp, a salesman would got to start in as a new beginne. with at least five years' experience as a salesman." "Or else lie about it," Birsky said. mAber you couldn't lie about being a sitson," Zapp continued. "You've got to show the papers." "WtU, maybe this here oitermobile concern says that they wouldn't promote nobody unless he becomes ? sitson," Birsky admitted. "Even so," Birsky went on, "my idee is that a feller should become a sitson like he gets married. He should do it for love, because if a feller gets married for money and his wife should Goti toll hueten go broke, he ain't going to stay faithful to her very long, and if a feller becomes a sitson to get a job. y'under stand. all such a teller needs is to lose his ;ob and right away he becomes just so good an A met ican sitson as von Papen or the H?tmburg American Line. Then if we should have to go to war and would got enough of them oitermobile factory ?itsons around, you wouldn't be able to hear yourself think for the powder milh exploding." "That's neither here nor there," Birsky said. "There's only one way to look at it: if a feller makes his living in a coun? try, he should be a sitson." "Is that so?" Zapp retorted. "Well, if ail the Americans living in Mexico would of taken out sitson papers there, what would of happened to 'em?" "The same as happened to 'em when they didn't." Birsky said. "But, anyhow Zapp, might if all the Americans which went to Mexico would of become Mexi? can sitsons, they would of Americanize I the country maybe, and instead of revo? lutions down there they would now gOv direct primaries and referendums and conventions and all that Stun, and in? stead of bull fighting they would go: moving pictures and vaudeville." "Then take it the other way about." Zapp insisted. "Supposing all the Rus? sians which comes over here becomes sit son? and starts in to Russiani/e the country, would we be better off if instead of Congressmen and conventions we would got grand dukes and pogroms, and instead of moving pictures and vaudeville we would got Russian ballets, for in? stance." "Russian ballets!" Birsky cried. "T'phooee!" "Then what the devil you are talkim, nonsense, Birsky?" Zapp s.ud. "Abet the United States is a real coun? try." Birsky protested, "while Mexico? that's something else aj>in." "You bet your life it U." Zapp haid. "and when a feller goat to make .i living in Mexico, Birsky, there's only one thin" he should ought to take out down there? not sitson papers but life insurance." Why You Can't Get a New Maid ^ ??*~l~MnS bureau was founded to help girls 4 cut of work find places; but it's be? coming more of a first aid to help? less housewives. We have our troubles." The speaker was a little, fair-haired youn^; woman whose blue eyes bubbled with sympa thy and patience for poor old human nature. She sat at her desk in a great, airy room on the first floor of the office building at 55 La layette Street, a room filled with rows and rows of cane-scated chairs. On some of the chairs women, young and old, were sitting and waiting for work. I had heard the lament of a friend who bad advertised for a maid in three newspapers?in ? >ne of them three days running?and at the end found his wife still doing her own work and taking care of two children. So I had come to Miss Catherine G. McAvey to ask her what the matter was. To give her her official title. Miss McAvey is in charge of the mer? cantile and industrial department of the Pub? lic Employment Bureau of the City of New York: motto: "Free to ali." "Of course, it's the war primarily," she sail Bet?re immigration was cut off we had hun dreds of thousands of likely girU pouring into New York every year. Now an immigrant girl is worth 1er weight in gold. For the las* year and a half about all the new. urtrained servants we have been getting have been a few Swedes and other girls from Scandinavian countries. The German girls, who were in the most demand of all. have quit coming en? tirely. "The lack of imn.i-;rants has caused a grent shortage all along the line. Girls who would have come over in the latter half of 1914 by tins time would have had a year's training, know i orne ??n?lish and be able to commun'! $13 a month with the usual perquisites. The girls can pick and choose?and they do. They shun any family in which there is more than one child. If they find their mis? tress is fond of entertaining they leave. They won't go to any quiet, suburban place?they want to be near the moving picture shows And they absolutely won't quit New York for another city! "The servant famine didn't start right after the war be>_an. We had hard times then, you remember. It was the piospenty, added to the war. that has done it. Just before his sudden death in December last Walte: Lincoln Seats. I'.lio c-';iMished this bureau, wrote an articL in whit li he proposed that we bring over war w-iiiows and orphans from Europe to till up the ?3Ps in the ranks of our domestic servants. We could use them all. If they should ?udden ly troop in here, tens of thousands of them, I believe we would not take long to find them places. If we cou'dn't use them all in New York other cities would run special de luxe trains to take them West. "You see some girls sitting around here. They won't be here long Not one of them is seeking work as a domestic servant. No do? mestic ever sits here long enough to warm her chair. I reach in the card index as soon as one appears, and a moment later she is tra. elling toward a prospective place. "AH the usual diificulties in the way of ob? taining household workers are here to aggra? vate matters. No American girl docs house? work if she can possibly help it. You can put this down in your book as gospel- Every housemaid hates her work. Girls BSBSVf thirty t:ve shun it like the plague. And girls over thirty-five are not desired. The young girls think their chance; of marrying are letter in a factory or a store. The old domestic servant i- 'Scrapped,' often remorselessly. Ni.^st tressei aren't even consider the woman of : ny five nr fifty. I often have a girl who comes here to apply lor a place as stenographer say: 'By the way. can't you get a maid for my mother5' The first time it almost took my breath away, hut w >,rt used to funny things here. The stenog? raphers are in clover, too. Last winter v. e could supply experienced young women for |l_ .1 wee!;. This winter they are getting $18 and $20. "I'm atrdid the women who employ servants are largely to blame for their own trouble^. Ii I send a very young i^irl to some women they not only try to set her for nearly nothing bat they ?.resume on her innocence to hold her down to the longest hours of labor, and not give her a single afternoon oh'! I could give out many other instances of the tyranny of housewives, but I do not want to seem to complain. "Here is a case which torched my heart. There came here a Hungarian woman, speak? ing fair English. She was big and strong, but quite ai^ed. She had been in here several times, and I sincerely wanted to help her. I knew th3t the Charities Department employed several charwomen over on the Island, paying ? e:n small wages. It was a kind of charity, but charity disguised as real libor. W IJf don't you go down to the Charitie. Building.' They rr.i?ht"- I got no further. "A look . f anger and disgust came over her dark features, "'I den't want charity,' she cried. 'You have no right to speak to me in that way.' "The poor woman went out 'he door and v.e haven't seen her since."