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HOW CA?ABA IS DOING HER PART IN THE WAR Women Organize to Do Work of Men Who Want to Be Soldiers. Collect Funds and Help Stir Up Patriotism. Infantry ready for business. Furnishing Haifa Million Fighters, Dominion Is Recruiting Them at the Rate of a Thousand a Day. By Frank Yeioh. CANADA is at war. An army of half a non men is bei.-.. as her human contribution to the cause In which >he I t!'c The Do- ne vast training camp, from the citadel lortrcsi ol Hi liiax to the Pa? cific-bordered Vancouver on ths -Aest. cities have ar.M : a night on plain and prairie and mountain valley; the streets of al __OS1 ever] city and town echo the trc marc hin?; men and the challenge of the bugle; everywhere the a ?': list is S9 familiar a I '.ian. He who travels through Canada will find at evaiy turn evidences of a country at war. I chanced to be in I'rin.c Edward Island when war v.a> dcc.ared. i'.iving over a country road of this most rural of provinces, miles away from even the little narrowgau - iy,a Sabbath tstillncss enwrapped the landscape until the eye ?.aught sight in the distance of a group of men gathered on a farmer's lawn. The first re? cruiting meeting it proved to be. after the church hour, where Sturdy sons of the soil listened to the appeal of the local colonel?the colonel who had known only peace time*. Not many day- after a shipload of brawny island isds sailed horn Charlottetown to gu?id the wireless stations and shore towns of Nova Sco? tia and Cape Breton. A few weeks later a great camp suddenly sprang Into h'e at Valcartier, a few miles from Quebec,, among the foothills of the I__ar_ntiu . the first Canaduin contingent of 35.00J men foregathered from every part of the country At historic Kingston snd Niagara? each redolent of early Canadian history, of the French regime and the I nquest?other thousands came for drilling and training, men who during the present winter are billeted in many cities and towns, 04.4Upying armories, exhibition buildings, halls, schools and even churches and hmnes Toronto is once more a military city, as it was in the '60's, when th old-line British regiments added a note of ga life to the town. Park-, university campu and avenues a'? ted as drilling ground) V-'.e strident and imperative voice of Ser ? t ml Wl - ova the roa of the street traffic. So in Montreal and Win nipeg, so in every city from Bj ney to Vic .. so in the far-flung outpost towns of th? West. SOLDIERS ARE EVERYWHERE, One observes the man in khaki at every rail wav bridge and tunnel, at every canal lock, ai every elevator srith its stock of precious food at every industrial plant where the twenty million shells arc being inadc. Tort Arthur has its training camp at the head of Lake Superior; I ? baa its 11.000 men encamp? ed on the plains; Alberta at the Sarcee Camp, near Calgary, where Cree and Blackfeet once warred and roamod the prairies unchecked. In the nv untaJna, too, the aoldiera of the empire arc found, and as one reached Canada's baby of Prince Rupert, within :??,ht of the Alaskan boundary, a youthful sentinel, ride over his shoulder, area 6 entry-go and helping to guaid the wharves bur] trie new two millio.t-dollar al ng plant. Truly Canada is at war. From many remote corners cd tins empire-dominion are the fight? ers coming. A battalion is beins raised in the i River district, hundreds of miles north 'mont?n; "the last greai West" it is called. But recruits hava 1 from far more distant points. Prospectors have "mushed" theii [rom Yukon and Mackenzie and Hudson's Lay. : net Ser? vice is driving an ambulance car at the western front, and his is the tale of many a sourdough of whom he wrote In more peaceful days. Many a man has travelled from five to six thousand miles to reach the firing line f^r his king. An English girl drove seventy five miles to the Edmonton market. "Are you alone in your Peace Rirer sbaikv' she was nsked. "I atr now," was the reply. "My brothers have gon? to the war. My sister is a nurse, and so I'm -t.lying by the stuff." And she is the kind ol stuff Canada possesses In her people. If any one had foretold in July of 1914 that by January 1, 191f5, Canada would have 275,000 men in uniform and a total of 500,000 called for by the government he would have been put down for a fool prophet. This rapid growth in the military strength of a peace loving and living people reads like a romance. Within six weeks after the declaration of war the first contingent of 32,000 men sailed from old Que? bec for the training camp In England and the new cockpit of Europe. The force represented n larger number than had ever crossed any ocean to any war in the world's history; rep? resented, too, a greater f?">rce than Wellington had of British troops at Waterloo. It was nu? merically greater than the entire British force In North America that met Wi'hintrton in the Revolutionary War. The thirty transports made n remarkable marine procession. As to how many are left, let the carnality lists make roply. To-day 60.000 Canadian troop? are In France, as many more In England and 150,000 is "Recruits Wanted!" Billboards and stream? ers flaunt the message; war pictures fill the papers and windows, battalions advertise In the daily press, a page at a time, for additions to their ranks, as they send their brothers over seas?Princess Patricia's, Pals* battalions that belong to a certain city or county, regiment* from the wr-t, fiom the east. Many have characteristic nklmainee. mich as the "Little Blach Devils of Winnipeg and the West." who-c glory at Ypies shall not boon fade. An American battalion is in process of for? mation m Toronto, the members of which are t.iking the oath of allegiance for the duration of the war. It is interesting to recall that 48,000 Canadians enlisted in the American Civil War, among whom there were 18,000 casual tiei. WAR COSTS MONEY. W<?i. Ii';?- 'nme other luxuries, comes hi*?.!, and war is costin.; Canada many millions. The government's war expenditure had nearly teachrd the $1 .SO.dOO.OOO mark at the opening of 1016, and it may cost two hundred million a year while it lasts. The national debt in? crease during 1915 represented nearly $139, 00, while the total stands at the tidy sum of half a billi'in. Canadian artillerymen ?rooml?? a big gun. in training in Canada. Sixty-live thousand married men are in the rankn, and recruits are coming in at an average of a thousand a day. Half a million from *n eight-million pop? nation is Canada's contribution. It i mated that the maximum fighting force of the Dominion, of men who are between eighteen and forty-five, would number 750,000; others make the estimate a million. The industrial, commercial and agricultural interests need men as well, and already plans are being made for t!if release of fighters by workers who cannct fight. But, in the meantime, the universal slogan This represents a heavy strain on an elght miliion country, and yet it is being successfully and cheerfully met. When the Finance Min? ister floated a S per ? en, $50,000,000 war loan it was oversubscribed to twice thit sum In ten dayt1 time, and the other fifty millions were ret lini i to as-ist the Imperial Government in financing its purchases of war supplies in Can ids Fortunately, the national revenue is growing while the outlay is lessening, the gov? ernment thus settini; a national example of economy. The country is experiencing tve new sensa? tion of wir taxes on certain imports, on letter-. A road makimj lenson In camp. Members of American Battalion, Eiv listing at Toronto, Take Oath of Allegiance for Duration of War. postcards, railway tickets, proprietary medi? cines, checks and drafts and through scores of other channels, with satisfactory results ft Swelling the revenues. Not only is there na? tional taxation of a special character but pro? vincial and municipal war assessments are be? ing made. The large munition orders cominj to Can? ada, not only from Britain but the Allies, totalling, i; is estimated, half a billion dollars, are heir ing the country to finance itself. iNearly four h mdred manufacturing establish? ments are busy on shell and other orders, with the result that the national tra ?e figures are swelling to unusual proportions. Soon af:er the outbreak of war each of the nine provinces sent many shiplcads of food supplies. Since then comparatively huge war gifts have been raise). During the first year of the war the Dominion rai ed $5,000.000 for what is known as tiie Patriotic Fund, for de? pendent wives and children of enlisted men, and In January, 1916, an additional $8.000,000 was raised. This is in addition to the govern? ment's pay to the men, ? separation allowance to the tamilies ani a pension system. Already, I he Minister <>t Militia. Sir Sam Hmthes, bidding nurses gOO?b) . under this Patrio'ic Fund. 25.000 families sr being cared for, and the number, may iscns?. to as many more within a year. VARIED SERVICE OFFERED. The Canadian Arrr.y Trsn port Services*. of necessity, called into being with ?tnc dinary rapidity, and it is able to boast that!? first 100,000 troops were sent overseas wtr out the loss of s Ths Dee-kb through governmental and private aid. si supporting, late in the fall of 1915, 10.000 bed in sixteen hospitals in England, Piancs,Oh and the Dardanelles, and sines then the Or. tario government has opened a 1,0O0-bed h?i pital in England. Some of the great ?naii*. universities, su?h as M.C:1!. Toronto in: Queens, are supporting and mannin. ba?ehw rit?is, which are cr?dite I with being o: t highest grade. Already Canada hai sent ovr two thousand of her doctors and several hx dred nurses as uv.t of the national contrio. lions. In Canada itsell internment camp? art . corollary of the contest. of me bers of the enemy lands who are under n picion. are coralled in large encampment? some of th?:r being situated in the wild? c Quebec and Ontario, where the meniribiu.. in* roads and clearing land. The mea of U internment camp in the Kocky I|SSJ___I_N constructing a mountain road from Calory Vancouver. The sacrificial spirit marks the asjsjtsj Canada, as mi^ht be supposed. Their pn: tical activities are legicn. Women's ?atnct. leagues, Ked Cru s sUJ?lisries, Daughters.' the Empire. Women's Canadian clubs, -hur? ? organizations and women'a ;o'.iucai ettep wording to the one end. A p?pate Caniiu: song is entitled "Kmtt.n , and it is sur.,; H the music of million-. - Women hiv? tag days, collecting bands for war fund? an even recruiting leagues, and now th<y art organizing to release qtsalihei t.gntin_ ir.?" trom certain occupations ,md to rspasM t?= by women srorkera, The women of Canada ) are at war as well _l the men. fe the Matter with American LigliV ?i. peif 9 Nothing Much, Answers Hungarian Author of "Sybil." Except That Our Composers Devote More Energy to Medleys than to Stories Set to Music. AMERICAN composers must stop turn? ing out medleys and be^in putting stories to music. They must reverse the eye-ear-brain order, setting for themselves a more dignified lace. They must go about their wore mor? re slowly. They must become 'infatuated" before they 6et down a single D must abandon their <herished "nur. < tag it impossible for ?scores to be inte ? That is t:ie wd.v-r. ips more - ly and with moi i iia reservation?that Victor Jacohl sa;r s i?? the i tustion. And Vi. tor Jacobi, who ; ? I," one ?f the musual COUM ? eases of t: - son, ou^ht to bf e he comes straight from l'u-iRarv, whete some of the best music of the ) ; produced. "Vour composers ver here," he ?-aid, "p: ] most no attention ? the Storj tutes the real difirrer.,. lignt opera and light op? With tta?or with those of us who labor toward the production of something more artistic?the story is eery important II and the music must be wedded There must be constant ac 4 ord between them. Whr raks dia r.ue there must '. e ? distinct reason for i? The mucv. ill Othei words, must simply carry Ofl the r-tory. It must never be interpolated. ? to the European point pi view. ? But with the m ij rity ol the A-riencan mu ?i<a! shows ? HI V I ? . I find thern gei erally quite charrning) the relation: hip be tween book and lyrics la the slenderest pos? sible. Instead O? ? .ore there is genera!!. set of '? one, two, three, four, live perhaps up to twenty. These nstnbei ."? 'i the popular fancy, ml] It juggh ' i '' ?"<? prodacer'a will The BUI ll 'numbers' of one light oprr might | ' fened boduy in many ?ases to simo i any othei light opera witl af acting y te ploi ? '? - What a becomes, in the band? of most of your popular composers, a mere string of songs." "But why is it." Mr. Jacobi was asked, "that America, with her jassion for music, doesn't produce artists of the calibre of the European artists?" The composer erased with a gesture all the opprobrium suggested by the question. "I am not sufficiently familiar with your composers," he said, "to comment on the light opera they produce In other than a most gen? eral way. 1 find much of your pop'dar music charming. I enjoy i nanvr Broadway show immensely. And Arr.eri an meet with ? cordial rek'tt especially in Budapest, w..eie the songs of sers, like Irving Her lin for Instance, ??re quite familiar to the pub "1 don't think there is. arv .;reat fault to be found with the brand of musical comedy manu? factured hete. It its purpose and its day. That should be auffident And you have ? - . ei n, you know?Vi:tor Her l>e*t I could talk f?>r hours and hours about Victor He: Mr. Jacobi still refused to say anything de rogatory. hut, t? ed to elabo? rate his idea of the imdr' erencei He stoutly maintained that he was enthusiastic er the Am? school of musical comedy, but he also answered the vev.n ? questions. 'I think," he went on. "that the natter of economics enters into the equation. In Eu as in America, the consideration is to B the public. No producer, however re to stage a ? ir. r foi ? The | extent the COndil I here In America .?re "American pr? leUght in equi]. musu i the : ander they can ?itvi-e Money i?, not spared The Victor Jacob!, the Hungarian Composer, a (jood?\attired Critic of Our Lin ht Opera. more lavish a production the better, as a gen? eral thing, appear its chances cf success. Daz /ling the eye is t'.ie first consideration in Amet ? . The productions in your theatre? a-^ simply wonderful. They go beyond anything attempted abroad, unless in London. 'The next thing is to please the ear. For tin purpose the music must be tuneful snd swinging. Also the piece must abound in fun. Unless it is a laughing hit it is hardly a hit at all. Last of all, the intelligence of the audi etive must (it is not certain but he said "may") 1 a sppealed to. The people are not supposed to waste any time thinking. The plot must be simple and as slight as possible. This leaves the attention free to revel optically and orally. Victor Jacobi Finds Most of Broadway Musical Plays Quite Delightful, Though Designed to Dazzle the Eye Rather than Charm the Ear. "In Europe the order is reversed. We ar-: more economical than you. We do not sink huge sums in the production itself, but depend first of all upon the appeal of the story. This represents a tremendous saving in dollars and cents. An operetta of the better or more rep rcsentativc sort must he capable of standing quite on its own feet. So with us the tirst appeal is to the brain. "Of course, within the last few years we have developed beautiful staging for light opera. The European settings aie far from being gauche and uni nely. They are esteemed highly important, though not of supreme im portance. While American producers relv largely upon on Indulgence in the spectaculat, we have three sources fiom which to obtain effect?the brain, the ear, the eye. In one word, it is our constant effort to gain the in? terest of the audience. We believe that for the first night SOC ess of a lii'.ht opera the story is almost a deciding factor. But the music has its vital infiucnce. It deepens the impression of the story, and, if good, will preserve an ini tial success, keeping a play fresh and young." Mr. Jacobi explained that the IEuropean type of musical comedy naturally required m re time and thought on the part of the compose than the type we are accustomed to look upjn as distinctly American. A good operetta could not. he said, be slapped together any way. It could not be arbitrarily manufactured to fit the demands of this or that star and delivered almost with a moment's notice. Good light opera is art, just as good grand opera is art. It must be lived with. It must be evolved in a thorough, musicianly manner. He searched for a word?the word which should exactly express the composer's atti tude toward his work. Quite a bit of unintel ligible Hungarian was aired, and whrle the ?n terviewer was himself groping about in his own Blind the fugitive word sprang to Mr. Jacobi's lips. He spoke it with a ring of tri? umph' -Infatuation? That is r A <-***[ "? be infatuated with bis subject ? enough to turn out so many PU*"? . scrip?. The story BUI I be absorbed. ?? J about with one ccejatantly?and l? * course, many stories TanuS Mbilities would not lend themselvea to treatment. The most suitable -tory rru?. be decided upon. Then it must re moat m the mind of the ?I ?? - ? .. he is at work iron his operetta. never set it BOVCf lei ? ^?rafCI ! ondary importance ?This method noeessarU. involves a W ?enod of concentrate I g tibie for European CtUsmoeOTS to ti n quantity of material which^the Amer*** arcan Por my part. I awbata.arm Ing a mmucal comedy? ;,.ry,u,ye months -Of course, with the Arne;'.?.an typ? aka] comedy no im* degree aiicss and elaboration is required. A I? _ of comedy 'musical number? and ism ^ plot to hold the per.orma.ue tog? J ^ ^ turned out in a very shoit Bine, signed to conform to rules o: art _ -a ^ no pretensions to be what I >?' . sa.d to fall abort of any ideal ?? llTta of muaical comedy, d?pendu! . upon superficial ^ n . achieve art.-tic l?KCOafOa. J fin.ti often charm. They do not create an/ atmosphere, nor have they aHth- s? any gaema of permanence .,. And so. m his own way. -w.bu^a^ ^ names or aaauming ? ??gg .h- aasstt-* m,ghtines<. Mr. Jacob, answered th*W comedy' and Why do the imported I joy the longest itawf ?