Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTTF ,'our Money Ha? h If Von Want If IVeu)l(?rI{ a?r?rot? WKATHER Pain or snow today anrj ls> morrow; fresh eaM win-Is. ran /.-i. sa I /'7r*f ?o Last- the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertisements V.M. |\\N N< i ?..?, ::(?_'. |? .,|.?rla.h 111?. II?.- l-ilooi- \m*I THI l,Sl>\V KEBR1 AKY HE ONE CENT In N'?4 \r,rt. IMS. s.r?.,rU. Jeraej < II ?. ....I llol.?Urn. I.l-raal.rr.- I?'? Iml?, Democrats, Fearing War, Call on Wilson to Yield N. H. DEFENDS BLOCK SYSTEM AND SCHEDULES Ihrec Investigations Begin; Fourth to Start To-day? ANOTHER WRECK BARELY AVERTED Driving l^ods Break on Engine of Express and Chew l'p Roadbed. JFisai ? \ . ? ?nui., fee. 2 '? ? red ??n the Nrw Haven Railroad to-.t.i> n??nh ?t \ * li.,4, n Paaeengera an upr??- . .">;>. I rom li..? \,??. York, ?rere tkeowa fur?. r,i l?4 th.? jolt of aatoautic hrs'.t- as the eieren cara ?.une t?> i jerl - p ?"i the lists be. ?4 ????n thi? town rind MiTiritn al IsH | lu- ?lri\ IHR nuls on i.oi?i aides ?>i Ike locoaaotlvs had broken, and, after chewing tht- n?-. i4aii:t-(l tiioni-t-14??. aronnd the boiler. \ il. . bat I. In ?? hun ajret. ) srda i" put warning ' front of .i local Vea laves tne flai* fifteen Bsiaatea after the happened. I here w as no jianir in the . ,,i h.ij)P''-,?-il near --mg, not fnr from - me ?,i the fatal 44 rock nf ad \n bite Mean lees on September .', 1 day. ? ? - 'V : . . J. S. ? lerce ' . ? ' ' ? th? * ' l "? ?' I : ?? in ? ? ? ? ?:UtP ?ttdw?_. v Havrn. I ? Pi ? ron. BUl . ? to S -, qoeney of 1 - ' 1 1 . ? . ' ; _ 1 ? -\ii?,ri ' '' * ?'' ? fr ? ' ? ? I w ? II.? fisalri ?. s Ai nenian His Baby Princess a Peasant, Miskinoff Ready to Make Up Russia and Frenches (?ill While I lo Decides <>n Recon ciliation Aftei Maf-dame Proves Slir Adopted Wail?As for Ki/i?.Ali h. Adieu. M'ai? Prii \ ? ? dre Misk i Mme ..l'? an?! th? I tvhich Mme. la 1' l->.-irk . ? o more eold ;rs - ?? ? le Prince r. n -. the delight of his ? '? ? enini : apeetatoi ? I t h< . the fac? more lUnd the t Persist er. The I ? -. snnouni ?? ? ? ? ? ? pei ?i -,. tinue ? ' -4 r -,. \ ? siliffs. crowd Down i?? Legal Kra-s la,?.? . ? ? .. their aff? ? ' ' P of Lar ei r? , al 60 U ..'.'. ?11 R, I.B" ' I ?111 Tlll\l?ll. t'lC ' \ . . ? nouncemenl that the d II prineel) fsmil) had l??'?'n amicably patched. M. le Prinee. satisfied he had been "honi .ken" in hi? in? a ? d <if a itiiilni'A ing I lit ai . i thi're in vhou ' ? of the ? ? that i adame ? , ''" M, Ir i'' 1 ' B ' ? , rl '"i :i ? ? . . ' the child tipuli n the ? which are to b ? court, ?? Dr. ti.-,.i_-r Foster, o " \ . for the ? .1 the princi i .mi laved .m i? i_te !, . ?in. i CURB MARKET TO GO INDOOR Financial Districts Mc Picturesque Feature Soon to Vanish. - t ? . -4 i ! ! s< ' by a i| ? which K. R Met ? York Cv larkel ' >ciation, is I membei ? i ? - . Scrim;,:- S. Gallal n; Spei er Ko? man, ? . rman <?f t an?) .' ? : work da : ' ? ' ?> nii'h nece an unresl ricted rket. It, is the object of th ! Mc( committee, bj ha\ ing the indoors, to do ? able element l bal i i ciatioi This, -..irr the proposed f "The purpose of the ? rrui? hat have existed on t h ;. ociation pr< - ?' es, to prevent. I hi ? - ? rm, bu' ihe commit ith of Beavei ? -, - ? f Wall litre? Broadway, nor east i Ml of ? ? peratioi the i r he ? ui i> in thi cont'. agre? ent .. >ieil r-o th:.- ' to tin business on th?- out?i?lr marke?. There constitu? ' ' ?4,1 nnik ? restrict the number I . ? i foi ting i lise the list .. $100. Ahout 200 ip i ref ear on ? of the companies to -, ? ? ? r requiren the < kern to nu in? icture will tale ?4.,-?. , city, I-? . Nee tfoi ? ? market ? ?,f nit. u ?? B ?' Rees I and dumb 1 in . lave ala bj attt hour ?' al 10 and ,'l. SHEPARDS MAY ADOPT GUEST OF FINLEY, JR. Several Waifs Likely to Join I aiiiiily Circle. rta tl? gv ? ' I venue. If he Iher end ? ? ? ? i known rill!, ?.?ll? throui I?r. Henry L. ' renting He ? pel ; ? ? ' ? ? the f ? bi ?? ? I ! ?. : : lay, si I LYMAN USES CODE ADS' TO SIGNAL GANG HERE Wife Admits I rick Declares she Will Protect Him. ? ' ?'aily papei meai mmuni ases, an,I ? ? ? .! she , .. ?'? ? d thai .1 ci . ted by h?-r husl ? :, Ii .-in ad. V . ' . ' ' ? eclared that ,r,'tn ' I New . ?,-?!. man, alias Johi P Pul na Depart? i it, I Tan ? ? R i t Los A tail ...... i ? a MRS. ARCHBOLD SHOOTS SNAKE THAT BITES HER Oil\ Daughter-is lau Bat? tles with Georgia Rattier. ' . ? \\ t .l.ihn 1'. A rehbold, daug John D. Archbold ? .a ? ??? ' I ' . prov? Mr- \- after i h?- ha.? be? o bitten GERMAN FLEET READY FOR DASH I miiliiti, Feb. 21.? \ hip-h na 4.1I author)!) told The Tribune <?trre??|Mindeiil to-da4 of a be? lief. wlaSei) held in \dmirall4 <ir?!e?. that the l.ernian fleet BSSJ make a da?h for the open ?-??.? hi an? lime mi*. Ri?nig a? ? reaeoa for thi?? not only the pressure al nalltieal eaalnlon in Uersaany, but the innumerable ret-enl report?? all pointing l<? the preparation of a rombineil German naval, aerial and null? 1er) ofTensite. taith the object of forcing peace and impress? ing neutrale. Vice \iinnr.ii Reinhardt Si he? r has lieen I ppninl e?l com? mander ol l!,?? I.erman battle Heel, in BUCCQSSlon I? \diniral 4 on Pohl, 4a ho, after holding the position for h a ear. is re? tiring, ?m aecaoal of ill health. POLICE BAITING BETRAYSSLAYER "Just Shot a Woman," He 'Phones. Then Dallies Too Long on Wire. One of Igi atiua I ' there vi ho have the police to a step too fur in ? ? la?t ?? re* result of bit t ? ?..- e no ... upis ?*? eell a* the tirs Bureau, in n ths ii al I of fame. the even-? Iquar Pal "iman Juliua SchelTler, leid the re? ? . poured I ? . omen a' 111 F.a?t rl.'Mi ? ? ... You'd ? tter .end aerne?, ??re. Von can put my r;fmi' '?' 1 ? on. My MtTirr?^ * ' ,;ia-. I'll i. ' " ? ;. ? ? ? ; - fron . ? ! 1, her ai ound 115th Street and tvenui L?u? '. have to be long. I'm ? . vou ','. ight that 1 or ( \\ h e .... - progie?? Pa ? ? , ? anile ? ? . : ' Paul Maple's Pa \ - i< ? i >? pa s of tl "I - ' n 00n " he . ? ? ? a bar," ? ? ? " 1 1 en l . over there I . The 1er out hen the bartender, ha\ing (.??en told ol by the poi ,. drink. ? ..'. ?..I to be alo? in comin?, 1... - 1er p.1 to be ? ei p 1 ? ill aras that 4010I effort ? armody, ?? I B Deti Bureau. I in, "1 guess m 1 a ? ?,. . along "Did you '"',:' to g eu your ' ?, ? : ? ? u at on ' ?--aired to to fron n, then decided them Hi calmly ac tead, \ gation -i ? h' ? .1 : hat Mrs., ? ? , a barber, had ? g at tianie to '" R.1 ; Wal ion. She and her chum, Mi KH< tefs - M rs aid he : odu? sd .1 n i olver, lae \ vet refus? d to -ce him. ' ? ? .1- pia% - ! ?ne t! s pis ths revolver ??u?! ooting She tie?! 1 in a panic when she Ira. 1 - dead, and . , - '.'? Street. .4 hen ' . I her latei "\\ at inaiat ed ; hat he h??l Latei ,- Rob? rl r?rank ?l -o gii un address. .. CROWN PRINC1 HURLS 280,00) MENATVERD? Battle Rages in We on Twenty-five Mile Front. GERMANS GAIN TWO MILL LIN Action Foreseen by tl French, Who Bring Up All Available Guns. London, !? eb. 23. _*he Verdun, nos? well under ?ray, i m with each succeeding report i ceived here to be growing in intei ity. It extend ? ?? ei a twenl j fi mil?' front, to the north of Veidu and scvit. German army corps, 1_S4 000 men. under Crown Prince Fre William an? engaged. Tfc announcement was made officially i the Paris War Office to muht, i apt tire the great fortrei i of \ a dun is probably the immediate <?? man ol The principal fighting ?? tho rough and thickly wood. country between Etain and Dai iller . Her?? the Germai I ?. Prince's beat infantry are trying rreat .'r.?m the French importai roads which would enable them i ?Hak?' tht.'ir way through to tl M??? i -?? Military opinion aere ia I to doubt that the Germans will ? tempt to carry Verdun by lie idei 'ho formidable woiiu of th tort;? . , is further protected b a fii'iil army under command o General li iml i cceptionall ? nergettc oft I ? prevailin % iew is thai the ? ?erman i an ing tit?' strength >>f the def end that th?? reel tance thej with may discourage them fror proceeding to try to take th citadel bj fi drrman attack Feteeeee Tlif German pr?parai ?ve, and the l ?? ? n i '? ?. ? : ,. French po i! ion ? with thousand) of shells was uninterrupted. Astln I-11 nch had fores? en thi batt i their avai ab e , were called inti action and responded in kind to tin. i ea y shelling of the German . "In the n ?.'.??: to ' I Vei Hun," iaj ? t h? Prencl n.pnt issued tc-night ' ? German .<' ?U.K. a4 wai foreseen, developed into a wry important action, for whicl erfol prepara! ? i i ins ? "Ihr battlp continued to-dej increasing intensity and ??? .,' .- ? ? \ tood by our troops, ? ho In heavy lossei on the ! he bombsrdment of heavy calibre ??? uninterrupted, and our artillery respoi equsl lence, It extended -long ,-i fro I of nearly forty kitometn nty-fiva from Malancourt a? far ..> I region o] posits I.tain. Atteeks Beccced and Feil. "The sctio ??. ere esri led out by ? erj heavj ? ' ?j ti oop of even dil army rnr- .1 each ?v,h??r dun f tin? coursf of the dey be tween Brebant sur-Meus? and Ore ? "A' the approach I Haumont tho snemy ?ra withstandinir hi?? efforts, tn ,|, .',.. from our pmition i, I" the Bo Caares, of which ?re hold the _. part, our ? ed the enemy's oITi i "To the <??-? ? i Bi dei ? aurr-* th? Germana t ? re bB si ? trete thi I untiniiril ??n |in_-? ; i.ilnnin | The New Peril Ihr spring may sec .1 new Gemutn campaign to , mili tlir Allies in France. If it comet, it will not be against the present tren? hes. Roland G* Usher, Author of "Pan -Germanism," tells in next Sunday's ?Tribune where w? may expect it to develop?and why. Whether you have or havr not ? oiMtdered the possibility of this drive from an entirely new qu.irlrr. you will find much to think about in this .ulule. Better tell your newsdealer today to save ymir < ?'p> ?hr ^uti?ag ?lribmif / frai tn I asi?the Truth: \ows?E?ltorl*i**A?vortl*tment? in t* Circulai! ? Raider Moewe Sends New British Prize to Canaries Five Other Ships Sunk?Steamer Westburn, With 206 Prisoners, Readies Spanish Port in Charge of Light Germant. Bf rabas London, Peh 23 Manned bj a eres? from th?? German raobr Moewe an?i fly ng h Geraus Bag, ths British steamer IVestburn I rri ed lafely bj iptora "i Spaniah lerr tory, San*;. Crus, Teneriffa, (unary lateada Th reached London eraoor put an end OHCB for a'l to th? er haii been ? by lint ?.-.h cru: .? i !'..? :,!? i l ei "?? : .-i ? ?-.?? .?? .| -.. i.- me ,, ? officer from the " ?? a I \\ ?' i burn ' .i i ' ?? '"?'? pi i toner fron othei Bril pa cap? i sd ??' d "ink by ths raiders. Il li believed that the er vas??. capt ired not far frori where the Appam fell into the hand ??-'.. uar ;,. and. the ii- its . ?- "' I ?? \ titen tion area te make a longer eruiae with ths cap'nred tc lent. Alter several .... however, the steamer ?ras forced *o ? ' . the i .inari' Islande, ?he - n board the VTestburn eome from four steamera the fate of It v eh are pre I to ink, The - ir are the Flamenco, ths Horace, the t'ambi ...^e ,i ,. the Luxei : the bark Edinburgh, I he We itbui ? Live pool en route 'o? Bu lyres i Januarj ami 'va ? ;.,?? reported ?? paasing t, ' ap? Verde, on February 4. Tho r'l_mcn<-o left Newport, England, for Valparaiso on January 21, ami the l!nra?-e left. Buenos Ayrei on January 26 for Liverpool. Ths Luxembourg, a Belgian steamer, va- b.iun'l for Buenos Avres from Ne-* - pert, Knffiand. and tii?. Edinburgh from Ra goon, India, on Be| her 22 for Liverpool. The two latter had Iid*h been placed on the overdue There weie aNo prisoners from the Clan HseTavish, which was reported sunk when ?hi? Appam reached N'orfolk with .several of her crc-v who V ad been wounded. The Cambridge could Bet be identi? fied here to-day. but it is thought prob ? bat ?he ?? ?.he (orbndge, which was reported leak by the raider on January 10. The Westburn ?? a ?.??.??; of MOO tons. She irai built : ? ? owned by .1. Westell, of Sunderland. Th? Luxembourg and the Flamenco are -'-le large I of ths vessels msi ? diapeteh. Bo*h of them carry The Remeneo, which he? ?o ?he Pacific Steam Navigation i Company, wai a vessel _,_ 4,hq ?,,:)?. and the Luxembourg, o.viud bv trie Bel? gium Transportation I'om ? ..m inu?*al ?in |,.i_> .. lolnmn I JAPANESE-AMERICANS PLEDGE AID TO U. Hawaiian Ot?icial Declares I h Will IE en Uar Against Paren Ho ioIuIu, I sb. - I. i': si ident A ?'-.-., y sn Soei? made a declaration ?f Americani ? :.? V. a ihington Hirtnd ' b? . widely ,. ! ?n '.he Hawaii Islands. "A . i are sti ..m Japan.' \ sws said. "Thi. . th ? I are loj ymiaund? a .topare . Americi ? ? - e to fig MOTHER'S SECOND GIFT IS A $275,000 HOUS Mrs. Alfred Wagstaff, Jr.. (ici Residence. A dwelling hou r si ! K.? ? 4 ? sluab 118 Fifth Av? th ? . ? i Ci rday. Mrs. lier ry F. s h >? maker through Pes e ?< Elliman froi v | i gift to hi daughti r Blanche ' ? frei U agstaff, jr. . The new house is opposite the v '? Bi ?1 was recent!;.- col I by Thi i I; i1? i Rena mee ai Th. ' . ' Il i ! ' ' \ ? a loi - B?ft o the Franklin Simon ?-. to. departmen ! t, of 791 Iv? b birthday i v ?'?-. Margaret 0 Flint, In 191 .' Co acquired by a? eai leaa I , Id bj m. ! '? ? ft Co ST. CYRS TO DAZZLE WASHINGTON SOCIETY Will I ease Mansion at Capital Lavish Affairs Expected. I a Wai Haroli ? 4 arrangements foi ... ed Lut trell n at the 1 ead of Coi ? h rill itely, il rife ? . a don , will entertain on a ? ? \ - i?a oi social functions t sea son ' 'A . ? ? ,p-? to r to ta late A. M. I r of a ? '-? ' [?ton de I MUNDELEIN TESTS SOUP ?trrhbiahofi Take? I ir?t Spoeafsl at (Anight? of < oluinhn? hinner. \ lunde? ' .' of ?"UP ? ?? Knights of last nil \ : ? . ; ? \ - ? ' : ? \ rousing eheei followed, a; sup ' it hi la-1 tion. a ASQ?ITH PLEDGES ? LARGER SERBIA No Peace Until German) Is Finally Crushed, He Repeats. London, Feb. 23. If ther? ha? bcf a ..?-' | Great B is a- on to nre?s ? .- " ., ?., a -Uf t eras* net i Pri I quith'i -pcech to thi ime - to ght, nor in tr.e way i I he t'rime M lied ?o a re from Phil p Snowdei . So? member from Blackburn, .'??id (?corgi P, Trevelyan, a Liberal member, fer i . ? ? ' Ich tin government would discuss peace tenus "I have stated m clear, direct, . ? and emphatic language." d? Mr. \ ar? th? terms upo; . - eo intry are pr 1 will repeat them ., sr to our a 1 iermaa Cham i "\V .,;i November 'J. 191 I, at row: 'We shall never sheath? word which we have no?, lightlj drawn until Belgium sad, I will a?ld Serbia recover in full measure aliar.? more than 'hey ha-e sacrificed? aati France is adequately ic?ured egeinst Bggression, until the rights ol the inval >f I irope ar.- baaed upon ar? ia.?able foundation, and until th? tu litarj domination of l'ru- . destroy? d.1 Terms Are I n?hakable. ii there in clearneii and directo? - that? I ask Mr yan and th? Geriaen i bencclloi I ??.,: m? - ? ?I fullei and n telligible I How ?an I d<> mora to eon \ ince h ?m and a - es 'that pes - I up foui da ' light ol attain? ? . ? ?i? ? i r an) of our allie? abat? b) one jot our ar' I . ? : . . th? ng l ? eeehi of Mr, snow,len and Mr. Trevelyan. He wa: ? hed out in it i in ths front bench and appeared to be dreaming. i lea? onal ly he arou led h b igh t ? not? on i [?,.f paper. During pei i ? filled. ? . : .i , .. . ? tile i he m?. ? , ten ??., to be t;rcl . ? ,- ? rose At .'??ment on Brit Pi. ni'.'T Aaquith'i r- ; . .i urei! m ith loud outh irai of This ? I l?e U hen th? ' ? . ll Ml ? r- ?, ,, i den and Tr? ? u rera apokeam? ? , bod) ipinion 11. . ted wl i'or t i eil ititu i :? 1 i ? r he dec?an I Sno? admi .? i ouatrj "? B ? at OH? and would remain of .,:-,? miad in ?i? I ' at th?? ronditiona of pea?-.? ?hould h?- lach as ??? -?cure th?' pel ? ittainment ?>f the national aim. "Th?r.? ia absolut? unit) ia the . ' 1..? cent Cersaeaj Animus f??r Peace, I'r. ai ??r di il " .1 ?n'l tion W;i- ? ' ' (Ol O? ? : content Ion ? hat .? ce ? eaire for peace exiaie,; in uenaeey, v dene? of th thai ? . tl repoi I ? ? < ?ntlnii-..! mi Baa? "?? ?elums I ALARM GROWS AMONG CHIEFS IN CONGRESS Fear That Wilson Will Fight U-lioatOrder Causes Panic. WARN AMERICANS OFF SHIPS, ULM AND Committee Members to Present Appeal to Presi dent To-day. 1*1 - ' ? a Washington, Ft ,:h ends of ths Capitol War with Germs conjured up ; aln of I ,'.?..-!?? g the statement that Presiden! Wilson - and arould insist on upholding tho rig. ' Amerii'an citizen-i to travel ??a Mined ship.?. This statement ator Stone, ehairms of 1 i eign Relations Committee of iho ?". and by ' hairman 1-1.1 of the House Foreign Affaira Commit? tee. A frightened delegation of Jfissouriai ator Stone to I !l * told thp repn thai ? would not fol ship" as that noar taken by ths Pn i? ident. which might involve th, try in arar. Although more Senator Stone, Mr. Flo? : ... - much fear, and it a i oon learned that h<" stood ?rith St Stone agai it tht s ? .? mt... a;? Stone and I- lood wt at iv? the adjot, ? ' I Vmerican i ighl an 'ha dol ? I a?i to ? assert I thine to be done by n p-ess. Eleven H??iri Secret Sesslea. u i : , mocratic n l. . ? . ? adopted a ? to be the overwhi i ing should be ; ' can citizen . ships of th?; bel?gt i Flood tva lent at 10 o't moiming and s ..nil <.f the of the Hoi ally. s cornu ' tioil va-; taken '. land) and Herrison, or' M amasen aha voted I American ri?lit* srhea with German deeaaads, ? ibnu? ' to tht? ?-laughter of American m??n, 440tn<?:i and children if a liner carrying gu torpedoed, il? r\ I?. Flood, Virginia: ??Oo?l .?inan, North i '.' ?? ' I. Willard I ' \ 4 ,-.,.. hea I? ? - ? ike a | met .' I ? ?i ?insist on t ra .. I g m t SB SSI would Le ,. :. m o? bis handli - ".anon. Weald WeeBea Ndministration. Ho- grasa? they i l m to 1 the i ?io, Biot thai rect oi . i terribly ?real I knd ... - Irai ma':, ? i However, h great at the members of the H tor:?n| .?'.,?r 'h.? Aral) - ? ,.? ? 4 m?. ! ' ' e ' that : -, I Pr? ' that tin; only th" . <