Newspaper Page Text
Egyptian DEITIES The Utmost m Cigarettes Plain end or Cork tip /copie of ouliure, refinement arid education inniria??y pr?ter Datier to atty crnter c?carettTT m*w& ss?saKa ij\ t /?HVa?^ (j ?e . .,_,/ ,.. ? ?m*r3 T - in !?' J B German snr-merslhle?. which now I? the ?n-ay to Waahtagton by malt. ag te tie i?*r aa the part ?nutrroe that the Si? ?tea.d ?H?ep b> the Proaideat might involve ,i ?ra? ?I tb l?ermany, -\.re f,?r in the House. If voted on to-da> mated bj recognised t load? that the House would p.??s a sur? render resolution by a majority of nhout forty. But la the Senate there -.v Bueh ? Ai.d the . iti ? ?. 'v -' ' ; t doea not ? ? - ?uonal leaders Hoar? to ? . to do i ?u-e ?>i .gttatioa. ? ?re??, ed tha at . . fact el -nek ' upon hot point i.rmed liners ? member o< :dent. . i. "is that ? ' i ? ? ? a of the urder-water have bren largely confined to ? thein have been rth Sea tl ?rd there will be ? :re that the ?n may ' '?mes the horrid : ? - of the '?? .-? - 04 a ! . - ? 'or next v,hat la really I -e__ D? mo rrats who foi a ? I ,i _?hi I ould hide r th? bedfl to avoid danger. vh< nflring ?}'rlend??hip?. ? ? ? 'here ts a real perl that if , . ,. \4 - ?HI - ? i ? ? ' ?d ?n a ?a I r.ins that might 'i? Inter" . out by anothrr l ?? big linen ? : whole agi . ? , danger ??' an armed ling fron ? thai America m a Othi it ?? the enter would be followed bj with a det'iai . \mericans be warned of! ahipa cauy -iiid Anally by an an ' ' thoug ? ?uld out it through. ough he v?ill i. ? ? Il hap |,. i, t?> it In ?h>? to r? t". i II to thi i omm)ttee, which effort i i weald Bueeeed ?hat it be laid on th? I ITaanimon? coi nted in ?hat 01 be truiir-i?. ? I ? r?rrow, which .11 be no on tl be acted on until tl >? followil | ut tl ?iiairman of lattea Merely u Opinion. r. the i of ? ?reu] ? f him ? mem ? tb? poetoffire (.: a,,?,] th(n; _.*? a,f,r talk In lob bie?. cloakrvcn.? . _, . u# ?ho leader?. Clark I tll| ,,, .,,. wiUon. thai . attei ; appeared to lee Baasford. sec? ta,- ? th. \\> ? s"cr' ' ?ph P, Tumulty, to make th? engai Mr. Tumulty va-? Bt hour. A? Mr. Tumult) railed '..;? ? 1 fore ien? could ched at that foi a cal ??rat:, : un??? Flood, chain Committee, that it mighi be ,, thing if they aeeompai ? d hin Whit?' u | ? lepai reached from the meal lent, out on g< ttiug Mr. I uni Deaaaeratl? ncmbera _f the il_u__ I I SAYS GERMANS PREFER BREAK TO SURRENDER The Hague. Feb. 24. Berlin newspapers publish a dispatch from the United States relative to criticism m the American press ol Ambassador von Bernstoril. The "Cologne Gazette." de? fending the ambassador, at? tributes attacks on him to the exigencies of party po i tics in America, and con linues: "Geifjpany musl without regard to the chang? ing 4-urrents o? American politics. If England succeeds in influencing the American government to entrr a pro? test, we shall prefer to let the brea? h I OHM rattier tli..n to yield to the protest; and that is the will of the entue lirrman people. We have reached the limit of our pa? tience a? a? America is concerned." I Dreiem Affairs | \ ? I ment ? ? had How Leader K. ; and others und? I ?? ? - ? Hurle*??n Like? a Hand. ? rri.l Bur!. i. : honing and : enl w??rd to Kltehln usti?n Meantime Repi tucky; Hel ? i the ?he House in an Publicly they bi ?ley did yeoman servies ? rh* I in many ' ? ,'?'.. ; un ire .r v.?r b< 1,'UIIS on hei The Rcp'ihlican?? are . nd ? lann, their leader, to ? |gn of a l>r ? ide of th? ?.\len Representative Mondell ' . ?,? re re olul i?>r American pass] It is probable that if an) is i ? ported Ktt? < ? i lommittei II will be ? imply a the Pr?s:,: ? lamal a 11 nlng All n aol .? introduced on the : cxi T\ COI made Inten I law in the many prelii ? . Flood of the 1 ? ? - American? to travel on ai ? ? - all day h\ ? from insui ? stiation leaden - ig to l'< <-1 on him all thi hie. Hopes for Cooperation. I e:,dfr Kitchin seems to be taking aljr. He ?? al "1 h..?ie the President an?! i ongress will ;?? ? on some : I resolution looking to the warn ani real gens ne e< . Execu ? ? ? 0n< of thi i. maikal ?ued during the day cam? iiom ;. itlve Carter G u . ol <). a ii' . who said : ".' have 1 ? I ? a; | revolt \ jumped ?>n the | ? ?hey could carry a trainlo. i i ? ? ( tiie House to-day I fail ?o lind any coachc?. trailing aftei handcar. 1 am Brith the at tempt sf a few pro-German members ?o lavolva the a trat su in a die? ibis and p< rhaps disastrous com? plicar "There are nome men, but precious few, 44 ho seem willing to haul down the American and eircui rights of the Amei ii as eit hi??h ??a? la order I ?le ? ? I, of North Caro? . upholding I "in. ? - thi 1 '? ? '? i' has in i? degree maintained the rig ra? ??as.el .? ' ship si any ?, the lack of adequate American ships, we have n.. ,i reaaarkable extant oar ??? ? liner Verdi Here Again with Guns Mounted Astern ? Gill y . 44 Ii un I ? . Baching *his port by heavy il . raj... 4 . r In? She 44 ? . liner ? ? ? I Ni? | ' i ' with tour gunners from the i navy. J STONE'S REPLY TO PRESIDENT Congress Entitle.! to Know Full ?Situation. He Says. MEMBERS OF BOTH HOUSES DISTURBED Will Strive to Prevent Any lint? barrassment of Negotia? tions. He Asserts. Washington, Feb. 14. Th? letter Senator StOBO. which brought forth President WUmb'i ?.tutement of . follOU : "Dear Mr, Pr?sidant: Biae? Senator Kern. Mr Hood Bad I tnlked with you on Mi ? ' ng 1 am more troubled tban I have been for many a day. I have not f?li authorised to our conn : have I attorn- nu-iierous inquir? illeagu??, to ?.'..ate ,u nee thai thev nhould observe, my genera] On inding of ?our attitude, I have ! my under | : your atti o be substantially ?*s follows: "That while you would deeply regret the rejection by Greet at Mr. Lanaing*a for the d aarmamenl of marchai t v?a?e of th Mhos with the understanding that G?M her allier? would not I I upi , a mer? chant ship sum - ipting t" eacepe, and t ? . ?e the adi tion a ,-pt in elrcutn ired tiie ? ? en a?, you were of the opimoti thi Grea Brit ?in and her allii l or?? hi r merchai - right , iid fe< I ?i: poaed to ? ? ? i ? should fire ? note ? 1 have fell ? membi two es who . ? ? ixtion we are i I aay t ? i !.. ? 1 hear. I hav<_? heard te tali-: to ' i " aftrr all. 'c that ti ? paredn? tant Ion a? we ari called upott to meet. I I ? iih me to keep cool, that 1 you are at . and . ould he can ? ill up" a diplo I and II] red i ion. Ho? , . . ! ' mind ght ful men. \ ich. 'I think lonal ??oply ? I ' ? ,'i n ?I ? world war i -he unreeaonabli ? foolh;.: pie n king I eanno. ? fiction that such \?ould be i o inc. I "1 want to ho with ron and to stand ? ? . talk witl v Lansing with the atmoat frank:, ?..? : th you and . idgmi nt i. ai'd ! wai ' to b? kept advised a.. it ? ? ? :r.s to me 1 am ? ntitled to bo, "In I i am -??riving to! \ thing being done by Bl???? r cr me'iihei , ' l'p to the last, you ahould I ?ily, as you thil the best to settle m in volved. I need hardly nay that my not to 1 ndcr, you. MWitl the I ? ' regard and moot aympi '.on, I have tha honor. lent, to be very sin ? "WM. J, BTONE." m AEOLIAN HALL 'A DistinctiveBunne9s Aeolian advertis? ing has developed for this address a character and pres? tige valuable alike to the old established firm and the younger concern still engaged in winning its "place In the sun." ELLEN & JEFFERY ?i | r?a_aa_MM .n-Mal So? G. O.P. DELEGATE FIGHT ON IN OHIO Seven Candidates File Pe? titions? 3 "Irregular?" Declare for Burton. UNITY IN BAY STATE DELEGATION UR(ii:i) Republic*! Club Asks Agreement to Prevent Defeat -McCall Would Defer Pledgilf. i, Ohio, Feb. 24 Three can? didates for delegates at-larpe to the Republican National lonvention file?! candidacy daclaratiaas ?with ?Secretary of State Hildehrant to-day to Bppc a f.iur other esadidatSS who had been l by no-called "regalar" Rep .*> lican let 1 1." II '. of "recular" candidates was eon pleted thil afternoon, when John J. Sullivan, si Cleveland, filed his dcela The othei repnlar candidates arc l'ii?ed States SeaatOi Wan ' G liardmjr, Governor Frank H. Willis and William Cooper 1'rocter, of Cincinnati. Their opponents in the primary slec tion on April '?b will be Dr S. 0. G : fin. of Columbus; Matt GUshlr, of Cm , and Ralph W. Tjlcr, colored, ?i.bus. ?I. clan d lor n I nited m Theodore E. Huitnn as their io a foi r. ? Pre Idei nation a'.d cx-Repn entativs Paol of ( econd Mi Rowland wai ? nU ? ed ? an honorai;, mply with the 01 law. 1 4 ? ? ic R< publi il l . .. i ? . ? . ball of the Club ?' Ma dent "ii mething i ? ? Mr. 1 i The letter ?a? . ere ?r .... ?s bo ha? i the) would . ? ? l' Repre Gardner u : I . , i . . priinn- . - ng the nomina' ? ' ii c? ' r and d dij;e and then join in a request to I a that "a : which will I i their preference Vr Ron e a^ree?) with the Senat?. to-day m passing s bill modify!) . I . ? ? ? ? ' ? ? . . ? i ? . : told the diners at the ; , i',.,i4. I to? ro be for pledg 1 invention. ii? can arf ?o !:.. ? ' eome un ai .1 I d ? r we, lal Ri publicans, tl ? ? ? in .Hire to anv particular ?( date, v, hatevi r our per ited men ? m, for not the h?it the judgment of J>. led." BILTMORE Ice Gardens (BILTMOttE HOTEL) Open Air Skating Open ta the public for threw Mwiau daily (Sundays exceptes!) ???* s? is ao# 2 se m s ss, sae ?? is GLASS ENCLOSED TEA ROOMS Kalaluhi's Hawaiian Orchestra Will V\?j tat DANCING in the GIASS ROOM rrnm 8 SB T- *t ft* ?**?* EXHIBITION .SKATING BT 4U-T.ED 1 Slf?RII) NA ESS Of THE HIPPODROME OBaasssaaa t??trn?<?r? HE SELLS STOCK FOR EARTH & CO. Jitney Benefactor of Man ! kind (iet.s Contributions from 200.000. i p a Sight of rickety ata n of the' old loi. | I i ' Bl 173 Park Hova. ?ht, i be found a motley i : '.id the lat- ' i pro I led quarters for , a nigh 'i .' ibey rooms may he I i man in I I '? i-k for a engine that he i.? 1er? , aid oth?n _o the e a ten t o f I m th? world and i\o away with he "chaoi in Paadora's 1 ' tt i? the ma.". for [,. dd'i'd the a ?hare, ami 200,000 ? ' ? ' ted ? ? invention ' <? were I n t h e I | i, ' : : ? cent ia Garrett .- ih^ i in a ? ? aid npolo of light \ ?mall irths of th.? en?! th" old man ? for tha lack "For t ? qu??alced. I I more have ' . ? ? |?| i., r, ?iiember. I town more tim< ? th -n I <???? ! " "What aliout the yellow peril you i w_ ?ia took ou? a paper napt had .-a\?'d tr?,??i Ins ?upper I I??. . T I a key f r ? ? r ?. a ti?.'. : drew ? ? h_d rday. anaoaaeed ? ? ., : .m." ' Hi ? I pro- , "U'i , |tj }| "When 1 get enough money. I have eol seted already $25,000." "Il n'r that enouprh ?" "I've spent II Postaire and printers' bills ha\?. kepi me a pauner bol h?il !'\.. eol ii.: left I've Ix i n ? h lUDStantial ?lonation from the Km jieror of Au ?tria. If I only had $o,0f?0 I ' be able *?> build a steam engine rould drive a -hip aero?, the v lantie in three days - seventy-two heure." BRACKE?f PUBLICITY SEEKER, SAYS TRAVIS -?r Ex-Senator's Good Faith Chai leaged in Junket Matter. Alhan\. Feb. 24. Coatroller E i M 1 ravi ? to-day challenged ti i ? ?tor l Igai i. Bra r, h; ? ???!'"? ? d in formal i "ins the i 4 1 ?overnoi Whitman' 1 1 I and bars oi the Controller's family to the Panama 1 a? I - Exposition. I"he Co ? pr.i the ;' ? f that rmer Senstor wsi actuated l,y a for public ' In reply to Brackets, the Controller "Your experience a? a member of and as h law. piven you -?uch familiarity with public records ami the coaducl of r bal 1 d?> not l.cli^vc your ? ?1 faith ??r 4 n h the approval of your eol "1 ,- " - rd is ac ordancf 44 ? ? them, sad tasks any furth of me I shill be VI . .'1 to them ami to comply 44ith ai'v BaggCSt?oa or refiue-at. ? ? - ? Ring to HIT office '' Saratoga, Feb. 24. ' ' replied to Controller ition, quest ? Mr. Bracket! In the Whil ?e matter ? I a-ii seeking ti 1? ." Mr. Hrackett's reply r 1 4' ? ???? ar I am doing I I how fa'tr; fully the G teh ?logs r,f the treasury, a--. - forini 1 . itial." YOUNGEST PACIFIST PETITIONS CONGRESS Six Near Old Youth Asks Chair? man Hood to Stop War. isaa t ? P r-a i ! ragten, Feb. 24, 'J'ie \oi:ngc.?t ? . t has written Ins pc'ilion to Congress "to stop the war." It came to Represent London, York, and has be n ?ile?l in ?S what the petition sa;,-: "1 hm s boy of MX years?, i 44;,' ? Mr. ] loo?! to ?top the war a? the ? ? gal no milk, ."?r.d thi ir | home. Mr. Loados 1: to Mr. Flood. Tell him ho ?-a-. George Btromberg, F.liron, I Mr. Flood, who i? chairman 1 House Committee on Foreign Affairs, -an) he su? complimented, bul powers are overestimated. ? ? ONE QUALITY ONLY-THE BEST Ml kW* BUB __?? I i -kl i r^ i5pS ?a i ? Sil liiiilEklll Universal Tread THE EXTRA ADDED TREAD IS A REAL ADVANTAGE AT ALL SEASONS, but of particular advantage in winter, when snow and slush and mud and hard ruts wear away ordinary tires 50 rapidl?. IN ADDITION to ?is extra added tread and consequently remarkable du : l;y, the new Michelin Universal is an exceptionally a._ctive non-skid, affording the utmost lotection to the user. THIS IS THE' NEW TIRE Every one is talking about?ana the prie? is reasonable for a high quality casing. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS MICHELIN I IRK COMP.4NY- LTWAY AT 5:rH ST. PHONE CIRCLE 441 MICH ELI N FOUNDED - 1632 CHARGE PURCHASES BILLED APRIL FIRST. tmr&tiTit., ' ha+oaa ? eaoVd?iavetxixt^r* *avs tarn**'?an /g^r FRENCH SALONS U43/T f^oiPprepared to reproduce PARIS MODELS & ?spec?i/ or?Vr x>r /<*_ m ?f? O RIGIN AL DESIGNS fo pri?alc patrons 'radically (?Very arriV? in g ffieamer- brings ??eW %xtikS direct from the ^Jaslxiotv- Creators ofJ,aris. 7/a?xyoiam: /frapsr rJ^/ou?o>{Ja(//eur ?uitS' .and Coafa' fxrmmc?atjeselection- - or/a L/rdcr SAYS CITY LIGHT REPORT MISLEADS Cleveland Charges lidison Tester Hinted Board Fa? vored Firm's Service. ne liu'eai of If Un il ?pal Ri iibmitti ?1 .. Mitchel and the Boai 'i garding thi teat of thi i the Hall of Ri ? '??ire--. t ?'inpan..-. la praet es ? premature rer.or ? ??, BJ .11 "The day. lit ? ? was in < determine " for t> | the Edison i to ? ? . In his lei i "Th" communication of ? arbo have i Hour.I ?.I E ? ? -??'i eoaipaay, thi i ? of the Bureau of who compo ? i ? R*i .1 f ei in,,- cha-tro of ?' | ? thai. as. ? ? ? ? :. and up ? The opinion of th.- bureau eouncil, ? ?' - ... ? V. T.U'"ke, of 1 oi . produced hy th.' plant for electi ng to M p . - tution ol ? ?to : A letter dated Februarj Id, ; by i'.. I'. Go ?Inch to V t ?rtf ? the "? r roateas to pisce the pssttsj rom mitt ee er I? of iSata tassBBBji - - ' :'. uts. *o fc*o i ich St SB) ctrtsis!? ? ? ? :r conclu PREACHERS DRAW LOTS IN PULPIT SHUFFLE Six White Plain?? Con^n-calion?. Will I earn Rrsult on Sunday. pom] i , rat y?> ? it Wfti' ' : reach M Then, j . ? ' to look a* ' : I.. Wa Hansawie. ?. and th wa? tha' ?'?aid ken sa < ? ? ilaj sa it, sb] . r? tais h s sa <lurch. ASKS TO BE SENT TO ISLAM Destitute Mi ' j. B. r?n? I l-Sccretarj te .ludir? Cohslin. ? John P ' '? alan, ? t ? unes B- l-P: old. befan M*i' *' ? I by Pa I ?ile its, hasgrf ?" .v.- son and he . B ?vet to tr.c : has I i a BOSJ aba? - T'''1V?B-'' Electro-Dental Announcement Our Electro-Therapeutic Burean at 124 Weit 42nd Street, w.ll devote Friday, the 25th to demon station s of all kind s of ele?, tro dental appliances. The explanations will deal especially with the taking of X-ray pictures ? exposure?, positions of tube, and uses of plate and film The New York Kdison Company At Your Service General Oflie..-. : lrrni_ P??ea ?ad 15th Sir?* TeUpbor*: Smvvea*nt 5-600 Brave?S Oflfte? Show Room a for the Coa?reni?'no? at the rmhUe ??4 Broadway Spring WW *124W4__?Jll Brrtal 52? 126 DcUocct Si Orota?rd l^U ?l$l E ?6th Si U<? '"'*_ iv im?i Pi lianBiiai litt "27 B l-Stk II rlaHaeaasm ?V>2 B 14ft_ St McI.umWUO "Open I mil Nijht ?ad i-.ati*r_eiic. Call: |-?rT?_-t MM