Newspaper Page Text
fljJNK DEAD MAN IS JEAN CRONES Nc\..irk Police Sa> Victim (>t Shooting Resembles Hunted Anarchist. POUND! M ONSCIOI S l\ RAILROAD YARD UketeSS lO Soif Poisoner First p,M',4\criul by NuM When laken (0 Hospital I a ?arch-.?: ? | m St. i - nom a bul - ?' ; - i a bomb .irement and ! miles ? :? ? on the . ? ? I*t. Wh< i tei den . who e ? to ?>m there -pital ? -o the The Finest Taste ?nd Greatest Strength MURRAY HILL COFFEE ? J :'t?Sa?H_ PIT UP TO ORDER Haair rifhl Parlkajf Fise Pound?. $1.80 Penaered operating more, -.e eral of the irked shoal bis n ssiahlaacs te i" phetegraph on thi ' renei circula ,.: ?I, rali had B : ? i,..,. the haspltal Deteethrea Janss eh. of the \. srark ps r\e the SSI ? I -? ? . : te Captain Tuane; ? ? te the patient m even de'ail except a regardl hifl teeth The man In the h." ptsi d capped teeth 01 the bsek of hi? upper ?nd lo4s-er jnws ? pold capped tee'h were n?4t in? n rie'ied m the police circular 1 ' . patieni a- announced bj thi ark police: 11, ? rent* Uve years old. f and w signa about i M , i. ? bones accentu?t! H dai '>? hui hj ? iishl ?! ha.-', i. pompad??m He weai ?? black euit, brown ... ?i. ' .. ??rsld and d amond stickpin in hii ?.. hal Hi?1 ? ? ta ? Street, N< a York. Tha the makers had heen scratched from the eases for hin two P? ra of eyegls ??? re ' i i I ''al "J" ... rch tt \ the name of ? firm . 16 1 u? '.id \ the city not !'? ,.h..!..;. i levelaad.) From hi.? Ii ; ? . ? steh there h.infr- ft leather fob bearing h bron.'e xa', of of New 1 ora. \\ ? t :. the Newark i^..rr report was ; before t'l.ptmn Tui.tiey last -end a man ro inveatigatc thi elew 1 morn? : ., Cronei bj ti e police throui ' ic country the lo.-ul h?. tei day, A local newspaper received ? card from Mount Al "How ? . . body " Ji i '. i rones." < aptain Tunney admitted that the handwriting corn'snonded with ed on other representing ? ? v. ?. i. ? i k ricr ; came a message from the police ? thej ha.i captured Ci ? ? .. Lehigh Valley The man ??a\e hii name aa } red Niemsnn, and ? ' ' f an le the Mi rert' Aesocia 000,000 wai ing nt the Hot! Stratford in Bridge? port last nicht, detectives were watch, ing for the return ol a I to be I rones. The ma ? the morn ng. but I I the cruet chef thnt he aould retan pay. A man reported to headquarters last night :hu'. h?- i.;,.? - eon Crom : afreet. le a trip to Har l .thout an> " . "I thil ,-, but I'll take for luck." com ???rdar treeta, vho tried to com,nee him thai being Jean Crones, "he wanted to be pro? from himself." The man wai ..'ion. The AEOLIAN Co. AEOLIAN HALL fP-M VV. 4 BROOKLYN 11 j .ulbllMl Ave. ft ' ??___>___, -' .?,'<_}"*> .' 'Of. _ * tf*| -r. V ? ,?.'' -'S ?cMr. ' " j\ .i'*j___t - rvf^aar-a.Wi i n' i a ? IM? Mo'itir'ft a* 1 > ? ? I? ?n? Cerdee ?M rCJh AEOLIAN VOCAUOTi ?QsW* ? ? ;rS?y_e J-,2, $a50j' T? H IR ST IN RICHNESS Ol TONE JL QUALITY?first in beauty of design ??-revolutionary in its wonderful new method of tone-control?The Acoliun-Yocalion indis? putably is superior to all other instruments of the raph typ?. Vocalion gives more than the enjoy t dt listening to music. By means of the Gradu?la you may play cadi record?vary each tonesubtlyor broadly as you wish. You may the reater pleasure of creative ning. We Invite YOU to Come and Hear This Remarkable New Phonograph We ask you to come to Aeolian Hall and hi the Vocalion. We want you to play your favorite records?-to know ?personally tit?' unique delights this great instrument confi < ome whether or not you are considering the purchase of a phonogi ?iph. Everyone should know the Vocalion?it represents such .i tre? mendous step forward in tht' development of the Phonograph. The I ocalion is Priced from $35 to $2000 1 ventional piodelt without Gradu?la? $35 to $75. With Gradu?la, $100 to $350. Art Mod It to ?vooo. ;..W OH KEQUBi ? HANEL CALMLY ADMITS MURDER Struck Down Mrs. Meilncr with Bottle and Then Strangled Her. LAUGHS AT POLICE OVER HIS ESCAPE Puls Blame for Capture on W hiskey Slayer To He Fried Next Week. Joseph E. Ilsnel confessed *o the police yesterday that he had killed .Mrs. Julia Heilner last April In her home, m rlathush. His recital of the crime 4aa?, fcs cold blooded m the murder of hie beaefactreaa, whom he struck en th?. head with a bottle in her home, in Al- , beaaarle Road. He nm indicted and will be brought to trial next week. Hand's abnormally big and knotted hands, that strangled his unconscious mistress an?? then rifled the house of gold and jewels, twitched as he brt?ught them handcuffed to his l'ace to take a eigsrettc troni his mouth. This1 ?4.'? the onlj sign ol nervoo ' be displayed. Il raa provoked by feai of' . aemblage of policemen around ' him. lie even a.-kcii Detective Dowd were coin?,- to do to him. Assured that they woul?! not harm him, Hand volunteered to tel! hi? Btory. The prisoner li five feel four Inchea tall and weighs only 116 pounds, lie \.., neat!) ?lie.sed showed splendid' ; appeared to think quickly. He displayed to a i.?rge degree a char acteristic common to many criminal re to tell ho\. ('??se be had h? en to the police and elwsys escaped dot? I ? ' Hand admitted hitting Mrs. Hi with a bottle, strangling her. taking a lom her linger and leaving her icious on the kitchen floor, bal ,." denied strenuously any intention of killing her. Hanel talked freely about his crime and credited hi- downfall to drink. Whiskey, he said, also hud driven b m from the iafe rural territorj ol Marj SI d to Baltimore, where he committed a theft ;.r:.i ?raa caught, ile admitted .- wired three term- ,n jail, and ipaarenl amuaemenl told o*" his escape from this city while the police i Iroad and ferry term ?nal I. Immediately after trie murder Hand said he boarded .? Franklin Avenue car uid wenl itta a the Will? ? irg Bridge. In the al teii ??? phis, where he ps telen Jawelr] f< I? 9 With this money he journeyed to Cumberland, Md.. and immediately procured employ-' meal in a pnach orchard, essumii uame ol Kessler. Speskiag sis )an-< guages, he wan able to make ir ? m ith mar.y laborers. I til g on the theory that It il easier eteetion by keening close to the police. Hand made friends ?.???th county officials and declare'! that the ' and jailer of Henry County, Va . drank champagne with him on Thanks- ' giving Day in Martlnaville. PRIZE DOGS REWARD WINNERS AT BRIDGE Vacation Association Has Rene lit at Colony Club. ?\\ hen Mrs. Klbrrt. n, Gary ? of United States Steel preferred -tuck, worth $115 each, ai prizei a: ?? bridge party in her Fifth Avenue home , a few weeks ago. she was haiie?! .? s hostess of daring original/;. Now' comes the nexl step along tne path of novelties in bridge. Three high-bred dogs were offei prizes yesterdsy sfternoon si al the Colon. Park Avenue ai.? Sixty-second S reel em ? ? ? ? ?? -''"'i guc ; - who ?? o were ri ':: red ipanlels, ?a' ? ach, and the third re? ? fhe nai prue winnen ?.?.??re not annoonci BAD COOKS WEAK SPOT IN DEFENCE, SHE FINDS Mrs. Heath and Housewives LeafUC Offer Services. It ioi?k ??aMldei-hl? r.-*?.nning t? rra.'h Ik? ?s'.'k >P"? ,n ???*, S"m'' adaiittedlj veal ?Jafaaaa ?ehe_ae. bu Mr?. Jeaais Dewey Beetha hr?<\ of th? National II??i:?o%?ivr?' l-4-n..ue. *?>M thai ?he hi??. ,li?rovrrr,l it is BOthlS. i than hn(\ eooklBg! Mr??. Heath foiin.l that there w-n man. iae?fieiea1 eeeki in 'i?r seen-try that peor eeeki mad? aa?ail? hubir? ana nui- babiei mad?? poor eitiien? pnor eitiien? were rejected ?t tb?? re? cruiting tsttiet sad ??an?/ rejection il th?? recruiting office aaeaa. .?n m??!?" i|iiatr arm?,. Having placed hrr fitiRcr upon Uli H ,v |_ th? ?. tern, Mf Heath mid h??i ,,, ?rerkera Immediatel. ?el ;.l->f>ut re? moviag it. They adopted reaolntioni which wer? fenrard??a le Preaidenl Hiir-oTi yesterda. under whkh ihrv agreed '?< rally to th? defeaee ?if the nation bj eoastitutinc theaiselves ? irreal steading arm? for th? Btadj ol nutrition looking toward th? upbuild? ?m?' nation and 11 defence. UNION FACES TURNED FPOM UNITED BARBERS Journeyman leader Complains of Patroaage. i nioaiat? who lahaiii I to noa-union barben fer -heil daili ahav? ba?r? araaeed th? tadigaation of Jacob Fischer, ?eeretary-treaaarer of th? Journeymen Barbers' lnter?atie_ml Union. Fischer baa diacoTcred thai with ."?(io.iiiiii onion worker? in New York, there are bul eveBty-two bar bei holding union cerda in tlir city. "All of our union- ?n this city within the in-? fifteen or twenty jreara have com- to piece? because they re? , ri or encouragement i "M t hr o-ealled ? rad< n on 11 of New York," aid 1- ehei in a letter of complainl to the Central Federated ? erday, ?? rh? fa .it . with tin" barbai t? i national unioi. nol a ?." i d ?? ponding ecretary of the ? entrai i 11 ; bai bars have !:,?'! numeron eontroveraii si I tiipir unioai bave broken up. We ar<> willinp to ;?? ??I the barbera morally and : naneially, bu* wa ean'1 go ??u and organize thei WILSON SIGHS FOR JOB AS RADIO INSPECTOR Times When He'd I ike to Change. He Says at Exhibit. i W a hington, Feb. 24. ' Ther? ar? tmrs when I think I hould 'ike to chanc? thai of an ?n pector," laug] ?ngly pre -? ' ' h? ?.'?'-???! nment's "Safety Firsl bilion si ihr Na tional Museum The President had b?en listening thron-r BB iasti acted with the Arlington plant to incoming wire ? lessagei fre? ? il sa aad the New York and Pa ... When he had finished Secretary ??f Commerce Id Dinned a radio inspector'.. on the Pre di -.i ' coat. While being th-,;- decorated th? President re inur-ed how he would enjoy a change I 1 | .. * .01:." President Wilson wsa sceompaBied by Mi Wil oi si ! Secretarial Lane snd Redi i Id H tri p ??f inspect on lasted mor? tl sn an hour an?! a half. REPORTERS IN COLGATE WILL Wara? Faaiily n> Withhold Information I rom Ne?? ?paper?. lohn II. Colgate had mad?? public rill before hi in I ebrusry might have laved orno working reporten much trouble. .a th< ? ame of Colgate," ?ays the racl the ? ' them, hould thi to call, to be in ii'i rnniitlii ? ?: to msk? ah? n y sf? It no notice of deal e pub lied in any i ? queat ob ei ? ed. Mr. Colgate lefl ? to hii Sargest B, Colgate and Sidney I?. I j franklin Simon a Co. Fifth Avenue Tlerfs Clo?hw? Shop H West ..Nth aSt? Store Floor TO-DA Y Clearance Sale Mens Winter Overcoats 33 to 44 Chest 1^\ \\\C\ Heretofore ?.D\3 $24.50and$27.50 Single breasted models of the new winter materials (including the warmth without weight fabrics) in the newest colorings. Men's Silk Lined Overcoats New Winter Models??3 to 46 Chest Fitted, Semi-Fitted and Slip-on Overcoats ^f\ AA Heretofore L\3 .UU $27.50and$30.00 Hand-tailored silk lined Overcoats of Oxford or Black Vicuna: velve* collar; also Slip-on models ol the newest English Fabrics, including Invisible Overplaids and Heather mixtures in the new COloriagS. Yoke and sleeves silk lined. Men's Hand Tailored Suits 33 to 46 Chest 1*7 CJA Heretofore i .OU $27.50to$35.00 Hand Tailored Ready-to-wear Suits, tailored throughout ac? cording to the highest standard; in all this season's newest fabrics m latest approved custom tailor mud?is. _ WILD DOGS ELUDE WARDEN'S POSSE Greenwood Lake Terrified as Pack Decimates Game and Hen Roosts. MARAUDERS' BAYING SLEUTH'S ONLY CLEW Heavily Armed Force Scours Forest, Seeing Tracks and Hearing Weird Yelps. Th?? wild dog .nil?n at (?reenwood Lu?.?. N ,1, |. n?w nt a height nr.rr before attained in thr im-moiy of th" ' slds il Inhabitant Ms lael atalth of winter eatertainmeni has hern off'red liaca tlic icf? pacV carried thr floating ??land against N. K. Warmolfs hoi?. adding thereby, an Mrs or =<> te ins property. Nightly "Lock" Rasea, Prank farcy. George Man,?,, Hn,| ?thcr loadiag bon vivant.i of The (,]pn, Bterliag Pore t, Hewitt anil adjtSCeBt tOWBS, foregather m the Rath?.?.??!!'?' of the <?l"n Aerie Inn. thr Lake's mo??! fanion, non hibcr satiag bestlery, while withoat, ?? a il tribute te mine best, "Nick" Warmoit, the genial bomfare, the wild ?i"!--, ir.p ai ib a' the moon Daily, the thrifty ranri?,. notes m Calling Iim poultry rollcal!. that fewer and fawei roieei reply, ami every week ead ??ame Warden W ilham <:. Klein ap? pear.? with a determined a?r, a nfle ai.ii ei a igh .?? I ridge to ma Iti !'" ? si Bridgeport, intent on running dowa 'he wild ?l(,g pa' k Tack Ka4 aging; l.ame Where the arild Hog?, eome 'rom no ?Be knows, Where they go when ? SI - ?' ? them Warden Klein i? going to t;r.d out if he has to climb Jer : lejl hiUfl ?'. r?-nce The farmer.? don'1 raind the canine eo? cal exercises of a a inter night. In fact, they deem 'hem superior to :ho baying of the ?unmrr camper at the moor. They Siso ?=?;. tha? the **\\? (log are I? . . ?' a ? ? r r. ?? i ?. ri 'inun 'he ' in? pack . ,. ' .rther 'ou. They . ?. .? ^ani" i.- . ? - ..: ?? Bleach ins bore ..f deer * ? ouml ni tha biUl and tab bits and an- beconing ? arrer and -?arccr. ?iiim.r 'hat the maraudir.g an?mala were con'empla'ing su assault on the :'"?h of the lake hai Klein 'o a??-?on. Afr??r the dogs be<.r..n te ? game, Klein mobilized and begSB an of feasiTS against them. A trOS iperts? maa, Klein lo a isms with an abid? ing arTec?..oi; ThfSf .a. M b week he tramp- over tne chiefly vertical = ui lace ?if N'orth?rn Jersey, through -no.v Inches ?ie<>p, hunting the I the hunting Local rumor u d tncre were fifty dug- Th:s, K>.n .-??\J, i?, an overesti? mate. There arc probably twelve dog-i, all big. w?>;f.;-.e luute?, thick of hair ai ?1 ?I?-, p ?. cunning, who have sloughed iliiation to lead the life of free? booter*. Hut . fry never, nnlesa some one ha? been dealing or? ;h?> bottom of the pack. At no"n yesterday, ??? hen me war coi enl anwe.i on the .-cei'C. they found th?? warden preparing hii . ...? iei raid C?redenl la ??.I and i leed, ins foui of the loi ndei " ?? (.reck Coatiagsat ParaUdable. V'ir,; ' ri??;?' Klein, n th h upposed j el untried, rifle. . Ilowed bii ( i.eorg?? Manetii and hii gun. <??? Greek, il;- ...apon bean .he unmis? ?? nark ot' the hyphen. !' I Paleolithic musxla loader, converted into a shotgan b) a major operation I- breei.pen onlj to George, '?'? to tressarei the combination. Its muzzle) ?o.ik.s like something built by Mr. Shont*. If a wild dog itai >i; '.!! long enough for the daring (ire-k to go into ;., ? Ion again-' him, Klein ???? ;. ? ? ie lion Crosi upon both ?hooter ami ,-hootee with his own ha:..I?. Behind the heavy artillery came the observation corps, sliding from icy rock ?o bottomle? snowdl ft, iin?l pondering on the retreat fror?. Moscow, "Wild dog tracks' announced the, fl irden( pointing to several dimple -irung along the cold, ?old snow. A' intervals of thirty ccond? thereafter h? repostad wards aid gesture. The ?,.i ,,? thi country was aflieted ?rail ? that legan and cade 44 I.? rr. After u forty-i'ive-mile marih, most of the progresa being aaade !>-. ? h< . ethod cmpio\ed by (lit'.? In ICSlinf a 4? indow pane, the commander waited on th" lop of a local Mount Blanc until ti? observation corp- caught up with him. Then he announced that he woul?) change his direction in the hop? of, catching the enemy on the flank. TI i expedition pushed forward hn-k ly, cnrroming on the ice from rock to rock, and hugging nearby trees with :>r.r!:t affection. The coarse being laid down bill thi pace ws iavolaatarily much swifter. The general called an? other halt, the observation crp.? locked itl badiy worn brahes and attained inertia by an involved route. "Wall s'.iit buch bow," the com? mander announced. "But -re ?tart out again at nightfall The gentlemen of the pics?, will accompanv u-, if they wiah." But the gentlemen of the srSSI WOW leaping from erag to crag, far down 'he slopOi and sobbing bitterly, as they ?'rove to catch iireenwuod Lake's lels train to the , . ? j ? ? FATHER JAILED; SONS NEEDY Mother I nable to Support < 'lildren While Husband Sene? Time. Mr A "de Bg time." His two little sons do not realize that father Was "SS l up" for not taking care of bis family, nor do they understand the atruggie their mother has had to feed Ihr in. lule Mr A. :s ?earning hi? lesson Mr? A. .?a';not aupply her ehildren'i need-. The i hanty Organisation .So ? trying to raise ISO foi the family, which *?* il ! last until the .nan'? relea?', ?iifts .-hould be sent to the i harity Organisation Society. 105 Last Twenty-st'cnd Street, New York. These contribution?, received in re s to previoui appeala In Tire Tribune, are aikrio4vIe?lgcd with I W. M.. IS; Mrs p C S. | . Benjamin F. Levy, ?<; Miss ^? ?nn I Henry, ?i : Mra ^lar,?,:! I., i !ark. | I ?J; II A >., fl. I'ainty Na 'l. IS; Mra I r4,ri,i-4a ?eh, ^?; A I, $1; J I f . *-'. Prom One More Fortunate, |1; Mr . S. V. Leonard, S3; \athan Avnian. |1; MlSI < a?ol'r.e C Well;. U? James M Miaule. J50. I Continuing ioday and tomorrow Sale of Saks Mixture Suits Reduced from $25, $23, $20 and $17.50 to $15 Today woolens arc in the oil painting class limited in number and un limited in cost. All arc selling at .n premium, and many staple design are "withdrawn until further notice.'* This means that clothes next Fall are ??<>in<_; t<? cosl more than they ever did. s<> that whal you lave by the reductions you gel now "ill be increased b) th<- advances you escape later. Meanwhile, make i noie thai these are all Saks smis all this season'- suits in all models, all colorings and all sizes, and. lik'- the lady in the play, they are more sinned against! than sinning! (A small charge for alterations) Broadway akfi $c (?omjmny at 34th Street WOMAN BEATEN BYNEGROINPAR1 Pastor's Daughter, (ioin to Choir Practice, Robbe, ?n Morningside. Mon Rgi ds Park sgain proved itss ? I >-af'- refnije for ?hue-? and ho! up ROB ta?t night, when Miss Eth l urrier, Presbyterian choir -mger ar ehttrity worker, wi u ? . -hr?<i hy negro, blaekjaeked until ? m und robbed of her bsn Mis? Turner, daughter of the F?e?-. Turner, a retired minister, \?; ?-romp; to the Bl '?-nan ?hurt to attend a choir rehear ?; when, i -ive 'ime. she attempted to tanr ?i ihorf cul through the park. She ?v? i ending the lecood flight or |te| nom the 116th Street entiancc '.?hen pewerfully built negro iprang nom bl h i ,l a dump of bushes sad leixed h< handbag. Unconsciously! ??vom a clung to th? bag. She (creamed fi fgled a- hei ??nt bent her serosa the face aim bes ??' ? i ? blackjack. ?Don't Will me! Take my mon? bu* dor.'-, murder mel " sh< i leorga Pope, ? ho tue park, heard hei end hurried to h? a listance. When he srrived ihe wi leaning sgain I ?> tree. Her sssailsr vs?s disappearing among ?he ?ret-.- wit the put -?'. tlia? Turner wai tsken to hem? a? 420 Wesl 119th Street, "here I wa found thai hei injurie? were ne er "'i-1 ^be waa on the verge of oua collapse nom the experience Repeated robberies and hold-ups the park have given it a repu ta tie .. refuge for thuga. Miss Turner' mother had warned her not to g through the park, but the temptstio r eral block? off of the trip ? ?r..rated itation ?rai 'on much fo hi r. _ FIGHT REDF?ELD FERRY REFORM Commuters Prefer Crowdei Boats to L'. S. Clockers. Commuter? from practically everj within a Jo-mile radius of Nev Vorr, Bttended the public hearing .n?1? terday at the City Hall to pr?tes against th? io*called Redfleld bill, now before Congress, limiting the numbei of passangers ferry boat-? may lawfull] carry. The hesring '.va- called b] Dock I ommissieaer. P.. A. <.'. Smith who ?ill go to U .i ? ngtOD to-dav at;, esrry 'he protest to the Senats Com< te or Mai ne Affairs sad Pisheriei in the form ?>' two i ?'solutions idopted at the meeting They wore: Pint, that ihe bill be *o amende? a* to excluda ferryboats aa in the ex ? law. Second, thai your committee refei bach 'o the Secretary of Com the entire question of ferry Mon and regulation ?rith a view of th? department holding hearings st which this entire question -hall be thorough? ly considered ami the very besl poi ?ible law recommended that will look ?o proper regalation for the ?afety and convenience of the travelling public. H. I. Joyce, of the -few lei Cei tral Railroad, repn?itlng all the railroad? which operate ferne-, <!?? ?lared that if the bill was passed would make it almo?', impossible for the railroad- to operate ferrisi time, m the ru-h hours. He said thcr? wa- no reooiil of a ferry boat hein? by u\ erloadinj? arul that then never had been a ?erioUl ferry boat accident. INTERBORO TO PENSION MEN ('resident Shunt? Announce?? Old \ge and Injury Benefit?-. i bee>dors P Shouts, president of the terborough Rapid Trenail Company, ;. e terday announced a pension lyatem .or all the employes of the ?ompany. 'The directora of the compan;. have unanimously vote?! to establish a pen lystem for the beat III of all our employes,'' said Mr Bhoats. "That spplj to employe? who ?hail have attained :h?? ag?- of seventy years and have bes in the service of the com? pany or its predecessors not lese than _wenty?Ava years, and al??? tu employ?s I who shall have been twenty-t'.ve or mors >ear? in -uch er. ic?> ati'l have ! become physically disabled. ITl? ac ciptance ?>f the pen-ion allowanei will ' ?i?.?t ?leb.r an employe from er. in other business. There are at pre? ent nearly fi?rt\ employes ever the age of seventy yeers, an?l ?ho?? !er??h of I ?enrice rang,-; tr?>?n twenty-five to [ forty-twe year?." The pension system taKes sffect from January 2. Pamphlet? of the pension - regula'ions will be soon ready ' for dist ibution. The nterborough ha? al-o rs'ah liahed a "blockaiif alarm s\stem'' pro? viding a coii- ignal to be tapped on ? [gong at any station wheaover are blocked sad u berome? aecesaary ip the ale of ticket? a? an its I UOUI. ?a Continuing the Exhibition and Sale of 17,400 Men's Shirts at $1.05, $1.45, $1.85 fl The materials aro: Bahama cloths, Clickel cloths, tini'st quality wovon Madras, Manila cloth, Japanese Homespun, Shinto crepe, Varsity cloth, heather doth, crepe-o-tex, Scotch Zephyr. Bradford Stripes. Wasp Wing Zephyr, and -ilk and cotton mixtures. r All si/.os and sleeve lengths, including a Une assortment of 36-inch sleeves. Also?Men'* Silk Skirts at $4.95 Remarkably priced for this event. ?''?in,' whites, filaiv rolf>r.<. beautiful .<tr>pi effects, dutt finish o nil satin strips designs. kskComimtuj )_I_ ., IA,L ?. I ~>* BOY HIDING IN SHAFT MISTAKEN FOR ROBB? Apartment House Dwellers T. rorized by Game. Tne ringing shout- o;' "thi ; go-seek came fain the e;iri of twelve-year-old Carli Sievers, ?.' 809 No.-trand Avon l?rookl\n, yesterday, and he pina joyously. For Carlson had found tly bully place to hide. Baaht into ti:? basement sf the four-stc ?h house a' 782 Lincoln I'la he had pushed his little bod- I rai a dumb-waiter door, and he crouch there, ehuekling. ??Bet they'll Save tasas hunt." Ii. this Carlson was tiuite rigl \o4 only hii playmates, but half dozen fr.frhtened women of the apai ment house and two detectives we playing hide-and-go-seek with him b fore he got through. When he judg that be had waired long enough to w the can,?' Carlaon tried to open tl ?lour through which he ha?l got in tiie dumb-waiter, and found it lacked Herbert Al; fl< or, beard the commotion, at remembered thai there bad late ? ?>rai burglaries.around I..neo PU ? She 'phoned the police. I- a ;?- Dote tlve Do \d aad Muss? who imp? .icab aad hurrii to thi disl irbance. Tiieir ri volver? cocked, their flashlights r-ad ?hey openeil tho dumb-waiter doo Carlson contritely explained he w* playing hide-and-go-aeek. a BOY HUSBAND TRIES TO DIE lo?.e|)h Plaaegaa's Klopement tailed t Gat Him a Wife. w*hen iixteea*yeer?old Joseph Finn.? gan and Agnes Davis, a schoolmate o the ?ame age. eloped to Jersey Citj i . 4 trs married ?everal month? ?airo, h thought he had acquired a Wife, -?n won.?! have to find a flat. H || Agnes pur her linger ?o hrr lip and told him not to say a word. The; ?it hita off to Ins home, St lW4 Anthony A\enue. and returned to he home, tvo door? away. Jo?epl :"ume?l and fretted. Agn?;s smiled am i lauey Then be' Daviaei moved ???.er t? Brooklyn an?] took Joseph's w.fc wit] ?hem. AgaeS never sent a word r> ? ??il to her husband, and he didn'' e.en know her uddres?. I.a-t night Joseph -tole away fiorr 'in? family sad locked himself in thi bathroom, A short time later hi tar Ira. May Clark, smelle?i ga-, and breaking ?..pen the door, carried him tc '.he air just In to save his life. DIES GOING FOR MEDICINE W. H. i.. Armitrnne; Wss Stricken in \N eebswken Station. Stricken on hi? 4\ay t?> New York to get medicine for his wife, William H II. Armstrong, sixty-three, a retired bu ? ? BMa, ot l? ( entrai I'ark Igest, i tardai sfti rnaon is thi ier??'> i ' . Hot pital. He became ?II in the a. ? Shore -tat>oti at Weehawkea, an U ?!:>. l, . fat some Brooks Mi -. Arm ?'ioii^ has been sta>in?j 4\.tb friends at Bogota, a hero .he went upon the uJ'.ict of 1er pbysiciau. ERIN'S SONS FIGHT TO HONOR SAINT A. O. H. Says Parade Per mit Went to Faction Out lavved from ?Society. "We are going to light thil I m every local ?ray." li?i w.,s the rea.-sur,ng ?tatemenI made yesterday by Radavrich 1 K? nedy. presideat of the county org?m I tion of ?? ? Staat Order of Hibr; mans, which is going to try 'o restra another faction, formerly member? <? the ?am" order, from parading on Bl ['atrick's Day under a permit from I ? lies I ommissioaer u Beds For the tir?t time in many years, ths son-? of Erin are not going to b? accord on the birthday or their pa saiat of the ould sod. B It, a '.I' K' announces, this matter v. ; m court, so thatU is n?> v;gg? tiou of I'onnybrook Fair in this con tro\er-y. unless some of the defeat?"! ihould shout ?oriii thing un nlea.-an' from tne side lines. Then ?i.? re might be action. Kennedy contends that the men who ha\e obtained a permit to parade und? I the title of the Ancient. Order of H Itfs have been outlawed from ths order. LTadOl the !? ad?, r.ihip of <oi oner Timothy Hea y, who ha? | ?a-' fai greud marshal, this group .stole a march on their ellow countr.v y obtaining a permit for the parade. Kennedy says he sees some politic. neve. 'Ihe plain trutii ;.?," he said, "that ?he Mayer docs net sag this iltsatlen as v.e see it. Timothy liealy. gr_,n?? marshal of th? propOSSd paradcrs, w? an active Mitchsl man, and John ,?' O'Connell. also la the same element, was secretary of the Miichel League Healy, with i'ounty ( lcr?. Schneider. , Byrd others, succeeded in getting Mr. Mitchel nominated, or were largely instrumental in it." Mr. Kennedy insisted that the mer who have the permit have no officia' standing in the Ancient Order of Hi h? rrnans, which ha? cho.en Josepn I Berry, Tammany leader of the fteta District, a.? grand marshal. As a matter of law, ?t is contended by the official body that an organiza? tion which has used certain str??e?s fo B parad?' for tea ISJCCOSSivS years | titled to preference in seeking a per i mit. Mr. Kennedy is going to ask the Supreme < ourt to restrain the othei el? men?, from parading a? the Ancient Order of Hibernians, to which title, he (hey have no right. Police (om miaaioner Hoods took co?ni..uncc of I tin- brewing row . II,, -.aid both pared?? Bl tO start at 2 O'clock, BCCOldi .' ths application, lie otTered Mr. K? . .? permit foi tesas other hour, vhieh the latter was too proud to ae ei pi. Then th? Pelice Commissioner i nggeeted tha? the matter be arbitr?t ,ed Ceroaer Hea'-. named hii choice for the arbitration tribunal, but Mr : Ki nnedy r, fuecd to COnaider the propo [Sltiea. liiui Healy got 'he permit