GUARANTEE Your Money Back If You Want It. I . )-,,.? ? ? ?n : I\fetti$arli .--t>^ Ipf airibxtne R WEATHER nd snow to day. Overea.t Northwest gales. am a to-morrow. Setttei ? First to Last ?the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertisements vE ?AXV....N0. 2M04, II .....right IBIS lii? liil.un? Aea'a.) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, L916. ? ? \-v?.irL .lerne?) 1 Ilf, MV|' /?|?VT If? N?-? ?jorh lll.a. >-*J'h ?""'?' ' "'? W.>|j I l'...> I .?.I ||?l,.,larn tUe^herr Iwa , ****** Wilson Checks Revolt in Congress by Firm Stand GERMANS NEAR VERDUN; LOSSES PUT AT 150,000 Capture Ridge Only 41, Miles from the French Fortress. BATTLE RAGLS IN SNOWSTORM 300.000 Men Arc Believed Massed for New Drive to Break Line. BB |M| t? Th? MB Lor.dc:'.. I With the dis ?i-:e the Germans from IB c it down to -,? f- ? to four miles and a it' ? '.,? ? ?? of a lull ?. ick. Thi? ia believed to for f up frer-h re HltBja and for burial of the dead. the four days' ??ore than i report ? village! in an advance from Beaumont to the ridge of, north of the fortress,, 000 additional The Pari? official etate ? the German ; attack.? with Ivga effectives have been conducted vith ? ?! I.a ir and a . hut ? :ess. ?1 to the north of Verd'in mow has fallen in abun (Ihv. The activity - ha? con ? the who'.*' of to the ea?t M ? :ity." "Or. ? ne River port, "our aplat? lay in different di i villages and 1 -late. ?ettea apt u rod. ? ? ?-nom;?'.- po >udc torm. ? ? r; : ord.narily kei4 . ? . ?? normal. 1 taken ".ms ire than be p.'.fri ? I - ' Pel - at Sink*?. .'.ucTpcI an? "i a?? probubl? ? i? of ? <. .? .. ?stest 1 I ?' ? Allied ?er, or even the with? ?r?*K? ' -, have bul *' ' 1 v awaited t-o tensely. Bsjael . tance ta ?'. v.... , "? i, c'immi.' '??? Lendoi in a speech deliv ' ' ? ..m. line ? pierced," I, ?the way will be 1 h ?? ? \ eompli ? ? ? ? ? ? ? tax .. h*' ? 1 be? ten Jeeution thr French artillery ?? ??..? ?? ? isiena ar<> "'-" ' ' the Gei ri,?,n arm;?. Jto.ono Geraume In Vssauh. ? ? ? ? Urati . .?il in val??r to i ft! . 1 . neral . ; ? thi Gel man *fre un. T ?? 1 ? e wi ?... . ? I ? Jan? ? her ? (??tlu.lf,| u? ,?.?,. - ,?|ljm? ; . v?,. E' ' iaien mortars ha -. ? ... ,. 1 on th WNDENBURG OPPOSED VERDUN OITKNMU; Petrograd. Feb 26. The "Russky Invalid," the ofi? cial organ hshc< to day an account ??! the *vai council heid in Beihn .it which ihr decision to Verdun was t.ikrii. It asserts that the German and Bavarian Crown Princes strongly fa? vored an attack on the French Iront at Verdun, hut that Field Marshals \on Mackensen and \on Hinden burg opposed the plan, con? tending that it would he bet? ter to develop the operations already planned against the Russian front. I leid Marshal von Hin drnburg i> declared to have had little hope of the opera? tions against Verdun, and to have feared an adverse ef? fect on the morale ol the army in case of their failure. Ihe-e arguments did not prevail, and Emperor Will? iam supported the Crown Princes. _I LAUDS WARJORIE; REBUKES DANIELS "The Outlook" Makes Sec? ond Bow to Founder of Battleship Fund, ? - ?TOIVl bow to Maijone. Last week nrintp,; - read?.b ?firi's orig? inal bat?ir?'. I on, with a v.-orrl of prai-e for ' practicality, snd also Colonel I'- ' ?w famous "grandehildi ? eurrent mildly Secretary i' '.or being too ?overs with the th jear-od bn Id? : of bi " I arjorie Sterrett'a fund may ?/et ? ,d the respeel of i ?tary of tbe Navy." -ay?: ?? a thoa? to press the fund h>?? tr? i g it passed tho \ mark, arid with every ind.cation of growl In It? columns a week p|_o the weekly raid: "Marjorie Sterrett deeided thht, if ay to resume - ?. i . t.? pr? f her oldei fei;o-.'. ?''.? an? nounce thai to do : HING about It Instead, ?=he ? ae of send- ' ? a letter." Mentions Mime?\lh. In ?I b 0 a.-a,ri eonn ? ti-ne to '"'.?-? of i IS growth of the Brateontrib . : en to The N'riv York Tribun? - ii fund for the bat th for the ' ? ha\e fallen ,f ber : endeavor, Priiiap?, wt an? ? ? ; \, play that de ? which might ha\?? emanated irnm '.he ii eator of l Ii?' late Ian eph 1'i.r-,'! , K. C B., I?ut, like ? . ? ., I, 'tis enough, ? : aerve.' "i i?, fun ei n we ?re in? clined to -?ate : aa . tary Di ti 1 Fa- ' t. SO better be " ?Ucb a? ' ' ? I of ?he lu'.e (.??lierai Gaines, v?h. ?he HEehe Bays it ?ran.* h eonon? rah occurred In Herim thrr-r days BgO. Cavalry charged the crowd, ?nd in ?ho light Which ensue?! nvrr onp hun drrd peraena were killed. Accordi'ig to the "VoBSlache Zeit- . unir." ?mtat?? carda, allowing a pound daily t,? I ??<>iiid be h soldier, tan. Bal i sm not, Fo I ??aiit to do ??hat I can to help V.'imrt old and go t?? Public School !'. Brooklyn. Inur? iruh, M UUOBIE BTEBBETT. I nin true blue American, and I ??ant lo see I'mle Sam prepared to Ii? k all creation like John I'.ml Jon.-s did. P. S.?Plenae call the baltle-hip \imri' i. Sim. Ihi. I?!trr ?.?a printed dim?? and Sol?an ha?* flovard into 1 h? Tribun* oft i? r un. .??iiijcl.. (?th?r papar? irroH th?. rountrT hu-* i?|. ? .'.?? thf l?tt?r ? nd th* dollar. ha?a Sowed in upon thrm. Mariori? Ii? ? k-.l I h? Irihnnc to Iilr rsrs of her fund ui.til it fr,,?? hif rn.iu.'h to build a hnitlrahip ?r al l.a.t ?omi? kind ?I a -hip ?aoilhr of th? 1'iHHiona o[ John Caul Jon?.. 1 ha Tnhun? uiidfrtjH? tu mt-r into ??orreapondrni? about the fund, hut it aaill print a dull? h?t ?f contributor?, mi?) r??r? nnr ?a ho ?end? a dim? or a dollar or a milli?''i dollar* to Th? Ir'bune for the fund ?ill rfiri?* a bull?n bfariiif th.? Irrend "I . S S. Amnifj." will br Jour lOCelpt loi a palriotir dr?d. retal t? ?lair II,"?i; M \urr?h.i of ? o?i' rihulo?- ?",415 QUIGG DENIES 'ACCELERATING' SENATE QUEST ?, Says .$2,500 Gillespie Check Was for Le? gal Services Only. P.S.C. COUNSELS REMOVAL URGED Thompson Advises It, An? gered by Coleman's Per? sistent Forgetfulness. " Cobody ha? spoken to me about th I rommittee bat wayfareas uurd" in h ]e!??r Wednesday night, '.he ?mile did ':ot leave his rud-lr, boy? ish fa. ? ?yishaoas ?ras heif ?.-r cd by his sr.ow-v. hite hair. '?'. ? ? ?? .., ? mittat? ?d;'inrneil for ths rhompson, after eon? .. .1 that the I send a 1 ranseript of, ths t? ._: t'n?* friendly of ths Admiral Realty < ompany si I John Ryoi to test the validity of ?he dual ?ubway contr?ete to the ?tiev .. .-? com? ttces of the State Kar As? sociation and the S'ew Tort County ; I'ur A with a rerorntnenda- , thai the conduct of some of th? lawyers who participated In '.h?s? suit? be investigated. I rgra ( oleman's Remo?al. : lar ; nab.i.- y of Georgs ?. : Colems eounsel to the Public . on, to rem?mbrr con? versation! and eonsaltationa he hid with same of ths eounsel enRai,-. 1 in two eases so a up;?-red Senator Thompson thai he recommended Colo? man'-? removal from bis HO.OOO berth to Oscar Straus, chairman of ths cum mission. Loui? Marshall, who Rii?'..e,l the Ad? miral Realty I ?i pany'B ease in the . . of .ppeals, ?,c.-ui)ied the entire describing bis eonnoe oo ? th he case. A?? in interviewt the day before, Mr. Marshall testified that h? pr? ? i 'h all the ?kill ami ability eommand He declared ha did not know ?alien he was retained by llav, HershAeld ?? Wolf, that his real tho 1 terboraugh. Marshall was one of the lawyer?) bo was not Involved by the testimony, in the opia th? committee and its counsel. 11 _: ; iota the the Admira! Kyon suiis . ounsel of the ?, ...,?. 4- Interbor ? -,., matte Hi mi . been to his teas tha ? ? tracts to be ? deci . -.. he ssplaiaod, would . ,. , ? . Bceeklyn Rapid I ra? ?it Company from the field and left th? , r.'ire Bubway Bituatioa in th. hands of the Interborou|-h. IM... ? l.ntrame Ilramall?. ] b? l I of Mr. Qui?.?-- postai - tho or.e h.g- moment in the BO. No?, e? en the 1 !'. Morgan or T. P. oi George W Voiii.?.. who pave ? ? a' -?-rted all the talk of a %2fiOvJSttO. llush fund, matched in dramatic intensity ths satraaco of the ".-.reel' rator" to the Stuffy little room in the Now Tort Coaaty l.awy II ' A? r-ociat aro hold. He I.,,', boot) Mpeeted far three bears before he finally appeared. A man ;. I Cal I .?-?l h ? umbrella J.?ad Stood '-, - -' '?pped through th? >:"??!. *4 and a'ter nodding to a eoapls > ' sr men ' ? SI a reporter i entering pol tic? ho took out s . ?.Iited it. Beutei tared sad t< ???? at the b< I i?nliiineil ?,n |,..|r | , .,11,1.11, 1 LEMUEL ELI QUIGG. 150 ALLIES' A?T SUNK;PLOT SE Float of Specially M Cars Drifts from Dock British Ship Ali re. ? o? i ??' t? hi ? ?ii'ir unmistakable rear! the v .. yesterday eu rrod i '., >?? York m " the A tances th* shipments wi ? ' indefinitely r-i a result of t .. most important sotbaik *o cargoes came in til?- morning, ?hi Boat ei , . . ?;??- 44114 i"o> Boat ?4-1 tal ? ig erewfl be before it eo - the shore ?va? on ? sight of water i looked ? ar y<> COUSOl tnC fiOOt riUilde: to lurch t.? leeward h:<1 sink. It v with diffl ????? that the tus:?? releai r in?? to save themael*. from ? '.?'<TI lag. Investigati indicated that even it" th?> tloat h broken from Its moorings, which ,.ii.4 dered I Ighly Improbable, it cot not have mink nulcfl ?? hole had he cut In Ita bottom. The ??ei^ht of t ? suflii lent te cause it ?ink. A. aonn as oAciala of the Erie lia road learned e the accident they *e [erne to the spot. Many ? tod before ml be asada bring tl ... ? | BOSSibls to Bl i tunk I brout ? ut. i . rd ?m Ihr British steal hay c i'ne flamea bur out for a f ?'? ??bat threa They wei ? ? i ?? ;th but a few hm <1 r?? ? 1 IB. Th.. police of Ma bor Squad -v raid there eras auspii Bra. Police (iuard Liner Piers After Warning to Cropsej Diatriet Attorney James C. Cropsej ?of li' Imittod last night tha he bad ' irnod ovoa to the police o borough a letter which ha? oning of guards aloni the waterfi the foot of Kultoi Street where there ar?? several impor tant BC p ? i ? He refuse? the contents of th?> letter bol confessed that it contained a warn Ing. ???ugh a leak in the District Attori ?"*???. it ??a? learned t n ?-a t of the 1er' r n.| | lod M ' ? Cropsoy that certain ?hippers feared a plot to bloo up a par?, of the Brook - ? ' '.er, days ago, which ? no of the largest purs In the Erie three En| . -team shipi loaded erltk ammunition and Mr ? ropsey baa re ? ? >? anonj arana letton. He ' '.so, it tat night The third, licating the ? of the alleged plot t to I aptain roughlin. ? . ? of 11 ?? I'.. OOkl] ri Detect ?? 8 ,.u. re out the It wai ? Bl ta the Fulton I I waterfront ?JUCK BUILDS WING TO HIS ART GALLERY Addition at .">th A.c. and 71st St. to House Rare Picture.. The art gallery belonging to .'? C. Prick, wl sacs at Pifth Avenue and Seventy-:.!.-? Street, is to be enlarged 'o accommodate the additions to hi? collection of pair.- - ? ig - and porcelain? Mr. Frisk's present gallery ?as de signed h Correr? A Hastings, and the?, are r.ow working on plans for the new ?ring, which will probably be ."?0 feet wide ati?l 10J fee? deep, and ??.ill he built ai a pie.-e of property fa? ng in Si M Street, acquired by him in Ortob? r. Mr. l'rick'r-i collection has been re ported to have cost bim %lQjS00ftO0,and has been .--aid b; I ta best examples of Flemish, It?alinn and Engliih masters to bo feaad I i ! S'?te?. Me la believed to have purchased man;- of th? Morgan paint? ings and poreelaias, U. S. ACTS ON BRITISH SEIZURE OF JEUTONS Demands Ilxplanation for Re? moval from American Ship. Wasblagtea, Fab. IB. The United States instructed Ambassador l'aire at London to-day to make inquiries at the British Foreign ilffice regarding the re? mo? n! of thirty-eight Gerraaas, Am triar,? ui,?l 'furris from the American iteamahip China in Asiatic waters, and ?., deimind the release of the prisoners, if they weie arreste?! on ine nigh leas, been indicati d, Great Britain Bsaintain? eztra-terri i ii/his over the a star? ? i ately adjacent to Shanghai, the China's I port for San Franeiaeo. Should ;ne British government ?el up 'he claim that th?? reaael wa? within waten .1er British jurisdiction the United State.? would have _0 ...-?c for further action. Advice to ';.?- State Department leave m d An oficial coi) nieation announcm?. ths total casual I the reeert raid on Knijland ?a;,?: "The Saal I .: ires of the air r.-.:?l of January SI are: Killed, _1 mea, M ??.omen ar.d l? children, a I injured, 41 met-, vt women and IV chil? dren; total. 117; ?mad total, IM "The number of bombi dropped ag gregstod I ".< ; GERMAN BOMB CAUSED TENNYSON EXPLOSION I* nt on Board Steamship at Fiahia. Authorities I.earn. Bio Jane:.-". Feb 25. A Bahis t paper say* that a bos inntai". - | a bomb wo? put on board tl ?? La . i ??? r t _. Holl Lias iteamik Bahia, test of a German mer i.' H i arson ??hose id? til n ??re.i. The Tern jraon put into Marar.hao on irj .'!. badfi dan ? ?? I as 1 bs re? sult of an ? to have been caused I t aa infei . ich ine, I he explosion Ki!ie?| r , . v ? '? ; ' m.m BBd a Dutchman. LEADERS HALT EFFORTS TO YIELD U. S. RIGHTS LONDON PRESS PRAISES WILSON I -BOAT .STAND London. Feb. 26. Lon? don daily DCWspapera ex? pie.? aati l tction neitli Pieei? cienl Wilson's I?-Iier to Sen ?toj Stone. Following gre connenti "Thr Daily Newt" 'The President's leller rarne? t!n* controveray with Germany lo h point trom which liiere can be no receding- Whatever the forces against him. the ! President must stand or fall ! by his letter. No man could 'i in word or deed recant such language as he has delib? erately u-ed and remain a \ force in American pol? ity a." "(he Daily Chronicle'* "The President's words ha\e the right ring to them. He makes plain to the whoie world that the United .States is unshakable in its resolve to reject the impudent de? mand of Germany." 'The Times" "The Prea ident remains immovably true to his lofty moral atti? tude. President Wilson de? serves credit tor standing manfully to his guns." BERLIN HOPEFUL OF SETTLEMENT t:\pects U. S. to Deal Di? rect with German Govern? ment on U-Boat Issue. Berlin, t'<-b 24 via Loneo The morning rewsnapira to-day print a Rama dispatch from New York arhieh says that, the Administration at '?' I r.gton ha? determined to break OU relations wi?h Count von Bern^tor*. (ierman Ambassador to the I'niteJ States, and negotiate direct with Ber? lin. Noihing is known here regarding tire repotted disfavor of ('ount von Hern? s'.orff, hut it la ron.-dden.: extremely pr .1?. le, a.a was int ated in a dis pareil to The Associated Preaa from Berlin -ome time ago, that the sub mar.:.- Bgol :?* ors will b-- transferred to Berlir, in accordance with recom nendattii i submitted to Proaident Wi -o'' kBTOrnl 4,eeks ago. It is felt here that this may expedite a Batis factory settlement of the whole ;ub marin i controversy, The putting of the submarine ? i. Count ron BernstorfTa hands after the Arable incident wi ??'! Ita :? ??? ? here that count von Bernstorff ha- a thorough familiar? th the American viewpoint and ? ?? current- of opinion with regard to a the controversy, and ?hat with the progreso that ha. been Bade 'ii Wnohin?jtOa on the problem. much may be hoi I for from tha sec* ? to :; i.c-s importance venid b* atached to auch transfera and retransfera in normal times tlian under present eon. th communication between the Foreign Office and the Tinted States ted .?nd ?o difficult Ttie recent accident te Jame- ff, Gerard, the American Ambaooador, : eed bo no bar to the transfer of the question to Berlin. The Ambassador's broken collarbone does riot prevent h-:>i from being at bis deck ??nd trans? acting business ? Washington Denies Plan to Deal Direct uith Berlin A'asl ? ?.. i to-night edge of any mo' ? OB BO? gotiatioi ? ? ?bma nne ararfara direct with Berlin, In? .tea.! . ? Connl BeinstortT. I ? . ng the entire t.detr al negotial a.i man Ambai I ladoi Gerard a...i thd State l'en. Mr, Gerard ha?, been - to .? ? ? ; HO ? ? "na in (ierman . V. U'.l .' . ? : r ? ' ,ne Ci.lltro ?. sr ?? ' i '? been broader. l pon the rece r of re? ports that < r at the I Ctiir;, ' .: rithei official or persona n a1 I DFLAY SCUTTLE BILL. APPEAL FROM MANILA Postpone Action Until War finds. Merchants Ask Congress. Manila, Pel 4 ??' which \ . ...... . ipeal b> cab ? Sl action 01 ' I the ?-t d ? I Filipino i he a the Brit M" ' *, Filipino delegate ri a.ongres3. Resolution Warning Citizens Off Armed Ships Blocked. LODGL STANDS BY PRESIDENT Bryan Telegram to Paci? fists Tails to Stir House. a M il -a. Washington, Keb. 'J.?.?Tho aU tempt to stampede Congress into forcing the President'* hand an?i accomplishing a surrender of Amc ?can rights to the exigences of Get fiubmarine warfare s< emod to? night to have eollapaad. Apparently, the President's firm stand. e\pres?e.l In his letter to Senator Stout, has ?ione its work. There is still a luimloui ?Cflti menl in the House aid .Senate, amounting to a majority in th? House, ami a substantial minority in the Bonete?, in favor of a rat? o'ution ?ranting Americans off armeil nerehantman, bot the proapacta fog passage of such a reeoh.t_ss. ha? o dwindled to practically nothing-. Ail of the leaders, whither ther personally favor the resolution or lot, are beseeching their friands in both houses not to eompli/ate the si: - uation, even by talking. Thi p.?r.,.? mentary situation m the House, ?i.j? to the control by fi ?ends of tho Administration of the Rules Commit - tee. which prevents a .-p?.cial rule ordering a vote on the n solution, rt akes it certain that a n te eouhi not be obtained in the Hovm before June, unless the friends of the incas? Bra could 'mister a two-thirds major? ity. This is not believe.] t.i be po.? Bible to-day. although it would ha <* had a three-fourths majority day be. fore yesterday. I In tho Senate all nut al out li_ of the Republicans, are opposed t?j ai Jf -'?rrender of American n-zhts. Thi policy of the minority, tapit. ;? lent radical socceptions, has ha.l its effe? a in cooling the pamk O? the Demo? i rat--. rig-ring on I on?equen.e? Tho latter are tow won.; what would lie the political conse ouences of a surrender .esolutior. passed try D?mocratie trotes in oppo? sition to th?-? President they eonetdt ? be renominated if the Desno? crats wish a chutee or retaining tho ?poils of office for another tour wars. With most of the Republi cans, a large minority of the I ?cm?, - ciats are opposed to taking any to which the Pr ?aid . ppoeed. Senator Sheppar.i. of r?3___S, tho state of Repr?sentative ITcLernore. v.hoot resolution warning A i an- off armed shies helped stair, the wave of fear Thursday, declared to-day it would be almost criminal to pa.-s any resolution which wou'.?l embarran the President in his nego? tiation^ with Germany. "Despite all the cloak room ora? tory." be sai?!. "I do not believe such n resolution could muster ?? majority i i a Democratic tatst i A ringii | itateme I fr Lodge, ranking Republican mein ber of the Foreign Relations Com? mittee, which virtually rails on tho Republicans to support! the Press dent now that he has talon _ firm itand, sums up the ?ray noel of th? :???' ?sbou", thi .situa'. "Of i.. irse, 1 shell statnd by the lent," declared Senator Lodge. "I agre ? illy with whet m -ay 5 (rs> ferring to the President's I liter te Senator Stone). I believe it would proclaim m t.? the world as cowards to tell MU a .t?/ons that they munt ? con .-.' their ui ??ou1 ted rights and that if they do so we .-hall not ? ? CO. A nation that will not proted ?ts citizens ra'inot pro aid if Doa-Sjocracy bill to project itself how cm w? hope te live?" Uilraon I ?nnii?ei| h\ leader?. Pre? ? ? .: r?r early in tho lUy to the i,:???. ' -?pea'? ? Leaeei Kitehin an?J ??"? 1 v .?'It I 1 ' ?? v< " and told him ?f th. ? !!ou?-e ' ??? ' , , ._??.. - recOgnlsSjaJ thai Congres. ? ? nermiu ??! to "cenare Th* ' ient that ?? COUI ' Bitten to L'e.nocratic lefBjtrs ?ho favor