Newspaper Page Text
"Marjorle'a Battleship." i?\ i >i u t ??? n Am m ii Novas ? Marjorif, f.?r Mariorir, for Morjorie, : -:;-.!? battleship t<? keep the tot - eu i? wear ? batton in your coat, thai fastens with i fin. those a !i?> 1m.ill tin !?i?;it " Auicri. . \ irne appear in leaded agate, cold sad clear, ?t? ? ! ?;!ii?. deed hal future children may be freed, liall lu ai an cs a and plume Ms pretty pinion I V big, S I To sail tin briny waters ' ? \ hic. s burly bsttlcbost, Il line to see snotbi r Note, My little sons end dsughti rs . ng, -i burl} . tl ; '> boat l sail tin' briny asters ' to Aisrjoi ' rjorie, to Marj . my dearie, or .-? dozen million b ? ?'.-,. if you'll pardon my quotation, a .lohn Paul J the .'.. 1 ;' we felt that luld ?me. ME IN VERMONT. nel Hall to-night ail r i ! think I phmilil ib for that of an inspector." Mow, that is rather gun lalize the President, in the ? ?Title: Friend. than as ho has ectee. . v. ? hi ind Mr?. William W, ton J. Ti ? ? I .mold, Mr?. John am?, ' liter e Hugh? Wise Wood I I for port. But 1 in no position e to tend? ?ou ( rowded Things \re These Dsjrs! . re of Mr. Percy 1 i T bone's ml I le of ??'." ..i McGhesi ? I received I - . ? ? i . ? ? - . w H M Dl KIM \ SAID TO m N II. ? 'ro ??iiito . ; haven't in an av, I winter w< - asving. . . . So i . . < lh, I've had it it, ay, tho . . . i i -, - . . . 1 tho.. like ? ' show then ... I i... ild thii ' '.'. ? . . lie's just be? ippose 1 ? ?. . . . ? I . . Ye . I agree wi ! think if - id, he wi . ... No, thai i-'; ? r, but H . . . ? : if ... I suppose the enen be loft he: ? ? Wl with a wouni ? ? ? . in ? written but ? ??? counting the litl I sent last week. ... I simplj i ? atrocious ... i Hi. yo i ne> , darling t that ws - tation? Oh, w.' '.usl getting ?sion boxing match may be hi ically, but we should i 10 to see tl ? teal hlur ai d ai ked lawn-tennis court. ? ?, game in a world series. Th? ? ? and the lo are that, if importance, it means that tl game will tie AND HOW MANY I i ? ? ? 1 erey alleges h. ettera from Mr?. na and fifty lattv ?? advice hi followed again. The New ii ?a the fa I f William C. i ?> c'd, laj, was ? the Christmas t o ce a yesr. once On Fel In short, .? ?edited ? as th<* phrasemaker. iVonu i r o i The Conning Tower l. P. A. YOUNG WEN GIVE BACKYARD PARTY Frank Crowninshield, F, J. Sterner and B. de N. Cru? der Hosts at Studio. MISS PARSONS QUEST Oh MRS. C. (i. PETERS _ Receptloi at Hotel (iotham for Percy \V. Muncy, Portrait Painter. Frederich Juni Btei nor, Praoh ? Id, Bertram ?le N. I . gava a "Gothic bock? ? night in the studio ?>f Mr. Sterner, ].". t last Sixty thlnl [any ii tereating features were ? < iitt-rtu,iimen". of tho ?.??errt Were Moj or and . ."?! : . .lehn Aster, Mr. and ! Burden, jr., Mr. nnd tehou -??? Mr. . Bi moni I ' Mrs, or, I'r. and ? :-. i " iper, I r. and M ra. and .'r?rs Livingston John 8 Ltintui n, Mr. .- Hoyt, M r. and M i S, d Mrs, Sydney 8. w Bourne i \ bei ' R. Gallatin, Mr. and Mra. Robert Bacon, Jr., Mr. and Mi rphen II. P. Pa '. Bon Mr, and Mra, H .- i Mra. Pu.Hey Pleld " ? Joseph B. "i i ... Henry W. Bu Hisi Marjorla Curtis, A to, Miaa 4 I leonor Lob Chester Aldrieh, I iam O'Donnell Isel n, Howard Taylor, n ?"ii Rhode i, I rl l bonier, Paul Dro-I la Pi toi i, . ? 'eat re par- . -.1 dunce, at SI .-i M is Katharina de ? :. ? di butante daugh? Mrs. H, eie Berkeley - . in number, to the I red to the supper ami \ Hamilton, Mrs. ] rv. i? '?. i,:n Delavan : I for rtrail painter. ? painting of Di Priti Holni of a commiaaioi 1 ? ? i, by Mr, i rere M Soever, Mr--. . I eary, Mrs. Walti : Koobe, Mrs, \ fred Wag? ?..?mas A. ! -, ? ! ? - I ?? .1. Terry V, arlei Biltmore v ..-;;... .. t the The artist ? ' ' ? Andrea de . I ien ? ? o f t h e Mary ; The wedding of ! ' Aler I . i . ? :. \\ \ . . - - - . n the relatives and i at thi ? in an im ? ' - ? ?' the altar with Sho ? pearl embroider . ? train. Her le and she cui i .?-.1 . I or - ? ?? maid of ? ? Mrs. r Ci : mon, of I ? wore large I.? ghorn orch d tulle and Tl ??'.- carril Km 1. ? ? aman Cando, of was the bi ?? on, jr.. Rob Howe N'immick and Longstresth. Mr .? in Chii ago, af? . wedding trip. Mr. i ? ... , tilburn are ? ulaliona on the birth I Mra, Mil? M i. and Mrs. < hai ' ond Street. ? .. being a nd f4>r this season ? Brill take place to ? rry's. - Mrs, ' Rupert! cave ? bridge ? home, 140 Eoat Sev enty ? l reet, Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt, jr., wil' ?n Fifth Avenue sari? ? Palm Heach tj ? - ? an' - ? he home of Mr*. i. ehe. i terday af eh A. Va ' and H ? C. Styles. I : <? Ml Donald gave a supper In ?ratal room of the Rita?Carlto*i Mercer I reach. YALE MUSICAL CLUBS PLAY ON BIRTHDAY - ( (U brate 50th Anniversary with Concert at Carnegie Hall. eal elubi < Toll I'm\ar ? any prominent pa ? agio 1 Tha pi ? gramma aros rendered by the jjle.-, and mandolin clubs, and was in : reeojrnition of the fiftieth anniversary rig. progromi ted of "Moth Hen," t> Brian Hooker and Seth I thi ?. ? ? club; Vlod club; "Requiem," by by Sid? pi the Crim? by AITred ???? <; k Ho ipt, I G. P. G I ond part included "CI asi tha bai jo elub, a quartet on; "The Dram." by Dudley Buck, b) the ??.'lee club, lid "VoIm, ? mandolin ? In the third part were "Tutti Frutti," arranged by <j. I. uoodaie foi the glee Duveen Brothers as Secret Agents Purchase Famous Gainsborough Xhomaa Gainsborough'. "The Man. t, isa i Park." Refuse to Disclose Price Paid for "The Mair?To He Brought Here. I? was no Barprise to tho i | aith tho art world .tient ? ? learn lasl ni^hr that the "/ ble diapatehea who h n.l aaed "The Mali" i? the 1 hiveen Brothers, of this c.ty and Ps en, of that firm, whei .. last night, cunt,rni? .1 the ? ire 11 DOW mir prop ??'??" sai.I Mr. Davoen. "The ?al? ? . -el?. W? bouph? it fr.mi Sir William Agrew, t?? whom -,!;?.- ?,,',1 I,y Sir Au.l ley l'n?ri- V, ei ?il, in whooo COttntry sea? et Gl -ppenham, Wilt? shire, it hes hunt? for many year?." Mr. Dnveen said that the painting will be broupht to this country in u ??h?rt time, .1 to Bay for what American collector it was bought, if so). ? it price paid for it. "That," ?aaiil he. g WO are not a' liberty ?? ?.'." Sir Auilley Neeld, Hart., we mander of the Second Ufe Gael he ?va?? commander of the Moi: Cavalry Reg ment In South Africa In ISM I!"1". I brothers la Rsor .eld. R. X., itenant-Colonel Morti mer Graham Neeld, of I ' Army. Some of those fei h the . ? ; ril ing ir that th.? Dnveens had paid eny fl ?.m a qui ? If a million ? Mall." Bj ? Fob - ? i ?. ? Dnveen, .?. ? : by 'l _n eriean boose, in association with Locket! Agnew, bought the famous and mandolin dabs; ".-'.?lections," by A. M Chap] Mi dley," ' I tub, and the Vu!?- song, "Bright ting by thi . eloba ' Miller, vice-president, II II Andei ion, manage). and B. S. Among the rere I ?? fol? ... Hugh D. A M i -. W. ' I ..m N I Mi B, .' ? Is, Mi Henry M. Day, ' in . '?! i Donaldson Clark, Mrs Edward B. Harknesi E M. i i -, Harrimaa, Mr?. I; Mrs. \\ alti i B, Ji Walter Jen Mr?. Alvin Kroch, Mrs. R ? i ' Iflngwell, Mrs. Setb M M Char!? ? ? Mrs. William G. , Mrs. \? 111 am Sloone, M ? ? I- redei n-k J. Stims? Hen i y W. 1rs, Chai le? l. Tiffany, Mrs. Ben? jamin Thaw, .'?ii-. Seward Webb, Mis irkc 1 hatcher, Mre. George Dalla - '. and many others, moot of whom ?veri? present in the audience. WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. ? - ? i ?? .- .m , r S'_rl -a: \ Sea Tort ? ? - ? i, th? 11 ret art? ( i?*\ i?1? -.??if Jtrf.r ?. t. a : j ? ' ? Wii \ . P m ? ? ? ? ? ' -. ? a a ?. . . . at th? ' | " . 4 'I ? . p rr, a . ?-.-,? 1 n'?.?ra ? - llrl.l? T ? , . , ? 1 -, [?. m. ? ,i a . [ | |-.. 4,1 ?aril? i. ? . . It I ' ? ??-?? 1 I. ?... ? i ? ra and Ma ? a ? . : a-frr?' A??o-l? i a. - ? . a ? - l !.. 1 I ? I? " '. I ? . ? ' I ? at . A I i . - . ?? . . . ? .11. . ' - ' .- 1 I .?? i . Hro?-?-?- ai. J E-l i I ' - . pt ? . ? ateJ ? l :-.-?- . a. 1 -?-All c?. I I ? ? ? I ,- ' ? II p. m Ma ?. ? a .--? a I ? ' .- - - a ? I . II. > A _r,l ?, ? | ? . Ulri ?... Ify - . ?. \|.-. ? i :? ? Libra 14 Sir?-'! Tl,. I' , ?I . a? I Tr???. III \1 l I , 1 .- . ? rttl. tail tat W1_U_ iivi.iu ? la.-.'.:?/ Gainsborough picture, "View in th? Mall, 81 -: n is i Pork." Mr. Duveen refused to mention thi purchooa pi Gainsborough's "Mall" Adds to Joy of Life B) ROYAL ( The huge sum-, raid for old master" ted rather Bui . how mi ted i n t n ..r, we ?I" iier care how m ; "View in the Mall. S1. James11 Park, - , \ . . -. - , . | . n l ? i tl ;.t a port! BtOUS price was pa.d to the owner, Sir Audley N??eid. it doei boi matt.". I:' one of the I likely buyers, Mr. Prick <>r Mr. Wid. ni . i half a million for it, we can ? nly congratulate hin? on hii bargain, Why? Because The Moll" is mir..' e.| amongst those paintings which to the joy of life. I ? may be worth hav Thii ana is re? ed mi rolj as a boon of beauty, it fe ii' !'??? ' l?y three and re inch of it U drenched in . I .,: .-.- .. romantic iandscape art. igh nevei pointed ? lovelier , a souvenir of his old age, paint? ed, n is believed) anly twa years or 50 ;? in..!.- properly repre e.;t? the very springtide Of his art. Sir Walter Armstrong, his defini? tive biographer, cites a delightful any? pote I about the picture "it ia ill I m notion and In a flutter like a ( anstoblo. a suie judge of ..... ? 1 ?r there was one, is ? observation, "an ture." Bui '.:,?? famous apter, more dithy ?n doing se ?1?' recognised th?- peculiar elemeat m Gainsborough'i Bl which ??et him apart linters of his school. As th.? tradition of Van Dyck Altered down into . ' : I Bry English ? ? ' ? ? ted in tha tir -t place .. ear - iirtly formalism. The stately por? trait . of tin- Georgian distinguished ahove nil gn. In Sir :.?! - it tar.." on something of and, indeed, this ten ble in all the members circle, in Gainsborough as in the rest. Rut the painter of "The Mall had some curiously modern Streaks i him. Like Ruy dael before him, like Coi i 'h.- Barbison men, he hud profound feeling f"r nature, Wher Reynolds srould .! part and i?) to the countryside for hi theme. Then, t...., like V.ila qnez uni m, like Monet and Ai ? i ed ?' ? ? ? la Of r-...d'-ri id an instinct for pig ', knew how to l I I ? belongs to that medium as to ; S and made him alf or.r of the gr. emplora of para V?iu look ?, ?".me of his portraits, at the gr< I "Mrs. Siddooa, for example, with ap pr?dation, ehieflv, ?? ' their broa? merits of ityle. When you ene i portrait liki? the bewitching "Ter dita' Kobir.son," <?f the Wallace tion, you think on If of the shimmerin?, i!r???.s, th.- lues that float upon th? canvas like rose leaves on a stream, the "feathery" brus' which Is as consummate in Its woy a? the legerdemain of Hals. : (ed ti be the secret of "Th" Mail." Arm Il i Ol lg compares it with Watti barkmeat for ? vthera/' in the l though he i- not >ure thai Gaina? borough ever saw one of the French? man's paintings he cannot resist the sur? ? tnal in " li" Mall" he "const .red himself w-ith the foreign master. Such surmise-? are irrelevant. The important p??int is the simple one that in this picture, consciously or un lonaly, ne very nearly matched Watteau on his own gicun?!. Wa -ay "very nearly" because, as a mat? ter of fact, Gainsborough rever quit*? achieved the Prenehmota's mastery ol form and he never discovered tha IB eret of that honeyed, golden tone srhich, like hu tints of rose, Watteau tieally invented. But all the other enchantments have exerted their spell in "The Mall." the savor of light, romance, the fascination of ? ?. to movement under murmurous foliage, the play of light and air and color in a gossamer web of ? charm, old masterpiece; bl abroad to the United States have a ?tic way of diaappearing from riew into the private - for which ara purchased. It is to be hoped that in th.s case there may be B ; , exhibition. NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS Emanuel Reicher Gives Up Garden Theatre ? Joe Caw thorn Enjoined. A:.?.ther brave failure to carry the cap of the (?arden Theatre gOOl d? '?n ?.?i the I M s- te ?lay with the an Emanael Reicher will not occapj ?? toric boose for such ? ?. performances as be may give during the present season. With the u envers" to-night the dooi ? ?rl l again bo locked until esome producer ?lares to stray from th? beaten path of theatregoer?. It is doubtful if ??Hosmershotm," Mi. Best production, can be pre : Other month, when it will be given at a 1>roadway house. - Joseph lav? thorn, well known mem? ber of the i;r.a'. triumvirat.-. "I1 and Jolie and Joe," diaporting at th<> n "Sybil," was served in yesterday i?y James I. Powen m an erTort to restrain hiss Bging the soti|r "I Can I'ance body but My Wife." I' i . does not ment owi na :n the com has never had it printed or published. Gereth Hoghee, who was obliged to from the east of "Easter?" which, will in? presented to-morrow night mid Monday afternoon at the tin etj 'thea? tre by the Stage Society, has tecov- : Bred his health sufficiently to appear. Rockwell Kent, one of th*e group of ? 1 young Ineargont paiaters m this city, will paint the scenery for "Coir.?? to musical ci.m.'dy ired by the Stuvvesant Producing Company. George MacFarlane, m "Heart ??' th1 ? r." u eomi dy by Gl< a M . Stamford la^t r.ijrht V' ?.'. more performance* -1 Brooks win move the production toi "? Plymouth TheatfC, Boston. rerd H. Roblas, now play n(r in hile Basan," has secured the stock i ghti for ?av?rai <>f this sea biggest New York ?accesses, and will present the Robins I'layers in a season of summer stock at the R . . Alexandra Theatre in Torontj from May 15 to SepU 'nher 30. The rights "f Edward Sheldon's play, BO acquired bj Sai _?? ' Aastralia, N? w ?. if i J.i. pai y ? ill ?,?,.: . ,. 'h \ mpaay, including Hale (Um ?ad Myrtle Tannerhill. is repoit ' ,.,1 to !,.? ?coring a ?. ' Tv/ta Heds" in Australia. At the conclusion of the 100th per- i formBnce of "Treasur-I Island" at the I Punch and Judy Theatre yesterday ai ! ternoon the memht.; of the company ted Mr. and Mrs. rharles Hop? with B hug ers, :i model <?f Flint's treasure craft, the Hispa:. A special matinee performance of "He.Ida Gabler" ?rill be given .. Globe Thi al re on Monday aft? ? March 20, for the I ?? Bin I 1 li d, under the patron. - Mra. Elphin tone Maitland. Others wh?i will appear at the Hip? podrome concert to-morrow Bight for the benefit "f the Hebrew Infant im ar?. Helen Rook, who, aecom ! by Louis Hirsch, 4 Tl sir-.? sev? eral of '.he li." Sophia Tucker, Arnaut Brothers, I.a 1'ear!. dus Edwards and G?orgie, Powera's Elephants and Rochester. M'ADOO A GRANDPAPA FOR THE SECOND TIME Stork Leaves Boy at Son's Home Here. News of the arrival of a baby boy at the home of Francis Hugcr McAdoi Park Avenue, reached friends of the young couple yesterday. While this is the first visit the itoi - thl BI, it makes Seen tory ef th ? 'i reosurj William G. McAdoo, father ? f i Huger McAdoo, a grandfather for the ? time. Mi?i Ethel McCormick took plai more Juae tl, I91S, Tney have since 'heir home at the Wik Avenue ?ce. COLLEGE SONG FEST MARCH 4 .Sis Team? Entered in UoJvOfolty (.lee Club's Prize Contest. W th ill fc.' : tOB as frcm Harvard, Princeton, Columbia. Pennsylvania, Dartmouth and P?-nn. state entered, 'he third annual il . .-? it for Eaaten .1 ? arnegia Ha,: on Soturd March 4, rhera ... i.-.alrv between the respe? l ., clubs this y.-ar, because Harvard ;?? i Dartmouth ?ach have won a leg ? ?ilver eup preaooted bj th? 1 lub of New York. The t| beeOBBOS the permanent property of any club which wins It two out of three successive years. Columbia's singers will mak? a su? preme effort to prevea! the cap 'torn journeying either t> Cambridge or Hanover, an?) with Princeton ?rid Penn. StOiS as BOW ??' ?he contest ? Kaen club will sing Edward Ma. : ? '? "Wai Song" arid t44o other ? ? ? the other a rousing footba.l BO? 1 he ? will be John Hyatt Brewer, . .tor of the Apoho (lub of Brook !-. n, I.oui? Koemmenich, conductor of ?he Mendelssohn i,!e,. Club of New York, and Victor Herbert. The University (.lee Club of 100 voices will also sing several ??lections. "CAN SAVE CHILD FOR DM A DAY" Fatherless Children of France Association Be? gins Relief Work. PHILADELPHIA WILL TAKE CARE OF 10,000 2,000 Veterans of Teutonic Armies feo March at Opening of ila/aar at Garden. Pothering ehil Inn bv proxy and Mothering them, too will becoBo a popular phi SOthl most reci'iu war I have '.heir way. The I en of .'ranee, a tb headquarters ia the l ? Bay < eed a plan under which a child that has lost it? fa may be B_ . ?-ranee for :o | 0 a year. That Beieat to in? sure the child s i . ? a in Fran? lerlees . .se of the i . ? ar. Phils - Itself to a ef? . I I . ? The total of com . to the Committee of Mercy, according to a s'.alcr... ?V Au?u?: This includes ?a con.mitt-? ?,-ition. The Armenian conrt mittcs ?? toJ of ??' dote. Of this su i rum -? committee tor Ar menian and Serbian renef. tl ? contributions wer?- ?bet ? so, |600? Ar ef Fund, Hartford, Conn., .'?laiv Drummond, ?-'J'1; Mr?. i A. Burt, |150; Joshua I.. ?? ? ? _-,, ..i !' ;?:. im, $100; Char.-j C. Hani.?on, |100. The National Allied Relief Commit? tee report? these contribution?: Mr?. Georgine II. Thomas, $000; Kdwin M. Bu.kley, $100; L. A. Ault, $200; Mr?, M. W .-? |10 I; Allison I'od,i. $100; 11. H. ? . $100; John H. Holli day, K -.'vpe Company, $100; C.-orgc H. Schooler, SluO; Horace White. $100; ?ameron I). Waterman, $100; Victor P. Lawsoa, $200; C. ?I Kolsey. $100; A. I?. Eddy, $100; George A. Goddard, $100; anonymous, $300; General Charles I.. Pearaon, * From thf killed I ommittee of New York, $431; Mir?. Georg" Wood ward, $250; Walter I'.'-r ion, $200 H. I.. Wayland, $100; Josiah : $100. Arme.nian Cor ' | . | I; George Lock, I I'aniel P.. S.?r?v.-,?:!, $100; B. Clarence Miller, $100; n ' ng at Ply? mouth Am .? W ::- iai .-t. *i""; Donald Me . ? v S. J.." $100; Irving I!. <"?,;.?<?, $100; F. C. Pay ?. B. Vrooman & Co., $100; J. !.. 1 ? ?tie. $100, Jame? A. Rlair, ac?ing trea?urer for the Committee f?r Belgian Prisoners in Germany, acknowledged contribu? tions from: Charles W. Hubbei ; wife, $200; Charle? A. Deaa, MOO. ?\ h.i' :''?r the relief of German and Austrian war Bufferers will he held ?it Madison Square Garden, March 1' to March _?, according to an announce? ment iasaed by the bazaar com? luit night, T??o thousand rotors the armies of the Central T'owei be present and march on t?,e ..; President Wilson and Count von BernstorrT are among the guests invited Representatives of -everal ' temple* and -ynagopues announced ?rdajr a m;. - to he held ay evening at the Temple Beth Emeth, Church Avenas and , borough Road, Brooklyn, f.?r the ro ! lief of Jewish War sufferer?. A branch office of the German Re?i Delegates has been opened at 1123 Broadway to forward private r?? llef funda to ?at < n 'i itreoo in the war ?/?>:.?- I IfBcO - ha? .? Be? n i in the moat important eitlea .?:' I lei many A ? '?> m?ure the de? livery of cash forwarded, even ' the per?op to ?shorn i? - ndr.? noved or I.. i empelled lo fice. N. Y. U. PLANS ART LECTURES Two Course?? by Leeds Weinberg at Metropolitan Museum. Cubism, futurism s . ; allied tenden? cies in literatur ?, the : deco ?.?..; be the I >?f a course of Friday afternoon lectures on con temporai. the Met? in Mu Kew York I'niv- : ??ne course there a be the lecturer. They begin March 3, ' at 2 p. in. The coarse is to interpr? I nificence and if the new - in art, with the idea of enabling itudent to fc ? ? nt-day .-?-,. lution with more interest und ander? ling. 'I he university a!-?o elans s ?econd Bection of the course on "The "l.i Mm ?????," ? . i .' -...?. -, a" 10, beginning March ?'?. Mr. Weinberg Will thil cour?.' | a study of art fi' ' by th" paintings m the Metropolitan th? 111 >?! ?i.'i Particular stti . the II Information about both cour???? , ,-. be obi r .Urn--- t. . New York University, Washing Square, The fee is $10 in cither course. CEILING DESIGN IS THEME Mrs. H. P, Whitney Announces He? ora? tors' Competition I'robleni. Mrs. Harry Paya? Whitney an? nounced yesterday that the competition theme for young it re, conducted by the Bociety of the Pi ??: dl Of Young gn for a | ? 1 ? at C. i l''e'r' S) Fifi .ven? will b? ' ? '? ?'? 8 West K.?h'.i? Street, the Weak Of April 17. The theme's specifications follow: The room Is 2? foot Wide, .'?> feet long anJ 14 feet high. Mat??rial to be used larallo Sad no white paint, chalk or crayon can be used in f The aectlonal riew la to be three-quar i *?.rs ?if an inch to the foot and the drawiug is not to exceed 15 inch? l - I b| I - rgi I ;' the mount is not to be ever :> laches a? ?? mmple and n??l t??.? X ?? p sa I ?? i ?? ) entiqui i or mode! ?Thirteen prise? ere I i . irded: Th.? : rat, $200, given by <??:?> H ? 1 . MCOnd. $150, by the - third, $100, by .1 Stuart BI? ?.nd ten prizes of $.'5 each by Mr.-. ; Whitney. The contestants must hu I under thirty-live. FARRA? AGAIN IN "CABMEN" Performance More Sobdoed Than Last Week's?Caruso.Sings Well. Mme. Geraldine Fsrrsr appeared again last night as Carmen, much rr-nsteried, much subdued, and much Improved In the first act she neither slapped rOee'a face nor did she maul th* iinhipny chorus girl; instead ?he rj her r<j*r upon the tenor's forehead, letting it trick'e off bla nose ar?l aril rus fir! gave a mere sketch of her first I ght right In the third act she did not shut o<T Mr. < ? ruso's wind, nor struggle toward all ?our points of the compass. Mme. Farrar's Carmen is itielf again. Mr Caruso was in excellent voice aging of the Flower Song ?.-.-as be ?.? There vas a new Micaela in Mm Edith ? -'-jlly clear, ? in addition, her il - r the DAVID T.WATSON, LEGAL AIJ IN U. S. SUITS, DEAD Plttl Jur?h Lawyer Woi Fame in . lezi Ian D spute. A'la- tie City David T Watson, spr the (Jolted Venezuelan arid other im ? ? .-day at the 1 where he . . suf -two Dai :am?? in th?- Uaskon I to. and in the to? ease. Mr. ? r the late Sen? s' Quay arid for ?he Standard eeaea In P II ?1 Federal - ,i'. an? nouncement was mad?? of h s death. Mr. Watson was born in Washington County. Pa . l Washing? ton and J.?ffer?on College. He was gradual - I. He attended Hoe? v.u'd i,a-,..- Seh loi, se 1 wa- admitted to rhe bar in Boston. In ly"~ bs began pac* ? irg1- In 1899 he was ffered the Supreme Court of ylvonio by l rernor Stoae, but he dei i a ant ENGLISH ATHLETE KILLED Lieutenant Atkinson, Noted Cambridge Kunner. Dies in Hattle. London, Feb. 28 Lieutenant R. E. \- -on, one of tne ???at Kr.o'4-i n'h Ittei '? In action on F< bruary -1'. Lieu te non t Atkinson was a Can-. University runner. His best perform? ance was in 1014, when he ?. Norman S. T .her. American ?hodofl scholar, formerly of Hrov\n L'nivi by runB ng half a mile in 1 minute ??j 2*5 MUS. M. F- (VKr.ll.LY. Mrs. M. E, O'Reilly, wtd ?w af Id? ward I. O'l ..?' of "The N.-4V York ? r of "The ? ?lied yesterday morning at ' her son, 17. I et, Hrook lyn. -? - Ar ENGAGBMI N P. Th.? angogi l Psl ' N'eu- Ro ? Wil has . t?r of l'r. ? ad Ml I. Conde ? Pal en, I I St Louis. tha son of Mr. ami Mrs, J..:r.- - l'.......'- Walker, ?>f Peloom niF.n. 1 Mrs. M. II. ' lit. Elizabeth 8. R? es, U illiam Ap. I Gates, Isaac Eds Ogdoo W, Leora C. Toui g, Riehai ADA! P. February 24, Leonard Adair, M. !>.. ?-. ? -. . Monday, 8:30 p. m., st 384 West Ittth at . IT At Roo:.-.?n. N .1 , February L'-t, 1 , ? '.- of the late Theodore S. Condit, of Parsippany. at 111 Ch ireh st Sol urday at 2:48 o'clock. D . L &. w. !-..\>-- Hob-oken Isla p. m. In? tern-.?.; i Gi Cemetery?j lyn, on Monday. DASH ! iterad eternal on Th iraday, February 24, 1919, at her home on Das! ! u e, K r.g-: : 441 :'.? Dai .... ?ghter ?i the Ti'th year of her age Funeral ser I. ' ltd at. New York City, .Sunday, Pebruory 27, at 3:15 p. m. ? \- ? e Hotel Majestic, on Thursday, 1 abroary 24, Isaac Edwin year Funeral private. LAI ?il IN ? Ridgeweod, N. !.. Feb ruory -4, Leora C . widow of the late i'. r John Laughl-n. of BoBalo, in her S6th year. Panerai Saturday, February 26, et l? a. m., at the resi denea of her ?on. I.. P.. Fuller, jr., 64 Heights Rood, Kid/ewood, ?. J. Washington and Hoston prpers please copy. PLUMB At De'.and. Fla.. February 2.3, Mrs. M. H. Plurrb. widow of Charles If Plumb. Funeral at St Paul's (hu-ch. Stockbridge, Mass., Sunday, February 1.7, at .'! o'clock. REES \- .?i, p.. Keb 24, \\ Ilium Ap I in r and of the . ?. | f 1 ? I nistic ? I', roadway I osa ossrt flowers. IHK BT. DAVID'S BOCIETY, with deep r? ?.-:? BB the death of Will. iam 4 -. activa member sinca 1898 are raqoeeted I o -' rvk >a at tha ;rch, Monday, F?b. t*\ st morning. REV JOHN U ILLIAMS, President. IN LEWIS secretory, ? ? lOMO, 17 East bruary 21, \'j\tt, ion of tne la'e N'el ? ?-'i I. the 81st year of his roto. SI HW 1'. On Thoraday, February 24, of pneumonia, Ogden Wheeler ? ? ? MB of (?uitav and Alice .44ab, aged 9 months. Fun,thI private. TOUNG Richard, jr., suddenly, of Wellsville, Penn.. on Thur-dI . Pi I 24, ] 119, in the .loth year or I , frr\\ce ?? ? Bcoln Roa.l Hatbu-h, Brooklyn, Sm ley, Feb. 2, p BB. Intet met.t at GraOOWOod I M?f Kl \KI K?. ?S FrankE.Campbello??? ? KM* Il KIK.S. IHK 44???? I? I \i4\ , >>M, r-. u. Ml - B, M.- , JKJ :?KlTol?., Lot? of -mal! lia* toi ?a:.. *'4*i!/. Otra,?, to ta?i jjj st. n ??