Newspaper Page Text
TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET Interruption of Western wEe Service I esscita 1 iquidation. STABILIZING HANDS 5EEN IN THE MARKET a/ L< ?ase .iiuro i)f the Trad Weak ? ?? -.bjte.l al warnings BJBlBS! ?-? . . , i , ? ? . I t CI irb. ? ? . ? ? ? ? - : -, Hi tJM ? ? ? ll ' . " ' 'i ? . Gen i tld, . , t 4 that mnu y ? I? iip-'riir ily un I ?i i) that the i? ,:i pre? ented 11 oes moi ?ng ?njreinit 11.? ni by n moratorias t'.ar.lin Ir? (lo Miniad. ? l i.m.i:n. ?Ice preetdenl al ? i mk ?. i- *i ??in? i \ Ka , a . i aorta m de g al B A| i ..44 in l ondoi loa, soother < ?'Hii ; 1 ? IhorO. ?? . : ' ' ; ? 1 un.) t h ou g li hie loante? across the ?? ri-iy a pleas? ! . I ?-i ?-.I In tin* 811. el ? a of Keppeltni m-.l mi? : there woald oot he ufh s Rathr> log <?f Atr.ri.nn Anoaeiara in ? utile?.? thi-y I toma common a .?rninrnt COBtOfl ? i?l I??.,!i in thii coon? , la said '?' be Its inteotioa, there .?ftlnala in ? . ?a satisfied i ; .? eitj ?>f ovaotly the ?Id he ni<!??t promini--it | .r:,.i.n. STOCKS Di OTHER CITIES BOSTON BTOf KS. ?tiviN.; 1! n U ? Uat re . . i . ', .'? i . ... ? " I . Arnold 10c I . ' ? ??- . -, ? ? - I i 4 ? ? . ? , l-S 4 4 4 . . BlSft . . 4 ? ? 70 ? 4 - . I j '? I ? ? 4 . . . ? , ?. ? : ?ADS 41 I Mont 99 . ? ? : ? . 14 4 1 4 ? ? 4 4 ? ? - - 4 4 PHILADELPHIA STOCK 8. .4 Li?' I 4? 4 ? ? ? 4 4 ? . . , BALTIMORE BTOI - 4 Leo Lau. H ? nk ( I , ? I 4 ? ? HI 4 4 . . - 4 V - ? I . 4 ? 1 . 4 4 - , | . I r- i PIT rSBI RGB BTOI KS i'.?. i. - <? 4 . ? ? ? 4 ?? , 1 I . ? ;? . it ? ?'. HI ( il? IGO BTOI KS r . ? H 4 ? ? _____--? - DAILY IMPORTS \M? EXPORTS. Bf gen ?.. Port of Npvt ? . i< 3 - ? ? I -, P?BUC UTILITY NOTES l.rneral New | and C.irnln<_? of Y a ri ihm (or pora! ion*. Pirertor? of the Ottawa light, lira' . ?mi r.'urr Compon?! hove roaoaaod pay nui | of dividend?! on the oommon i BharOB. A quarterly ?lividnnd ??f 1 % I i?rr cent hs* l>i'on declared f.?r the : ended Dcoombor II, ItlS, Bad ; :i per rent for the lirs? o . ?>f tin?? 4"?r, hoih payable April i t,. holders ?f record March M ; .lend 4va? pn??!?e,l on Pe? einher 11, 1915, ..wing t.. rodttOod levrnu.'H on?l ?,n nc I i-niini ,.f the redaction mn.le In the electric licht und ??a* int. ? ( olorndo Pow er. ?\:i riitia! dividend of 1 1" boon declared l?y the Colorado Power ( ompany ?>n it? roinmon stock. | 'April IB t?> Mori? of rooord Mu? li? compoay'a it'fome report fot Di . ember, 191*, the* groi?i rtTOBnea of which comparo with $,'J.l?.. DBOOtJI in 1!'14, nnd th?' mo a aa > riJoAl, as eon ' 4? Itfi | . l.ftS!? In the pr. fea ? .i.... eni alaga for the >?-..? I ?'?I December II, i.?ir>, loerea ?>." i to |SS7,748, and aol loc?me of 108 was 159,760 ??rcai-r thai . ? twain months. Hell Telephone of Canada. Inrmne repoit t>f the Hell Telephons Company of Canada f"r ti.e pool ende.i II, 1911, i-how?. only BBBOll ni i?!<>% einetit m irrrosH an?! net earning*, oporatlug ?,'roi-s Income amounted 634,4 1A, un increaae of \ Xl IOS min.iinting to 12, 221,985 r.M.ii- a ? ' h f t ?? ?- interest charge , dividead . e1 ? .. | '.?? 19, i?', adianca of ;.i ; mately fia INACTIVE STOCKS. The ?ollowinjj tahlo {r;,ve?i the closing ked prices I Ere listed lut which were n dealt In on the stock Exchange Pridoj ; I ' ? I ' A \ i it) iKr???? ropt i . 4 . 4, . . ' , .'. ? 4 ? . I Am ?' . ? - ? I Si . . . . p 4 - 41. ,. M?) 1> f I 4' ?. \- . - . ? 4 ? . ? ? A Writ P pi I s. I , Bu ... 4 M ? . . . .4 i. ? 4- ? Vl( ? . ? i r>i i i ? X Y I . 4 . 4 .< - I .-. .4 I ?.? 4'. . .. > i ? V -, ? I 4 r ? 1 1 t* M I I v - 4 0 Al .-? . A, le - ' ? I Bf . -' ? - - ; ' ? ? i - i I ? ? ??? ?4 - 4? ? I ?? 4 1. - ? . 1 ? ' - II 41 ,v .. . . ? ? .4 I ?. ? I . ? \ I ?? I I ? 4 ' 1 1 l' ' ' ... I - I . 4 . 1*4 >' -, ? ? IV.. , - I MU YORK < Il Y BONDS . ? ? 1 n ? ' - ? I ? ? ? ? . 4 . ? . 17-'1S. ? ? - ?I f? I --'I- I**** " ?-O..IOI1 ' ll?r. ? ? . . . 4 n ? . 4 UM RAILROAD EQUIPMENT ?BONDS. (Qooted on k pareen M. ? ' : ? - It ,-:.. 1 . ? ;...?'? .191 -, N O.ISIS-' Ciev C C I i- ? : ' ? ? ? ? ? > ., . N v Central Une? I S ?, \ ?. ' r._r?!. ? Ft Lc . ! ? ? - - tots haati I 4 i . . 4 4 - 4 . ? ? ? < 4 , . 4 .?.? ? ? < ? ? > < ? ? 4 ? PI HI \C I TI1.ITY SEI L'RITIES. 1 1 Am I? * ? - m II Am 1 ? ' - rv II" i . ? 'I 47 " I s o Li . 1 1 ? 1 . n ? r 11 1 v ft .?, 1. ? ? ' L. O PIS - 1 I H ,4. ?lar value 1*0. t?; it, . ? N . la pre*., a SI Labor Out for Burnett Bill. 1 r 1 . rtml Federated I'nioti pester dn>. B] ? ' \ ? ?.f Labi ? ,'.?!?; ? 11 >.. ?. Unmet 1 in 1.. gral on bill Coi ? ? pond 11 L- s ? .-??.- . ? 1 t<? the ? union," he eaid, "should v41 ? ,! ... to 4.>?e for the ? ? ? Immigrotl I PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat Steadier and Closes with Net Oaifl of I. i.e. -Corn Is Firm. GENERAL. MARKET REPOR1 I ? irr '?"'. IflO. VMM \\ -, t>??ti?>i, I...? ? than Iheee at :...-?? -. r - , 1 ? .r ., loa? on activa .... I?) ? - ii ? . ? -, ! aelline aealn lufa tart I.?-, - ...? aol I tl ? ? oinl .?f '11 i rom 'in- point llura w?. a ?raalia-l reate ? ? - S (if 111'? ?t.. ? til" ?vith aal ..m. ? ef 1 ' .??? i . ' .? I BgMM . ..,;,rinl of m? amicable olutl>n, and H ? . ? ? . ? ,.| has? materially - - lion, which .' Irwin niai,Y i|'IMi l>?rhl,_ , | _j . ... - .- ?Iwml ,.'i b?Ma iT-. ili.-int. th? tot . hala, rom ? - ? ? wee . - , r ] ? ?aa II ! ? ? .. sih '??" i"r tarn trag ? ill SI i. ? Export?. W?r? ... f... __a ?li?y ? I I ... ? . I . r i... n? f_t___M Upon ?? n l.???ri?!r !? ' tr?.l ??'.rit?r ??.. | .1 ;mrii. ? ?? ,, ?n.I I ., Ii CORN. infli??nr?.| | . ? I ... i ' bat the ? prevail ?.?? from Ar, .... {or i . - ? laid, ? DATS. .-..'- th. ? .? ftrraer ? - ? ? ? ? - - ? te ! ? : RYE. - r i ? ' ' TORE PR? : _ ? . .. ? , I.II i ? i'i< too ran 19. V.-href ... ' ? , 44 il ?-T. 4 4 , ' ' . 4 , y\ i>\ R fsn mi \i. ?I and !ar_?!y ! I "I I. ! I .1 R ? . HA.?. - ' .-. which , . ... . '?> anl ? ? ? . . I. ' : ? ? ? 12.41 . e -i. pe .'-.i. i -??,. ; : hit. t in? .go rao*, moict. raster. Lard i Open. in_-h. l>.w. r;.???. day. Rihsi May . |1 It.?12 11.4L' |] || July .11.47 11.7 11.47 11.47 Post ? Mr,? . . te.6i I I III ?1 ?. March I ? ? . I ' erj - - - ? ? . ? was . little ? ? ? ? - ? ? !l . - ? - - <>: - I!'-.-:.. I.rv? . ?' y.. " '.__ - ! . - - U ? ,.| ...... n ? . ? ? si CAM Fi n in ? ? ? f,,r v ?? ? ? ? i ' 101 4 ' . 4 , 4.M ?,i rU. 4 I IW4.1I * 07 , 1.15 4.20 1 ... ' . . ? - 4 . ? ; ? l?er. a i ? a 4 4 ? 4 ?4 . ? . . I i - MCI _LI ?r ?rat In ? I - f.?r i,-af ... . ? - 1.11H latan ?. ? '. . ?, . ? 1rs t.'t.? sstcl . I sad firm ? and hjut t ? ? -- ? ? -.. ?i - .if slot, 21c aak?'i In I ??niton ?In r|,?a-.1 at f1?4 for ?tnml-ifd I "? SB I St . f.itnri-4. --- Itr, '?I? of 60 ti 'i i.? t.iti- fatarai i"-. .?-,,, .i ,-.i .,..,, no. ?. futui ???. f mo. ..ll,.. -a If MrtSal ??' N8 ?"n? spot ni?.I SOS ?MM futar-.. uaaA, ?i ? ? . ... i ....I tuttirsa, i ' I. :,l I . ( OIIONMRD nil.. ___BBBaasi nil m?. quirter. ti.tml ?a1?-? lug to 10,108 I i"? i -. ??id pi i'"'"' aare aaaler, ? -( J to ll ' , ? ? III -M llit'li. Low ' N ?Uy. Spot. n , | I.M I at ...ry. March.... S \,,rii . . ?? . I ?9.1 M?v . 0 -?. i - .Im-,- ... B.62 I ' IS ? , ,,...-,-?.. i . ?ptscubat 1.(4 'i t o? muy PRODUCE MAURI. . ..-. rilnessi bo, 1914 m i ri;u. Ket.let? i. dar. ? IM ?sao? CftraeaaeiT, hloher acor? .-ronda, .. h'!.I, . rbei Bcorina, u'i ? ... i . t ? . prime, .? i ?, ? atol, e?tri? parkin? ???.,-'... Juna n .-??.?-. i ? '.: cunraot I?. .kr. ?"in??, _'l '...'.'. CHRRSR. I :.t? ?.?!.,. ? ? I le, ?hol? milk, bald, fiai ??im?. ? . - .?? faner, ? i ? , .17-,/ I .-,,-. i ? i- V" I* '.- i" i?i. all ??' ? a ? . '???'. rurrent i - ?ala, '. i , ?;.-,. ; frrih, . :?.?. i> ? -, ?- ?? ..j? 1 er? I. ? i ' I, I ?' ? ? and 0? - ?' ern on.I pi Imi I In fair, ii ?? . u:i STRAW. a ? ?- 7 ?? 11 a j r t a - I t rioter i ? : ?- ? ? - ? $!7.i- , I 114 - ! RI -ll I RITTB. * II: _ an I ? ? 0 !. . ? ? ' LEMON . I I'OI I ID M '.I I MU n ' ' ? ? ? ' ' Orleai I ' ? i 100 I ? I Orleani : ' ,00 lb a ??. $i ?? ?i.."o. I; ; re?, t . . ? I LOW I ? > I i I , ? - I.KTTUCE, II N. ?? ? ? ONION ? ? - ? ? ? - ' $1 .0. - ? - . .-IM! I" LJI'ASH ! ? ? 111 ? ? ! ? ?. f-1 : -t:, Ih. 10 ? UVBBTOCI M.KkKT. Nr%4- York. Pabi iiim -t on ??I?. ? i ' ? ' ? I - bull? at at a - i _LVa__ | r ' ? ? 4 .-..I?t-i k' :? Di.; ? ?> a , . told at i: 1 1.3? ? I liieted at ""?- , country dr??iiH war? lower ? al I :?!..'./ II ? IIW AND i.AMna. I ?.?.;.;-.. | ??-.4 i,?f..t, ineladhkg IH r?r% tee Veri little ?lem?n?) for lam..?. 1 but ??ll?r* v.rr? l.iMlriR firm. A few r?.m in.?n IrMtibO **M at 111 SO p?f 1(10 IT? : poor' i.. medium ?(???? i? al .'???' Draaeed mutton ? l net al ' .' ' I. . Hrei?..-?! lamha at 16-1 184? ; country draaeed boUkM S laml.j lower at OJT j m ?i?i pot ? araass. ?4MB, Hrc.-.|,u, a.til J hea.l . ?Ixmt half a car on iule, reeling wae iteadi Light Peon bogs ?aid i,. ISjJM per IBB IL : roasjhs ?? 17.50 ( .'inlry di.-4-?e?! ho?* lte_?ly at '? pee i'. COTTON SELLING HITS NEW LEVEL Influence of drain flurry Seen in Salts for Western Account Close Steady. A verv moderate rally enrountereil g fat Western and Southern . la toe eotton market rooterday Bl I B break followed which I carried priaofl ioto nan low groun?) for .?. mai t. May ? mtraeta ?old ??if from 11 11 to 11.26, or H points under1 dosing Anreo. off. then tii|?. red off si .1 there irara ralli?e ; of 7 a I pelota ii ,: i loter ?ruding, ! with ? ? ? ? ?/.'- ady at h ii?-* ; decline of i to * pointa. If anything 1 ?i,, re seemed te be rath.-i- less nervous- ? ? . , tional affaira, hut of the tradera here thought they i lical IB - of increasing u: ? .. ? . h long Southern holder?. It ? I that the unsettled rul i . grain markets was partly re f.?r tho hoary selling from I ! ... market ihosred rather a botter tone al Cablea vare a altada than .in.', and tha opening was ? i 1 point higher, bat ? die i i igfct after tha call, ? siting about 4 to 7 ' I ?.'.? BJf'a c!.i?:rrg ti?;- ? This reflected covering i?v local ? pool bori s, and there may lying for a reaction, J be market rery qnlckly weakened - ?came extremely nenrous and ex? cited late 'ii ii.?- March contra f to 11.07 and Joly ?o ? ? . -, ?;?'!li.-iiT on this break the market of Irame and while ' bora was continued Mattering liquidation prices ? the afternoon. ag here sroa inppoaed - edging agoifl it ipol hi I interior. The idea that - ? mi holders were BBooay eras encour a rumor thai ?pn'? arere of? .in? in Iloston. There la of increased ? ?. bat ?>n the whole ? ? ? advice i ? ached lier.? ireea daring tl repi ? ? that the British Adm ? i mother of the big i ? irai sei i ice for thi i n New V..rk an?l Liverpool ted rl-.e early While ' ' I I n;-pear to have al b, exporta of cot- ? - largar aloca the i * last month Whits this is re- J -ire on ?he Southern tent, It la also re- j in l.i ?or arrivals at Liverpool, I ? showed an in- ' ? ? Tts ?mounted to LM'-, ba f 3,401 ? -.- '. laat year. 'I h i lapplj of American cotton ' I ? . eek, compared with a decree rear, against 5,829,227 lost year, rn s| ally re . to -'.> pointa The meat I .-ires of the New i ? . ' ???? .-i Exchange follow: ISO boli i, against year; overland to mills I ? ' mill takings, ioss of r 1 -'.'.?? 11 08, against - brought light f?ir 101,176 !.?-? . movement : Poi I ,477,246, a| 988,096 laat ? land to milla and I ?? ? 7,'?i.7''.i lan pool : ern II takings 628 ..: B1 interior f August 1, 629,230, | ,408 last poor; hrough ? thus far for lesson, '.', I ? - 146 tat j liante of pi ?i- ? rltffl !.. Ciaoe ?! ??. 11.21 11.(17 ll.ll.ii-rll.17 m 19 Bid May . ...11.13 11.44 11.24 ... 11.60 ll.b-j 11...-. ll 10 11.71 i I ll I .; 11.75 11.80 i UM lii'i 11 ?i ber 11 "I 11.96 11.91 11.880 11.89 M.W M 11.88 11 ??..., 11.97 12.01 ? local market for rpot cotton 4v?_ yii??t and unchanged, at ! 1.30c for middiir._ up ? ports and interior pointa yes ?ad for the week, compared with the t 44-eek an?i of thi? week laat . This I.ai4t Lait ueek. year, ti n .. 9,849 1,191 Orleani - . 18.984 12.044 i 1.744 1.6*4 iah 1,688 11,0 - 19,41 ? 62.261 : ? ? 1,791 11,741 . ? ? Norfolk . . . t i 10, 18 19, !9 16,911 3.001 ? .;- | New \ 1,479 4 -i 1 M I I'hilad. -, ? : i 1,901 121 1.881 177.4S1 1,411 ? i lor : 1,111 I . ?.?0.I . - , II . ? "I . | 1,091 ? ? dal n ? ; ? Imports, u.oi.o. u '?'. ? . .. i u? to -.' point* lower. . t .-. i ? ? decline ..f 4 j ", March-*. .??.?.-. June, i 0 !"-r. ', ,2, '_.| . .1 i. r . , rOd I .im?'t. r/HI WOOl MAIIBT. . Phil rhere has 1 ' ? n : I ?-?renpth in the ? week, ag to sell i ? ?? time. ?nally l?rice titii ol wool, and indie - lainesi ? and ?les:r:il la I ? ? ?ell under ?OOls and noils ?re in fair ind : rmly helil. Quo - a re : ? ? ? '. t ? I 4 I ?? ' - .._. . fta? ? ? '. K ?-. 4 . tri Shattdck Ariz. Dividend. ShottOeh Arizona ? ...are?? BTOfB ? -. the Stock Bxc " rit ra .; .ie n addition to the rejrular quarterly dividood of 18 ? go the extra paj mt amounu-d to 60 cents a share FEW DULL SPOTS IN TRj\DE FIELDS Prices Continue to Advance, with little Check to Buying ?Caution in South. ?'?itnmercial a?enciii t?'ll of further advance? in pn?-??? for g-nod- ajti con? tinue?) pareaeaiag at the iii^h levrl? attaineil. Some doubt aa to thin rapid rise of prices is reported, but a? y? | ??a? done little or ri'ithint. te r??luce the i r.Ioat? of trade ??xcopt in ?he a|tii ?ultural sections of the Heath Here the decline in eatton haa naturally neaat sasse seleV ?i sas "Dan's Review" laysi "in a l>u? v,?ay thi? year cannot be compared With _,ny ether. It i* t>< tween ?casona and a period when I of activity usually cr.-'.ir-., yet there ar?' now few i'ull ?pot? anywhere. All the staple linee m every M-ction ?how farthei i j.ansion, transaction? ?n the aK?_Tej.afe runnir.? hey on d precedent "ii. ? are ef the situation la the persistent rise m f rices, which result?, tot from ?pecu B. the presura ef actual requirement? thai greatly overtai fat "I'ommercial failures thi? weal La ?' B T'lilted States ar?' 1'-T. Bgaifl t 4_s I??' ?' ?" K, 408 th? I vC week and ."?I* the corre ponding ?re? last? ar, Of thone Iti were in the Eaiet, 1*4 South, Hi" W? i I I m th. Pacific Statr-a, i,nil 161 reported liabilitiea of |fi,909 .-r more, acainst 194 laat week." "Braoati eel the f<.llowintr: "Trade as well as ?adn r it I naves Bl ;. hri k ;???'-. . pr.-'. ? ?> ad? vance, collection.^ are good, and I'livi? of some line , feai Relent piles or (?till higher pri?es, bava pat out orders for fall del ??>?':? "Th?'re is, however, ? I on .1 parts of the country to proceed with caution, to ask if prices are not ????ir e rapidly ?nd to question the ; ability of purveyors to obtain nor- | mal profita ?n Anal iell 'ir pi eee B I this must be considered \n with eoasanptioa con? tinues Ht in iaaatiablo rati', that ? n? well as employaient are good tl -i? ?'..? eos ' ' ower of the public I .... .?,?,?:-. nerea : l*hs the orlv ihrect manifestation of re's t .ve eoi ' M en in the South, v recent fall "i the price ef cotton has probably taken lome <rf the sharp ec!;;.' o.T senti m?n?." :-! STORAGE NOTICES. AUUUBON FIREPROOF STORAGE WAREHOUSES. \M?ri.i<i>\M \\K. am? r.vrii HTBI I I OFFICE, lf?.H AMSTERDAM \\ t_ . ? |th gtr. el New . T? H 1 Baleh E V Brewsr . . R .? ? , ?. ?.' If. M I . I. J|. 111"..-. Ill:, ? ? i: m Hl.aloa .1 ills 01? ? Emn ? 2 Uorr ?w, J. 9 loi net, W C. N - K ?.m. jr, 1 ?ur?T. Helen P. I l_>?ln??>n. rhm M M 'Lean, il ?n : U y into, 1; ?' 1 1 ? K 1 ?. ?... II I? Bl ?Vn, .1 Rslll). - 1 ' ??: A A Basas Mr? 11 ?san Hattls I 1' B Holm-?. 11 Mr?. E Taja, 1; 1 Mlllard. 1' II..' !.<? Roy, Mr? ? .- _? II . Bldattotham. Ivir Laaraon, R B Small, i; 1. Moulton, Il M " ms 1.??--;?? i< R< ?? I ? Hola - ! J \+ Hr ? F. o ! .n-, . 1. a s. ir? m k it ??" E? ...?? ??' ' 1 1 l M r. 1 R i' ? It rotin*, E Duff) 1. ? M Glvln, M M. Mrs, \v r Orlar \ Inln'-. . : .?a |? ? Kalmus Bi ? and -a hi ; ? ? I ? ? ' ? I. - . ? -llil.l I? IV I III. \\ III ??.IN KiKM'ltliOi STORAGE \\ .Kl. Hill ??I.-.. M-..a MIKK ?11% . ?11 ? - - ? ? ? ?v M ?urn I ?>?(.. 1 A ihersol 1 no! ? ? ? on ?\??r rsdi ?iir ?t ????_? is foods ar? . At PROOF BTOH? WAR1 Metropolis Storage Warehouse, .ill W. ISM V . lift. _______ iaii.1 'lit We?. 1 - ' ? To Ml ? . r ..". r ? ??? ? Mr - Mr? I- ? - '. I I : . , I' - Ml ? '? 1 . - ? _ Mr Alfred Pausa Mrs. Haul? a, Mrs - Btsphans Mrs. K ,v...-.r.. Mra I'.Obln?.!.. Mr? _ A.kSfta.n ai.l Mr? I. ??-... ? . I Mr? m .,. -, r on and 1 ' if our lian tt| aftfr da_ciib?d ha\in. aspired, afi tharsot ri?'t ?-??-en ?'.?.-n yo?. at a : . , ri>, to ?I?. Kotl . iffscti ;.,.?. . ? . ? Th? M-trip...'.? Storas? Warel iss, '?? '' ??>. I al pu ? '?'?' ?< ' ? th. Statuts In ?_ n ._???? mads .: : , i Oeoras Marl?'? Au II " R? on - tt ?t Bl , Naar Tork cnty, ads Miar, ll 7th. HIS, .. t ISllO A M - M., and If . ?. said dates ths aa as ., ? ?am? ??! saeh an?l ? ....:. ... I .. ? . v ? ? ? Carman Fire-Proof Slorage Warehouses I 1 i-;l PROOF -IHK \i.l in 4i?:.-ii?;-ji?'j \\. i.'H 11 -1 Ki 1 1 -. ? _1 ra . 1 ' ? ? 1 ?, 1 H. ?! . . ,-n .?' H 1..,?'. I ? . , ???h.: ? - . ? ? . ama r I? ? ? . ? ite th? ? : ?l 19 ? 1.1 Ul I \I(M \N I IKI. I'lti.ill -IHK \?,l \? 1RI lint -I ?*, Liberty Storage and Warehouie Co., ? 11 .m? 41 MKaT ??n 11 Mm 1 1 - 1 ? . ? VT. .'Ur?. Mr? II 11.,1 F ??. II ?. Mr ? Inna H , Ka . - Il il . ? r ' ? ? - - - ... ' ' I I f I.?? h--. 1, a S Will . ? ?? , 1 - vari ? st pul ? r . t U . . .?>rk "??-i IBIS, at !??:?. A. M . 11 ? r .. ?i? goad? h?.? t?-??!? sold I lit? Kl % ??IIIKXI.I Uli \? V,(| 11..1 ?., ? 1.M l'A N, _| a , and 4. U . ?4U 94. AM. WOOLEN PAYS DIVIDEND ON COMMON Stockholders Rewarded for "Over 16 Years" of Patience. Accompanying an announcement that enrri'ii? Business is the boo*, in the tors d *'? 'day ?n initial quarterly dirldoad of i'? per coal on tie Bommofl hares, pie? Ing ths on a ."> per cent annual r>a?i? At the ? ? oa. | the fo ?? .4-dr ? foe directors of tl ?? American Woolen Company, after mature con -?deration, have decided to inaugurate div?deosla on 'he cemaaon ?to<_, helio*. ? i correct earnings and th* istifp rewording storkhold Bf patien1 ag. I company is now incorporate?! OOder Mas-ar-hur-e".. Iowa, a chan?jre . , ? ?? .' tO 4 criihl" majority of ?tockholder*. gain in incO'i them. Moreover, too bob ag pi aetically 2 "The pre?int rao < ? the . ' airead] ? ???.' i net, which greater than ?>f the ny. The bulk of tin? i- dor? ? il . . I BOtiol for eign ? mind that the American W I "day i- a va and mor.? comprehen iive i roposil ergoolseel, ? ' pool cur.icl woollen i.nd WO ...rl.l. rl'. the induetry ?.^-i-r SOhlOCt to ? ? *r*. ' STORAGE NOTICES. THE WEST END STORAGE WAREHOUSE, tos? mu n i >r stiih bTbbi t. ?... ' in .- ? ? raelia Hugo ? tiro wo (Mra H i; i ear Mra, A '-? ?: i ??(,?>-. .??' rad Kn ' . - , Mrs I v. Ti.? darum. I i Morra? Mr I A N 1* T !. 4; ,?n ?i. Mr? : ? <?? . H. M 1 .i Mrs. K : -, i ? Vr? C. C 1 ?: ? in ral i ?tlBed th*t, th? tor the i I reinal I ? I ;- red, afl. r ,. ? ; ? . If, ' 1 gooda, peri ? ? ? ?. ?e ? ? . r am* ? . I Heart to* ate! ii ... - I If the m bei I ? set com .III t>a coa ? 4 ' ar.?1 ? ?-.'?? ? an I llll ?El l >f> STORAO. \\ m:mkh -i. HEN III I M I.M II XI Pcpririor. Lenox Storage & Transfer Co., Inc. tllT Third Avenas How .ark CHf N-w ', I .?.i -th. 1,1? Tf> u. nreaeaian. i I? ?? ? v.....,? i ,?e \r .:.. ? ? ? . ? .-.?.. Ir' i .l<ot.wr? I':. ' i ??'-.. - - I ? ... ?!-- ?-' r? ' - ? Mr? A . I :urm-r - '? PI ; luda?) ? ? . Hen i.--. . liter de? I roe ? - ? mm) at ; I - . ? M . - ' ? . ? '??! ? n ' , I al the i., there? ? ^ . ? THE WEST END STORAGE WAREHOUSE, BBt'tlB H'EHT muh STREET. . ? Ml port, It P PraemSO, Mr? >' < o ? -? lioetttne. Mrs K. IIilia Mra I fnu i t ? l ' ??? ?I? ., hten flvaa you, I . , ? ? ? in,? ? ? ??? 1 , i-, I? ... f to I etetut? In ? o r?,a? ? .? :? ., ?! provided, at i'a?' New York < - .-?.u? ? ?ii. ISIS, ? l M . .i 4 aa Mai at 19:99 A M . ano if the n? ... : . ? . ? an I ?-., r-. ? I.. r??fi?-. I at 14 ? .4 M . each da] ?n?i . old Till. ? I ST r Ml ? roll W. r \\ MCI- HOI NR, IHN llll MINIUM. Proprietor. Columbus .Storage Warehouse, Inc., ? i M EST 134th BT, Sew Tori i .? .bel ? ? .'?; . ? ? ' | i m ? ?s ? . '..,-- 4lr? J'r ? ? I, Mrv .- |1| .,? .1 Mr? ? raid 4 ? ?man, 1 i . ) r.>* n, N.irlon. ? i r. . ? I ?i .... -, Mi ?. ,r I? raoi Harold y .^h-, ? mra C Siinmoni, Hay in and < ? ? ?' l?r? oi.?y, a |. Mr? Rol Inaoa, ller.ry l>urr. ? o . ? 4. h .f y o.| ara ? r : . p?jr ipertr hareti. ?f??r du? - ? ni ?? I 4 ? ? ?r i or *-.? m i Rtcraga ? I ? Baat . i'?'Ja? aad i ?. ' ' ? ? ?? ?4?id 4ata same . . ?? i ' ? m, ? Il ? : i a ?t 11 14 ? . ?.:.?: (mU? . Ili l'I BLIC SOT? K>. STATE O? NI.W IHKK, I llMIiiliJ IK1 ni I I? I ? now dtaifn et ?tumpi 1 ' ? I r? i.nt to lh? ' 'i - '?*i or tha taauanu?, an.l liai of ato.k 'i ?i -ricr the it,, ? ' ??? r than the so of a ampa ?i,i t.? ,?. ' ? i ??.- ii'.it uf tha . 1919, lo Juna 7th till ? S? ? ? ?- .1 )?.-;. i?_y _? atth the Campirollei fur atan.oa ael n?.,ii,i,, ? Noveakver .*, nu M TRAVI8 Comptroller. - I TO WHOM II MAI COKCIftN i.' i ',1t or