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Matty Is Going South to Seek Youth. Let's See, Wasn't There Once a Mr. De Leon? Jess Is Here with His Grip and Fist World's Champion Pttgl list Pitches His Camp in Uptown Hotel. NOT SO VERY SLENDER BIT lit: LOOKS FIT Is Ihis I? He a Pay or Ni^ht lii;l?t?' He AsKs Tom Jones the Barber. h? w. ??. NcGIERAX. ? ? i ee - - ? ? ? the man to whom ard vu ' "?T)r*~ _ pci?"i ?ho mad? ? COU.ll -h?r ' ad-brimmed ? dark era era? v _? ?., g | ? '? te ? cip by . | ment agent : i ? altered hiss ? par H? ... he was in the ?lay? recognition as a i looked a? ? could cause a pro ' e. Neither - I - rrrdcr a?; he wa? when he . on. Bat he is not fat. ..cording 1 IB, he I? COI beef for that ? ? wha. ? ? "Whei o eould hardly op? he did ti ? Ight would have ?,, be called off." ? -?.ralcia. W ? - -?a toothache in | hurt. . V _>' I, ?: ? _es1 man enouslyj . ? n into a panic by eves Whi ? Barb > ,hp chatu .-. I haven't hi this to be ;i rlav ?or all he to get out did nol ? ? ? "?ore . I Wil ? . d foi a eer mselfeapa . ? oh until I ? ? set a i ?Terence. "1 ? ? v, hen I ret l lb thie fight 1 h? ? _ tl ut there will b< , ??: ,.,,. to do. Bat I will ft?ht . have all. Then '? t. It took a ? have and I want "Will ?? - "Barely I will f I le public ilenian.]?? n." W i Hard rei But 1 <i<? nol think it ??ould -???. *'Scotch ?Mists arc good, rain Of sliine. Overcoats of Scotch cheviot? woven to peimit of its beinp lainpioi-tctl. Our own idea and to be liai? only m our stores. \\r went back three ?entuno lor this idea! We irproducrj the ?.loth of the Pilgrim Fathers for our suits of ^''Forefathers' Cloth." .... ROGl ?SB PEE! C03IPAN_ Broadway Broadway at 13th St. "The at 34th St Pout Broadv.'aiv Curtiera Fifth Ave at Warren at 41 <t St i..? ? ,\:r. ? 11 ?? - M?r_ Bros 10 L :.? ? as From Hay to Hay with Jes? Willard l:tt raotlglai from the hsr. 7:00? Toying with the bscon and - ..nil?Road work In Central Park or Rivorsl?e I'ri4e. WlllaraTa road WOrl consists of fa?t ?alking. with sprirls. 10:00?Helurn from the road, and rub-do?? n Ot ? ??ri.M ?if r?i|iert mui? rle kaoadera, 12.M?Vnnouncing l?> ihr brad ? ailer he OOBB tint eat any lunch. I hen (440 nnd a half hours of enrne?! ? n?i4 cr?;il ion. j :.':o?Troialag porfonaaara at the Pioneer ( lob. Ropo ?kippinrr ha?, punchim? and il.illxing will the medicine hall. \ IHllo ( at? li-a?v ,;.i,h?.ri wrestling. Then hming up t?> t44 r h e round??. 1:00?I'.a.k t<> the hotel for an? other rob-dowB and 1 re-l. I lie real la t<? he broken bow ami then h> ? i.n? ersnt mil 44?II1 TOBS JolMB. ?S:00?Pinner. \u> thin? and BTOrp? thing \\ ?Hard wants to cat. He nrier diets and is not gnnlcOJ about hs tood. Put he dors not cat any lartre amount. 10: ;0 ?Retires to t he? hay snd slumbers pc.-i?-efull> until .1 i- t nu? lo do this all ???er again W1LLARD, THE PALLID 1N\ Mil?. t like that wi . ? pane. ? ? ave it." inted to fight -'?'? -" "Dillon ' - match thing but a lau. U .. ,? ?,, ^ ?! n and ? lain I I.V. pi? .\ ?1 work ii; ! ?""r he c -. ? ? ? ? .-? V Reich ther 1 \vil lard per-0:1 ally ! "I would lik>? t<> have . if I could, r?,..." ?;,.,! Willard. "My. I : . . ? ? ning." Wil . toad w?lk in Central Park or along Rivi Drive. . ? . in? -. enienl t?> bot i.. In thi on* he , Club. Mu? . ? ;? . ;.??t much ? ? !l eat what he 1 ? ?'?:,>: t and for ? \. P ? ? Club he will si en to 1 ? the usual gymnasium 1 ? .': .?,'??. 1 -.. round I ght, He I 11044." "My road work will be 1 ." i".r - -? i ?? ? for ti 1 R I nil ... : i.- ow ".m l boxed I - ?nCr while I wai 4 ? ?'? ?Til lia? Be? ll ?her. \\ hen upon Madison I l?e accompanied by a re' .nue of u' leal Barter ?sual grotnity would be ei im the ? 1 11 ' ? 1 1 ?ub. COLGATE FIVE FINDS N. Y. U. EASY MARK ?he N". , I bai ?.? ?'.; il t.-am lr. | ? 1COre ? .. flf led by u ? I he 1 il? th.. h- -, v, hile '. i". U. lu a pre the N, Y. 1". ?.?-.'. - ? . by a score of 17 ' ? . 1 1 r M W TOOK I MV ? . . p I! B 11 S I-.T?I I V BOXFORD IS MADE VMTH THIS OVAL S?TTONHOLE TRY IT IT SANEXCL'J3VCFEA7?PF O** W/jon Collars olE*^' ' toes, ?????j ^_^ '? >'i?-? UMTBD IHST 0 COLLA* CO.. T?0T. N. T. Who Gets the Most Fun Out of Golf? By BRIGGS S?VCNTY 5IX I nur. H TA HAD A -, ,-itirr Tmo ? , D0-4.T ?ee isjMAT 111 M A T r t" o .??iTM tAf I N? ?a1?*'?' 0Ft? r.V . ..roo^r ?S! ??, " " ?OM_ - 7imi_ ; Thos/k 1*46 ??,-?; ? ? - , CHJ r O^ TUS COLUMBIA FIVE BEATEN AGAIN Morningside Team Is Trimmed by (Cornell in 36 to 15 Game. ? dull thud l.eard on Morningside Heighta last nicht, ?bout 10 o'clock. waa the Columbia I team ? hard on the floor of the Inter eoHegiaU basketball league cellar, after the from Cornell 1 nin had defeated the Blue end White by a of .;?; -..? 15, in the ' lolumbia g] m ? The Morningside team has only won ? game in 'he len_ue race and ha? :.. ? 7, whii h, II I - soon . y. ? ?? ;.? erage of ? . ;. of . ? ? ? ? ting SIX from thi field, an unusual sc Brown ami - ??: . . ? ip hei point betwi ? playei Ii e football . . om thi tl '-m "i . It v. as i he ? - . ? ? ? . * atem 1 ?? Ri ??ei- did no - 1 the ? ? o? .i half. ng ?ml j?".. v.? ie far ?upei mr t.. ' iml . i ? . the Blue and White fora ard ? y tricked by their opponents' fa-? lervicea of ' ..[.'.-??n Dwyer, 44i,?> \-.;?? kepi out by ? i ? ? : ne-up folli . , i.i roLi MBia ? .itr . . i ? ? at ... ? . .-.,,. , ?-1 . i. iii, . ,. i, A . ' '.. -. 4 4 " I I ? ' I. 4 ' I .1 .!..-. KNOCKOUTS FEATURE !N NEW POLO A. C. BOUTS - ? l..Id ? - ' rounds, bul the the ring 1 ? in a r?>ul bio? "in- ..: ? from | il don n for thi ["he toi ill < I om round I ? Murray, mpri Fla .. ? '. ' : .. . irrying the Aght to hia opponent, Voung i i and Von ? nteresl I dm Ethical live Again Beats Norato Wann s I Mil ? 4 . ? ? ? . ?? Heard at the Sign Of the Cauliflower - By W. O. M'GEEHAN -J COLONEL John Releler. etberwls? known a? .lohn the [i.trhrr, BOW lerviag lentenee f??r coercing a I into pedlii g doeata or : ieket; I Harlem Sporting Club will ma? r exeeotiv? ? : ? obtain? .1 John will asl I ?? ??-.,.? be commuted to I fteen thai lUSTI? r ? BLIND bul grogg. ai d readj to .1., a I . ed M. Kay ??hen the bi court found I,un i? liltjr. If he had ? ? .,?? going .. he WOUld Mi..- di :? -I ti ...1 I.y a jury of hi? -, . ? ton .-rial purl. ? ?.. Park I. "Little did I think though," !>ai<l John a- he i ig< I awe] a few fur ? ga? Lippe would Inevei Il ere I B I a lot ol ? ? ! the on a big St Patrick' Da i?e, l alway som? - Patrick's Day. Thia 1 e I hai >'B? en ed up. Juat draw .?ii Si Patrick's I?. 1AM e the ;.!! right I wanl to .!?? what i . a]. don't j .?i th ah thai l ought . fea ghta in You know have Fuspenaion ?lav* count on th? date? when I have "Well, there1 nothing like trying .h ?....,?.?. i in Monday I will preaent th?* 'i!..- feet? t.. Mi. Wenek. x ot that .log I evei ?I ?l." truth Land. But th? i facts will h?? a whole lot traer than the ot Honest, I iey*ll be the l RUEST FAI rS ? . ? -.-i, erer present I I hope thai he \? ill H|rree to fifteen "Thins ? an? pi in the bai ? i ? ' i>.is. The boys are Ii ? hair grow longer and are ? ?having as they used ?.. be, I'd ?rrite to Presldeol WiUon, bul I don't ? It he is sj mpathet t I under it ?? f. I 'nder? . I'n. not guilty, '",' I won't . - w ird hat? ? ? ,' f Padd Donnellj to t? I ? , ' I think thai il i- hail hu-ine?"?." ?aid W lard, "i ni.ule up m? mini) after I ii. .it Johaaoa that l would acver feghl ?? ili a colored man Bgalo. Those kind of boats elways make trouhli?. The? are had lor tht- boxlag g_UBBC. I still rr tni-iiiher Ihe I muhle all OVCf the niun ti? after thai .lerTrie??-Johnson light. It hurl the boxiog game, In furl it jlnm-t killed it ?nlirel?. I hop?? that h? ?acceaeor, whoever be _sa_ be, ?ill adopt Ihe ?ame polir? ." ?|? of thi he real t 1 ? ' .. fon ... He ? at hi . ? lai lohnaoi . at ..??-?: he ? M .1 h,III ght a gnii - thei y to?v si.i New York as a health resort H<? ?lu??? not think that ,?ry to f to 1 ? lids :?? boild up for fig ? Moran. Central Pai - is mi - . i ? l ii. I need ? : ?? ? i ar a boa to I" ?? ,? bit i ? eannot ata ee Jess do . less hs lael ??? man ? II ? ? B number of -? j tht- eowhoy for Both II | Thi? will grieve Tom and a! ?? I Jack ( uile;., bat it will ha-.? tu Le .i.? Ring Rhyme. ? li.e higher the\ are the barder the t_ll.?' Said Croatia lloroa to Riekord "That being the COM." announced a riog bard. "1 on ought I?? he able to fall pretty hard." I . V irge -?.thing ? pOI k. JOHN Pythagoras Duuo, the boj orah.r ?.I 1 lathush, has foal in lorii,.?! n- ho? Silent Martin, the <l?-.if mute middleweight, came to he a pri/e fighter. It -ft ins I hoi the ??; I? nl one need to be astremelj loqaacions v?.t ii lu. ing?ra. V ken excited he would tall ??lib his ?hole arm. (?ne ?ia> he .?.i i t.. ?in argument with another si? lent om-. Martin'?? vocabulary 4?as lim? ited and he roa M BOl lind eSOCflj tin 44<ird he nredt-d ..; B crlticol stage ?>l the debate. Kuddenlj he loreated a , iH'44 >4ori! h) donbliag np his list and atrikiog straight oal with it. when his adversar) recovered he agreed that Martin ?as right, r'roin Ihat tiOM 00 Martin has been using that same word in trot} argaasoot. He has woo a lot ot them. T.i-night be ?ill try to impress his ??un niions upon the ja? of Leo BCOI at Ibe Broodlwa. "?porting Club. FOOTBALL TREATS AT POLO GROUNDS Army-Navy Games for Next Two Years Will Be Played Here. ? i.- B i .??? ord, ????i stai \ ? i out. Army i year and ? thi l.ilr. I ' ? ? ?-!. ? : ent between ????:, and naval . . eonfi ? ? '. ? for t* e gana in 1911 to < j ? 1 nd< ingement the Si ? Polo Gi the A ! ens ' Charles B. ... I Han ? \ -?i" It.? .,.,: . ELLIS BEATS DE ORO FOR CUSHION TITLE ? < Ellis, of Pitt the world ? ? e the - run of t? ? 1. ? re ployed m t?> ?r the : '.?JC_3 of I'?? - CRESCENTS BEAT ST. NICK TEAM liobey Baker Tries ?11 Vain to Stem Tide in Fast Hockey (iame. 'I he St, ' .>?'. ?- i iuIfered it? first del teal it the hands _tl Club in a ? ? :: nk Ins' rhe ?core waa --' to l. Hut whal a fa the ? earers ?>f the Santa I '????? ? n en put up before they wen ?? i qui r?i' The ehsm ght doggedly right up to the - ?:. N'.l i v tin.? brilliant Ii" e ?.. ? Bol. the ( - ? ? ? goal? came In the opening peri...I. ??l-.ile Baker ?????jntf.l tin? ?mirle St. \.?'k tally in ? half II wai the most born . - test of the east roo credit for thi l ? ? . ! upon ? ?i" ? : ??i Smart, at I , madiai llelTernan, at and Met art ? ?.. it Shot i ?. arl must ha\e el, was tent bul invaria ? score - Man. i. close call ; e folio? ? the It- leven had. It ?? ?'? .??leys" v. ere gainst tht Crescent net, but ,irk. Heffernan wa? a tower of strength both on the offence and defence. Tine and again he would break up the team work i.t the St. Nicke, and on fiv? ferent occasion? Baker raw the bi_; Canuck take ?n?? disk away from him. il.-'!- i '?.-.i. led h i? men in the i and he was ably assisted by Conway and Mel arthy, the latter at tunes skat ing through the opposing team alone. Ii.-:'.. man caged one of the goale,while Conway registered the ??tuer ?m a pass fr. m Si The i reacenta shifted their line-up, f to l . .r Klemoer. II ? p!n?-?' by Bert Whit? ?'?? Vork Athletic Club EUil and ?OS the i fight The task ... thp pack was, s? a rule, placed in the hands el Baker, but neeesaary sup I ay M?ffer . id from . ? i ,-elled then ? - re umpti? n of play ittack ..ii the ? i , . coui r'-'l ' h ? second goal the ice on ? from Smitl . a I only a :'?? ? ??? play, _ , p i ? ,. ., ? . . i? ? i? a II . . ? . ...._ I 1? . . " f ? . ' ? . ? ' . . 4 - . . , ? ? I .' I. ? ? . ... JANOWSKI TOO MUCH FOR CHARLES JAFFE I ? , chi ? ? Charlei left day, by de Jforl i ga ? -, playe.l at Mai ihall'a ? he?? Divan. Jeff? the toss for 8rst move and, getting the white pieces, essayed ten'? pawn ope?r ng, which Jen ?-.-..- The Sam ? .?? until his ad ?.a.i eastled en the kins/ - ids a..,|, ten m i lat? ret i ? t the I Jai - ? - ? the Fri ? ? an!, and by mean? Of thi won the gam? after forty moves, The i game ???ill ho tested I Maor* I row afternoon. His Name Is Rush and He's Brand Ne\ A ?on hss been horn to Mr. ai MOB. John Harland Rnsh. T1 ynungxter is railed John, bat 1 will luve to go nut and win tl Speedy for himself. It might be chronicled that tl baby in a new Princeton halfbar hut that la still problematical, rl ?eems Intent nn getting hear enough to play the line, and Iher isn't a bit of doubt (hat he rool m out algnala luitily enough to h heard by all bis men If he ahoal be tried at quarterback. At any rale, there la a new bab Iln the home of Mr. and Mra. Speed Rush. MATTY TRAVELS SOUTH TO SOLVE FATE'S RUM] Star Hopes to Learn i Marliri Whether He Is Pitcher or Golfer. I r.e baseball winter of d.scon'.ont o ficiall) expired yesterday morning. ? ts heel, has eomi the spring of eoi re, .'? - it '.?ere. ?it e of tho boat kno?* ? .. po ?:.? tl ' he m.?o of rexoa I ? 'I! b- 'atche.i carefully there. Sob ? .? ? ? own e\ <" .. Iredi of thousand! of i follow him tin . ! nee ipnper II : ? ? ... -, e.|iially ;? - |;reat a? 'hat of a pot? the itea Pre ? dency. iiis name, of course, i? ? ? ion. This gentleman seemed uninI] rith I ? .' aie h. a.!.' over liiri). lie -mile.I broodl ..- ?on So d fa. Oi ? ? .- ' i.,- ? sme ' ?" .ho jarred the Si I ?-.?>.- ic loose fri its 1 ;-. - ?tit ?om ..? o i b - the ama ng pi m, of lo e v ., ? i-, ; ng eigh ??raj,'?' ?.?' 8.86 nishin ; .--.;.!?'?' ' . :?? ;....-??. or that h l.a.i busted a connecting ri In any event, it meant tue sani From a winning pitcher and - ?? \?ti-a: Matl i -. . .-?I into the Hal of losing twirll rs I of a hot ?4 as once i .? ! 1 I Inder er.^in?' that has propelle.l ". r. v upon victory had ??on.? t.? pot. 'I hui thi? m?.-- . tereating t..i-? . of ?h.?? : raining season n i 1 i" . tempted eome-h ?'- ? her Mr ? to be considered n<- ? i m merely ss one amont abei ??:' pi i - ' . is r h? question which will m'. ??? I every base fan m N'ew York a?i?l thousoi Of whom have ifor se?-r e,| hin in his long ? ? -...(, ?v. in charge of eleven GlOBt r.iok Itorlin, Tex?, veal r a parallel route "'..-'. eft Havana Met ?rnw baa under ? ? Jo.- Rodriqaoz and .... - ,?: iva horn b 11 iland, In Matty's portj were Law Wendell, who figured occasionally in a ore at Polo Grounda 1.? I!. Sandljerg, also catchers. The ? '!,?.?.! by Herbert, ilartin an.I R, ; re four in number . ... | ?.. ? .. names ol ? ? '4a? with tl S club last i .i lLr;-,-."? Edward R " .:., ('ill.lies [loom, one " ? ? few 811 ..,??..I receivers still .-. i bs eball, joiaod the part;, at P lad? It ?.. Lost night, in I'itrs burgh, Ritter ami Shepner Joined the ? In St. Looia, Saturday afternoon, Ferdie Schupp, AI Schauer. Walter fer, Taylor Parroll aid w. A. 'he party, while Jim Thorpe an?i other rookies ?-ill be ex ? 1 in Marlin Spring? February tS, when the conventional training wor_ will begin. YANKEES DEFT A STIFF WIND AND TOSS BAIL Germany Schaefer Show?, Up and Springs a Joke Right Off Reel. TWEMTY-NINE MEN NOW AT THE CAMP Cy Pich Refuses to Ming!, am Flock of Southpaws Keat ill Seems fit. - liter? - .... ' tra n ? ? prograa ... forced to r a .. ,,?4T T , -' '>?? down from the North?-?. I tioub'.?? ?>? ?? ?teata. m . here in who ha- be* ? i John M I , ? 4 , " -?.'-. ??I? - I workout . - | ? and McGrau . ? ?? ' at Msrlia. . ?.. .? ? ? ?r?l s?_. taking! || ? Donovan at ! - ? . -?p te the but ? . Ross, Ki ?. sn. A! .:? ? ? back ? with Nunai' ? reea Keating'? appe.iran?e _n_ h.a tbil'tT ? ? ai TH? Bridget ind it ??.peeeMi :i I ft iait mir. ? ave the tea ? ? balance of the ?ea.on. K ? early werk here :r..? rates that ?s iscles h? un liking f -??'.?;? pound? less *v,. ?-? fted for iprinr practice b ?/ear age Piereejf.sksksJ been pitch ing ? smoj "* winter, i th ?one ipttti. and I y Pieh wa? 1 ?sal ? rhe other? showed '.?si dt?po ? _fl tice sn isfti ivera ?t lot, ?J__, Cl-'-* at ihorl ? irssoaj Bcaesssi -? third. Sehe? ' ' ? ' ., - 3:M o'clock Infleld will beg n ?or. .-?-?me time next week. ihe afternoon work cams to ?n mi with a i around the p?r. In the benefit of tl r ?ral sat? ures while the Yu ? is sis h^re. A picture had ' the eight I '?' ? lupa. ? ? i ?outhpe ? ? SWS lee?, the r?r'? rnd he can?..- i it i . the essjers am It is f I ms. -? Barnard School Five Wim? Barnard School ??on a ?teorrfsj JJ te T over Colombia (irsmmar Soie. hi basketball en the former's cour yesterday. foIumMa was he'.i lesft less in the i.rst bslf, srhUs scored half Its point?. Brow-:, -> f rvvard, the cap's". r?g rtirH 29 poiata for Baruard, oaUs saw added 16 more, Young scored ? ?? I. tedeker the other pout fot kbs gram? mar students. Karats Here and There From the Big Diamonds i; ? ]..] Reulboeh has been sold to Pit! irgh Natio als. Big Ed is base not i ting Boi ' ?? I " . . ; ? ? . ? ? i i the Cleveland club, .... to a ?? ? ?? [ad an ? r, boll cub this '.enr ? . ? While the Oh ii -<:ro v. te Soi ? . the) the cuetoBU ? ? For the laal boll d . ? d in ? i ?? ' ag i amp ? " .i ??i r..- . ? ?.. ' : k Federal Li repon ;.? ir no la first in ?? Broa ? ? - -?-I I * ?loubf ? on of lettii | -?? ;: ? a reoi ?? l.utne thro . .->ijon. Harry < happeile, who will be with the Cleveland Indians this Hea?. aaa "? ? ?? l?verai hundred Tj ? who ?lid not material ??? Chappolle Is a iligl on in that he Ii .lohn W ?.i a-.- .? : .... travi down ? P ? curt? this (, h?Or bol W ? id taha | ace this >csr. Mike .Mjwrey has aval a signed con? tract to the Iirookljn National Leaguo ' ?Siea. Tha Dodgora asoy lad ?***? <r'?*v*r ,?? ar cor..?r i? season. ? ? le?... next Tu. ? r,ra* there bob ssooto. MURRAY SELECTED AS TRACK DELEGAU i: Lindley Mai ?' E .??va ' ? I. A. . . -'er - ' , th? Bf door rae? ? " E. for I or. a tesra ? * Murra; ,n, who repr? ? San Krai l.'0-yard high hurdle champ; ISseeoi >'*l ?etieaal ' ' ?hV ImateurA ' X .. ?.? a '' . w ? ? ? Red Sox Release Catcher. B - ? * * J i1 **?"_. , ,,| be?* M ?airea! I'jffT all, under an optional agreemeu?.