Newspaper Page Text
Best Dog in Show Will Trade Blue Ribbon for Bone f/latford Vic Crowned J[s Best Dog of Show I \V. Quintard's Imported Fox Terrier Conquers a Conqueror. I?0 AIDS A KENNEL MATI: rO GAIN PRIZE Ring CrowtU'd with tics at Climax of Exhibition. r- PlID -MWTHOMl?. . ugtfr- erta\ import - rrowned ? ? ? . ... ?e.erve ' ?_?_. aai ?_rnised to? world . I an inauspicious be | .... 1 as) cat: - sport, c-reat beau- ! ?nip a I ?ame. Deal Made Over lence. i-ftucht - much be - - off in 4 sn ? wire-haire ? - ? ? ? ' n the th pome ? '' ' ' ?Thrill 1 hnmjrh tiartl??n. ? ? i ? kennel ? t J?f*r; ' ' nly l<e . f<?r -..und k unj th, n ?' L . Nana, ? d<?\v:, ror, and .,' 1 ? ? ? ? _ \ ' . mdi ' ''' ^ I er up - .-' wed rd oi i I've v the little i And : Kennel! i n? n fore ? - ? ?' . , SeJ,_ "l rham ? pho ? | ! ' I';,. * . llt'i . i;?> \ f Kin Matford Vic Too Happy to Bark "Iff? the way vhe ha?, ??ho hlwajrs pin?.? op lO the prime ?hen she's up BgB OOt the r.?al thing." BoM l.?v?rKi> \\ QaiatOfoTfl ?wnnotaoon yoaterdny, itrokfog the hood ol i I?. Matford Vic. the wonderful wirebaired lot terrier, ?hirh WOB CIOW0*d tin- be ?t dog in the -iiov? at NooMbOO Square (?arden. "YOO ?ce. ll I* Ibl? ?nv." contin? ued the ?ho has direrl charge of Mr. Qolotord's fonaosja Rldgsway Kennel*, at Itavsidc. I.onn Island, "Matford \ ir doesn't bother an\ too nui? h ?ben she's up Ogolooi bcr ?>??, brred. She knows she's got (hem all beaten, anywny, so she just .i.-ts r?rdlnar>. but It's different . I'.-n it comea dowo t<? "best ?n the thow,' and to-d.n she behaved at I. ? h<?.? "?\ ,: .i ,,,n .,-,. th,. way the little . i.lier held hOTOOlf ell through the thing. Inuir a great lillie dosr. aren't ywO Vie?" Matford Mc e a? lOO happy to bark, but she leaped about In her krnncl cage nnd then Jumped straight Into the nrnr? of Mr?, tjuln t.ird. ?ho ?as atandlng near by. "1 Just think It's too lovely for anything." ?a? all that Mr?. IJuin ?ard had to say about tin? victory ->f her husband's little doj. ? i ? end had many notnbl? ucees s ? I on the brerilm?^ g of docs. a fine apei put 1 ? fhiiw the nue hu ' in walhing ges. r for 1 ? . ? ? theii ' ' - ndfiv. ersal opii thai tasla year's show the moa! i - av?rai r?oth from ??' qual? ity ir ? . nched and the attend JUDGES ARGUED LONG BEFORE PICKING BEST l wore ? v. Qu ntard'a i Vic ? r \\ ?? i the the .?how, r re : out by the si. ;iecials, open to al! f il the best brace end the best team, there ? ) such unnnin; Hop '?em. ? ? meet e claims of his favor ? ?i the riety had at ? a . liberations. or the rs only a", a com f. 44 ? h ! ? - thi i^hout i the ] ich ? 1 ? i ? . while Judge Serin, oi ?rs of the two i I have liked toy or a N viewed i all of the big and ?' thi-.r ?ilit. I in which ' ?? ;i -.ed i-'T i of the riiit?. Judge i'rought thi ? ? ..k N'nna, the ? : the 4v:r? I nei that ) id not terrier, but would r. ? innnimous practical! was I . Ii terrier, ? s by a voto th-coat terrii I rVnri R . at the ., ? ? ? d tha 6, has ? ' York, ? 14, when thi i ted by Mr. Qulntard'i terrier. ? - - ? .W. ?If . v ' , .... I '. . r 1 ? . \\ ., ? I . , ? -. ? W ? ? .14,.. f America atari <? ? ? i \\ B II. Tl . I ? ? - ? l ? . i I ? - ? I : ?? . . . -, 4 4L. -, loa ; ... I I ' ? d'?! ,. > | - ?,!',, ? ' v - ? ... ! ? 44 , .4 ... ? ? I fer I . 4 4 I . . ? ? ' I'll ' -4 The Best Dog in ihe Show & Crdn?J?n? Mee ings or. You have read In ljrcal I lohn, obtain In f a whit? of roses or nlgnonett? ? ? i Jane o? other years. Or it mr.y heve per I ear.I ?, l-f ? ! ?r.nlody and straightway b< - ? drifted by. Te borrow an illustration from the late t'rth Stein I night a ? I ? : ?!?-' from ???'/ High ovt r the dc riding etrt 1 rang came iloafin;; vj>warJ, Broken mid ? fe? " 1(7/- ' ? ? ' pa ??.?ion. ll . ... y{ ,4(.r ,,. ? at ? 'r hag o,- ad as te\ re." - ? ? ?. breath of waring February brlags brick ? ? fragrant odor of baseball. It may have been from the fact thai when ?e ?rere a bit ot >? lad, but no part of a bonny one, each pal te g?', out ? ? row baaeball. re has never pn? = pd. and if w? w<m?- up around Itaffin'? Bay in . ;y are the out i when th" ball ri-.' start are ?me of the party, you and ??.?'ring hnve net half A Biff 1 tralalas ,r P '? ? Institatloo. To the ?.?susl in - it !a mostly roatln deal more. - n very human section of life. There Is nothing else Just like it. are forty young and and Ih ng toffether In peac.r and l.r.ppinefi?. Yet .: hu-tling for tie other twenty's job?. And only ? itiek. Either the Bs h-r goes back again to the i i for one rrore year or for Ms entire career or the Flusher sticks and the Veteran fade?? out. It is not the matter of the honor of making- a college team It is a matter of meat and bread, of the M?fsus and the K.,1? i to take Dj r of rime, !:i a trairlnff tiin ??-??re Is the humor and the tragedy of many lifetlssee. We will take the ' e ? ' an &?-ciage Veteran. Ho lins a family, and, never having been a irreal star, he has earned Just a!."'!*, enoofffa to break even on the living gane, arlth a thousand or ?<? left ??ver. He know* that he ha? but a on or t?\o left. And when he quits, at the ape many start In other pro? fessions, he wi',: r a trade. ire 1 ?of pathos you can find it in thst Is on the beach nursing a sore am, watching some I of 2:.' peffging them on ~ line fron ? t thi second day out. Bis job ? threatened, I s hi a soro arm and a rhai 'ley-horsed thigh, Vet we hav. - ? | t\ pe of Veteran on many an occasion to go out and by experienced coaching try snd *how the Kid every trick of the game. It takes just a bit of a MAN' to go out and try to help some one who is after your job. Any one who figures that training camp life for the athlete is a playful romp has anothi r | Up before 8 A. M., at the gynn by 9 and then a two '?hard, a? Larry Doyle eafll And then I and work. Bj? ,,r>i the r.? sdy to eat the cov.?r otT the dining room table, and bv 10 o'clocl he II poised for a running .statt toward 1 old hay. Th? I inp life is a e/eok of agony of sore muscles, of ach?n?, arms, of log?. thing is cut deem to ; a f?w may take a g'ass of brer st the end of the !.. ? ?? ? ? SI d wafer is the main all around. HaeUing foi I meat, whatorof th? ? ? ?? i : ..rely a frr' The manager's job || beet of them al!. For the first psrt of the 'he rerm '-rans. For they have Youth, the In : arable In able to work at top speed before the Vet ha? I ,4 throbbing shoulder, And f??r two or three weeks Ittei 1? teal ng doim the f? n.-c-?, while the ."\o ?tar is eld AagOS W. Pop-up, lack er the feoee re en fe. One is the Arn; the other is the ? it see two a^nira In order, the game for him is a grand little It II ] layer with a sore arm is about an eheerfal and a* happy n? a woaooed leopard. The Arm Is more ?<? he ?? | the lall plsyer than the because th? neel ' the Arn is mor? easily dlsan And once the Old v? eg beffini to iop and latter?< ' I irewell. It is s question * te ?rbethei re ' II players fad?? out throuph bad arms or I I '? ?Thlch of toarse includes pitchers V ISBped BSOSt Of tl . ?n ?-' s than -.??'?? . \ ? ? | ? - lohn KcQrOW. He doesn't even take I ? graated that att boa? t_ pitch. FOOTBALL HAS STANCH FOES I OF NUMBERING Several Rule Makers Arc Still 4Set Against the Plan. ?STAGO IS AMONG ITS SUPPORTERS Chicago Director F.xplains Why Some Coaches Do Not like the Innovation. The footbnll rules committed will not com? to a unanimous rordicl on the ? players, a I? ? t i when - went into reral ? any ? Percy night, r Cornell, ? vise the ci ras il .1 f. ft. M.'Oie i in the diaeussioi ? pre . iitninsry to the formal conaidarotioB o? : what changes will he mad.? in the ltl4 code. Surface indication? are that no salient changes will be node in the playing or eihical eod Bceess S ei ?nig the UM-l-'lfi gam? has loft ' ti..- commit -1 w-'h its 4vork. Aftoi . i-:. K. il.,.:, of Dart ? ? and ? ip, of Va B, 81 ? ? ? ? vari I upon ? sat night 4 ? i ? .i? ; ? i s be ? have Mill.!.. ? n ta und r rofoaed ta noaa men. - ? the num 1 an undoubted when to the idea in...I m - "Il ''oped system of - His ? ? ? by referring play? er and furwarii i ?' ? i ? the pai Thl tar'- that I changing ? about all I ? ? a season that he COI of the ; . vious, for If a - ,n\ i, preat ' em ?r, PI1. i^fu ? ? disadvantS same : i '.I be considered. Dr. ? the place where the ball was passed, Dr. ; ! ? I be ? -? ? .1 pass suc l'rot- ?? ara to be it the ? Bey among I ? .- play I ' an ethical , ? .,1 pro ? ly de - Those present las! night were K. K. ; i y ... Parke II. I Dr. Harry I-. W lliams, ? ! I.lent, nant 1 : . Paul J W. A. 1 smbeth, 'ill ?am h. Lai .,'.. \. -V I ? YALE SWIMMERS DEFEAT PRINCETON Blue Relay Men Within Fifth of .Second of Record. Ht I? nr*-; r Haven, Pel falo de . dual .??44imming meet hero 1 bj ? Mora '?' 51 to Proel call/ every . . ? Bonn water tor ? to l. - .. safe -. m i miaate U '? to Meoad of the ? ? ,.-. -r Bonjnm n and n the I ? The boot i ' the fifty-yard ? ? Princeton, i -: ? - Thi i ? ! ? , . '? ' Ian -r, Benh?., - , f ? WI'.'.tM ? . . . ? . ?? \ I ? - ,? ' Tal* -, Andy BniUi nn Way to Coast. ' ... ?;ur. L Shipping Information and Marine News of the World MIMITI M ALMANAC. ii? i h. < ..- ? i aw MB i? awe > ? .: ..-, V| .'.?, ,14... .? mi in ' I ? . I : ... I i . '. HP,II A4? r vf Baal I I in . Uland I ? I '?. H' '??.? ... 4 I . il III 1 IM OMIMl ?T.?'AMURS. T.I LAY. Wt*m\ from a?n?.i. Alianlk .,r. ???. i.m .F?i> *-?? .a? ? ??? :?jn r-i. i n.rno . Babta .r?s it ? ilrr.MII. Ii?.?? >?i, <l ?>ral?h ..1.? I','i|?a .. ?/.?, 7 - ? Lu i-?.?..? r?i- ? rr?.l?r- *. l.ii '.? Im II rti, I Kai <?? ?II? . I'r'.K.I. F?!) 1 ??ti . am y ' i .it'iii .r-1 n I ??'. R1.-0 ... ? ? ' hj .K?'. 2 \'. ratal I- ? ,- I , ? ? ?1? riim? . . I'ara . P?h * '. .Loi 1 -i Yr>- ?1 ?. ? '.>?-. l ? ? ? r?ri.,t?.r? Bar ?luna I Vim. . . ' .... im I i 'HI AMT 27 ?Carlita i . r;.... tv? I? ? . . I -?. . I ? i a?)?* . , .M? . ..>?? . . r?t, ?i ? ? . ni i ? i -? ? i d ? ha II HOBDAY, rrnitt Aiir it. ?n-r-n?i'lli-i .n?na.i'1ii .F?*> J* .r*a .? ?n .llnitufi ? urf .K?h I) K .- ? .Rtn Juni ... ? ?. .rri?'r?>?i. r?b 21 ? Vent* . M...I, >ah . ?-?? .". PH? ?? '? i Of MM F ' . 1 l.n . I .Il.tarn ... i .Oil .>lti/ . F ? ;i T ?. '? .... Oran fee i . vuxriM . . Peto ?llrlnji rrul?.. O0T0 >im; steamers. T'i 0* ?'.. T?m.| Vr.??l ??'-.? 1 ? ? ? i ? ? Hatana . - ?'. i -.. - . , I-i .. I ? I ; nr< m . ?' ... ?. . |:M ara II.M m I . ? o?? im ; ?. ? . . * o? im I SS am I ? _ .. t m im ?Wim . ? V-r, < pu .7 in ara II M am ra . .11 M ru I ?0 r-m ' M | Ai h., . viinelllfa. Km ?n ?r v ,. .lia? . - 11:04 ai Sin J'?*n .?? I . ? ? .? ' UDl'l .. - ? . . - ' ' ' ... rUrtmuJi .. ?? ? . ? ,. _?. El Sud, i . ?? . . ? 1 00 to. M -at. rrnnfAnT t? N!?.iw Ai ? n ?-.-?. lise ara I ;..$? - , : i I ? . . Isa m IT. 1 4?.-t??i. OranaBa I ? I ?m 1 ni p-, ? . ? Bbbmu, Hain mi t u') [.-n TmANBPAClFIC MAILS lliTaii. Jaaea. ? ?? > ? a il u -i To .!^t ;. ..... u .. , -, ? i ..... ... '. ? ? 41 n 1 l Mua t fia Bal \ . ?u : . . o.* Ktn Fru? iMch I l III? ?II. ' I , 4?. ?i | i A MU || ... ?Ma a- .? Mrh 11 l 4 1 1 ? ? ? , !1 (MINA, JAPAN AM) PHILIPPINI MAUS. a ?a tri?t malla of tha I il ?l'a M? < al. ?- (?pill ? -, . .- . ' Rat.??? t r??? ?. t/> Jam?? A .4 ??-,',--. p B| ?fi ? . . - 4 1 ?. - ta Lira . i ? iiu l;?\r a' -4 ? I ??!'.?? r t m, I ai Tuipan ? ? 1 ? Inn F-b I ?c at i ? ?. t? Moon 4' . ? , . , .. . . ? ? m IHufl ' M * I liar it ta ? -. ? i - 'j . ? ? i - i . . . 4 . . ... . A. ?.Ml RS \l I OREIGN PORTS. ARM -. | - -? Tarl . I ? Vf? T-?rk ?Il Bl ..??ri illri. ? | . .- r.-r Nr.i ?? i . i . Il <Brl. New | -k t ? - m Yerk . . ? ? '? | I i | < t lia . '< >ra. ? York. I .4 . .. ; - THE WEATHER REPORT ?inicial Raconta sod Par?eosla for tit.? l.ait TwOOty-?OOl lluiiri. - - ? ?i?? -1 ? - t ...--.? Hirer ?.. I \ ... 4 I .. . . . ? ? a . -i? ... , > ? ?-.<. i . . 4 .-?-.. . . I ? . . I - ?? ? * 4 HKl.P \\ AMKIl. DRAFTSMEN WANTED. Designing mechanical draftsmen; also, detailers. Give experience, age and sal ary expected. Apply H. H., Box 205, Tribune Office. remate. . ? ? . ? ? - . ? .- ? iiiivi -i u ??m mils?, u w 11 n I < m.-ilr. ? - , ? . . . i . Heat ? n ? ? aV ??.'M ".aal fr-rna . . fw" a.?, ?of h.a. lil I caHtlia.- fia'?" ?J-a? Vor? rain rti-nlrs t? aiaw a-I rollar tada?; t? morro?, oaarraat. See i a'? t ??,;--' ? ? i _ 4 ? ? ' : . , . ? . - I ??- T. f- ??a ?? ?' . ' ' \ , : a I. ?. lar. i? njirr'm . rfair Loral OSVIsl BfcorS. T-- rsOssSSaj ?aOSlBl rr-nri a' 1 i ???? I ?? ? la a I??? t" ?_? -, .... - ? In rasa rtsr l"'S ill?. 4? S a . I 4 - B-_-_r > _^^^1^__1^__1^___ ? Baronotar R-adl-?.. .am ?Jill | _>_?-M ' * n Mu-? ?s? ?us i_ "??.?.?? liial fan?--??. ' I ' " ' ? ' |S ~? _____________-_---?????>???^?""?"?"??l Everybody Like3 This Low-cost Trip Tlir* cost i?f si srsj trip to the South t?. _a__par_d wiili otiier notes <?f travel All rxpetist-s i.t t:.:,. |xirtati?>n, mcnl?. ami st.itrr.xitn berth an- Included In the far?-. New York to Florida (Ts J. -laaonTiile, direct without change) ralimjr at (liarlrst?>n, S. (.'. ("onnfctions for Carolina and Flitrnl.. Resorts as wril as o?hcr Soothi*rn points. Exclusive "One Class" Cabin Service Tnlalne sn'l aerri.-e sre nf thr ?tlrbiMt alun.Ur.l i.f ?<f-4?i|rn<e. Ijirsr ~? __| hall?, .-'?infortal?1?? * i ,?rd ?rita, the sti?-> m .? ?a sea State rooms ?re I? i .':.' ill] tai ai a-Cai. Clyde Steamship Company Kr?r r??4?>rTntn.ra an : - ? .11 nl CITY TICKET OFFICLS. 290 luid 958 Broadway New York SC a ? hSKB ARTiirn w pvr. r__aasss_?n'Tveas>i??_-a_as TierSS. Nort!i liiver. New lo._ _ * %?&* W^^fa?m\mfaapmt G?n?rale Transat!.Mrtr?tj. POSTAL BERVK B. NEW YORK roa BORDEAUX, H-AFAYETIE.FEB. 26 . *aiic.\(_n.MAR 11 ?ESPAGNE i FEB. 28 n_A TOURAINt... MAR tROCI LAMBEAU ...MAR. 4 tUFAYETTE.?MAR.25 *TwSn-eerew steamer ?-. i risf |T, N it- Hi ' ' '?'? " ? - ?*--.?-?: _. ? ? BUM ? I ? a-S-Sd ?"'S ??????-------?-????????^?????"?"^??^???????????????aas^ai^???^?^?^^ CUNARD KitablUtl'd 111? EUROPE via LIVERPOOL ?Tuscan.*.. Mon.. Ft*. 2.8. 10A.M [FORNIA .BAT., MAR I. IB A M .-. i .?.I A _SAT . M A H I I A. M NEW YORK-LONDON ? kfj l. IB A %L Kin M> Tin: WORLD KM M ... COMPANYS OFFICE - 21 .1 ?.Tin II H. V i in ri m ir BE rLEAMED." BOSTON $2.65 PROVIDENCE ! S1.60 COLONIAL LINE 01 r-ini; BTATI ROOMS, II40, VTaak daya ai I ? u u>?? il i P. M from 1 . H I ll)U?ton at. Thon?. Bpr i urn FALL ?WEHUNS TO BOSTON $3.33 j.?. P1BJI 11 N. H . ft ??'uiton at., uaiir. M y ti. Sew I on Ion (Nnrw'fh) I.In??: I.v ftSt 40. N ;t, f- Kotuton si. ????? ?lays only, i i, F M . V.ur g t !.. tl ? .l? Btn l PB H vi Itadm-ed fur,-? ?il Patela. PkaarSBMI un ; \ -i n -i ; \m-iiip i.ixtai nu; -ii mu n m ni h. oDKi.L I P 1 III Hl |IMI\ SI Ml W ? t ' KrHTik.'-i si , ? H \ ?' i ' i -. Special Notice FRENCH UNE annuiifires that the S. S. ESPACE having completed repairs will positively sail from NEW YCRX to BORDEAUX Monday, Feb. 28th, 10 A. IV.. carrying first, second and third crs. COMPANY'S OFFICE: ?Jf\ _-BB_____a_s_BB_s__a______________^^ AMER!?A? LINE AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flat; N.Y. Liverpool?Pier 6?, N.R.Noon i ini.a.i. iph . i. i. ?a >( -.? lora mar. 11 WHITE STAR LINE .'.' Y.-Liverpool- Fier 60, N. R, No?.. i seiend I. ? .m. ?b?. i ? Azores?( ? Maples? I M ,r I ! ' \ \| ? rrtle \ ?il I H I . ?t II V\ t . , ?a \. 1.1 '?., ... II?-, t. r . ? ? ? ? ? ? p. I ZUJJa ? ? '???,. r a co ? BDA7II ???-la.? casa? _r . LLOrO ORA/iLtirtn 17 MsSj it N. V. ClfV. (II I? IMIMIMllV I INK T.) a 1 I' ' I ? i Bttn '.???. fia, il 1 ; I'la '.HT. . . Kixiuri. iSeosKorc arvd Sufi^^n ' , kXvWVW N? -, ' ''</. CE^N\ B;'.I-.HTi.t>.I. ??.h-',?1 IsE -X That*i > ? 4? ? ?, ? ? - . Tba '. .--la ara - - - i ?nS ? ? ?-i ?aO_i t_e eplrlt s?* iee? IaOawaaip ai ??? ? ? <.?'?? K,.rri oil. ii I'.wm ? a .ur'? ?,f rt?j.i?r.r. rh? ? .? . f la iwrfr--t. and lh?pi?n arm ikeatMS m U -an?.? t -i ft -.a?i Ml i*?inaata. THE LEADING HOUSES ARE AlA/AYS OPEN An?, ?rrill t ??? i t ? - . It .;?.. -r?7 |U A?.?'. ?." I . to* . ? -?? i ?-: i m ?. ?Irn Mall H""? an? (analer on I ? * Mar Marlborough Blvnh??im O,. ... . . i . MoM M. (hades An ??..-?? ? E .r-l'in ,, ... ,, ? . i . . Nawiin Hail ? ? ?h?r Shrlburne P-nr? On t ? ". ? . ? V -M r J .4. .. Mil E ^ i _. ? ? | i 7 tt.)t??i ? baaoaa ?... -t , J 'i : ? a Ce Sr?,njr|4. Mou?* f. P. CoOk'l a Oni ?o ? II?' VVillshiri? F. H Iff and H (' I ?-rill . ? . Hotel Strand Bl ? jwuh Whi?? A Been >.-. Ihe Molmhur?! Central *.-?- Bwa Setttt Da ???'. Onlr Ihm boor? Praia. H em V-.i-k, I '?UiKXIKVI u It ? I >. I . or PBN ?. a R in..'.. I ,, UK ATUAM-rir city 4?s s?t a n ???/ .v&r<i ?i .1 rt ??iii?r,?..ii-Wi-ii. C .-nulv/ lamest 7i?EF?oor nxwatT ?i?jtu,"" IN THE. WOUI-P Kri-YiiRKaocKit-j-j f.riivi.- ?iii)Tit.r_ap4.rM; .-..v,, r? ?-? . I ?'.,? .? . f .-/S ,j ^r M.CT.-??.My. mi ir\i)ix, Rtso?i Ron orWriri) ??Daritc?cus?i^icnri??n A II. \ N J i, o ?r s . ,s -. ? Ma?,..-. JOSIAM WVHITF ft SOr, s ?. J. LVIPANr