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The Church That Is In New York Church Must Have Faith to Win in Present Crisis Firm 1 rust in ?ftayer Will Quicken Sen??- oi ?Duty and Awaken the Religious to I heir Responsi? bility in Nation and World. By CHARLES W. WELCH ? ?i . dy to the ped for, I lie bodying forth of things i. The missii n ? I t1 e I liurch ?a pre eminently one ol jiresent ing to view the thing for which it most eagerly crave?. Th? clamorous and whispered call to the Church from the ? oi the hour is that it fulfil it?; mission. ' ?where el?c in the rid i1- this call more heard and felt than in New York City. To no part of the Church is it more directly addressed than to ? Wither i - ';, n ?r is 11 ? BBS to , ., , , ATner- thrust upon u? by th? horror of th? SO, and thr leaders of both Church and ? . . _.ioaal ami international Stats, es well ?s the people throughout entanglement I sks it bu ??very claes and condition of our life, I^I-tivrlv iitn-ri?tr o thai the Church : ,, . , , tnat M in New lork. and the churrh r,re :.r.,j by i: r.?. ly the ?.enaciou. rn- mpn _,,,,.... Wf ,,)i;i,..n, K,,n - o thr tentadas of ? death- ,,lv? urir(.,orvp(iiv Bnd _b__lotely ?ealm?- octopus. ,0 th(! ta.k of ,iro1(,c'tlnB, t)). mini,. (."an Church Meet Crisis? tries of th? Chareh into the sphere ?Sack ntag the ?ttempt to, where all th? forces of Hie and i rring prob- *re met foi an improcedente1 lesas which becoinee apparently more Will they da it 1 Can they refnae the | _ ?>?-,.. liment, psychological opportunity of thai .. ?..sime ??"?i "i answering theii oft r ppeated prayer that il.? kiagdoi an . thai Mi*? will he daae en ">ir earl ?>; it il dons m lli-4 beavett. Will th? take Btivantape of the privilege thi prosea ted to give body t?> their prend ment* regarding faith and hop.? a?? ri Uted to the relatiaaship which the have taught sub.-iiiU?? between a? ? mighty and ootnipreeent 0?sd ?n?! etc member of the rare .' "Ihe Chareh thai in in New York end the church that it? la Anieric \?hich i?? represented here by ko man of it? e\eeuti\e board? are on In? Wiil they, here and now, dessonetral th.eir right?, to In?- elaiSS '" 'lie alle (inn?e of all peopl? everywhere by in terj.rft'.ng the mission of th?? < hurrh ii terms of active and ?irile prftctiee o our ability to hn?e faith in both (lot and man ? I eader-hip Needed. I have, been told i ?peatedly thi? wee? that before the Church can do this .1 mast have leadership, l h???? ale? beea told that ih?> paramount retiuire ot the hour is prayer ??'?d thi practice of communion which is thai . Iforded between the Chareh and its Christ. Il has been ad.?..?! thai befare 'the Chareh can nave forward it nil ??.th the barden which h;?^ bean placed up.>ii it it must | ? nit? Hti.l well I t?r?. i a mm? o ? o? ? of ese staten I to i ,ii ? . i made; but , ?, et. ?? ? m .1 r I appa moui ? b ever ??ith us. Th? Chareh, with an efficiency pro gramme and modern ways a:..l imana of working, is In oar Midst, What is its itep. Certainly, no on? tv?II deny that the Church hat? been waiting for a leader, 1 ut there are tune? when it will be bet? tor to go forward without human lead "rslilp a? nit? rpreted by the personnel ?.f the presiding officers o*2 Church | gathering?, convocation, eonferencoe I mid asseabliee. Prayer, if II has any of the ssean? i eh hav? attrih ?. t.. it. should i??? wsfmioeotly the r?r?t, tl luMt mi 1 ihr caatiaalag ** *? ??.i fi.iii.iiil to 4 iiiiln'ii'.' tin1 < h urd? place and claim in in* midst al th ? cutiiet roplnr hour. Maa < hur.h Knith in Trs%rr? lias "the t'hurrh that ia In Ne' I York." faith in the ability of Ita pray Of! that peace me.?' BOOO i??' restored t I the ?'artli. that tha European war ma BOOR !?'? brOQght i?1 un 4-ikI, thiit wis ?loin, y?k?i.ii anil eoaroga asay bo give: to th?? Presideal ami Coogreoa of ou nation t?> keep our own nation out o thin Internal ional embroilment, and tha t hri-it.iiii ??. -i .?4 i..? ? i.ibroaed ii lb? Iints of nil peOploB? If 't has tin? ?Ml? is in riorr, fi :? there are thooaooda a people praying !|? taita end. Many o th??... ire in no way idOQtiflod with anj of our orgHiiut-d churches, but thcii rrayers are not unheard on this ac count. It boa beeB sugirrs^pii that them many individuals wh?. am praying alone and m their restricted pubii< Mo; ship would he much enheartened in their devotions, an.I that hundreds of tboosanda of ethers would be encour hn<'?i io mote practical faith, if all toe del i.-, ?men of ii.l the dilTerent di risiona of "the Church thnt n in New ..?:..'' could h?. ii,o\-...i by the ne?-e8Sitj: o ? ? --?i I'liiirch at this time to ? her i-'i a day of separata? i''--. - . : in,.-, Such H .le lOBBol faith! ?roalu !"? 'i.?' practising o? i - bod led t'?" m of a t which 1 bare ?.ni bai u mach ? Inging and concerning vhich there has been endiosa ?loK,iuiti7in_. A ?. ision thus afforded by the com minglii-.jr of clergymen of th? most ob? scure pariihes. the Cardinal, the liir-h <ps, the Blahop'l cosdjutor, the minis? ters of the most prominent churches, the secretaries of denominational boards Bad societies, the chairmen of conferences and the aisneiate minis ten thrOOghOOl the city, all met on the Common ba?ls of intercession, would bring to pAtss a movement throughout ?his city nnd this nation that would ?jeretogo to^urc^?o-morrott) Last Sunday Night Hundreds of Doubtin~ Tho.nases Went Away Convinced that United States is Mentioned in Bible Prophecy This Sundav, 8 P. M., Concluding Lecture on United States: "SETTING UP AN IMAGE TO THE PAPACY IN OUR COUNTRY." Prof. C. T. Everson at Hudson Theatre, 44th and Broadwaj <-., ,.od ?Soloists. Door8 open 7:1 ~~>. Mid-Week Bible Study it ? -. ?IVP ? Mid-Week Bible Study FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Hi ., :??. ,,i .1 .'" h Mr? <??? VMil I M II m m:M \N. I>.1>. Rev. Fred S. Porter, MA. B.D.. l,f ?I I. h.? Y M. ??.Il i.'.rt.l. fl? 11 ?1111?. lia M BU PP. M? * ?:i LOVt. i 4 '.. i ?. BIN Rt All TI ES OF .IM \ i ? ...-? il ?Aeli tune I i \:i ... ... ?- in un - 4 ,, MADISON Avi ?. - l -l'tist i HUBCH, C. A. EATON, D.D., Pastor ,i ?' M.?"1 ' r.FTM aVINUI BAPTIST IHURCH. ' Dl Wn.ll.i. ? .4 ?.??.? ? ? ? Il Kl ? IIW -I II S? f. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES ?.I |P v. v?,.| . :. ?, g p.m. rira? Chyr-t?. ? ? ? .? ?.. ? ai ? ? ? I M | ? i ( IIM.IC l. \ I ?US \l Discussions on Preparedness RIM HAIL a f M AUV, AY TABERNACI - Broadway Tabernacle ? ? MANHAI? - I NUI l*H i ? lili K \v CHURCH OF THE ADVENT, MBETH-EL TEMPLE" a . ? ? l-a i?r ol l . Ml I HODIN1 I ii-i or \i . ST. PAUL'S METHODIST CHURCH Rf?. ?CHARLES I COODEU, I? D. Pasior. n ? ? CALVARY METHODIST V Rev. W. H. MORGAN, D. D. MADISON AVENUE CHURCH sxtit-iii Street. a % BAI I ... G P ARK A? l I ?. I I OLD JOHN ST. CHURCH. _ M ?\ < III Ki II ? >? l 1? i MiOKl?l \n NEW CHURCH ? ? r-.a-r . r. : I - V MW I IfOI 1,11 I HARRY CAZE. ? - i ?.-_.. i . . i UNITY SOCIETY - w l >'i 72D BTREET. Bub.1.1 "Th? Mill? Kf,.' I P. 1I.-I , ? .. ?1 CRin.KU.N THEATRE : ; ?-. ???-. vi r Mm ?a<> Craatl Our?.?iv?v THE KEW THOUGHT CHURCH 11, . - MRS. CHAP?N. ThT V ? ? Rf.ii-?ii| Lift ' Hp.| II - . -i HOOL or IHK IM II.lints (Inc.i. r ?-.ri' BT 4 P ?1 . - I - A DIVINE SCIENCE IKTilB. A. M. W ' Il ' ... ? MON ?? APPI I Bl W 11 OUI.HT (MUNI IPLCF. 70 YOUR DAILY NEEDS. Bl ?- i way ? AM ; pa km m ii uns. DR. PARKHURST Preaches Sunday 11 A. M. & 8 P. M. Madison Ave. and 24th St. THE BRICKCHURCH ? 4 . a , 1 , ? , .. IM l'ICn -i? MKRHlUi ' UA\h , ATIM-tt A- I W A. ? a M 1 . . - FIFTH AVENUE PRESB?IEAIA?I CHURCH REV. J. H. J0V/F.TT, D. ?., Patlor. 4 ?? ? |.4 l| M 4 4 . -, . - DliTri'DC ? Ki-?hytehian church, I\U 1 t._L.I\0 BrciJ?.. anrl Si t.?. IBBLL 0. 8 raator. ? ? I- M A ?' 4HUMAN ill VVII l.l \4, MTCST-PARK PBESBVTEB.AN CMLHiH. ?nil. St ?nil A-T..t,-rd?m A... a- ?." 11 TIHHUKV 0 U. I ??? ANTHONY M IVANb L>. r> , ' " Dr ; ? , ? an BROADWAY n-| .-.Rvt t .rus r m. ri .? ? H..?,, in |) n LD FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FIFTH AVENuE-U.EVEI.TH STREET. HOWARD DUFflELD-liA M 8 P.M. CIA I'kM ["?laBtTCBU'B ' MUBCH. ' ?*? ??? v?.i..n Avtaui ai - : itrast . Mr, Hi I Ml - ? r, - ? p". i i- Hlakta. - ' "MllltaO Pr#||rfi,r... FT. WASHINGTON i -R-.. i?... ??., h i ?m, n. i?. v? ? ?'.?It r,K;>EYTIRIAN CHURCH ? II ? | ?? ? ' - 4 NORTH MINSTER in *-. ?i?tali. It.? ARTIIt S MARI CM ? ? '? ? " M ?Eririsa ?"M?. *Ells.?,,MS Ki III ? II ?'?I r-HY IIH'AN CHUBCM ?** sj S \ SB .I.. 44,,t 4 , . . -, , ' rai -m i i hi iv PARK AVENUE Presbyterian Church AT 85? STREET THE REV. CHAS. W. WELCH, Minister. SERVICES Bible School .9:30 a. as. Moms Worship.|? oVlock Yoao| Peoole. D?--.<>t...n??l v,?..?-.7 :00 p.m. 1 orthip.8 o ? l'?ck M .I- --k Servil ?, \Vf?Jnri<i?y.8 p- rn. AN INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO A.L PEOPLE. I'Rhi i ?-T\\T iriMom, CHURCH,: BELOVED DISCIPLE Ea-.l IVh 8t '.?i- on Avt?. Hl SRI ?i RAOBOt B HI ' ' <9 I A. a. Hol- roe it A. M. I l-j.r- .-' rrr. . II? ? I '. ? _ 'ta ' 4 I ? 1 a-i/ - '? imam ."-it ? ?- r . I ?ft 1. H-aT-? :? . k s" 4 P. M. Pj-aulAr VtHiff?. a ,?? i A Unlit?. ' ? - 'I ? r Violin ? - Hi h ? ? ' ... I . -?. ? ? l> ?? I P. M. Cvaniana. Bn ' A"-OT-h ? i ... Ill enure,? m incarnation ?flAlilsON AVE. AND ISTBJ ST. Pa?. HOWARD C. ROBBINS. Fla '.'. 8 a. m Holy Communion. Ht. m., Morning Prayer, atrmon. Rrctor. 4 p. m.. Kvenaonf. Ruaiian Mini. . Runfll B. kingman, 'crllnt. Addren by ihr Rrv. P. F. Slit'?*?. CHURCH OF THE HOLY COMMUNION. Mr-at anri l,th Ann,.-. 1.1 ? ? Molli M i. ? ? l n. . ST. JAMES1 CHURCH ? . ? A M II ? . M . I ? ? - | " - - try Rtv. J. P. D. ' . i ' ?l . ? i - . St Ch?mas's Church Firm avis and ? u .-?r K ? ! BNI - " II RTIR1 ?. V I' . l-.r-.-r. ? A ?' .. .>ir?nvm Mlrrtaf). , 4 l.?r t I I I Harto? ' ? , ?. Mua Church of Zion and St. Timothy - i ? . t. a >i ?'...- il |M -, ; 'i t I?. M . [i II Si. Georg."* Church T ? Hr? KARl REILAND. Il? la'. I - H?- ... t _ criit aiteniion [rl ' I. ? 1'? ?. t- II' K'.t 1 ..KAN r I. 4-1 4 , lia li . a- , - ? i ALL ANGELS- CHURCH ??..-> I Ata a Pa?. 8. P?La?.:-> Taran.and, 1> I? R I ? -? I A I ?. a I ? a ? R'. Larma W. Batt?(i '? li . M . .. Lyaala Hawaa i I 1 M ? ta . ta CHURCH OF THE HEAVENLY REST. 1 A a' .- IM .? P . Ill lit?! RT MIIPMA-N 1.- I ? A ?I I: . . ? I I ...r . ? ? . CALVARY CHURCH 4t: ' i ?. -i i?. ? ? CMAPll OF THE INTERCESSION. ?I ? ? ? M , ,.- V,?p-ra ST. ANN S CHURCH. ?-' ? 4. , . li RTOAM? *T1 ' ? ?a ? . - ' A V ? I? ?I CHURCH OF THE TRANSI I ?,U RATION. ? ? I?R Hill ..I ra-iMMI M??M" - .IM.B'R ~l K.M??N I ? IMi? ? WT 1 I 1|C"P'C a _, l . i.v. rvi. .3 | ? - - ST. MATTlll.? S CHURCH :| W?? ?4th St. > I.RACF CHilin B.aad.a, ant loin SI. Km. Cnarlaa Mattar>. 0 0 R ? ST STIPHINS k?nh St mar Braadraa?. [>r -.1 Al.l I I . . . a ? ??...? 1 -a ,4 rum ?r>T \vi i risi or.u . CATHEDRAL OF ST JOHN THE DIVINI. ? I ?mi ii a. >l 'i- ? ' (?AMT--' ' * * Il A M - I. ? I' ' - ' 4 l? \| ) r> l. I ?" Bei .??-r. ? ? I H I ? i,?. , ~. , 4 m ? r m ? aussi ?I ? _ I.I I OMMKD. I in: MODI * < <?i I WHAT* I HIRE II, > R., ? Mac K-, .? . ? ?- pweeB it i, ?? a | P. M ; u; MAMB? i < <>i i BMAT1! ? hi M ir 4 ? II H* It?. DAX II' . 4 - . . HRi ' " a - ? ... I ? . i -, -? mi rOLI.KG.AT1 < Hi H* II o? n. Ml lin Xv B*i MAI? ". ?I tkM MA? 1.1 "!' 0. D " ? '' a ? ' ? . . i ? ? v "1 Uf-I f M> ? III I Ml \l? i HI Kl H. ' - R?. lU'NT.i KVKR1 '-? ? '?'Ii ? ?. M r.?> ii , ? i- 4 REFORMED CHURCH OF HARLEM ? . , A ? p II ;? - | -, -i ? - D ??"? ,, l .- ? ?-? > |. . i- ' |>t . ? ?? Hamilton Grang? ' ' Va?. _ I'AI I -i I l.I RT U I? BA? II !? D., Ml ? ? ? ? KEPT IN "?AfETY. I I ?? 'HYMNS 01 IRA BANKIV." (MS _ mm IM l-l Br?int Hall Ml A?, at I > ' ' "I BOITK WMITT I -? ? I ? ... ?Margin I . ?.r-a Mil IE I X <?l PVIMXDO. RlHlH? 4 K? Ifty if Filanrl, n it I M?r- ?? i I . a i i ... - . iia. Brooi REUI.IOUS kOClETY (Il IKitNf.- XI?- n ? ?hip. 11 a in. ?: I < ?a 1Mb a:. Mia !.. . , ,. ? i jM B .'? M'll.lll \II>T. Pllj.? (.rind Cir I? :.?th St.-Cilumbin Clnl?. bllrltml ind Ethical So, i.l, -| ?? . ? D| Mm ii . 1 III OMOFHK .1 I. Mr?. II 1 . ? I ? ? I . . ? I I '? ?? rHCOBOPHICAL HFAriDUARTFRS R| . ? . I' -I . MISS i>?HCl hill BROOK, Nilliail L'^turar ??Whit I. '? l.m, 0.1? ll ?h? M.ltlnn PU ? A . ?! > ? ? . i m r \ h i \ s CHURCH *% MESSIAH *?&?& JOHN HAYNES HOLMES, Miniitrr. It I A ?I TIm ' see <>f>." CHARLES ?Ulf LIN ..? - T .1E UNlTlB STATIS. PACE VAKFH or PIACE MAKER?" 1 tl P. M. AI I SOUI S' ? ll?. It I Rl? ?'. 41 i a ?.,.,.. ? H l.l.l 4 , , , ?-. ?I II A. SI. A LENOX AVENUE UNITARIAN CHURCH, "The Function and Conduct of Art." Rr?. Mrrlr Si. (ron \Vni_ht. Il 1), Miaiatrr. i M\ I MAI IST. THE CKl BCN 01 THE DIVISI PITERNITY Cantril Park Watt and *|(- St. r-in. Olh-u Hiii '. |, ,-?.. . ?.., .., a - ? H i l I I p ? Pal ? ' . ? ' |- ; - i- , j _________I x Ml x. Dl DLEY FIELD ?M \l.ONE, '?Pr?.|0flf> in. Pr.5?r?<!n??a *..,- Hid. Y M C. A || . 4 f , ?? I II I It -I HX 11 I Sunday Bible Hours DONO.SHELTON Blaati ?i riiii. ?no i . vi t-?..-, ?>,.,' ?? BBBVICI II REJOICINO. ? ' ii bra riMi rn ?\? i \ > bbabt, 4 4 ? . . ., Un 4 , I J > .-?I.- Ui ... ? ? ... ]'.,-, II ? . ? . . . , , 4 ? . A. ? T??i UNION THIOLOI.ICAL SEMINARY. Ran ? I - - . 4 . l-'Sth I ? , . T ? - ? ' a ? r... ir .. ? ? , IN THE WHOLE WORLD ? ?? f THE RES i i C SOCIf T, Old Cum.,. Tn-ilrr. IKINA BOBPBl TAI1ERNACLE CMi.RCH I ?.? . 1 " - IB ? ,. 4 . I , 'I - .THE LADIES CHRISTIAN UNION PRAYER I MIETlNt.S ? ; 4 4- . .... . ? - . - . , - rasait la ? aatloa wide ravivai et '?',ti m .1 i? eoneeqaent qaiekening of no* tu.tinl and eivia Idools whitsh ?rould r,|iii|) II? H? ? (" far thr tunk .it living. !? ?' altagotker imaosaibi? aritheal ?? vision of .?fa's raal aioaa? lac. I* there enough faith In "Hin ( hurrh that Is lu New York" and sufficient eoaraf? >o make it possible for nil clergymen t.? leave f<ar a while ths path of preceden! nri<i inn-t In the ?pa eiaos Birociaats of eae "f 'h? esta? ?irai? ?>r in Caraoaia Hall or Isa iobss other pla?a soitaale for th? eouvon m; of ttteh " hosl t" v.liuni ?iiirli H c:ill has heeii MUadlng f??|th through the Btoatks ' - ? ? ? - BIBLE READERS' CLUB. Note I, The hro books of tas Kings will Im mure ?riooljr studied and read as if t harr-y HI 13 ?.IIH hook. Nutr 2. It will l?i? wnil to endeavor to pet a list of the king-? tixed in th.? mind. Tho??e will ini-luii? teal, David aad Solomon, the knips of the unitrd king? dom; and then the king;? of the two kingdoms of Jadok und Ir-rael after ths soporation under Boboboan, the son of Solomon. .'.olj 3. A ?omparativn lit . king? arranged m thn order ???li rollo? ' ne outline of III? I KINGS. \ Solomon, I Kings, i B. i * ? K ,,.- lorn i ? divided, ?ii i . Abijan and ??*?? reign "'?rr ?udah, _v, 1 IS; ' n ?.?.tii HaH??iiH. w, |fl :'l 1?. Kavdab, Hii-oha. F.l>ih, Zimri and Omn roiga over lareel. av, 'J.".-x?i, '2*. E. Amo avi, i.'J-.w.ii, 40; Jehoeha pliat's reign over Ju.Uh, xiit, 41-?", AhazlatY? re'.gn over Israel, Uli, ?l-fj.'j. II KINGS. F. A continuation of th? hlitory of the king? of Judah ?nd Israel, I, 1-xvii, 41. 0, Conclusion of the hi?tory of the kttig? of Jtidah, xviil-xxv. LIST OF THF, KINGS I. I'nited Kingdom : ii Baal. ? h ? David. .-olnmon. !!. Divided Kingdom : H ? a Ju-ab .1 ??am 117 </ra) ?I?. ... , : ? ?- ? .. ? ? II- .-? ? \l ?... ? ' ? i I H" r . .1 ' I . ? 11 i Ja? ? : 1 . ,. . . . its- I : I it . ?il ? 4 | ' - ? - I Aha . or? < ? ? ? ? ..... ?i ? j '? or THIS ? H 1 SERMON TOPICS TO-MORROW. HaptiM. 1 ?? .-.: I . Watt ,',7t h i ' . ' ?? ! ? Joseph \\. Kemp, Il a. m . "Lao ? \.f 1 >a -? t of t he aerie? nf _ei aagc - to th? ? am che " M idwe? I H b ? : . ? ? ; "The Jewish en .gen? ivitatio ... Ui i i ri,?r.,1. . ? Method 11 riiiTo r.Ml i Barch, Weat --*?*11_ ?-t , the i:?- , Di l . M. ?,.I? h :.t, 11 n m., "What Bap? - '.a'l.i I- ??r"; H p. n... "' Irir < i n .. ,. Otbera1 l .- i ? " r.< morrow ??? ni ba De nominational Day. ( ongrrgalional. Manhattan. Broadway and ? I ? i R?. !" . StiniBOl . - ?? i Now Relation of Capit.-il ?n.l I.ahor. ' I ! ft n of : ... ..... i la; :? ??? ? cour?e will close March S \ . War, W '?.ut '."' Mini iple? of < hrixt. ? ? Btral, i !-' West list ? ? ?aus1 H ??? im March 9 .? te? eption i ? ? ?? r n i n g to '?'? ?Icoms Dl man, the ne?- pastor il..' Rev. Dr. ? . ! .1. rfl ,- --... . ..f i h? Hi-, i abe i aele, will exten m: excellent raaaieal programme ? i.i\ en. Kpisiopal. A?eii . on. "?th a? and 101 Rev. Dr. Percy S. Grant, 11 a. p. m kt th? iftei eon sen ee Han iir]'?a oi " ?s ill he .- . p. ii . ) ab lie "i am, ad 1res? i?v l bora!? on >? ton on "Vi a.?? aft: n New York City." i ?ion ?? Beloved Diaciple, I .?-? ????? \. u a. in., the R? i ?eoi |e V Di b m.t popular veaperi th? if. Barbour; _ p, n . the R? loi I ? at th? morning . ? ? ? ? '. iCI -. i alvary, (th av. and '..'1st ?t. 'he Rev. Dr, rheodore Sedgwick, il b. m. I i " 'i?i der"; 9 p. m. "Our . 0 it N'elgl bor." At the ,i p. ni. ?or ic? n motel el Beah will be lung i?v tiip two chairs and the congrega) IntercesBion < nape] Broadway and ? . - p m . ? .rmat by B _t the 4 p. m. pop j Re?, Dr. Gat rom rSccle ? ? i old ., the D t, A mal and 110th -'.11 ? m., the i ward P. Newl ' '. . I p. a s for 1 I Pai Chap? ?t. Trinit) Parish dni ng Lent ???? '. he .,.,,,! , on? ! ??. at 'Hi- el it??? Rev, l?r v an . . ? God I- Ii.m?. and rhal II ? Therefoi e [',. ? r-.i? II - o ill bo the first addreaa e th? i ect, "The Fon i:thical ( ultarc. Mi.| Hen to, ? ei Irai Part \\" : si 11 s Horace J. BridM will ?pas ii Henry il i tyMt fi p. m.. Al? ?n " fhs Proph aad Their Meeaage f??r <?ur (>n Tues.!.?;. .1 ... | i , on "The Mi .'HP.ath Tagore"; Prida/, I, I ? r. Christian Briat "I.u ?-?.an Ai ? " Methmlisl. raiy, ??".eith av, and i-"."h ?t.: ?... Rov, Millard L Robinai p. n-... Rev. R I.. Potaraoa, with - mn?'rn! prograi i ? '?' -? 104th it : Re.. Dr ner. 11 a. - ..... i W hit? Trum Mad \ it 601 it; 11 a. m ? I . ? . . . 1 ? ? ? real ?'. th i ? > Ma ? 1 the Teat of h ?.'?. ! ? H. Bal m? ' i \ ? .ail a I'.'' ? ???r I tadle .?/ Vletho .liMii i-i Am<Tiia"; ROT, I>r Stree'er ?rill eondact bata sairlaaa, Park M- . ii? Mth ?t., 10 a. ? . i r H .?: Goldwati r, l indards <>f l'uiili?. Health." i in- Rev. Mr. Jamlesoa arlll preai ? i .-> t 11 ?. m and I p. as, Bt Andrew's. We-.t 76ta ?t., tbe He-/. Dr. Ailinn? v ill [irr.ii Ii nt l"?'li ?er 4 lees. St. .Lim..??, Hadiaca a?. ar.?i lii*>* 1? at., (ho Rev. Dr. Ball, M a. Be., "A World Without God"? I rv 0. , "U?'priiUrice Is Nr.t Taat St. Paul's, Ifeal End bv. and ??th *t , nt th?' monthlv musical ?ervice t?i tnorrow even ins;, Staiaer's "Th?> DaasHi? tar ?if Juirua" will tip readerad by the rholr. New Thon?lit. Critarloa Taaatre, Broadway aadl 4lili it.. I 1 n. in., Dr, V. W. '?'??Hr?. will I ..n "How w?. Create Oorsclvoa." Music l.y Mrs. Praaees B Soanteg aad a. Van R Datcaer. Last Bandas morn i ig i ;? sudle .. <? irai m? ?ii'lii. iastic tl the ?I?.-?? of the address luu?l . Keen in .?ke forth. Mealing Christ, Ratal Autor, i>r. W. .'ohn Murray, ?< il a. m, on "Self Destruction. There will also be a Btnaieal program?la. Hudson l hi .-?ii". Weal ??ith ai , a i? m. Profeaaor Ereraon on "Sotting I'p Bn Irnaifa? of the l'apucv in Oar Country," the Inpt lectora on th? Laitod States An attentive an?! enthi-sia^tie audience tille?! the theatre loet s?in day night, and, after bearing I'otVa aor Evoraon'a Wture, "Tim 1'nited Btatoa in I'rophor-v," many of them. were convinced that our eoantrj M nipntionid i?i Bible i the Buildera, ISO West .. on "HOW ? ? Powe '.Vi eh D -. ! ?? ? . ? ? ', . ? i . . '.'??? ; i ? 11:16 a. m. Mr?. Marv Etheridoe T rhnpiti irlll speak on "Renewing Life." I'nity BocietV, 2H West 72<i .:, II a. m., Mra. \'an Marter will apnik on "The Mftific Key"; at H p. m., Franela E, Phoher on ''The Valley of Dry Bone.?." Preihyterlan. Broadway, at 114th it., th?? Rev. Dr. Buchnnnn, 11 a. m., "f'hrlst'?? On*? Church"; 8 p. m., "Nn N'ipht In Heaven." Siiiifli of \ ? w X n ? k . MXITIK ll\MRfl-IH. I on.lucter. |,, ni,iir..ii i -ii n.i.t \ > Xl'lrriinoii at (. II., ! ORCHESTRAL CHAMBER MUSIC I. Kini'?rr4>n?|)h<inl<i ......B .'"*:.b?r| pwrfarmi ? Il N? ? H-k ) 3. Pori.? fir Vmlln anil , ?... -...., ! Sol? f?r Vl?l?rc?i:? ?.Ith Orrhettf? , l!or iran I . ? 4. S'r.nidi In A .Rrahm. ? I. Scranid? fnr Viilla. VIoL-UHl.. Plini ?nil Qriin Balnt-BatM M?w , Saalai - - m lira a- '. ;... IMPOM1 XVI MHIl R! Xa tl.? ,l.,..r? ?i,l be . I?.?e.| .llirina the r of III? ??. Ii..enh?rt k.unmer ?4 mi.lionir. holder? ?if lirlrl? are re.j.i??!??! t> lie In Ih.-lr ?ru. ; pi I ? m three. . R ? 121 ? I H i "T. ? la n Hi.;. HOTEL BILTMORE, '??J ? Gala Concert Tor th, benefit ..f Ihr XX,ir -iifTerer? ii. H. i in (?i i iE nr? ii \i v. Artists: LUISJA VILLANI MAUREL AMATO CARUSO X XI I S I IN X I It I >P| I? XIII I? M XKI I 1 f I I.Mill II -I III.N \ 4||| | ,, Komi xi no RAPIO -IC????? t ?nun ?III ??na for II.? Ilr.l Urne a < um.. Pi itrio ni.... Leopoldo Mu? mille. ? > ?i pHiLHARUnONin n?-i i BTMA.NHMV, I aadaetor. " ""- Xll.-r.,, .,, \,-..l,..n H..M. x i um i.Kr i ...; YOUNG PEOPLE A Piano Afternoon PERCY GRAINGER and the Philharmonic Orchestra to II \. Ball Boi ?rfl 1.rr?>.? [*Mu ' xfi. it .< Caracote iuii. .-x.i... CASALS '?'i' W.I "'???? i?, ?i.? (Baa.) i , 1,14. Yveffe nodaaaa Yvetie TRJO DE LUTECE ?I'rr.?, -.;.l/?.ln. Harp Refer. ?-.-?- I'rrn.-ri lloapllal . iflt ? ? ?-;'- II ill. -,.|. I M.??-. I. K IV INTERCOLLEGIATE GLEE CLUB CONTEST i ........ i -Itartmoutli?llartard r. m.. Ivanta- feaaNtaleB Priareton I Xl(> i.l.ll II XI I . 1 n.Mi,| Minneapolis i I XKM l.ll II XI I . HlMi.lir XI HI, SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ? Mil OBI (Mill! I ?It. I ?n.1ii.tor II I I X I I XI --I N ? a , '' II t I .1, l"ra., I ,.,. A.?.. |,? i DOBSON ?.,? i . ,- Mtton I I PLAYHOUSE MITIN? E TO- PAY |l ; IX GRACE GEORGE a . THE EARTH Major Barbara H-) It H ? ? ,\ .' THE FEAR MARKET V ? COMEDY THEATRE^., P PIN. I I- ? . ? ? - - I IX1.XVL. VtRY GOOD EDDIE ALONE AT LAST 4 1, -T TO-NIGH I 8 15 4. _i Irene Frn4a?4k FIRST TIME ajad Vincenl Serrino STANDARD '' " f m* l 9tt\ntfltMSS lVA TABBUAV CORT PAY-DAY ? TMfc Niw H?NRIITTA The Ladies' Missionary Society will gi?e a tea on March I. from t to ? p. Ska ?' ?I... paator'fl residence, Wl Wool lOtfth ?t. ? irii, Madison b? and ?""'h '?, , 0 i? ?n.. Preaident ?' G. Hibben of Prineeton Univoraity will spoafe Oi "M Hilary Preparedness." ; ,.,?? Washington, Broadway ami 174th Re? Dr. Martin, I p. m., About Military Training in Oat Poo lic Schools?" Tin? m the foartb of a SOrioi on presen? day prohlems. lai ? " '. V'n k, Beventb av. i .?I 128th it., the Rev, Dr, Arm?, 11 a m. "The Master Motive''; I p. bs_ "Who! IsTratbr Jadeen Memoria., IS Washington c-". 11 i a a r a-. 11 i?. ni., the RaW, Arth'it 1 Hr..ok? will give his musical !? "The Preservation of a Mootor Piece." This is a ri">'?t unique service, ?s t ir i lermon, which describe? the prodigal ...i of t?? ?lay, is interspersed lele? ' ?.r,?? t.-, N ?'? Mrook ?. Northmin tor, i n Wati i ISth ?? . li a n . 'he Rev, w. B. Moa "Frontier Mission Work": * s ? Ro alia A. Mayer, oi ? Ihina, will t.'il about h?-r woi i ii?"-.lay, Pobraary ?'. si 1 p. m., the annual dinnei ??f I he Men's Aaaoi will he held, ?Repr?sentative W. S Hi-r.riet an?! the R.?-.. Dl I1 A. Mao Murray will he among the BPeakei Rtttgors, Broadway an?! 7 .'id it , I p. m., mass meeting-. The work of the American Ke.l Croas will he pre by Miss Mabel T. Moaniinan, of W??n ingt? ii, and Ur. William B. Guthrie, of the College of the City of New Tort. Scotch, Central Part West H i ?t ; R." Dr Robert P/atson, 11 a. m., "Can We Beeure the Best?"; ? p. ?n , "A Noble M . ? m by i Jcotl B ihrmei . H est Rev. Dr. A. 1 Ke g? ?peak at ' at 8 p. m, Oaboi ipeaa an I '"??a, West-Park. AmateHam . '??-??- d?_?2U '. m . srnual servie? of ?h, ?,^?"T. it? of \?_- v" I)|T-fL ' Br*&?J ?'' ^llowin* ?i_5 ??? * Wrs dent ;??. r,, ,l?Hf Roberts. I<? 1?, Jo.eph F?..,*>l ; Jone, /;. ' le\ a_l.__.T ? i.'??oph? ? '?o:r_ro4. r_. I will'__^*Sl of tL^a P- ""? 'rr' It? __,,?.? I nitarian. Laonos Aveaac. at |_t__ ???. m 1 . Rev Dr Mer!? - CmlTtrll ? he 1 on srd Conduct _f__T ' - ? fotirtiT i A .- , ' Avenue . H ' ? Miscellaneous. Etl ? ' ' ?' T. . i Henry n tn , 0n H3a_|___] ? Our Qtxtt Ige ?" N'at, , ?I Thirtj IS | -n". te.l Shelton or ? inta of F_'U . t-i . lei ?? ' 1 i leeietb ?'? i'ed [___? M XX rOBSI IIXIllM. TIIKXTKI EMPIRE ??? . ,-,. ... ?,..F. ,- ? _ 4 ENGAGEMENT EXTENDED l BTIL SATURDAY. MAR. I?th. . n i M? ?Mil ??!.?. NEW AMSTERDAM ",." " ??? ELSIE FERGUSON Maude Adams_ Lyceum ?'????: . i? y,;.* FAREWELL PERFORMANCE TO-NIGHT. in J XI H.-rit ?Ir.i. R< "l_rNEiST?V'L'e arTEBTMEB'.AVVlVT mm? MARGARET SCHULD, - ?? ETHEL BARRYMORE *%****** "OUft URS. M-CHESNEY. ' TUESDAY. FEB. :i-8?it? NOW. THE HEART OF W?TOn? Gcoraa Heart?? ??? : ? New Amertcaa r.*t I V. ? -.-.-5 Inee? To DAY 4 ?X JULIA I DONALD JOSEPH SANUErtSON BRIAN CAWTMORN I" ft V B I I ?_> I CJ I u LIBERTY MIDNIGHT FROLIC GAIETY ?MRS. FISKE I" ? 0?illiu,l, H..KI.I Ce?, ? Olut ? II P??na,l?ial| "ma Erstwhile Susan ( ) ??j? COHANS OTIS SKINNER Ml! IT LAST TIME ?ttr "Cock o* the 'Walk" XsTOR CRITERION MAT SEF TO-HAY AT : ??iaa B IS ALLEN PLAUfJ Slfl PATHOS A<,r, BE?IT? _?kI ? VIOLA a. JAMES i Auen Hackett ?M?Kf-aEA?. -, aaaarni '? !>?|it|.ir> ^^^^^^^ lfo?i?laiy ^^^^^^^^ Mitzi Hajo* in 'Pom-Pom' SltiiU I ? ? i Ir FULTON . """THE MELODY OF YOUTH ARRIM WITH LAUGHTER.' ?TIMFS. ELTINGE r E:Exv .'' ifi TC<t??*t&V - ? 4T A TA-er LU..GACRE r, ?THE CREAT 1.CV ES CANDLERl iia4_Di?rs"-__i_i!U!a ?;-j# A,? A?o?rtr?_ r?* ' ! " I- ? ! ' B3I_n__t__-I-]--3 HARRIS : BELAS, 0 ! -' <" ? " '? r* ^^?iMlW^ IBLO i? BIU.T :?' UM -? ... DAT A Wi THE BOOMERANG HUDS0N The Cinderella Mail REPUBLIC ? ? ?.?,.-? . ? ', r?-?r_r K-1_I_____I___?_ i nun n _^^^^^^^^^^^^^ G AB Y DES LYS "' hi&ti??1 go?jc \ RQADT0 MANO?LAY liLUDE. , -,A?, , aMTAI PARK;-V WED.MAR: UtSPJ. METROPOLITAN S \\ ? \ , T? day a I Lohanorln. .... -a . ? I? . -, T#.night it | J Ca?. Ruatlran? i la. De ?,. ? ? . I.J>a. a? \ . - : ? Sun. a? Ha I \ N-xt Mon. y ? I Walku-"?. O. Vaari. . Mal ?i : ?1 '? I! M?. Orattt. Maa ? I f'r, ,11. Ml, Caja ' ? ! I I. ? a V*?d.. a- ? Prlnca liar. A U A ? ? 1?. '. r--i. . i:, .* I . Kre Trufa, ar ? t Trhtan U l.uldf. K fru?a. W? .;i frl. a- 1:13 Scanambula. Ila.- . . - - ? bat M -,- Carman. Perrsr \la-.-i. Cl I l? ? i . 6,it. ?? - ' -I Alrta. Kan ' " at .1 . ? I'..... IIARHMAN 1'IANO I ?El? ,-LADY DUFF GORDONS-, FASHION FETE ?-.- ??. I|.n?nf -? fa OfiPNlllraAT CIS APMFtS PLAZA HOTEL -FEB. I 29th ?f?IN Ml A 111 in.I II I - \l I I - ?! ,. IflCt ,u,J It s / / r", \ y ? > ? ? : I ? I .VS. O . -O .--..? - - Hot? % SYMPHONY CONCERTS ?> lllll a?l| Mi I'l.ltl'l I t This Aftsrnoon at 2:30 ? < \K\I ?.IK II \l I ? IP H 4 > N Y O K ? ' I l ; ,i HOfMANN CILUaOl? BCRT OAKEB S ?? . ? NtWBONl?S-, coacov. kti Wh1 IIOBSOVS CHOICE Ne?! M T-a fur Mark.t 48?H S?.? h* ' JUST A WOMAN THE BLUE PARADISE 44TH t-r THtA. KATINKA '.-.TU St. Thaa. fc /VA! I_ Y STEV ?Tr4| UNCMASTCNCI LYRIC .. ' ? ^r_-_i POTASH &P?RLM0TT)? MAXINE ELLIOTTS m*swsm Ti HIP HIP HOORAY I* ooooooooooor1 ? Ein . , i -?,???? ? SUNDAY r 18 Headline Stari-i?O Peesolt 4- ?? - | GAIETY NEXT MONDA .IS: 4- . V.T? EASTER 'Mr. 'ija-M ? REGULAN PH'CCS MAJI ?. ? S BURTON HOLMEl SUN. EVE. 8:30 & MON. MAT.ilf BOTH CANDLER . CALIFORNIA ?? Jg _ ? XN mi ?.?? i vi" .?0 isi.?? <_JeiME_fl_?l_| __S I XI.Mi.ll. II XI I !?'.,^?____ BRAZIL ?i_ *_?u_S LOEW'S NEW YORK KSS . ?' T?1 PI A V Ml KIM m-I HUH Palace E?\?S ? PARK i c DEFENSE OR TRIBUTE] Punch i Judy- ? ? ??.'... ST'Soaf ^^.^.TREASURE ISLA>"| i- . a r? , I Bn_iii_g____H?fi i??St Loew s American Roof Frink Mnreill I' r :. I ? ? ???i??* Tiff ". |>?> IRVING PL THEATRE ?4..?'?. . S ???"? ' ?,eL?aA?| ? , ... M_OU POM H "P,r,>