Newspaper Page Text
* Bai ?.-.Iotion that >ie v welcome n 4,.;,? ,.?? the .: frienrl?! .?, Letten and ?"'et have 1 I . llni-e mg the Pn anuir. ' 1 \r] *r ?ripport i aoetioi - ? t ration * ?vnno?inc.l. 1>'H '? rcady tor any ?si 'hat may ? those ?ho f bos* Ing to Germany. it it not 1hat a vote will he tal t on \ ' The President, however, taken ? s ??te it 1. or 1 ater?a), s? hu*? he a not challenging the trot makers, he hi :i ves 11 weald not dare face their et I ei after voting for sn.h ?? re Begun hv l'ro-t,arman*. Supprrters of the Pi trouble in I 01 ?rre?* '.?a due to thr. e hoy ns??.-rt, air ? jrphenntoo .>( llou.-c, ,? i oee leading ei reaentative Buchanan, of ! under indict the pro?, cution of Nati? Peace Coanc 1 by the Depart Justier. ' loooly "? mane element are the pac Bryan f ... .ta\ I Poerloss 1-ea ? .!. h..?> wer I the hvpheneU crow i since opening of trie Pension. The third fa,: on of the (>urrer '?artv i? dec' ? composed 'plain rewards " This element. acc< resld ow the lire of least resistance 1 1 ?'art danger. They will rush to the ? of 3ght, rap i.s numer 1 torrea elation. 'I il stand 4 taken because, panic stricken, they t?. he the only salvation fr persr.Bi ' i mor? fur t.? war f an t through Speaker Clark, Major Lead? - K the Foreign AfTairs (. ommittee a ti. ? d to havo been ?.t tho "safety first" e Must Present Solid Front. ? try.- the President ?eported to have told them, "is on 1 if V..U want to 1 main st peace yon must see to it th rate? pr?senta a sol ? ? to any j eray, unbrok un-ihaken ihroughout Washington sentiment s Pn ! to h \?dilation only a fes the warmest - , ? ' . ;? will suppoi him as long as he maintains it. honld learn froi ?nonstration In his ft of his former critica *ai< "that the pent ''nited State patriot ? ? r me it deemed n Mr Wilson hud fortrotten th,. ? 1 al writings had I ? pie should be neuter n? well as neutra ' was, indeed, 'too prr> fight.' He can see r as m ?< led. and that the pe?-1 eh to th? ? 1 , ? , " Intel ' nf the ' from William Jennings Bryan I lesentati?.? Warren Worth Be Pennsylvania. Thinking that he heH in his hand a packagi n to, th if?'? of which would result in a stam a surren.' r, Represi Baii? ? nat he had a .?am fron I Beeretaro o. refused to divulge its content? until he hi. I 01 Loader Kitchin, o clo^e frier,1 of Bryan. Bryan ? anse- N<> Kxrltement. pped just long enough ta tea . , iifte?- which he urge 1 that 1" he made i"i( lie at once. Mr. Bailey immediately r? leased a hupe Tiumbor of eop ? ? nhitlot: which he had made ? I noultlng Mr. Kitchin but there was no ?ion. If anything, ' ? ? bl ! .. ', taken in conjunction with the message from the President to t'ongros? thr< Yos.r? i laik, Kltehln and Flood, v a' v endi ?i tea hysteria whlca '. K led foi nearly three days. The telegram va?? dated Miami read: "I earnestly hope that Conpress \ announce ? ?'> lotion rofu Mooporte to Americans travelling ? ?-hips, ?a, clearance t<> belligerenl ? carrying American paooongoro. ? ? 4 ? , ' ' : ? 44' i 1 ,' 1 that he bas sfeguoi contraband cargo wltl America', li ai d t..? cit.,-en should be ; 11 ? -..?e ?>f a nation r ko 1 Onre is the create?? the neutral nations and will arebi 1... the mediator when the time be ? >'i agaiaat civilisation a? well a? aga our on n i ??? ? ?? this war and thua loan our army i irch te asi settling h a quarrels. If ConglOBI th.. right ire a ar, il ci rtai hai the right to promote peace tv - from taking unni'i sert riaka A a iyor keeps th<- ???? of h;s eitp out of 'he idl lag a riot ? .? ment ?iff to do less when the world ; "W .1 BRYAN, Germany May Postpone Order. Speaker dark brought from the \Vh House a rumor th'it Germany mi| postpone the torpedoing of armed m ion without warning from Mai under her declaration :' 44 as . ?.he middle of Mai ill. rumor hnd a marked effect .use, and lenders gave ?| ,. o en ? me of the 1 '? n 1 era*? v ' "en inclined to ?UI the re-' ? fan to pass out nil ? to much polit ? ? ? Bryan tel? : of helping . Speaker Clark d I ' ng for t the Proaident. 1 said: "The sum and substance of the co innation m:i i as to the t?"irt"r of the House, regal ing the diplon s1 on with tie j many and some argument on both side I is fully set out in Senator Stone's le j ter t. ?.'tit arid the Pre.-idi nt 1 letter to Si ? stor Stone. "We explained to the President ho the Bons? reit, in our Judges* I toi,1. ? -hat this warnb .ition would carry two to one . ever got a erario- ?.">r a vote. Bon ' lemi n, I said, thougi it would carry three to one. "Of course, there was a great "e of talk about International lata regar? ing the rigit-4 of Americans on th seas and precedents. At the conch sion of the conference ? a clear to all tl.a? tie President slant on his lett?" to Senat? Experts a Postponement. "But thcr? are rumors which wer dlsru?scd that Germnny i .. i y or ?i?t to sink ail nrno ! ?' ps fror March 1 either to April 1 or the mid ?f March. I think the chances ar ?hreat ? That will give mor? time for considera?! in of I "We told the President that In th< event of such a [Bsstponement nil ne ? ese r?solu i tions would remain in status quo." Tbe Speaker was asked if the r?solu ?f warning ecu'..! bo rushed ti - If it became known t ? *?ai'l v March 1, lie ? did it WOUl Under the rules of the House. It had been expected tnat some mem? ber would brejik loose on the ?' the Bouse to dap and make speech on ' r) s only attempt aras t Murray ? ?' the M? ! ? resolution be printed "Talk that over with the chairman of the Committee." roared Rpeakir Clark, a? he banged the cavil. and Representative Hubert sat i Lid Clamped on by Flood. Representative Sims, of Tennessee, a n man, caused to A Picture for Men Especially for men who have time on Saturday to devote to their homes Blind to the Opportunity I kef) meal .' me an,! have onjtj enough a f the problem is right at hand ? thu fow'l know ?t m the Half Pri?e Closing dayt John " 'irr*. * a) ??:? Today is the Last Saturday Last Buying Day but Two of the February Furniture Sale John Wanamaker Broadway ?t Ninth Street, New York 'have read by the eierV an editorial in it of the President, h?i?I no In tereirt al nil 44a? shown la the reaiimg 4?ny or another, {.?pr?sent?t iv* McLemere endoai ired in make a?i en in,in.?nt ti? appeal before the Foreign ' ommil tee te moi row, but his m qui enled ? hol rmaa Flood ; has elomped OU the lid tightly anil shhI ? tl at 1.11 ?me would be SllOO ? i t.? have a hearing limply t.> make trouh One of the few unruly Bepublicans in the Senate, Iones, of Ws hington, Introduced I on t" day t>??> 1 e ? i? in |ti re training sffe I than ig \ ??t pi oposed. 1 i thai before any action which might had t?i n breaking oil of diplomatie re ?a* ion 1 the Pi I ? ' ? ah? It the 01 ?.. 1 ongi ' ? I This resolution, after numerous whir. one, rend : I, That It Is the sense of the Senate of the 1 Inited Stat? s of t any issim ciaimod to nf the r a'.m ai honor ahouId be re? .. r 1. .i for I ? lion to 1 he 1 ?ongi '?** of the United Btatee, and no ultimatum should be -?"it t? any belligerent : and no severance of ?I plomatie rela I he brought nbout by 1 BOB ll f* ? until after the advice and bob? sent of ( ongreea." Says Aillo?; Do Not Seek Any Ocrman-Amorican War Paris, Feb "?*? "I.? Temps," dise?as? r.f, ,j,,. situatiofl between the United States ami Germany, says to dav: "Neither (.rent Britain nor her allies have any Interest In seeing n war be? tween Germany and the United states. ?Mes are sufficient, nnd these | i "i?> d?a tint n1' in London or I'm Is th< li ' ? toi deney to intervene In the German American erisls, either to bring about a ruptura OC a compromise." QUIGG DENIES ACCELERATING Oontlnned from pttgo 1 the long Ubi? at which the committee sits. On 'Ihomi.son's left Is the wit? ness chair. When E3r. Moss finished With bis witness he ea!le?l Mr. tjuigg, who removed his overcoat, but to his brown derby and cigar as h? amllingly took the stand. As the three men snt, they formed a triangle. Thompson, at the head, 4V-IS the man largely responsible for rt Colgate Wood, formel Publie Servlee rommis sloner, y-iursr, a? the loft corner of the base of the triangle, was the nan who, according - Thompson, prevailed on Governor Whit he resigtintmn of Wood while charges wen. being formulated against him by the Thompson Committee. And at the other end of the horizontal sat Moss, now counsel to Wood in his fight ?he indietmei "Accelerator" Idol. Tl e erowd watched the three breath? lessly. Th of tha situation . rlly, the chairman made several slips ra the ma lard" nt him 1 Mr, Qu Kn, v-ns r.s cool as though he lice, a room hare | of all 1 a desk ai law books. He ??onie flnan ? need of i tome to his quai ? "In your fOU wanted to mak? an explanation of the ?2.?00 checK," was Mr. Moss's !"ir>?t remark. The witni '. sen? tence waa a corn "It appear. What I said ?' since of the check In the liles of '?.A.' a mo rhat you could not ) ? of it Simply by askinc me. "But 111 U II you. '? fore M he a ? '?? have lun 1-Tub. He ' to me about two ' laitlon of i'. th? em of sov.'r.i he had knov ? ?Wurl ? ment a1 a gonei r tWO later I '?ck. "Expenses" K.plained. \ daj later he ce; t me the garbage Contra | and itiBiiv i. I talked with Mr. Cravatl that an nc'ion lay aga.n-t '.lie ell ' ? deal of work. I to Ann Arbor and Gran ! for him, ami have It BOW in ?' c.f it." Mr. M??-?, while Mr. Quigg was mak ? nil ?t. ?r i. ;.,. i the aa .?i? waya Ona ? was ' ? . - ? i a third to "General 1.x "Have you rovered pipe lines in I testimony?" nsked Mr. ' ? ; ise. ! .n't Veep the books," sail Mr 'ing. i explain what is meart by pipe ! "It has relati? I I itlon." :mg in the ' my own knowledge l ? ? of the bill, and waa vel Wl This- ea I ? ? Mr. i.'uii'g received th? eck. Ne um Rendered. roe hav.? ? "i do with replied Mr. \ i i see any o:n "\ ?? ver. But f- ? ? I the bill It '". in Mr. ' I tine law " "If ? ? ' have ? "I ?I?.n't know. But ' i. -i it, and I ? i i? would teresl ? "Did he '.'ll you so?" "I told him." - r ? ? I it" that ? ? ? i i Cob paay, one of (] uns. Answering other questions, Mr Q - ? y acknowledgm?- rcr "^"' e' mean?" ? "?"? I in any " ' ?riting 1 il nw what re "" ? ere was a great deal of ? "ii." lilt with Thnrrpson. ll^Te Senator Thompson took np the loea it coverV asked _? t?ainana. ^_, Tress 'hen until now. You ran ? it if roa ?'"?, " "l'i.i you roes *<? *ny ?eofi ,non beeide? tl?" $2?*0fl check'" ?",,??; V.'..,"" '? "Do ?on reraoBiber when you tro? it ? ,. i _,,! ?i 000 befors I area! Ann Arhor ?nil il-?OO WhOS ' retorne. ?ui,-.? ?rae that 7 ?Thal wer? i dato? ??f th? eaeeksr ?i den't ki 'Tun'? v?"i lind out"" ? . , ., l,?i ,t m n?ne OI your hu? ness." ??I know; 1 lit I KOl a litter from y y. i proi n ??? I t.> saplaln it Imagine jroo migkl bare 1" In forma tien wltii fee. I thins wi better sxeass you until you Kit It." 'Tiu giving 't to you now. I we to Ann Arbof l??^ fall, after the u joornmeat of the Constitutional Co rontion, and w?? there sheet ?? ?res " an you tell as the ?.?teg af t eh,'. 1. < now ?" "(lin. ?ra? before I went to Ann A l?or, and sheet two or thi??? mont aro." Senator Thompiaon, havin* obtain. what he went after, relinquished tl rsamlnatles ?t thi* point to Mr. Hoi Mr Qulgg laid be 'lid not know i Whal bank? the checks wire ilrnwn. b thnt they were either ilrnwn upon T. Gillespie? aeeeeal or Ike otee 111 company's. Arlrlaed About Commit fee. Kara Mr. QuiR-jr wa? excuse,, ter peraril? while r. ii Gillespie. the at of tl.? head of the GUlospIS I ini. wi roealled to the sts L Mr. Ollfesp told ??h y ths rherk win charge.I I three -.eparate accounts. He gXplaiai th? pips line and the g;.rl>?_e a count? amber what you told our ? eountant, Parley Morse, shoal 'gel ' er_! expense'?" asked Mr Moss ? ' don't remember," ??id young M i ; lei Mr. Moss swore Mr. Morse, who tei titled ? "Mr. Gll'espiw stated that about tl time the shoes ?aa given to Mr Qolo .the Thompson eommi'tc. was apt "in i ed anfl that, Mr. Wuikk being more I '. lea? familiar with the I,egialatur. Mr, Q'n_K advised his father aboi member? of thi? committee " Mr. MOOS then ?aked Mr. Gllleapl If thi? refreshed hi? recollection. "It ?joes," was th? reply. "M Meros ashed me and Mr. Moras wi remember thi?, I'm sure If tho 'ger rial oxpeSaOO' account had anything t do with th? Thompson committee. t??l,l him my father hn.l talk? with Ml (.uii.f7 and they may have ha?l sonu thing to do with this eommitteo, bs i didn't kr.uw anything about it. Mr Morse tornad to the eommitteo' seeovntanl sad ashed bin if be want ? ,| tO Hinor'l his testimony Sftor hear ing Mr. Gillespie'? account. Ho pal he d dot "Who sui-Resfeil It?" asked Senatn Thorij??"?- ol Mr. Morse, "Mr. (. II ipeha about It, was the reply. "I was very mach ser j rinrd at it, n< tlr.s committee was no appoii??? ! ? Dtil aft? r the date of thi check." Q?iifsf Hack on Bland. Mr ' ?' at he wou!.! Ilhi to teks the ftand. Thia wa? granted and he s ? I : ?Mr. Qillespis aerar ?poke to m. ebout ? -'.?ture _r this commit tee. Nobody h.'.s Ipekss to BM skoo ? ttes i ??'. wayfarer? on thi highwaj " D he left the room, ? his promise thai the committee want? Mr. Gillespie also 1"'? at this mo m i-1 *, a 1 * ? i ? o? th? '? Thla tirai ? i by Ac?-ou?.' ? that letton found m the Gilleapii \?. sa eorrespoi ? the i mtrnci it has lor ? "I." linea us t'.ir back B ? I committee is particularly inter ?-?? "' 0 tram I money in large the 1 branch folios ? g of thi I con ?i Bald ? eoss Mr . the noted eine?' , rs, In hi? i on] n Bubstai i ; iblieation the day He mid to the Admiral ? car-? on July 20, 111. A tola loned him from hi? Adirondack rctreiit at the In nnswer to questions, he ?aid thai he did i ' it \\ ' 1, Who ?VBS4 bill. Marshall Testimony Denied. Mr Moas thought that the ? I "with I by en ? to his - ?hall nd all thai any I Nor with Mr. Moss that ? '..-cook ,ono of the ? ' |? . .'. ?\'.l-l ''. ? M dr. Marshall f.nally admitted that Ju?ige I ??ritial payi He ?a th? case ? ? ' . > ??, bi lag th . ?d ' - capitalises ' I for |r?0,nnn und hail been laOOrpOf i in hi. office, One of the dhre< tors ' Isaac Wolf, father of the jnnor i b,.r ..f HerahAeld'a tint Re aold during bis lall with Mr '. coll tl 4vns im mention "f the lnUrborOU| He ssld be ?l I "ot know hn'.v I Marahall came Into the rase, and \4 I tobl O'st Mr Marshall had said ? he en |.. . ...1 Iilm he anawaredi "I ean'l help ''hat he ?aid " Willard N. HaylK wl o broiich. Ici -, Ryan anil, ?hleh was fin merged with the Admiral anlt, a i that ii" menti. ? ? silent, r Colonel T. B. T> Miene, preeideat of B. It. T., bed talked with him. i alamae BUM PatfeiA "Coloael Williams has been mv el f.?r years," said Mr. Baylls "He in tny eflleo on.? day und sai?l thai the subway situation I s didn't thin possible to proceed until tin? eonel tionallty of the contracts an?l th? va ?he beads wi re test* ?I. Be i ? .,i WOUld be a very Interacting 1 suit. That. 44 a s all Mr. Baylls said he paid all the 1 In the Ryan suit ftOt? hi? BOS "knowing that it WOUld bring real r direct!onB." 'I hen he addei ? | d it did. I knew it WOUld 'I" no 111. m m a bu il ultima! 1 ?vas called in In cons,illation by 1 i ollln, of Collin. Weils BugheS, who wero retain.' I M UM the contracta by the Br oklyn Rn ] ranait, an I reeeived ? ? I ;.n;d H-1 ?*' - ? or i"1 In ( ? ?? [| the R] an suit," aaatter that led up I Thompeon'a demand foi the d amia of Counsel Coleman of the Publie s 4 ire ? ommisaion baa fnrnl had amu menl for several day?. lawyer af - engaged lu 'lu- Adm -, eoneuited with h in regar?! t? ' I of 'he COUtn ' . r concern! any of thel in answer ?<. Senator '? Sompaon ?inn Mr. Marahall ?? ? n nj, be huh! t! he had no roeolloel ">i of th? many c? saltations Mi itarohe I had with hi "I wish, M : Col ?man," ?... Thompson Impatiently, "that you woi go to the chairman of the Publia hV vice Commission and te!l him that y have no reccllection on this subj? of conversations that Other witness have a distinct recollection of fiavl with vmi, und thnt you have kept memoranda on this most Importa subject " "1 will," said Mr. Coleman. Half an hour later he aske.l F?nat ThOB Been t<? repeat what ha had sa ii" had forgotten It "let the stenographer read it yon..'' sai<1 the chairman. Ml rabea a L 'i ? .? .. wha art.oi rial 1 T. siinnt.s on i Qaynoi home at Si James, when be s.. in changing the llayi ;?'?? t:nnd OH tl .' i. i bo a witne to-day. Mitchel Says City Will Act If Testimony Justifies Mayor Mitchel issued the followir stat.-ment yesterday i "The followir in I In-fore 'i Thompson Coi >ratio tt d if proof ? i If -ti" whin?. ? . "I having forme any C ? y las.- ni I ? r it very i At th.. proper l rer, we %4\j take the proper a TOWN LOCK-UP STOLEN! FARMER SUSPECTEE Disappearance of Structure His covered by Constable. Heaver I .. 25. Tin Homewood ;p, which ef two prisoners, ??? ? rratlngi dlsap] earanci known uni ? II ' pinrel t?,, r a chicken ASKS FOR KAISERS 0. K. TO PROTECT AMERICANS Broker Wants German Passes for 4Sea Travellers. a broker of 80 Broad ? In a telegram I tor J, Vf. armed for defenee. Apart from this nothing to ? r.'so "As one of your constituents," the ? ent to the ;' d 4'. Ith a ,t9 i(,. I ivern ? ' .nd in- ' 4 ?ii the S. Al?nuut St Cto. Correct S'vies In Men's Spring Hats are a pronrnent feature of the display In the .?'?en's Wear Department. Derby and Soft Mats of superior quality, designed for men of fastidious taste. The leaiJing hat makers of Euror" and America have contributed their latest models to this display. Ihr? Department for Mm? Wear (First floor) is easily ar? essiblr from the f-ifth Avenue ?\ JFifth Aurmtr-afHai-iBon Anrmtr. 3'?th aii? Jj?lj ?lrrrt?? Xrni flurh GRAFT RAISES S?FFRAGE ISSUE Charges Against Woman City Official Will Injure Cause, Leaders Fear. WHOLE COUNTRY LOOKING TO CHICAGO I ato Senatnr Sabln's Name Men tinned as Mrs. F.atnn Testi? fies at Inquiry. ChltagS, fea, ?.!i Fenr thrit the chnrafj of "split ?alary'' n.ade l>y Mm. PagO Waller Bstaa nj/ainst her ?u porior, Mrs. Louise (??borne Itowo, head of the municipal department of public ai'ltur.', woald runt reflection? , on ?utTra .11 was expressed by proml ; lient Kulfratce lendi?rs t.. ?lay. "Ii a wornnii ?loe? anything wrong in nny wiiy it i* an srganent sgalast saf frage," ?ail Uta. Catharine \Vau?rh McCulloeh, n loadar in the illinoi? ?uf frr.K,. moron? .t. "There Is no denying it; th???'? so loiric la it The a?ho a country in leohiBg ?it ChlOOagO, Wi have ti Im on our food behavior, it be ?ol l, howei er, that, ne thor <>f tho w.i .| ?raS hark by ,-1 ? ,. Hut, OVOB ho, all be jU'lif^.i by ti,, eondaot of ira on." Mrs. i ; ?a r -, r? repent?.I l.e'ore the Cirll Service Commiaaion to-day her story ? ',.? aas forced bs Mr_. l.???_ to pay ?-?ne-thlrd of her $3,000 . lary to a I Mr?. Margaret B. M'vela-, ?istar ii: law of Mayor Thompson. Vtaqoent clashes belwven counsel for the accuser and aeeme.l marked the heurii.g before tho commission. Mrs. '? Bttorney, whilo questioning Mrs. Ea'.on, touched on h?>r acquaint.- , anco with the lato Dwight M. .Sabin, once t'nited State? Senator from Min-, ne iota and Insisted that he bo per ' to question the witness at ? . Im?n, Mrs. Eaton's attor-1 ney, proto? ?"I sad declared that ,f the paal w?n t.. be ? he ?roald ? on a eomplote inquiry, which ? liis riient. Mrs. Sabin, wi?l iw of Soaator Sabin, laamonod ns a ?rll I '-ti" said she BOthing ?bout e.ther Mr?. Eaton or Mr* R( '1 l.e Sabin incident was pa.sed ?rith r. 111 farther comment. Mrs. Futon had ? th Serator Sabir :i ?. COBtOSt over Insurance policies in which she was made boni lt< Mr?. Eaton, ,-i response 'o a question. sh: I ?-l.e ?real to Europe in ; "Was your !.. 'raid ??"th you?' as'rted Mr. Malato, counsel for Mr?. Rows, Its : -'-". objected. "This is a IfO," l.e sai l arho li'?" In plass hou'e?. I warn jron right now that the one who hurls that stone will, '.?in vas n"'. ' ? . r's of? ? ? ' ? r -.vos ont. i ' Brl? ? Pitsmo iayor's .; account of alii " 'ii Mayor Thompson in?' Mrs. Eaton r-Vod "The Mayor is not in,' I replied. "'I was told,' said Mrs. Eaton, 'that ths M ted to ice me, or would ? r a mom, led: 'i I IB ill this the tho truth I 1 ? in lla-.^r Thompion and ?hat he _n?W n< ? the more I nm COI Ma?, or it ihat Mayor Thorn] i ied.' " CHARGE PURCHASES BILLED APRIL 1ST. r?%WMfaUnq & Qk_ Cr :^&c*??&ea3fifthAuntur\*i^ ?d? .?.-., ?./'?sts. CLOSING PRICES ON BEAUTIFUL FURS These extreme reductiona are doubly intereitintr, in that Fur Pricea are expected to be much hiqlur next season?hence the advieability of anticipating future needs. $300 to $395 Fur Coat? at $150 and $175 Leopard?W'?l?"?< BenSBB?BnEBSei *"?tl ?450 to $1,000 Fur Coate at $225 to $650 $95 to $175 Fur Set? at MS and $75 I>?/e.l lllne I'm?Tmip?*, Bed ?"?' I rn** ?'"? -1? ?'?? Bad ' ?>?> BBBI $295 to $1,000 Fur Seta at $195 to $550 WINTER APPAREL AT MINIMUM PRICES $65 to $125 Afternoon Dresses -$35 $95 to $165 Evening Gowns?$55 $175 to $350 Evening Wraps?$95, $125 ?>$165 2 SHIPS CRASH; STORM WRECKS 4 Steamers in Collision Off Halteras?Liner Ashore in Boston Harbor. Stir? gules end heavy fojrs aloBf the entire ?Atlantis ?eaboard yesterday caused the wrecking of four steam-ihlr * ?il the collision of two others, whilp ft storm on the Great Lakes roenlted m the drowning of two persons. No loss of life on any of the vesseis wrecked on the Atlantic coast is r<> I or?.ed, although the crew of one of the steamers hail not been heard from late Ian night. The Merchants' and Miners' liner Cretan, from I'hiladelphia for Sevan - r.ah, was in collision with the steamer Dorothy fourteen miles north of Cap?: Hatteras during a thick fog eaily ?,??? terday morning. No one was h .-? either vessel. The Crotaa'a perneasen were tranferred to the Dorothy, and both reaaela proceeded to Norf The Dorothy struck the Cretan on the port bo'.v forward, whirr, was stove in, hut the damage wa-i said to be ly above the WBtOf line. The Dorothy ?ai reported to be or.iy slightly dam age?!. The British steamer Treearre'.!, bound from Huelva for I'hiladelphia with a cargo of ore, went aground or. Hlackf.-ih Shoal, sixty mtloa south of the Deiawaro ( npe3, und was dashed to pieces by the ro ; he crew of ?uirty-tive was taken off by a tug and transferred to a coast guard | boat, which later landed then at As ^ateague, \ a. ?? Colonel T <Tl?E KING OF* : Jl?lflgn^ ?ai 1^ t A ? ? ' L ieek!n. ? ?rt _?hor? ??. iptsia leol ... 'or PhiUUh ? rtegge. m mile? below <ape Henry by IS : tow?, ? '^l.'rstboati of the er, . ? 'inkr.own. ? - I Comp?n?;'i -? ?a fa? tie, floston Rsrbor, ir. t __gaj WSJ i? i ' was in r.o "" ?asses. a?er? taadtd it rts ? ? ful. A petty r.<Ticer St tama M I wh'-'ii a : a beotlesd ci ? ri -"Kwit?. ? : ' ? ??la. Thick Fog Hampers Boats in River, Soaiil and Bay bt witi-i ? ?r*d Isa : n?sMstk !. droppei rnchor otT Bai -' _ ii iV?l?'^n ?????? ?"? ?Ta ? 111 To A Young Mother The LessonofYour Own Childhood Points the Way for Your Little One Young Mother, you are happy, tremendously happy in the wonder of the love you bear for your little one. It is the most beautiful thing that has ever come into your life, and you dream of doing all that is in your power to be worthy of this little child of yours. Then, do you realize?do you begin to appreciate?how tremendous will be your influence over your child not only in youth, but through lifetime? Old men and old women to-day look back OVCF the yean to the day of their childhood. I hey remember their prayers at a mother's knee; how she took them regularly to Church (it v. the meeting house in those days). This memory of mother, her teachings, her example?the religion she taught and in-tilled in their hearts?has helped them take the better course through many troubled times. And this religion?this Church which their mothers taught them to love?helped them to be bettel men and women all their lives. You know how your own dear mother taught you t?> I ? good little girl. You like to recall your childhood, made happy through her example and the love of religion she instilled in your heart. You want your child to live a good life?you want wisely and well?you want your child to have the beru t? : re? ligion and the teachings of the Church. So just remember that the greatest lesson of all il the letton ot example. Set an example to your child that will have ?? influence. I each your child religion by going to Church regularly your? self. Begin now! Go to Church To-morrow No. 19 of Second Sent? Published by Tbe Tribune Reprint, on Renee.l WitknBt fttfP aBIIIHHIHIBUBBBtll aBjj