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INSIST HUGHES WAY YET ACCEPT Politicians Point to His Failure to Declare He Will Not Run. NOT A CANDIDATE. HE ASSERTS AGAIN Justice Tells Henry A. Wise Wood He Will Not Oi-? v'liss PolttlCS. t Trcrr ' ? -..-?aO-l Washingtoi Pnbll to-day of ? I? Itel? from Justice Hughes it Boni, v 9\ ta Weed, of Nts reiterating lb? Jus' aration I hot he i? not a candidate for the ? r ac? or tacitly, has tti-en ? I htr?< that .T-,.?-t . c Hughe? maj yol bo per n under ' ? ce ha* ? ' ?? v? i ! i . any t as re? that I ?? claim?! to know how tho matter can .t, and nothing has come directly or indirr In bi? letter to Juaties Hughe? ? :?-. hi? i ? ? ? who brireves that even ?> con i therefore con ? .1 not1 ts nature an Hsj| i Ansarer. beer? recei?' (in re jour inquiry, but, . juJi- '. that would I 1 ? ? as an attempt to obtain political sup . from : '? . ? . , ? address delivered i and won ? .? Loi Burviv. .Inch ?ueh ? . > with the comfortable thourht of hard? ships we have e?" rather re petriotle ardor v i can make ms worthy of op] I 'o to use it " Must Face Duty to Coaatry. Thif many 1 Justic? th? about ? J/reA- MB!, ? I fuse t i a ciar-.. men to ti comfort - - n to ; the ht??-.!?1 iip?i and tur ? ".fe of ? In othi r t was asserted that ' ' : up to hi? ? ? of pr_ must the com n the vigor, ?ell - . ? HERRICK BEHATE CANDIDATE ) i ambassador Hut for K?publkan Nomination in Ohio. Ce._a.bus, Ohio, Pol El Myron T, Herrick, ? ? to-day hi- declaration of candida. the Republican nuinination iur United Btatl ? y ra? - notl ft ilumbue, ex Attorney Genera] ol Oblo, who nn l.ourn dat?) for the ! ?.'. nomina' fifth candidate .rge to th.? 1 ?i moeral ? didatoa ii".- u dele DENOUNCE COTTON EXCHANGE Southern Men Declare New York Con? f?ra \U |". ? - I I . ?-S. - i ?? in*" i ilal eroo-ed ?I? slinfr. - - ? for an invesCj-ation. The chief t of coi ton I, rdance ?ith 11 in ? lent ,. eonspin n tha nur "The New ' ? ko( and ?prat ? i by und ?I? mai ? ? ptUI as 1?? ir, |i ? ? - .n the spot market ? ? deal int; ? n priesa, i unfair manipulation of prices ? ? has d< frs ided the producers of cotton oui of mil ?' sciats among producers | nd othei thai there Is n bear - peculators t, i otton Exehanga to depress si ?1 Li Id doa n the i eo( ton." FLETCHER CONFIRMED AS ENVOY TO MEXICO J, S. Shea,.\\ay Succeed Mini as Ambassador to Chili. ?.?nn'e on of Henry Pra! baasa? dot to Mexico The rote waa 19 to IS. J S Shea, of Indiana, arai ? ???,: to 1??' tl.e probable ehoii ? ? -. i Kern will urf ent of Mr. ? "day. BAN MILITARISM IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Educators Would Create Special Training Academies. ? ?.riment of Superintendence i .' aes Fion : The edu? cators, hoa ? '. reci And ? ; ?ras romiss. . m out d to havr A i- : .- mil- ; I ear ? ? f "to '. , '.ment ' rere s ? membi ? , I . . . American ' chief SCOUl America, s final . . .nucd ? many r | 1 to youths o? eii teen. "If America an , preparing '. I '."CiM ? every pi I a army, tau? carry ? . ? and oth "If the school ?system is asked to take i eipat ir be the scut pro? gramme i.nii nt't a 'tin soldier* pro GEORGIANS LYNCH NEGRO Ilnni,- Him Near t Ity Hall for Attack? ? . . I ? band ? at the ? ; was caught his -.4 | till bleeding > r. rush? 1 to jail safely lug, bnt the crowd lat?" h hy t Vassar Fund for Yonkers Girl. IVi; \ J ] , i .. , ? 1 ? ' oiks is ? ? Hunpry Horse Eats Ride of B.irn. Moi ? i eom ? oi John P ' ivielty cordii ? ? ? TilE race ain't always to th swift. VELVET is away ahea the -ay anead of these quick-cured tobaccos, even if it does take two years for its agein'. 1 o TOBACCO LIGOCTTS? MVtftS TJBACCO .0. DELEGATES FREED OF ROOT PLEDGES Big Four Conference Off, Tanner Tells Whitman, Closing Chapter. BARNES THWARTED IN PREFERENCE PLAN Wadswonh for Unhampered Delegation?Governor Still Favors Hughes. The efforts of the Bornea torosa In publican Old Ouard to obtain a aaap preference of the four delsgatoa at*larga to tha Republlean National ? ition for ex-Senator Root BBVa finally failed State Chalnnaa Tanner I ehapter of the Humes y In B telegram which I ioveraor Whitman 11 road: i notifies m?? tli?'' jn (h- i W ?i-hi'igton it wii; be " ;'"" hhB to li ave. Bo far a* 1 ?'im leur?, from the candidates for district ? ?? Ihej agi, e with the candidates ?or the delegatee-at larjre thai there should be no pledges, but that the delegates annul?! g? to the , ?? : ? do v betovet their jndgaaeai Si that time ?hows t?> be wise. There la, Therefore, not the tame rea >r " conf?rence that there ap pearod to be when l wrote you on the 10th Instsi Tsnnsr was asked what i sna would have . edvanee tha aan? ?Jena ? I ot and Justice aa. pinion/ he replied, tl itrnete l di legation I ? ? min?tes thi ? name at tha i time, nor that ol r ? ? Root and Justa their i ? for delepatin t.' ? unhsmpered end to use their of tha con ? i." Tanner Blocked Harne?'* Mere. ? -?.nre of three of the "Big .ter James W. Wadoworth, s R. Brown and Tanne: ??s held at Republican ftate I ? of tht ? ' on st ('arneiriu ruarj .'. aras Inal . Senators WruUworth read The ? Id re . ?\'ork Btor Koot. Stat u nor block. move by objecting to any i?n 'if a preference untl ? ?:...! '.-. hitman, ol ? Goi ?km,; i . . I . e day ? .-? ? i after Mr. Tanner had th him on thi '? ? he sent the t*;legrarn to Gov ' nan. Meanwhile Governor Whitman had : ?-...i that ha still bald While Mr. ? r did not i...?? prefei fsvors ? ? '. See Whitman Victory In Tanner Telegram ?. r the . lenl turn to . of th? Republlean State rommittee, ernor Whitn ? I ? i to diseuaa t'ne a which cancelled a conference arn to bo 1 by the New York ?!e!e gates*at-larga tu the National Kspuo ucafl < onvention, Governor Whitman's friends, how ever, regarded the telegram as a vic? tory foi o e Ezoeutive In hin stand that I : tod States Supreme Court Justice es E. llughea should ?? nomination for Pri They maintained that there never eras an) reason tor calling a confi-rence of ? tret th.- Govcrnoi Senator Koot. Mr, Root, ir 44i. Huid, would he Supported for ths nomi aation hei delegates-at Largi NEW BROKAW BUILDINC A MONUMENT TO TRADE Unique Store Fxcels in Men's and Hoys' Wear. lirolcaw Brothera* new b.. to 1463 Broadway, at Forty-second . is about completed, and u ?mal! , . I Bg trie bande?me wal 4'.uie? and wardrobe eabinota and : g on ?>,? finishing tuu?-: ss prior to the ?ipetilr.g, which Is ?et for a. date. structure, which v.l. ..ich. bj a i DI I I I ? ihed wi ' ? ? for com ton ? ? g\ Btion for i M ? l? of the : Hiding ii equipped with - I . -. r, which is on a i he | .-.j 0 4 er ' ??. ilsplayini of ganas aaaa'a suit? am over? .hite g?rmente, Ir? nrioa and ? loth? i for ? p?*rt. On th messanlne ? III be dl ?li r< d trni * ? and leather |.la rhs mat .,? ,|??, ?ill b? .1. v ..t--.l to men -? goeae an. bats. Th? ??? il"?!' "f ,'1" "i:i" ' '' twont ? """ '? ''' ,,, iha ? . | irge ??? atrel rotui .1 supported by Impo? nt, colami een? ?tono, with an artlstis gallon entire roteada 1 ' gallery ?rill bouae the general offic? 1 the men's snd boys' shoos, the publii telephones and th? writing room. The seeend ?!"?.- will c.?titHin th?? 1. ,. _nd bias! wd 1 ?, . ? ? silt room ?,, .1, , ?i,.,, i . 1 ,. 1 ?J(.e, ?II drosa clothe? and dinner suits will 1,, ... ? m ih.' third fleer, M th.. childn 1 ?pai tmont, tWO ?I?K IVO I ???'I? m ? ,-,i quite oui of the ordinary ... ?.' and I 1 ' ehildrea'fl bait dreaalng parlor nn.l ??> caily plai nod si eomfortably app tinted ladii s' i? I room. 'I be rear ..f |he third Boer la sol apart for ? sp?cial department far 'he dlepli clergymen? clothe? 1 ? ,? lii'th and elnth loon ar? re Served foi - I .".'? '?,' ? :?'l ' examination aad storage of ??<">il?nn and '? l h? bas boss of Brokaw Brothers by Isaae Vail Ho v. Bid C. Brohaw, who ?un ct.ic.i his 1 '?*?? plsnni ?l the non structure ai ? with mart 1 ? cpaasion In 1 rod?. On Junj ". 1..I, in the time of King (>.?] 1 1 Br? kaw Buildin I i I '1 iiiticey. ? derm I ?m |>. i pon 1 .? d< stb lu-- ni? eo, M i ton, hold the !.? for i.e.- ?on until '. ? he farm Wa ? ...? Idod Into loi s, and the sis lets on art r(,_H?v Building ? ?? until the roar 1 ">?'?.' when Geori ? on aei. He tnnintaine.l a coal >-ir?! here until he tel in 1874. In 1901 the R01 ? Hotel 1 ? - th? buildii 1- ss 1 and < I ? 1 . ? ? ? peri and pro erit U. S. EXPORTS BREAK RE00M Hlghei ' a I91S.'1S, fJev. . ..... ? ? ? I ? 0 mark :.r. lanu ? ? per eel formel best it ? ,. ... ? ; 1 larra? ,?,. - . . !?? r ? ? ? the Imports part mai June-?o to January SI were in th. Gold export ' four ? me? tha? am - year. - ? ? K0ROENTHAU BEES WILSON Ambassador Rep ?Its on Work and Cea? ?.in In Tun Washington, '?'?''?? Henry Mor penthnu, American A." ' to Tur : old Proal I Arir.eniuns, an?! gave a ges ? mal report ob . since the out'?r?ak of the war. Mr. I e ha I ro pr??> ?? , ? ? absence aV.rnr.,! he ah. INDICTMENTS OF LABOR COUNCIL MEN UPHELD Fouler, Schulte.s and Martin Must Be Arraigned Washington, Feb. 25. United States Corr.n ll ?1.?? utter | on the Indictmen's of II II' Mr ? - ? 7. nted a ?n . ' ?n ? ton lpt1 to > ? ? ?bout resist.nj_ 11 ? A Tasty, Srtappy Toast? for luncheon or evening "snack" is TRISCUIT. the shredded whole wheat wafer. Has the delicious, nutty f.avor of baked wheat. A real whole wheat bread for any meal with butter, soft cheese or marmalades. Full of nu? triment and full of "chews." As a toast far chiifing dish cookery it is a delight Al? ways toast it in the oven to restore crispness. Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y. RAILROADS URGE FEDERALCHARTER National Incorporation Is Declared Best Way to Secure Regulation. TIIOM ADVOCATIeS OENERAL INQUIRY Says Companies Want Control of Securities Put in Hands of Government. the TribuD? gaisas I 'A u ' a? ton, Feb. "?"> Com| incorporation onder Federal charter ? ? . ?. i to Congress to day bj the railroads for nil int?ntate rom-, meree carriers, whan Alfred P. Thorn, general counsel of th.? Southern Rail ay, appeared before the Bouse Inter mi ni.'" eommll Railway ? i ? American ? Wh - roads were lly in favor ol the I e< ? ral < pro ? i I. II, on which mi ad props m o f Fed x the more effeet i seeure such regulation : lay, Mr. l ! om itated th the de Mie nf the rnilr.. ..ration ?.f thi?? Buhjeet h?? included in th?? gan ? ral invi i| i ilro.'i.l or in the Newlands n, I ? ' 1 trod t'i ? n and ? Coin ; . The ' also i ? ? r i i other I ? ? I '1 4 Roads Take Measures to End Car 4Shorta<;e ChU ' ; ! i couinement by that organization to ?tos I I .? rnr service BOSantlMlon 01 lh< ., ? ion recently ronei tod " 1 hoi ? I n gcncrnl nliortage of ?<>t can f'.r tht movemenl ???' avalo In tin? t? I.' ' h lgO, from th? Twin ( Itiai i,?. i?,. ,,.,? th to sr laonl ? and t city on *>.<? south, and attending ? ai i beyond ? tolerado, "Shortages ire reported from sever?' ? pourr? ? ..h ?i ?? Pacifli I ineludlni California and Oregon, and on the M?? bile K- Ohio Railroad. There I? also * shortage ?f <"'"?! SMS in the Alle ??hi-fi I HWhilS Die?? ?h?.r?-isre< rvia? ther' I?. freight congestion In No? I around Net? IOrh anil other AUanti? ???npi?! ?< " II ? la 'irer railroad* ea?t of ( hua" hi-?? agreed to deliver t<> the Western "o |?.?r ? ?Tit mote DOS run thaS ?, ' ? received from Western roads, and ??ill exert ??il p.'?iibio pressure au con? signees to unloiii) Hs rapidly a? pel ears no??- rea?lv f?>- delivery and to avoid ordering good?? that he promptly unleaded, .550 MOP WATER THEFT OFF HIS CONSCIENCE Repentant Citizen Sends Money to Mayor. Msvor Mirclml retained ? money or dar for ???r.i> ysterdav from some con science stricken ?ituen, who wrote lhat it was for city water he had ?i?e'l without a permit. The sum will be placed in tho f?inal for ?I ?? rodeetlon of n. The letter iea.| : "l'leo?? accept f.'O for the fand, postoffice money or.?er, for city water use.l without a permit, f have , n nom? and sddres? os i-1 I S.xty fifth Street, which la fictitious, rh I thought it might lie best t?i assume some Bams for protection going through the j"? tofflce." SING SINO INMATES TO BOX Instructor Ad\i*es Men to Enter ??ing Hn.l He lleneflte.l. - ?*"" 11 ! i ?.- n. pi: inn bridegroom and of ?h?.? Mutual v> . fur. League, ha? ?s.ued a call to Sing ' IS boslltg honor?. Thomas Maddoa, assistant sergeant n? arms snd ones prominent in the tis tic world, will be instructor ami refere? bei ng bout?t, with Deputy Bor? I Seller-? to assist him in ?he m;''l ?nt of the ring, Seeker? for h'?.-..?r.. ? b? en ad vis? It ?. b'' be of It? museular benefit? No h tting or ilugging will be to! ? , . . ,_ aTchi. D. Archbold Sails To-day. Antoi.g ' ' . ,?:, on the Porto Rico liner Coamo for Ban ; Juan and other 1'e.ito Etican port? is , John D. Archbold, the active head of the .Stindnr?! Oil '.'tere?:'?. He " ? ?. Arehbold bi d ?rr, Mrs, M, M, Van Beuren, and [ pa to viait Porto tak?; ti.? entire .in?l. WHITMAN YIELDS ON BUDGET BILL Sees New Light and Possi bility of Fight with Legis? lature Vanishes. t H???? i mob ?.'.'?' el the ? Alhnny, Feh. Jo. i.overnor Whlt ? budget bill, ?"er which there ?a?. i?) much turmoil at the beginning of the legislative BOeaiea, ha? b???n plan I in the dlMUfd, an?l the poeeihllity of a fight between the Governor and the store ever ita provisions ha? ?.?'it. Until ? fow days ago vi??/ir oua declarationa were forth* r*a frlonda that if the tature did not adept his bill nntouehed there would be trou that the Governor wa? insistent and thai lie WBi goiiiK '?? 'nil 'lie lawmakers bash in anecia! asesten ii ins ? v. ??? ?? sel ' .irried o:*. Now ??il ii ?hunKed. The Governor la no i(ii.t.? ao sur?? that his original hud c?'t hill i?i nil that could be de i I !!'? Iiaa found merit in the sugg. ? of Bonator Brown, Senator -"???g?' and o'her Republlean legislstive I? The result la that a budget hiil framed along linea agreed span ny the legiaia tiva leaders a 111 be ? as ad by the Legislature and Governor Whitman ?rill The G< vernor's change of front i" ,. at Heputy Conl Charle:? S. Hervey, arhoae api?oinimenf Public s?r. ?-a Commission is hanging ,]n< in the I inaaee Committee. Mr. Bervey ?pent many WOOka work i me on the budget hd| f,,r *? I Whitman. This work ha. 1,...TJ5? ?nily?' ' 2HS Uovernor An,?? ?'--kir w the llnn.K?, | ,VV. ? gill r*n '' ' ' ' " " " ?irr V 'act, that if a?! ' SN .?Z7 , signature r-t '' '"' ' ... . -ri T ' '''?? ?? ' Sl0BSSi?Jr I ? ??? w M ? te. ana for edm oistrsUes et !" . n?.iie, appr veril and si ? tket 'or??' amoui . ,, * ritten ?* -. rali?'.i ' . ? . he did the ??tk ' he BSid. wai he??-.,, t,jlt r ti wort ? " I Item &re ?E aille. . 1 ? ? ? - I <r ? ' ' I ?i ernor this. A WELCOME TO AMBASSADOR MORGENTHAU Under the auiplc?f- of ths Mi i ? __?__ ?I New >urk will participate In a ?.re?.-' ne lo '? returned from i onsl intli of ? of th? College c?f the ' ?il Nicholas Terrace, 0:1 Saturday aftd . 'dock, Mr. Cleveland M. Dodf? is I reside, and brief add Purroy Milchet, Mayor of the City; I Rabbi VVtse, Dr. John H. Finley, Pi ? .dur Morgentha?. The Colunbll College Glee Club s ? A. Baldwin will preside at the freat Of| 7 he public Ii eordlall Entrance ?t Gate i?8th Str. ? Uenui R. PULT? ' Chaira ?? ? on _ ' > t- :ia8tannuuunuua?anaaauMaa?Byii^^tV??WB^ ?TUTyilTt " "'"?"?"?""""???? -tt?p-K*Mt.*a?. ?W F% V mmoral That Has Been Heard in the United States Since the Civil War" is the way the Philadelphia Record (Dem.) refers to Senator Root's k speech, while on the other hand the New York livening Mail (Rep.) charac? terizes it as an utterance combining "the vision of true statesmanship, the virility of stern patriotism, and the convincing force of cold, unescapable logic." In THF. LITERARY DIGEST for February 26th, there is a complete summary of newspaper opinion which reflects all shades of political conviction upon Senator Root's speech. No political utterance in a long time has crea much thought and discussion. ihere are many other features in this number of the "Digest" to inE'ir-st the American public. A "Brief" for a Discussion on Preparedness Prepared by an Expert. Both the Affirmative and Negative Side? of the Question are Given. Thia Feature ? of (Journal Value to Ali Who Engage in Public Speaking. For School Classes and Debating Societiea it Will Be Particularly Welcome. One of the Most Effective Way? of Getting a Clear View o? Ai! the Ramifications of a Subject i? to "Brief" It. Spring War Offensives Canada's Spy Fever Mere Infection from Battle-Wounds Than Expected Germany Under the Water-Wagon Who Invented (he Movies? Lincoln's Poetic Genius Women in the Orchestra 'The White Comrade" The Sunday Paper as a "Necesti . Watchful Waiting ai Salonika A Pan-German Vision Crimea Against Eyesight Military Liars The "Bends" on the Battlefield Insects That See Invisible Light German Education is to Blame Too Much New York in Our Drama Mollie Fancher's Fifty Years of Spiritual Victory Another Protestant Movement Church Harmony in England To Weld the Militia Into an Army Russia's Big Victory at Erzerum Armed Merchantmen as Submarine Prey Audacious Threat of the Armor-Plate Makers \ (jailers of Striking Illustrations The News In a Nutshell Clarified BEAD J HE LITERARY DIGEST and obtain the ? reek'a neu . f n ed trota unconfirmed and obscuring verbiage. Here you can p i ? pi * pot rumors and acareheada and cloudi oi but concise rr?i??rt-> of the aignificant ?venta day The DIGEST presenta all that is of value m the week's newt, in a form ao simple ai ai ?'? prevent time losing, and w impai I . ? ? ? make unfair judgau nt unlik< atonda alone in ita appeal t?> those w\ >n in. i understanding ol all the events ?-i ? ?naequew understanding based upon the verified fa February 26th Number At Your News-dealers Now 10 Cents ?TH FUNK <\ WACNALLS COMPANY (?Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary). NEU YORK n