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SCORES SYSTEM AT ANNAPOLIS Admiral Winslow Says Methods of Naval Kduca tion Are Al! Wrong. DANIELS I?JECTS SUBMARINE BIDS __?~ .. Will Ask Congress lo Divert $,!? 000.000 I unds if Vcstetl Can't Be Built in 20 Month?,. W a nited State? navy'? whole ? govern? ment snd operation, from ?ducal ' . ? sharply evil c ?ed b< fore the House Kai day by Admiral .?? vt , eenunand? ' of ?.? Pn Without radical i B a fully 4 rTirient ? Prit ; ear?. \ vTinalow d? ? n at the Annapols Na ?al Academy ? I '?'?< urged ration of the old grade of mid thc fleet. Hoys should en IS service at from fourteen to six tcct years o' age. hs d two ? In preliminary ochooling ashore. go to eea to accjuin habt" before completing their ?duca , ashore. The polytechnic education now given midshipmen at the academy was utter ,:, the admiral declsur? men to handle uh | ? si value to be >ained from making all navy offic-?. ? r mathematics and thoug " ?. ?ng. ordi.a- ta should be tra -.ever be called ? n to ships. Promotion bv Fitneas. ?i the lavs bo\?4 entered the i -ny. he ssid. a tjttam ? i i_o\erii r romo lions, elinai r the , .- re-rael - taska 'bat ? a ? added that ? .eliow should doten I that a t , -Navy declared i ? c - . ? t be accomplished if ? I , for flag officers, the men i .ctual i commands. Hep Fred Rritten. a Chi* , | ?.he Nal al nittee. opened tip the I nica! ? ? of the arm? m< rchant ship .? ? I quired ? trom sub? \ In ra SB in? dicated that a very ?mail gtin would . i (hen asked the admiral if he did not ; erchar.t ship armed with a ^ a warship. Thi m i ral be drawn into it an inter "The Preaident th? idge of that question," ?aid Chairman Padgett. "All "then let the President ex? plain Admiral Wins] ttes that the I : more ? . pyard"' on San Francisco Bi and charnel lim it .- yard for us? Sound yard, l c ? bought, also ?hi 0 to ,|f.f..- ,' the I' Id be i ?leternimed ivy Wsr < ihe admiral sai'l Fot .?-.sfor nne? would be BUfllcioRt, he thought, but m??re than fort. ? ild he reo I.? He Hegun Soon. n inquiry by !? 'o the rea Chain mittee lhat ' , ?I - i . ? to the 1 Ii Company on March '". IS15, i>nd work etar. ? ? u In? ? ? , ra the Schley wai much larg? ? nearly a .\iu i ? fting Th.- I ... n>_ biddi ? b .1 provided for th? ? ?, . .... |. i rep? I i nnleted I ?h Con? ? WH! DECIDE SILENT SUI1 Juetlre Tompkiac lo Pass on R.-.rher i sag i u Itheal Hearlag l? stlsseay, ? ne will be granted to ' il'ir from Aitht.r 1 -he will get BO Arthur S. 1 "">' # Ihe Supreme Court, who ? the tangled domestic ? Hen s n ? ..f ?niel | ? sn at? ? -ratti-r tui and wa? ii uel ?.. him. 1 -re de shoaring, and '? the former ? s si-davit t led bv . Wmt Dance for Junior Ants. ? i by a fa.-h OtlK I -?? eabgai.t aiid ?.uaann? War-1 I MIUGKT CONTRIBUTORS TO BATTLESHIP PUND. Billy, Richie, Laddy and "General" Cutter, of Mt. IM?.. I ' r, 0 lining, who send dimes to Msrjoria LAUDS MARJORIE: REBUKES DANIELS ( oiitiniirsl from I>f?se I on preparedness are | .mped at tne ? errett. His Aral rnei at heme a ill in tne May issne, reaching the date i ? earth what ? to. 1 ! ' its res the) ai? ie? king their S the rirher by p? OS, piaster??, heller, yen, ???, pfenni| 'nulti colored bead?. ? command of Major ' ? anil ' riited Hoy Sconti wil ? Tributi I'ark Theatre, Fifty-ninth Street sn?l Bl way. Members ? ' both 01 at the i boys' heud?;',:arte: Street a: ?I Third Avenue, pr? 1 o'clock. ? v marcher will , ;. ??? i. The K'fl K? Btant Harry Patten by Mrs. Frances Scoebel and Mrs. Mary I the. The ' their I'ark ' West to thi Auburn Sends ?7..">0. ii.,. . par riotism in yonth ful hei Auburn branch of the ! Club, which has or?gan the country. Oi ? !<?.! bodiei gave a l ' (--i tl s purpo fund ??< . ? "l?ear ,-.r: ? i theatre \. Y . to al that tha h r . TERTA1NV "l.yniuii 11 R F. 11 Hosmer, Dr H : ? ?., W. II. ! An:" Pleaaant the ' 'nit til Bt I liter: "!!???? from l.ichie and Ladd; . oral and me for Mar? j. ne Stern I "( ? vi r pal il boys |1 in the CWil War. SO WO rvant to untry ' 11044 . "The other follows are gol some Wa oil thinl l he fellows in the . ? ? ??? the fund 1 u: Id h "W( be some day. Then \4 - real soldiers. 1 bm nine "Bll LY C1 ? battleship liante which tha Alva Club . the club are: Mr". Thomas A. Edison, ?ry president : ' Law ? ? I ( urer, ? ? ? , tat ^esterdaj? < untributmns. t'o'itnbutions reef :orday ? ? r : i Bl Ifl" n ?. ? . .in N 4 ?,u? k I i - j: ?" ii. i - IM Ott ry Kl "? . .IS M ?'. , . .1? WUUaai dart 3 ii?: hlii ici - . ? s- ? . i - ? .19 Mn. I ?nbaish ......... .in ? Mm ?. i lit i .:...? , Mr? BL 4? ? ? i *>tn ?. Bttaaa ia J. i , t .r ?t Ilu I .11 *?!'? i >, r: I ? ! ? | ? ..?.-, \ ? - ?., . OI II ?. I 4 Ju K ? I ?. K* ?' I id U lin 4 KMtsa IS i, \ r 10 n* ? I ? ? ? ? IS I! I , I . Mn i K?t???..? ?> Un ? ?. * ' -. ? ! I. AinmetSS*.it Jete i)t Uitmu.... .:. ?DEFENCE OR TRIBUTE?" AIDS BATTLESHIP FUND Half a million ticket? are bein? distributed anaoag the school clul dr??n ?if thll c?l? to ?nab!.? them to M?e the mleeeal film spectacle "!>?? tence or Tribute?" al the Turk Theatre und nt the MSB? II?? help build the children's battleship, t h h ticket, ?a ilh a dim??, admit? n aeheel cWM to the theatre aay afteraoon until lebruno 27between l and ( i "i., Batardaj 11 a. a_ to 6 p. m. Children under sixteen niu-t h?? accompanied i>> ?i paren! ??r gaardian. I hi? afteraoon the EHeu Bar** Brigade and ? ? ? r i - ? Heepital Carga, I nited States Boj Scents, ??ill .>i li nd in i bod) . Mr millaa ' i .- ... . - .. - ? 1. !a tttM ? Wsn ?w ? I? l? I.:. ?? Hi ? - a ? - II ' I . .?:.?. Ill ,1 RIB* M . : . rataw .litiii I lamrl ? I x ? : J . ? ?? . . ? i Ted I. ? ? ? i ? I' Lr 1. ? j ?: Omet I I Hr.Tirr ? llar-y I - - . i John I? , ? ? i; Mtl 1 |_f Mr I. rr ? Df l'a-aoii _, I ? " I i -I \ B 1 . . \? \ i ? ? i; w I ?\ . v. ? . i ? - i. i H ? I: i, ?' ? Mtrtoti ? . B Oil_ i- \ T \\ \f.-? ? ? l_ W I a - ? - - 1 . - . 1 ??'. 1 M Mi li. ??? . i; Ml. . ? . . . . Ql 1. i? R1 ^T AM? EMI I 0 Q I? l.raaui II K . I> II ?? \ : l ? ?! lia?? ? \l I ,. I ? ? A I ?\ M 11- ? . 1? - i- 11. ? I I I I I . I? . r . I 1 . ??. ? M ? i : ? ? \? ? I ? ? ? i. i ? 1 ? I - ?? Wood l. . , non I a. I I ?i -? ? I a a - ' I . 1 ?\ ? at ' ? ?? Diuna ... ? * H U ? I 4 ? Fraal Ml I. . -u ' > 4 h, .1 W - I. ' '? ? n "? ? ! j?'.? i i ? Il un Un ?um.. I "?? 4 | ? I I l. ? H ?'< a ? ? ? . " R ? 4. ? III \ I H t ?Il : . i .1 - i ? i - ? ; i . 4 . M. ? Il . 1 ? , . B R . ? y ... . V. M ??;.... 1 ? 1 4-? I ? AMERICANS WARNED TO QUIT MEXICAN TOVV?. Villa Reported Moving On Pear? son with 1,000 Men. . i rai ta of? ficials warn- - in I'-arson to i,, ? after manufacturing ti un wi il of Chihuahua City, in which In the 1 onpany. - hod to? <\ny at n the according to si ???! Gavira, al Juai liera wer?' ? ? raed lerernl tura ye terday eenpied El Valle, according to ., who Villa th wa to pre of ( ? airy from rath. been ? n - alata D?fi ? i ttaek on | nment troops at rat Oaxaea Ich n ? SAYS BAXTER OWES $8.562 Ii. i? m. . So? i t, Sues Bank i?> Ho. ??? er <?n < hecks < ollector < aahed. "Wi .- Ba i ? the Supreme i i Amer c in Defence I Bank for ehecki : ter, as par? i B the checks and th< leeki to r. ? he f-'reur : ? S Stop ? ' ? :r.44vn, it i? ? ii by the - ? ? ?? r th. been MARTINIQUE HONORS T. R ' Preach Miaiater of Coloalea Tells ef Moser .md Illumination. I Cal? 1 ? led h I incidents ' Weal ? i -ii?: on? ? ? .4 of troops. II sn.l I wannth of the reception tu the jti-i'iesiiiirit. ARMS FIRMS HIRE OUSTED MIDDIES Companies Eagerly Grab U. ?S. Trained Men, Re cently "Plucked." CANADA TRIED TO GET UPPER CLASS FLUNKS Dismissed Cadet's Father Tells Of Job Offers Lieutenant's Rank Dominion's Bait. I i'4i than two weeks ago eii/hty tWO midshipmen at the United States Naval 5 Uei y Wen "plucked" for alleged de? ficiencies IB studies. Immediately the inns end ammunition makers struck ? he trails of the dismissed midshipmen. i? day the greater percentage of the fOUng men, most of them possessing a bigl ly technical training', received at ? BBS Of the government, are cm- : i in the munition fa tones. Philip m. Doom, of Ml Bloootfiold ; . ? Hobokea, waa oaa of th<- bsob dropped from the Naval Academy rolls. ' ?. . ? ' m mechanics an?) was ..i .? i.f the -1"1? middies who were first reported !.. have flunked. The number? vas later redoeed to eighty-two, bo? eaUBO, it la declared, Secretary Daniels secretly lowered the passing mark fr.,m J.'.O ;ii the cases of the 148 stu nta.nei at the Academy. Mr Daniel ?1 changing the rating. II at young Daab's home peat? day afternoon revealed that the die? missed midshipman had gone to Con? ? tigate nn offer by a ? aanafoetan r of cartridges. His lather, Philip I'aab, former member at th?? New Jersey Legislature and foi -even years president of ihe lloboken Board, ?alke?) of his son's din Munitions Firms Take Men. "The flunking of three seniors and I " my son beim nnpreea dented, ia a) ina< ttlod time in na .. ke 1 by Jo . ? ? i avail ' of a product ? ? ;? ined at enoi nous expon m to I ? ment, Ii coats the navy $ to graduate a boy from Ano ? ona hur.dred men at thia tine, ?in- demand tor trained men in the nary waa new I -e. i ? ?;;ng." .1:1 i?.?..l) itball, IB at Annap? olis. His rank as a -1 ? h. ir h. an nation , below r. and ird de? ed bj the acad?mie board, of Danii ? head. He th i I BOBS marks ted I ? On Februai \ 16 1 a apped. t secret the academ c board is said to be the moans by which the n failures wa reduced from . Midshipmen who failed rere retained. t aaoda Sought Mlddiea. I -.riling to those in ? A ipolis, a week bl ? imination S?cr?tai y 1 >s .. ? i ?h to fail in 11 down ??? not dism Sine? two ca been free!] i ui i .? year "?". ?hen several pood from Ani I examinations, might nave occurred hail ? es hushed it. h i . bi uai :? "exama" thirty-fire ? d In their log hooka, nnval stu ? , ? fall, when Midshipman II. .1. eed t.. qail ".?ani Mid? snipman A. S. King wi a i;irl I ehapel and he I ? . ..-.i\e. i..- Bei ngton 4 mmediatel; both ? ? . - liai y said tO ha ? ? onth, When 'h>- recent loi i ? i by tha Secretary ol enrices a ere bid for by ??irer-. Th( ? ? ? ro years at v ? d to i ??? m ??' ?? al nable fnun the ?. i 1 . garai en! i plncki ? i ] ? r i ' .u leal u.- : : ha Tribune. Th?? dial juniors an.! ? . two, were indet ' \ ? ! them that should they , desire ? i snadian regiment could . the rank of lieuten anta. ... none Appeals to Se. rotary l>an.?? . to re midahipmen or . ? ' i ? ? m tna c shipman Daab, bol CHILD'S PAPER SOS GIVES COPS EXERCISE Note from Window Says "Big Sister" Is Being Killed. "Help! help: help' Coma to I4M Third Avenue. My bit: sister is being killed Help I hi Ip! ii-i.-i .; upon you if you can help me re?cu. my listel " Thia note fell I ma? i I a a aa 4' all . I ra 1 bird Avenue lata laal nigl v ? "?"' ' as the verdict. HF.K AMBITION. Misa Ja?.- daring a tea at Hull House, saul. according to "The De ? . . "I diaa of the i ?'.-hior.s :ty. "? koow a ?thor ? ??heath ikirt, akin to her reproai bfully ona da\ : "'But, mj ? von war t | ?.-row no ?o that evervbodv will 1?. to yOB 7" "'No, ma'am.' said the youngster, de ?l want r?> gram an so that everybody will look round at me.' " EXPECT U.S. BASE ONBARNEGATBAY Coast Folk Say 10-Mile ?Strip Has Been Bought for Submarine Centre. SITE COMMANDS NEW YORK HARBOR Value for Aero Fleet Head? quarters Seen in Nearness to Metropolit and Philadelphia. Toms River, N. J., F??b. If, Rumor? that BnbSSarins and t'jtp.'do boat bases are t? b.? established by the govern ment in Harnegat i'ay to defend the Saw Jersey coast have become irre? pressible since a mysterious ag??nt ha? ac?)uir???l an option on the Aumnch property. This ii ths strip of beach land on which the r.jmore.i defensivo works were to be srectejL The vice-prcsiiU'iit of one of the lo? cal banks m sponsor for the BOWS He ??ays a Federal i ?ginser ha? Informed him that the I sited Btates ha?? ai? rea, ly purchased the property with the intention of enlarging Bernegal Inlet. dredging ,a channel from there to the [aland Reach lifejruard nta'.on, ten m.l?"?, and preparing a naval base at d fortress it the north end, within a ' distance of this town and The Tribune's Hearhwood prop. | Title to the trad Of land which, ac? cording to the informant, has bien pur chased has bc?n disputed in tho courts far twenty-seven years. The suit was instituted by the Elijah Aumach fam-; ily, claimin?, that the late John Alien had purchase,) the property. George W, 1'orrance, of New York, defend? d his rights, und a few weeks afro ob? tained a c!"_.r title in the ?.'ourt of Chancery. Site Controls Harbor. Judge Gaskell, of Moerestewn, ?tter . ? . ' loi . is now at ? irst, but lus ion last night that somebody, he could not or would ? the pi ? -ardod . be la a go.? "? . itrip "f lund ?- ?? - ? . - ? r defi nsire parpo 'iie rumor. It ;ust ha|f "? ? Isi it an and protect both barb i I irding ''? the Federal engin? t. an Bei Opll ' ? OOl arc to complete the military ont I ? i sac i, a i ? is is accepted a? probal ? tant between New . to the west, and within easy Hying distance of both. . I the new h * ? Ice ? he Ber? negal Bay ?I trie! important I I here that with ?!...' Of I ? h Cope May and Sandy Ho< .marine and torpedo lerviei defence of i I New York the Wir and Nu?;, department; cannot hare c velne of thu War Departmi in Wasl in, chief of Board, h i tho | ? , 11. Holman, ho here, says he baa heard tbe rumors ? 1 au? thentic. The ? ? il who with Judge Gaskell ? -. . SOCIEY LEADERS FLY IN PALM BEACH MOVIE Mrs. Ournee Munn Heroine of "Island of Happiness." . . Palm Beach, Fla.. Feb. 26. A : playing all ?>..| which di fair B ? r..plane to a di ? lu? shown in the dining room of the . Hotel ???i Bandai March I I will bir destroyed. Tl ? ' ed to set unless ths single exhibi? . ? . this ? ? go to the American Air.bu- ? ? The p.:?'. ifl "The Island of ; in, of M is? '? ? Jams ? Et. Hyde, Nee ?oi , and hifl rival is an aviator, I R, II II, New Y..rk. with . . ,.-. b l be Ural i- an engagi nut grove, at which affair Mrs, Munn'-; ? ment t.. Mr. H>.t>' ?s annou - away with the heiress to a lonely island. She ?earns that he is after her m which she did n<?t bring With her, and she escape? from him, sleup- n and is seeking a cocoanut breakfast when she spies i 1 aeroam I. Thus the v.Haiti locates lier. 11 pearanr.? canses more ?rod I for the safe r.'urn of his daughter. ily.i?-. ?: h metoi beat, u arel i i nearest land. i;. res jn time I ? ? ? . They r turn to v. bit? bi 11 the home ? I er, ??? nee ?ii th?? picture, and in the last pan they got married an i I pily ever afterward. -? Features at Sun Alumni Dinner. Among the Interesting features at I "The Sun" ! at I '?'? ?tel Martinique Mon? l nental ter s ' Jareo. R Iph, jr., of San Fran and betwi t ii ? Benjamii Ido Wl ; ? ?? ' ' f ,rnia. Btophen T>ng Ma*? Secretary <>f ths i Wili ?b0W films ai parks, ths i .0 and de ant ?if which have beep his ?? r two _ ta...?. TRNKA PLAYS AT AEOLIAN Ft'.hemisn Violinist's Programme Warmly Received. Al'.is Trnka, the Hoheniian rlolfttiot, was received with especial warmth when ha cuve his recital at A Hail yesterday oveaiag, He i with sympathy and apprecia'ion, as he has played before. Mr. i programan i oneorto ?b E "Ciocconn," Drorok-Kreialer'a Bla Dance, KoslolT's "Melodie 'I art ?? ? ". cherxo Indian," Pagaainfs "l.a Compendia" and Josephs's "A tion" a piece dedicated to 'he riolin be poooi playod the bcoobb? paaiaaont to this work. DEATH CHAIR ANNOYS HANEL Murderer Calm, hut DwoOb Morbidly on Tain of Klcclrocution. Leap in?; the gap of time which must intervene be. ore Joseph E H aolf-coafooBod murderei a! Mrs, Jalfa Hollner, can be made to pay for hu crime, the mind of the captur? d BUB Body dwelling mort lip ;p'?n the de .th he believes himself bouod to suf fer in tha death chair Oatwardly, he :, still film, but h?- asks many qUOO? ? ons of detectives regarding electrocu? tion. "Is there m?ich pain ir. b"ing killeil At othi r times he a iked cob sath of Han? Se the latea to go to the rh . ? . ?n bringing Hanoi to ti Captain Coughlin, of the Bro? ? .. had B long ta'k with . loner >???-?? rdaj. In which ios eral i ? b? Han?-!. Detect ? Ro Idy ent to PI t v winch tha man eonl . a itoleo. UNITED AMERICA, BUTLER'S PLEA Columbia President Asks if We Are Sure What Nation Stands For. Speaking at the dinner of the trust section of the Amer ? M' A soctation at the Waldorf Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Colombia University, made a plea for a \ * the qui that America stands ?or-' "Whatever may be ? at In Europe," said l?r. Butler, "ws at know what each great nation of E ... how ? arid at war. In each ipiril and purpose and zeal for a u to prin to a nation. "Then I cannot help asking: 'Are we quite ho sure what America for." We are confronted by clamorous ? war with each other, by ta? to, and I ing of mon it a?, to ju.-t ,,-,,? 100,000,000 of Americans : for. i a teat the ?? in It, i . the ti That ? WO are to ? et and unity . ird with any m< nd authority tO the g ued l' know, ? I ear;?: An- WO ant by then; now"" i third : ;n Am? ? ?ory." Dr. tinned. "Wi ara bow faced by the problem of international ? tions ?minent. V.' si si ? . m. jiurpo-' met h ? i ? ng alliance - ons with a 11 ? "If tind relief from the Bg peo;.., ? ?i a and ell Bl risioa opportunity nam< to touch II ? ? ? and hold it up to < . - a lighthouse to those il hi si th." Howard Elliott, the only ? .on of the r He rr. ida u ; ?? ? if the country. .. : % a? I do." ?i,' -aid. " -had. ? ??! of which I am o? ? .-. tation to induly impi '. ing the railroads and th.' i th.. great responsibility that rosta upon rs and empl?. ? and ': t., ,1,, all ? lolckly th?- problem of handling <??-.? creat proper! ?? r'or th.? ni - tii?? public ami I.. may." ? I ... dinni r, which we < d bj 700 memb. : Mr. Elliot - Judge Elberl Gary, E ..-? i ? ! 1' D. 1'nderwooil ani lei Will FINDSNEUTRAlin A DIFFICULT ROLE ?Morgenthau Outlines to Economic C;iub the Trials of Diplomacy. JUaOOELINDSEYTEUi OF EUROPE'S HATRED Central Powers flnra^ed by Wa Shiprm-nl-, aid Allies 0y Our War Proffe . Ul_Ha__?a_ " . . . - " mgasjlf ? ? mtg. ?-. ? ?on wouli eloer, bat - ' wrs Isjji Morgen'.. . .. saying that : m?, from kcep' ' ?abjects, ., i and in I | DJ' ti 1 about I a nev. ?- BOM !.i its. in i : minut. b_Si; ? . him, .. cour. ? I lit out? lined _BCB? for . ? ? ? ?a "No . ????n ?f | the new ? :t*_es which has i ? .? of til .aoor ?jad ' ? ?nould o' t that 1 tariff ' . of ?er I ? comni ? uer ? -ime. ? ? .. . ? :? h?? lit our nat i tional ai I ? n ? Mass Meeting Sunday Evening Shall the Babies of Germany, Austria-Hungry and Poland STARVE FOR waul Bl MM? A Public Meeting Will Be Held ? CASINO THEATRE Sunday Evening, Feb. 27, at 8:15 o'Clock CORNER AND S?TH 5TI SPEAK ? JUDGE BEN LINDSEY CONGRESSMAN EMERSON PROF. C. W. LARSON DR. EDMUND von MACH_ Ko lovr? babii-s will bo v? ??to meat I i ? ' '