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BOOKS AND AUTHORS ? REVIEWS AND COMMENT LITERARY CRITICISM AND BOOK NEWS The Red Cross Abroad and at Home lt?^ History and Growing Service in Peace and War?An Appeal for Support. THF RID ( ROSS ? 4 r H.'MV SKTI ? 4 . . ? Red (Vom Wnta : ? . - I.FTT? .11 ri ROOnTAli Ht MiVI Fro 'uct.on of life to its pre??" ' is a welcome And w.-h i| coi- ? .1 ge from the courage of cnrnage to :?:r >elf?I i??.g courage of loving service Mr*. Boar tory of the Red Cross is ?' I . roui;h it- ? ular roeep! ???> fully de ? e rv ? smi-s to r all, the oi ?oiy of tl ? T.. I ' ? ? ? ? . the book vey of the development of the care of the woun.? day? .. the Koman legions; and. finally, I! the reader a clear idea of the wide work in peace as well . . ? ? go to the front, whether it be In S ' ? loittO, an epi 8em:. ? ???ophe, or at the front?? in ?' ?or. ?e is the Ul ? ? ion ?ea of the ?an Red Cross tl battle of pence. against the preventihle loss of life in I ng union?: the poor the reduc V book ;i book of ? ? a far can, end ?here are many, to the rj in war, ecu nffonl to leave -.inro. rd of achievement and .?.ion. It will tell h?m tl t he, . the i ? a* well as the fcTS pointed eompsi ? With its proud history ? t the its ? ?o of ? ' ros ! As yet ; nfai :?? Lusty on.': true, bul look? ? ? ? ? lopn it rr.'.i r. worthy repr. tatos of An:?-' ? m bers. Fighteen hundred thousano men. ?>an constitu?' Japan?-?.- Red ' ross. Hundre.: thousands mv love of country in other hinds t.y adhesion to the ranks ol tional or nalaetion. ? >ur An ? : i< n Ri l en dowmer.t fun?) ? N is nearly SI Kussian society, before the pre*? nt 44 ir, hud a reserve capital of $19, ,000. and the funds of several other Furopean sssociationi are far grel? in a country of such wealth, of such pel r ? nd humanity as thi*. can people cannot Already the text from a score of Pulpits HELD TO ANSWER By Peter Clark Macfarlane Sound and sweet u ? rip* ?pple, and it grips the atten? tion like a promise of good fortune Chicago Herald. Destined to crowd the- best sellers.?h'tsnsOi City Star. Here Is a book you cannot afford to miss th Edition ' 25,000 Illustrated 521 Pages $1.35 net At All Booksellers LITTLE, BROWN & CO., Boston THE H0NEYP0T By Countess Bsrtyntka Author of "Hi- Little ' Who SHa b< M??m?-." \ ]? .1 I B! mpotbl tk study of the effei I I?.? 4. one born <?t the ? nts. Hi?- ?die r a da oh (<r of .ni itritiv nfl I with ' ? ??-?. t ' ? ' E. P. DUTTON & !_ 681 K.fth Ave . N V CO. allow their Red fro?? t.? t<m?ni without a Just sndaursBont, bei sh.p il the i?i d < ?rOSS of N pOOC? insurance and wai insurance both a contribution to a a safer, a healthier, a rieher, B ?flcient and more powerful ? author', account of the ser already rendered and ?till being by the Anoriean Rod Croi Kurope ]?i .Xpert n, menl ? an do, t*n ?mall meanu. In i.irt. few of t?. ropean narrative? of hospital expoi i paj tribute to ?t- oork. There are the ie'ter? of Mai ? ?' , - . enteric fever :n h ramp, une ?il in . 'of an American anil Thing? an | ,. lu? <?nly remained . red but \? > ? of the typl 1, lira. Dearmei ? I isn hospital in charge of an A ? army ; after and treated two hund?. .all alone. At the end of her throe months she reinlistod, and then the . I havp a tOUCfa of fever. Here i? the history: . sd it ? and sras pi then Mr? 8tol ken ; lorothy ;. Nurses Willii and an?! M ' ? i manager of the laandrj M I i .?wed I could I wonld , on my feet -^o I ? iree when temp?ratures , ver? taken, u: then I , ? ? up. She :.':>? after she ha. dec?an -mirer son fe ?- country. s traini the ?.uthor of several novell There is humor in her i nal ; it of of a woman '" war olution for the problem of "This ws bring T>e:iir no war \?ill bring peace only love and m?-r i rtuei such a-? loving ont bring a terrific thing lib? i , pympa'het on and the author in his il memoir. AMERICAN JOURNALISM A Half.Century ol Constant Achievement. F!r"TT TEARS OF ?i.MTRII A' 11 ? __? I. . We must contradict Schiller. The d, should never touch the ; have to condemn I and ? ? It has been : again and agi . ' mode j week, from year to year, for turj[i sad a.? thi called in Mr. j'ollak'a eminently ropro ? ? ? ? merely ton DillatOI it, ?h it. What wen ? ? ea id ? <>f \\ in population; the supremo absurdity, among the nbaurditiea of ??.ir, ??f inore ob .il the ? ? t ?cal, ai mm h a part of th? i date and most practical publi. I to-day; and the treatment of them - ! latter could make it. . j literal reprinting of what peri ? nil for the pr< ! the same ; all the years. Th? ?if the In ' ? ' ind raili ? municipal ? ?i. the i mor:. 1 Real ?i ? ? tit. This we ? li ?nd admirable type i ends the gift - Httr:) the powei of ?i icerning that which ??? Of vital and therefore of importance, and of taking n view of It ' that will be of pi t. II we should turn ? >.i.r- we should Bl , many articles on other topics which I then seemed to loom . ' as these, though none of them IH but which arc now ?? rerbial doornail, and of ?? -..,. rould , - ?.-. wnin) ... 1 ephemeral inbjeets. But I . on the themes which will endure, *________ . ? & E. H. Sothern's My Remembrances His beginnings with the famous old Boston Museum Company, with William Warren, and dear old Mrs Vincent, in The March Scribner - All Neveetttndt MABEL T. BOABDMAN. ? "l ri.l.-r tht Red CieSSMl 1 h? .1. B. I.H'l H'.?-"tt I'nmpany I It Is the ??.irco?iful I ?f this | ? and on which makei the files of B pap Jt il thai 4vhich mak. . popei ?ike The ur value, both to the ador mid to . ? . ?. ., the Ti in-MoJ an bor-: <J, "The Nation" .-aid, h? might at Nothii mid order bur of Beers . heat of revenge and schemes for loot. : h e irmed i ice, for if Tamaulipai arara t ?? - ? i a >-. with all peace ami quietness, an Amen ? ...1 of a Mexftan state, the ipl? would re? quire for man., jroari a large annj agria in tl and Sti ipea thai u .?1 n foi di :? eo nmunitj of cattle itesmon should ?roll tl that an tion to the territory of our Re? moro mas ? .. Il 44i.? at an earliot date than that, in the 44H1- of the "Terrible Year," that Mr. rota words wl rl ch now se< proph?tie: Il - Impoaaible for anybody who the course of the present atruggla in Europe to avoid being the incr?-. ?lty of tl ' of neutrals in all WOl SS far a?4 time and apoco are concerned, into which steam and the telegraph and . brought a ' c ? ?'??"?'I ? ' ? lookers-on, a? well those in t, In tur:., moka jar? I ex? ng, The Prussians, far from being as! the an thusiastic artieloi in the English pap? ? on . . . beca? ? tbe Prei i h di aw arn i and lim? ? ? bli ek . certain the mar Now ? ?? l'i : in complu. I ? ? .pen up a ?. Im ?' ? do ?:.?? o are ? ground on 1 ? ? ? s of life for a nation, whenever a ?iuar ne;?- I : ay, . ving i igoi ?-. help to brine it to a speedy ace. . . . In all ou- . ' ? hooves us to remember not only ... . ht," but that the !? on o ho do not I are entitled to have theii goings and d to 'i as i bli If an] country, for in? ri-, ?|e,?s not choo*e to keep a ? . WO ? I to make it up to her. whenever she coc? to war 1. by I to 1er adversary 4vh to prolong the COBtl ' '"il of the of war \? that timo '?. n er: can but vei ?.,?.?:? 11m on "The Nation" held to be nd while it re? thought that the ? ? com? i ?-elf to thai prop?'sir;..:.: '? volv ? of the natii trade. 1? la viewed With BO dis? favor or reprobation. A manufact of a OLD FAMILIAR FACES By Theodore Watta-Dunton I i saya on the ??rrat 1 ittrary figures of tin- put generation written in a and dig? nified English, which mokea the lio?>k i literary ?nonmnent <?f iloe. ? ?,. ? tl at I ?' ? E. P. DUTTON & CO., ttfti Pirti \ ? . \ ? MALI -ni I 01 ?PRINT-BOOKS ' * r. ? ad on any i W'hrri In trigland ?all an.| I . ...... Joha BrloM ?.. ttiimliisharo. , cartridge <<r breechloader . . . tainly never found thut I. on hn rod his on trunce into nn> I I or cl on board, or . benev? olent 01 the bbsui Uty of t h i idling arn . erent -. ba !?. en ?? rating f.?r the i i ? ? ill im? ported from tbil It is Well knOWl tO be i?c,| in killinir Russian-?, but no ?.? ever boon the transaction, or ?ill be beard as lon_- ss ?? . has not aet nally begun. Let Turk?;., however, hei/m ? ff| | . ,':f tl m?r against 4 by Ru-sia and we shall be gravely told that to .??ell a' ' on? to her tO those lost live service, or to arm fr? ?h EDWIN BBBBEBT LBWIS, , rhoao Aboal Trsock' i The Maamilloa t.. m-, - troopa, ii a crime Bgoinai human rhoro la Bot the idow of eM'u.-e it. morals applauding the sul?- ?>f anaa for 44111. si nil t<> the moaaent un i then rep? ? ' aa un?Chri Iian. War sa for ?ai parts <.i ...if -reat trunaoction, which must, m tha forum of morola, a whole. Km u.? must not r?-pr:iit the whole voluma m quotations, readily 111 it ? ? ? to tha i irnos? Ire have itod the satisfactory ?? Ideal and the Real which has been effected bj the ?..! ten Il being i by them, bul . ble and, WO trust, number of journslists ti gentlj and ? tha | .r Journals a diserim? roniels an?! f their tii ' ? ? ? ? ? a a - this volume si an i ' oil union, R ? ut al-o, wit i . .... and Jonr? ? briah ami timely to I year-? to be a 111. i ? tj pe . tl ?"-? had i toad of , on the newsstand we may no! always ? , "The Nation's" Id?ala l; il ws cannol turn aaray from co: ? i tion ? ? ? on of them without em? of our estimate of prof ? und its fund ' ami intellectual economy of the human NEWS AND GOSSIP OF BOOKS AND AUTHORS Shakespeare's England?President Wilson: The Man and I lis Work?More Hapsburg Gossip?The lar Elast ?"Chicago Poems"?Spring Fiction. jr, ce with 'he Shakespeare Tercentei i ' tford i niv? !'re?s work < i titled "The England .'.? ne ? and reel : th< 1 I ? n ac-e. the materials for which hove I ted, with the i ratoi . by Sir S l lenry Bradley jliah, Sir B. Maun ? b the 1 I W, l-of, ? th bal ?.-. th s ' : ? ; the com ? . . i and e: ? l to fai , .ground and i ?, | .' ? two rolnmei ;?i?? now pa . the g p of Mr. C. T, < ?ni'in.-?. The President. ? Man an,; II.? ? lenry Jone - Ford?, prof. ? lor ! of politics i anm by 1> ... i ,. | ),e book .... .-r.unt of M r. .. tra ? - snd ehai I ..? - ?.. mid ? on." I he Ha|i?bur_?4. Prom ?he Ifessi - Ippletoi . ? . olnme ol "!;.. ..l!.?.-tion? ? " who ehoasos to ?r anonymous. The lady lived for i a while in a nobleman'? family in Aus? tria:. Poland and was afterward the Ol the Arch? il th, the daughl ? ?,.'1 of 1! ipsburg, of whose ? ? ? : ?th ' The Far I :i-t announces further a work Politics iti the Vat i K. Hornboek, It Itn? keen rate, oi mot ion eoni ? Am? r iffsira, tbi iti ? ?..?.! pi oblom v. Inch will ? moment the WSI fore then. Nan I i. t on. AitionK ttr? lpi pletoni are Robert w. ? bambora'i Bel tor Man," a c? I I ? ? Idiroi I of a Natio - ? ' ?.? h a t m V? i '. ? i Cru is? .?nee by lion .' . . ? ? -- . viel ; . ASM. her Prize Pia) ? - I. Iloigs, the children' ? lay whic bas by ths i I ..;;.ear? 1". t of the Mac War Nights. \ ir Capita .?'? "The New York 'a - for iaaoa I a ill !??? th r- . (I Mr Ma? ha?e'- >hak???.peare Masque. Sa i," ?le ' r in, will be I Page irate illustrai will _?_? b. I ."ban, with imaller decora nie in Bod h and Religion. . ? ? ectui ? n, the ? ? Il ' pher's ih in -. Pro? \ good - ? ? ? rial in? - religion between ortho "t'hiraco Poema." This Is the title of a volume of ult-.i fri? -. ;?rl Sandburg, BO? M iioit. ; Ja? k Loodou'a Peace Play. : n Planter," Jack I.ondor. j ' new book, is "A I aliforn a ; tain aspects ? f w orld pooeo. This Is ? dramatic ventu e. H - "Ths Scorn of Women," a drama hod eight <?r ten >' ars, . ! (.encrai Shafter. The authi rraphy ol tha lata General U illiam Rufua ? .red by Charit ? P/eissoi t, s mamb? r of tho Hi use of Repn bigai Legii latura fter was a tha " lehigun as leci nd Heu? ser Infant i y reg? - erred t h roui ? 1 wir 1 with such d til ? ? t ha c< ms oui wearii g tha shoulder sneral. He on . ?. and n tha P eos and On Bill." His eommsnd of tho expeditionary i? 1 his active career. Trom the Hii??iiian. Mr. Kndbf han reaily the Brat Enn?? of Lermontov'* "A Hero of i r< forrad ? > -. - ? .-hologrical novel to he 1 ho Macmillan re] irai on an Eng? n . I Kuprin's " Phs D i ?m in ? little : r, and in fif? ' - -? rka. Earl) Wild Mowers. "Our Ear , v, lid Plowors" is th? book by Harriot L Keeler, author of "Our Northern ' >ur Native Trees." It - r publication h?te this month ' Feminism. I'aul Eldor ?t- Co., San Franc..-?co, an a i ? Soul of Womun: An In looophf ?if Fern Pa ' Jord in Smith, of th? book the ar.nou- I rod ? ona ??I fern:? h'iotxoenean . ( onipton Mackemie. ! . not? - Mr Mack boon taken P l'utnam's ^ons, and il reissued by them to-da;. Great Mystery Story Tense, amaiing, clever- front) the opening ?entence, 'Mrs. Balfame had vmdc u/i her mind In commit mnrdtr," to the dealing up <>f the mystery in tin' last chapter- tins novel is breathlessly exciting. Gertrude ?therion Author 0. "Hi queror," "Perch I MARCH MAGAZINES: LEADING FEATURi Finances of the War The Pre dent of Switzerland, st UIHNKKS MAGAZINE. Tin, tabla ' I eootonl s ol "ScribnerV pre t inv!' : |.- . i,- Roooo' in, En e?t Poixotto, Josas l :? Williams, Sothorn, bul .yes's department on I cial World in ' greateet immodio H eaa Igh that t! . tha beat ,|i] i ouch ? to a eloos nndi i ps from month to m< - ? . ...ith currency inflo!ion, ths I ? I I this art moment to draw attention ?h..r's delightfull of fors writes of -.. that airead) \ Museum; En ? -' !'? ixotto tal ? m border, St plemonting many drawings, a id . Th.-r.- .ne rep rod eolora the wai ? Russia "ml Prai of I RtJ ? r??4.i ? 1, W B. Can Wharton. \? il K-1 fol " which talla ? -, tic, tho gl ta being a pock dogs which ;?t the I in .? mi '???r tria t waa tranai : ccular ? ? ithoriti. "A I. ttle ilturo," by J( advontu 4 ? , Berlin -a i tbrough cire - >?s unco ventional a- American fcirls are ? l In whe tho uneonvci wed an i ? ,1 "Bill] an "Oi I C. I . . ? - ? a child-ac! i .-, . istrated 1 ??? r0?"1-' lain*, bj ? n u.i'i:::'.-! MAGAZINE. All Pali m h ' in tl rhich, . ? ? Republic act th ? ? bus to knou .. I i ? - anoL I wa . ? I know tha name of the Swiss Pn s ashamed l eonfoas it. i waa honing I mich! Be of the I' ? - ! ? ver every Bui at the end o th.? Wook I timl ??;. and apologeticall : I d of oui 'h-- name of ths Hu then came a shock. i>ur landlord irre\ blushed an.i eoi ? I srl He hu I s?pp.-d h, ; a man wl Ho hi ?\ske.l th- BOOtl rao i ? m Amor! .- ! got thi: ? H?? s,tid " lB hen 11 taerland and it arhat h wonderful little country it wa nmont so oeonomical, .so free from party ?? >i rupli< n and ana ;?. from eran and polit home life of our own dear < "lum bia, I thought: "The man at tha head of this thin? must !.?? a ms hand; I'll find out his name." S.. I tod it a bright-looking ml and soldi "V. hat 1 Swl nt?" " 'Hs triad i he didn't uadorotaad my French, but ho did, for I can tear | r :i;[ right learned it studying art in Fans. When 1 pu i.? -a.-i ho knew tha i am.- well soob faits ? at that moment a surprias b it I askod tu?- next man. He eouldnt think ?,f i?, either. Then I ai a p. it all rig! ?."?' ? dig UP I ?' it a plain liar ? ? ,. ?i every man I met, an?i BVOI ? had it right on the end ? r tongue, b il iom< hou ? icore ?1 .o stick there. Not a i tell me tha name of the Bwisa President. It - the 4H,.,,. .M Priboarg, tha ? ? an in Berne, th.? , sa I had about givon it up whoa one ??ening there In Barns 1 i itieed a II irdy man with an heOOOt face approachmij. Ho look.-d intelli? gent, too, and as a last resort I :. "Could you. by any chance, te:i rne the name of >:.,. g? ,.. r. ? 4,. start .- Ha leiited me by the arm and, after I ?1 >wn tho I leaned forward and whiapero : ?y sor: .Mon ?I ? moil I am ll ?? Su - ? Pros lent; bul ah, ? ? II any one. I am | man in Bwitserlaod who kn?.*? it '? "'You ?f?-,' my friend continued, 'he ii elected privately; n?> tor?-h Delightful, Racy Records of a Modern Diplomat LORD REDESDALE'S MEMORIES "A cultivated Bind, experiences in mai ? parts of I gaaU humour, geniality, ?irul a rigorous memory hat -? ?Ule t?) writ?' ? m?' of tin- 1'f'st luniks of r?ii _ h_\. ,p. peared i" recent jrearg." ?1 .'or. _ volumes. Net, (12.00. At a . E. P. DUTTON & CO., 681 Fifth Avenue, New York light campaigns, no scandal, and . >.-..r. ?? 'lie - ? : .y a sort of chairman, though or' eourse his work is im portant; ami the prooent able ?n . ? of tiSSOa. Hin name _fl A.?., y. -, that'? my tram. Bo .sorry to nave. 10 hurry away se? you to? night at dinner.1 " There is some interesting gossip of blishod Tapers of Robert and K.I z John Bur iwi m at "'I I ?? Ms? er li the n.r..a' neat building in ipring; Wai? ter li. Wejrl " I'?" Now v,,? 'i.." n u k the leisure to perlv, >?? bon fore il an.i pa? r by William I Mr?. Herr;. Jennette Loo, Wil ni.f< kmt ky. A reproduction in full color? of . :.nt of .more form.? ths : ,?; the March "Century " An - welcome artistic featu:e 01 this number is a series of llr.tish war P ? n b ild, spirited i , ilfoetion or' lira I-'i.-.e W ? They . of aome ?- - - ? . ? . , . - unit ;t ?."' by ard. according to Mr. ?.unity ii now. She I - lined evi !,??r economic ?rolfars for the lake of her army and navy, noon or give up her ambition.? for sheer lack ?-' rough a \ ietori us r/ar -? if, ' He- . - herself fre?-.l 'rom ioi ite complica! tur-i ? alarm, ;." I .fluences of Groat B time '?'y h at the minimum of il ? I:' Japs chall_nj.o this nation on I seems to be ? God-sent oc<\? V ? irching study of the attitude and the position of the British w? men m war time, by Harrison Smith, ros >'lo4e reading. Mr. Smith ex - ?he cause-? of their discontent and their BUaaiclonB that capita! is undorminii g the itrength of labor; and he the '?unavoidable" coti .' labor is prop either sfUr the war or daring it, if it I be prolonged, for i ende ? with capital. Qov? >\ hitman'* paper on "Our Prison i" |fl brief and to the point. ! ?'.. -.',! _| ,,?, ? '.? work doi Meadow P < omstock, in this state. That, hs I olds, should be .1. S'ilsen l.aiirvik d ? Hungarian and fian art at the San Francisco Exposition in an attractively illus 1 r. :-. Wood doscril a a puppet play performance for children ' ?''.?? Thoatro. There are ?TS short stories, amoni; them i Inez Haynea Gillmore, a elever study of theatrical life, ells l'Anglaise," by P . which the Latin Quarter, lov? and th.? war _r.> agreeably mixed. ?\MIRM \S PORCIGN UKl.XTIONS." Dr. Willi? Pletcher Johooon*b history of American diplomacy, a prelim announeen ? h h u i lamm rill be the Century Company in ?01 Beginning with the relations wnich existed urnon^ the various Kur?) powers originally in possession of our ?oil and which rom , of goo I ..r evil when the Kepub bliahod, l'r Johnson ?rae s the developments produced hy oar eorly wars, our share in the opening Orient, rh?> position <>f Knr..[?e If I | War, our colot. . ??? ?-. our diflcaltios with Brit? ish America, the war with our rarious dealings ? its I itii I evry OU r ? n hips to the ba? ths WOI Id war. He b reign relations of this coun east generally known of its history, and that thi? ig? ?? m part of a somewhat bigoted i! egotism from which many of ? ?; ??nils' and will contin'ie ' i ipring U.^ object is to insp : American people, most cosmopolitan in actual composition but least cosmopo1 ?. i ym pa thy and gualas, with a more a Itcoption of 'heir* rea! ?? 'he world. H.a ?..rk la cast form of a noa-toebnical, thouifh .?!> accurate, narrative designed ? ? '? ? ... rage Is ? ng of topics whiel ; srtant sad tl 'i a.! our national at. nais. H,K AUTOGRAPH LETTERS <<y i i.i RBRI I'M's _pp| . ?ii sit l. iv.i TO >? VI I . I. It. Ill MUIIN I.) Sib .???.. ?. Y. ill;. Do you know a man who drinks too much? See that he readi DRINK AND BE SOBER, by Vane? Thompson. "One findj that ha really meant to say in the early part of" the volunv, ' Drink and be sober?f you can,' and in the Utter m JBI part, 'Dtli. ?aa?- n9*a* t?n? be lokr ? if you ?re!'" MOFFAT, YARD & CO'.PA : Shakespeare icmplc Edition 'I li? be,l. ..n?- ? Pi I E. P.D?lton&Co.,6815.kAw.N I of Library ^^_ Sets. At a d.scount worth vhile ilurins? February BRENTANOS M A4? v.. Ne* ?? nil. It OBI DU KKOwl ''"'* EVERYMAN'S ENCYCLOPAEDIA \|| ihr Il..rll. KM * '" * i ? i h i*l ? i ?tl ? Moo' -?.?Ml ( ' ? l.oi-.l \t Ml) I ??-?<"" E. P. DUTTON & CO. SOI lilil? IM N '? Books Ecught tiff* stfrsntoee ' - ?' ? ' _ '* v XV wf* HENRY M ALK A! s,w ???-, B ""'? N'. . The Ocean Sleuth By Maurice Drake Utfcor ?" v>" An intricate ?tor; ot At bank ?flea md " plicated tink of tr i I *?" the ,il.s?-?.inline !'? clever Xot tl A E. I? ?utio. A Ce.. Ml I* A" ' '