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GUARANTKF. Yoax Mortrr* Bnck If Yoo \\*iini It. ' t.t?.TW?l r*?r. ? o?r/nal \ B?etufar?? 44. flU? O t -?-?Tafc? a?ribtine WEATHF.R. Probable viow toddy and to mor? row. Moderate variable winds. First to Last ? the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertisements V.M l.\\\ ....No. 25.307 I nparlihl ISIa] 1 he Trtbaae \m'n II I.SDAV. FEBRUARY 29. 1-?l<;. om; ckntj n?f ll?hnl??n. E.lwirlirr? Two ?>???. Germans? Held at Verdun? Strike Nearer Paris LANSING PUTS U-BOAT ISSUE UP TO ALLIES Will Ask Pledge Not to Attack with De? fence Guns. GERMANY CITES SECRET ORI/hRS Austria Backs Stand Not to Postpone Sub niai. ine Order. i.?i ; . submarine ? i - ted State :.'.- memo ecreta ? -, . ? ? chant .-. and >n 'ho admit ? ? ? ? that feit imi ?? ?? . instructed I ' ? with Germai?! I . ? :? '" a party. .;'.?? mducl i ? -, e Entent? .Hies . - ? \ attempt I ? the memorandum is ? ' 4 m< ittai ? . ? ?. ..?> ?>i l iiiiffl State? te l1" rifhl ? ? '.ir de er had ? I aving ' ? ? ? r ( . ???act ??? an important bei ? fr-H ? ' iment. 'i in .???I t?> Am? retai !? ement in the .: the coramai \ . ' ? .?M . au? thorn. n the , ? - .?'??? aaataiat ?board ? ve??el whi.-h it could ? h? ..f iiiviin.-t?.M i? Made. nt i tance end ..: ' Pi V . :''nnril .... Britisl combat the, ?y that British : ' ? : ? ai ? ??utu.ut.i ..o tn*a? :, column 1 ?KAISER'S ORDER RECOGNIZING ARMED MERCHANTMEN. [i - *. a /? , . .,,,, , i.,. ? f /,, ?., wo ??, stnf of tkjt \'a\ i Berlin Inm t ' ? | I /. I he exercise Ol the right ni etepaage, search and capture. M well M any attack made hy an armed men. ham ?.->?.?/ ?galerai a Oeraaan or a neutral merchant veaael is filr.ii ? . The crew is in he ilealt with under the nrdiname re latnw tn extraordin?r) martial law, .'. // an armed enemy merchant i i'??f/ niters armed re? sistame against measures taken under the law at pri/e. sin h resistance is tn he ni ?renme with all means a\ ailahle. I he enem} go* eminent hears all responsibility tor any damages to the iessel. carao and passengers. I he eren are tn he taken as prisoners ol war. I he passengers, are tn he left to go tree, unless it appears that they participated in the resistance. In the latter i.-?>t* the) may he proc ceded aiiaiiist tinder e\traor dinar) martial law . Signed VO\ POHL, Lhiei ni Stall. BERLIN CODE SAI SHIPS MAY AR kaiser's Rules Ire Armed Merchantman as Prize. I --a . thai Gerrai ? ? minier: ui rice obtained bj ? ' ne, 1914, 'he Gei i I is i Detraction? m cor-vr.. ? ? rii . ; merchant ver-? .- ?? I these July, I ' ave reiten Secrets <.-_.-??. ? merchantn ? ?? . even '"or ? - it thi ed th?? I torical *' . - :??.??? Thr- instruct eferre "l armed mer? el again ? ;?ral nier. ?< . t | If I trme'd i er the lea "f pi ? ? ovei ? ment betrs i c ... eft to ce ? .'?linar . ? ." . . ? ? i.:'.- ?.. Prize ? ode ' - ued b the chief c ? Ada rail I I. i . ? ? 1914, a ? ?.""' ? 191 i. .?? pac era. il ? . I rnilar I g? tin right e ... ? ? then .' i. their am ? ' paragraph "' ' ? ' ? ? . is re? ? _ ?d by ixed :. a ?.r - bip belongii | ? ? . es t be tres . . Germany, I i g tha armer nur other pov - ? It? ill) adn ? irmed mi hantmai not i . y thai ?.he had always, ?? menl . ' . ? rained thai arm ? ;.?? kind gavi .. marcha ??ombatanl characti ? Th? German submarine pe h a-on itei th* destmel ion ol intmi fht It ? . \ fee .'eil tu operate offensively, tin right ol ?-. at all will he brought l tat? Depart menl on ron ted b, ' ? will t.? unable ? ? tu adhere to her Ol .. tention. ' SUFFRAGE TO PASS ASSEMBLY, SAYS SWEET Speaker's Statement Indicates Halt of Women's Rattle Won. i ? -n ? .? i* I ??' ; ? :-. ??/-". T- . - tlbl ? ? - "The tO ' ' tution Will ?re Aasesehly with litt I? a?i>po-a i Tl statement was mad?? l?\ Speaker Thaddens Sweel te ?1h\. m-.d it indicat??:- t" the r. r\ ? < n who ?.?reu \?l|?. ? ghi foi "the th? I.ej?.?!ature opened that lialf the t?a?t!r. la? hern ?.?'on. Ihr amendment, it i. expected, will ??' this wael After ? ?? ? . centre their ? ? it nat? Judie try I ? a majority o tmenil" - .,-? d to the s itTrafistl ?J<> '?ut expect mucn of el ._ j HENRY JAMES, 72, DIES IN LONDON Novelist Passes Away After Illness of Sev? eral Months. Los _.?Hi ami 1 ....',. He ? ... h ron i C ? . About ; " " ?? e< '?"ii brcamo grav< . ?I He becai I : the end i a?, in ol ray. He i ' ' _*oi. parentage He was i * ? . . lie.i * . i keen< ? ? ? ? bab!? achieve ? ? t rere mo l i i ed b e more thai gotti Pei ?rive the ? g of 1 ? . ? ? ? ? fa i ily rel< ... at o 0 WS? ? om ? "HD?' the I He l| H fathe . ?? ; ., -1 perha| e at r i l i gland, i' u' Ir.i ? bet I ???? then ?' an in tmerici tool broi d .<? I ha i him ?*.lur;,'. beat r r.? ??<* 1 .? ? ? . !-. i and o -? iled travel?, on the . ? , ,. i ? 1 I A '. I . ? ' ? graduated, and . ? "... to he Massacl I pendent mesi mad t un m to .1 vote hi ? ' to his prof? . livelihood, end in the i ' .. I .'.illic to ? ' ? Bagas W rll lag la i Mt, rite itloi nut In- mean? enabled him to .- i own ither than p? , ? ... era i ribut? ? ? ??The Stoi "The Al ?? ? 181 ? I tl ... ? . ? ? ? . ned -??'" ? carne ? ? to Ei to mal ? ? ? ? ral vol unie appeared, "Wateli ??"I v l i - iter always afford I in 1876 b) K Pi Pil| ? h . r r ? ?? r ... r 11 the ?am ? ? . ? ? od e i '? H u d ?o i ? ? ... |.,,,.,, an() Novel ' . "The Ruropeai i ? be ii ?'ill :.pie, tho mi.. ' ? ,. . ? . "the ?rill begii the ink w? on the rue?* ol ! '.. " .- aftor linn. m full fiy: botb the i fi mal ?n-t the popular Hi ? ? aa ?r d then fore anathema; | ' ? ? . i perio and tempoi patria ted them . ? dering fon ? ? He ' id at at in fol lie? ot berefoi partieularl ...-?; .. ese ? , . ... ? . I t! il _..ii i m--.I on iftJkr 3. I'luiun I MAIL THIEVES GET$l,000,Ofl IN 8 MINUT1 Loot Pouches on J< sey Ferryboat am Make Escape. BAGS BLOCKED AFTER RIFLM Armed (iuards Sat Witl Ten Keet?Loss Disco\ ered at Postoftice. ? m m ??in \v? liinic ?cal pi tal : pe? toi < and pul ire ?? rcl - g the city and suburb? ? daring p??.-tal t her;- Ken Vork has had in years Fou r?gi itered mail pon rilled shortly atter 1 oY'.iirk Satur ion ng on a Jersey Central ferryh and elo i r.i ? 1 .?iii.i.mhii ?n Ma|, ,.,,,; I he pouches '.'?re removed from i n the ferrylioat ; repls I driver and two poi eated ie robb? until the j . ri a er? opei ? I ? ? . -. m of the i th At? trie and Th treat. y ? .terer? i ?: ??' dollars fro? <Xew Yr - ? . - - ? p] isurj Department ? ?-. toi? decle ol ? .., ?i!.. robbt .-?il ?iiijt tent ? ??? i bath 1 eaga ?-!"! the pouch' ole tab ?n ted in 1? than ' . .'.<?.. ?? ?eh tram l'ro ngtoi *' Jei tey < it \ ..?heil tip to ? ? ? ? . .. : . . . '.? ? r? . . . then locke ami messeng? gistered nia mone] l-.iitnr:,' donned the ? ? ?? t and hopped on th?- frei . ? the driver. aboard ;. Jei ; ferryboat end brougl l l .. the i ? \ eft Jersey Cil ght minute? later whs tieil up 3 Libert Liberi ?rurk sva? driven dir? the i et Po 'uftrr. and ti ' i '-: '? " ? lie?- carried to th r.; ?-? department. Tie nourlv ...... ., i. ?? i ? hr ?? . ? ? -r. opened them ?ha ? i-. i,..,; been rifled. met ...'?? - of '??a 11 ii | ? ..? hen ? i ?ii th? g a reeord o te . mail ???' 1 make the ?natier o tracing th?- letter- H difficult one. I' will take weeks h?T?.-?h?-? a>. to rlrtei ?. ,? . act an ot ni tolen. Chief Postal I- pector Cechran '??n? ... ? , ,? ,.?? ? ? robbei \, and with In? ?. - a'..! Pollard ? ? ? ... to Jersey City and i . ... ' . [lepai ' Washing! .--r\ir<? men on t h e c 11 ' ,) 'ne ralle?! n. K. : '?? I". ich? regiatry de of thr? pOatofllee? and never ly ma ? - - ? . ? nail ? . ?ir*.".l g the trip \<i ?Irr er of .- motoi ? ? ? - .. ? eage. ! ir ;? ? ? th? - pr? ?.? .' ? . ty'i mad ekly and ? ? , It hi ? ?"?" ? ? ? ? gai ?" Officer Describes Te ton Attempts to Take Heights. SHELLS GROAN IN HLLLISHDI Aerial Torpedoes Tail Wreck Nerves of Solid Poilus. II? PBEO B. IMTNKY. i . . . ? i ib Paris, I 'a .. 28, \n officer ? tiuiii'ii in an artillery observati poat neai Douaumont gives the f lowing accounl ?>f tin- German i sault on thai poaiiion "Our post dominated ? deep i vino, which tho (ierman*- had airea tried uiuueceasfally to cro La? in tin* depth- ?if the gully, their i fantry could neither debouch 'n it - fin1.- i... mounl to a - an! ' "Toward the end of the nigh! t German artillery received i drench our positioni with shells they could be takf-n. The wh?. region aras tli?-* object of .1 frightf bombardment, while the which barred their route, wa '1 particular targel for their gunnel ?' "i- bel! ol all c ? I] pi front or our pest-ton ai ?burst oith g terrifying roar. "Th?* air wa? ?lled witll i ol projectiles, crossing each oth? in all directions, and their whi and ringing ami groat 1 ? and e: i''.- ions, all mixed tfj_r? ther, pr? duced a noise truly infernal. Krot ".n r 1.. time an aerial torpedo liasse with the noise ?>f an enormous auti mobile a* lull speed. SaMiers Viwn hslaal. Despite Hell. "All thf.-?* engine* of de trtld k) concentrated on a -pa<?' <if less tha ten kilometre . Their explosion ?? t'rom all ? ides, 'i the mid I " a cloud "t' imoke, rauh and 1 1 ? izad mow, that ended by covering th earth a with a thick t"_. "Nevertheless, m the midst ?f tin hf|], wo taw h?*l"v?.' ut a French . ol dier standing . enl ry in a hastil? ? re led shelter ai ?! a.- calm as th.. igl in a theatre. Sometime hewa covered with the earth thrown ovei him by an exploding hell; ?ome tunes he disappeared completely m ; cloud of smoke when a shell explode? very <-\<>^. w in n he reappeared h? was as tranquil as though nothing i ?ni happened, holding bis glasses ' hi eyei and telephone in hand. Th?' <* poilus halve Solid nerve-. "Sudd? nly an enormoui expl made the earth fly an.un.I ? ? in tion. A h>i?o shell dug ;. fat crater hi front ? ? f US. Our telo[?hone wire vas broken, cutting <>ui- com munkation with all our batter* \ tidier crawled oui on hi repair the break. He advanee ! |j in 'he midst "(' th'' ? tipio "M ' f torpedoei and ihell . 1' leemeJ im ?.o ible that l*.e could 1 ????'ij"' death. >itirns Heath Ik ^1 rftd Wire. "All th?* world believed the Ger? man artillery eras making a - .' effort before the final assault The C__?__N_t? i>n !?.._?? ' . ...|..11111 I ; The Leap Year lower j I .?-rip ^ ?*<ir l>: 111^*? to most of u?a an additional flay ol \N??rk Not to I. P. A. Mr sidesteps it hy turning over I lir (. (Mining 1 OWet. M ?S eminently fitting and proper, to Mrs F. P. A. IVrhaps you want to know if the lady 01 thia family is m clevet as the tnal?*. It s a high standar?! to he judged by??hut turn t?> lE^e (> this morning. ?Thc ?ribune First to last?the ?ruth: Sen n?Ldltorlsls?Adx SftiSSSSSSttS. \; - , . t the v . i Bareaa ef -?????.? J FRENCH GUNS SHATTER WAVES OF MEN HURLED AT DOUAUMONT ADVANCE, REGARDLESS OF LOSS, KAISER'S VERDUN ORDER. i'aris. Ich. 2ft (Delayed).?"\ frightful ntOSSOCro" t* how (icrnum toUttrt taken prisoner in the hat tie oi Verdun dc tertht? the t?tet Oi th* Trench artillery. " \dx snee. no matter ?? hut the lOtSO* may be." was the order pit en to the Herman troops before the attack. I his is i eritied by documents found on one ni the captured officers. I he ntOS? critical moment in the l/t days' action was ?hen the (lermans gained a footing in the intrenched ?..imp h\ the capture ni I'ort Uiittutiiimni. I he least hesitation on the part oi the deiendcis would ftaTl e been disastrous. I he der. mans redoubled their eiiorts to take aihantage of any con? fusion, hut the Trench immediately began a counter offensixe. I rem h infantry adxanced at double quick to the trumpet charge and leaped at the first ranks oi the dermans with irre tlatlhio fury. I he clash was murderous. I he thinned Trench ranks were not to be denied, hut went on to the second (ierman line, while reinforcements were hurried to their support. I he fierman lines watered tint west of Dnu.iumont. and finally were drixen out of the ruins oi the fort. 12-INCH SKODAS POUND VERDI Army Expert Believes t Guns That Conquere? Liege Are Being Used. I aa [>, --a fob. 28. An cor who ha-i folio? ed ' ., . bell? red that . i enl were the ??.une type ortsr that ' i i lied _ Li?e?*. Ha doubted rre of than II added thai i Isiger ?un ??' ??? ierj f#r ach an ? fei i "it - nal ;. pi rig," lie laid, "tl a Genas ere able ta reduce I i ro??er .- . Franei bees survey I ? ? ?. .. i . irefully mei en to I i ill' ? i' ' ?i forma ti and the Freneli know tha* th?*_r have a ng I rofttlng I the t perienee of the Germi ? ,r fore Liegt only logical to eaaui rere pri pan d for .in drive as a i ad? 11 dun. ? .'.,??, ?nd it ' ?' ? tl -. .. of i ? ' ? .- end hidden ? ? ? ? ? ??'Ml moved b hen needed. I . . .,-....? ng tor tho French the Ii e ob Verdun or an] thins. I ilarly advaatageoui in il for tl Germane." Without belittling ??hat accompli ihed in the I of th ? ... . ? it 1 d ??.? ned ha? been ??on _ ndou co?t and ?fitl imall hop g tl or result thi cou d rep?! ' maaj men that i-, ?" - ' rough the PrSBC ? and rc .? . i i?lf. ! thi-- eould be aeeompliahed an.i a lar_ aptured. il would 1? lice. The mere capture of Verdun, how not thoug ?bout rc probat not w d. When c? pi u .-.i ? ey ? Il h found '" ? | ! he \ ri'ilur ? a weak P'?int in the Frenel ? i takei ' the I ?ermani ? I that thr Frenel ger UP t.t thf? pre? . ' .- ? - , ; | ? . . ?' ."I ' ? . , ,. ? "l.erman?'?? I ,t-i ( hanrr." Germai i laat chance, ? tafl oftioer at the ?Var Depart enl told The Tribu? ? . "Thus far. while red a t amount of ten n a mili ? 11 ?? r aie run?'?ng te it I ? ? . ? - ? . ? ?? .? ? ..? . get a decii She know? 1 it : : ' .' tiet '? ii! ne? er he than thr> ..-? ......I ?a, th ... eat i ? ;.*rate chance n' ? ..- pturiag a large off I re that G ..? _ apparei tl I n~ mar I ffed of Skoda Gun fire Terrible ? pew er I Skoda i.1 "'*'n p-.or'ar tho forts of sis cities (...?niia ?H "ii ?ftge ', lolumu t SEES AT VERDUN CRISIS OF WAR London Thinks Onslaught Final Culmination of Germany's Plans. I i ? ?- ?-. r? ft London, Feb. ?_>>>. "The monri erante at Verdun leave little daunt the crisis of the great war has '." This ???' met ' by "The Mall da/.c". . ? reprisent the gei eral lui lias; in s til ?nf ?luartft? here >" re*ar<? 'o the Gem?an ? enaiaug?d ?i ?? be!:??.1 tht - ? ..: eulatiaa? ? ? plan which the ?ierman high mmmaitd determined on long: before, tht '.i?r began, *?.] for rhich prepara hu? i been in iteudy pr?get re 1 a' t year. I? . admitted thai the < lei nil iti v .. ft - or five miles on t freut of nine or ton miles ami rapturin?- iomc and it b< ? ? ic te t; that no un fell ? .:?<? I tu th? eome, deipite thi gloriuut defei Preach saldiere, who ar?- rt the German advance with the atmott gallanti ici ftcu and heroi - ? eupt ir< of Verdun, which only g > v ould hut i be? ?? d< ?., thoritie here, i ? id as s i", ?ability a v lie maj have to fuc? ? 1 hut the full ?if the greul French fortree? , . autter fur tli<? Allies, but, on the othei hand, to quote Lard Syden? i in? brings to beur on the great ,r of the ear one of the ntoit acute ami ?ell Informed mis It in thii euua? ti ."."'? ? ? me bee?mei clear. it prove? thai the Germana hare only ? i ate terri? torial rith an exl ra- aguul ti ? i. of life and mut ; ont, t ef? ? el ipon the enemy must neeeeeurily b' profound. Failure, evea i rtial failure, ef a great offeaeivi following upon the ?plaadid we ? - ef the Russia i trm) In Asia, ??ould bring about ? complete ehunge :n the ??hule military situation, and probably would bo ?h?? herald of the coming victory of ? , "The Dailj T. :.?>rrat';.--" militan i prrt irci ' denl as I ?r'?-i? regarding Verdun. He declari that the I lull proba bly mean?- that the German? t?r?- brin [ ii,i? hoa? \ aitiii?-r er to the perma ? rorka of I h? foi tre - ?. and ha ? i pi aaii th? n pi rte ? ? of the G succem ii croaaing the main road .?? ? .. ? . 4 Verdun and 'I ? through Confian?, Thr - toria genere of th Germana. "The I>ail> Mai!" i-ompar.? ?I?. Verdun battl? with th? German .--,ek <?n th?? K?i- , ?1 the liunaj? River, m Poland, I the fifi the Gei mam reke . i ? : ? [lu? ajee bar ? \ th? ?,? i ? i. ? ?' ? ? .- i-i.i i espondent d? lun ? tl Verdun bumburdment la equull) ? ? lent, | tin ad) completely ? hangt ? ' ' ? lUfJ" ara::.-? . counto WAR PLANT BLAST FELT 12 MILES AWAY ltiist?>n dots Shock from I \ plosion in Woburn Works. Wobt Us I-?-'. . ' . Mu ? Id i'..j el tht v ? r?nglai '? ? .. ? pany blew up with ? terrific . 1 ? ti that ?*eti"n of the irri'Ht . . ? ? kid 1 rerfu i uaed m ?h- ? - ? . ... | ? . r. being : ed wer? loi at? ! by. 1;,.-...; . ? \ l??-lir-? p,i -,i ha? e bo, n in < ? ? r chemici W oh in ? f . ? terril ' ' more than si from the ? red. a??,| buildings in Bee tan, twelve m '' w?re ?hakea Teutons Take 1600 Yards of Trenches in Champagne. DANGER PAST, SAYS BRIAND Hand-to-Hand Conflict at Captured Port?Woevre Battle Grows. i ..-'.*:- ' . . ' London. Fob. '28.? Checked by the di -perate resistance of the French at. Verdun, whore the armies still sway in deadlock, the (?erman offen-re bas now spread 3long the entire bat? tle line. Tue real drive at Pari- may yet come through Champagne, where the Germans to-day captured the Navarin farm, togethei- with the French positions on both sides for a distance of 1.600 yard-, and a thou -::?!!1 pri-oie?--. An.und Fort Mouaumont hand-to hlind conflicts are .-till in pr.'gre.--. v. :il* Paris t ?aiming tho ejection of the Germans from the village of Dou atimont and from a small redoubt to the west of the fort re-?. The French report -a "Tin- Germans during tiic i-our.-e of the day attempted several par? t?a' attacks, whi.'h were driven back ? -.- .- ?? our ''??'inter-?????ae',.. To ?M 9taai ? I Fsti I'"Uaumont par? ti uia;!y our troops ha\c ?.ngaged in h nd-to-hand encounters with the ad ver?ary, who wa ejected tress a -i*..;-!l redoubt wh? re he had .., ded in installing him elf. ?-.'<? tenia;, eveningGetssaa(areas . . , ...--. i !?? to occupy Iba ? . lags of _l*-Uaumont. Their effort - ??( re broken by the r?"-?-tance of our tn - pa, who sr_th_atOOd the mo.-t furi . lit?. I renth Aitaeks RfpuUed. "There ?S no change in th? -?tua al the i " 1 of Douaumofit, ??? I .. ii still remains close!]* cr.eir '.. " Berlin, on the other hand, nawrti the repulse of all attempt! to re the German po'itio "I the Verdun district, r<,r? Ruasses concentrates! hy the encn**? were exhausted In un iicccmM at tempts to attack the Germ?n pos - ?B and i;?;?:- the fortfSJM of Pcuaomont and llardaumont." That the tide at Verdun ha*. cl angeti was the general opinion in l'un? to-nighr. Premier Knand r\ . leed that belief in an ?ntenicw, in which he said: "taught between two barring fires, covered with shrapnel from all attack? d by our fresh divisions r-i:r_;mg upon th?* field <?f battle at an unexpected moment, the German* j.-.v their efforts stopped short. [Im traggie irai a titanic one. Out' heroic troops went into 'he niel?*? .i!!;.. Our light and heavy : :tillory dug SSUSgUil arjf furrows in ompuet rank- of th?- ??crinan?. "Finally exhausted, their ranks decimated, the German arasiei re coiled umler our futiottl ou? ter at?* ta U?> have regai'retl the advan? tage. Installed upon formidable ?po? sitions our he.-iii,* soldiers remained master- of the Held of battle." Iraner Hrrathra Kaaier. VShue ail France i< breathing more fre?*ly. now that the safety of Verdun set-M laevred, there la no little concern o'.er the attack launched in ( hampagnc. If .?_.-.e.? ful, this would be even a '/reater menace to Pan- than the fall of the great frontier fOft.BOS. I. *., only 100 miles tO the capital fn>m I'ham pugne, compared ?utl* (50 mile.. from Verdun. "In the i hampagne the German-?. after etr'i.-ien- artillor\ preparation.-, -?. an attack on botli tides of the road from Hnaami r? to _ao_s____ raptured the Navarin farm and Kreneh poaitioni on both .??M about 1,100 metre*? long Hl.J tooi. I prisoners H officers and 1,00'j men.