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The is to invite depositors to consult Policy {.rely with its officers oh all mat of this ins pertaining to then financial Bank affairs. Co-operation with custom? ers is our constant desire, when? ever then interests can be fur? thered by sound banking practice. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank or rut CITY OY NEW YORK 20 NASSAU STREEl Deposits (Dec. 31, 1915), $203,000,000 30XD SALES ON Till: STOCK EXCHANGE MONDO. FE?-?! 4R1 ?t* '*'* i .? ihr St? ?.?rk Sin? I? EsdMBft >lon.i.i> BSaOOOlOt" to rraaJlBI m botisli . S ihr M- ? ?" s.'..'.;i.ono a ,lft.n?i ll.tMl.9M Salaria-*. ???M-N t ooai -* ??T i ras .'anui.iv , i? ?ate, assdaal MtMtMN Ib Uli bbbbbbbbbbbb^ ? . A l ' ' ?? >?? ..? . .4 ? ? MH 441J ?4 P4U II IM mmmmmJ??ft\\\mt%Tr _???? Iciti of Tokio Sa BSSSSSSSSSBBBS ' . a" ... BBBBBBBBBBBBBB*J ? -l vi i: TONOS. i.' Ii P ! ? a < r ? I . .-; Ml.MUPAl. BOMM a??? lss: n?? N y ? v.? --?; ?a ins ? : ,.itl > c ? ??. : i? 4?.? is?? ^^^^m :4?oo ?..lim Ml ?. ?> ? 1HI tx.*th.i?:i? I a _^^^__^_^__^_ N'O'l: ? I . - ?? Mr I I ? a ? a 1 ? ? i. . 1 Ol?' ' ?Jj U. I ?-' , ? Ml. . ai:? I An . . ..;i BSSSSSJ SaSaSSBBH.ioi? . . a . . I I a a ' Il 4 I I A vv?,-. ir. l>? .?a I . .. BSB(SfSSfSSfSSrSSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSB| 101 a Wa ii ? alien ? ?I?, ' - .III .1*? ? . ?' . ?.-, d< l \ 3 4a - ?in?, ... I? ?i , Ropuhltc I ? * to RAILWAY AND ^ISCLLLANEOUS. U?^- '? g, BttttttttttttBtYBtl ?*?. .-,..?' E ' . A '- ?. ' ?? ?''. f' 4- l' '? M A. 1 '? , , 4. .. a 4 ] l M * ?? ?a :. WO iiaBBBBBBBBaSSSBBBBBBBB^^B Ada?? Tirr???? U ? im .. ?? a tta t -.i ' M ? 4 ... eta. ??a a?- ? - ? : for? ? . s ? ?? de~tet> 4? i?34 A - a? BBBBBBBBBBBJBSSSSJ BBjaBBBBBSBSBBBJ aai ?-1* s i ?. ? i A ?. ? ? 4 n ' ' ? 4? at? ??. lar-- h " ? ir ? r 4a .. .?^mmmmm^^^mi A . ? ?. . - r vi * Cm BBBBBBtBBBt -?_ CbU? (opoir ? __^m,wmmm-mmmaamiy\m A ' It ?I BSSSJSJ -i.?P. BS^SS^SS^BSBSBSBSJ ^^SBBT BJJ I a A 1 ' : ? . .,.. .. ' 4 ? . | ' ? ?a ?? " ? ? - ? t. ne? ' ?? . ?- a . -? . a ? ? ? ". HI : a ? i ?? M 4i ? ? - . ? '? I ^BSSJJ -.' UvIO ? ? ^ijSSSJ II ' " 4 ???. 0 us?? st h*"* r ii 1 4 ' a . ? " ' . - ? : ?.- i a a r Hill ??a a: * ? ? , t II . A . ! a if,.- i?r .'? n n r ? . UM', M N BB^S^SSJaS^SS^SS^SSBSJ _,,-. .. ? A " ? ? > BB^^^M ^^^^^^"BSSSSSSSJ ^^^^^^^BBBB^SSSSJ ?. SafaSfl^^^? BartwWBtI?yaaammmmfM -. A ? ML^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ... " -, ? ? A - a S ? . . -? Lina a". toi ? .... ? . A ? { < BBSS? BSSBSSSSBSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSfSSS a ' iafSSSSJ A la 4 ; 4 A . i^SSSSSSSSSSSSSJ BSSJ *.^^^^^? I 1?. A 'I ' '? - ., .Si a .3?? ? '. ? ? " ' " '? ? . ? - ' '. passsssj__ .. .- ? ... ?a ;" rara la ? I ?'. .. ts\ ?s M*. bbbbbI ?SBB^BBB^l^^^? Ba ? II Bf M i??? 4 I i lili n? ? " I ?? BBaBBMiSBB1SSJJ^_^_| ? ? a .. BSSSSSSSBBBBBBB - BBBBBBBJ_^ . a ? . .. .... ^^Bt?^^ SaSH lisi? .al 4? ? - I ",""1 ^mmmmmmmmwaMWmm , . | a" ? Ktl la- ? '.?? * I ? _ **% ? ? T? ? W " fu.l P'la ..4'. .... ?i . ?. ,? ? .. i . N Illa, fjr . . ...- , " A v\ .. ' " ?1?. Trl < ':? A I ? 1 t?* ? . ? . le i?t 4? ? Il a La. _SSSSSSJ ?bbsbj ? Cal ?to? a ? - ? ? i <*??!?? ? . <? 4 ??? . ?4 ??? ? ? r.avc? .0 00" . ?i n cf \ j ?i ?o? a Vime-.i 4a i^^^^pi^SSSSSSSSSSJ ? - .^BSS^L^^^_ 4 i i ? *tr A ii^^BBSBSSjBBBSS^SS.BB^SSSfBBJ ' . BU. ??????; B of S F 4a Il ni.r, BSSSSJBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJsftoo II ? a > III a El! ir?? ?I? r'f 4? ! 00? .. SBS, _^^_^^^ ? . ? . ?? ??ti 44? . . ?tal Si ??.:<. " ? o ^^^^^^^^^^^^BSSSB ? ? ? Ol ?> S>1 ?'?a i"' ? -? a . ' i ? , l?tlt ' , I 'f I "*. .^^^mmm^mamamammm i.tee . A i a a. ?>T :.V lit la BStBBStBtstBBBtSB BBBasBJ ? A ? a-.-?, r s it??!*? ? I Sta?l a r Sa ? -? ?'-. 4 ? - 4? ? -, v, ? a! li I . ? ' | 4 -1 '? < :? . ' r: A Q r <a ... .... t 1 -. 4a " I * ,? ... ?-a a -a ? '? 4a " " - ? ?? a * ?l e.r> 2?BBBSBb1 ? a II ?"TBSSSSSJ l"l S? a I? ; ?nu ?? ?; 4 ". M 4 l'4 . I ?ll, " 4 ? , v ac. al u- ... | ' A ' ?. i Mor Marina ? M . ? - ?? <? *. 12.MI l??0F. *??'. a, m or?) . . BJaSJaSJaSfaB?'e?t?~l " ?? A r l ? .? 4 - ' " rs 4?.a 'a 0 '" > ?a ?^^^^BBBBBI ^BBBsBsBBBBB. . '. lf?|R - --4 ' ? ^^BBSSJ <.?i\ EBNM?NT BONDS. Vtiterdty. s* : s; ??????r __SaSXBfm0Up ! il'Jj ^^^^^^^^iaa^BBSBBSBSSjs?. ???.-?'?? - ?a, M a .o ^BtSSJ Bul :?9\ 110 a lll'a ' ^^^^^^^ i uo en *? ?J? fan '61 rrj: : BBStSJ 99% 102 110 a ?' a IIP? '? . N Ask. - 10J '-. 1 02 ?, 103?, 1034 REPLY TO AMSTER ON R I PsaboO. ?. nmmittee I rgc? Nor es*? it y ?>f Hund Or-povils. The Pad BBia UeO, repre?r | '. paras - I ndholders of the I I ?. Island <?. Pacifls l;?ll***?y ? ompai.y, bas ta*?' exception to the ?' ? . I bv the .AmstiT ? nlttOS, which Tr_rn?*d Hgsir.ft :'"? alrpo*. of the bonds ? ' ihe Peal e?*. Referrins to the Atn-trr cirrnl*:, ng bot a fu-\ terosl foi ? ?rarlod ?,f I ?' ?? . IS OH?! ?sure of ths re? . i." Ihe Peabod er to the boi d? ? . . itatosaaal s brief quotation fr? m M'Ui- i ia.-._. 'An I e '??!? the npp? mei i , the railway com? P?ny , . tf?a_e I and i ]< d_ed ?rt-mi ... , - p,rt therei.:'.* Thi* fad 'lannt.*. h. . -.rsz'A upon jro i that inti to ?Oil *.'<? t "?t? ? rsperate and hi! ? ?dinted .ourse of underti take steps to i .. 'tMI.Ro.r? r.ARMM,5. follovjai ?-r-r._ra.ive railroad ' for.Janoar, l-??e b-en ? l" -' ;'/-/? atan %\.994M. ? ., ' ?*?? . '?'?? I?? ?."***? a? ? ? ?. ?,- .._. ,. .,,r:. ,. nut M ' ?'?*' M.1 '. . * ? dees. ?? I ? '--??. - ' MS " ? ? ? .-n? ii ..... .... j lin. j ???'-'< .... ? - '- - ? ? ? . ..-?c. ,. . ? -?* ? Ml ... |. ? . . '?-..?? ... Ml ? I J MONEY AND EXCHANGE rZDEBAL in -i r? i DIS? m .** ? BATS tn ? - ? ?I ? Ml < At.; _. , u ... . ... . " per Bl ?. . ? -. ??. . ' I? I MX IB? Ittl ' -'"' PAS?. - Ralles raw ear*? leal _tn_pt_j _? ?:'. ? ?j u nuKBAj mu?s I.. , - ' ? ' ? ? ? IT" .1 Tl. w Um nun rt '???? Tert b_n..i w. |? .-. KKDI * ?t*XT RATM CUTI ?' I . - ? < ' t ? < ..... . ..... < ? ? .p i ... i - a ? Kanui ... ? ' . . < hi len .!??? r ? ? ? . > ? . . ? nOMBSI " I *?' "'*-' '?' *' it '.? - N ' I .' ft? : Ilkl ? ? ?TUNO ? ?itli_n___ I ... ' . |.-, }<4 I a ? a ai .,..?*?? . ? I ? - 4 ? ? , . : , . Mi VKR MABKEI '?* ?"- ' ' i-"? ?a? i ' ' .a "'a ? . *i?i . . . ' ? i c i \. n.M.? .-?? i .. . -, * .... ? ? ? r l??.? , . Prince I rate - ? ii ? ? a'-a 1. M ? a . ? : . -?a I I? 1 Bertis WeymRn-Bruton Co. Earns Mor??. Ths i aval rapoi I ol I he ! rs Bruton ?Company, mad? pablic ?rastor ? net SBTJliagS for 1915 i(a-f of *-7L'.4l9. ? ._'.. i after pa? men? of preferred d ? idtndi ' : ???' ?'-'? equival? i ? ?? ?,7I m esnl an <4.onri,onn common I nut ??.I pe? teal sair"i la 191. I TOPICS OF DAY IN WALLSTREET Liquidation of a Stale Position Spurred by Verdun Reports. 'STREET'S ST ATI. Ol MINI) A BIG FACTOR (trroncous Reports I hat Reading Will Divide Certain Assets Among Stockholders. I.e.?: liquidation, broker', said il waa. and pli'i-.ty ??f it. Kprculatoi-. were trouble?! to think ??hat might happen 'o Prance nml England in the sad If, in the ?beginning:, lbs Gonaaas actually took Verdun. With the ??lea exploded thn? neither belligerent la the arestera 1 theatre eoald penetrate far into the other's Haas exploded as much by the French advance in < bampagns la?t year, though that is forgotten, as by the prestnl successes of the li?rman? the Street and the speculators who fol? low h bar? taken h new point for their view. A little ??hile ago they wire . ?raiting far the end of lbs ?rat on 'heir gu?i.i Itsl ?? -udii-1 eal .?: German? should find In?ni lin? ed Koa the though! ha? ie tinned which leemed to coma into Wall Street tor the first time in the late nei of 1918 what if the (?fimiii should win? It ha? not gained niurh of a foothold about as much relatively a? the ??erinanf la?e lately gamed in Franco- but it ?I Bare. And its pres? ence is recognncii to some extent by the liquidation in th<* ?toe. msrkf Ihe Spectre of the 43?. Ki.eiurn, m Arm?nie, is s long ?raj off. Verdun, in Fraaca, is almost as cose to Pans, in the sentimental view, h* ?vss the Marne battlefield at the ? Vo'; (.luck -?r' ?et unchecked. And N\ ? ! I Street hai in a ?'?ay been he ? rayed by ??'? sj mpal hiei Ta the pai ?,-iin onlooker the SO! my'.*? guns are al .. ore i ami on the < gener?is the more skilful, Ihe em men the more determined. The attack against Verdun lu.- not been minimi ed 1 in the Street, but magnified. In a dis erything discs .t.te.i that can he discounted then is a ten dency to look beyond what is like,y to i.hpr ? ? ' t\ ? ' I e a BfBi could happen. w_.'. ing the mo-, :i._ picture of the fighting on ths Meuse, ii worried by the n q ,f ? ? nterpolatiom of "close-up _?? invsi so ? I2?eentimetrc guns. So chanc? ol ths famoui 4'it be -, inde estimated! Those prodigies of destruc? tion itt the popular idea ate not only irresistible but unaaaailable, and I can knock the prop, fro-.i under bulli-h ?entiment in a stock market I ree thou? sand unie? BWSy a - easily ? - thl CI ? to itl elemental BUI ??? o? - I >?_-.' oi .. S'amur. Cutting the House in Order. a bimi. n the msrkel ? at h a- oc ?urred yesterday ?as by na means un ?xpected. Up te .-aturda; of Is t week there had been more si less liquida? tion, bal il wai not until the la*-t hour af tue busiuesi weak that it wai can? ducted an anything like the call thought necessary if the markel WBI te regain iti health. Ever since the be ginning of February, if not earlier, there was talk in the Street of the clogging up of brokerage machinery With stale bull account-.. How that con dition v?? to be bettered was some? thing of a mystery. Investor, seemed to have their hands full, assirn latina ti.p securities brought from abroad. There v.ere speculatoi? enough, from all account?, waiting for then- chsnci te cet uitri the market, hu? -o long a? - eld speculating cr.v. d bang on ?i* itt -tocks iir.d refused to make ". facilities for helping them were Inade? quate, No-? that i changed, whether Hie liquidation ?oes an] further or not. *A lien people get hurt in the market, as many were yesterday, old (Jnderlj inn i ondition*- and young Intrinsic Values have te wrestle valiantly with Fear of M lehsBCe te attract a t.???- fol? lowing, hu? in the end they in' slwayi .. essful. Erie Activa in the Trading. 'ne itockl ?? hOSC ar' .ft ' .? mi. into fi**S figure? ".erf ?ndus trials, with two c?cept oni Erie and Reading Erie, a-? a low priced ? ?e, I ?I olten a BBOCtJia'ivc favorite, e?en ??here there is little doing elsewhere in the list, and .ve.-terday it ?'a. not IB much of an exception that it- ad in compsrisoB with that of aths .??..i itock '.? necessarily significan! It that in the put 'n' call mai ket in New Street the;, were offering puts on Erie nearer to tl??' market than those on any other stock, in I'lhaps, of a popular opinion tha' n was not likelj to deelini j much fijrthci. "The New 1 rie," as the rompan;, is sometimes called beCSUSe let lu Intensive eultivatlon of the prop lerty under the t'ndeivood regime, has apparently a- big a following BI 'ne iinregenerate Krie, whirh furnished a speculative counter in the aayi before llarrimail saved il from one of its periodic attack oi reorganisation. What serve to heighten interest in ?he st.nk are ihe many prediction- ilia1 ha..* heen made ol a dl? wlend payment on the first preferred -rinne befor? ipring Is well under way. Heading Not to l.i?e I p. in the ease af Reading, which bo? came conspicuous among ih?* railroad Mock.-? las', week, ?nil which wased ?strong again yesterday, as well a* un usual!) active, there ???.a? much talk of a segregation of a*set the so??, of talk thai ?im the making of balls on . i ii i on r*. r ?.?? and yean before ! Southern Pacific secured Its divorce Rumor said tha'. tue possible outcome of the govemment'i mit to separate it 11 rom iti cal properties would or fore? stalled by a voluntary distribution of these a--.'"- to Its itoekholders. The government's suit te dissolve the so called anthracite trust ??as dismissed i in October. 1916, but it was held then that the t'entrai TtVlroad of Ne?? .Irr -? ' holding of Lehigti and. \\ ilkea Heite i aal i'ompan?'s ptock WBI BI lawful. Neither ?he Reading compani ne. government ?a> satisfied with i? de< i hoi . and a i Decembei '? ? appes ed in ? he Read | ? -.ii -? part | he Read owever, ?-? nei planning te | un the fight now, 0 the ? sal ?ai ?. j com sol ?y'.f bus] preparing th ease io? ' argumeat before the Supreme ? aart. Neit -( rins-' t.ethng Nearer. To-mono?', the first af March, i? the day ae'. for the beginning oi -; I I SB? 'ral Powers' upen season against armed merchantmen halongisig to it memie*. Remembran, e ol" that was one of the things that helped the selling of stocks along yesterday. In the coarse dav it ?v?s reported that the Teuton all snee would consider an\ merchanl snip of the Allies that ?tl armed fair prey ?or then attacks without warn? l?g, BO t-ia'?er ?\h?' ths |".rpoi?e af the- | guns Wat It -i.? restated, too, thai there wou'd be as postponement . ed campaign. Both ti.e.-c BUtten ? ???i" Fosad disa.Bie.iaf Ib the Street, , though it i?. ? carieos fad thMt hi ne tune -imr the "U.ii proud to light" phra r becami lamen eat it hern ??m |erall) believed m ihr financial ?li-tn.-t Him' war w,,iii,i ?.UM,-, n ?.m aar neu? tiMtiiin nil!, ??rrniHiiv n\rr thr Lusi -un? "i ai' r anj ether qaeiUta. Sliidebaker* I'roht? lloublcd. i ho StBdtbeker Corporation earned, roughly, tartce at much net prolit?. in 11911 as it dni in 1.114 ? ttle bit ?ai ter than that, in fact Nevertheless, the I Stach of the company wa? one of th? ? iaaaOt on thr list. Of the 46,945 cari sold last yrar. morr? than 99 pi-i eeat, according to president. I i ikine, ?rir delivered to regular ' u toiaen m thr United ."-'t?te?, aad the remainder, with the excef>tien of ', 390 tare, tu regalar en toatei i m ex? port market?. l ate?t Triaca l'Un. i he bankers who have drawn up the new 'Kn.?co reorganisation plan ?> pressed eeafldeaee yesterday that they had met the ahJoetiOBl ?>f tiir Missouri Pahlic Service Commission to the for liner plan, 'Ihr principal change that lirai inadr wai t?> ditplace two repre eentativet of thr bondholders on the I proposed voting tr.i?t m favor of rep reaoi ??? si oi tht stoekholdere. It. is hoped in sabmit thr plan t? ? thr Ser? vier Commission within ?. short time ??i .1 ft ' an earlj .im ? on. ?. that the I reorganization ma) r;,ke advantage ef ' the ?food (ave tmenl n.arket. \nglo-Kren, h Bond?' Ne? Low. When tht Angle-Freaeh 4'.: per eeat bondi Mild down t?> '.?.'i-, yesterday they made a BOU low record, hut only ?by one-quarter of ? point. Temporarily there is a considerable supply of the bonds prc-?sinp; tor ?air. and though it nui?' lu? a mattOI ut' opinion whether they would have ?cached yesterday's pi ce, anyway, without the German lucctss? r: i- aneo, it < ? fact that ??ic lappli " ' rtooh the ? be fore Verdun again tppeared m 'he hcadlini ol the newspapers. Te place permaaeatl) |S09,Oj99J990 of a -ingle ?SCUrity, even ??ne of th?? West lecuri tie? in the ??.??rid. it no ea?v undertak ?nf?. It was to have heen expected, an?l was experte?!, that alter the d:?.-?olii tion of the uaderwritiag syndicate the bond" rvould from Mine to time encoun? ter air pocket-? m the market, l'util there has been a lomplete distribution of the bond-? tttumed by the nadar? writeri when the syndicate was dis? solved their market price will hardly be a fair barometer of the war toi - trine? of the Allie?. STUDEBAKER PROFITS AT RECORD FIGURE Surplus for 1915 Is $5.031.847 Was $809.720 in 1914. In line with th?? geiieial piosperi'y (of the motor industry the Studebsker i ( orporation. in its 1*?I5 annual rcpo'i madp pub!u- yceterday, showed tht? hirpr?' pro' ?- ? If 1 .;.,!?.. P.?' dent A. R. told in?' itackhold . - that of the year'?, total sale?. smoBBting to 196,599,006, only I1S.900 nflO could he tttribat? 1 tt I l tiled war arden. In 1911 tue company sold only 22.?5U aotomobilei, wheree lat? ...'?i talet amounted to 19,941 iai?. more than 99 par i'-'.' at which were delivered t? regaltr COltomtri in the 1'nited States. About 1,300 ears ware told to foreign government! for hospital snd other 0 es. Owing te sharp reductions in the prices of Studebaktr cars last sum? mer the inereatt in the volun <? . >a'.i . ovei 1914 ?' H tnl] 17J per err.'. but the gain in the number of car? sold was .'!-'. 1 per cent The incrtatt ia the value of the sale? last, year over 1914 wat 113,094,792, or 80.1 per cent Net profit., after reserv? ing an increased amount for deprer a ton an?l af'er payment <>f laterest ven- 19,097,429, a tail of 54.222,761, or B7.2 per cent Deducting 'lie payment ?if ?he 7 per eeat dividends aa the pre ferred '?" ??? the balan? s emooBted to . par cent o:. the ttO,0JJO,W?fl eommon ?tock outstanding .; compared with ; 1.2 pri eenl < ,?i - ed 1914 mi 127,931 - ?'.un outstand ? i;. 3 8 per cent earn.-il 'ii aad ."''?' I>er ? ent eaine.l in 1912. The report said thai salee ef cai - ?o lar tin ;-ear ?fi? more than doub1" tho?e ??:" 1911 and t'??' domestic ??ale? for 1916 will r\<red 99.000 ears. On? ,.:" ia-' rear's prOlUl '.i".e management -??? atide 11,500,000 ti an IntBrsaet fund for future use. La?t year 12,190 ?'??air- ur preferred ?. i r , ., rolled and retired at a coil of 11,317,909, making tht 'c'a ?;e?| lo darr e?)iial to |2,548,654, ? , ,.;,:. . harter requirement? ? - | ol 1911 lite riet amour? g ? ;?p -a! ?.n hand Deeemhe ? :i ... ? ?i 121,276,986, an incroaae of i.s., i '? e ?urplui tor_ m;, after .1! deduction I -.?a- $6,031,847, ?-ompared with only 1909.720 ia If'lt and I91MM ?' , ;. ??ar. PUBLIC UTILITY NOTFaS l.enerel Neiaa and Karnin?jc? ol \ arious I orporation?. 1 ie Ami .. an Pu?vci ai .i Light I ?OIB par;, will "t!?'? after March 1. and on ?i befare Mareh 15, *??.?"? i.::?""' "f ? T""<' ?ci.' debenture bOBdl to holder? of it. preferred and common .-'"c'k and to hohler^ of option warrant?, 1er its com? mon ttock to an amour!, equal to ?O per rent of the par \alue of then respective holding- a- tl record Kehruary II, 1919. I Subscription?, for the I.Ii art to be made a? M und teeracd ?nteres? liie company'? annual repon for the year ended Deeemher 31, 1919, istued rday. jfivei irro-s earninri of 11, ?.'75,687, hich compared with SI.461,S90 I reported for thr year preceding. E*. pent? were reduced from SSSlJbtt in 1914 to 1294.939, leaving net earn inn's of 11.011,049, a decrease of $?i'..005. The , combined surplus balance aecruirag to American Power and I i(-h? ( om pany ?as $1,914,979, compared with |1,825,16'2 a? of Deeemher 31, 1914. ? oBSolidated ea'i'ines from the Kan 1 sai ??a? and Electric, Portland t?** ard ii'oke, Pacific Power ami Light sndthe Southwestern Power a?id Light t'om pa;,;' lubtidiariet, controlled by ihi American Power and Ltght Company, for the rrar 1915, ?mounted to *'J??. i ',..-, n gre . Bl ?" et it of *''??.''.,> ; ovr tht previooi year, an?l net ear. ing? were incret ?''i from % '? 257321 to ?;t.i:.4.:i Ihiril \?enu?-. Director ef ?he Ihir.l Avenue Rail? waj Campai '* tarea? declared the quarterl. di*i End af 1 r'r cent, p? ? at? ?.prll I t" holders ef ?, ?'.? board alt t pa ed ? forms leeiaring nayment April - ?guiar renn annual n the ad meni inconn ? cent boa I i < * - led, m hich ?venu ol 1901 - .s , ?.,? I26.64S hile i earning o.eratina rxaensei aad t? r? ? g to $.'?.'.'"'1. tnade t p mt 948.044 i ' ' *. mrnth oi la?' year, I irplu? earnings ;,f'?r n ?i? ? i'irjf?, ttC ?otalled JTJ.TO?, against I29.UI in 1911 LoosrW1'. Reports deficit. , . fopsi ? ??- ? r i toot i lei i , , ? i ompai 1911 ' " i toia ! ? : .impur?! ? ? ? :.. ? :on? | ei?r ( ' ? g tO I BB iaereow tt M' ? ? ? peaditorei the Balance ? - i ? < fei di*. 'I?"r '?? was reduced to Iir2.543, and after payment al prefrri ? d smooating to r,U;'.' ' ' ? a de'ir.t ol $:?i..*<'7. ayain?' foi 1914 of 119,191. PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat Decline Continues Under Heavy Liquida? tion?Corn Drops. GENERAL MARKET REPORT. New |*?el. I ?te-an "*. Itle. R*RRAT. I he ... ? ng B_B**l-M.i resulted in a break of shout |f_ ? h i-l-.l m Ike ??heat market latt ???ek ?i __ ?.am in prog r?a?. and price? ?howed initiier i|?clifie? of 4' ..?*. This represented a nrt lo.a of '.1 "? -?' (mm the high point et the ?ea-on, niMile on January 2?. At lime? during: th? day there ?ere rallie? on ?cattercl huying by tho>e ?? ho lelieved that th? iinrlct had de rlined enough and that ? rally ?a? to be ex? pected, but on every upturn |.mit ??heat .-am. Out in ?iilunie. and there were e\ idenre? at more B__T-Mlva operation! on the p?,i ? ??' b... ?. It? ' in the ___ei in.''.?! and ?v I treme ner\iiu?iie?. O' er n.n'i. ni rendition? 1 in ?reneral added atetarte.!, t.. the i.ein._ of I laeeeai H The 1 . ? rpeel _____*___? ? ? ?ak, and -?m .m. ml i.).ro?.| ?<_- apperetttlj keari? 1 ' owing t.? the decline i?, -fneriea ?nil to pre pe.t? of large? ?liipment? from Die 8-uthern ! HcmUphere. V 'aportara were eredite.l with about I 1,.'.'.0.000 hiMhei? on tiie Set Ha?, km thl i tailed to ?had tl.? ..?ling n.'ivemeiit and { final quotation? watt at the -?west. The j ?i.ihle supply in Ihe Halted State? .lumed la df-rre~?e tat tl.e \??el. of 1.1_'.,000 bu?h*l?. j compared ??ith a _eef_aa? ..* '.??>?'.000 last week and .. decraeaa of .',o;_,?Uu la?t year. I World'* ?r.'rt- fei UM week were 1.1..">-?.000, compared ?? itli ill.SOS,000 la-t w __|- and IS.? , ?l/'.OOO last )?ar. Crop ad ice? from th? S_?tk?*eet _-_f_ again untar ..,-al.le und there ?rere predhttei ? el ?erieae trag ?cari ai ? i ? an -drain? . Ii the .-.I'll marl ft Ne bard winter irlieat ??? n.uoted at 11.11 tie 1 durum. II..S: No 1 Northern Duluth, *l."0|., and Ne ' Noiiii'in Maiiitolr.1. It. IS, all 1 ah. CORN. Il?a\y liquidation occurred in t lie coin ? ? ?t and price? declined ?harphr, cloaing ' at only ?lightly above the loweet, with Bat ' lns?e? of 1?> .'i_l*'?e. The general nervou? | ne?a in fr'iai.i lal circle? and the continued ; liquidation in wheat caused long, to -.ell i freely. Scarcity of ?>rean tonnace and th? l.iv'. trright rate? at well a? railroad em 1 bar_:oe, made ex.port bu?mearJ 11?.t to im : possible, huweier, and thi? ?er ed to check i burina. The vi.ible iupply ?ho.-ed an iu 11'??' at -..'Tj.000 bu.he'.i for the week, com? pared with a decrease of K00O ia-t |ear. tn ?be loi*al tata reare* Ko 1 ??I?0" .-orn wai ? i toted _? 12 _ - '. . r ?' Nee tfrerk. OATS The oat? market ihai-d the liquidation teen m ??beat and com an.l price? declined .. . , rioting |l_?_tl*.c nrt lower 'Ihe visible ?apply dec.ea.ed '.' '',??00 hu?hel ?. com pered ?. itb an ir.rrea?? ol :',,,000 ]aat year. The local eaah mark't ?-?s '?eai. : ?tanda rd quoted 1 ???.. :... white, 4S4l4S'_?; No ?. 4r. ' _ '</ 47 ' -..?? : lanry clipped whit?, 43.'..!.. j and ordin?r? .-imped white. l'.'i74?? _.<-. all ?te ? tratar, RTE. Mai -? *^ak. No ! Weetera, $102 ? i r Ne??- Yi.r!.. SEW YORK PRICKS. Satur rYheet: Opea. High, low i kwa, da>. 1.21 I. IS 1.11 (III! A?.?? I'RIt KS. ? ' . - u keel Open. High. ?Law. Cleee. day. 1.'", i.isas 1.os?., roc? i.tsi-j July. .... 1.10 1.10*4 1.0? 1.0i?'4 1.10', I da , |i_ it* :-' H. ... * ? -' ; . -'% :*'? Oat? May. Ml. ?!"?_ **'. 4.". u , ? ,lul>. ?I? _ t? 40 40', 11%, riaOUR AND MKAI.. I !,e lour ma ket wan ??'.,' (___ !o-e , uwins to tl,. t'irther ?barp brea!, in wheat, but buyera ??ere \e:y timid about taking i .,Id, a? tl.e ??tiole market va. in a more at _ea_e*-J'_e_ roidition and 1? ??a ?' t . * ill 'n a'ri?e at definite conclusion?, re? s-ardin? vahan. BYE I Mill? v.t.i. Pali '.. ,.<?(!. .I'.IO'o tS.C-1 ?'bou-e to fan.?. 13.71 i?.I5.__ I'URNMIM. Hare!;- .teady ; kiln ilriej. $4.10. BA-MEA1 Barely ?teady : tine |U and ?ello??. 11.30. ?-?ar-e. |1.M. PEED City Seiet; bran bulk. f.?. 100 lb .a.'k.-, !?4.?0i bea?y middling? ri". ICr..50 : (lotir middlin_a d... 113; red rl 7 flour, 140 It. rack?, N31 . W?stern qih" . ?ran. 100 li, Meka, %".'A . (?anda '! <\e. 1.4', I24.M leur nt-k-i-sa do. $:?; red das flour, 140 lb ?a.'k?, In. oi.meal. %?,'.:?<). PROVISIONS. 1 ?? Btarturt (ar in-i prada ?? wae -ieau> ? . ? ? .- ?? defied ne ,? . Il ? . .. ..' Ii ? I.rea'. in k . am rataM I th* . t ??a? dir..'. ' r_.' . arl) ?eain-t pork, arhick ?? ? WBI ? nan 'ith.r iard ?? .lb- IteceiV't? of I .'.*> a? ? Ir.ago ???-. ..... (111O e.titr-.a'.ed t.,r , Medal. Ji.eeS; Kai..-? i ii.? raeeiv?. ?i.oco ?...J ??????< a .<-'?'? PORK r*t"?.i r, ? pti ??m,?. $21.seift; . ,??aort clear. ? BEEF?Mead.? ; 111 ?11! ..'.0 . fatm . % - teti 11S..0 . ?packet, llT.tStfflS- e\fra India n.e.?-. 1.3.1 IIS. DREaSiSfcll HOGS- Kirmer kr-eona, IP ??? . ISO lb. 11',. ; lbO lb. Iliac: '40 II?. Ite: pig-. I:'.. ri'T MEAT- Tn-kled bel tica .?teady. 10 lb. I : ? ' ' lb. |.",c . II !h. Il?4jc, Pickled bam? .pile?; quoted at 14 . ?M-.- r ALLOW .Stead- -? 3, (i'., -'a"- .-.?uiilr?, t\<(tt\r. I.ARli Mead> . Middk ?Ve?t. 10 '0 i 110.40* ; city laid ??<*ad' Baas?, at 10,. ReOned ?art Quiet; Continent, 11 Me B-. itb .merica, M If?.-; Brarjl, keg?. 1 ! 10'- 1 ompound -teadv quoted i.\ .0', .11.- STKARINK . tead> . ol^.., I0r-. I i?y lard ?t'arine. IP..-. t HUA?. 0 PROVISION.?,. >a?u lard; Open. II i_rh Lew. ?.loa?, .la Ma?-.10.10 ie.41 I0.S-- 10.?.. ISJI Juh .ia.M IS.ll in:..? IS.I2 io:._ Kib?. Mac . . 11.41 11.45 11.:;. Il-Ti 11.48 M ... ILS' It ?'.?) UM ?I. .. 1 l'or!. : . Mav ...... |.T_ .'?.... IS.SS "l ?D L'0...'? . . JO .0 "0.0 lO.-i'. '0.- . -0..0 cornu. .,'.? vi.. 1 ready at the out. et. with ?' priem ___.haa_ed t.. 1 petal bigiiec, bui . . 1 ing the day an .*?i 1er tone de\elope.| ar .1 flnal quotations v ere 'JijH point? net |o\?e.. IThere ?*a* muderate liquidation of Maren ?.??ing to tbe circulation of a few notice-, kart mn*i ci the piea-ai- wai in the late 1 pr-ition?. ??'hieb, alter ?aorking up I ta I 1 oint., from tl.e __r-_t*_tB, lo?t tbe ar??ance, and clo?ed at only a ?light advanr? from th? lo--?e-t Sa'.e^ far the day ??ere .,..'.',0 bag-. \\a'i Btreel waa credited ?utii .-?!lui_ du ing tbe altern..on, and th: ????. b?!ie?ed to ke liuuidation prompted by the easier tone to the Iteck marke? and the nervouanev, gen 1 rrallv preai T.g i*i a! HHflllatJT? marker. I o- er the political lituation. I i o?t and f.-ei_iit ..ittri - treat Kr? I were net araek changed In peiee. kul ?kippen I v ere appaeently ba-ing >.., StfTiculty In .-? , curing tonnage, and man? of tire o'r?-? .? e . ? accompanied bv names ,.f .teamec for pro ? peeed d??e-a. Santo? 4? ??ere offered here ?? j 10.1". and Itio Ts at 8.TO, all American credit?. The .pot market ???? ina-tr e, -? it h prie?, t... ..all? unchanged at 3',.* 1er Rio ... j FUing.* af pi leas *--a?'ir Open. High. Low. Cleee. da?. ^tar.-ii.b? ;.:i> . .-.? ..-?.. 1 :.> \p -'I . '.'4 7.7? Ma ?. . ?- >. ?....j -i . - .lune . - . 1."I I.SS i.e. . "M ..?i 3 .__fU*l _ ?.i'.'iU ?'/". ? 3 rleptemher ,g.S. I.C I.S8 ,33.S.on |.0J (?ctober .... Ill? 1.0, *v* '.o e nber .. a.Oti'iii n?: | n. December . 1.14 1.17 8.10 8.i0??..1l S. 1 J -i?. mi-j 8.114 M . S.15 l tat ?? y ? "' St l,AR H Tl RIS w/l t '?-. inesi In ? ..? ? ftjtttr-i le-daj? ha n..t batea (r."?.'?i e, th? tri? ba? keea -tea !. ard pfferrng. . omna>-att?el?- light, d .e la ?1 orl. uf a tirn*.?- ra* -ug?i' O' " : ? e :? ,r,.; f.p?r,ed !?/' peint* highe . .?'?? .. ihe eall ?'.0 |a*ea?. Late h the 1 Ihe marke! m?M ??** and cio.?d an. i ? ? ? .- _k*e|in- of t pour. .air* ' ? '-. r;.. ?? f? ____, Range of pide?. - .' Open .High. Lew, lio.? da?. March 4.I? 4.1" 4.K 4.ll?_4.14 4.11 Arn'. 4.1T?4.19 4..0 M.? . . 4.?7 4 ?; 4 *7 t.itat '? ? . . . 4 '.S .'r 4..'? 4.."? lui I.M 1?! 4.?? 4.3V. 4.14 ?.IS A mwA - 4.I7W4.-S 4 "? September 44*. 4?.. 4 44 4.41SJ4-4. 4?. O.fober 4 4? 4?t 4 44 4 4" 7 4.4 1 11 Noveetb? ? ' ? i 4 ?0 4 10 f'e, e^r? 4 4 ??* I - j 4 ' METALS. I opr? ?*?" l'r.n. *?ith' | ?i ? quote. ?? _?!__ for ne?rby .1?live-y ai .1 f?*_ for Jur? muet la'.er delivery. On the N? York Metal Kv-hange tin ?>?? .trong. wtth I ?pot in lot? of fi?? ton? each .uoted ?t ,.0 a?k?d . March. 4.:.'?43<-. April. 44 -r 4?-, and Ma>, 43'?l44c. In I ondon tin rio ?.) a? SIM .S? for ?tand?-! -p..? aid ?' UM I . .' urea, ?ith ;ale? of ?l tons ?pot and "0| I ions (atar* Com er in i...i..inm ?lost ?io.. for atandevde ?pot ?mi .,i hm 'ut'irea. \. ill, ,,1?. ?r 1011 tan ?pot an? loam tetan . .hile eUetreJjrtl -i...i ele?. II i?. I ....I itrona, ??.?'. Nei . or? ? attar] i ?.? ? i .,.,.. ,..,. i, m I Anierireri .-.?lelttnu nuil Relln??ii/ Caaim quute? lead at ?...10. I,.. Ne? York *a\ and nt il "." fo Eaal ?i Leal In Aoai Ira.| ,.|r,4..,l ,' i.'.' ;,, (,.i spd? ? li IS! fur future?. Speller dull, H? - ? P"t nominal ami Kaat 94 I.oum March II?. In Lenden ?peltrr ,?|o?H ?? g|? ?l>ut am) at ?i'??i for fut?ire? COTTONSEED Oil New high re.-i.rd-? -jarre eitahlisheil la cottonseed oil market yesterday, with lui arhleh ?a? crediteil to leading rtBlMT ?ell a?, t ade nitere?:-. Range uf i?ri?-< Si Open High Low. ? 'In??. ? Spol . ...iivi i March. .. 1.15 I.I. !?.?.. 'i.hO'tiO ??'? ?\i. il. 1.71 I . : 1.72 1.70(09 . Mav. Mi | h ! 1.17 tt.Si?l l'.'.l I June . . 0 ??< ''.?.i M4 y.t4frt9M Jul] ".b"-' Ml ".hi! "?,",;" ? ?.ngint MS 9.tH '?.?.<) '' ?.IM I ? September />.?>i Ml ?? ' ? October... 1.15 1.15 b.n., M??l,/ ?.?..; ? ? COI NTRV I'RODKK MABKETf Ne? Wk. Fehrua: -. '?. It] BL ITF.R. R?.?ipta, I.S7I package?. CrOBIBtlT. *"< ij ? icorei, ris?._.',/ 36?-. hifl n ? t . | ./' . econda, : u . .' ; . -ea?n?r;. held. I ' ? ' III?- : btaher ..oriii(r. II ? ?/ . ' ' I leeonOs. 244(20? . thi .i '..'it . r |. r - ? ? ? ? . . . rommoti ??? -...:* u u ? ??\tra?. ''ri/'J?, ; I. ?ta, .'..'." lo irrades, 2l<n24r ; Imitation cream? . ii' .i .'i i lad i . surreal i ?le; ?eeond?, 22c : lower gradea. -!'.???; pechina ?''-'. Ian? make, tn.e, i correal n.ake. Bne, tl1 e; Ne I, He; Io , Krade?, 1'?' .',/jO' _,.-. ?MMM?SL Receipt?, 141 boxe?. Mule. whale n ! held, flat?, colored, ?perml-, ISfjlS! , ??? liite. apee loi?, Ile; eel? red, a\erai?e iai ? 7 >-/d 1*. ??,<? ; -?hite, average finny. IT' . 17"*?? ; current ma'e, flat-, (pac?ala, 1 II ','': av?ras* fancy, ;? .-? held. ?!? Id -1 - iala, 1 ? '/ 1 - ',. . held, 1 I?"1,'."/ li1...- : (-?M. t?in-, ipeelal?, 16*1 II' tylca, undergrade!, ' .i :.. ? \y... ?nie mil . linn- . t? hi', ! . i?nH ?laniea, !.?,'i/i? ,e ; i ojna America?, 1 rj.26e; ?tat?, il Im?, held, ipeciala, :? n'.n Icarrant make, ?penal?. 1 t*?*3 lo1,?-. fr< I chotee, I4??4) n' ..? ; un- t?i ifood. u'.'.ri . I...' ?.- ?ra?le?. b ..I Uc. Kf.taS. I Receipt?, 1,852 .?a???. 1 i e.ii ga' .- ?d, lira?, do*. ?(,'(121,1 je. ; extra flr>ta, ..">? ! liraU, M^QlSe ; second*. HAM? : dirr ; No 1, 22c; check-?, go<id tn choice, dry, 1 refrigarator, best, 20'(?J2?l-c ; fai- to |r I 17H4J1SC ; lower ?lualitie?', II? 17c; ?ti ! I'enn anil nearby, hennery whites, tine fancy, IlQ12e; ordinary to good, "ti^H I gather??! white?, ordinary to fine, '?b'ci'6 .?mall white?, 26?fiZ7c ; We-.te.-n ami Sou 1 em. gathered white, tt?Uci tute, I'. and nearlV , hlBBOty hro-vti.?. 87? ! gathe '.,o%?n sad naiaed ?olera, :4'?-;.'t>c. duci: ta ?tat? ai;.| nearbj. Indian Banner, 37411 ? alaryland an?! Baltimore, ??lee Weaterr. ;?n.i prime Boothem, ' ?' \ mon to f?ii. Booth?rn, .'? ?fj ?AT AMI 8TRAW I .. i, ., ??: holda U .?h '" i. ?? ??? ."i and hirfh o'liiliti?? of tnnothv. and ??...?? I limited demand '.or farcy iiuht eWvec mia of which the ?apply .- rarj -mall. H?a mi?ted and poor clever ?Iran?. R>e -tra-- ei tinue?! ea?s- HAY. larae haled, tirnot prime, ton, 92' ; .'?" '. Ill ; Se I i He ? i'.'?i *._''?. ahippina, lit? 'iy. fancy I ? o ? !"? e.- mixed, - '?. ? I No 1 clover miN. I Iftfll: lew? ?raile rlo-.e.- nmed. |l 11, . io grad?- ? .? ", Jl'.'iiJll. RVK STRA \? :. 114^114 ' Small bale- ., nti.Mi iRi ii.-. tPPLES Spit enheric, hhl, |2(gl Joi than, ??J-.i *?4 . York Impciia!. tltij.ii.1 \\e:iii;.>. 12?}/13; B'ineaap, 12 t? \ man Wineaaap, ? . ' reliman S?? ?el ?i M.25 ; Black T\< ig. 12(d M.2 ? ; Rome Beau' *j'?i $.;.".'. . Greening, f2f<i|3: King, 12 13.50; Northern Spy, |1.74ttl4 ; Bald?! II.74? 13.25; Hubbardaon, I2?t8 ; Ben De? |l.75?UI2.50; Bla.'1. Be;,, 1'."1{$3.J0 : Cai ?.'irS.'l; Ueliciou?, Wintern. U'X, $1.7j W.50; SpHaenberg. ?il ...?'.t $2.60 ; Ror Beauty.'dl'J : N'ewtown Pippin, *?l.?0 |; Stajoiaii W ineaap, ll.l ?u I1.S0: Wir -an. 4<l.."a0r<jlJ.':4. ; Ben Davia, JI..''?/}!.. Black Ben ?nd Gano, ?"...?.'?;"..?".. PEAR lvie;Ter. hh!. Il.60djl2.5ll: backet, .???" ?RANBKitRIKS. Cap? Cod, laie aorU, M B7.50.aSlu; \e ? Vork, crate, I2<tj$2.40: J? >,?>. Ho.??, bbl, ? ??/?'.'."". tatu?. Ili'.i f. .S lUaOard ?-iai?-. \Zb\ .<:.... Ne Yur'., eral il.Ti'i'i |2 . ?M dinar) ? '-. II " " I ' I ? ? l?land. ?ate aorta, hhl. ISlgllt: crat?, 12 ?,2.4.') : STRAWBERRIES, PI?, r?fngerat ? he,-?, .?t. ? ?I . open ??rare?, ??t, 1 .1 it KUMQUATS, h la. qt, Mlle; TANGE1 I.NKS, I Ira, ?trap, <:??? I ? K?nga, I ... -' - V '. ..'.?>-. / ? i . ORANGES, lia. box, at v ?ri..-,? Vorto Rico, ?'m*' . Cal. 11.23?. I GRAPEFRUIT. Pia. box. 75e? 13.60: Cuba |1#IS2. ." i'.. to R ? ?. ! ??'' Il : Jamal. I ?' t:. . . Na-?4aii. :..< 'il tl.OO : lai? fine,. $1 -,/ ?j.j.. . LEMONS, Cal, box, 11.71 ta M; Sicily, ll.t?fipfl M". PINEAPPI E ]'. ta Rico, i:."l Bpanl , ??. " ?i 14.45. POTATOgi ASD VEOETABLgg. rui \ rOEB, B' ?'... He M v ?.., . ....-- .^..> I, >!./< ..i?.... 1-iS-lh bas, 18.601 r - .i o 13 I ? :?'.?-ll> ha? ..'..a.'.i * ' ?-" . laon? !..ilk. 18') 111. %i bbl nr ha?. II. "'4. lUU ?ml Worten "?.i ih, 11.10^13.60; !?>? lb bag, 13.23^13.61 Almii. i.-.o-l'h bas. '- ?"?'. N li. 12.13. M . Mich, I ??*?; ? Jei icy, ltl-lb bac, I-'-' 'ill'i : Southern, red, bbl, ?? :..?''..' ?4 . .?In?. ?_'""????:: ail ?eetiona, parti] froten, bag. I .i?:. SWEE1 POTATOES, Sertey, ooeke .:..-,iK] |Q n? . h.i'.,-v",,- . ^BPARACI - ? ?..-? ?' ' . doi burn-he >l . u 130 . AR i I. tiOKES. tai. I rein ll .?ai??i... bill, I ? \M.?I . Ne ? Oi leana, bbl, II ? ?? Rl I K lOI.I, Nea Orleana, bbl, 1643.910 BRI - SEtaS -PiKil I'?>. Long Wand, .?t. 111420? Cal, large drum. JK.;$u. BEANS, I ... fa te lan.- baaket, ' ? ? ? ? 11.21; RKM.-. ..i'!, bbl or bar, It: nearbj Itt bnnebe?, .iiiti-... . C, 100 i.un.-lie ??!.' Ne* Orleans, bbl, ?-''??'. Bermnd.i ,ra??. .' ..?'. ..? 1 i\RROTS, old, "hi. U?j IX. .'i. hag. |1 i ?dit : lOO-lb bag, I I .... ?. i.,iii.-ii?.. si. - ??. lie II, .... N.. ? Orleana, bbl. II Wi I !'? muda, ? ??'-. ij ' ABBAGI -. I?.?ni-i 4..-.H, t? n, *'?'< '?.% " . Ite bbl, II ?nil.'?, ?,;, ton, ??'??..? ? s i' , ?i?. |l ; Fla, nei iket. * : ? ; ? 1. <?. .-i-air t. CELER., Fla crate, I ? ; . |0-inrh crate, ?? 1."???-?a ?? :.: ?< . Cal, raae ? ??.". ? M LlFLOVt ?.I:?. I la, baal et 11.25^11 ?. t'ai, pon) crate, ""? ? ? -?. .. .1 rrete, II ' ??? ? CHtCORY, Nev ii-'?.,.,. ?. il ?".i I?60 . Ha. basket, 11 1 SI ?. ESCAROLE, lia. hank?-!. ?|.,j|i.-j.. , Ne-? Orleana, bbl, II. 6$| '.:..'. EGG PLANTS, box, Il'<4l2; HORSERADISH, 10? lb. 44'../$... KALE. yA. bhl. 4"?/i0.'. KOHL RABI. N?. Or'?.,.. . '."? bunchea, |l ' LIMA BEANS, I a. ha et or erata?. %Kn II.SO : ?iiban. erste, 12 ' ?' I . 0 LET! !' I-.. S 1 . basket, ll*i ?. .60: I a. tfal 1 I REKS, 1 earby, 100 bum he?. Il.j Orleana, ? . I ONION . Cuban, crate ? ? I ? '. ;, lej, yello . hag, I2*/| ' I,.-.. |2. .0? 1 I "? iaronal .. 1 ? llov , II, at: ?..-.). ai ..'?.' 11.75; ?)! i" or In.l. ?.ell.. ? ? ? ?? . ?'? .11 ./<. .'i. .-ed. $1'??.<J. Orange County, yello? red. ....- .i i I ...1? . uhltr, la-Re. ,-iate or baaket, |I..iO<Jjl2..*.0 Spanish, half case. II I I r||2.35; OKRA, Ma. carrier. II?12.50: Cu? ban, ?arrier. |l<t?t2.25 : OYSTER PI.VM . : IM bunches, 12*-. 14; PEAS Ma, laru-e, ha? ke?, lltotl ?mail, 11*1 II; Bermuda, half I...? ?:'.!$'.: .. PEPPERS. Ma. i.... II Caban, box, ci ""- - PARSLEY, Ne. (Irlciiti.. .ml?, bbl, llttl*? . plain, l-.M ./II..3. R.rniiid.1. rrate. f.(flM.SO ; l'AR-! KNIPH. bbl. S! -r.'?/ SI. '?" . RADISHr.-i. S C, .'.et. H_|l_tf; V;i. *l'i?II..M?. KO "H[\r. i a, aatkei, ?r.i.i.'.n. erale. '.'?nu ' ?; . . Bei '. -Ha, . raie, t".'?/ ?I Ne? Or. amiM, ?.M. Il'.ill M; SI'INAIII. \ ?. I.l.l. --? ? iti.Mi. ?HALLOTH, N'e.. Orleen?. bbl. I..I ?... SQUASH, ll'!. bin. |l.' '.il.': Mar row, ?I S0..II.7?; 'IIRNIP*. Rutabaga, bbl' or . .."illl.l.': old, white, bbl. S14U9I---** ; Ne ? Urleane, -hite. Il . Hermuda. whtte, ? rate, '..;-,.|,., Ha. carrier, ll'./ll .">. TO MATOK.-, I la. carrier. . >./ |_.... ?.uban. tl i'U Il'-.ll.."?". . WA'IERCRESS. 100 i baaeh??, |_. HOTIKil SE PROni'CTfl. BEfcT GR?N*. !???. 7eeJ_ll i baahat. Il so: cut UMBERS, do?, liewL-e; OAN DF.LION UREENS. U>\. tl".'.'i/|.: MINT, do? bunch??. .,i?'n?n.- ; Ml'SHROOMS. *ahit?. 4 lb backet. II 20? 11.60 ; .ream. II 10'n h .. i. 11'./II..'.'. . buttOtM. . '.. '.| t. dat. mi l ope ...?,/ ' RADISHES, mo hee, < ?*4 ItlllBARB. Mich, doren ii.H. iwMe; l.a?iern, bundi uf IS ?talk?, 10',;-,.i ; __ ?talk?. II. .?ate. doten ? ? i bunch?., MeiSSci TOMATOES, lb. 10 ? i . I.INKSTOtK MARKET. New York. I ebruary _S, 111?. wi;eki.v RECEIPTS. Ree?e?. Ca|??a. Sheep. Hog?. New Vor .... _,l'.l 1.H44 I.7M 7.311 le .-, Ci'? . . -t.aiail ...IT? Mil J". ,44J Cen? it I nion. -'..>..S ..'0 ?.3J4 .*.' HI 0TATI0N3 FOR BEEVKS. choice native ?toera.l7.7S?it?.rrO . fait native .toe'?. ti.2.".'o ??". O.e-i and ?tu-:-. 4. .".'.I ..'. B ilk . "..00. loa.. 1..00.I I (iuud to rhoigl >tteis une year ago 74*0*9 - BEEVES. I> ' ', tat twe ilayi. M4I head. 40 en? on ?ale. Steer? firm and generally rated lO'ul'.c higher; be?t ?teer? at an advance of .S?; bull? active and full ?teady: cow? flrn? I to lO'nl'i.' higher, with the improvement manifeated mo?tly on top and bottom grade?. I'?re ara? a good clearance of the yard?. Medium tu prime ,t#er? ?old at |7.*rSetl8.9S per ioo lb; bulls, $:,',i *.:.",o . ?o??., *;'??._.:-.: _. e tra cow or .?_. at higbe- figuro-. h . ed beef lead] at la-t CALVES. '. '* ' no?.. .. . Prime and ?hatea ?cal? were ?poli ?n.I ?tead>, other-, . . ?.-_ i.. lower; barajrard calve and raarliaaa 'An lower. C-aaaaMi to p?i_aa e.,|. ?old at |_._S_,|-. per luO lb. cull?. $?? ..?-. barnyard calva?, IIifj t<> : yearling?. 14.30'rf ?-...00. Die???.I .??'.??< ouiet at 14'. n. lSt_e for ci'y drea?ed *eal?: 1_? .?*? II" _c tat country dieted. SHEEP AND I.AMBS. P.eceipU tor two day?. 3,030 head; 5'-; car? on ?ale. Sheep in limited ?upply and ?teady : beit Iambi a trifle firm; others ?teady : the pen? wer? cleaved. Common to fairly food . ?Iieep ?o'd at 16..'i0d 17.60 per 100 lb; cull?, , fA ?/?'?'. common to prime lamb?, IlO'ri 111."... I Drt-eed mutton ?teady at lOtfllr; dre*-?ed lamb?. I.attlle: bog dre??ed. lf"_c; coun? try dre??ed bo?ho'i?e lamb? wea' ?t 17'/j$10 . -a?-. HOGS. I>..?ip?- '... t??o day?. ?.') kaad; 4 cara on -ale. Market une ?ni? I i.iier, with light .-. ing at S?.?U ?i S9.1"j !'?-r 100 . - . \.u*t: pig?. S*t.40. Count:y .: ? , .? at !?'?' l_'._c re- lb. BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS. Stockholder! of the bat ton Power .. i Light ( oinpaiiy have elected 0. H Hutching* and T. P. Kelly additional memberi of the board of director?. ?lame? H. Oliphant <_? Co. annoutce ? .? I ecke i.o.| ttarr, former niatiagiiic tor of "The Wall .-nee' Journal." ???ill be ssaoeiatod - ith ?.hem after March I 'o assist ia their in?.uir-, ii rt Intent Miricc department. Hsrtshome 4 Picabia. aieasben et ?lie New York Stock K\.hange, have formed a -pe?-i;?l department *o handle order? for fractional lots and hav * issued a booklet describing the met'n odra nt purchat-inf? stock on laatal ateats. -.-a . Vulcan Detaining Cuts Costs. The Volcan Del ining I " .;.- to? ports for the rear andad December ill la#t grosi earnings sf "7'i|i.-.'4-i. r-o-n pared with 1714,681 far the arevieui jraar. Net proflti wets *??;?.07T, ?,. a deficit in 1914 ef 173,989. The ?n ? reaae in *';rplu< la-t year wi? ?'?Tected bf a reduction in expense?. itC, Which totalled |220__4a. BUSINESS TROUBLES Bankruitry Petltlen,. -I BI BXSTI I?* ?? o dt_ ... ... .. , " - -. IVi '. '?.-.? .1 i .- , 13?'. ' f i l?.ii tM * Aller . ? ? . - ... I i.?m -i ?-?m... .. . ? i H. .. ? ? . ..... M I.. ??*? a l'.n*.) s i n ?( .--^ ....,>- .nrp'r.?. ?? ? I'-..... .. a-I . __?;... m b_i._i.iai.> . ? -. | . - WALTER T MAI.IDAV laltiaiaii et Maunt V?r l ? I- ? r - a ???. - ,. ? . _ laW !' N 11 IN ? I M ?>??'? PMititn Olimlix?. DBEsa ' ri im [?.?_. a ? ___ , .. i . r . ? ? ? . . - ? .?(?'???',-.? . brtti ? ol 11 ?III a? ? i l-M '. '? a'? ? ? I - ? -i r ? . .vipa.r ? <l ,'i ? a i , ?o dentad , . i- .... ? ? . , ties sis.eoe fei-Btaititn? C?e*lrm,d. HABR1 A1.TMA.N Ju1|? A N Kir*/. a? - i ' H.-- A-'ni" 'l.ilfr r* .,' ? ."'"I' ?? ISS N'a.-'er, ,? _f(| - .' ? ? ." .. Hal ?MAN A BATKB Ii1|? lit 1 a, enlrtBM ,i lompoaKI? ??' Kaufman A Hi;.r. ^?a ? a I ? ? ? ? ' .- ? t fe^ I .? ?___ M i? . ' ' . . Rin.ruitcy Sch.lulM. n n -.Kim ?n Ibrahaa t< ;?>re . : R,--? n ing .. - - ii R . ? '<!??. .la? I ,.?.... ;.. . . | tuet* II ? . ? ?- ..i*n i iii:<!..i' . ? m ? . rent ' i." a . .. . i - ... r ... ,.., . . a ? I ? -? . . ?? II.Ml "!. KM.i ru 1 I..I.[?Nu iroa-e- tl IM I ??? * ?s ?itvj , ? itlei ' . . ? : Dla.rh.r?? Ir.iti Biakniftty. ? \ II. I ? i ? ??. SU | Dlatrtcl '.'.: la ?ru.'? I dl-*tt(-a_t to Vaatt liank i a . M. -. II i I i. ? - ? ? . -_? . Hi a im t'Mrr ,| I?. '.-. liiert? I H' ? . * a ? ' ? I -. . 1. !;-..-a ||(| at. ,. i __ ,? . ... ., Wlnu)i. beru . - ? _. 1.I..?? li.aH M ? Harri*. r_ii,.o_i?. a: . ??"-? t. .' a - - I- ? . a ? ? r? . "..i -' i i ??-" a ??>? rent ? . . i. , ? '.!.?- '.??.' I .. Kl.rr i n.? i . I ..? n . .. i. Morrit I . - , .- a?, ? ..a l| rr.r ?> l . ? .; I 1 Mad '? -? ? > . t? P . . ?ri.i- ?? I . - I i> III,? ai laaao Tlire i - - la_?m Parler, ...eama ! ? .'.? i .i .?' ???? -a"*.i-l \'.i-,ii htXer. HI**?.. a I .. R . ' ?. ?? - l.,?r IHM .? <..*rf. 1 ..-':. .--??. \'.--t i;tli ,- ' . I ? ? * : . . peu -i. bw*i -. ? ' . t' ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS a H.. |tl V. I " IRM. . , ?in - n i II i Mad ' -? ... , n r . >? ? - : t -i !??nj II II? . ?? i l'\v Mli. I " i - . >> ? - . a - ? | . .. I ? ; I I?. . . - . ? . ... i I ? ... ig.-. ., ..r.i.i M.'.'. '? . . ' : ?l" ' - '? ? ." I?l -ii- . . I |. i \H|i v iVIHIMV .V I Will! -. ? ? ? . . ?,' -a H -r'- " r- v., ... ... ? pi.,m a- i -; ? i n ..... . ? r ? : a ? . ?M'j ad liai. IM a ? I ??' ?- . a. 1'.' ?? ? , - a f.)! 4isT -ta". L???? ' a-.? ? ? panted ? it/act tor? l.Rv|?r ' t'a' - NA'. V 1 ? ; ? ?? in av ' . Mil ? SfU ?? i ? I ... a board P ? Pa: ?n? ?r M t I ?a. P - , '????-. a ? a ' ? . u?r V ? /?M -. a ' ' a? Ta?: ['.?,? ... ? ? i II II 41 ?. . . \' M" ? -.., . K - S M'.?. M'.IIIM :? I ? ? 1 I? ?M'a , . ' rl !? 4 ?, ? a ?? 1' ?I . f? ? i, a ?- , II . . !" ? >? r- '. - . . ? ., ..n w as.i'i.poo, at 1 ?- tiom VonOst* - ' .?r Tor-. a I ? ,? ? - i. . ? ? a a . R? "? ?. .a a .... ? ? ? i I aiata far Amar? i .??. ? - i- . ..?..-? ,, , .,. i.*m Salua.. J 11 Pifl ? . I -..,... . . ? , ? .. \ . . . ''?' HI?. I I ' '. ' a . is iia ti?ia a-?inn . . .? p :? ' i i ? ? . . ... r?? i - ? SLI.ROI.AT?TS NOTICES. I PUItSI -N? I. OB .? ".' OI1DLR OB I- .:^i. John 1' ' ? halara, a Surrogat? of the .nia'.' of \??? Tork NOT I''P. l? ghen to ?11 parses having rlotnu . ? " Mar-ha B. Wlil'ndge, U>? ft ' h? ?-.f Nea lorh ?eeaotmO, io pr??e?it t ? um? ?>"h ? -'i.-ii?rs thereof to t'* transecting Of B . 11 . ? ?r g attorney?. N< ? V\ , f : I ..I -lor; ir? ? ' i in seal i thi i?, of |ie bei ; ? 15 '.. I .,1..? - I. 1 HUM IS i i ?L? Fit? i. W v in'.iK ? .? itera V III ri;II?-.i P' 11 KR i Riete, ..-. ... .l'O'a . j Ball T* loik City. COTTON RECOVERS FROM EAJttaY BREAK Liverpool Firmness Overcomes Selling Tendency Remalnlig from Saturday. Cotton showed contin.??i nrrvousntit and irregularity BaVtBg yeiterdty't trading;, but reactionary sentiment was more in evidence and prices rtllitd sfter an early break. The close was lUasJya net I point lasrer ta '?'? point? iiichor. Reports of an improved spot demand in 'he South, ratrer a ?mailer volume of Hoathern lelliag ?ere. and n.dicHtioiM of a little freiKrU demsnd ?round the loc?l ring, promoted a ten? dency to cover ?hon contracts, while fresh buying for long account was held in check by nervousness, over che inter? national situation and apprehension? that there would be a renewal of ?pot offering or Southern ?ellm? on even a moderate rally. The market opened ?tea?ly et sn ad vance of 7 point? to a decline of 1 point m sympathy with relatively ?tesdv c;.ble?. There had been ?unie .-.ellina; in ? . narkel here ta Saturday, la an ? e patios that Lirarpeel traala] be a?l r-. I] a' ecrcd by v?.ar new?, bat I.iver pool wa?i betfrr than due. Th-?re ?la wme scattered covering her? at the ?'.art. New Orleans ?howed renewed or con? tinued weakness and price? her? soon broke under New Orleans and other Southern selling. The decline carried the active month? about H to 7 point? net lower, with July and later deliveries making: new low j?rour.?l for the move? ment. Thu break failed to bring in much lor.j: cotton, which ?as consid? ero! at additional evidence of a -'.-?:.g'.hened technic?! position. The market became r rmer on Liverpool buy .:.??. a moderate demand from trsde m terestl and eeveriBf? of short?. The ?a . ai .?d the active position* b to ? points net higher, but later fluctu? tions were irregular ?nd the clo*e ?ironed reactions of 6 or 7 point? from the be?t. Privat? cables attributed the itetdi ness of Liverpool to end-month calling by spinners, and the rush to till out February commitments wss tuppoted to bs largely responsible for the day's exports of sbout ?5,826 balei. Thsra was nothing to suggest any easing of ocesn ireignt ratet, slthough tht Im? proved demand .eported in some part? of the South may have reflected work o?i kTafch conmitments. Such report? were received from Dallas, which eald that Livcrpoo. wa-r a better buyer, while one of the private wire? received here from New Orleans also claimed an impreved ?pot deniar.?!. Southern *pot market?, ?a offlcisllv reported, were unchanged to ?? low?i, all the markets being unchanged with the exception of Houston, which re? ported a decline of I per.??, and Balti? more, which was nominally '4c lowe The lar?e*' sale? were t\tlt hales re? ported in New Orleans, wi?h price? un changed at 11.13c for middling. Range of price? : Sa' ir Ope.-: High Lew ( :->?e. riej March... li.i? 11.20 ti.:o Il.14Atl.ll April.... 1' .'??.; |US May. . . I1.M 11.39 tl..0 I..i:Alt.M li.Jt .tune... . 11.41 11.41 11. ?1 11.4 I 11.4?! 11.54 11.1.9 11.44 ll.S24atl.6l 11.4' Kxtgxmt . 11.51 11.-1 11.51 11.(1^11.11 11.4.1 -eptem"-. II.? ll.ttttll.71 11.4 October.. 11.74 11.77 tl.?3 ll.714jU.72 11.70 Novem'r. 11.77 J It.74 Deeaaa'r. It.M 11.M 11.77 11.144X1 LU 11.8? Januar>. 11.92 11.95 11.8'a 11.9C'3ll.94 11.11 Tr?e local market for spot cotton r.ea quiet ami .. points higher at 11 CSa for middling upland , ?a!e? nil. Receta ' - arts ?nd interior points, ?ritn eeeaseslitae, follow; .^at?.-- lut rant Pr?tent da-.-, v. ssl Tear. fo.-' Cal totea . . >>.9I3 te.741 17,471 '.44.44? N-.. ?Jr.e.n? IU 1.054 l.ttl IM447 Mobile. 4-1 ' , ?4 " 19.14?. Savannah.... ?.2I5 l.ttl 7.191 I nil I'harlestnn.. ?Va) .'?14 I.4B0 ??,*,? Wilmington . -t lit ;?.iai ?l.oaa ?.47I 7 4?: ?i i Baitimor? t-JSI \> v York .. . > 4?4 10,707 Ro?ton. ?19 605 r?* Philadelphia. SI 31 1.1 M Variola... MM 4.0,0 14.111 Total?. !1.?<4 Z;,9Zi ?l.094 1,504.10? Interior : *ugti?ta... 40, ?27 4"? 144.04? Menphi? . ?.. It MM ?.J04 ttljaS ?t, Louia !.4M 1.-.44 4.751 11.44)0 Houston... .46? ,04 19.241 IMJM Spe??ial I.ive.-p.-vol ,able? : Spot cetten ? i.? -aie?, ,.'???" balea, ?peculation end ei - part, l.OO'i. American, 1,000. Importa, none Mid-upland. 4.1. rature? open??! ?teed?/, I to 3 ?..?in?.? higher: .-I,?..?.! ha-?'.', -teadr. I to net Iowa?. March-April, 4?i?)4 i M.?-.?iipe. ; 4,d: .l'?ly-Augu.t. : 4 1. Oeto? i.ei.NiT. mher. 7.21'jd: .l?nuar>.f ebruary, i 7.1>'.d. Manchester Yarn? q net bu? ?taedy ? i-lothi q net Expect Million at Jewish Fete. A ba^a.ii la sf?J tf Jewish ?-ar tuf feier? ?rill Le heM 1-, the People's Re Cemmittee at Grand Central Ptl are. Mardi U ta April ?"? Il vas an nouneed yeaterday tha? 125.000 t-rket?. hare airead} been told tnd thtl a mill? ion visitare are expected. Il ??a? alio announced tha? a pair of goats fron Browntville hara been ??riven the ce?. mittee and Bill bc tUCt?OBCd at '' last ilav. -!-!-?1 STORAGE NOTH KS. Bowling Green Storage ?St Van Ca., ?IK .o :. : H Uli SSI m NI hi i i Vllen Ml.? < ? i -"a? i I \ ngii la <" I l" ?? . i , n - M ? I ? r .. Mr?. II - , ? ?. . i . - r ?? i ? ? . ? Madan * !.. - i natron, Mra M ? ? - ? . John ?' ? ?rolan Mr, i ha ? H ? i ?. . TA -.?i . "? ??? Ml >? U ?' ??? ' ?? Misa liiiii'l* Cohen Armani Chati ., r Car?ll Gordo? B Daniela Mary D M i R??-? Deuakertr. ?ira.? Dr? M M - l< , i?. P Daly, Jr.; MU? Dal ? 1 r..- \ D?l l'ra'n?. .1 Devi-.iu>. A''.a -1 ? ,]? ?,'..?-.?' Ml?? Irene Darlington. M'as M - P au?. Hnill ?' l-'anto. K.v a .. Foley, Ja ni?? Kra?er. ri. vv R >;i!l??p|e Victor L. Grand . ii, ?ireaory, ^ir <'. 'r Orefaey, \ li. il ? I, f.. .1 ?,'lfTtn. Jarnes Hall. Ha: s?? Martha Hans or Kau?. . ||*i ?. ? Mr? Sadie A Hop . \ y. Itetgri.a-. J ?' Hamilton, Lerry il,r r-. .i Hen Mr? Paol Hera. Mr? Jen l? H K?i-i?.g, J. h Kirby. J ll, l? .o ? ? ?--? A. Keelei Bernai i ????:.??' ' ? 1 ?poli. ? ander la? '. ? ?; Luna, l-'amua ?j Harriet Mo^re, Mrs ?r Miller. Hat Merrl'f, ? H M-irra>, Mr? m a Murray. Mn-I Mafl Wlnl A M.^re. Mrs II "1 I.e.. ? .. Ml ...* Mi 1 . lie? rrad.. '.-?-?' I M i ?rt-.. Krai r M ' .. '?:? ? " ? se?.Ich. ... ? S'en on. G. M Nelaen !.. Arden a . . allaghai? < on ej| ., < ? ? ... Ii ? ? - ' ? a Oliva, e l" C?U??r. ? es i .--? ? ??? I Peterson, .i l'ino? l M M l'er?ln?, - ? -, Reaeean ai i!a??''r. m-^ ii?o, . a . r..? Joaeph \\ Refile, Alfr??l l;?j. Hiuarl Rebertaea, Allen l'or. ? ?r. , rs'illi.? R'?n K.mlllo Ile B ? n i- r.iape-f rf j I none, Arthur Stein. Kppltai * ? o. r??ia H-riiian ??.hij'sr Marr rimifh Samuel Sirau.s, W P ' lel '?' vn 'i ?jeorg? }? s ?r ? ?"* C ? Il HO Mrt l? k Mr? .-??.??? i 'lorrua t. Pwlft U II l>.?i ' -? ?idrian till bpoar, Jot V. hh?a ? ? ?? TtMor Mai"'/ ??. Tailor, .lohn Pr.e? ? T!"im?? Ra? lUd tt TriM I ? -. ? ' "in Ma-gar?' W?l?:-i ^Ia - e\'?rr?i '?i??- r?ger f XN'Ill "? ??' Ha? B ?odi r.l?a? 1 ? W?.' ?Ira Henrl??i4 Willlani? ? | Mra II ?a ?A ai lier l Iwln Ra??' ? ?" ' U?t?te of Predari. , .1 Seybol i. B Bollheim Jr., Mr. n Woll. heim i- v y. WMber,. V,, ar? fcl?ft , l'OHft?! thai 'he storage- hair* ??? ? ??-l .he Gme for pay meal or t-u, . >n.r...v , ;..., ? ?re.or ?pou ru. prop?r-. herelaatter 2 -?-lhe.1 h.-.-ng ?p|r?4 .-, ..., nv,,,'E..a4.t. having l^-n given yo?j ?', . otnpInTBlll '??''?? a,.h property, ?n - ? i,?u?oh?l? ?Z*i - ? ? * ? ? ? et ? -'ii .-?r er in -our n..,.. V i .""' 1 ' * ???? ' '" '- -:i a? ?ubi ' ? n ?wcO - - xv a. named v , "' N*-? i . . ? - at it ?... . . ?:?i.t?a r?; ^.e:1 ? Vood. trl BOWUNO OOKKt, srn,:??,.: ^ Vvv ,., ' ' ' i-RMi \v .... '