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Test Mixed Bout Is Off and Battling Dred Scott Is Deprived of His Fun WillarcTs Boxing Has Real Belasco Touch Realism Is the Tiling. So lie Suffers Punches on the Solar Plexus. CHAMP A DRAWING ROOM ACTOR NOW Months of Affluence and Adula? tion Have Worked Wonder?, with Johnson's Conqueror B) V-.. (>- M(.?IH\N .lo.? *?\ lliard ?ho?vi Relaf-coi.e hii tra Bg It da*-. At t af his i ???? boat with Walt? lifted his ring pai ? . ? ? ? The | ?' ? ? \'. ? ... * . ? irt 1 r peril r -hi .u ?ed, i'iipro??. : tnde. u . ar. ? -re:-.' I I ??'?".*. ?ht. 1 Jack Ji trick ol orp"! enl ra ? ith I renders ! ther per aa far e .Irark j ? . ' I > f If . ' ' ? rham rion. : ? r ound Pierre I e "Tl r ? .-. -or hii (y tac. ? rated i "? ' K "!? cai ii ?? PUT 1 .?? hii idol ? ef half ble i m - ? . . ? r r,' ?m bei ' |?,, /. nnd itUl tht . ? _: raine aft ??ou probably did i ? the ? lofty ?'iiiiii? thin ?' ' ? . ri t.- ? ' . .lar'-: Johl ' The training ? ng to < ranked I fore the Coloi lintel and I a large aect dri ? 1 Ml p. . .' . 1 ri-t "? .' had ? i : ? But their 1 t al they m - :. ., ' ? lee*. It te (ir< ? to use only 1 hind leg .hu i ; firat * i ' d u-r-d t 1 enr. Once i ' ? ? ? .. . . . ? . . ff er rate ? In i or **,,m th?' goof . -. ii i- ... ,},,. .-i,j.i,,-. . i trying I old fightini >ith the '.'i.- ?.. - apart and th? head ?unuiird up m a fe**i ?vordj Hie *"W-_tpo_nter" is our boys' shoe. Made ?in a coi ret t. not <t i or* cctive last. Hi?" MUM -i- tli?it ?id.iptcd t??r ;hc West Point ? adets. Ortliopt'du surgeons t?-l! u* t i the sort of Mine rnosl .ill boys ought to wear. ? ? ? '?'"Sc Ott Ii M?sl ' men oat*- .ut* .?mid in any weather. i laodsooic St ott h ? he*i lots, ;?iiii*?ioofed. Hi m,I M Pl.l.r COJIPAN. J? Kr ddway At. lith St. "The at 34tli St. Pour Sroadw-y Cuiners" Fifth Av? _t Warren _t 41st St __________"_"_"Jf_l i > _ ^ .> i A i ? ?? lEin ?___? f 1 , -n Ha ? 1 " i^jF Kick-In Boys. ?? ?mu* .irIiI in and see Willard. s*nid Juno? an he Mood al the Rate. Tome ri_ht in and nee \\i"ar?l. lUil tir-t drop Im? bit? in t he* plate." held far back Testarda. Willard I . ? it, hii head forward, meda rmi crouch, would . uld fall bach Into I . He al ? ? ? e a litt Part ol ? si trouble. , I of bi ..? frequently agi 'H,,, rowd ari w at thicker , 1 ? ' - bos of ... . re opulent, i did th< H ? get much ? ? the newcomei . ' \ ? ' ?. ..':? | Batt . I rd In?-? ? ? ?. ? \\ hcther i.i hand for the i Pereons . ? battle. He ' ?.id. "The itrug I tha giant dimlj ?' ' i all of . ove of ' t it ! OUt tin \- - ? lavan 1 ? g bal ?' Ik? ? p, but ike can 1 ? ? ... porti The 1 nol " ? thf* o1 ' ? *?? r I ' ' ? going to V ? t'omn ' SMALL BALL SQUAD RESPONDS TO CALL i ? ? ? - : elf b;, IT the i feel . ? TOM TOUHEY GOES OVER AT OLYMPIC ; .. ? . . ? p Bum n in the 1 the Olyi .???'? It wa a thriller fri Hum put up a. g him. Billy Bennct ted 1 d go ? ? . ? . . ? ? g Fi Mel Law? , ? , ? ? Lro Johnson Is Winner, u i ? ? ? ' ? Leonard Wins in Buffalo. ' ' Scotty Welt-I Wins on Points. Broadway S-. erda Cutler Five Wins Easily. Cutler I ? ? i. tiie for ' th ? hulk ? 0 ? i ICH BOXFORD wtth thk oval button hol? THE NEW STYLE IN .'.RUE f ORBOOMX . OF 10 STYLES majtm anuar a qq?xah say, tbo r. *_ .? // Happens in the Best Regulated Families By BRICsGS iNlLLlCCWT UiILL SuBC BE PPouD AwD M*\Ppv x*jr\r?j I Tell. HER |Vi GOT AasV RAdSf - vaJC OU AFFORD A FPW TrtlrJf, MOU! ? HEM HtM- Th? OLD C-WRL uiill 06 TlCKl-LD , Y?V ?ti CHA Heard at the Sign Of the Cauliflower - By W. O. MGEEHAN - ? ? I".i. d) I .... r oi righl ther to . of fa to Run or a (ieti \ilioti 01 ? ? " re. The .- ? ?" fiery Di ? : ' > . terd? ed n1 i: . ?!.. ? ? humil? ity. 11 ? ? ?. " ? ,.;..... to e: "Verj ?ell, Mr Donn? ?." replied ? ? ? '??. "You ? ? ' ? committed, Do you knoa thai jrou . Boxing i Doi nell; huddered . , . "Gloi ? l" ' " he wailed. "I almost ?? i ?>?? "I do no! knov. ? ? ? ? ? ? inte < '' ^' ' ? .'. ... ; SI RIOI I \. K [)Oi LI.. -V ho op? 0 1 . " I . Il I, Ma*s. He I ? . ? . in ? ' ? ' hiding \ LEWIS HAS AN EASY TIME WITH BUTLER .? . ' ist ni| r?i exp? I . . 1 : . ? , . | ? ; | I : ? reme?] u the crowd, I everything el?? ? ? ? i v e flung t ? resisting Butlei . ? old arid a r? failed 1 kelel ? ? ? ? ' It was i i ' ? 'i . it llii-?aii<- mil John Berrelh ' ' ... Toronto to Tram in Jersey. Toro- te Onl I ? .' ? 1 hr club ?ill report o,i Api ? . di when ?i:- K. ? ' \ : r: hns te in the ? lOHX the . . ? . ? ?F hes of Ellen . the gen? ii " 01 om? f .Ice one more ... ? ? flinty-hearted Boxing left him flat on rear < hair bj taking i???;'} hii for tl r'-. daj . 1 be lorrot - toi "i-: ii srt -* ' qaite tiro that 'teen di ? be ???? ere enough, that th. ? ? ' ?:?."? ? ? .? ? me The i tram <>n the wallet s ide '? m p he i'?r? that if he losei the Bt. l'a* , . p ? , " of lus ? .. be ii? rmanently imps r? \ , ...?., petitii ht been cir? , ulated tthii I clemency. Some in? tisei ilgned it, g Box i .?i McGinty, .. Half Kid, the This? il h Vi Ms R ? 'I'll? i- p thud of the I o pri bably v. ill gel ?I -.. | i :. l i ? -r , lim Flynn, of r leblo, . rith Jack Dillon, ' ? ittai Sporting Kv crv no* ?nil then it th? tged , I ? :,r'i! ? IrOta befiiro ? ' . ring feet foremo l Rut hark com? ...... ? ? ? r art, 11? prob ,-..'?? i? cd if the) ?'ith ' h< I". ' fl ? rPHE l ?..- srd In,-. ;.. ght, i led I i i for Mad on Square Garden ?m the (,i?ginal dat? ol the W illard? ' ?ht, ought to be inter? ting. : ? ' a. . toward ghtweight championship since ; o ., quired t knot ko il punch. <*n ? I ?? dope, l e should be able te fl:?'. ?? it? h? N i?!. 1 ? onard that tered the Oi . idol Mandot, resl K ' ' to the tw. Dnn ? and the ? . ? ' i .. verdict t hit elf fa ? ? referee and arrumen! among the experta. a 1 "v little ont? lei foi the 'I ird beati bout ? ? ? or Frei " to laj lomething Dundee and Leonard ari t light? . which will i - the tnt ? For th? .i ? -. ? ar or ?n all ligl have been ? 4. ' SINCLAIR IS HAPPY; DONE WITH DIAMOND Ka ? - Tv? lold all . ?-. ?; ? ough Harry 81b? ? i ? . i ag ?'? magnate, day on hi way te Tulsa, ? \-id th? est par! ol '." he ? ? ..... money " . ? ?if losing 'he lalgC ?urns I M a,i of every ? imall amount S'ewai . ? mi ?. re? ? ib ? plav i '.?'. n the leagu : i declared, . ? ? ? ? i prall I Hal ( er Am? ..." i t he ? ? ? .: i ?? ed of. Lewis, in a Riige, Challenges the World ingler Lea rattle si Mad Gard? ' .. night. \ ? opponent hi been selected, but, magi ' ? l ? "is out enge to threw m ? OUr. Levai? ai i ill com nal t. :? he a ill make a pre? en' Of * OLE THAW JUST COULD NOT BE CRUEL TO CLEVI So He Let Him Stay tin I ?mit and Has Nice, New Mea! Ticket. \ *r wi toll i i. ored Heavyweight!1 Leagui I ?. . an) Langford let I ? e II*?? kin i, I he "(.lark ?roll of Ci for ten rout..|- at the Long Aere Ath ? ii.h. Later ?-.n ?mi I le - ? ira'? a not ind a bett? r han then i ra Mel . ' olf in the rni- Oftei Sam war. tempted to -hont him tl the rope-, im? he thought of the rity of porl ops ainci '. m a it m temper and th ?If at thi J mo ? U il.l li'itt Kenny, who ara appeared '; il I -.- : lay. di? not appear. He araa praetiaing a aarini ... . | ahrt hi* arn ght. daek Driacoll, thi mik-fr.i Brooklyn heavyweight, wai lubatit it? i . r . . toye i with the atout I I . . r I ' ? ng 1'U ling him te i he mat Hi erstel) cruel, when he wanti to hi*, i .?he Mattior He would tend .? lig left into Drieeoll'i face, then darl awa? and crin. Driacoll iwung wild floundered -:? o? ei the ring in tempt - i" land on ? I ?? Bat ? r, bu could never romo within a yard of him. H-, the ei d i t the third round Drii coll i face a si ?a light, ind i ei on i began to clamor for Befei Barnett to -'?>p it, Barnetl finally re to lei l": coll con i up '<?' si ethei ."?? \\ l en Sam Langford itepped ?i to thi : rnur in his bright gi ? lomi of th ' onei beg . "lie-,, Sum. make it the first roui let n- t,'" l.otiie." "N.i. iah," t. plied Sam. a it'n ? ? \ getting toe old to do 1 re, and. !.. lidea, | . ? ? ? of ..< left. All | ' ' tlnTll." The < ' ?? ... ?r the fight proceeded he gol pal? i the rid of I ght ' had.' i .. ? ? Sa m di "pi" .1 ' ?' re en? ? ? ?? ? uii < i ou id and on< i in '; ? sixth, I.I-. time h? I 1 would bai *? ? . ? ,? d g ? ? b t.: f ? me le i e cover "l o the lore of Gloiy, man, diacompo e jro'self,*' Sam seemed to ?-a;,. Aleo, -vairi ??mild Itich OUl hii ...? ? . ? i .... could make i ?ag ? i ..ti.I then. But < !e\e ne? i f and . tried to land too hard on , 'I lu? _ . . take mad? h-, tin* late Miatah Wills, who got . t i.r'.y silled the i olored Hi i I c igue. 11 ?., !?. preserve the n. n iiml. The ?reif ?rai ; ? igt . parti . from fea:. l'util the ??.'.I rang ? he ??? ., ? ? , ? .,' Sam Blig ' lomething wrong ?? ith hii and blackball him from the '? ..???? b b n*.!.* eroi te ti,.- jan In the preliminary l dd ? O'Keefe mi. nted Du I Brandt i every one ? .? 'en ieun i-. O'Keefi -* I a - h to Brandt' se until l: ight that all 1 ?n one ..? .. Mr , alwa f? da .. _ . ? . straight ... I ? i . COLUMBIA FOOTBALL MEN WILL ASSEMBLE ' teal I the Co? lumbia - ? ? ? .? rhavt far hia men. rday he ha tal eai ' ? ? the eai : lab r that th? Earl Ha.l ?t i bob I haraday. M l i 1 and other? will ?peak a? the meet ing. Miss Marie Wagner Plans Rest Before Big Tourney Molla Bjurstedt Seems to Have Heights Casino Crown Sale. I'.v 1AMES s. O'NEALE champion ??? ?' : ted away the ? ? . . loun arienl ' th? Heig ' ? Bn. ? llowing - titleholder wisl ? take ? easj before thi opi ning ol I i ? ? tout sment tl . I . ? the Htmilt . .. ? , lino tournament ? ' ..m hip Min Bjuri ted! Ina M. K \ ? Uragin, M i : i. . ? i and Mil Fred Schmil ' ? : - the women who red favoral t oui the me It is I at Mrs. Ms ! i,.if, re the to-n orrou ? ,. ?,, ....... tending 1 th? char th Reg m? ? I In addition, it will pi -. ?.. -..i Brood I) nites, w ith whom the game i ? ncreasing ; ? ? . exhibitio .,- ? isino, m which R. Murray, rheodor? Ro Pell, Karl II. Behr, Wall Harr) McN? the club prof? and other? ligured. Misi Bjurstedt should trouble in capturing I M, the ab -? ce of Hi i fl agner, t hei and i.? detern ned to regain her I tl The N I the An erican, who , ?.????ii practi ng togei ?leal latch ind 1 ctice i ti.rtii i ? In champion ol her women arc event, all Bjurstedl 11 bi tter in iblci. Men - e i laj... the 691 I v inter ? ill hare thei r. iiwii ne ? .- tun? . ? ? .' an annual ' r-v cm. Lu. th? ol le w in? nen tl of Dr. William H I aum and B ' ' Ph ?Dipt u ? I tWC .."in to Phill .. - time nowa ? I-.- | itea al Wuudmere He attains great distance ??it the ie? . .1 ... -; ? gi eens. Dwighl I- I?.?. I 'v I o made the !'.? ? up famou or rice vcr-a. is k? ported abOUl to give another trophy, time to tin ilate the playinc, ot' the game on the courte of the public pa r'h ? m the country I '??v ? Park Commisaioner of St, Loul .? . .?vor i- I ?i ni-, inter? i ted in - s gam iwned him cham? ? -..Uli?! tin? tl Donor ? pon ' abo1 id of I '? rk I'ark 0*?. pari ment, ?? nd M i) or '?' I ? \.-. up I Adee, the ne? pr< ? I I ? itea Nal v lion, and J . Mj r ???-.. the , ? ? \ i ? ? ' . . ed the i opmei t of the gi probable tl il Di ? p ' -? Ii ? ? .'., I.? ? i givi year b im piona William M. Molla I ? j Lit tedt, 'aur '.?. Loughlin and othera, , Wi "H 1! Brow !.. j : . prei di i of th?- Public l'nr^ v ... ?ation of S'en York < ir?-. a ? . ? . poi ty of thi? eity'i cham : ? ? the eonteiL A tean may go ? h Boato I '.. -.i iite?l ' i ??? i ? ?? i..;, It i? probab'e tiiat I' , ? . ,' -.. -\ il! ',?? Pit! lurgh. M) r . , .,.. act deeplj ted in the det rlopment ot : "ii behalf o \\ ??-? .-ulc club to head a popul u ab . i ptiea ''i v?h;?"h A.Ice and i na ? . r* l New r : ? . being given ? novation of two junior ehampion - hips, * hich - ill be al I oreat Hill in eonjui tioi Brit! ? Ceori/e T. Adee iaj st I ?n ;rr,.. ? r 1916, which the exec? bI onal aasa? . . ? ?- eeting March IT, ?a pract i omplet-. It ;. eerta that the ?eon will ? r r? tournameir before. i numbei therto ? ..n . ? ml I? open ?' the game. -' to win '-he pionahip ? gallant ? i . g been laiJ up j d ankle. Grant, who plaj the ati mamen! na peculiar ? me library, ed I lega. On? r, the hulk - Grant ? ? unan.?> i of ? and ti ? buckled mi? li!. Since, Grant hi lived many ad ?.,???,?- from ankle-watch con i employ alarm devices on - : STARS SET PACE AT PALM BEACH No Upsets in Early Round for Florida Tennis Title. P Beach, Fla. Feb. 28. There ???re ? ?? lurpriies sprung in the - rat ,.? i econd .''.?und-? of the tennie tour? ?? for the champion hip of Flor la, which were played here to-day, and ?'. oi tea, eich? m number, came through t" the third round In straight The di a???? ing :????? to morrow I mal ? Irving C. Wrigl ? Boato . woi from II. ?'. I'. ..." .ai. City, 6 l.i', I, taking .; up in ,..i ?* Tbe be II ter". - .* ? bv Fred ? ,' Inn an, Ne r York, in hii after a th II. i.. Gray, New *t ork showed the benehta of his two ;?--??' ei ind pis?. d almost per feet 1 - - ^ere ?fell plaeed . a great amount of power \?ith them. He dropped hut one {-ame m the two . ' F, I. Frelinghuysen, Nen York, de V I' Kennedy, New fork, ?'? I, ?; I. Frelinghuj en - fl game ? i i id no furthei Vi . i hrockmoi ?? sd i time diap? - ? .r. I. I . i rets ?' ? ? . tional bod) rat set tch and played above hia usual With tin- games at deuce Throckmorton hi! p aad took the set next act . i ?'. t ' rhrockmorton apparently had ?t i the l 1 , g Biddle, Ph i la.? ? '? ? * fin Doug . \ i.,?',. but ? >??" IVi Frelin ?h and H;.l.IN* ? - ?n the thud round to-morn I. i . Shafer ai I P ? [nman dra ? ? LANGFORD AND WILLS BOX AT BROADWAY Lai u'-'nrd, of Boaton, the Mara .. and ffarry Wills, of New <(r lean ?, the raping darkey who Jim Buckle) believes can defeat an) : .r!d. ?rill meet i i the ring f,,r the third time BCSt TUOI ?lay night Ht the Bieadway spornn_ ? lab oe Brookl] n BLUE RIBBONS GOFARAF?LD IN PHILADELPHIA Opening Day of Dog ?how Sees the Prizes Well Scattered. '' tdelp i I ? - ",..., '?? ? ? EJ -rir ? lit and Ni ' - kraaJ 3 ? . . ""?'l " ?? ?i ?72 Manhattan ???? " ' Mi ' Princ? "'? "las ? I 1 ?? " ana" " and ttenda ?, ^ ' ' -' ' ? '?? ' ''r' ' I. W i ? [,? Walter . Mrs. Roy A I'.a.-.r,' the M ? ? ? ' oppet, Mia?i 1!-. ?lor. ( K Bloodgood ai i hii *<?n-ir. law. ,?E. Willets, ? - pt ?' - tvurti in cocker -r--: ? ? ? ,.?'.- HlrT) | ?j^ 1. A. Gi Otnst ? - .r.\aw quintet of Newfound i - - ?? elude f the ? a-.,I wMt? "Landseers," for exhibit oi v?r*. < The ten ..diai! II. Lloyd, ? let the fis> - ' to thi New ? ' ' . who, ' e from the of hit pup- | filin mil I?'.?-. Olive cr ..' pin " Ii a P. ( ra-.v'ori. of ag? ? H??!? trice. "fr. Lloyd also Z-. '. cr ? V\'?!C ??'?hi< | .... ? .... Winntrt, dot?1', * -. Brj i ? Ma? r enti \ ' : Ta i! lit ?ac? of chtmpion -, I -e It . Dr. J. !?: I- : ".?-ir'-.r in? mil " ' - a ? . # ?re ? .-?'," ?iH ? " T? i K< ? '. . hi.ih the F i " ten clas ii;. '?? ? I ;h t ? ? y Orange. Haworth Piv; ? puppy, mets i.l sarly winn I \ ???c ? ? ?a? won bj Robert I ? ictor, La I " who ill! - ? Mr?. I.. W. Hal - ?nd - " \ - I ? ?. ' ' | \ . w? , from and t y d for \ a????. ?AlTf itroi ? luilit? of the Williams'? < ra * ?"?" ' .?ter Key ami Vickery Lo?!?' tar Ihr Um*1 ican bred i ~t ** . ? ? ; -.?-.???? winner lasi ?' the Gardtt for John J. O'Donoh :<-, ot ? t Wa'ch'itig Hunt, I"..-. ?? ? repeal to-dajr. Wie? ners, dogs, ?'???? I to tl e I sntdian entre of y.-.- man MacR Kisg Nob bler'i iv ;? . New Yorker. Heatheote Kennels'? Leedi K'.'ormer. reserve. In the bitel dlvislee th? Vickery Kennels repeated thoWeBattla? ??er -;'"\a luccessei v> th Vickerj Anna Gem, a cour.? for Chicago, with I ?1?1^ m-on Beard's Red Starlight rsis?f; the minor honora for Manhsttsn. Colonel Jacob P. 'ppert wept et th* c^-'.Af honor? in St, Hcrna?'? with rV I ady 1 jrndon and the ' ? imoo) '? eoated Boy Blae Beagleo, fadged hy Richard A GeM? of Newport, R. ! . nutter of tat Vernon Ha.o Haat, rat ?esde ? ''' tppetraaee In the ermtoe, ?ei ? iua ': itrong '. uses 1 ?e < ,*'1'* V. rl ert, Lo i ? Lee HtsjS ' '?"orge B. To.-t. v ith pi -rc<* Kent ."'-?'?? end New '?'r?r?r. capture.! ???-?? eral bet ' O Carlee Harr men, Great Dane* a itli S ;,?,? ibone I ? "Is? ,.....-... -'-.?op ..... 9tl - ittai .?r? The rounte?? * ', ?? ' . ' !L?r-r-? Bryn Maat. of " Poherman Pin"-1""' ? ? : ? ? ??]??. ?. timer 'm to? . j m ?a ?'? Roadster and Racing Models $25.00 to $75.00 I . ? ,'l" v.'.ir-. I'l. r.v B I, ,,..,? til?' -'" ?.tandard In rwn>t ruction, I and "|ui)>iii'ut. .uni ? railed "tried tad iru? ' *T eral model? fur men tad ?."'"-"? ii.itli chain .iikI ?h uni' -Athlete" Light Racer for Boys, $19.85 \ i,?m-|i- ??th ?h.- oont tad ??i-i".' ?t - :???'?';""? -tr.-iiu'tii "' ? rat? ttoean - I run.-; ?VJ i? |BBfBS*etd " N Y SPORTING GOODS CO. U .?.I 17 ?errrn - tg? gggL