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Giants Arrive Just in Time to Chase Away Marlin's Annual Spring Hot Wave ^[atty Takes His Turn in the Box at Martin Veteran Uses Speed, but ! ?nds That His Shoulder Is Willing. MORTHER ENDS BURST OF SUMMER WEATHER Atlil. Us I ri-k ! iko Cab Wonts Until ?Chill B-tei Swtcps the Plains r_e Tt\ - ? espite a ,.!-.) I'V John J. llcGraa ?prias Imp?ts ? I bul i the ? ? the Gianti i Ii ' : ? - ? Il : OW, Mat he-?en ?.nd Charley Denla ta ... I fri bed ?hi s ; .nr of sah horaoa tamed out ? '. ? ' .- ?. mplj coi Il ey rai? .1?) d th :. n-?? the lu,11 h? hard as they eon ran M. ??raw's warnings did t 11 irk t >-, a in rnueh. It is irreal to be young ?nd in Ha**" th? day. 1 he st ? o da) ii not in greal Then thi ; inbl protest every t ?*/< The it'??. :ked te,, much stuff to da) . must train in *-??? St? tt the BS . the) will i i': woin miuh_ reaeei .--.t al th? If pain racl i ? ? ma. i '. lure of ipi Inf V?*?*..- Charlie Doo< bos when the Ural ha -, tarted, Matty warm? ? ? ?.- drill or. t ha side I in? ? ? r -i .1 Vit, ra?? b) B all and barling the ball ap to the plat fur tin mil Bti i The old bo) hud ipee and plenty ?'? motion. Apparently th ? oui 1er .i .1 not bother him at al Hi* repeated thi> stunt thii efternou and to-night he foil no ill effects 11 ei 1 rs t? Il t. Matt] ? r * IQI ? o ' ' .. nut nhou posaihle i IcG ? whether toe on h.-.? , ? ? ? Lan frill I !.. ? . -, pre ? " Thi ter uii-I ni ? r,. nard and ? ? baae; Kocher, V.'i ndell, ? Sis outfielder! wer. - ' ! ' ?i. ro and the I'uhan . ' . ?? aorrow and ee pieta lay l?v th.'j York of rard Baker -. aVOUld ? ... . - ' i i quire Be I ? I i I loo ? BI .1 ?? :!! not doi. ? ii ? . ?Bits of Baseball Chatter Heard on Winter Diamond ? ere i ? i ? -? . .... ? rnand ? ? i agoni , . ? th auf-1 . *. if lib ; ' ' ? I ' . rmany .van's ? - more - : Rgun - . COMMISSION VjLES ON TIN-CANNED MAN i einnati, Feb. 2& Tl i (.mniig.ior*, to-day issued a statomenl a to the' new rui . to by . "It. '.:ch a pla] - nal y the I ? I ? ague or ai . ? ? n ? ly contract ??i i'i him .ri ? trueted : ? ? i i ? ? a hi< ?. them. r red to i.ll. : ? sneei in whii ? i ?.??.t to him ? ' Ralph Is Best with Cue. .,. I eb 38 l. i Ral] \ J . di ?'? Ma? turo, of 1 the open iound in ti a ?' .; ament ? ? with a huh run of -'I ROBINSON IS ROLLING DOWN TO THE SOUTH Manager of the Brooklyn Team Is First to Head for Daytona. B) i IK .IMS, if it is ?, . ty far aa n mo i ? ? ? i object to point anywhere, it might be sasuaily r? marked th morning that Wilbert Bob . managei oi ibi n'a pi nnant dodg? i - it. n Hrookl) n, .... pointing toward I *a> tona, i ? I hat i- where they are to train not Wilbert Bobinson, y' understand bat ? rs. Thai i ? nol hing m Mai .., i r :. ract cauamg him to triiin. Indeed, it' he made up ins in ind in i un don n to Ai it bs ii in i.ut n eoi. i the ihoi i? of it for the return .... a that postpone the i ? while waiti ng t then ' ingo ipping in the et h ball as supposed 1 have ti liickman ..:' the i ? him. Hick i been with Robinson, but if hs ?a? be whs ?in ihe of him at train time and entirely obacured from view, Hickman IBI ' ..;.? . .'? ti St I 'n 'i he . ?.. ?? 1 ^t. ? 1 tu ; di B8J, according u> the Federal League avi agea. Manager . ' That ? age Ittgg? .-?t.s plenty of 1 I fur the ? : .1 ! 1 ' t : 1 I m!. ' ?:.'? ? . I ? Rigid . II arlii Hi Us pal has . .1- tin ?hi. 1 horticulturia) I Daytona. Mr. Riglei ? it. It sees 11 uth, that insli ? . ? ? const ? I I Goel ' ,. ||,. (J , f,.. : ' n roi g 1 run another r Pump up o. ? eater a ? m thi 1 p.; Ire Rain must ? ' ?or to the . ' Rol ? mond or if there .'??.. _ hi ? I ? - . nd In addition to potatoea a ? hard to run on. A? ??-: ling ?? Dllie O'Mara a ?' . ?? ? '.? ' ? ? 1111 k ? ? 1 1 ; ; I. p ' ? . ? I Di a tu'l ? . , ? .11..-,I S'orth ? a alk. rather than th? ? ? : I .;? 1915. to 11 dinali he choosea. A 1 carefully tudied th? ?? >? I that H no i t, which wi ed ? 1 ira ? ha BI Louis <'ar ? in Hub'i peai I bal he may be too free and unt ran 1 If he eonl ? b as ... he may da . . FINN WAS BEST IRISHMAN OF ALL Kolehfliainen Leads Point Scort of Win?;cd list Stars. u i ? i. " of the in-h Aster? V' ' i , m, Ii' U|l : ' . t'n.--ir ??a four. ? r. ,' .... . i . ... " Ian ...r\ 1. I . ' ? . ??>? i ? - lohn J i 1er, -.?; A K ivial ? \ I ? t, '. I; Pal Ici tonald, 50: I . F. bad J ?if the '. 274. Ter ? tew the rman ! .. ? . ? md hie fel? v ii i .1. Barrett, \V. I. .In:.,-- i, | .,.,- urrav 11 i '.,..? r l.. I.I I ; ? ? ?. I . J chair ? tee, ?rhile Mat t'.ew (i I th'" i an ta ii rraai if thi part ri ntin? eomniit hesdi the body. BOST )W BRAVES HAVE $500,000 INSURANCE Boston, i ? ' be Beaten Na t aaali were i ured te?day fat a total cf |I00,000 a.?iitiht k ? lent "f un? nature, except taeh ti any occur on ? v ir' a hlun kel tgreeiaent, covering every member teai rstood that, in .. id ? on, several ol t he mors las rtanl pit fen ire intured ii dividual? ? lad. ?l_*?-<' i.?*''*?! ETTES win smokers because they find the blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos so refreshing ; because they appreciate the absence of tongue-bite, throat-parch and any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste! You'll prefer this Camel blend flavor to either kind of tobacco smoked straight. And the quality is so apparent men do not look for or expect coupons or premiums 1 Once you know the delightful mellow-mild smoothness of Camels?and how liberally you can smoke them without a comeback?you'll choose them against any cigarette at any price! Cetnelt ara told trarytrhtra In tel ant ?neatly taalad packagat, 30 for 10c; or ten packt?et (200 cigarattat) in a g/ase-ne peper-covered carton for $1 00. We ttrongly raootntnand thit carton for tha home or office aupply or whtn you traval. fL J. RE^Oi-DS TOBACCO CO, Wi-Mton-StJem. N. G ,tt pama, Donovan Watching His Stars at Work ^Jporili?h? &Gr?n1kr?Mc* a ? lie \ eteran Speaks. "/ kiiuu what's what," raid tht Vetarot .1 I h* lubbril une li i ?/. '.i /.., , ' Th* ... '. n'IliiHil' CUB ?'? I?'"'' lut like it i. . d lo br;" 'Maybe the. ota .i?",'.? .'""."<' ? bil," I BBtd m / eonnht tht thOtio? *0, tie arm fett* yrtiit,' h* Mtd " "/'??? O is /,, reached for tin- thoulder bladt 'M,i legt i* good us th.rij eve? oa*,' >a>d the VtU ron unta ata; "Bul / m ?'' m /?-/ eouM get Ihi* ?. HoSbod oui "/ mi/ oekihg kn**? i'? ere SIB*. M RBtlI (a '''"' fin," he inorled, "( -V /'J ?c i/, cmitlitiun BON ?" 'l'i, (/es, '?'? ? ?ti'.lj and rata," / sotd Is / mopped at my dripping prait?, / eau hit thai ?nil," said like li'.n'. / ?mm "... . ?/! (Be 'toattop ttill;" And the old third battntan teowled ago I* tU third bateihtiLirM; "if* funny," h* tUtd, o.-i h* looked BfOttad To gee that nobody iiiird? "They (jut /,. kids in the draft this ... i Lad four tf thorn play third." Ritkard the Shrewd. Uncu Ir. Rlakard put himself in a position where over 190,000 wa.?, r.t-ede t? ??ay the exptBOes of n ten-round, no-decision hunt, a number of esttmabl thinkeis thought that Tex had batSBOd into a mid-winter sunstroke or was o the serge of brain tumble. It looked preci-ely tlia' way at tne s'urt. Hut all the time I'??? had Piy ehalagf working avartiaM for him, sad la a peraltar way. Psychology of the Big Bout. The psychology tl tht tpparent tttractivtness ol tht big eantesi lay la th. deep Batatar? ??">? ,?as turrauBded Je.-? Willard. Thousandt ef tho.-,a who aril pack Madison Square Garden lal ? m March will be there, nal oaly to see a box ?rig contest, Lut i.? Sad eul frota tlott paarten fast '.?.'.at lori el h ehaitpioi Willard ii. I? he the s 1 imp nabi? champ t h tat ever won the title? Or .in? ii? merely eatcl Jehasoa si the Ealj iras fadiag into twilight" The Willard Debate. There ha.? nOVCl batB a champion about whos?- ability I?-? v.,,- known a fuli yaar after wwiu the title. 'ilie previous records show that Ounbeal Bmith and Bearcat MeNahoa, bath ordinary boxer-., while Riven docieioBI over the Kan,an, were at least entitle?! ?<? drawn verdicts. Willard'l battle with Carl Morris, oat of 1 l| last .'..."its be? fore meeting lohflton, BBI B terrible thil A-'I tiii-n, in the arabt af these badly f'-ught eeatattt, the big fella? sad? deiily steps out at..I dieaeraet the Bawks m s buttle th .i shove ail other tktngt called for stamina and courag?. Desiring to Be Shown. So Willard IB-day Is the ring's Man af Mystery. Moran".i boxing ability il fairly well known. Hut about Willard there arc at least two dittiBtl opinion.-. BBS th.??. ho it an unbeatable cr.nmpion, ?rita BBOttgh skill Bad Iftsd SI I I I Igt iddtd to hit hags bulk to render the combination invincible. Tie other It Willard hu? llttla but men* bulk thai ne il ton alow, too ????jajiBlltri ami too thy m batial any top place in trie | Tht boxing publ.c at Un.", which II no imall part of the populace, t/oald like to know which ?f these opinion? ii the correct one. They all want to ?ee what Willard ?'an <!o against a game, husky opponent. And, unless early signs fail, they are koihK I" P?y out ?nough money to lift Tex Rickard over the big IbbBC?bI wail h? must ero??, to break ?veri. N'nt to f.'rget tha? one ass'sting feature l| the public's knowledge that*wi?h Hirkard promoting the enterprise svorything w.'l be on he level to the last tireHth. Most Valuable V? ing. Wfcal i? tht SMB. va'.i.ab!? arm |fl IfOftl A reu'i.-r trritei ?B to IBggBSl that it belongs not to Mathewso?, or Johnson or Alexander but to Charle? Chaplin. "Charles ha? already earned," ?antes out correspondent, "over JJ.000. ( 000 by hurling le? cream cone?, custard pies and sich at the heads and f??ces of, numtroui womtn and nun. Did you ever notice that he is ?l?o a ?outhpawT J Battling Dane No Longer Durable ? i-ar.i, a* Iks IM ." i Applclun. V\i*., Feb. _??.?Thee n ??-il to ??II him Ihe Durab'e Mane, hut Ihe Slate Hminjr < tnnmi??ion -le. i der! to-day that H-tlling Nelson ?should nut be allowed to ma't-t Ad W o !i;.i*.! in a I en-round bout The dadas of the commission de? clared (hat it ?i.iilil he dnr-fjeroue for Nelson to lake part in a i_ruel linif tUig huiile. It ??n Nelson's baaat that be had nev?*r met a fishier who had been sUs ??> make h m s;i?e granad. The _Un_HM_*__ as ti-.ii a I. ?ii?.'.*. lo (?Id Father Time. FIRST SPITTER IS HURLED BY ALLEN RUSSELL Young Ex Richmond Pitcher ?4its Loose with Salivary Slant. Macon, (?a., Feh. '_'?. Tired i.t the ; monotony of straight ball pitchini?, a?rerai candidates fur Bill Ponovan's twirling Staff to-day presented some l Ifl. models of the ipitb-ll and the ' curve. The medeln were not on exhibition very leaf, bawaeat, as . r-1?fT b?nese blew across ths Macon ha!! nark and marie it highly dangerous to do much experimenting. While the hooks w.-re Aoatiag ove the slate ?here was a de eirieri fallia, off in itiekwerh bat ths hitting bre gres at fury whoa straight hull pitching aras resumea. There v.u. as saashlne sa tap at ?*. tnat did not preve-.t two daily workouts Tor the Dono o spp rais ta be "Whether it'.^ cold or whether it'.i hot, the Yanki must practica, weather or not." ! tiering 'ip b) the pitchers and an l .ir. for Germsn) Sebaefer. "_ It" ouailet i morning drill, i '.-vott-il ... '.?i Itll cam . ?va? turne.I looee .Hen Ru i trie tatioa with the salivar) ilan: arlth ?I.e Richmond ? ? -??? Ruaaell re parted him-olf ..- perfeetl; tatiafted w;t:r hll shell effort, and the !.. ? loa wh.-n Buasell teas i sway by Donevaa. The ? ' arai done by Piercey. Lava, i i ;., Mogi ?!?? ? .?id Pial i ? . ? got a c'..ance te develop control and ?-??? a/lags pounded .re ind th? I"? n ire Kay K. itii -, Blodgett, Pina ana l ipple, ?Balare the -.Iua i started back to the hole! thll afternoon, I ? ? ? novan rent Cullop, I1 pli, Mogridge and T i p p I ? over the one-mile ?rai'k j.'-t outaiae the ball park. This ? wu? not m the form of penanee for sntomel Is riding, inch ?? Mullen . ? .1 I drew last Saturday, but ? imply to help la H?- process of rnii ditioniagi 11 ?? advajici iif the sesead ?quad Upon MaCOB II sin .dy un.|?-r way. nut fielder Elmer .'?! pla) ed meat el last i< saon ?/its Mobile af the ??i n League an ! Sail ha I thii iea? N',?ii^> si ths i grouads, deeoi ited the D ?ir till ?fien.n b bile the p nets having the r workou ?? park Others are expected in time 'or the nun prael las to-n err in U i ? ? ?? has .-,1", t arerd 11 ,?i lie leai ?? - nnatl to-night and will arrive ? ar:-, to morrow afternoon. By to? morr?n sight Donovan will have meal of his players here. The t;n ? of Home-Run Baker'-? arrival baa been .ia**;.: i ?. > Donovan received a telegram from the noted fence baeter to da) ?ha? he will leave the o'd homestead at Triippe, lfd. r.i xt Sunday night and report here M.r:..!.i\ Bight. LONG ISLAND CLUBS PLAN ORGANIZATION 'Me ?arioii-. 6th!etic cluhs situated on Loii). Nlnni' tr- plaaaiag to form an athletic ar-si.i atiOB ;"?>r that district. A meeting: ?van held yesterday at the Trinity Club, a: which the following organisation! wan repreaantedi Krrm? te ol '. Long I-land A. C . Preeental i ? I '??-'- A. ?'.. - .?. ii \. A . Kaeleva, Ba I sa ? ? . Tria? it) ? lui), affitna A. ' . Smart Sa-t, Col? lege Point V. M l L, Maple wood A. ral A I . Cei liai Congrega A. C and (Jood ? OUneil A. C. I ;.. i r y NeWOOmb WBI ifl the chair. The .-.ame 0rgSB?Sat?0BS will nieet later ' to perfect their plans. ? ? J. G. DOUGLAS DRIVES 280 YARDS AT AIKEN Aiken, S. ' . Keli. N. In ?he lound of match play ifl 'he baadicap mixed ' la for i upa i ? Mi?, c. 0 tne Palmetto ;.i-d?>. I. Gordon Douglas cord .ii ;??? ni' - Hi arrived here only yesterday, and Is ? -'.ol?e, the drive from the flrat '.. he hammered hii ball itraight ap . atre oi the eour ?? te I .. The i ' ? ? ting matel of * i j ?ay u . ' i Eleanor P I .? A I hempson and M re. I i be i vera dona '.'.'? _liaa I ? i . teentl ? ? r a aria, lining the I els "< '? ri - . ? the eighteei i .|uai ? a off thi 4 i lea, . end i ameroB i ikea t? their opftoneati 'Ley Hi ih : i up and ?). twenty-eovoB si ? Phelpe and ThampooB won The inmmary ; Ura me : ? ' ? ?? ? ? ? ' ? ? ' ?* I' 'H'a. ... I l T., : ? ? , - . ? - ,i Km??! A 1 i , i > I , I - .-? ? .1 l Atty V ... ?? ' . ? M ... ... . . . ' Il uni H? - ? - ? ??i l C F ?. i . . it.. ??r. H l? l'rttl, . 1 .. A ? i . . - ?. . . ? , i. ' ??? I W K '? , i ??l. il.. Mr. j y ;?.. l ai.a lu A ,1 il!'. Mr. I" "? ? ? I ?? ' ? in_.l_? il.. Mra H ? C|_i_ ji .' i Jk Mr. J ?' T'u* i. i I'-. Il ?.,11 Mr? J R. t_.ll 4ii.' lu . 'I I . .. ! : M._, l'urtw sa- K T.odI* Ea-_._t i.i Jr.? b?. F. S. APPLEBY BEATS BROTHER AT BALKLINE First Match for National Amateur Title Ends 400 to 269. WINNER GETS HIGH RUN OF 46 POINTS Victor of Present Tourney Will Become Champion, as Mayer Is Now a Professional. B) i ki::i HAWTHORN!-.. Francis B. Ay ClBBB 1 balk? .. brother, thi <-p.-'.ing vriani" ?i- th? < aai A natioaal amateur rham sat al ISJt ? ?i tht Anon Billiard Club, :,:? Mn-.-i -?rid ?'ark Avenue. ; r i - ran I II hit ; M points in forty thr.-c Innings? fo? an trerage of o 13-4J. Majas tlicked sfl ?'?j pou.t? >n tht Fume number of inning?, for sn aver? age of 0 11 -43. iuu winner's high run was 4'i. Neither of the poBBg players ??howed his be-it form in the gume ?aat night. fot one thing, ?he bal.-, .-lemed t?> SB .. ing poorly, and bn'ii boys were ? Ii litt ap pearanee In th>- i.>p light of play?n Hul at .unes they gaiaod con tro. or th. ' enough to ihtti their eommaad at tad on iaeh oera . ' sty rxtcul ti that avahad IBBt. BUM who .v.- ? this nt will be bailed a ?bbI ehaai? III ;i.i', w h ) w IB the title ladt year, turned proftaaieaal , i rward. Morrii D. Breara. :: , ton < b, Brooklyn; t"?i ward W. Gardner, o? the Arion Society, and J. Ferdinand Poggesburg, of the raer cham ? ? . nt for I I - the ? aaatteaal i Doa ig'i??'. K ha-opean CI ai '? rh impion. The hall not crowded when th? Ap ! t.? t'?" table to begin thi r mal I I Bee eh? prei dent of I I ?? "H of ? ice 1". ? and thank ing tl "i !*?" ? ci. ?v fur "i-i recognition ? wager e> ? . ? i ?if the areeia? . Ion tf tht I -, lir?".' h rs, .??? ?' | ti,- honor of oit ." Bald Mr i the brotl. i? !. uked 1.1 ' ilder, von the bank, al Leonard car, fully, " . BB BB the - missed on h lorn? draw it dot lid t... ? 'i the nex* I r..'her work? I " eked ot? l ? i it 14 la his half of thit Inning and iront into th?- Isa? mad? a i hion I- Ig-ai . total n th ? Class B - ?' ? an sell tseeuted. id I ? ' lead, i f 11 only failing tagi I c" tit rol . ??' ten of 21, 25 Ob th? lilt inn Ii?- ha?l th>? tht bead at ?. ? \' th ? point be ? ' - brother ? 1! loomed i" bare a ehaace of ? ? After a few crn\<<c H'tempt?, bOB 1 tarted to click off the point? ?lowly mu? with plenty of delib r potitlon Ife ?howed a | ' ? .,.' I rarely essayed th? lias plasmi; ' ist .v ? brother u??'d. Tn hit ".v.r.' Is found the eh? ???ct ball fre ? to th? I after ti .? tu .?.* -, -..-. n.i ? bol ti .1 elect? ?l to h ????? there sel ara. Ht lift <>n In ? ? The h ?". run of the gam?? rum?' in th?- twenl tin older, after gatl ...ri.-- together at the head ?if tl ? table by two masterly ?Inven fur ? ? ?i i iras the ipaoree la ? i halb He -.-licked aff forty-?!?? earroaii before falling on a oimple draw -hot. This run placed h:m 11K point? . of hi? brother. v.b-> coulii not. -??m t., iiol?l the bolla together lor any length of liait Several time* ? .. ti.- \ I, ? im "f iinfortunat.r ' looked '.lie ? ?. i...- ? n ???- < f long a? ? bt table. Kreta then to I I the gam?? ? ? eorapl? ?? th an : lahed run of foui aftei l gar had mad.- rum ng twenl} ? ? . i". ? | | will play II Th? - ' ow: i, is, s. ? t. a I I. a. a. h . r . ? ;. , , .. M. Ill? ? ' i I I .1 : ? ? - a I? a' ? ? . ?.r,??? ?al .. I . ? CARTER LEADS FIELD IN PINEHURST PLAY Piaehuret, S, <', fah. H i Wo j,.,, . died and ?:.ty playera turned In cam? f?r '? i halt ?I'lalifying relfth annual apring tournament. Thi? number ???t?bii?<hed . nan r.-cor.l for tournament play The ramaii hale? ? ; the thirty?aix hols qualification ?ill bo l laye I to?morro*a Phil Carter, th.- (Balar metropolltaa champion, led the Held, whieh played ">' r *h'" No. I ? - . . Kht itrokes '?l ids Hoi? R ibeaoa. i ' ??! ?'.,.' ? Lea !-.?-. r the < th? r ball of ?he held, which played o\??r >?o " rat, wer? ( I Becker. Woodland". ?v?; II ? rowne?. Oah ?ant, M; Rob? ert Hunter, \Secburn, otMt?. (> \i.rr. man, Waterbury. h?. ^