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THOMPSON WINS TIME EXTENSION Sweet Withdraws Opposi? tion, but Asks Report on Expenses. JULY IS INDICATED FOR COMMITTEE'S END Need $30,009 More tor Work (iillospic Stubborn, but Al? lOWS Pfffc at Books. - ? ? >. ?.. ? re T!.f 1 I .** Opposition to h er continnatioa of Ike iarvaatiga rhempooB logielnttve com spaed to-daj when Speaker Sweet c!t?*'.ered that he ?a? BOt opposed ; extenaloa, ; .? h? mnlttee rhompeon ? V 'i ight ?' the Eh i.a'.c, ... ? tea ant . sly 1. g th? ? ? i ? |_ thi Bgh without ? Isdaztd to-nigh, that ? i con committee, but that he did think ' Bald make a ? ??nient vus - propria? ur ac ? It Ii l?sions I nly. ? . ?? n New .? ? re at l , . and M r. . i ? ? ? ? 1 at thi request ty leadei -'s appoint . me rea ? Gillesp.e Books Opened it Trifle to Committee and pa] . T. 11. i, ? eomm it it onl] a ? \ i Mr. Gill? labp ? . . i the opir Dunael to Mi a - ? ? . thi ? vh< ?i public . to . . ? ten ? pan*/* 1 ? ?. pcrna to prn e 1 foi in t! be em ' I BI <'\ < ! I . \n Meed : . . \ ??;'?? . ? sl to t ' ? I i ? ' " I ' ' ' N production at of 1 tale end d ipoai ce il ? -T with h' ? tncial showing i? ? I" '' -?? ? i| . resterda? '?? ' ?-' for Bi_nili r information ' ' I ? t.. en the h ? Istaat coun ? Service Cornn ???I ??!? th,* ?utement? sey of th? ? *? feet teth? luitbrouiht rain the com? approi ne ? ?. ?< *? T on iti Fulton Street '**_.' ? declare that ?u eaae wai proper . - '. ?..' . Bator 1 ?\? ? at -*? ' I ? , ? ? . .? COUNT. 3, TO AID WAR BABIES In l.o ( art N ill *<?k ->uh?< ripllon? at **. t-etUW Night ' Ball. ii__, who rs title ol count ??t ths ??i:?' ..... : ? i ??m . ?? line he ha? eheeen Ii the af fanais ta aid his I countrj boys and fallow country i_irl? l ark m* Auatria Hunger, . email count Will DC the big f< it the "Vienne Night" programma ? h ich will he it-gad <'H the ''?''I .>'. the main I I : ''? Waldoi I Astoria .. of March 6. Dominico, who sen of the Austrian VI? ?? Consul m New York, will be wheeled about thi lain n- eart, Oi hii rouaas hs butiom for ths war , a babii ' sua. FLOCK PRAYS. THEN FIGHTS TwsBtj Trip? ?o Court, s?,c Lewyet, Pallan New '.??cliclle ( hiirch Sc-sum? i iie PUgi ? i ?Hier whe waul te church with a ?bell mouthed fowling piece over his ?hou'der hud BOthiag on ? -?. preeent congregation of the shiluh ' :n Now Rochelle. Church going, ludging from teattaony before Juati? ?? rom] kina, in the B i? rt m Yoahers, jreeterdaya itill te i- 1rs with i:?"i'N i It is no mem i . . , IcDonaldt repi ? ere ' - . . I ? lade '?' hold ? , together i ? ? ? g,M said the court 1 of ?Icuc-n*- and warrior worshippers. t, p-et you: a I rm and 1'li rea.l I ? EGGS 94 PER CENT GOOD ARE BAD AND BARRED - - - - Henceforth They Arc Outlawed front Interstate i ommerce. ?Cggi not 93 | per cei - II he barred ?"rom In? i . t men t o ture. Ship] packing ?are bad epvrs t? ill I i i I food and I ( the Di I ' . Decomp ?sed egg to be used I g or i ' ? under I ? partan it he ran pirn to ren? der then, incapal food. SUN ALUMNI HEAR FRISCO Hand on I oa-t Plays National .athetn for Diaere Here. .aaocii had night ? jr., Of San ? an orcheatra thi 'Sun? "rose their feet and itoo. ? ? M _ .? ?*,. - ion. rhej , genu v.. ted. Thi ; i oi ? ? ?-? ? ei ca t o ? . many hundred i ? ?: ? ? hown, Mi. 1 ? i and ?r moi beautiful. ... n re; Cheater Henry W. I Mather; icen irer, Wil ? tee, t oil in -v--. r\dama, John ? ' oi ;. 1 Riggs, O. II. von I .. - M illard 1!. ? alcott Will ttobei..' Yard. GOLDMAN HELD FOR TRIAL .aarehlst and Mra. Sauger to Talk ni? llirth 1 ontrnl at ? BTUegle Hall. being i.eld in ? for trial ii ed thai _ gie Hi In 1 ' I. Ser? ? ' bei M..ican, .bbott, . ' re the m,,. . _? ihe i , ? in a pa< Car nigl - ha? c i. DOt i'ii -, * leader ? l'r. A. U Lol.?water - int ni| - ? principle of birth control in dai ? ho will pi I ? Ii ? t, also. _e< I liter myer tl at hi, too, v._. |_ fa ? eonti Othei who will talk are I>r. Willian Ml, ti.lbert Roe, Bolton Hal!, Theodore Schroeder and Mrs. A--? Strui ky Walling. ARRESTED IN BAFF CASE DssCtfptlsU Hts That ?.f Se-run.l (.un? man. Baya Di??tr?ct Altorne?. the arrest jn it? rday ,.f ,., ? Reena, twenty-aeven years nid. a Iriver of s laut drj wagon, District A*- ? ?wann belierei tUt hi ? i ??-? ? . ? jecond gunman who killed Harr.. Ball Keens fit? rloieljr the deecripUi di of tue other run man fun ihed by tu., indicted me,,, Giueeppe Ariehiello, a-. driv' ?V?T' ' Fr*??**' I'rrer?. ? - from which Baft m ' ?SI 1er,-. ... U. - Wh~h . ' tram. ?or the salaos al lo? ?Third Avenue i I let ?t'e I ' IB murder ' ? " ny ol . ? \ __ ? r__ it?t nigut iu thi liou.i ,1 Dttaa?eu ? SOMMER CHOSEN N. Y. U. LAW DEAN Started Legal Schooling as S3-a-Week Office Boy 25 Years Ago. CAMPUS REGARDS HIM AS SELF-MADE MAN Has Been One of N. J.'s Leading Attorneys and Counsel for Public I tilities Commission. live: ' years ac-, when be m? ?? 1 ay, Frank U ner attend? nigh I sit? -?the Me trop ' School, which woa latter merge?! * Ith Neo York I , eater laj. ??? ee ? ? New Jer? 1 .. ? til ? " ..and one of tht l-adiij? lawjron bal dean of the t i ivrr-ity I hvv Schon', to BUI ? ?ashley al ' i the '???-.. mi? ?i?' " 'Chaaei lor Elmer 1 I n, thi " . ;?' are, approred the o] Sommet rill aesums lie bai been teaching since graduation in 1891 In I ? he ".?"ill hcoceforth dire,-t. Trank II. Sommer u a ?elf made man, his I ".opraphnr? at the Uflivertity ay. for he had BBlf tight ;? ears' school? ... forty-three., he baa plsyt >? large (?.r' in the affairs of fa of Newark. The Rotevllle movement, which led to the curbing of ma; y corporate started fron, oat A triff ??:' i '-? i euntjr, eli ted en tl e tide of the ? olbjr ' ? < Idee merci e reform? I a "?ber of the B? ard of i ducatlon, he ?aid down ?. policy ? ? ark 'ethnical high m A- rout:-??! for i ht Public i I i on ".; ";-. ? " vro? '-a?? ? Invoh a statt to - ' tt? ?. ? and capitalization. At ? . Denn Sommer tead ;. ? advert s?ment < I be Ml tropoli? La ? He registered an I 11 . ? classe II the course in 1893, the - nan of snd it i It 11 ? work as a teacher has been un? .... ? ;?' ?? r hi sheriff In 1895, t h? il war .... .i tl ' ? I ? re? Ity, he r< red ?i degrei of L L. B. Add I . tei ol Lows and I loctoi ' I Jin prudence have been conferred i pon him. Mr. Sommer'.? public career becen in 1903 when '??e addressed a eitiiens mass meeting in Newark on the encroach ? ? i of i orporate interests, after nine girls bad been killed at a grade cro-?s ? p. Thii leil to the ' " lation of a permanent city organization to right corporate wroiii?-?. ?.?.hii'li he head'-d. COP JABBED. BUT GALLANT *?j?,e? Girl Striker from Jail?Pickel? lo Visit Max or for ProtOOt, hundred girl picketi in the ikei II visit Cil ?reek to protest a?ain?-t what thej term th? br ' .' ':? of th? ,'"l?e and t the official ?nterf? r? gl ? ? l et Dep ?rtmeat. ? ?. r methodi i f eondn? I ng I to Solomon t Btler, the r-hirt makert1 orgs John a. Patrone, secretar*/ i ?torn Tailora' Union, yesterday an . ? d thai In a rery short ?ime a . . ployed '!? Pifth Avenu? -? ? be ralleil. ! a1 rolmi Koenig i gg ? ?? " . irre-' a cl triker when he it compel]? ? not tend tl gii elp \ row it ! ? ? ? and HI? ? treel Bi .-??,, \-emcri ? . the melee ~n rettort ai u hu/.h' , ni leteen, tabbed the ofleei - the Tare with a hatpin. Bui l the Bedford Avenue coi.rt he merely made a eharp-* of disorder!* eoaduei was held in |500 bail tor B turther hearing. BURNING BR?TISH SHIP TOWED FROM WHARF Fire Starts on Freighter Being loaded at Bush Stores. Pire in the after hold of the Bi ? ? freighter Eurymaehus, loaiiir,?? eottoa and oil at the Hu-h tec bi ri terday, ????.'. op ? ich del ? ?moke that the entire terminal \. as reported h ?' efore the Art COUld ?prend I t'.?e.i Into the bay, u h ,.??,. ? reboata Gayaor and New Yorker ? - - after an hour's hard IB? damage wat to the ..old. The Eurymaebas ?*?? laadiag for a' voyage to Singapore, Hong Koag and 1 " ' ? ' tnd by order.? of her torn-' ' ' ? tl . Adock, has been eare gUOl id BgaiBSt plottei?. The" r ' com red a? the longshore- ! topped work a' ' _ Alfred Hell ?v ? ?... of Liverpoo ? a? formerl) ?ni sn i ;''- Kunch, Edyt .'?? I s are tu? t>BB .ork agent?. I WARNS OF BERLIN AND BRYAN PEACE U. S. Must Be (iuarded from Them. Major Put? nam Declares. PLACE FOLK CALLED TEUTON AGITATORS i Natioi'i Inability to ElforCf Neutral Rights Regretted Preparedn--- L'ri?et!. " \.. pn t I : -? ... it. that ? . Pi .-?? Party, ?n real? l ei I of s band af virrman propagai Ii ." aid Major II?? < i Putnam, responding to tl. "Prepai. ? ? e flrot Bnnual din : ir oi tl e Uniu d Military Or 1er of America, al oider, wh... "??' "America I'.r. '." i i ? ." ine Norili _*t.d the S 6 : ?; ate ui the ; Hi ame i that ?rk' I i. et i . :." I ' ? ecret, . A ? r did . - ? ' ' r . ' "Bat en and ach un *? hat thing te ? ? i '?? en tho ? ' l h e f i of Edith l -.? Iritiih ? . ? ? We hs I tell tl . ? ent what we ? . . A the right ? h ti mee of ? kmiw tha* the government ted The . ir, a little war, . end ... ? rrotten \ ? . ? irther proof.*' Ad paid te i.? New York 1 r b . ar, I m .1. Herbert i laiboi roducing V am H. *? piapel . "I BI "... i . ai ' ed mi a I e of 1 ie. I hiK ' ?? r. er* one I I A mer ? ? and ??'? iti Ameri? BO." ... ,.<?.. Thur Right Rev. Ijuniui M Homer, Proteetant Episco? pal M ..???.'. - Among ?? ' Mi ' eoi ard D ? . Edith A Uegi % II of ths P Shoots, ? andVicomti r\ ' ? .. '?: 11, George i . Ja ii R i olgati Paul Dana, C I'iiver . . i D . . Pi ?? ? l ernor ami 1 ! C. Smith. .1. Drummoi I snd < aptain Fini k \> LOST HYMN BY LISZT MAY LEAD KAISEP'S MEN Vonkers Resident Sends Discard? ed Soig t?? (jermany. Forty yean ago 1 - ? i ? wrote I ? ind Iti uta 1 Sow, ? lecadei in a heap, ? . ? led manu icrlpi I on bach to ti;?? fat hi ... may yet be sung in tl ?. r." i Liest wai in Rome when be wrote ths hymn. <~url V. I.arhmund. now a resi? dent of Vonkers, wa- one of hi* pupil?. ind ? be compoeer* . ' --"ed < ver a batch of i:._riu which Liest had t It *?_?? t.Ot lllit.l If. fl II .1 the battle ... . ? one of the sheets, Ths coi i ? - I ? exi ent the ? "Kaisei Wilhelm," ta which thi two measui I ted. I over 1 .1 t eharacti l f the ?lermin m:!. tary fanfar? foi ararded th * ?aanuacr pi i Anaba tador ran Heir. itorff, ? sggeatlng that It bo sent < ? ? i ? ? ? I. ichmnnd iriade public BletU dor yeaterda m the hymn -. ,i- .. Iti b to Gen CAVANACH'S 258-260 WEST 23RD ST. FAMOUS ' ''""" >? i ''M-rn.5. lAd t ?ora rtlK A'??? ' SOBO _-_-?_ tSTAULI-HLU ?I Yl_._JtS. SIEGEL WARRANT ON WAY TO JAIL Prosecutor Wheeler, on Request of Swann, Issues ? Papers for Arrest. PRISONER ?SURE Ill's (K)1N(. FREE I His m lliisinoss Plans, atnd Says He'll Pay Mack All Bank Depositors. . ,?' a.p?i,|?. ' ' I ? , Rochester, Feb. 2*. Whoa Uar?ie?i William ( rilig gttl hit mail at the MoarOB Coaaty penitentiary in the morniag he will Bad ? boBch trarranl h t!?.? arreal al Henry Blegol ?dien hii tona expires Wednetday meraing, 1 ?? avarranl 1 ai iaaoed Ihle morning al thi i>"'i u il "?'' Wstri S'.'iinn. af Neu ?'?r'r.. trho 1 ked Die? \ ?. y v. heeler, ol I ? . . ..'1 one ?. ' .. indi? tmsBta that ?? are Irai ferrad from .'?? k*orh te U I Couaty la.?t summer, Wheeler did - ?, and to-iU.y the warrant trat turned ?.? el ta Sheriff Boot Be maiie.i it to ffai r?en I ra-.R, and it it BOW in tho Bochtl ter PoatoflUe. "So long a?. I am in jail or in the court? lighting; to keep out ot' jail, ho long will 1 be unable to earn money to pay off the depositor.?, la my bank. When I get out and I b liove I "i" going to leave here ",; \\ ?dm ?dry I trill buckle dot -, ? . b . no?-?. an?l in ? thoit titile Bill hart lomething for thoee poor peopl?, Bui ii 1 ?am kei I ; ghting for raj not only will I be earning nothin? for bal nuit,'-', of ? ihould b? uted arily v" to the law? 1 . ,?' ? ' lation in . ,: ell." Uenrv Siegel, a little bit gayai otbarwise the unchanged philos? thu? declared ! maelf in the Monroe Count] i* 1 t" night. In an1 of hi.- rel?ese. I ... roppi d nui-? tache. which, in compliance with ?? regolatioaa, .. ived oil ?i.ti hi entered th? bi iob hate la J 11 ? 1: been allowed le kr"w. and frlei Now Vori: had lOBt h?m an oM lull from In?? warthrobe. No warra?-' has becB receive "... \- Uliam ' ra .;. eepei ? Monroe 1 ount> pen Itei . allowed to lee*.? heie : ?- . . ? ?, t houg t the jailei ere il : " ' \ \e. r Wasted. "What ? ; him. . . e tied,' , -I. "I ha? I everil ? mdtr co rol Ion, 10 ? al ,: ' ? . ? ? g under that I BB. t.. .);._. '. bad a man '.?'1 here ?n a Imsi r.'Ms pr.'i" ' ? If BOl l| peat ?ii.d I feel i ? aril] I ?ho : t 1 ' a very short ? !? Bould be longer than that, befo.-? I v.oii.i have much to offer mi ci ? 1. -. ery I ? ? r : ????. "I 1 faull of Hem y Sieg? I t/ogel that 1 deposit ? .... ? ?? ?! d. W ' tr.ed ;.? pay I l M "4,011,01'n more than .?.?- paid. It wot liol pa'.I . roll, what ?I the iboul thing thai 1 i ?in ? ? ? Soi c ..." ? m?, depositors mt niuch : rouble I ?? 110 . thing 1 not of our locking. "Later, when Vogel died, the most o-' that money ?ros no longer availabli All that I could raise 1150,1 at the -i. . of mi litora wh? eame up to G.see m Juue, A certain elemev | he depOl ?"ot - tiiad? IBCfc ;i 1 ? "? " ? :.?' the men Who were providing thai 1 1 ere forced to 1 . r '" |-' ?? -eK,.. it \> ,-i; ,i ,;,. u., ..'...,.i, they ar? m?n? 1 : ??? g< ? ? . ..m-,. 1 o corn Biore So a nutrht have I.n at work cleaning up ? ?The . ??merii Jority of t'?,. .-ieditoi - .1 .1' I.? '?? 1. ead for ? aritl I . ? . ? ' Hi," thej could ' ? ? . .--. not ? '1 ?? ki that I have alwayi intended I , e. ?ry .i..! lar I o-.? ?>. ami no matt? happen? I a", going to ?;?' nrhal 1 can . -. , ?... ? .,- be. - ? ? ? - ? il ng me well, Here ?? .. " 'Deal Sin I hi>pe ? bui ? ? ul, and no ? " ibl thei many othtri with e< tive? who ho] th? ? ni H 1 do, and mi>- a on effort to posftors who trv I d j. th? r? ". ? .. d - ?' 1 ? of 1 SYMPHONY a o e I e i_t o 1 s?w lori, \X \l I IK 111 MHII-.I II 1 ?n.lio I.., ' V rriataj ifi ?lar? h ?. ??iin.iM. in igareB ! ? SCH?MANN- HEINK Nata ? . . - a . . . . iiinr-il?.' \ti . Niur, 1, ; c,,,,?,, BrlirAraal ?alii'.l ?? \li -I;.?, i. 1 1 ,,, , Pf4| PADEREWSKI . ? ? I .... , Thnr?. All.. Mar? h B M? \'i M ,r. I, I? KREISLER CASALS .I a . . , , DHIlHARMGralit B .iii-m -iims-ki MiMinnuiV \e\t I ?tur?. I \ 1:1$, s,,, | r| ^f| u , j ,.-?? GABRILOW? TSCH BEETHOVEN PROGRAMME IM I I IHM, III I || ?, MPHUM ? ? i Hall ? CEORCE / ?rOLIAN HALL. E. VS H I?) C < THURSDAY AFT HAM LIN "" I ll?| M ?.-.?". * ? l'un? h S .Lui. ii.ra lin? Ifterauon ?1 t ?DOBSON v,k- 1 Xi qandbox .?. v? i .., ? ; . , v ,. BiBHlllMliMMilrtViiH ??', a u? CM." "RaaJlMia. I"? Te???. ? Hia ClaaL" that haul natarally mur-'- i * h ? ? int ' "There nevar h?? baOB ? tlSSB since ? ? i iini not intend and i i" i ? ? la mono) to pay i beae people ? ?' tl It la a larire ?urn. more -OJXW, snd some n ?>? 11 . i.i.i i am M brt old, hut ??e li aot the'i a mattet ef calendar years, and i se i aung " sn rat? 1 bnow the nent or? bui ini . and I know th.-it, riven the opportunity to work. I can rebuild the name of Siegel put It I bach where it was. ?The men who know me he-1, men who worded w\tb me and for me for rears, Hr'' with ''?'*? Hn'' ' um proud er that, for they know that i .,? oalj did l Bot profit ? penas bj tha failure of mjJ firmi and my hank, i,ut lo i ??? n , dollar i had in the world. All I have lefl Is. my business ah -. and m health und my dei re !.. uuik. There is no outside intern - ?,, ?? i?... m, fsmili te interfere aay . . ? i .| mj work ng '?ml ?* lie?* I ari i ail I ? ex? b ifdL ,. . itention B den I left hen to >,"?( min touch with the lopre? ivei ?if the depositors anrl let them know where I stood. J had a let ter the other day frnm Mr?. Baker, who ?.. In the front ?if the minority, lay? .? i ihould -ee Mr. Swnna and ..t'i nriK her lerviees to amusja ? ataat? ink. It was my intention to see her and tin* li.atnct Attorney, if *hat officia; . d to -ee n i , BU- then get. down to buaiaesa. "Wheref That is not settled. It might in- Maw York, it m;?ht. be Chi? cag< I do not kaow. That was one1 of the things to he agrraod aima. I would, of course, i.a?-e to see friendi thai l ha ? boon unnble to fro here an i many '?'>???? | that II ks i keen im ble ?o ???..i oi er ? ould ha*. p i. foi ? i eould gi I ? . nie W ? ?.? ?? a ' a ting in ths -.'tu ? and making himaelf generally useful il:-- he ?lth i?.. be? n good. He ha? had i, tow ? i lei . sad, seide from notes received from depositors, few letter District Attorney Begins investigation of "Dicker" District Attorney Swann has bejrun ?an inquiry into report'? made to hint that owing to certain .stipulations mule in hehalf of Henry .^leifel by Governor Whitman arid former pis trict Attorney Perkins, further pro.-e cution of Siegel Is practically impos ?ible. A? the facts appeared la,? t ie-lit it seams pretty certain that ??hen Siegel walhi our of the Monroe ntiary te muri?.? morning, after ?erring ton nu.nth?, he will not again be i laced in leopard] for his part in I It wa ' ' lay that District \ \ li , St ubout the time i.t Siegel'i trial it. Geneaeo, marie an John I!. Stanch;.eld. of counsel foi Siegel, whereby an ment to the Indictment charging i.r.,r.i larceny ? a; te he made without til _ation if the District Attorney would promi?e to seek no more Indict? Bgninst the defendant. The atipulat rat, .? aid. After "m from the dis? ; depo ton District Attorney decided resterday to sea what could be done about obtaining another ? egel, or at leant I . m arraigned on one ?if the ng ?... re. In eoniulting with \ ?'.??? At torne j Johnstone., \ ? ; > ai Bureau. ' i D ti let *r*^ .. ' ? tipulationi Later he eld had gone ? refreahed Governor Whitman's recollectioi shout ths ent, and had lound - reported here. ?y Swann then sought Mr P .- I corroborated the re i or? ??? ? ? . ? ? ond agreement. Mr. Per? km? ?. attorney that m o V\ ?: tman kne sll ? the Sii gel i a e, -,t was his Whiti ity to seek all possible , ? and ?. ??ait until aftei the defendant*! tru!. Mr. he lought new or moi ed for t ri ii on the . old, he would be di reapect'fnl *o Jus? ? . ?? i land ard, I ntended te tran? fer all ti-.* Indictment i to < ?? i grand larceny indict? ment ? ?gel ? I - tried. He had been a; j writti , . . ... ,.:f,.. Not content with this, District At ? ik? d Mr Perkins to wi ti i tiled itatement regarding actiom snd opinion! in t;ie case and requeet of Governor Whitman. a Mr. Stanc to-day. The name >f I emuel ?Ely Quigg crept egel eaee yeeterday whan run or ' I ? tipulationi u ere first ted It v.?- recalled that Quigg was i .r:-?*l (?unrig hie lignt ? divorce actiom brought by Mr-. V..-?.1 . it wa-; recalled that ' ide ?? - timi ntal appeal for Siegel during argumenta for .? ehange ??f venue, whili indictments were '??' - - agaii ?? Siegel, Quigg wa? i tor at the Criminal Courts ? i ret oi ;-. however, ??how that Qu no longer eounsel for .. the all.- | itipuli ? 'Batzooo? t?BU a V/I.3_.N la Halt i ? ni_lit at ?:1V DELE NAND?ES 1110 ?'"?? Pia) I.' ?' a-f 1 - ? - < ;,rll.-_." Halt, I II" ?1? v ., . K< . ' it ?? III I \M M M?l HIHSHAW KIRT ?? li I Mil i- K e the Pia '? I?. i' ? Ma.liM I.Hi.m ? rhealre, Fa-Da. m t. La Argentina ..???" BROWN ance*. ? Hi -a .eatSM H., i'. Wad. -ft., Mir, I, I. at ... - lOLINl i C?aril I ? ? .-. rtaat BOOTH : i The Grcateit Nation i ? ? : rtrttrmtatt Ml?? ttermft --a,., PLAYHOUSE ' GRACEGEOKdl THE IAHTH I MM ? URBAR? ro MICMl ?Till. KSOAV NiuHT ALONE AT LAST i : ?.y?? prin?s* - ;>...?? MJ VERY GOOD' EDDIE WTM IT THE*. Ma' KATINKA ,1TH II THIA EMILY ST.:VI_NS ' "THE UNCHASTI NtO WOMAN.' STANDARD ' " ** |? at-'1 mm, r_ _?_, .* a _aa , m_*?, istta." MUSEUM'S SOUTH WING COMPLETED Metropolitan's Extension on 5th Ave. To Be Opened in Spring, Trustees Say. 696,024 AT EXHIBITS; $115,831 DEFICIT LEFT Several Gintributors Made Ben. eiactors 2.908 Gifts Added to Various Departments. J matee? i,f the Metropolitan M'i BtBBJ of Art announced yesterday the conipletion <>f the routti vvn,g ?if the Fifth Asi-rn;.' fata BO. Half of the new ?tructura? will be opened lor exhibition purpose? by spring. A?ldre?ses at the annual rneft.inf? were ma?le by Jo?ep'r. II. ChoatO, who presided; Kdward Robinson, tht director, an?l B. C. Be r Be ' '? ?.-'ir.irnr "?' '.?* BOWlj I tal departraent cf Far Lastern art. Ti it t**o.. o ft i ?? a ? r s an i \ariou? s'.andiii?c connittees weie ???elected, hu* there ??iii no election to fill the \acanty among the trustee! cause?l by th?* death last May of John \V. Alexander, former president, o! the National Acad? emy of Design. Visitor? to the galleries during fh<? l?st year numbered *".9'?,024. a decrease from the attendance of the previous year of 200,00?), which ?ai larger than normal because of the opening of the J. P. Morgan and Henjamin Altrnar, collections, t!ie report said. About ll.666 people attended the lectaroe given in the museum and the number ?f itadoBte, doelajBtrt and arti.-* great? r than ever. Holiday crowds tran iliajhtly leaa tbaa lan your. Jho ... . af tdm i tration wat %407*?Vt, nt v.hich ?? J??".?)"" u? paid bl tl Ailrni-lioa ?ttt, member-h p dSBS, et.-., totali-d M1.3M. l,,,WB1#rt " ?31 ?"' be paid by the ,,,," ,U "'"rr 'ludina; pr,^^** ' "' *<?,,uri >tr\,,f ,h. hit all , , "^* ? *ft* I?*? (?4 ?"*r' ^?"iiS Root i.?.?- tr.irn i:,|,|i>o a1tttr| , m 266300. th, ?.ere??, ln th,,^^?* ions nr-l ?" . ?lo.jblin- #" i ,n,ri, r of ? ** ?f Several II? nefarior? ?v, ?' u,-'r b'quarj contributions John I. t ?(jwt',j _** ?ttkejfJt i ' ? ?'' .,-,,. ?,?., ?*" y " mtAe*?*. "" ' ,r 'Our 'rintT' of fel'.. , ... ,f " ?n for flf? '*'??>> ' tt all ?v but .;'.';?" '?''"' umb?1 '?" *n? pun ha?- C '??r of ? cea* .?,, ~ ,*} "rt "? ??? JZ?. ''? '' " ' Ptintisn b?/i? !'iUMt ' ' ?'?' by ptrefcZ. ? ' r ?" l>reteBtt?i S? ?, "'"'' ' ??"?Euro u" Basa. ..... ,,..,..... ,.- . * , acuiptBHHV eludinj ? ?morisl m*am m<-nt. ft y. Smm "mm . ' a.ld.t.on t? SB '"?? P?'.a''l?J? (i? nib*fs?T ''',!,n' ????. ?i?7 ' ' ?my ?nd o*Eri ?? P-f-.ruu >? ?aa?art ? i" -??s rounii?} ei. i by th?' m?ny rb;?<t?, 're#' the rn . ?P'ditisn. Th? ?' ta off 'ht <???. wrc ' ?'??, prms'et Irr i Edwar.l S Har'-".--? ???d r*re;.?il oppn?*.l to the nub'.ic, sri? th? ??? ,'? ; ?rure*. larg?r tin lita i'led k'oddeag g?lthr??t , origina et up st the tempi? el Y* at Ka- - Ted 'o I'm mam-.a ' by ar ' , llT.rv Wilt?? Pr?tant tt tht mutin*, wen V. Macy ts id John g. Jolaua H. i hoate, first rite? rValttrt, E.ihti letiX, en ("hurd 0?. ; S. Harkneis, Ed???rd 5. baker, Oeoqri B'u ? and, Fredfrtd? \V. Ii.. B? tkwith. How?j? nt, Wi'.IUu I Adiaii re erl W. D? for ' ilifecaiBa J. P. ' NorgoB ? 7:30 TO CLOSING f _ JOYOUS CABARET GORGEOUS GIRLS Ktl^tli ff L?tK lD reserve tables early ___| COLUMBUS CIRCLE AT 58TH STREET PHONE 9640 COLUMBUS MERRY MOMENTS" Featuring DORALDINA'S Marvelous Dance*. EXCEPTIONAL TABLE D'HOTE DINNER $1.00 OLD FASHIONED BEEFSTEAK DINNER $1.25 EVERY PORTION COOKED TO ORDER 6 TO 10 P M. Banquet?, Private Dinners Our Specialty. No Admioion Chnried. NFIV IIIKK'S IIMUM. IHKMHI.? ?Ml >IMI??I.?, EMPIRE i!;^,,'';. r?'V ':! NEW AMSTERDAM __8P ENGAGEMENT IXTENOEO LNHL SATUaOAV, MAR. Ilt'i. ...... .?> ?1 i -. I . ?'THE LITTLE minister. ' arrrp >r e _. .??<.??;,..,.... r, '?.??? Maude Adams LYCEUM y/ :. ro-BIBHT, -*- 1 ' THEHE?RTOFWETONA ELSIE FERGUSON MARGARET SCHILLER LIBERTY Wen ?: M, . i?i ? ; JULIA DONALD JOSEPH SANDERSON | BB'AN CAWTHOR1 ? ; ? a . M ? a I ... _4| # GAIETY \ Lrstv MRS. FISKE _?iy Mu-ioro.l C.?-l| P.i-il.a-.a O.t k, Erstwhile Susan ) SYBIL G,? COHAIS'S -, 1 . I Hau. 1 fc Hi a big bing Mitzl 5??? ?In? h,t CRITERION *?*T*. ? ?- - , -, .*- ?T .' ?Hi '?* ?US! ?. LEN PLAVEO W *?? PAT. ,s ASO BEAUTY."-?* "-. _ VIOL? ? ? JAMES K Alien Hackett *Pom-Porrt ASTOR l?'i TOM McNAi.'r,HTON. ELTINGE SE i?KI>PfARE'S MACBETH. i? <? - __n lillSNABO - . . -, &?fcv%i6 m-:,(.ACRE V"" | . IS -?i-_^T_?I3_Ja-_-__I_-i The ..reat i'ivcr." . ! '?;* _H_I____^_ff?l_C4f-|.? *.. The Cinderella Ma ? . 4q.n tn J?t a: ? Pup i A -a' ! In T__aV ? '? Mil? r?>-UA1 . SI '?.TRA MATINEE TODAY. 2 10. THE BOOMERANG harris ?:: r V 5 ??..'? ' |TTTani*?_2JIl?KTW?iTVl _tt_ KKV.l? MBi-i .? I'll.IT HOUJDAT." ntniiDi ir ?r. /IUI. ; .?????. * ? KtPUBLIL ?.?lube, ?i.-. m mor box?. , r__/"__i " i *** r_.i *W-_r__n GABYDESLYS- .^?V*0"' L<?J__LM_:_W?y> PARK T0-M'w'eVG. it8*P. I ; ROAD to MANDAI ' METROPOLITAN Zlll W??. 'I,: It 1 (St I? | H?rn?l . ratal M?- - M . ' II- . I , ? Plfllac.ll. I ?.'?"I 'a- . ?, 1> Wad. a - Prlr.? Ijor. A: 'a a - - ?, . a 1U ;. ' ' : Pol? Thu-a. 4 I Trliti? u. lioUf. n ? ?r ? -. . V?.. \V ill HI?? I, I. . ? . Frl. ?? ? ?.?????bula Bau , - I) dar. I Poli ??it \'. ?? . Carnan. 1 . ??-, Ma . . I thi ' .i s??, i - ? aie?. ". M,-'' I I'< I a - i 1 II I N?.t Mai. ?: ? I Baa??8MM ., ? v . A . . ?-???? a I;? a Poll ll.4lU?>..A\ IIA??" Lady DUFF GORDON I ?*&u I II \NXlN? , IV .NT' H \ , x>, TINE (FASHION FETE) | THIS AFT. /i?..?ir tot oi.Vrtt ?.is i r Dfi IJCKJ .i ?i... i ?tifmltx, /..?'?? ?. ... ,' tMtttet i *\ v 117?/? t .. I ir.ii TOO S AH AS rOASKO Comen ???o <?-'?' . it* ??T TYW IS'S A.M> I i.A/ \ Ii. COMEOY i ?i? - Mat? - ? . t , ?If THE NE ? YORK PUBLIC WANTS ANYTHIN?, BETTER IS THE WAV Of A PLAY THEY WILL HAVC TO SaARCM IAR AND WIOE ?NO THEN BE Ulft At'POINTEO. ? N. . ??,'.> I I Din 1 . , II >v?.'-r M?? THE FEAR MARKET 48THSt..... V JUST A WOMAN Ltkic 4 -, ?a ;,:. ? ? POTASH &PERLMUT.TEB IN society; ... or B ?a >.- I a?) V' >l?i 1. r. r ? ... ? "THE PRIDE Ol RAiE Maili ?? To m in ? 11 '0 ? * _ LEAN PAY- DAY with Irsto Fetwkk MAXINE ELLIOTT',. % ROBERT HILLIARD fASiS?. ; ?,. CORT ni? ? ma. w i?t 4IT11 Ml' On * M M* - To morro-!? o ?al., j ?0. , Tas? au, t?o? i and YuKtal Strrtat ___________ 7 MATINEE Ulli HIP-HIP HOORAY SOUS*. I - . ? --,. W.I? ..< I LOEW'S NEW YORK ^?JfJI ? fl'MBINlii CAPACITY ??*?? i ? ? ii L n ? H M T, ' . V ? i ? FA' V "*?'* le?"?".-! ' I Plie U'||' ->,*?<???, Orf.,,tr, Lofws American Roof _'. ' ? Ail || ., fiviii IRVING FL. THEATRE - ? ? ?- . ? KNICKERBOCKER H.'_. ?af WIOERS WEBER,S-29thS',i.Broa.v.y Continuous From 12 to 11 HOW ' Ne* ??eh *?i__ai? /.ii'.iii? '??.I.K.I \N a ?*? l.lll V I I ?I 1111111' PUflCJI-J-d.1 iss?sVs. nT?\amt!' _a^-^.TREASURE ISLAND l . s ?'a. I r? * Si- ' ' '* ' roLLoa.A. r-> ? ' ?3YPSYMM??? *aw ti .|. a i ' Strand H ?aja.? - "Ann OOBB No.? to II ? 0l?l???O tttaat On * aat N?rt Wem. "Te He.? 4M 1? Ht**'