Newspaper Page Text
?it.?I captured nine machin? cu mm mine throw. Paria admit?- the lets of tl farm, ami ??ay.? ! "In Champagne, ia the rag the Navarin farm, to the IM Snuain. the enemy m?? tSSOt i y a rarpristj attack in oca tertnin trenches of our advano tiiey also to?A ? support! | tl In the Woavra, also, the (ii a'talkf? have ???urnrd a R-reat tersity. The railroad Station i has ehanp'-ii hands atfaral ally remains i pooacssion of the Fronch. Att ?,, t: Im i i' ? i, Paris likew?! ? ?aie.?, have failed. The officia! m.? ' -. "On the platea.!-? to Um IM1 the i .liage f . t .\. in the W diMrict. the r.emy yesterday bag and last i 'cht aasumed an tude oi greater activity. The road station el Eix. captured si eapturi d evei by th tack? ? stta ' ? ?ppor-r g fon e . now remain? ; possession. "All th Ki\. ?ere I ng to ' " ,-r' the i th s f? ? ? ' ' ' ??The Gei - ive eleai ? ' r .?? nsula ?' ? ? ' ' ??Th? i - Pari ? ??[?: r . tiller; bas , rhe sc( ? ? I ? ?-.?-, ? [ A eng i ' ? \ ers ai d . The fight . ? ? ? ?? - ' , calcul?t. : It it in forcement G? breuajhl eve that of th? thai Iran fhtins Verdun, th? this as fice, ii ? ? Kor- ' : . ? ? i a .: nor (S the I ? ? mm *t the ?at boa ng I artrcsse tr< mor? eld wurl ? all it.= pro. on?, a ' ?a well a? tl ?urround farts, wen i I i - inert ?? it ? ' aphis : has no pi lopulal ion. 1 value town itself Ii icur? mure thun thai !aj?r taken by the '. mans ia I i ist i . dai ?. sut? rever *? ;- ?ng ?-? than a militl gbo'id. .. . . , i lene? rig er ul Frei eh are Relia ? any < a, ? Safare I LANSING BRINGS ALLIES INTO DEBAT ? ?ntiniifil lr?.m t??j. I bomb? o? ?orpedof? ?ere the sk pp? authorized t<? u?e their gum The ,v?ate Department i? undent? ??? fed that the pussibil tj remote L.tTicultte?? nria-ing; in rhe : -ar fut? SI 8 result of the re? (ierman and Ai ? i .an pal ej. la the : ? l plu? i believe that commanders of lierm and Austrian Mibrnarinc? -will take pi ticular car? r..?: te I it war nfj arm??i mer? hanl ? wit up r ? -.mei " i ' gl the declaration in tl ( Ii t mat to-day, whi? .. ,, lustria throu. i:?iri- rk. cha .-?? ..f the ci lay here, that I tu tl t.a\al commander! were so formul?t? - to prevenl the destruction ol liners "an aci oun1 of t) ? unites such armament is proved.'' The communication from probably will bi com idered l dent ttfjltua an.I bit Cabin? row. ?ml official indi? .' '.- expectc I ?ou: . 'I he German note lay? that dunr Ihe negotiation? ??\er ? e Lu eatiaa ??.? made of armed merchant mea. and that the l nited tSutea m on of. us? note?, en the Lui itania n ? i ?loncd unarmed merchantmen Att - non then ia called to tht ???tirano pi-.vWiu !y given in which it , iUt? ?tat liners ?,1| not l.e Mink witho? ?arnma, provided thej do I off? I >c-?t?nrc. Utentiea aUe ii rallcd't I ne statement of the American roser? "*??{? Hi aatie? ta ?on autKriti? < annot \\?Ttx ?\rmrd ljirm?. tuted that ? auamuriut eua ei cannot he expected ,? warnim rchaatman, which ha? a rich '" E '. ' irine which ?am ?, and th? (n-rrnan government set- u ta? contention that equipment i 'ention to resist a warning gives by i '.brr.ariiir d?. rot come ?:?hm th< ? cfinition of defensive ?rmame ? icrmany conte?,,'? thai a riaurawiat va- tak?-?? by the I Itei '?t?te.-, and that it *ecur?-d aasurancei ?rom the Italian government that Iti armed mer;hant I ips I? ?m. .? ? wauld aal ?re upon sabmarim t ? ? ? ? for'h ?' ?,? ? German governmi ? ? d d : ol new h .?!? . si ? ? - I.\ the iir ? ft minent to tl ? iindi ? Bril men. Ii ? epied t a? armed British merchant ?hip? of ant description *i. peacet;' IfutJars, si ",!artJ that the' WHERE THK GERMAN ATTACK.*. ARK MOVING CLOSER TO PARIS. ?In fir?! Teuton assault rame al Verdun la*! I'lir-day, near thi rnd "I th? line in II H nr ?>> I i llli'll ?i*.?.'llin i lilil?' 'i' a i l'ill.ti l.'l .1 I i.i vil.'l? . iit-.-i i i lit i nu ni t in i un i il i ir ?? i ' i . i "ii ut ii.i i <i i ? i ?? i .i i ?? ii /, <? t ,, , I ltl.iy the Kaiser v troops attacked th? I r-ix'h hue in the I Kampagne, and claim the rapture ?>t 1,600 yards around the lliirt. ti'.t miles nearer Paris A new drivi mai be launched al the poinl of thi trout nearest tin rrancfi capital- ?h?rc around Noyon and Hove The arrows indicate the points where the Germans are non attacking It could hardly I" railed a drive?, al Paris, \< 100 yarda around the Navarin farm, the line loops trmument on bonrd all of them il t?1 . t - ? , . ? thai Austi ; ..- ? beer attacked ? men tmen, a l.o'e de? ? ? assurance: gi en te th? L*i tat) Stat? lapt in a mer orando??, of VugUSt -. Ir,i ' ' i Spring-Rice, Brit \ i he t.?'! n a go*, en t canm v net govet ament, t contidei ?? - eta, can r? gat in ? ; B ih merchantmen a.?? peac? The note makes il it the Be lit- j-p en ment beli? i new it ?traction* to ? e : ,-? ? ? r press? d I United tat? in il A ? It decltr? Germs . ? tructe a tnerchar ?.'ti of ?rmame:.t unlci ? ? ? tivi ?? thai such The declaration that pre | I ?effort entS agTCI ? ? ? ? a> U1.1 caui be l?iearmed, ? ? - IWS a de? ?ara' .?' that th - attacks in riolation e iti? .. '., ? > tractions will I v ? ; -o ti??? eomn .;..,? .... bout tuer,'. ged i !? mai ? Austrian ?ubmarinei have her men a:n e | ? ? pnrpe si k\ n? ' geated 1 a ai... . ???' r. aed ? erchani lestion of what c it? - dl fen? ? ainianu't:'. ii i o' broud':" p, I-, mgh it - admitted various quartet hat ?uch a questioi probably ?ill be raiaed. \ti?*lria Indor.tes Note. i:*- , / ? i nek. , harg? ? y y, called ft? r ' oui ? m tha' Gei n ? - ii Bernstorff. wer? tramen i and that Aum! ? tained the Gei ma ? In. ? plomi i that what had been d? cribed ai Italy'i reply to th? suggestion of the l nited State? for a oi the dit? ? ? ' n reality va. a re \ Rome by th? . ,- ade to th? of the A . prior to which no Italian shipi .m o? ???. armed. It ?;?- a lerted with emphatii thai ? - fermai anawei to the Americai memorandum would be :'.. ?ccoi.l witl that of Great Britain, Iraner. it 11(1 '. 4, 1,000,009 MEN MAKING MUNITIONS IN ENGLAND Number of Workers in Germany 1-vceeded British Optimistic. t.- ? ? - Them Loi don, Feb. 28. < Ine of the jr? ? of Brit ih euriotity i-- to know the ae'*ial number of worker, employed :n making munil ont, for t;.e ?.hkc .f eonfin . mittic report regarding rme ntity o( being tut led e ? i - ? ? ? ? . ?sued to 1.000.0 i g 1 ??r?. ? enon ? mbei i tomen i mplo) ? d ? in munitiai feetoi c tleo ? '.?ke only a iligh percentage of tl : skilled lab. - had tame ipecial I qualification ? the beat authui itiei here i I : that Germany i? employing onlj 760,. - rurhet ? all grade .? I ela?-e?i. the rejiort furnishes B tat .: ' Tt-a?on for British opt miim $25,000 THIEF HASN'T CARFARE Limousine field tor Debt, Girl (Jone and Gay Days a Memory. Bill? Martini s'oo.1 _; Forty-second th Avenu? la?! night, - ?? entor? ll $100 _uil needed pressing, Hia $16 " ? ? ; blag under ? con: ei mud. Hi? limousins ??* ia th? har..)-* of a carafe man. v In? had said lie I keep if ??? ? ?? un- .I car- ; tam impressive billa had been icttled The blazing lights Ol' the -quaro I to Bill] ? He ki en n was cool. H louree of income ami hia credit i I nultaneouel* re i ' ...i ki da" a? th? end o - ?. . houldi red men marched to '" knew they wen gaing *o Oblem Of ??here to go. "I'm ? . ? looking for ' me," aaid aim leei fully. "No. ? sise that 11 I proi ' .. ' bai to I: i bo . to go all ied one at hi i Bi ? t-aeea. "a e're > ampbell and Headquartci . Let'i lowntown." Billy Martini felt in the anc e blu "I'\i* . to paying ng," ha asid, oftly, "bul I'm ti ra _ thi i da1 i liai i to yoi ? in. broke." So I WS a- tbe e_peni? of ?OBIS SI . tha -? lllaln ai th? van OOp, took hir. ia?t Broadway i .<le. Al Police Headquartci aitins for th? ;' or.. i ago Billy, ?vho . bit ' . ai ?\ . am D. Marl in . get ? ? Jama H Do ... I and i' novel? ear o? ? oymeia' B to Mr. D? econd yeai i ?lai the profit; Dowd eo il for th? d< icit until one morn .? .. ; ?cent one he l< oked o ? a-indow a few miautei before " ? oiTiinp toward him. but still ?i couple of blocks h??h'. . wai a bauffi ? ' ' n piek ?ray ? hrougl the ti affie ? it ipeed held Dowd'? tion. it t a ? b and . ' i .- ??. \ came hough! o' in- :?? | ? |in\".ii latei reported to that in thi I e of a talk Billy ha.I adn tted teal i -.- the 135,000 b_ doc? tor ir? cheeks. i Wl i ii Billy -aid he ??^ aura wsalt relativi I maka reatitutioB to ? lave him from priaon Dowd s-* ? liver i'.-,? of grace. 'I he th ree da) - pa il I i can -.? ;.* to - ? police. "I'm glad it's a!, over," '.; Ily told ?he detectivea. "IVe b. 11 breaking big nto little t.i-,' on Broa i i ; I'd |uit .i pi oeeai on iton? : for ;i m r.:le." "when I startiti doctoring tha cheek? I hud a ??.t>. But 1 haven't aeen her foi a loas time. You see, I met a pul ' on Rj-oad- SJ " Martial gave Ii - addreai a? 1040 v ?ah ngtoi \ tone, i he Bi on i tht pol ice lay tha* in the home of his parent- Billy hilflielf, tl" itate ? ; . ? i ., . . | ? ? . m ;? Baldwj I. I , i . r. Bi llj bough Columbia and Yorkville. "On '? he Tra it? ? sel bui Is u.ue, b? the Gypsy Maid ' ompaay, wai ??ell ? tha ? t.lumbia Theatre la * I ? \\ 111 ' K< me ?;? and Jaek M ? '. r p?a; ed I i eads. with Lynn Canter, ' " I - ? . K'.tiv Forsyth upport r .1 ' Vork ill? th?* Kol 1 ? of Pleaauie wi tl *.'??_???? Two Great Meetings for PATRIOTISM AND PREPAREDNESS Unt'er the Autpicei of The National Security League, Inc. Carnegie Hall. Century Theatre, ??Tib 51 & 7tk Atuauu. 62nd St. & (rnlril Park Weit. TO NIGHT. Fehraarj 29ta. Iflt, .1 ab?st t M Hon. Robert Bacon and Hon. 0?c?r S Mrs?? vaill preaide. Amob| the ipeakeri at botk a?tha|i ??ill be W RATES Caalnaai at ?- M ?.?.:.? Peetien of ih? IN ?meat t..1 Nal ?? a' !?? ITO HENKY BRI ' KINRI1 I StrrMi * Wai 1K'\ ?.1 "1'..',?. ' ? MAM?,1 111 AIN . I . IN JOS1 III II CHOAT1 > ?? ? ? ?? ??? - ? I ? I l?l. 1 xsAi.ti CRAMPTON Ml - T? - ? --? . II 11 HI I ? ? II...-M? III.- I , . I . . . . ...... . I M. Former .1 ... : I ? HOP H/ tOMiaait? 1 m 1 SENATE DATA HARD TO GET Yarag RepuMicaa Cammittee Iwalte Information on l.ntpln> to. i ?? committee "f I e tp|.ited lat? month by the Brooklyn Young Republi? can < !ul> to inve tiis-ate the ? ipendi tan - for employ?? in the I egitlature ? nding difficult) in ? btaining the ?le ?Ired informal oi rhe in |uii prompted bj a '.a?? menl of ? Senator i: ..,? at the cam titutional ? on?, enl ion thai man; men rho ? endered ? ? \. *ro ?oi the legi lature - paj roll .? ? mattet ol party patronage Edward R. Wilaon, chairman of 'fi ? ommittee, r< e? ntli t rote the el ,,: the lei ate and A- n blj. : king for the ?ill ol ' .up!"-. ? ti -i I eii laltrie?. Fred >'?. Hai .;" the A em hiv. forwarded his, bu! none i - hr>eu toi ri.i oro ng from Edward A. ? ay. i of the Senate. The \ lembl tuined the nume ef 191 employee, mad.? ; p of i ' d.keep? ....... pottmuitet and a" a- ?atant poatmaater, 37 messenger . T6 clerks, -. tenot ruphei -. !.' docun ? ? l i snd 20 pages. M i. Wilson ? rol ? Mr, Hun me ? re tei daj ..quiring v ploy? houlo i ell enrice. In a letter to Clerk Fa; a rote : "The pub: entitled to know *h*? facts and t ? trat ITou are the oll . ?al bes l .: ? ft ,,n?l the truth, \ tor 1 he ?alai - n ployei n I i \ . ? .i..- . . a per diem et . i to mort than 16,000 t week, teeordlng to Mr (Vil SCHOOL BUSINESS TRAINING Several I ollege? ii?T?r < aareet i?? ? ommerclul ? eacbert. prominent colleges now in? bt ... Indianapol - Net ?.'' One Eaitl ??! dent t king ? bu 11 ? course be ?? ' ? h ? ichool. thus ruii r level e -..?i . 11? ? bindrun? e ta th? teaching of ' ha.? be? ? '" ? -:iipe- ? each? Di '.!r...-.,i :, ! '????.. ' | ma ' i logue of cou . .?.i eoren ei -. a ? ? : I', i nap I th? t .. ? ".. -' '.'"?' ? eond - foi ipecial in? ii tmployert' buMtir?-, ? ?.<: in tie t few yeai i Su? i empha - be o But 1 . :. .i ? port? genei g ? - M ~i0.l in Lm\ tor Nursery, MARCH RECORDS OUT TO-DAY ? ?. ? I ?? ?hi? ?i flfteei "*?1 foe '????<?-?.--?.??' ??? ANNIE I.AURIE. by Melba FORGOTTEN, by MeCormack SICILIANA, by Martinflli WIEGENLIED.bySehumann-Heink NINETY AND NINE, by Williams TWENTY POPULAR SONGS SIX DANCE RECORDS The Victrola -. ... . . , , Btuledgsat ???? tvritSl 0 0 ? ? ? BTR1 " r- r Viet - i? ?i IPIVI *:_?. Of) scats) ?ad - -.? ?... Maai ? -? ? >-' ? XVI ?? ?.nono ntm *.-,-,ooo ?????? - ? ??? tri nan ritr. -I . I? ? :-. - H . "'*?*?" -? P.-, m.?it r ?? m?name aratl? i - 1 4144 CHAS. H. DITSON & CO.* ?10-12 Estl 34th St., New York -aaauu U. S. MAY GET DYESTUFFS Itrilain Will Pa?? Two < arsoo?. Wurlli I...000.000. if t.ermany Art?*?*?. V?'asbiBgtOB, Fab. tt. ?treat Britain hat renewed her ofT>r to permit ?he shipment of tWO caigoe? of dyestufl valued at 15,000,000 from Rotterdam ?o the United States, (tssbassador Page . ., advised Ihe State Departmeat. Washington official?, are hopeful ?ha? German] Will make an exception to it? embargo bj granting permlaaion for tl e exportation of the cargo derma "? ?? . of dyestaffi ha? s fs led hereto fore I.e. au ? German demanded in u rt.'i. t ommodil iei barred bj the Bril eouucil. The r ?got iaf ion ? ill, boa ever, be i < immediately through Ai tador Garant, < ?no i arge ai dj satuITi ra'n? tl -mue monthi at,", after Great Briti .md Geitaany reeelvad aaaaraneea that r. .1,1 be used only a* I ted ,-';i?<- ? Mureau of El igl I lut Pi i (irea? Brits agreed I it I a more eargaei might ? ?1 for jjeneral use in the ttei ? ?? ?,eiman? refused I ? 'Mein. -_______ WIFEBEATER'S BEATER WILL GET FREEDOM Kansas Judge. Hearing Abused Woman, .Makes the Promise. '? . ifJ ? * ; ? r ttWM l Kai ? ' ' Mo Fab ? _ny prii um*r in the K? I "v. K;iti>?3. work ? ? ten a thraahing to v I! : spp id, deelaied ' ii f. .dj to-day an ?*.,-'... r . I ipp ti a ] is a I. ipp arai ?? s'ii ?rith bratinc and kickinj* hi? wrfr. who ?old lier pathetic ta BB ireful courtroom. >he doe ' | - family washiaga a v,<o,.. tin the ,..-?.' ... ? expected M| v. i-n ??? iu..i ;. i ppii _ : :i r.. .:? aid. "I a yea i n t work Vi',.i any that s ling will be iflea-/?.!, i ..?.,. ? ? . that." -_, Lincoln Hearing; in April. WashingtSB, Fab, >. Ths Supreme ! Court granted 'o-day the application ! made on beh.tlf of the ltiiti'h gavera? oi "a:iv eonatderation af thi Ignat iui T. T. Lia? ois fi oi ? .... . n? Tork 1 old : tin. ext radii i .land l .. er to bare? .. i . et foi kpril '.. tCljc ?bumaiutanan Cult ? TO-NIGHT AT ? ? ; HOTEL AST0R ? a Absolutely Free Meeting M ? and Concert?8:10 sharp. ? ? ?_ a ? SPEAKERS [ m I Ilk!. I k>l 1)1 QIC C. //OU I . B C' _ . .- ?/ ? Senator Geo. F. Thompson ? ? ' ? - - . ? <jj on riiK IHAII. rnt l ? -1 ? 9 ? Oi k> I tu \i i r> ..., i . ,?, n * ? 1 ? without fl ? ? ? ?. <r x i v* I David Blip' '.nlone a Joiephi .. t pnn,a ? B I'onn. ? ? Ro?a Ximei? Mam?, Vinlini?!. ?*? Cela Schiller, Pianut * Max Liebling, Accompsnut. ? No Boxes or Sesti Reserved I Firit Come First .Served. * ? ? H Nothing for Sale. - 1 Everyone Wricome. ? ? I I H /. M 4 \ r m HAMTARI? | m ANS, no/ .?ION/.I. ? ? i URGES BIGGEST NAVY FOR ?. S. Rear Admiral Knight Says U. S. Must Prepare to Meet Two Powers. WOULD BUILD FLEET WITHOUT DELAY Programme Should Be limited Only to Utmost Capacity of P. nil din _,' riants. i ?i? Trii.iin? Sarta i | vVaahingtOBi Kelt. St, K^ar Admiral luatin '?!. Knight, pr? lident of th?* War aad member of tin General Board af lbs Navy, told ths Haas? Committee ou Naval Affair? '"-'?a:, thi* ' opinion the United ! - ate ^nould have tha greatest Heel n tbs '?rid .1?. 1001 .. po ble, to bt pi '.;?!"l again I I att K ft om ? ' 0 powera' oa .?ii. ?- v.ijp ,,f th#? eonl 1 Rear Adtmrni Kniffht ou'lm*d tl " mo t ambitioai procrammi* of navnl i ? :. 1 tl ? ? 1 cr yet hoard by the committee. In addition !.. layinj. do-.? :i ihips, h? .??.: ... ?'".? h geaeral survey "f tha ?hip? building .?pan?;, of tho country, * ith 1 ir to I mitiag tha ultimate build? ing programme only bj the ihip?pro< of the eouatr; Oped to it ? !? pt." t\ "In end a big pi ogr laae," 'but v havi a big count r* to defend, aad it ii m Lit: Pro? gramm? to defend it. It ia high time we . . doiag aomething abeul ?'." ?1 ? l ?'..*-. ? ir. rear admii si ?aid, waa ah?- to utilize only SO per cent ., potentiality bacauas of ? nee? ary el? menta. To ? e fleet a it 1 ice it "ii ? 100 pe.- cei ' rig, h? : ?i om mended the im? ite building of nine battle-ciniai a of 30 ?? 00 ?'??1? ami thirt* r- gftt _n if 8,1 00 ton? and rmed rtj ubn si d c repaii hip, "i* ammuaition our ho ta for et .. t, with d? ... ? ' ' ighl fll -.'.'i tO "? i';,'.'r tl ? v I al ig two Boat , 1 .;-...... , . o>;?. for each c ?st H a naval l'a*r ifl '.if 1 aribbean Ses snd ans a- C ?am Merc Men Needed. pi gramme, the reai ad b 'ar'.*.i a* once, a .... : ?.-... . .-.. imme? ? _ ? 15,00 I mi ' that 1 should be 1 0 a fleet ?-., iij greatest afloat out of th< of ai at ??l ? ae could 1 ?pen? live ?carec? igg ited Represents-1 Butler, of Pennaylrania, -.ho "When do wo nei 3 the greatest ..._,- |_ ???? ? morro*." rep ed Reai Admiral .? -H . prograi %M.(5ibbinqfc<irx. %? t*^W~t*?o?tt??cJ*ttXXAX^ *^*m**?TO.m* H/wi thc%tc dtla**J>aix to(hc(?fiddmc?Mons Uli. .S.S. ROOIAMBIAE M hl.DI I LL? 10 ARRlVF. TO MORRO E ?Ri BRING F.VERY AYAILAHI.F MOOCL FROM lili. LATE OPENINGS Of SUCH COim RIER3 AM) MODISTES \ (iiiRill D0UCE1 PAQUW IENW LANVTN BUloz WEEKS GEORGETTE RtSOUX tad MARIA GUY, AU. MI.MING IM EXTEMSIVE ARRAY MRI.MA A.EF.MBLED-A COtsfTOHENSIVE RIM1AV Of Illl. fOPRI' I MODF? FOR SPRING f MILLINERY G0WNSW.RAPS-SU1TS COATS*BLOUSBS for/mmediafojcledLOfi - or?atraer of -.?.-ii ? will make ? th? ,--? flrn? ."' "It. I?25 " ? ?..? \ i., ral I fht st d there ? ei r??ai reasoi .??,,,. ,- utmosi i" i ?.' M st the reaaont were nol knows st th? tuns: of the preaent war. \. to tlie ?hor'spr of men r're rea admiral laid: "For :-r:" the navy ha been capping fit breath in the ma'te Of nun. When a new -?hip goei , ? . ???ion it " ? ' ? eutiury te ilr' ?orne other ?hip end break up erg tioll!?." Mii.t Meet r?>o Futrara. Ftepr? entative Kelly, o brought out * ? ?' ? I nited States i at least '????r battleahipi and raven bat tle-cruisen behind -?? id place, ant held by Germany. lie asked If by ;. I ? protrra'Time of that number 01 ihip? into two years, 'he United Statet would not be in a fair poi lion at tht "VOU foicr^r ?lia? at "<?'? ' ? '1 ntnr thing ?low:'- the P j., ^ I, . ?, : S", | "1 ?o you ? ? i going te igait "No, bur I do 1 ? situa tion ?i sucl thai t ought to get ever? thing we eun gel this yeur." The rear admiral said that without the battle cruis iri ... i icout hips i ? ? emmended bi him an American com? mander would hi- going into a Ma buttle "practically blindfolded," aether w . be no adequate wuj to And out what the enemy Reel ng, i o wuy ? tod States Re? "The batt ? . ' . ? large i id ? ? ? >ug to hs tted ' ' that ail] he ah ' '" ' ?. ?' ? . a long time In ;?:l weather? and aiio be able to defend themeelvea. We muat muke ii potiible to i ii the enemy and keep it i? I tj wh??n l'ound." Na\ai Baaae S'ecessary. tl ?o the ' ar nbean base !> - ? . mirai Knight ?aid? 'We cannot ??ri th? r?r.bhfi-. f.-.m Nor foU. I recommeni] *ne spending of $_,. a proper baa? 'h^r..-' lit advocated ' ul'bra, ai igsiast <iu?ntar anir, which, he said, eoald rot bi per led. H'* laid Guam, in tta . be mad<* inte ?n idea! ? Th** rra:- a I -imfnd? ti.a- no moi ' <*a- ;. armored dread . . .-? ? ?'ibtr.inrt ? ' -a'-al con . 11 I -, _'* o; *?? Rea x .' -i 4: "!' we ? ere attacked by *he Kn.lish (!??: I think tho navy ought to Mat -Se? it again.*, my go out sad fc the be=t we ran." Us aras not " s*ta_ps ?M aller force. Th? .orM prodjctti ?' ? - or ->t3 - h '? fleet M ? eield Lectl r"> on Drarta l --^tur? o-r .... led aadit ? - i _.* i ' ? ? platfora ? ?rani **??'? :: traged ? "r thi I ? riod '?'>f/ : evealed vi| 7 ?xricx^-^rarerei-yraiir^^ ?. ?j f^a.aa.m mvnii??rm?iLrtB?w?B?*?m?mm^mw?~mmm??~?mmmmmm?fr'%\ff? .ill.i .1? aaniai n. ? u?..? aagaaaaaMaBflaw i S m ? V t "THE SPIRIT OF THE WEST" Having in our rlrvi-n fa< lnrir.? thr lamr-t and nm-t a\>\c organization ?it design? er1 and craftsmen in tlir HI \ erware business, wc planned for the Panama* Pacific Ex? position the most art ist i?, the moal elaborate ami the luro r?t allrporEal Study rvpr?-? sive of thr r|r\r|i%|inirnt ol our (irrat 1 eat that hat r\rr li<*rn produced in prr? rions netalf? I hi- unusual sculptural work ?In?a. thf fascinated intrrr-t ??I nan} thousands .?t % i - i - tur- to the Exposition; and li,i- non been placed on ex* hibilion in OUT -tore, in Ni?\\ ? ork City, wlicr?* all tna\ see it. ^ ?m arr cordially invited i*> ?all. without an*, obligation to pun lia*?-. I roph) < ?ommittees will be particular!) interested, and may secure raluable ideas l??r tittinrj liirinriilur- for *p<*rial events*which will I?* ably carried out bv our tune? ??iali-i? who Im?- been doinp this important work fot * generation. Being the lar.*r-i makers of Silverwares in tli<" world, ??iir ? ollectionsare the broad* ?~-t and moat interesting to be found .?n?. where, i<?r tli^ selection <>f Wedding and Vnntversan Gifts, an?! tin* purchase <?f Silver lor tint none. INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO?MPANY New ? ork "it-Til'isT-- *"??-"- . I .-,? ,\.\ l'.."il Weal 34th Street llimugr. t??t?} \\ ? ?t i ?ill Nrert I I i ;i?ks?S3?.s^^ ??^a???ammrm^mm???aa?m. n i ~~^*maWmmmam? i?.??? I.I E_