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% E^eiiSHfo/? : a?u *Clci*\c.T*r\*** Mother Necessity This austere and tireless Female Parent of Invention presents? A "TYen<h" Cigarette Case, sturdy, compact, weather? proof, taking thirty ciga? rettes. Hundreds of these are be? ing tent to "the front." "Trench" Cigarette Case Cigarette Ca?e?1 closed and open ? For ?porting u?e, mude of ?titched tan pigskin or Mack pin-morocco, lambskin lining, taking thirty ciga? rettes, completely protected from breakage and rough weather: 5 ??i x .1 . inches ?.losed.$4.75 Cro?s Poker Case Poker Case? ( open and c losed I Of frosted morocco, in colors, leather lining, fitted with 100 chips in four colors, two paca? of playing cards in extension compartments. Site: 6 S x 4 'i x 2 ', inches, com? plete .$10.00 Cross Travelling Set Travelling bet ( ? losed and open I ?? Comprising 2-quart hot-water hag, and air pillow, in separate case?, all of colored rubberized silk, white rubber ImiiiK, complete $10.50 Cross Brief Case Brief Case - Tan or black hid? leather, lock and key: IS x 10'4 inihes. 1 pocket sue.$7.00 2 pockets.$9.00 3 pocket?.$10.50 4 poikel.$12.00 S^nie style as above, without lotk, 50c less. Catalogue Sent l pon Reque?t M*)vJi^^TlrU^ Worlds Crestest ??Leather Stores New York Boston 404 Fifth A%e 1 45 I irmont St. il tilth .? London 253 Broadway M9 Regent St Dealers Throughout the World DIAZ PREPARED FOR NEW REVOLT I Hides Secret Service Men and Is on His Way to Mexico. HOPES TO ORGANIZE TROOPS OF OAXACA Oeneral Uianquct. Huertas War Minister. Reported In Be in Movement ?? sshington, Feb. 21 1 .- : - Watched .01 several thi by P-par?mc:' of .lust ice ?genta because of inspected sd Violation of American neutralitr, apparently ha- left the United state" Mexico with the ?BteBt?OB ?if launching a new revolution againsl tho Carraass d? facto government. Infor ?-. reaehiBg official? here ?Bdicatei that he hope? to '? '? sd tl I troop* of hii native ?tete, Oaxaev and lUCh ioul hei n Mexico a? h - ran pathcr el General P*r, left Ne??- OrlCBBI Fl ray fot Havana, where several Mexi cana whose ti.mi*? 1'a\c becB assena th hia in report? of a revolution aiy n-ovement were under?tood to be i i ? Teodoro Dehese, a for? mel Governor of Vera Crus, and Oes era! Aureliar.o Bl?nqvn*\ War Mifliater Huerta, were ?epor'cd tO he ?r the n*.. Althona'i Diai elided the Federal risrent*. detailed to watch h i IB, Depart? mast at Juatke oflciali said to?night that ?ince no evidence warranting his arrest !*,ad been found, and a? he left the country, according to report?, as a private citizen of Mo\:.o and ;?ot a? a iea-ler of g--. orgai ed revolutionary Tiiovenient, nothii c probably could have beer, done to detain him. Hia/ Aided Huerta. Gen? ra, I <\r./.. n ucphc ? of the i r, ha .-. .-:nee Huerta, e help? I estai h in power ... ?? sd - ? ? diploi itic mis* aion. Mo?- he ?*a- I per' ited State?. Although he ?? ? - ?uspeeted I boinc connected with ? i : <?? -.??. onsr. plot for which Huerta i eral othen were ladicted, no agaii him ever de % eloped. Oaxaca, ? ere Dii i ? ' ? ? ted I . ? ? aloof during 1 '.;. .< years. Led by - offlcii s ol all factions, and ? srran.a and other leader were told thai tho itate would b< fiad to resume its place ;n the vinio". whenever any one demon? strated thai he had restored a stable srnment. Carransa'i recognition by the foreif?!-; governments l.?- chi ? people ol I 'a- SCS, how? ? ? accept 1 ? ? i ?- . conditional!** Tc SB* tai ? - ? . directed sgail ! I ai >i the "a-."'- army ki laid to be preparing to tt Otas Seeking Oaxara lor? ?a. It is toward this nucleus of orga< nized resistance that Dial is laid to be moving, accompanied by Lee < hristmss, ?." American widely known througho-it Centn ' be? i.:*? i I patioi :- revo itionary enterprisei w Ith ll ?? Oaxaca force? ai a hi is eitimated thai Diai might n ai 25,01 0 men, but tl ej ?? o i ? ? without rhe new m? nt i? Bot re gai.-. I all bei i Hs serioual] menacing Carransa'i government, be? cause Ihej doubl Diaz'- ability to ?**. tablial) him elf ai t popular leader or to eecure sufficieut "uiia.s. They admit, however, thut an organized revolution umonj. the hills of Southern Me\c >, \?h?-re a small band might hold out again?! vastly superior force?, would . furthei complicate the already complex ? lation confronting the de facto Tres 1 dent. Although Cai ranz? adhi r? ? , . . ? ?? ?.: e-.-i . ? at Mew ioi ?. ? I 1 ra: ciSCO 1 ?e I.a Bai ra. Ol Ambassador here, the working out ol i ?he financie] ead of Dia*' plans, thcr? ? ha? bi "i bo evidsBce that De Ls Bar , ha- secured any financial backing ia! mon? ? sourcei of thi _ N?w Orleans, Feb ! -?nation here to duj ??? a - . that Falis Dias left New Orl? train las1 i riday for K<y Weat, to take a leaner foi I uba. It vas said he Wat accompanied by Le? * brtatmas, Amei can "soldier of fortune," who ha- been ide.itia.ed with a n imber of rev.. ary movement? in Mexico and Latia Ameriean repabliei a- . - ho had been ? ? al a eel i. The passenger list? of steamer ?ng fr t ten day? i d d aat coi tain Dia?' or ( ? name. ... 1 ! Paso, lex . Feb. 28, ?'. ? her? ?aid to be .1er.: ifii d itl (Felix I)iaz revolutionary n . .i to day 11 at Diai I? formu for a neu ? Mexico, bul th? ? aa yel e- tetrad Mexico t.. lead a revolution?r) force. The border from KI I'a.o ?n Do v ., is being -.? atcl ed for the ] i rossing of Dia n a ic pot t t hat he pas?* turds IA eet, ostensibly Loi Angeles, to join a perty of sympa ' to Mexico. Douglas. Ar ? . Feb. 28. Mexican Se? cret Service men reported lo-day to of? ficials of the de facto government at Agua Prieta, Sonora, oppositi that fifteen armed and mounted M? cans creased th? international border Mexico lait night ? rom " poiBl ?<u" tgua P ' . eaptur? ?hem. All trail? . * railroad from * ? ? Prieta to N? .ore scat o it ' extra | ., Villa Tortures Woman Who Balks Death Plot ? *. n i t ? ah .- Be . ? luring a Bi ? ' ua to i ii death, ?en tortured Sei ?Alvar? -, ? ...i i acher, I hanging her. Th? woman was released ? e uncons? u.',r m*d? hei ?-.ay to Chihuahua, warned the British lubjsct IBat \...a ??a, ?, , ?.,. . ,,, i_ij| i,,,,, ncBBi arriving to-day told of the "???n - hero . d? '< i ee of the English her school and r, the choel boina lo "''"' ?'' " ' near Chihuahua. teaches said, Villa ? to -end word to the ' nflid ? i frightful r? totted to ? <*' d Whl n hi : all} let her i still refused to lure ? . h'. ?O ' I? ?leath. Villa, after kicking '"if cam-,.. ACCUSERS FIGHT FOR FLACK | Pruaacaiaru, Judge ?nd Jur\ Ask for < nnitnui.iiinn of Death Sentence. William Flacha twaltlng death in the ? iiair at Sing Sin?:, has enlisted tht lytupathy ef hi? accusers to tuch m ? extent that nidge. protOCUtOf snd jun ? "ien are lighting to have his sentence commuted to lie imprisonment. \ ; . ?, ..?.. ?Mied bv the jurymen. , who t'ound Angeln I PgglO, instigator oi ?i.? murder of Domenico Marine, guilty, h ?1 ulsn by the jurymen who returned the verdict tgafntt 1'lacV, wht wn< hired by I.eggn? to do the actual hill? 'ng. hai reached Governor Whitman, v |?ed by Judge ? mi e. who sentenced rlark; A? District Attorney Allen Wellman, who taeeutina .?ff'irei; Judge Mott, former District Attorney Perkins and Diitriet Attorney Bwann, ha* ?l.?<> beet : eceii ?'-I bj t he (?overnor, \? latent District Attorney Wellman led the agitation in Hack's behalf. Mr. Wellman ?"??i yesterday that be >li<? not believe, in the interests of jti.tire, thnt the vouth should ?he. Acting in this be'iet*. he sent nut a letter to each of the jurymen la the Klsck snd Leggie eaaea, aaklng them to meet in hi. ortie?-. "Hack wua the i rst mea to leave the death hou?.?." be t??l?l ?hem. "to testify tgaintt a tmiii an trial lor hit '":'. II is neeesiar. to itriht fest In 'he hearti of t??o.e \\ho hire tt kill, being too coward!) te do i eh '" . themeelvee( by permitting the *i ' murderen te testi , igt ? hei .?' i hat we did In Mark', ca., We with te tes? h the cowardly in?! gators ef murder that they Cannot e.cape the iron hand f the law, er< gn the a? tual kill cis are ?nailing death." STRANGE'PLANE FRIGHTENS MANY Mysterious Aircraft Again Hovers Over Superior and Vicinitv. B r? ;-?i.h '? r?? r? , ? Superior, Wit., Feb. ts. l??r the third time within three Hay* scores of t? rtoni reporte,I io-d?y r-eeing an aero? plane hovering over tht Great North? ern ore dork? and the Minnesota itetl plant, engaged in n initioat handling. i?u Pont Powdei Company official"? at Athland gueetioned le^al edtriatn to-day a? to what tht) could do to com bat aeroplane bomb ati.tck. and be uithin the lar.-. <>nr- report || that two machin?.-' wire seen to-day. but thil apocar-? to be an exaggeration. A train crew and the station ??gent at Itasca hay the;, taw ti'.?' atroplai I going we.-t la-* night, and Pottmutttr larlson of South Kange. near Superior, report that he tight? rig rapldl) teal a ani .?? ? houi it - ; er. Still othei - tt por! ! ghti of an airship, l ".iit of th? agi lits of the i . ? cum panies to solve th? Bsystoi ?d to an officer on a lake ireigi.ter tied up at a ! I'uluth dock, who il .?aid to be an 'aviator and Who ha. several aircraft i modeln on his boat. He denied haowl? ? .r? of tny aeroplane w the twin ports, rhe tuthoritie? ?re at a lo?. te ? 1 plain act:, itiei thit vii ty of any airmei It ? Il il that tnc ma i rei aie by wa? of practice, and If 1 platined tor destructive at? local'.:, eould only aim at elevators containing bol le?! grain, millions of buthtll of I which hi.', e b?en i-ent here 'rom i a?ada. Heavy eordoni of guard., in day and night thiftt, u?re recently place?! I around all elevaton containing the ? ? i liai grt . tl ' they could not be ?eached for any hottilt purpose except i>.. an aeroplane. Residents ? I . hland .'?r'' taking rr : ? ted threat againi I the da Pont powder plant icrioui y. According to th?.- Rev. A. M. Harkneis, a Methodist ter, tfho has just returned trom Athland, guards have been doubled at ?the powder plant and civil authorities ara oi the alert. FREE SUGAR REPEAL FAVORABLY REPORTED Bill to Save S40.000.000 Reve? nue Comes Up Thursday. Washington, Feb. 'Jw. A favi > report oi the Administration's hill to repeal the free -j^nr elaute of the law, at 'v would become opera? tive or, May 1. was authorized to-day j by unanimous -.ote by the House W'.v. ? and lieant Committee. The bill trill be i.rought up Thuraday. Tin report reitera'ed tha* tht ?? peal of the rlau.e. ?s necessitated by condition! d"f ta the war and eeti? mat? ? the propoied saving in revenue at M4,000,000 annually. The Hepubli can members, while voting for th? re? pta!, probably will Itatt their views in ,. nontv report. I i ?? propo ed legislation already ha1 been approved ;?s a party measure by i lot D? noerat ? In caucus srd , its passare in both houtei virtue . i in for? Mav i The mouture ??\p.-i 'e?l ??? open up the whole qutttion nt ion. A the law now stand' sugar would gO on '.he t'tee Hat by Mav I, and It I estimated thai the government would lose .* 10,000,000 in annual revenue thei by. COURT GIVES LAMAR FRESH PRISON RESPITE Supremo Bench Acts on Own Volition in Reviewing (ase. Washington, Fob 28 The Supreme Court to-day required the J-ederal Court oi Appeals at New York tO s.-tpi up tor review mi its merit?. I)?vid Lamar's conviction of having lmperson a?ed an o??icer of the United State*. The court acted of it?? own volition I amar*! ?UVor, after having refused to ? '? rfcre in the cas? some ti'iie ago Lamar, to?ealleduwolf of Wall Street," wa? convicted on evidence which di .? ht .ni irapei lonatod fei - m?r Roprcoontative A. Mitchell Palmei m telephone coi ?ritt oi ? with some prominent Wall street men, the mtei : of which, the government alleged, .\a? to defraud J. P. Morgan ? I'o. Lamar'l defence v?s that a repte tentativa in Congress wa. not an officer ?f ?h<- United States within the mean? ing of the law Th? court'? action to day postpones execution of a two-ye?r penitentiary sentence ?w- a> SWAMPED. DEFY ICY SOUND Men .-???ini Ashore. I'ragging Half Killed Boi.t with 1 hem. ? su ?? Kenyan, a curpentei of Pe. hum Manor, and Anthony Denoflio, of New Rochelle, went to Hucklrb? rr\ lalund Sunday in a motor ooat to dig clams. On the way home the boat ?as iwaiuped by the high seas running in the Sound. They jumped out of the half-filled hoar and swam half a mile back to the illtad, di?ggmg the roa'. : after them. On the ieland they built a ?.re ?*herr they itaytd until tht wind -ubjided yotttrday morning, l h ? > rawed ;>?<? mile, to N'en Rocael!? in froten cloth. '?''K x? ? i .si.ff w .:.d. Their ? rig.i.e | u*? waterlogged fbey brought the clams home r?iflj FLAGG WRITES SEASICK DRAMA Critic Curses Show So Loudly Curtain Falls in Faint at Delmonico's. THEN THE MANAGFR UP AND CANCELS AD. H. C. Christy. Herb Roth and fontaine lo\ Among Stars in Dutch Trcal Disaster. ? lire Breath of Scandal, or. The Mi?tress of the Sea?." a pl?r la BM art, by .Tames Montgomery Plafff. Mure hy I'eem? Taylor. I ***ri< I b) J- K. Plagg. Btagad by the Datei Traai < 1?'? n? I'elm.inico'?. under the direction of ** lam M. Dalp. nu: CatBI , .... *'-['. i... n.-.? ?? - I!... 11.1 ( rima '" ?? ...? . -; ' ? ?'? '? ? ?? RotJfrt WIM ? . . i ?al- ' ? ' .. I r-.. I ri'-- ? ? ?? v? llthv ( a ' I ? ' I ?rtlMNI ,,..,?.' ? AW....... , '" ?! ? D NOW York playgoer?, to the extent of 909 members af the hutch Treat. Club, , had opportunity Issl aight ta ?ritBSSI the first production ?>n hi:*. ?'age (with tne exception of the ,lre?? rehear.'al the aight before, arhich went off rerp pearly; you knoa what dreai rehearsalal ate. aayway) of Jamei Montgomery Klagg'l entrance 1. r into the Held of illegitimate drama. The plaj may be ?aid. with all fairness to th*1 BUthor, ta mark a new epoch in the development of the America:* Stage. Thai H ??*??> not a case of arre-te,| development m die not to much to the laxity af the police | regulation? a. to the real, earnest pu*po<.e behind tie production in an effort to present a great vital truth in; uncompromising term?. The baa:?- spirit <>c the work ii al Isgory, Thi? priacipls is, of course,| ??eminisretit of "Pilgrim'? l'rogr"??," | and ye? Mr. Plagg I is ?neeeeaed in transesndh | tl arlier *\orl? to a ear? tain degree and H.v given n -orne thing which staadi alone. Mol ooly a* .n example of absolute techniqu? nr an example of absolute techalcjue, it liemund? aeriOUl re*, lew. The fiffica of h ricwr.,?--ipor i? taken a? the -iihiec: for repr?senta? tion, and ?i srafare t'-'* ene la laid on ?he deck of a ?hip. 'I Ml I i? doublte?? du?* to tl v n? .m old "Pinafore*1 et l< aning ? with nothing to do, I'" carry e apirit ol the thing, the editor o' the paper is represented ? s esptain and the -ail? art fue-star lion tioasafThe Morning Breakfast Food." Srandal Heaved l)?erho?ird. The SCtlOB Of the pi t. : | . p.d, and yet complicated. Ir ;< we - sd 'ha* loesnei af coastruetioB and ipeech so typical o: thi ultra Ii hool, and i.evert' ell - a- ? co? herent, evei explicit, T'.ie Cspti i board hii ship ? girl friend of hi- sister's, in \?ho<=e career he :<? interested. Uor , name ii Scandal, members of the crew of the paper, baviag an eye : out for what the neighbor! will -ay, plan tu get rid of lier by .'oui mean-, or j foul. They thorc'orc indu? t bet to take one af the r\d?Pake'i pilla and are r\en ? ?o COBSCientious ?bout the |ob bj to throw hei overboard. Bui ?rith Scan? dal gor.r* th? good ship doesn't eeis ?the same old place, and wh? n she final? !y climb? back ovei I .I ? ? . ?p. dripping with escalator, the general opinion ?em to be that Scandals place it in the new pr.per. Thee. f.>;!o\? . ;.. rong scene ifl witicn I Ob the Aisla, the Dramtic Crtie, e\ presse.? hia real riewi of the how. | which are aulBeieut to bring down the | anathema of Mr. Schubert, the pro? ducer, in the form of a camelled adver? tising contract. Quirk cur'ain that i, i _aii I ai II can he ob that dinky *-tage si Delme ? ico'a. A.? for the cast, a', aggregation of playera ?__!.?,: Kelly poo.: rather tel . -pportiBg company. Too much eanaot b laid, and probably st be said, ?bom ihe Amah with , which the |..?r\ are done. Ihe pro-' logue, aa -ui.g by I ?avid Bisphsm, lends SS air of artistry, '?Inch is continued in i soma measure, througbeut the entire p;ec(. Mu?ir ln Very Often. ] Mr. Wells'? Scandal ii snag with de? lightful insouciance and restraint, eape I dally in the "'if.i-s of a .-?lorv" seeBe, ?which, in the hand, of a lea?.' delicate ??artist, would have I een frank. And right here it should be said that' Mr. Taylor's muaii I? at all imie ea?* relent and, oftener than not. even moie! than th*:. '? ahould f.' whistled ob Broadway foraomet me to come, or, ?? ! tha leal ward ia pralae, il probably ?rill not be whistled on Broadway far soma time to eon... The Captain Editor i? played bj Mr., Hutef with eoaaiderable feeling, aspa? I in the ?erne? 0 If-Stage, and Mr. I i a avant a? l artoon i? con.istenly ef? fective Old Subscribir i? .ore bv Fontaine Pos with exquisite shading and some-i ??hat in the manner of hia ?>wn brain-' child, Uaele iv;^g. |n the interest of 'The Teople'. Komm, one of his verse? must be quoted: (?M? m n?-? min ? < tona I ,i,t? wilt. nt??e ?a ?si '?'""'* ,l,t .... ,?. ,. a HajMbei ? 'I"?"' " ' I I,..?l .111, r?*' M?'1"1 "'? ????? Anil r.ll ?' ?hi? lav?. ?'Mu ??? x- i ? h?!,, in ??I?, '>?? t*eete*t ttta. 1 mi ?iiln?rl|??len ???!' N,.? .wenn.? I in i'? ?Ktili/I' of Ten . A? el',.?. ?>n? ??' ?I ? Mill!?? MO" In I ?I if ?'?IP?? '?' '??' " I** ?*??? I ?.?m Inflesa" ?? tot Pop-ill.' 11.,i ..rr-r.f.1 I? ???ni? ?I.? I"?'. Hi ?Ifn p. ' ?li'l It jh.cilt-er ' Mr. rhrlstv'? portr?yal of Politic? only goe? to show that Nature used her dependable discretion in m?king him an illustrator, frime, the ?on of Pol itirs, a? acted bv Mr. lloth., dev?lop? ?nil further the crook interest begun m "The Shepherd King" and "Within the Paw" ami presents ? new phase of erimiaal psychology, the runger for publicity. . more tono i ?'n' ganyl * liatUlai ? ? ? I ,1 . t '?11..? || li.lpa s I'll to ?!'"? ? ?">> ,n ? A...i saaa ? M ?-f Mala la h H mly h?tas) r?)? Ttate'l ? 'irli In thoiatiaaS Wt In l*ia rh or H?n?l?n? nr I? I'"1-?. ? ?tau i ??? my sanan m On r*v?r. Mr. Irvln's "Advertising Faker" i? a j searching piece of worh, and the fOl lowing is sung with telling effect: iRoari ??fur Modif ?ta net tont, tat too Irei? lo pill II iia.? me ???? il tagM ? ' "*i'i i" P't'ti H'. :????' II i. <??? In Itadad tort?, ?ni ?le? in ?h? MW : Il ?i? bs'i-'i ?1! ?xttete* ffx" ?'?"?'ii'.? 'o (i????? i a .] " - r?! m i? ?'" ? teda? Dl Prt'.i'? MUM Woman's Sphere ?nd tht Sporting. I'.ige. as done respectively ?nd re ipectably l>y Messrs. Ooold and Wild hach. br'ing'lrto bold relief the oppos ing force, of ?"urrant Tart? and Hase ball Poetrv, with, as a sub-plot. Mr., Wildhach'a fratty eaaeuacemeBta, and the queetion as to how long it will. taha Mr. t.oold to ge?, the grease paint Out of his mustache. [lie Wealthy < luti-man, *ho figures aimait as prominently in news stories i ? the Well-dre?-ed Woman of AhtUt Thirty-five, is agreeably acted by Ar thur William Brown (watch Th? Trib? une sporting page), and in his dancing,. both pas seul und with Society, he dis playa rare form. Which bring? us to Miss I'o.'othy Mayara, who ran up from (iallup. New Mexico, to tak?' the part at Society, Whenever the <iali?ip Kootiigh? Club preaents 'H'1*. and ? ox," provided that Mi?s Meyer? is featured, we shall eon-| sidtr the train rulo "rom New York to t,allup, and. m all probability, rotura?I a mere in? The author him.elf takes the tisn- ' ? ? ' part of 'he Dramatic Critic, while Mr. A. B. Walker appeari for a mo? ment, like th?- Greeh Nemealt, at Mr. Schubert The re?t of the cast ?s acceptable, and men'ion hat already been ma<!e of the scenery, ItOOC in 'he bttt mood of .losetdi Sub-urban. SCHIFF DENOUNCES RUSSIAN CREDIT PLAN Says U. S. Hankers Should Not Aid Europe's Master Tyrant. ttiati? ? pending between the got enimen? and NOW Yotk ? ? ?netitationa, having a? their aim the plaeiag of largo iuum te Rui i ?'?i ? here, were leverely con ed yesterday "?? Jacob II. Seh ill e?,? of Kuhn. Loeh L Co. Th? projected loaa, Bccordiag to a? I founded report . ??'ill take 'wo ii'rm the t:r?;, an acceptance ?red'' of between 130,000,000 and 160,000,000; the ether, a direct lean, with Rueeian railway leeurltlet a? collateral, to have the g'ia?-a'-?e,> of -he Ratllan govern? ment. This financing mav range b?- ; III 1100^00,000 and ?300,000,000. "If t^r report thr.t a large Russian credit i? now on the eve of h*ing con eluded prove correct," rani Mr. Bchiff, . Il bt 01 of the most insidious piece? u; financia?] e.?.cr ?Jone id thu country. Whoever ii going to tgke nur' ?' it ? II have no cause to be . ol the help be is going to givr , the Rutilan governmei I "If brute " an?! inhumanity have, ; ever run rioi. certainlv th? Russian government i. to be?r the charge that ?? bai bt ? ti -i i ? .. natter tyrant in : triis respect. That such ??? government I be helped bv American baahen i? trulv reason for tht American people tu bot tl eir head- in shame." ONLY FIVE SAIL ON ESPAGNE Fake Torpedo Warning Semis I.iner \v?a> \lnio-t Deserte?.. Aftei l?verai ??clays: for repaus the French liner Bipagnc .-atled for Bar? deuus yeiterdt) with only five pas-ten ^.?r? ??: board. Each ?,f the voyagerai will have about forty stewards to I""?. after his WS I I full crew is kept on duty. T ?? 1. pague will reach the I ar zone well after the reeeht German lubma . : so goes ii to effect, bu?, M- ? he rarrie . . sAcers do not e\ pect trouble, i '?i the day before the ship WS first icheduled tO sail a week ago, Mr . i. Banker Hilton, who had hooked passage, received a n?ite a? the: Rita < arlton warning her not to sai' . as th? Eapagne was to be torpedoed. An I Investigation shoved the warning WMI sent by friends who did not wish Mn Hilton to sail. She aad her daughter lap? stil :.' the hotel. The Eipagne'a pa^engor?. included t'harlei Path?, of the Patn? Prerei Mo? tion Picture Company, hii wife ami | ?laugh'? r. and Paul Tyson, t Harvard Ituuent abo is going to join rhe am bulun? ?? corp in Parla. MISKIN0FFS QUIT COURT Th?. counter teparation suits of Prince an.! Princes? Alexandre Mithi? noff, ? former!) Mrs. Aimee ? re, ser Gouraud, ? ? re formally i d< I ' e-?t? "'? '"? were marked off the Supreme Court ?alendar After i two-da) hearing the prince snd princes? decided t?> call the r.,*,. ? draw aad entered into .? teparation agre? man? ..ur of mur'. ,<r ' ' " Miti . .,- Bounced hit intontio ? fight for Ru MERCER MERCER cloaed cars, are n.-t for city work alone LTiej sre specially adapted to long ___? IBOCC touring as weil. _tais._4_t.0_ assured rfgardlr-s u| the work they are asked to pnlorm TJmoitsines nml Broughams For Immediate Delivery Whiting Motor Company 1S02 Broadway, New York City ?t? ? anlial ... >e-ar_ N J i SINK UNARMED SHIPS, HE URGES German Advocates Tor? pedoing All Britain Bound Neutrals. SAYS REPRISAL IS DUE BRITAIN Calls Attacking Merely Armed Merchantmen a Delusion To Be Discarded. Berlin, Feb. _*> Georg Bernhard la a leader in the "Voaniseh? Zeitung" demand? th? destruction of all ?hips hour.?, for K'ngland, whether ?Tried or not. Bernhard says the Gen-man -?hips iiei-ed bf F'ortugal -ill probably be used ?inder the Portiigue.??! flag to ?arrv foodstuffs to Lngland, and de? clares that many German ^hips no'v Iving in South American hfirbor? BtSf eventually be employed in the .same, war. "Shall w? then let these ship-? quiely pasn, which a? unarmed h'ngljsh mer? chantmen cross, the ocean?" he de? mands. "We shall have to do so if we hold to the phantom of torpedoing only armed merchantmen and of sparing neutral ?hip? in all circumstance?." Herr Bernhard thinks that war IROS).?* be carried out not against, ear tain cat?goriel <>f Briti-h ships but against British commerce on the sea-', and declare? tha? the n<*w submarine campaign II the onlv permissible me,, - lira, of reprisal "against. Krgland's breach of international law." If thi? does not accomplish the ob .icr?, which is to prevent the pro? visioning of Ktifland, h<* adds: "A death blow can be dealt Eag'snd only if B*S direct a request to all neuf al Mat' I ? n be Kind enough to keep out of l-Bf /nh ?-oastal waters for a specified tim-?, ni?ee otherwise ?re CBflnot assume r?; spon.ibility for their ?hip 'oasea." The leading German Ma ??men, Ile-r Itertihar?' eontinnes, must soon dcUr mine whether to take this courue, and he Hdd : "It Is not without risk, but the great? it risk would be neglected oppoi? ??i., 'v. Moreover,, tne ?~k psrhapa ??aaller since the Amenr-.n Cor.greai shows signs of demanding that the d ? elaloB in international affair*? be taker. from the I'rei-ident'? hands and placed in those of Congress " London. Feb. tS, The projected German submarine campaign aos ths subject of much discussion and ?pecu? lation to-day in all quarters in Loi: den. Keen interest was displayed in the que?tion whether Germany would ? ommenee the operations on March 1 m postpone them for a month, as has been reported from An_er'__v might L. (for.e. Many military e:?perts expressed the opinion that the date r'o: beginning th? BOB submarine crusade would depend largely upon the outcome of the Ver- . dun battle. They .said that, should the Germans win an overwhelming victory, the? probably would ?eel in a position 'o ignore the American views and pro eeed btIUi the submersible campaign March 1, a? originally announced, and press the torees of the Bat?ate Pow? ri both on load and ~<-a si hard a pe ?ible. I; the Teutons *-_fVer a defeat at Ver? rinn it is belie*, ed here they might 1" inclined to concede m postponement of th<- bubmarine programme until ;? more propitious time. SEEK TO GUARD U. S GOLD Hankers tVant Asnurance Shipment*? lor Holland Won't Be Held I'p. N>\v York bankers are negotiating with the British government for the ?sfegnardine of additional _-old ?;, p meats to Holland. These are to nay for purchases of Sumatra tobacco American de?|?r? will m?k?? at th? Amsterdam auction sale., which lieg'n Mnrrh 10. Th? Cuereaty Truet Company ha? withdrawn 11,100,000 in bar? from tht Assay ??Mice for this purpose, but it was learned yeaterday that no < ?finite tgreemoat ha? yet been reached with Hie British nuthoriHe-i that it will not be held up. Ii, the ?vent that. Hutch erchange rates recede from the present high quotation!, gold shipmeatt will he aband??ned arid the tobacc?i bought in Am terdam will be paid f??r (a the ii ?nal way, ?itherwi.e it is cxne<??;ei| that $0,000,000 in gold will be shmpHd unless the Britleh government adopt. u hostile attitude and rofuaei to eater lata M ?rrang'-ment to gu?rante?- |t| S.lfe p I ,l|-" ?up Our 1 10a-aU-aJ4.ll 1l-20Yetrr:ort|av>||^| Netting ?tahoir- S14% Secured hy ont Cepita), Sqrphaj **** Profit? of \7,500,000, and also byT. posit of first mortgages on unproved city real estate. ^ THEMORTQAQE-IOND00. OF NEW YORK 15 Liberty Street Xk AEOLIAN PIANO SALONS m .O The World's Richest Instruments of Music HE home Oaf the v.. rkfs I test .stnimcnts of rnusi is AEOLIAN r*$J HALL. _ It ii i itore nade d-stinctive by the. wonderful musical quality of its pun -. Here is the Weber?its top.- : | ? mostperfe tpianotoneintlieworld Her, u -. ip.tcrn.itui'..;lStc.k one or the t__**_e leadti \ pianosoi Europe aawdl as of A. Wi ?lock, pr.-f:rred by tea.her- < i n ? fit - '" it ne ?jUMirenuHubied r th'->trnuJ.enJor**cdbyprc.itnU-UC. LOS,anI net it of refined tone and high quality, yet d ate in cost These pianos .?re Herein nany toodels, tlvir pri es cover the broadest range. And ea Ji _t its pn e Is a piano value su-_i as you can equal jt Aeolian H.H. WEBER STECK.WHEELOCK o^STROUD Prices from $285 Mod-r_f. Term? JS-C3 BQ THE AEOLIAN COMPANY M UFlatbt-ihAr?. AEOLIAN HALL _qW 4.?. St. ; Il :*if%>] (Shelvrexp^orK First toUst-tIk?Truth ? E Newi-?dHwriuli?^ Advert?an lents ' i Adams and Our Advertisers EVERY now and then The Tribune prints a list of ad.'ertisers on whom The Ad-Visor Prize Contest order check, may be drawn. They are advertisers whose past records, so far as we know them, make them welcome in The Tribune's columns. Frequently new name? are added to the list; infrequently a name has to come off?for cause Recently a lady wrote to The Ad-Visor about an unsatisfactoiy pair of shoes. Investigation showed that the shoe merchant's methu : were really as faulty as his wares. It was so announced in The Ad Visor. But immediately after this expos?' his name appeared in the '"list of advertisers"?a mistake, caught swiftly by many a Tribune reader. No one is proud of his errors, and we don't speak of this from pride Buc as an exhibition of team work it was deplorable?which is why we do mention it. It may indicate how intimately Samuel Hopkins Adanv and The Tribune Advertising Department do not work together. Hilt? Ntm lot* tJritmne First to Last? The Truth : News?Editorials? Advertisements Member ol the Xva.t.t