Newspaper Page Text
HUGHES STRONG IN WESTERN N. Y. jric County Chairman, Candidate for Delegate, Comes Out for Him. i 1 \I)KRS BELIEVE JUSTICE A WINNER Highly Regarded, hut Baraet's Support i Mandi? i ,ip foi 1 v Senator. - . v- IV T Herbert Reaub ? ??o for National '. M Congrei S Dil t f 01 ? ? .?on. Mr, Siaaen, le si convention, te bell? re that Hs ?-onvrn ln tioa .?? rirral tbnt New ! the dele ? ? ? s r'. .. p< Gretner He . rj nshti ? ai r?cct to not taken the of ? then in ?"urn ned to ppositior ? ? ' \? Worl ??' Hoe-hee. Erie ( ? ? ' ' who ws ig rd in er, long a ?urr 4 jh? e n t i on. 11 was ? thi Platt ? . of ? T way . Hughes ? ?! ni" ? ' . - o C?? . ? ? ? ? Sentiment m Wettern No* ^<>r.. ? ? Ham? E 11 ? -. beinc ? |1 ? .... . ? : the .- . will be? 01 \ T IS . I ai . Uhitman No Knowledge That Hughes Would Accept - a - ? . lenient not Justic? - OUI . n' "'." Democratic I eaders Arrange Programme for Convention - ? ? . m ? ? e, and ; ? State ? II be called ? argi -a :; I be 1 0 l p. ? . ..- ? ? . ? ?hi that a draft | ? ? the 1 te? ? r to 1 'form ? ? ? adj llornck ? . i ' ? rgi i ?EV'' " ?*>?*' M ' on the list, ?? had deelined ta uc-1 f tour." I ? the open placel Brooklyn n Detwl Man Prove? Be^nr. ? ? ? morgue i* ? . that ' ! ? H M1TCHEL LEAVES N. Y. TO-DAY FOR ST. LOUIS Many Notables in Delegation to Defence Conference. Mnror Mitchel ??;". leave tO-da) fer St, Louis, ??here the Conference of Mayor? sailed te expresa t.? Cengreai ? the desire of the country far >?n I i]u?te national defe'ice ??ill be held on "?larch 3 and 4 The conference was calle, hy e:e\en Mayor?. B( the ?U|_ : gestion of Mayor Henri W, Kiel, of St LOUIS, Bad Mayor Milehel. ? OBBt? ' mc Mayar? And their eama.tteee, 11 Is ! expected 1,000 will attead. Anior.? th? member? of the Sen Vork party are: ' ' Ma?*' i ? . . ? ,. , ?, ; - Haiti. Ma? Han . ? - I Ml I ' a . ?.-- I"' ? "f "'_ __?? urn -. - -. . ??? ? - ,. ,.,- ? ? < ?. . Ftia. N 1. . ,r ?a H A?'?" ?? " I . I '? '?- ? ' ? * ' ' ? _ ' . ? K, ; . i- -? h i Saaattai ? ' ? > ? ' The programme Include* Bl ?praker?. ?.. .. m ?." ? mi? ? . a . .... l hf-af. r. M I . - .' ? TURK CHIEFS WON BY MORGENTHAU Cruelties Checked by Un? yielding Diplomacy. Says Judge l.achman. Henry Morgeflthai >_>efore h? left | promise?- from the ?? ? ? ? natitut on? he had 1 protc ? peraoni 'rr I ; : > ??-o-.il_ not 1 ? leated J'jdt'a .--a ? ce.) T-.'ichmar*. one of the 1 nrnbi?- ?? ?eat friend?, ?aid ? ? that Mr Morgenthnu. bv a ?low but inyiel ? ? ? - - of di| lomar*. pinion in Turkey *. lewinj: in? i tema- nal i heen in the proc? fa fisted - .*;.t: Ambassador ?r b? i*aB. ??\*r ' . nd 1 ha? e been ii ," said Jud| .,' "l ???? t him lai ' nig furthei l"urk* ? st ., n pi But 1 thau'i ad ;??? that his ? ? aiblc . lie protected the honor ? i ?. ates i ' l ? *tabl . Morgi snei 'rcar I the race. ?A in? Oftieial i riendship. t thine I on ar- aid,"vas t 1 ? insulted hii whei e came I ? '.'? .- their aid hi powerful. "An rotee toi ? .? ?i, for ? from m the for t h eil . thi tim< - I that srge i of the c i t i .11 ii t ri ? ed to ti . ? I . tta? k, '?: rg< ? - ight the project. ?? . ? ' ? ? "U e ? au'? inter '? ? . He wi ibjects. Yet told ?Turkey tha ild bi t.. i ;? ? ? . rsecutioi ? ? Oast! m Turk Pledge. "Doi t yon hi > e? " ???..- si ked "that e< nditioi ? ? ? vert to th? l ;? .- -, '.'" id bs? -. ?" questioned 'tu- : "Who laid dr. Morgenthau had ? o his | he get Besidi -. I do i ol bi i me ?? on ?? dui ? i el ? ? official - proi that t ? ? ? he had prat? peopli he had succored b o irbed whil< ???_?. lie exerted influence ?.rea: enough i ? flcisl 1 . . w . I 1 do ? ot , >.'.?? when he ? return, I believe will i ot taki -.?'.' Basset hii a? islnei ? i . His ottei libl? r? i ? ? that Henrj Hoigei tl au, jr., ii to hi ? ai ' ? . ., ? ..... . . ago." v '' ? ador Morg? nthau will inaak ? ? ? Merchant?' \?<o .iation. GERMANY PROTESTS PORTUGUESE SEIZURES Sharp Note Calls Act Violation Of Treaty Rights. wireli ay ville, N. Y.), Gei iddreased ? sharp ? Portugal pro-e | . ? ? the aeizare ol i ? n ai m< ? chant veaaeli l>y the Portuguese au thorit lea measure ?i el .?ira.-terir?'.! a? a ? .r* of iicniBij'a treaty ripht-, and the hop? is c\pre<?e,| ?hat Portugal v.-111 rc-e-*.,! ?t? action FIRE RECORD * ? i ? , ? ? . ? lltxrt I it. : r?. i - . 11 I ! . . . < ? ?: I. ; in I ? ? ?' ? ? ? i ? -- ,. Kri . ; latajlt TabuU * . ? Il tt'?l it Rax ? ' ? - - , I .-? , ? ?? . U-ISIi.l i M rae al - ? '. ? . trifling 11 01 l?l '' ? -, i v " - ' . -t ? . ?? I - - . ? ? ? . a 2.0 Ma-tli Hei? \ -? ?- " . ? ? 'i ? . ? ..? r ,. ? i ?la -aro ;? * _ ? i- ??.- ??? ?? lia-? H.' . Irlflli.i I a? : Irlfllnj 8 1) . I * ? Il |r. . i I trtfllnj I a r? ? ?* 'a I a .? ? ? ? - . . ? ? II,-.. ? - , . II! lui , ?. - ; Hl H _; ? . | ? . ? ?: ?' ' J?. . '.__ i NEW SING SING PRISON URGED .Legislative Committee Asks Abandonment of Old Cell Block. WHITMAN'S BUDGET BILL LS WEAKENED Highway Appropriation*, laken Out Maler and Adlcr Meas? ures Advanced. ?, ? .- . .?.(.vil? ,i of TT.? Tri? MM I Albany, Fob. 28. I? ???commendations ???i i neu pri.on at ^'.?nu: Sing wrre i made !o thr Legislature to-njpht . , the preliminary report ?.f ?ho joint legis? lative committee t?? Invest?gate the ot all institution? receiving state aid. The i eport ?;. - : "The eommittee recommends tin? abandonment of the ?.'..I cell block at Sine Sing and believe, that stops , should be taken for the erection of proper living quarters for the eonviets ' there, in the la?' report ?he commit? tee recommended the erection of a n?i? ' cell blolh north of th<- present one, The committee ?. now of the opinion that a cell block erected on 'he high ' ground and 0"1 the other side of the roadway, whieh i now the prcperty of t'ic sraie, will be n.nrr desirable,and that the construction can be ma la of uch a nature an to make if suitable, even though the pri.on is ultimately uaed for receiving purpose, only. The present cell house, with the Cell block remove?!, would make an excellent fee? torj bu Iding or large aaaembly 1." Whitman Budget Hill Weakened. Governor Wh tman's bu-lpet bill ? ?further weakened today .?hen the . y h anee I oi m ttee decided to -.-.'.i- the Highway bepartm? I appro pr b1 ? f it and put tl em Into a sepnra'e meaturc, The objc? t of til it to make the highway fund a tilable ?mmed ately, ?o that an cari'. start can be made on the road n; loon a? the f\ ?.und. Th | -, , hn? th" approval of the H | De par tu one of the I ?oir rnor'i Bt th? head of it, no expected rrom ? ?oi crnor ? man, The Maier hi". ?lr?.?gne?! tu pr ? , - late Bill Drafting ( und to reduce the onert, pai ted the Senat?? ght aitl |1 ; tion. It no* ,.??' ?.-?' i ..i\ ernor. Idler Hill tdvaaccd. \ emblymai K6\ei ntended te ? ? ,.r. ernor \*- ??-:.-' ?? ginning .-., : year from I ictober I to Julj l and to provide 'hat all unexp? lapse into tat? traaaui , >? ? eed to iding 1 nighl . ? tent of Minoril ?r Lead? bo re? ? to oppOIC tl ! ?-.? foi ? i?= l?ge. Legi latioi to make the State Work? men' oi Fund .- I immediately, In fter ear, in that stock !?i?.uraiicr companies migl * not formidabli com? petition, ? nded by J?-?.. 8. iperii ? of In? ;;n?'.<c. in i repori presented to 'he !.. .- lature to-night A requirement thai everj I intei ?rear oi .* ? button giving the number of hi? si ie, provision for reserve to b led by the - on. and a broad? . il ins regard:: , importing ? I .-??? Vork, ar.. !...? i in a tei led to amend the eoi n rvation law gei ?rally, v troduced concurrently ;n the Legislatui arle? IV. Walton 4 ; \ man H. Edmund Ma .. ' ? ? ' ? ? eoi ? - ' --11111.: ? ?? ZEPPELINS DESTROYED 5 BRITISH ARMS PLANTS (icrman Agency Says Three Ships Were Sunk in Raid. Bei . I . ? 4- bj ??? in le ? to r-a\ ? ... ' . ? ??? the oceaaion of the .eppelin raid over England two and twa ammuni? actorii at Birmingham a:?.! oi ?? aninu.. . ? ry near l.i ad ford tr? re I? ba, the i iverseai Neu . Vgl ? . ... rh? ' ?' ? ? :.' ' 'i??. : "A? I!.i '?'?"?; '?? ?rnmeni fact..i - . ? . smmunil oi letori? One brewer] ??a damaged at Eccleshill. Near Mradfor-l ammui lie factoi v and I spinning mills wer'- wrecked. At Part gi . one bomb destroyed twenty-two ii. "On the Number a battery was ?ad, 'he cannon and searchlight being destroyed. At Grimsby and in I ? einity of Hull and Sheffield con ble damage .\us ?lone. "The ci i 1er l arol n? and the de? Eden arid Kith The ? laroline tank h Is minuti thirty-one memberi el the eret ? i ,: killed, ? "?? eight wounded and fort? ?even drowned. FF.TE FOP. VASSAR FUND Oraduales of Ifli Will Imh Knlcr lainmrnt a( Waldorf. An ? r.'ertainment will be given by Vassar 1913 gradu?t! ai thi It rf VVedn? .ih; evening, the .. ? ? : which are to be givei.ustees educatio Vassar .ge . ? ? ... . ? enaiat of a by Francia ?'.'?' en. and pre; iden' of Vatsar, ?rill make ?.n ad?lres?. The comn tt? r1 arg? coneitti of M. - Victoria Searle, Mr?, (?era!?! Gould, Min Elizabeth Howton, Mr- Walter Moienthtl, Mi?. Klir.or Palman ai d Misa Elvira Kuah. T1 ?? patr? ? ? i ?re tin ? Mrs, John Purroy M tchel, Miss Katharine B Davia, lira. Marcus M, ?lark?. 1 d th In Ii' mei. Mra. Pa il D. 1 I Mr a. Adolph Le Mra. William : ' lil .Mrs i hurles |. ? . Henry Noble MacCraeken, Mitt Elisa? beth Haielton Height, Mi Glenn Mc Kinney, Mra. Robert Abbe, Mrs. Har riot Stentor Blatc . Mrs. William A. ? hanler, Miai Ku?,. M. Chittend? . Mrs. Morris 1 at i AI?o Mil Virginia C. Gildersleeve, Mr-. J, y A. Job i ?on, M - Julia C. Lathrop, Mra, lir-:> j Meigs, Mr u 1 I Rhoades, Mrs. S. .lame- Scsrlc, '?' - i B. Spenee, Misi Lillian D. Wnid, Mi?* Eli sbeth Dodge, Mr?. Tiffai ind Mn Schuj '?t \ an ntei isela? i I th? :. ? .-. Pr I.ymai. \ :" Paul D. ClUVBth, ? harte* K. naedj an.I Henry Nuble MacCraeken. I ONLY THE CHOICEST first mortgages on New York City real estate are selected by this Company for guarantee. You can Invest in this security, at any time, eren so small a sum as $200. You will get not only a good interest return 417% net but. what Is more Important, your money will be absolutely ?tufe. No investor has ever lost a dollar Capital 6 Surplus. $10.000.000 176 B'way. N. Y. 175 Femsen St.. Bklyn. .'ISO ruiton St., Jamaica. GOMPERS FAILS TO MOVE HOUSE Congress Unlikely to Ac? cept Objections to Fed eralized Militia. i--, ?a __? TiBain s ?__? ? Washington, Pan. 28. The protest of : erganised lahor ajraiint the nap of a ' Pedaralisad militia for .strike-brcakinfc, la? printed exeluahrely In The Trihaa? to-day, eauaed much comment amors: member- of CoB?grei . v. ho are inclined to beliere thai the objection? of Pre--. dent Campera of the American Peder? tion of Labor will ha?e to he di*r garded. Army officers ??''.ru??o.1 their miou! den and pointed to the testimoay of the military rxprr's the Cal _Te??ional committees that th? militia 1 could not ho niado into an adequa'? ! line of defence. In the II"?; I ' however, were found vaifaal champion?, of thr- militia, ready to mee? the ol. Si n*?.;.. b? M r. liomper?. "Mr Gompera lin- no right," ?aid Repreaentati i Frank !.. ?ireene, -., member of the Military Afairs < .?it. mittrr, "t(. object to the ase of militm or any other mop^ for ?he preser?;* - ? -i ? and order ?b *< t n ?a ?? dl tnrhaneei. I fir?I thiag thai needed i order in the court. Then the '.?-'? ran he decided on its merits But Irthor leader- cannot ronseientioual) object to I ? ? i of order ?* ' 'the protection of property. c\e. , troop? a?" neeessary to do it ? P raonally, l think the civil author!? ? ould o haust evert meat.. hcf.>r ?.; 'i ' roop?, but law and ord.'r should he 'in'? ?ate.1. no matter ho" man; troop? ;ir<- Beaded. And if th.* civil authorities ranno! mam'a.n ord? *. no matter i cl lidi at fault, I would ordei ii 'roop-, ? \ for Mr Gorupei 'i oh.ect o--? te :thr u.-o oi militia for itrike-break ng after the milll a hai lern federall/ed. I ? ].i r,(,< f,> what difference it would for inatance, whether th?* F'<*der alized militia ??ero ipi.r m or whether regulars wore ?-eut. as they surely would be, and have been, whenever the state were u ?l?ie to cope ritl .. tual "It ia, of eo irse, I he duty of the civil authorities to preserva order if they . t- Now, whal dirteretiro would It make to a labii/ leader if strikers wer.* shi.' bj Jack Smith, who is a member of I the nul tia *?id ha? a Springfield ard ;, uniform, or by .lack's father. .loh*i Smith, who has a doable-barrelled ?hot gun ami oulj .i felt ha; for a BBifonfl a ? a ii?eniher of the sheriff'- pease. "I am in absolut? lympathy with la? bor in it? efforti r>y organ iziag and a'l pat te bet I a orking con? dition father wai for '.rar-, an officer of the .meriean Brotherhood of ot v? Engineer?. Bui I thiak a; ?r.... ? he hi - te ettle sa) dispute i- with order is the court, and if troops are necessary to mau/nin that Order, I v ant the tro? One phaae of Mr. Goinpei '? srgu m?:,: u iet forth m The Tribun? ?oi . support, from a l?rice number of Uenre-' ntat ' ? I hat was hii ? place the burden for the increased I?s1 of pre] '? ? - the rich and not on the worker That ii the ?entimenl of ?.o Democratic floor leader, Mr. K tel in, and n an) othei . i ho -ay the;. ?? ; 1 vote for preparedBea? only on condition that the extn I home hy in irfa-e in th? ?upertaxe? of the income levin, and b) other iraposti which do not beai oi ???? i ner, DIES IN FAMILY HOSPITAL If. .1. Stumpf Calient in Institution lather Founded. Kearny, v* ?'?. Fab. 2S. In Stumpf Memorial Hospital, founded by Im father, the late Jacob Stumpf, Henry I, Stumpf, of in? Grant Avenus, Harrison, died toda;,. lio he.-air..* ill several ago with grip, which developed ? to i ic imonia. He ?n' takea ta lbs hospital ye iterday moi stag. Mr. Stumpf '????? ?on S1 the Stumpf !:ome?tead, in Paaaatc Avenue, Harri aon, fort) ?i ai ago. He ? " ?< ...ii?.. .. the Pa sale River Yacht .. m? Lodge of Elk? and the ?v. of this .:".. DEMOCRATS GATHER TO NAME DELEGATES State Convention Will Meet in Syracuse To-morrow. Syracuse, N", V . ! sb tS. t i? * . vame guard of delegate! to the Demo train- Sta1' I 0BVCB1 OB, which will be | ere on Wednesday, arrived to ( harlei P. Murphy, leader of Tammany Hall, il expected early to morro?. The convention ? ta designate four . ielegstee-at large and four alternate* to the national oon\ent.;on at St I-??.?? anil recommit.d a candidate ?'or na lional coreraitteeman to ?urceed Nar? Mack, of Buffalo, ? h > ha? serve*.! ... ;.. egatei ,,;'o arrived *?? -rijrh? were ? . ? ? ttoi es ng a picture i'r< lie..- n ?I an sad 'ho ? sidi Sa let . 1 ' -? An organization of Democrat! known a- 'he "\\ i!.?on Conference t'ro?is:ona' of l!'l'"'" has announced a ng here for tomorrow afternoon. Its purpose is to ha? e ?he state conven ? or. del gnat? a? delegates "I'cmorrats who wer?' in fa1, or. ?nd not opposed to, om?nation in 1912 " In a ? neat issued by the conference committee, l*. J. Elias, ef Huff an ? i a - president. ? JILTED. A PUMP SAVES HIM S-ain lakes l'oison After la?sin? (.?rl at < hurrh. I>? ?pondent hecau?e his Lanc?e re? fused to wed hits after thej had pro cured the license, .lame? <, twenty-eight, of sad WbIbuI street, Vonker?, ?wallowed poison yesterday. He ?rai *?a\ed by aid <?f a Monuch pump With Misi Julia Kuhn*, of "f, JVffer son Street, t jfot as far a? the doorwa) of SI < aalmir < hurch and laed twenty minute? in trying to per? suade her to have lire kr.ot t'ed. When . nalli refused he weal to bit home and ?wallowed hydrochloric acid. At St. ,lohr.'> Hospital the stomach pJmpi v a.- applied, I HOUSE'S HERO INVENTS WARSHIP Members, of Congress Chortle and Delve Into Book by Wilson Adviser. SEEK COLONEL'S MILITARY VIF-VVS 1 ind Something New in Spinning Turrets Presiden! Wilson Overlooked by Author. n-, r- n'?i ll to TU T ?F/aaaingtan, Feb. H ?Wuhlngten ?'-day is Convinced that < olonel Fd ward M House, Pretidtnt Wil -oil's con fnential adviser, ha? been unrnask?"l at laal throegti the diaelo ore that he ?a '.he author <>t a novel written in 1012, entitled "Philip I'm. Adminiitrator." It heiani" ..novan to ?lay that th?! 7rxan preaented nn autographed ropy 1 of this work to Senator ? ulb rson, of lex,-?? When a learch ?rat madt for it ? i? Beaator Culberaon'i office it trae dis? covered that, the volume had been bor? rowed by s?ir?ic one. At the Senator's office i? v?.?? itated that the Beeret of authorahip ?robably ?a.-?- diacloaed by t! ?? person who took thi rolume. In In? novel ? "l'.riel Hou .? portrays 'tie hero, Philip |iru, ,,? the t/orh of entirely reconstructing the American lyttem of government Philip Iiru f<rls .sorry for the arrongl the peuple lave luffered at the hands ?.f the in? terest?. H?? star*? eul to right them. 'lut he ?loe? not. take the people into lis con?idepr/. ilurinc the righting. Rather h" works on? theor-es for the r? rrertion oi all e\i?tinir evil?, ami then immediatelj create? y rrnment ma? chinery to pal thoes tl ? ? ? ??? m?o pr?c liee. Dm feel i thai the Br tiah of governm? nt ii mach better than the American, and wherever poatib i nuopts Engl I. nie'hod.-?. Member? of 1 aagrett <?ct Ru?.*. Members of Congr rtled *??? ? th r:ee *o daj ?hen th? heard of 'he op portonity p?? ented to ! < a to look l".to the minr) of. HOUIO. With ii proper? ?? ?gramme now be? fore Congrei . memuei ??' the House . ml Senate i't? eager to aet the rolo on *'? I ?ievelopmrnt ef I ne army atxl the navy. They turned to the novel which ?S attributed to hi pen ar<l found that the hero, Philip Dru, had thought? which until to-day nevaren? tered th? either military or naval expert of the government. When confronted wil tri il 'ter national erii i iru ? uddenl) ?-.-une ?,, t r e r?alisai oi thai the 1 'nited tal ? navy va- not equal to 'he task it might be callc'l upon te perform n cute of n.r ?ii he set I :s te i ?J to the work of evolt ing i i evj equal to all t.-i*;. ? ?,.???- ? .,* ..''.'r sflme nted a battit -'? ip - "would render obsolete every battle? ?' Jiere i? Colonel Hous? d< ei . ! : "Running luck from 'he bow for a ?\ ?tan ? f 60 i ?out four f?-.-t of the i all show? d abo11 the s atet line and this part of the deck Wt i c?\e?l ?ml of the imoothi . hard I steel. Then ran I ??'..? ipon winch guns were mounted Spinning Turr?is. "Around thett turret? ran rim of polishtd steel, two feet in width and nches th ??'?? These r.m-? began feet from the water line ind ran four feet arm- e the level of the I i i nicely cd .-??:? . that 1 smallest blow would send them spin? ning around; therefore a -?ne,i .-..ui?! not penetrate b?.-u??-.- it would glan?e Aft'^r reading th - lection l?verai naval experts declared thai r:o ? yel ha? appeared before the tfava AfTairi Con ittee to id? ocatt ;? n:n?4.' battleship One oi it ? ? ? igf thai Colontl Home might bt im ted to appear viren he returns to the I -?.-,??- from bii pr?tent ?n lion tn Europe ..', : de? ' ? th? orj a little II ' '.er. Reader; of I 'olonel Ho learchad it for some reference I i Pre?il? dent Wilson l"hej learched in vair.. Tl-,. eolonel was 10 bu r.g the workings of hi? hero that he forgot te ii ii about ' he man he is aen - credited witl making Preiident. To Discuss Fifth Avenue Zones. At to day'i ' ineheon of the Fifth \ ,?? ge A? ... .-.?...'.. to be held at I>el monico's, u.? ti Stabler, . ? t the B trd of Ei I In al ? ' i'ui?. ic B i Height? Com i ill t.-M tl.?? reault ? ga ? " Fifth Ave? nue district. Edward M. Basse! ? ? Publie Service Commissioner, will also be a spea ?? ?. end A H Ball, of I .?. ? o.. will preside Building lonei will be dieeui led BURGLARS STRIP HUNT HC < irry Off All Silvern are in I,a*?: CaMitf Place on Hudson. Peughkeepele, N, V. Feb. 2H r lars nt Tivoli-on Hudson early to rntereil th- mansion of Thomas II a wealthy retire?! lawyer, of l?iO Forty-eight! Streut, New York Cltj u?injr a skeleton key. They slr'l ih? piare of everything they c enrry o!T. Evidoatly, a? la the r?.? the theft af .-.Tver ?rophie? from kaaae of Coionci Archibald Roger ll'.'le Park an n'.tomobilc was, use t^ke away ;he booty. Thomas Scott, superintendent of eatate. who ditC?VOrod the r .bberv, unable to e?timate the value of Stolen pr ?oerty. SHEPARDS, IN MISSOUR YEARN FOR FINLEY, J Think One Son Enough Now, Call Trip 'Belated Honeymoo l- T- '??"?,?? I? Tli? W ' ? Kantas City, Mo.. Keb. 2t, Mr. Mr?. Pinley .1 Shepard rieited Kur City for a few hours this morning what they called a "belated honeym jonrnej " I Ins i" our f r?' trip WCSt tf Mississippi Mure we were marri! ?aid Mr .'-1 epard. "We ar?? on our ? to the \Ve-?t. but with no sperial de nation just honeymnor.ini? where WO take a notion. Wo have alw wanted to take ?urh a journey ; never been able before." Mrs. Shepard, who was M i s - I!? Gould before her marriaje. looke,| , burratted when her husbinji mentioi honeymoons, but smiled approval of he 4,11,1. "W<- ne. .I but one thine to mnk<- i ?rip perfect." Mr? Sh.'pard ?aid, "> tl :?.? ?- I inley, ?r. He i? only live ye 1 old almost too young to enjoy su?-l I'?up; (OUrney, Next time we will br 1- M ;il"i tr." Mr. Shepard would rot say d?finit whether or pot they contemplated i adoption of a playmate for Kinley, I HS had beep reporte.I. "Man] per.-ons, according to the t? we |ieHr?l, hav?? been trving ?O w ?mother -on on us," he said, "bu? ' ?he preaent we th<nk ope \? qu enough." OSBORNE TRIAL MARCH Justice Tompkin? to Hear I a?f in Pi I III of Supreme I ourl. I Thomas Mott Oaborue's demand foi : peedy trial under the perjury irdli ment voted agaiast him by the Wei , ehester ? ounty Grand .lury sa? gran? : by .I'Mtire I'ompkins in the Suprei 1 ?nur? ;?? White Plain? reiterday. Wl ! the arquieseence of Diatlict Attorn Weeks, Justire Tompkms set. the tri i.irrh 13. ??eorpe Gordon Ha't'.e, who h -.err e,| the prosecutor with an ?,rder ? reel r?- him to ?how cau-?r why the tri ihOUlU not proree,] on Or before ?1 day now ?et, was in court with Mr. ?i ?borne. Cither?? m the OsbomO par were Huntington W. Merchant at Judge M .1 Tierpey. of New Kochell "The District Attorney has delayed ti pr?..???>?.i ngs," Mr Battle t"l?i 'he eoui "Mr. Osbornt has slwayi war.*".i ; earl- ?rial, not only on the perjui ' eharge, but on the indictment char] _- him with neglect of duty as ward? i of Sing Sing pei-iiti ntiary. We want a Opportunity to ihOU how fal?e the.ic a ' ,-;,' ioni are.'1 Mr. Weeks was prote-'.mg he ha long been reedy for trial w-hen th ; roi-.rt Intanruptod? "It" that is the case." s?,?^ ,Iusti< Tompkint, "jroa both want t.? ??o aheai , I will fix the trial for Murr'n II), b. , fore me. in Part III of ti"> Suprern i ( ourt." CASSIDY SPEAKER AT DINNE1 Make? Piral Post-Prison Appcaranee ? iin-unj? Out Party Planned. ?loe Catttdy, former ??emocrat: hos?, recently release?! from ?irert Meadow prison, where he served a terr of a year for selling a nomination fo Supreme Court justice, made his fir r? i":?*?.? appearance in his rid s?.in.p I ?/rounil in Long Island City 8a1 ir day night, when he appeared as truest at the beer'stead party given b] the Sunswick Club. Catlidy was railed on for a He remarke?l that although ?-? ?peaker? had been caution-'d not tl refer to politics, several had forgot te I thi? injunction, "However," he eoi ? nued, "I am r.o' in politice, and I an more than gratified ro b-a here to r. ight." It is understood that a hand of th? fail purpose git ing < aeeidy ; ing out banquet in Seh? l ! Park 'he e.,riy purr of r.e\t month. FATHER FINDS S0N~DEAD Koben IttBgtl. It, a Paralytic, in Note Says He Could Hear Burden No Longer Hefore he turned on the gas in h;s room at 107 Fourth Avenue, Robei? Dougal, nineteen, and suffering from paralysis, wrote this note: "I tear Pop I van be a burden to you no longer. It is for the best I cannot ' st3i:d this existence any longer, (lood !.. I.... inglj \ our?. "DON." \\ illlam i' .?.'i!, the father, found the body when he ?ailed to see his son yes? terday. The youth never left his room, except '" go to 'he library. He loved to I read, hi? father laid. gllllllllllllllllllllNllltllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIM ? Chauffeurs' Outfits | Special $43.50 Overcoat, Suit and Cap to Match .-?.. neat, perfect ; ' I md durable- the Vest \ al \e in M? ti i i ;iuthes for i .'unite. that can be bought h i loubl. - breasted i hrer? a Smart Korfoll Jacket, with Trousers or Breeches. A i ap ot dation Chauffeur's .*? le. Made of fine quality " o.".-. ?. ? i pcordin t*o |d< O? s'r.r- tnd i ? .? ?the outfit complete .43.50. or, u follows I hrercoal . $25.00 Suit ? . $16.50 ? ap $2.00 Suit with _W0 pairs of Trouscr** or Breeches or o e paired each?$23.50 I ?the. Outfits of Better (? at $57.50, $75.00 Chauffeurs' Rail cost.?Guaranteed Waterproof? .. J $125.00 $20 and $22 ? Motor Apparel Catalogue Mail d '? : Request '?_ ! BROADWAY AT 49th ST. I 'mini??"?!.i.iniiiiiiiiiiii.iiniiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin ii niiiiiiiiHiiiiirniiiiiir CHICAGO CLOSES BITTER CAMPAIGN Mayor's I ?ght Against Nine Aldermen To Be De? cided at F'olls To day. I-ATON ?RAKT CHAROE TO AFFECT RESULT "Rulldo/rr," "I our I lusher.'* "I iar." ".Moron" and "Rat Pleasantries of Contest. I Meagre, irr,, st. what is described a? one of tbs bitteres? eampaigl hti e\or suited as sldcrmsD ?? i i " ?? ? el etien in I hieago'i closed *<i night 'I M-nu.rro.v the voter ?'ill sleet o*ir Alderman from each ..? tha eitjr's thirty-: v.. ?rarda sad an? Municipal Court jadge to fill a rat Interest centra? In th? fight bat Mayor William Hals Thompson, Repal lican, sleeted lai April by a pi 11 of 15'i.niin, and aias Republican A det mea, who hsv? oppoasd ths Mi polirio?. a;,.' ?.. ... - _? i .1 tion. I>urinf? th<* eampaitrn then been two men ?hot, i an -? . three ?uiU foi Is ? ? i of epithets b) prii - ; - ? eh ?i - eluded anarchist, blacki i er, hul1 doser, bunk srtii foot?*.) idol, four (luaher, fake reformai gray wolf, liar, political moron, | ral ra?. ?carlel wolf and black hcarti"! snd white livered hypocrite. Mayor Thompson d?clarai h? ii mg for vindication and to defeat nine Republican Aldi?rm?*n ??ho ar leading the ' ity I ouncil'a opposition ??. hin ccns?ructr.<* work. !{?? charge? the liquor inter?*-? with oppo? ng him be? cause of h:s action in dosing the ?aloon? Sunday. The inn? Alderi ? charge Mayor rhompaon, among other things, ting 'lie Civil Servie?! law En building a pol I th?* < ity 1 i r. : _t .1 fs ling t-. curb orderly cafe . Tbe rampa'j.n open?*'! Februar when the Municipal \ oter I ?we.) a report attacking Mayor 1 ?on and indorsing the nine Aldei The City Mall split ?alarj ?cendal in I jeeteri ii*?.. the campaign by Mr? Pace Waller Eaton will ha'..' mi. bij bearing on the outcome ot th? I i I i he opinion uf Mayor 1 litieal ??? '"n:< - Asserting thai th? ?Sato Rows cm' - ? minor ?vent com? pare.1 to revela! ion? ? hid $t? " .';.?? R tt? dmai ." foi Mr ; daj dec?an would bring forth ? ";'';? who reveal extei C ?: Hall. At t.?-.lav'? hearing of the Eaton? Rowe rate Charlei I Mayor pson's aecretarj , *.-???? it i Mayor Had ordered thai no campaigi contribution? be aasesaed by d< mert h?a<i?. ASKS $20. GETS SIX MONTHS llrckuH Writes "Brother" from .|er?i ? vV?et ai "?jssiar. -tattle-hip." Frank tValmowle, af ::' ?'??? s-r" it, '?1 inhattan, r< eei ti] i ? purporting to b? fi ora hi? I . _*i thonj. in Rus? s. ?>ieal ? une had to Anl enlist id had been assign? battleship which had been wrecked oi ist si Pens i Grove, N. i Would Frank p 120 to the writer so that Anthoi lould get to '*."? Vork Frank turned th? letter ovei to the postal authorities. Thej sent a r?p|- to ?' Philadelpl ia p* l " ? md trapped Joseph Breskus, of Penn's Grove, He waa ?enten-ed to i month* Snake Hill penitei tiai ' Pel': -?,, Federal Court -\l)VFRTI*aKMFVT. CRONES IN BUFFALO FEB. 15 Polo ?? Rcrognue Picture?Say He Tried |a Rea? I <,o\ernnr Hunne. B iffalo, i ? '?'. 28, leai Croate, want f .| in ronr . W?1 the wh'ileiale np ? ? . r gi? en for Arch .1 'hicago, February . I-. bruurj II when : y Dunne of IP.inoia ' honor at the An aaer, ? to a '? today ? rone? endeavored te -?peak with the latter w?eat I ? :r .a'e dinner at a local ho ?i,i by detectives. ? ? train Guveruoff and picture tal al the i ? ral t? which he ? ? i, rernor. The pirt I m a ?oral paper, and the | I .at of the en lei tiflcat on was mad? ? of Crones'? p rture ?. DROP OF WAX KILLS GIRL Her Kinger Iturned, Rlood Poisoning follows. Hii " ?'?. lot. at :>*-2 Monroe died in the Methodtat Hospital, Brooklyn, ?-atur ? . , ., ? ? mil Of I *mll hit .Iropping on the index u two ittenl ea t* ,-?n to ?' i m i 17 ? id poison? ? r . . under he ( .-?eral ? this evening JudE" Shea To Be Envoy to Chile ??a far il ???lient a? ?Imba iceeed Henrv P. Fiel ? ; Ambaeea? the?, under ? : %* . Ig? Jo eph . recen mend POLICE DEPARTMENT T.TOOU-V *? .-. ?-? - J i a 4 ? ?. ??.??- i ? u I i | ? ? ? - a ? ! a n?po.-r?<i :. ,. ? : i , A?i?nd ???( '?.... - ,, 4 'Iff ? It ?i ? C?mbels Broadway and 33d Street Men's Suits $ and Overcoats 15 That were $22.50 te $30 QUALIFIED IN COST -unqualified in gnat, Down in nothing but price and in Mat* only because February ends the season forGimbels. And a tew days will probably end this Opportunity for vou. COME EARLY, WHICH MEANS today CIMBKl.S -Koutth l'loor