Newspaper Page Text
.'ARANTES loney BaiW It Yc-u Want It Ntm^m % mm mbuM WEATHER. Fair to-day Cloudy tomorrow. Moderate rariablc Brands First to Last?the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertisements I.WY_No. 25.308. i nnjj right i"!'. I lie 1 rilninc \*a*n. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 1 1916. e v I i\ I-' I |'\T ||,N'" l1"11".' Xewaek. JeeaeirCats*! t >>i".. I !'..> I aa?t ilot.ok -,< t^rnbtrr Tao Oat?. Wilson Demands Congress Vote on U-Boat Issue GERMANS PRESS DRIVE TO ENCIRCLE VERDUN Five Villages Cap? uro cl in New ?d \ance in Woevrc. HOLD TIGHTENED ON DOUAUMONl Pans Reports Champagni Attacks Repulsed?Bom? bardment Lessens. '.' ? ^ the battl ? ? ? ? ? ' .. ide ''.irtho vVi !:? re Be li ? afc Blanze? Ma: ?? . - s a - ? ? ? Verdu ? .. ? ? ? ? ?? intei ? ? ? . 1 ? ? trooj rt ;t: .1 Blari cleared I lad ertheait o . imont, an their hei \ tai ka W m Back (?round. ..;._. temenl n our ! I arried out. ? ? l ? .? Douaui o ' ? ?? enl c. . ir the bom th in? ? : mpt ? iltinf - ? ? . ? ??:'. "In the reg tbe north frort ? I pre ->n wa? i sy. The i Veai Donaansont. ? inted - tp*eight can? ... ' ? gni til ma ' ' 1 war ma ? a ? ? | ?a ? a ? ? ' Gem stopped, accoi ? Germai ? IV la Ben k Lnrralna Trenchee. ? -, Kheii ' ?? pelel . ? . ? ' " i ratina: sev< .? ' ? i beei irrr^' . ri ,? ei el ? ? i Bv ^ ? 1 d it ^B_ A prest ^a ( aBBtBBMBa BB .???? ". <Muiuu - MINED FOREST IS GRAVE FOR GERMAN DIVISION B) FRED. B. PITXE1 H rabia te 1 Paris. Feb. 29, Hou the Bo?l des ( aure* became the grave of a derma n division is told I'v a wounded soldier back fiom the Verdun tiaht ir.R. When thr French finally derided to Rive up thr woods the entire f<ne?t was planted with nines, .ill < on nected with a single mam switch, while French soldiers held thr herder facing the I?ennans. The ? ?nui. then retired slowh through the woods, while the German! advanced in masses, cheer? ing madly as they came. After the [ reni h weie all e r of the wood* the en? gineers waited until the full German division was 01 er mines. Then from the ge of Beaumont the en ? ood* was thrown into the air. tree* and men min? gling in 8 wild ?torrn oi fall ing debris. The entire di \ ision wai lost in the catas? trophe the I rench had pre? pared for the Crown Printe. FRENCH AWAIT WIDER ATTACK Experts Say Germans Must Cover Over Verdun Failure. B UtTHI R S. DRAl'EH 1 - ? > Um t- . Lo*. . s meagre :' . .-. ... ... se 1 e of Germi ? ?? prame lecess i ?. repetit on ? tactics of 1 troopaare 1 the greatest s gi eve the bist ? \ ? .... ? en givi ? r tady been ai ' ornp ii bed. 1 la? ' ?S ?c : First To anticipate ai all ' i war p!ar, for 1 spring 1 1 an b< th fn I si ng tbe gan ane? of reaching Paris by a V? . id wedge throogb Verdun and ? baropagi 1 . i r r .1 To stimulate an'l ted ? ? ; tl? effect ? 1'rcm Ii (.he III?* for HI"1 pert* ai gri that agi ' ? 1 because th.'if ? . ? ? big bi hing at thai Gi rmanj I : . It ? oat ; battered ? ? g the is It is al rough4 ,r use at the were ? 01 ? ? ? lation bj the Alii* . ? ... have the wi .' ? ? ? ? ' ? Ki .'?-. MJa< k Johi ? ' ? ? earl) n tki einst the BeIjhs is. It ?? . ? ? ? si ada .J ?, daou. ? allbri of the but by the in tenait) ol Nr? l)ri\e in < hampagnr r ?.period. ; ? 1 . - . Atisami 1 ? . ?) l,?-f',r. V< , . , and .; p| r,| a - no gun ? Allii i.k e yet bei . . that ? ? r'rei . bav< adopted mui . irsa in ta tica, for their g , . ? ? ?|(j t,M' Il II .??'.. drive ? !..' '?? ? ' be <?? ed th? II la inch al anothei pe nl If ? , Verdun attacl fa Im,': eve. the Gen 1 r their heavy ai **r<i ove the 1 "? d at tbe great 1 th arh Ii the ?-nemv o' '.' the' ??.v 11 ., . ;.'. !.ed H l I Bi Cucllaucd ou y??? S. < uiiuuii 4 COALMAN-AUTHOR Pf SERIAL'S SECOND ?i "Mrs. Freeman's Husbi Rivals Wife in Heart Appi Brunswick, ? : ?'?''' .?? i . I '- ' that I gave him ihr ?, ; ' ich n de ? . ber ai -, r 000 of the | t, a ma ? ? | I | he had tou ? ? ? ? I ers ? ?? her i His lates! . ? "Thi response I I mu nici grati f y ing COn1 "uerl US Hi OUT I IB I ' . gril .. turn? ? ' . ? ? have pivt "... ),,,. '. to rlm- ? ?. , ? r. 18 te m |1,. r e a r e, 1 revi ir.mtal laws which, y stem, e\ in disaster, We are ? I at maturity. V. ?? ..? rei thei en due But morro . to-day. Ti for I etc." a serinl. GETS JUICE FROM AIR BUT CAN'T STAND Inventor Knocket! Down Mi Times by Current. . i. ? Kansas Cil ; years 1 ? go, of th i heen strit r jr :'; dran eel ly tiu air. He ean ret the riarhi I ?? I ?? il ? t he a ? ? ent s th I ;.. B the ] ? resei ?-.'.? rious bres ivs his machins r to lig sn ei| USE "DYNAMITE'S" DIN TO QUIET"CHALLENGE Editors of Rival Columbia Pap Will Publish It Anonymously. ?i - ? ' ? ? i tlie publical . is Friday of i The ? ?? i ? ; ? ' I "Dyi mite," thi ig ificani ? ! ,,;ipr. ,!ion te I ' ?' enge 'The three edit are 1 a' noun ? . . the h ? oto . . "Furl . ? ?Hege, i ti think, than 'Challenge,' ? ? the periodi treal NEEDED AS NURSE MAID PLEA TO FREE HUSBANE Wife. Beaten, Wants (hildrcr tared lor While She Works. Donohui ipying i ?Id ? ilf by hit . ' at Don? irsemaid i three litt ? ? Mrs. 1 nee hi ng hei id found it a "... ? . Iisn ii?l ??i ? . : ? ease Eyii.??.? Doc Here To day. ..... laiag i . mails ? ' .m- . is expect burn, fis ? H i| J asacQulllatti .? posto! lera LA PROVENU SUNK; 930 LO Liner Used as Tra port Goes Down 1,800 Aboard. 5 OTHIiR SHIPS SENT TO BOTT< Survivors of French \ sel Landed at Malt;i and Milo. ? ce, former! ? . mean laat Si rd officia ??? rj ' ? Mar na estim?t? re - out of a ? . : stly i er ? ?-ru :, t Malta. 1 lie M< ted la '? !.? I iast< ? La Provi . l Her gro - ? ? ? . i .ni ser ? ai v ? ?? ? ? he was Is Provence was test trs atls . . ? ? ! ? - York, < .... s r. i E -i ... ne hour i hr. i ige by evi . ..... La i a < tered the 4 . , . ? . ipe i. .? ?: it, end eagaged ? rtler !?! Three British. One Frene One Swedish Ship Sin ? ,01 I . ? . I mean on Fi erday, ara : irt exciting . n the Mediterran? ? >?.??? ? . .. ,i*trr ;i long flight to ?lud'- her Of'f ( ' \ Re? ter ram Landskror - ? .? red reent it ledit \ . ? r. . ?? ? rhe cre? . ANTHRAX VICTIM WINS IN FIGHT WITH DEATf Scrum lias Cured Patient Doctors Declare. i, ;...? fc ra: ? . I im of 12 Avenue, h ai and . : evue, as bcc. . , Ii lealer ii ? ntering tin ?cetif.- of Dr. Adolph Eich .-? iger. if ter blood test iltat ? i : out ed 1 .' caver* MYSTERIOUS PLANE AGAIN OVER DULUTH Police "ti Watch for Oat't Seen During Night. >a ing ii d Supern r ? ? . ?? . ... ? .. machine. I bi ? a men I night, ?..? cording ? so, a ho >le ..? gii g from ith a heav; ? r ? patehci from I s i ? ?; over morning. A ? CHEER WILSO? EX-PRESIDEr Security Crowds He Choate Point Oi Need of Change, RECRUITS SVVARA T0 2MEETIN( liat?n Shows Belgium Deserted by U. S.?Mai jonc Cicts Tribute. ? * .-? i rneg Hi pie of weeks f President meet ing ol ? ? every direct 01 ct TrennU - . ' of meet .c csin?- at a crisp ei . , II ? ho ????'? ? " \ ? long as the Pn i ? t<?* ? ' ..? - - ? ? ated," Mr. < . it appears bow again : . . . . - ' ' change . ? i Pi w :Isoa i.ei* < enaart partiaan iracter of ' eat croe - ?n and irrent ol Bg that : heard t the .... timed rae of i bee ? "We cannot q ir the Pn ?'??<.. ... I :? -.h ? i ?or.? tut his changa it he I ? ??' BBld a!! di we will i . -tee and enth day of Sei ember b< i and thi If we hat ( Con| not done anything prepertloi .. Is of the situa ? ?? I ha : . ? | tha I "And it maj pi saibly be?I have created re-pect fer the President nay possibly be that if he i satisfy the demand* of the people ? particular on N'-vn'r-.r ? next v '?. ill ';? ire a ni m Pre lident. "I ha s bo doubt that our Chii Magistrat? . ild 'I" ; ? . i ? - ? ? . . t the ? ?? ? ? .. the world defence. A Ne? Basane Needed. "No, wa n ist I ari ?* new November 7 uni I demands <> the people ?re latiafied li ?. and. yen : ird fo it, are will ' ?? e il " aga ? ? ? President bj Mr ? ? ? leers alws mini and dre I I * ie?, Phe Carnegie Ha ? ? i great mi the Nations I ..: ... itarting ? - lampajg :'or i ?i member the eeting held al i ??. Oscai -? Streu i .-? id ? ' re Robert Bs pi led s I : . ? in I ? ? treet ? door* for gi > the ticket hold tted. the alls until i ? ? | is lofl it ? ' . ? Marjorie's I und Pmiscd. Among tl ipei W. Bates, rhe madi frequei tly appls re.-.-, for the saks of ? ol th? .?.. n ..... . ? - ? . time < .? ? te wat? ? .. < >>nt iti'ir.l mi |,.iK* 8, ...luiiin : Expensive Armor Plate l here appears to he a brautitul little armor-plated monopoly in .?rmor plate manufacture Senator nil man e*prea*ea himself strongly on the matter m next Sunday'? I ributte Un bitmf .irtule ?g a plea for government owner ?hip?il ?? * p'p'4 tnat nr 1,?,^k, hy somP startlmi: figure* Rend it?you will l>e interested and may be convinced And tell your dealer to-day to reserve M \ our copy eai ?ltr ?un?ag {Tribunr / Int in I **(- the t ruth: \e? a?i ditorial* A?rerthement?. DECLARES FOREIGN CAPITALS SEE WEAKNESS IN DISCORD PRESIDENT'S LETTER ASKING TEST VOTE IN CONGRESS. "My De.?' M:. Pou: Inasmuch a, 1 learn thai Mi Henry, the chairman of the Committee on Rules, is sbsent in Texae, I tike the liberty of .ailing your attention, as ranking member o? the committee, ? matter ot Krave. concern to the Country, which car.. I believe, be handled, 111 :er ?he rules of the House, only by that commuter The report that there are divided counsels in Congress in repaid to the foreign p >licy (.*' the government is bein,; made industrious u*e ' I in foreign capita] . I believe that report to be taise but so long ,i~ it :. anywhere credited it ?anno? fail to d<> the greatest irnt end es e the i luntry to the most serious risks "I therefore (eel justUfted in Baking that your committee wi mil me to urge an early vote upon the resolutions with regard to travel on armed merchantmen which have recently been so much talked ut, ?a ordei thai here ma) be at)o;?ei an immediate opportunity for full public d'.s? rSsion and action upon them and that all doubts and conjecture- may be swept away and our foreign relations once more cleared of damaging misunderstandings. "The !v.ater is of so grave importance and lies SO clearly within the ?eld of Executive initiative that I venture to hope that your com mittec will not think that i am taking unwarranted liberty bi making this suggestion as to the business o' the House, snd ' very earnestly commend it *o their immediate consideration. "Cordially and sincerely yours. ? WOOUHOW WILSON ' SAYS NEW LAND GUN MENACES ENGLA? (icrman Declares It Can Britain from Continent. Artill rgs . ? ? ossible 1 rd I nvrland from ? eat is the ? erta.r. prod g to Pr?tes SBtoi of the th .-? *e gu ?->.' <-!<t of Profs declares l Rat tri . -? ... .- . i the i warfs ? ?ore ae with thi ' ? ,: ? ' ? : ; rtillery, i tremendo la strides . -. r ?ther In effestir? - ? , ? awer. 1 be cai i:re, he believes, will he ahU ? ?' . ? llif; ; ng ? I' himmerii s? protect GERMANY DRIVES OUT FORD PEACE OFFICIAI Secretary I.ochner Told to l.eav and Never Return. 1 "The Mornin post's" Sto "! :' ' er, secretar arrived her ? . - t illy expelled Aftei ending I rders to les ? ii ?? '. . ? ss difficult I . . ? ? 'The peace ? ihr? * ? ? ivi th a n . the; TISZA CALLS IT CRIME IF U. S. JOINS IN WAR Hungarian Premier Deprecates Vmerican Participation. Buds ? ? ? : ? ?? .,;?? ? garian Pre ? ' . : further than I the reis I I ? rit the United tal \ . ? ? sffaii ... ng, I not want to ha1- e terprets ? toma: ? s a Central Power p i ays a I ; I must aal ?. ? 100. Has 24th Birthday irg !'?? Feb. n v.- th bis ?credit I Irew .r. '? ? l: ige, te day birthday. Tb? er rod a s railroad train s, and ?-??;?. ?aw treates I I ? re id raen a l>b . ; te :*: b<~ celebra' h ? tWBBty?lfth Mltad?] a NEW ?-BOAT WAR BEGINS TO-DAY Period of Warning to Neu? trals I \pired Last Midnight. a. I Press ??>'??'.?' ? I ii ... ?. * : ? . ? . ? .!?; .j; '? a' fare, ? : . nouneed letfanl ..,; , I I ' armed mil ?? ? tlvi put in effect i dnigh . \ : ?? irning foi neul r ? ? ? g I ??: ? ? ,. . , nior>: ma.. at tbe lasi te pract prisai a ne mereba sou ..?i them for exj ? ? , ting the ei ?? . AI ? arould remove I from en. It i u ? . t accept ( . ? Publication . . r> -? .? an lituat ibraarine warfa lo i ale the ? raault of arl gland re tima t - ? -. s a ?? a. Washing Londu:. It that A ? arned front t ami'- I taken < . ? I 01 - . ?.. en appari ? ? na ? ' ????? ' - ? ? ? ? .. ? ? ti Marjories inrn.i>iui' ro thi Editor of The Ti Dear Sil I read . , spai every i g a lot a i and great-gi. .. I f I ? 1 .: 1 HT;-. lo ' sat ; ? ? Mama give ever . .. . , me tj help build i ? ? :1a at > other i< who their rrand i * tart a fund l ai l - -*r ol : and go to P iblic ? <??! >. Brooklj MARJORI1 STERRETT I ?r. ? Amor can, si i I int to see 1 le Sam pr?*p.. ? . ta ;. :x all ere ? P. S, Please eall 'ht bat? st thi? letter wi . ? itimii and .'???'?. ' -??.- y . '? sr . j-.?'< sen ?. a?.? reprintaat Um tetter ? : i the ?oUars bate lowed n ? ? M?Tj->r.? i-<.< ?.:.?i Um , . ' -i, take narr of i.c fund until it grows fcn . ? j \ ?. .'. a ba Unship ,->r ?t l??at ?? BM Vir.H at a ?bip worths nt the tri. ii Uoae of .lohn Paul .t.,n?.. Th? Ti I ? nodortalu te rater late rotrr ?pend?ee Bbool ??? ? ,-.h i.u' ,t ..i,i ; rtl?? a ? !... :..? -i, .'.?re. ai.d SeM '?? bo ? ??:? ' Sanes Of ? ?lo'.lar ? ?r ? atUMofl , > . ,n? f.. !??.? land ?ni r?-?..?? ? i.ut'on l^.rmjr I1? l?**nd. 'I' .-? g. Af""rtra " That be your re?-rtpt tat a i.*:noti, H~s|. Total ??? Hat/ .la.taS.71 tont ?. .* President Asks Action onResolutionsWarn ing Americans. NtrlVV U-BOAT WAR CAUSES CONCERN Britain Denies Armi?o; Merchant Vessels for Offensive Purposes. ? -1. W i gton, I m the sbJsj of Gen . arin? eat again t hi mod m< rt hanl khlpa ? e * lies', tli'' outconu- of whit :t , i sit? ?'. '". the \dminii 'ratio-i ???:h gTB ? !'? idi "' Wilooo ? v ht three down the gantlet to rrees :t?.>! denoesdeal a uite on ? ? pei ding p ?.mcriean rights. In a '???:< !?> the acting chairaran ? Suis ;?; ??' ? ?dwatsi W. ! o .. of Moi 'ii ? .iroliiia. the Pn i ? ? .. ired thai be could pol pro ? ed v.ith the Gel ? marine no gol .;?? o? i m hile il?- -? i. ion in I eaki before that ?? ng ? if in foreign capitals" ?rere rrr<m? or "full pul and action," to that V'1 erieais, fon ' : "'" 't? . ore s ?: ? ? standi , P ? immosM Stone sud !:<..!? m ntati f '" ?'. hi ' . . ?? ???' \ ' , and Sei ator K rrn, of i ..? Cor ??? ,? the v\ h te Ifou a to srhieti In will l BOBM g resol house*. Plan \ ole Bf < Baldea? *, I iiiniatral ? ? , . s ? on the Rep?blica f their r> thai ihn*/ :,;,? to end all agitatl in srith a vote the Pn >. ' s the pending i itioas ? | ? , i i ? ? ?. I an s denee il the SUp t thai * ?-? ab!?.! to Cat the Bter ll -a! '*?* and h ? ? th a uni) g re meat be? and erii sens? ferce ai I before a i I ngreas ? ? ? Mag ? ? ? Pre? ?< ,?-. ?,t,\\c-r . ' . ?? | o ? ' itCOBJS, ng Amer - ? - .... i be? i ... j ? itioi . ?'? am '.o ai<! a ? ?.' ? te fer il ate be ? . UiN'iii lirlietcd Badly \d'i->ed. a Pre il ? arc by sanar .... : ed, ? ad ?? f he fen ?hat b< will bava .. - ab ?? victor] istrs? g the ? eta for ? -non. i fear that he >s countinf ia the leer t? ? ? Repub r?r , leelared 1 sight thai ? ' 'i ? .'?? t 1 ? I'.- ; . .ican? ? - .? t to la a treeeray before th?m. Feai g Great Britaii and her a - with ?.??ii,a??ado? and give away \ .,? aae poooessod Admin trat.? -.o.:*; \ ? ??? -rday's ap eek a-1 irar.ees from ? te ga nay ta las bs doubt and hesitation aver Stem a the belief prevailing thai ?uc. a our?e weald rece-- 'a'.c an ahar. donmeat o? the legai posit on taken I.- ,'re? drr; Wilson and 'vouM make it impossible to ho;.I German} to BO* :ount for a--ic-'f? on Amerieai right?. I ? ilt. of the new ?uumanavo campaign are being awaited bjr the AaV ? with .irrii concern. V Xmrr'.an? H?lie\ed Safe. w Although t?rd<-r their ne?- itistrue '?.'.,. i a a! r.^nm.anorrs are author,?cd to sink without ?srning all ?