Newspaper Page Text
GUAK ANTEE. yo? Moncv Back If Yuu Want It -, , .wann 1. Keiti^0r?( ia-*-?r' -?-.Vr-* tS? Sri?w?tt WKATHKK ?rcr to day. pjrt'y .-'.oiidy to? rr.orrcw: strong r,o: t wr.t winds. First to Last?the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertisements v,?. IAW....N, 25.311 l"l>>rl?lit IftlH? The Trllnin?. A??n.l SATURDAY, MARCH I. 1916. * * I .V I?' I I'VT '" N'" *"rl% ' ?' Nr"?"l>- -??w/ 1Mb?, UiS li ?? I? s I ,,.,, ,, . ,.,,,.? ii.,,.i?.r, r?n (rata. Senate Stands by President; Gore Confuses Issue FRENCH REGAIN HEIGHTS LOST AT DOU??MONT But Germans Still Hold Village Won in Now Drive. PREPARE ATTACK ON VERDUN FLANK British Consolidate Gains on \ ser?-Paris Claims Alsace Advance. Londo!.. March :>. -Wit I S re aaajei i Verdun in | ?four hour.-. Pal Us it] ?jag of a rains! the Gen Bag] ? the captai villape of I ?sa of 1 ' ' and thebcltaf' red V-:. -o ihc Meu??\" the G a official .-J-. ? 1er a heav~j bsssaardn I the ? illage of Ilona'.: pu.?hed ? .??juth of tl lirnr - II ? posl? ? ?aMneheav ?ught in." Pari claim, how ever, ?ril '?ion that the high?-' : JO thf . :mont ?? that in thi ? ity of '.he fi Bgi piarii Ronihardnifiit ?rirc.ii!? AiOag I ront. "!r. '?? .B of Verdir ' r ?tat?--'- ? .'?tiont t part of ? .?? I. A il ii" ? ? the ? ast of \". the Ger ? a- - ? nity of on the '..arrh v rr ?, ? full of ' ' id put ere i e furl mall - ' i uri Me-ata, ? ? It i rated by ; ? ? ? - ' ? ? ' -, ? ?. ' ' ' ? ? 1 MIS I'f.r'r. in A'll'.n. ;? .,?',.. BaBsaaaad ?u i/aa-? 7, --.i .?.n 4 G?raldine Forrar Takes to the Road Join, the Ellis Company tur Kur al One Sicht Stands. ? -, a Tl : "peTh II rJWOI BCI l. Rural rc . where theatres and apera ' '??i'hin ? ? ... . . it?j| i rocked wil ,. ? ! "i . I ee and ? ? lars i ? . . . ? ' ? ' ? ,i ?'. ? ? ? : " / ? phoi Or diestra, has organised the greatest ' opera road company on ear .. Lo?-t the foregoing assertion shoo! 1 be disputed, Mr. Ellis las annour-re? that the only G?raldine-Mr?. I., u ?..?-";, who charms Metropolitan au dieneea for th? reported so of $1,600 ? nighl ed for pictures at ;i member of the ; ew company. 1 ? ? ? Deal ? ? 1 ; terrors of ? ' ' ! lit pera .. . ' ? , ? ; . oined. Mr. ! oaen the fall, I - I t tha yea! "PS are in. for tho Initia] per? "Th: will be m -, , ' ' Il have a " ' ? , i , . ... needn't worn ? ? : Wi . J, Guard, pub gent for the Metro] ? Mr. }.. . , lat Uf 't open un : November. I under to b 'Ci ? ' ' GARDNER IS ACQUITTED IN CONSPIRACY CASE Decker Also Freed of Masictt Will Charge. i i r ai J. Ga? Iner, of II, Deeki i this , ? the v. hich ? ' ' ' ' I - . , BI ? ? ? irt i rirooti i ne? February had been eul . ? the vi vi! ? ? of Samuel agi .I re ? ? ? ? . - '? ? : Gardner ping thi ? of I iving \ ? 'onfei ' i arged with ronspii ? THIS NAPOLEON MEETS A MOSCOW RIGHT HERE Marches Hack with Nothing I eft bul .i Thirst. ? ' ser? vice In 1 ? - v al sligl ?? I P nsylvania ? , ? i V. ? : ? ?, ing< nto 11 nd appl ied tot a nighl aras i end.g of . . ' ad to ? ? lid re ? ? ' --? LESSON PRIZE OFFERED TO COLUMBIA ELEVEN ( tip for Best Student o? Team Will II..' (men by (lass of '13. \ ? member of ' ? ? ' . ' ??' olumbia ? ' e th? r thi POLICE CHIEF TALKS; THIEVES GET BUSY Minneapolis Guardian Robbed as He Denies Crime Wave. ?i - ? Ch lef of F : , Mai id In an ad ' th. of thi Lyni i ... . ? i . . . i : >Mtn, . .. u , ? ? , ? riaii ? hli auto* , . ?? ? lolen th? ? ? th? ... ? foi r, , r. , ? .. .? s" two p\i- n ? n ? . ' buig .enter . i ,n North Minneapolis RAIDER HOVERS OFF U.S. COAST Captain of British Ship Reports Craft Fired on M im. SECOND MASTER SAW SAME BOAT German Rover Believed Cruising 100 Miles Off Virginia Capes. n ? t Newport Nesrs, Ya , March 3.- Cap. tain I?. W. Griffith's, inaMer of the ''' ' lei r ?? ?.'. ? g?, t.,?,| on ... -, j it 400 a ? ' ... \ ,r nia Cap? Captain loi ??? of the ? I. ?dy P rn a ith, told ? ? irrenei . .rival ? i sp! a Griffitl making . ? - speed when Brad ! h? i. ared for s I me that hr aould be overhauled, The Swlfl ? shoe rt the non, and \he smol - i .- ? ly dark, rhe puram soon after g to 1 ' l h? i ? - i the f t Wing ? a I ? Bermu? I ips 44rre about thr. m n ? i <? no 1 to malest him, an,] he ii'iil not tr.l.r time to invest making sll posi ble speed to esespe i B] aid that he pal,] ?' attenti? to tiro ?ho-, which struck i ? - ? .'! a. spray flew into the srr wh?"i the arater, sod the captain though! ras a whale blowiag, 1 few minut?e lotei I ? trfjck closer and the < > searched the horizon ? boss, "Aboul four mili big two Cap? Grlf "I tl en making ail p? We Fan- her I dark* " ther or ras ? ??a I ai irkness, er, -4 ss s a elcome relief.'* The master of the Lady PI; r-aiil tr-a*. he .?iyhtei! a mysterious look ng erafl when aboul >.cross th, ac . based I I t lost ? r< '???r ' ' ? ? ... ! . Plyi I off her course, p ? bal . ? ssed t1 s La ly r got i ? ' ' use her | ling to sptain ; , Plymoui put < I that h? rrent that th? supposed German raider l.a-1 ntered ?'?'.<: Capes, Captain <?' flH stato'l that r\ pilot ha.l told him that ? - passed in earlv thi? aft? ; i report i ?old - ot i con? Shipi ? cited ot er the report thai I i in raider in th? Virginia Capea, an.i the mastei ei - leaving here to-day itated ? they would b? on the aWt the i,- the tl rea mil? ::" I Think Germ?n Raider Wailing to Dash Inlo Newport News Henry, V? earlj l*hu ? ' B , . i.. ? believe that a I g in thai . to dash foi N< v*. ? ?rt When 1 fron Pi o Rico, Captaii ? ghts suddenly ? . ? |y ,1 app? . | ' ' . | air ?a'.i, and wai ng by S ' ... -, ? ? : ?? . ? ...... ghted. A ew ? ' SEAMEN'S LAW AFFECTS FOREIGN SHIPS TO-DAY Customs Authorities lApect No Violation, but Will Inspect. ! . ; ' Bill, whieh '? ?? ! Arnerir;,ri ship? ill C? No? . r I, goa? h to fores reign v? ? . the Depart ment of Commer? tl government will n ' ?' ?' popei t" a'A g " the requirc ? ? ?al with the ? | ? ? of Indi. ?? ? spplianee ?. It was aid at th< ? . ? ? ition . ? liona art ? iri ? in of f..r .... ?rill be i le. ho ever, te the pro BW are BIG MEN TO SPEAK AT MARJORIE'S CONCERT Mti known in n Itiofl ll slfairi will ipeak .it I row evening's ptt*parednesi concnt it the Hippodrome for Imrjorie s Battleship rune], to hnnj- out the eri OUSnesi of the nffd thr little thirteen-year-old pirl is iry it!-' t'i inc't ?n Iit own 4-, ,v. Representative John Q ! ?' son, <>i the House Military Attain I ommitti i 1 ira ihe turmoil al \\ i tanl ii prep?reteme I Khei ?i>r,ikr-i, \ ill !>?? Jdlin Hays Hammond, Hud? son M.ixim, (",i[)t,im ! ?i k ( rawford and Borough President M.irrtia M. ?Marks, who will preside Anna Fit /iu. ihe Metropolitan finger. and the other ?tan were busy yesterday weaving pat? riotic element! into the pro i'i.i nmei they will present. Ihe preparedness concert Mill be ihr combined artistic .H"! p.tri? tii ?"??ut ci the year. BATTLESHIP FETE P.4TRI0TIC SHOW Artists Weave Nation I.ove Theme Into Acts for To? morrow's Concert. . i ? . prepared trt, to be h eld ? r row aight to i ? ' l>?triu- rbeal I ? ? reaving into their >.? i-nt? which, with their 1 the U. 8 A., in ? Ai-' of tin? fun?! : lying thi that houi there will 1 i-, prominence iparsed thi Fresh from th? ? Repres? ntal re John Q. 1 i neetic I e House 4V,th BUl < ?...i edn? it is g ' tal, bul . Repr? lenta! y ?' ? ? IJurttugh Prealdeal M.irl?? to Preside. Nr-v fork City s I be ? p of ti ne? Mitr' el at I ' .-'. 1 '? " lai ' of the Boi oug - ? ? . . Hammond, the mosl gineer of 1 ?or!d rough side of I with 1 ? raid I ? ? Mr. II rmen! 4 . ? . ' Hudson V ? ,,,. ,v., , . . i . king ? ? ? i ? ' .... I ? ? I hii . V. a '?''?'.' I Mi?-? lit/in'? Programm?*. \- ? a ? ' " star, ta h o ?rai t by her - i nallaaed aa cue?1 s. ealaaaa i 3130 DROWNED ON PROVENCE Foundering of Troop ship Is Greatest Disaster of the Sea U-BOAT SINKS A ?mini; sweeper White Star Liners Arm for Mediterranean Trip German Ship Struck. ? It a?a? announced ?* ' ? a i re? ch Minlstrj ?-?f Marine ta day ' "' ?SB en 1'oar.I the Frei i la 1 l . bi lai | ta thi try ? '?' ? i ? an Febru? ..' ' BSI "'' ? ? ? ? ? Pi .?. r was , it is indicated that . . ? . ? ; ? ? I ? re the atari ; of t' - I Col? ' Ha g ment, . Bat! d company I ittalion, ihe 2d Machine ?, . ' . ... . Tl ' s than three Ihe i *r, I ng of 1 i ? ?? ? trr^a' ses, L'p irggat number of a r?-. '?. a as a ben ' ?.?.-:< ?in icebei. snki on April 14, 1 th a d< it h ' ? -? . ?" Harina ha.) en out no i stem? nt m imber nt persans on the -hr went ?lovati. ras ?????a', in the tn - . ' ild carry 1,960 i w, hi..I :t '? h'\ i... . ? -.:1? Mil.-, at ? .- .. ? m | er of i| . r ?i o h lei . r o? - l'i ?'? ? rice - aid: I rench au? ?r Pro ???? d tinguish her -"? French 1 sttleship I'to ' - .-. poi '.ni,' troops unh i-i the M?diter o? February M. 1 wo hundre ? been .? i' : Ufl ? noli antl ?rifish , ? . ? i ?art?, no '" n- a ' the sink? , armed aritl 0 1 ! . ? ? ? I ? i . . ;..? ..- ; millime ? great (disasters, men? ? ? ? ' e 1 I Line steal ! I ? - by i Gn Head of K . . !'.'!?"-. ? r -on ?tr-am <lnp i ?i the Eaat Kiver, J .? . ? riv French 1 hip La Pour | -, -. i -l J . 1. I?.". ? . - - ?? i .:.teaman p K Icki r \|?r i ? ? ' Jaj an September . : Urai Line in on , ? ? . ' Mp Kn \ sunk ?, 19 . ? t| 1,000 U-Boal in Mediterranean Sinks a Aline Sweeper S Tl:? Admiral!y an t th? '? r Pi '.'hi in the ? in while perform ? - . re '. i r>ce| t thre IC . a'. Pol *. . er 1 ' . from Apenrade, : tliered te i aarttaaed ea fege '. relama . "Make Money at Home" "I aril money ?n your spare time; no experience; needed." So read the ? l.issitied advertisements in the Bennett-Hearal Pulitzei type of newspaper. I hey BOUnrJed lishy. BO Samuel Hopkins Adams went ii^hinK?and landed frauds ot the most despicable sort, the sort thai take money away from those who can least atf ?rd to lose. He tells about it tomorrow. Read the article?t*~! 1 your friends about it. Your newsdealer will deliver your copy. iXhr ?un?aij G,ribim* F/rsI r>? / .i*t?the truth: Non I?l.ditori;il\? left crf/'.fmen/?. | .? a :?'??.?? ? HOUSE WILL VOTE TO-DAY; COMMITTEE BACKS WILSON THE GORE RESOLUTION AND CONFUSION IT COATED IN THE SENATE THE ORIGINAL RESOLUTION. H HEREAS, A number i f leading powers of the world are now engaged ;n a war of unexampled proportion?; anJ. WHERE.AS, The United States is happily at peace with all of the belligerent nations; anil. 11 HENEAS, It is equally the desire and the interest ot the Ameri? can, people to remain at peace ?vith all nations; and, WHEREAS, The President has recently afforded Ircsh and signal proof.; of the superiority of diplomacy to butchery as a method of settling international disputes; and. WHEREAS, The right of American citizens to travel on unarmed belligerent vessels has recently received renewed guarantees of re? spect and inviolability; and, WHEREAS, The right of American citizens to travel on armed belligerent vessels rather tv-an upon unarmed vessels is essential neither to their life, liberty or safety, nor to the independence, dig? nity or security of the United States; and, WHEREA S, Congress alone has been vested with the power to declare war, which involves the obligations to prevent war by all proper mean, consistent with the honor and vital interest of the nation; therefore be it RESOLVED, Hy the Senate, the House of Representatives con Ctininf, that it Is the *ense of the Congress, vested as it i- with the sole power to declare war. that sil persons owir.g allegiance to the United States should in behalf of their o*n safety and the vital interest of the Uni'ed States forbear to exercise the right to travel as passengers upon any armed vessel of a belligerent power, whether such vessel be armed for offensive or defensive purposes; and it is the further sense of the Congress tnat no passport should be issued or renewed by the Secretary of State, or by any one acting under him to be used by ."my person owing allegiance to the United States for the purpose of travel upon any such armed vessel ot a belligerent power. SENATOR GORE'S TRICK AMENDMENT. RESOL} ED, That the sinking by a German submarine, without notice of warning, ?if an armed merchant vessel of her public enemy, resulting in the death of a citizen of the United States, would con? stitute a just and sufficient cause of war between the United States and the German Empire. It was the introduction of this amendment which a.aused the confusion in the Senate, as shown by the following varied views: Senator Fall (Rep.)?"By your action to-day you have 6ent notice to the Kaiser tfm the Senate of the United States will look upon his linking of srraed merchant ship;-, and the death of an Amer? ican citi/en with some degree of regret, but that no action will be taken agaiti't him." Senator Kern (Dem.??"The Senate's action proclaims to all na? tions that all the people of this country are prepared to back the President with their livea in an insistence on American rights." Senator L.?dge < Rep.)?"The Senate has gone on record as op? posing a warning to Americans and dornst interference with the Executive." Senator Borah (Re;.)?"The Senate's action is evasive. I would rather have battleahipe sunk than have the honor of this Senate compromised before the world.' 1_-1 'TMES'REPORT? DEFIES CONGRE! L. R. Molme Refuses Divulge News Source i Marshall Investigators Leonard It. Ii" me, a i sport? r ? . held in stamp! ? of Rep ? ? , . | ?? L'nited tal .?-?-. ? fora the sub-jud ?atigating r? ?'!??.. I tatea Atton II. Snr a len Mur?hai!. In a itory .?.ppf.'.' i g ?? admit! he 4>.rott\ be ?aid; ??[. || ? . f of the Dial ... ..... grei rstiga! to the erimii ? - ii ised their nterest, ar they ?-.i le 1 Mf. Ho ma to a [ai "You state 1 ; ? A-,'.rr ej '-''?.' . . , of Vil gtnia, ' lira ai of ? ommitte? -Who in trict Atton f;i.\ o ? >^rt laiOB to 1 "[:???-??'. names," i- ?-1> 1 : -?. t Mr. H "Did anybody at a'.i express this be ? "Yes, sereral," n acred the wi< . ??H as the I ? ?' ? II v Mr Marshall or an] \ -..?'?'? ; |i aswer ! .i tern i "? ? - ? f find? ing oui al tl r Mr He ? ?? ; .. i hu<l a conference a ith Mr Man i ? ' i associates pr< lag of th? ?r1 .'? Mr. Holme pro .!??'?' of nformation ? ri ighoul by da i ??.-?? i - rer, and accepted i in conter-' I The Tribune I a?.e. !; \4-A? recalled :?? itei a th? '???mm ttee i g ' ? H V.r. Marshall I f more thai I e..r ..? ' ? . : <.f * Jol gran I jui of pardoi - t VVilnoi r-'.uuhr to COI ? ? ? 1 r.h'.iP... r. ? | reveal their sources ol Informal The Tr.t.,'..- had pabli bed two as? l"utluij?"J on paie :, culumn * WILSON THREAT TO QUIT RUMORED President Refuses to Dis? cuss Persistent Report in Capital. - . - - Buns IVasl nsrton, March 3 A repart that caused i exeited eo Pi '.' ? ? \\ ilsen threat . ni"! ? ive hia party -. itfa 1er If Consjrosi felled 'o back the attil At \ho White 11 ', i -> ? ? . ? sid that no d< si in? i. ? -? ?id ta BSV? i.een ut onferene? with a ?,|r. ? ? | .............. .?_.., ri . et r?solu! ? I then pending ??.'?*???- rr-iHcr him ?'- ?'- i si . mske i* BeireBBery for him ."? ? :-r the as? ? : , ??-..-.'.? ?r.aa t ?. rd to merit a ?.. lay pei ? ? . ? Bg Un lent ? - . , and 1 ' e ?toa l ?? ilti g point for ? Biing il perfeetl, an? loadable that he fhould make uch > ? ? .\ - ratio i ? BBi . | ? - ? ?, ?. Preaideat'i ??>.". .iruwa! would bla ' evory hots? for a - ful eaa . .. . Mr. \\ Non Is trong? ? ? i pari frankly tod that wil ?:;. 1er aext i lasasei then - |; ?' :' .. , -.?anee of 11 ? m oeratii ice? Many be... i re tl a*, the ProaidoBt ma 1 ? the itatomenl ropertad, an.i thai he did i Domocratic politicians ' lt| ? - '-:m. Whether Mr. Wilson made the i1 1? mer.t or not, many behove that W r. p - - m Btlsaeata? and thai -, not 4v;th honor eon'.;nue :n offic ;'f:;iterl by Ca9BSJTOI il" ; ?- leaders *?> that this ui ?'.? . : r.p ,.f the Pre? .1er l'? Bttitod? a itarj ? -r' '. s?-, : ???? 4. r.i.rri ro cor?: 1 . -,,- ? ??' ? anal hon,,r or patr-., : mule have -???i iag nto llae at ta< nt thai the [" 'ral fortunes ui LKmocracy are at stake. Turmoil Marks Battle Over Policy on Armed Ships. VOTE 68 TO 14 AGAINST GORE Killing of Mcl.emoro Resolution Urged on House. ?-?-??- ? ' ma 1 Wa-hi-v;* ?, Maret, .t. ?The United States S?mate Mfrittfl l.y ? sweeping rnajority te-oay, N te il, its luuntstakable intention t<? kill any i?'?.i!iiti?in.? ta?nd?ng to in. terfere with I'r.-i.i? ?nt WiNm.'?, handling ?if tho international .?i:u.? tniti. In the 11. ?- . -I,. I l'ivii-ti Af. fairs Committee, l.y a \..t.? of 17 to '.', airri'.'ii tu report the reaotutio??! <?n which the Pr?sident has ?i.'inan.lo.l ? rote, and i?*?"!ii!i.i'ii?!.'i| that it n# tabled In n turbuli nt scene, ? Idoai a n l in the Senate, ti s roting pre* rmeded ?jaita Senat ,, iting ob *1B, fut ilelj ?i? SCOga? nitton to explain Hi? n ?Mi-itiuiH anil making hot ret ?rt - to >-.<? h other, h'I of wlii'h were out of orttar. \t une timo '-o many S? n it ? ? ?"?uta irijtr t*??r th?' \i???? Pre ?dent'a rec?ogni? tion that the ? rgea I at bin ? "'?i called '? - qui? ? Despite thi mudd) ing of the in tho Senate by ? coup on the part of Benator Gere, by irhich be pre* ranted a ??ate on th<* rae its of big original r?solution, but Irappad th?. ; Senato info \ntinjr on an gab nr?l an.! rotitradit'toi-y instrument, ihr temper . ef th?? Senate was clearly ?hown S?/ tho oni'.nii'ii!? vote rolled up agalMl .Mr. Gore's resolut Ion. I're?lilrnf? ??tri-tigri Ii >ho?n. Nothing ? 11 ii?cing of th<? ?! rength of the uppoi i i allied to Um President and against and interfere ?mee by pa? ?ftsta ;it;.| | ro Garnsang with th" r ? lenl i*onduet of Use n? gotiationa on ,; ? Gei man use* marin? warfare .a- the fad that at tho !a-t moment before the iroti Betse ator Gore demanded and obtaload ?i parlamentar?, right ??? change lui resolut Mr. Gore s a sag I ? ? ' ., pre? V g a rot? ?I i ?bed raafg purpo??-. H BW 1 .t. ?! on/it would ed just aa the bibb he eel up i bi killed. Imrnedia*' U B tbg flore ' .allel up th? i'ii ? rr..-, I,ig ib prevea 1 g s at m ghl eng SB tii.? ling a waraiag te v . f an ihipa. This belief ? ?? i met been killed by- a larga a enatOI . lid remember ... ? . . -? ll?-? ..... anater '?????, ? ... ,.r. .! ai i i" a memoi . " tor G ?re d?lib?r?t? 11 ? ? -'* eref<srs, be it tete < ?? . re I.urea Original l{e?t>lulion. iiioa ths weeds g of i i fellawsi by thr beaata the Hou?e preseatat in i ki that it the aanse of 1 .?-.??? its i ?1 . |a ? ? ??? gels ; swei te declare g alleglBllC?) to the ? ln behalf I vital a\%* States, forbsar to ie th? right to travel as p???cn ipen aay arased ??? ml af any _.,.. . ? . . - .---. . e -. I be armed '<>? affai i as a-fenaive rmrpoaaa, aod U f?sftbof ??mse . ' (be ' Bgn - that as pu?*.porti . be .. i r r i sao wed by the terj - atO, or by a-.; ore act? g tajgajei ? ? be 'i-?.| l>\ any per. I | giai re to the ''mte?t for pur| upon any , ? -rtenl ; "Aer.'' In place of -w - ,v-' -ertCal the fo I .' ??[.?-rt'-ctiun" of Y-.* reaolattoB! ??Ti.- i a? a arias with? cut notice or WBiaiBg ?f an arme?! merchant reaaol of her | iblie enemy, rcsultirtr Is ? loath o? i eitisea of the United Btates, 4?o?:; ,on?titute a ? and eufaeieal cause of war be e.-n the t'nited States and the l*er nian Empire " Tarn .?? .ter C lined thssa ? tempting t" end I ??? g ? lional agito? I ,,- for a sarrei del b! Amer:.-- j light* by \ot Bg lu ul?k hi? u*n resu