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The Church That Is in New York Massed Drive by Laymen Church's Victory Hope If Officials Give Same Time and Energy to Religion a* to Business, New York and Nation V. ill Fall ?Before Evangelistic Wave. By CHARLES W. WELCH. mass moi entent of men 1 been j ? ite to be ?.?I unavailing. The massing of men ai '. thi most modem death-dealing machinery before Li?ge were buc cessful. They failed before the battle-front of the Marne. Gigan tic embankments of men have only recently been piled along the battle-line i f Verdun, and have been left to be blown to pieces even after th?y are dead. However marked the failure of tin5 mass n enient 1 been i un pe and ' t pe? tent de? mand which is 1 # n the church life of "The Cl .t U in i\ew '? \ of all individual laymen for taking the plat c hit ??i "i;r ? h really bel??nj I I n? :: an i i: r ? the jilnre which has been pre-empted by the forci which have been the age-long contenders against everything the Church has ?sought to do. ?g War l'oint? to Our Duties. Xot alor.e ?Jo the reactions pro-1 duccd in our life by the world war now raging I sea ' ji the for every man of us to. rtantl ly cur national responsibl ? ? . hut the rr>Fpon?ih'.lities of our rpirit ual live-, which are ma?V niorr- clear by '.h.- conflagration beyond onr snores, reawaken in ? .-htful churchman i sei . i? . ?. of red regeneratioi ? ... . ? || try i l com pi ? . lina! ithel ? gentlj Th-- ? ? r-n in ? . . el district ? ?? .. .', ?' , ? . ? ? ? ..... ? ? . . ' All of ? ? thai effort church 1 i **" * - i eir 1 ? ? ? ? i.fore - ? ' Will ai longer b? tented with g horch the i< I ... | and theii r timt ' ? (Tori ?? rhe l ch thai ? ? . <rf';l ar.l ? eitj ? Iggresslve ? mpaiga Needed. ? fork," I .llll ',.:.''? . ? men who < kind I i. mai ? ' (final's 1< ? raaki i e raosl in doing wha ? him to promise t< si h? i induction inl I wonder, n I >''iirn with hur - , ? . ? , | . . ? for th? ?, if there are not Il v.-ho ha1 ? rten in the rank a hi re ey I ted and been pro .den f the oll ? ? sre times ' -? ? ??? ' | teaing i ? 'a ? ' h m en of thi tail parts of 1 ? eounti ? ? ible, if it will attempt Bfl ? - : te tl It I ? . .? of a .r : S< ? ? . .al or ?'.?''?.-? ? ? . of tl tv for i pathetie s ..-.-? ? evang tnasi move t f er tal .- f 11 CHURCH NEWS AND NOTES. -I'l.t I \! SERVI? ES AI sis?, >|M,. Dr. '? : '?? Dr l'rar.k ;. - t the 1 ?. ,. i ? ? ? ? , ., t), and 1 ? Ihe i ? . irch G anil April. : r- achers ??? ill be Dr. ? ? preseh Sunday, Mareh S'ehemlah Boynton, former mod* 't.- - ? the C?ncregational l hu relie? of America; the Rev, Frank Oliver Hall, ' ' Ba i Holmes, "f ? , ' ?- ? th? Messish Unitaran , '. j?-jere tojHo to^ijurclj^o-morro?) Wilbur Chapman, Recommending the Study ol Prophecy, says, "I Have Mot Ihe Slightest Question hut That We Are Approaching the Last Days.'1 "WHEN ARMAGEDDON BEGINS: HOW NEAR IS THE END OF TIME?" No Gueas \Xork; ti R<*al Answer in tins Inspiring L-ecturc. Prof. Everson at Hudson Theatre, 44th Street and Broadway, Sunday 8 P. M. Door? open 7:15. Free. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Urna-laaaa im! "0;h Mr??t. PASTOR I.W.HALDEMAH.D.O. I), H ? ' '-r;an U ?II r.l < ll?-V hit pulpit una/ on?/ firning 11 v 4i im\\ \ ? mi;i-? i w ?i \. 4|??|\l i l> in ill WIN IM? WALK 0> im i nun vi i in -un i mi ' a? V. W.?"Till ll?t??K \<? 4|\\ |N III 411 N nil I. VII I II I III I l> Ml-I N . 4 ?It. HOW ill 11 I HUH II -I ? ? HKIM IN ii i \4 i \ i- , i i i i\,. Kl xl?i l" I IKE III?. I I I l I. I>l!!.- ?11 III-. MN?.I?I)M: IHlVV III. I> 4.111 IV?. Ill \I?V l?> IIIKlllt nun v I I,,s lili l\l. Ill I III I I Mil I I ?I IK.Ml M ? I H \ T Mill I III I I 111 III? -I.? ??Ml ? ??MIN?., \?i I II M I III I IV.1K I?? I IIMIN?. " ?in l r.? ,a i irnina, N' ?" >> "' * ... I..--U. Dr. Haliteman will r. ?,,i,,r- hi. rapoal linn-. .?, hm.e I'n.i.ii ?.a papalai on Hi. Hook. -I th* i>l.I I. ? i.tna.iu. St..- sab I?, t a, III IT I 111 111..ii. Ill 1 \??l?l - U Mill \ : 'I < X '. I M'l KM ?.M? Till u,.m. <n i \?>i?i ? ? \\ i sin i;-i \m? i m 4\ in?' ? nun i ?l. ?i ,,l, t,i- , ,,,,l ,11? In? itril. I,, in- r?ruins >,ri,i.,n i?r. 11,i|.|. ,,,.., ,mi? ?neat ?' ?i" i>r?-?.-nt asi m Ma relatloa Mid-Week Bible Study "f4 lOSEPH w. K ? vi I ?LVARY HAPTIST I Hi f H Mid-Week Bible Study ma nao? Avi NUI tiAr>Ti?T i hi Ri i? (. A. t'YJON. ?. I).? Pastor na v. . a r?rr>- v.,',. alea a y If . A I).,11 a H ll8mn I., C ?" ?'all lafl - lis M l,??T,-T lhi.?rH I I ?e .... a 4 ? I ? -. .-. ? ' ..' IIMM IVIinl BAPTIST 'HUrtCH. I .... V? I " * I" 4?^,..,, . , , 1 WA-a- -. ? fll HTs BAPTIST CHURCH, . - -, S. |i |i HIHT wasHIHi Tl.N BAPTIST I - .1 1 .- 44. ? r m ? I.I I I.V\ MIIMt. CHRISTIAN .SCIENCE CHURCHES , ?lava. Il A M. ?-.< I P M Wa-lr-aJaaa | P M rmi Casrrk. < > fcarenc) r ? ? ' ?? A .4 ' ? St? ? a ..... , a , ? ? A. I I i UM,III i.IIIIIMI MANHATTAN I A >TI! ? ? Broadway Tabernacle BROADWAY asp :? t ?i ITS ? 11 i . - . . ?? III! IM -I It S? I DIVINE SCIENCE ? ? 44 IM.II-II II I III K W CHURCH OF THE ADVENT, j ? ? IN I I IIS Ml.IS 4 1 It?* Oaat Hall > < - I' M BOUL* ?HIT? ' II.HI II "BETH-EL TEMPLE" _ . ?ir ? IT III' I'll v vu i in.i?i-1 mi-? or vi MADISON AVENUE 60th Stre*t. OLD JOHN ST. CHURCH uk.., mi i mr?i*.i i ri-i oi'\i. ST. PAUL'S METHODIST CHURCH Rev. CHARLES I. GOODELL, D.D.. P?itor. I're? ilii| ? ' - .? 4| I CALVARY METHODIST ? Rev. W. H. MORGAN, D. D. a - ? . ST. I^UKEn S ., FRf.') WIN?-L?-HV AllAMs (. |l MUltl ? 11 a ' Pa II.IWI.AM? I - ' I ' ARK AV?. CHURCH NORMO?! < IK K? H ni JKSI S ( H RIS I i?1 I VTTEH l>\\ ?SAINTS - ? Mil | Il II I.II I. UNITY .SOCIETY 2S WIST ".'I? STREET. M "Maat ami llaai ??i Minri s P. "... ORISON SWI IT MAROF.N. ANNA W. MILLS, l i i ?. ?? ... ? ? ??. I ? ?? i ?; . ? CRITERION im:?ik'i. , THE NEW THOUGHT CHURCH MRS. chap?n. ,hr ,,?': M?kln? ? World. ' - ... . . . ? ?? mhW tu AfPir ntw IM0U6H. PRlaCIPLCi TO YOlR DAILY MtEOS I ?it a 1 . ? -? \. M ' I I >? IHM.I. Ill I 111 Bl II DBRS ill".), 1 II'. u HARRY GAZE. I'll I ~l|4 || ?il XV DR. PARKHURST Preaches Sunday 11 A. M. & 8 P. M. Madison Ave. and 24th St. Communion Srrvice 4 P. M OLD F.RSi P..ES3rTERIAi CH?RCH F.FTH AVcN.E-LEVE,TH STR.ET. HOWARD OUFFIELD-. 1A M 8 P.M. &RoAD i/tf ?. Y I f. B y 1 ?NCI n. .1? i??a l> li . -1 ? *v | i> a | . - . t 11 ? i A?, i. ?^ ? . ? i ra a i |t#< Av,Pli. ,,? 5;,? ...,,lt, ? v. ?? ? i l'a a . 4 ? ISI l-;T SRI l h [i i) ? A '. ? . 4 , i I V?I->T RAH* PHI sil. TI 111 AN CHI ? ? . a . A.?. ' .. ASM,., at at || RBI fr ii D, 1 R?,. ANTItONT N. CVANS. D. D i * '' It, , ? | RUTGERS "BS?V'??ai** p.. DANICl SUSSSLI D D ? ?? ? Lift a oaiviRviTY PLACI PStSavrSSIAN ?muRoh ' ' HARLFM-NEW YORK FT. WASHINGTON . >.,H HAITI?. ??.filin! ' ". -?? r ,, klAVa? IH'M?H. ?'? ii.ll I I . ... PHI -h-, ruiUN. PARK AVENUE Presbyterian Church AT 85th STREET THE RFV. CHAS. W. WELCH. Minislfr. SERVICES Rl-i> S Iv? I .9:30 ?? m. Ml r.'iuiR Worship. ,. ..11 OC* ? \ "unn Pe<.? le .' DcYOl nal SetlKtJ 100 p. m. I.? ?nin5! Wor?hip .B O clock Midweek Service Wedi daj ?? " p, a% AN INVITATION IS EXTEaXOEO TO A..L PEOPLE. THE BRICK CHURCH J " A? ,, . IM I'll KM! > ?II nan !.. / I IIA . ? . . A > .XA\ 1'it mi nan i. ? ' in HAM?? I ? I ? ? . ? . ? I 4T 3 HUH AVthU? FRE^BV?EXIA?, CH?KCH REV. J. H. JOWETT, D. D., Paitor. a ? . | 31 I' II M ;->?a.i. I a ... ... ST. NICHOLAS AVE. . . i ?'.{??I I - I X\ I I I'M Of II CATHl DSAI 01 ' ' IONS IHI PIVINI ? , ? ' ;. x m ' ll'.M, I'l I? ?I |'i M . s... [I ? . ? . ?' - ... i . ' I I 1 ? ? i ? >' ?i, uoomae'? cmuch tin ? ? r. i ? a ?? 1. ?i 4 v . / ? 1 f. II. I 4 ??? I i. K CHURCH OF IHt TSANSriOUSATION ; i i ? i : i i ; 111 lOMMIMi'?" ? ? A IXf.lN I \ I \ 4.IM, 4 ,-I.KXI"\ * \ * 11 ?? I I ? M - ' ' 4 X - ?i? i i. - ?? -. . -i;b.v - I'BAYKR i '? >ll II- ? " . - ? KMliX? l??Wl.x . ' |ll*t||<i|? i ?I . ?: i .' I It II! II ? M . I .AH MAI II ? ?? TmE ascension It? A,.?.. . ?nit IMS M-?<' Rr? [>r PER? Y STICKNET ?.RANT. R'rlnr ' CHURCH 01 TMi H'ii v COMMUNION :r-th Mt'.i a? II *? ? ? >i , v ?i ? ? ' ? ' ' ? , ASII Church of Z'on aod St. Timothy \ .i a M tir- II.I 4 ?' 4 ?' I- '41 ? i ui ;oru ?' ?. - ??? . H P. M. 5ereke of Light.. ASH WEDNESDAY. S?. Bcorgc's Church a ' ? . . KARL REILAM ST. JAMEb' CHURCH SI .o i ?an? ,. i ? Rtt.B.M.W?! . "i II H . ALL AN..I LI ' H1JRCH. . ?... ?? ,-?? , ' ?? h I' N?-?a? I ?I II I, ? j ??-. i . ? ?? Heat - ? CHURCH Of INI HEAVE.If nul I a ' A ?' . | a '. . ? ? . . r > I 'I SI ITEPHIN ' ' II "'?- Hr.,!?. . llr M I I- ' . . . LRACI CHUI ? .... sal ' :? ??? n , i ? | | -. || | i: M ?lllHIta (H, mil . ? at ..t Ml.i St II AH III it ii . a..l ?. l'Ilot I M IM I TIM DIM I.. CHURCH .-? BlLOVEDOISCIPLE l?>t B'll'l It, r-?r V?,!ia?n Ac. ?' ' 4 Hi",,' B. P. D K? ' I ? ?? 10 A. M. " I i | a ?? R I . . . a .1 ? ? I P. V. (-?Bular ViM?.ra. I ' . .a '1 , ? ? a . a Ha ? ? P. M. fa'-lie-i? ?; . a . < a a a Church ,he Incarnation BABISOH ?41 ?vn -,th sr Mfi-AAnri r ROBBIBI BssBi 8 and 10 a m . Mnlv ( nmmunion. ! 11 a m . ?llar? ?nil Unir ('?mmiinna ; Ser ?nun. Rartor. t p. m !'??!' uni Rusaian Mum. AH.!r?.. bv :h? Rev. !.. Ruiaeli Bi urnr. B ? I HUM I I? 1 III 'H m.I I . ... I I i.l V I i I Ml It? II Be?.I?.. M II-? a ? " |? ?1 Il M Mill I I ill I I ?.I XI I ? HI Kl II, K-' r? . M , ?? .... I III. ? HI I I i.l V I I I III III II i?l -I s II Hi, V - ? I VI a I ., \\ I -I IM? . '.I I I ..I VII ? III III II. ? ' REFORMED CHURCH OF HARLEM n ?? ?? Harlton Grange . . . ,m , ,, .... INI , HRI81 HV^ NARROW1 FRIVOL! ? FOLK* -u? II I 4 n| I Uli.MIS. RELIGIOUS ^ I.L 11 TV (If FRIUNI'S. Mr?- (j ? - . .,la,l a- Man ?a- -, a, Hi - . ? . . . ? I ? \ I SriRITI \l IM. . BCRB.AN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH. ??i i- Eat Hit? Bualain * p. M. l'a , ? > St.-Cal -'?,,,. rir.l?. I Ml\KI\N CHURCH ?-. MESSIAH S$"fiwfifc JOHN MAYS! s HWI.MFS. Minuter, la P.>4frtv F4?-r a RUminf .v' H ??a? 44-ii(..,r ICWAll nrj t r- . Ttri Ali H)V)S n ? ?? ?1 ?l|M I t ?... ? I LKNOX AV. Sir UNITARIAN IHIRCH, "William Blake: Nr.tural Heritage.'' Rr, . l.ri? >t ( r- n \-r.,H. f? D . .V1,r..!?r. t Ml I II? VI laT. THI i.DIVINE RATEBBITY, y. i n ? ? ? . ? ? F ,ii ?r Ml-Si r|. '? ? MaataJ M.ui. lai Ta B? 1 .a" I . -, . _ ? si I V. FRANK ?I. CANNON a,.,. - <. y. M C. A \ a , 'A I A INS I ' ' I Ti.r . NOHMONIBM m .n i: - i ?iv n eu IL SEMINARY, '?-. .M ? , M INI UNiilN tHEOLOOICAl StMiNARy. 4 l?a?s la - . 4 I !? . ' ? .1 Sunday Bible Hours ,: Sa' I Blhla. I W |S M T? rao???.? DON O. S H ELTON CAPITAL AND LABOR m ?. i i anciETi oi ' m .. t ,.??. . , ? ? ?BERNS r l ? ? RCH ? i ?a ?I **.' ? ' ? ?? ? B'SM f :?a^. m n Abbol ? i in |{? |{ HONORS SH ?KESPE iRE. ? ... . . ? . take place to-mon ? ?.. . ? - ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? ? relebral thai itei ride ? I late. 1 i . | ? ? t of 1 . and Shak? ' - :.?r th? ... , iripture by i S'orman Guthi tmong the other paai ski spear? memorial sei x;eit Ii:*ho[j ?ireer ! noon as the tia at the Ci ral of St. J it this ?cSirJ Robertson si preach memorial sorti f the *?i ,, ! and; the H ? . - ' . i Mil I? WEI ? VRE, r York l ' i i I: a '? ?rk 1 I i-wide Babj Week" and r? thai one lei either March 5, or on Sunday, March l! ..i voted to t1.,- . ition of baby or child welfare THE EMMANUEL MOVEMENT. Tin? !.'?? William N ind bis vestry of K| iaeo| ni i h ir? I I ??? ?' su ; - ? ? tree! ned Walter : f Val? of a i ? preted by th< Mi , . ?? B ' peopl? ? ' '?r | , ..roirhial r? ? ?? ; ? ivail themi PRESBYTCRLAN ?SOCIAL l MON. Members of the Presbyterian I'riion of New i ork snd ? ' will hear a discussion of the el Its reception Monday i ?a; 1.1 ..'. '??'.' h I. Ai Itate Supei I I tn! ? i ?i I1 ? llealt ? '?? . York, ? ' l ne Relal on of A ' " and United Wesley 1 Jones, ? Wa ? icues " Pn SEW YORE PRESBYTER, TO MEET. '.' the i tors s oil te rie ? o f X ? f Cil ,.'e ?.'. ?'? "|. ??..'?.. i -. .-?i next Je .. ; ? teriai ? .. ibl srl el ? ? ?? ? eh urch tedlj co pera te with him i ; ? ....... 0f the Pi .-,, . ? of tha? Knd Pre ib) teris I . , A '? u tv? day ('a !:. prese ni urche? of in i Mr. Sui lay hs 11 ? ; that i? decieioi ??? Il ? ? ,..-... with the approac ? ? SERMON TOPICS TOMORROW Baptist. tt'esl IV. Ki T : r\etl?? y ? ? rat of i "Thr Ke ? of Faith" - ? *WI x P r a y e r " ; Bible *...,-.. id Boo '? ??? .? r." . :',. r' _." Mad ? . ? ? ? ' . \ t o n, 11 a. i v ? ?I? - ? 4 ' Washinsrt? H? ? .? I i ? l.. Dr. Harold Pal ion, 1 ' a. m., baptisi . . . ? . ? ; Mi ' ? ? " I lin*li;tn S? ?eme. . aill '.. " .'?u llisiiples ?if I hri-t. ! : : '.'. . ? - ? : (dleman, 11 a n snd 8 j .? .. ries on M1 he >\ aj i f ' I>i4inr Science. Hotel t -'"r. north ballroom, Dr. W. M ..rra<. al ! I a. m. on " R? . and Health"; specml mueical pro fromme. Ethical 1 ullure. ' I! ?rai Wanted v ? ; ? ? ri oi Will :' ' : .'man I ad ? .i |i ' : . MelhtiHi?!. .... ? ? ' ? ? ? ' . ? . ? . ' :.. ? ? ? ? . and ' . ' i ? - ne " . . n. ?' the M l'i ? Met ropo 1 ? ? ? an' 141 Dr. r. i ? .? - ? .'. .'? v t . ' ' ' ' ? ? Till ? '? ? Dr ? eter wil preach at I IllitUf-ht. Ire, West 44 .'. \ i :? - N :ir I the End ol I ? ? be the twi i i ' ' ? ?' ' e to ? ?? ?? ? ? : sttei it Floral IH '? ipeal "1 r..- .-,? :n Propl i ? ' I .o \>,, ? -?? it., Mr ink, Il s m., i ,r.y " I?, rii : ,i : ? ? ? pal lie, and all vitad, sirs. Swink will il ? ,i4_j CAjj?ain tu? basis ariactalss ei s, ' tells how i ' rth il the ? ? ? West . it., 11 ? - on "Mr ? : - ?: (4th Iiaas*. ? Tre-huerian. it, R?v Dr. ? : ?? Tie thei - ? ? : . ? . : - -. er, Il h. r ? - ? -, ? ? ." an B>:,iro?s to . tin; Il a. m. ? .. M". ; ? : ; ? . "A Ujrmi l)p '?'.on " . : 128th ': ngt ?,-?-. \. lateen - p. m., Rev. I ?r. \ I ? . i. ? | F i i t h s t.. 11 ? ? ? . - ? . Ils ? : ? . ? . i ' . . . ? i D p. ni. ? : ! ? Dt Evans, MIm ';,'.!"; by Rev, Dr. Atterbury ? the rhoir. St. N v at 141st st.. Rev. Dr. I". W Broten; Il a. m., "Hindrances .ved"; B p. tn.. ' of Bli rhr? oAvei at Ma?on st.. Hroo'i?yn, ,-? ? ' -.-... "Ai nual II. me M ' rmon; Luther a-. I i of P n 1 ? " 1 v. ith Men ? .. ? Protestan! Bp?B?c<apal, A - i ? p. m., m . ? ? ton, on ? ' ? - : ? ??. | | ers, R Di H? i 1 SYMPHONY Wallet I?.mir..-. ', l u morra, i Min i in n I Vrai tan Hall. mm. MA?ZENAUER i ira? nie Hall, hub Ml , N ireB 11 KREISLER v..?CASALS FAREWELL CONCERT I'm s-( otitim nhil Tour JOSEF HOFMANN \?..i Vu ?In? I.. . il ill al I . MI'.TUOI'OI.IT.W So5K r.irm-a ? t . < aida. ? a N-?t Mon. , ... a W'd. ? i . Il ii ri. But) rlr?, " ..., -- Dalllli - v. ?-? )?? . ..-? .-. SI.1t>. SUN. EVG. KOFiViANN a DHILHARMONin * .n, -ii ? i.:\N-lil ? ,.,..!,i, r ?..? ^* ? . .. A !? S l ' t MALI ?...?o GRAINGER ! /I i'haii.ovsky Programme. i , i l .i . II? I I . ?? I? Mgi MKI.\> >.I i I I M H? CLARENCE EDDY MAD \MK.' JULIA HEINRICH ?? ? ? l\ ?.!,.. - | | 4| in Ii ?Hi IBIS, ? i ? .m I lllm m I 4 ' ? , . ,i ?? n al I l.iiri Ii. ?. ? i ! II la I 1 - ?IM? I III \> 1 I ! - VI I P| ? Ml HAM 4.,,,:, ? ,, KM 11 VI HENRY I U.-.I \!l 4| ,-, ,, R u \ ;..'l l >.l ul I \N II VI I ?.-.I Ml 4| ,-, ,, h. ii? .? I MOUTH ' The Greatest Nation 4 PLAYHOUSE GRACEGEOR?E Major Barbara ' ?. EARTH HRP,, r rai.i VERY ?J?? EDDIE coy a ... : , STANDARD .'-.,, ?' HI NH II 1 TA KaSl B/SBB. I B> i LvMj LUt?y I ? - .? ? ? : ? ? ' lore 8 - ? it, 11 I ; Wi ? ' ? S p. m.; Ma ' '? ne-: March 1 Ac-.' l'a ' ? ?;?? I, Wedn? ret nail I Lenten sei ?r..\. It. 'A Manning ?Til! spi r Loi ?L Andrew's, f sad 1 - ,:? My Prayer" snd Broon - \ ? Th - . ? .? . . j .. , ? S1 Mark's I ? ;- iwerie, near ? av., 4 p. f. . -it? iei ? ipea Dr. JH ? ', ? ? ' 1 St. John the D \ ? : ; .. ? Re\ Grosvi '."r. ; ? \\ . Garth, of l ? . : I ii , musical s< S ? R ? .? ? xv Vor * ?at. Luke's, < (;( ? ? ? i ? ... i. and ?? p. :.. : 9 .'. ill. I sitariaa. All Sou;.', 4th av. and -.11 a i-i., th.- Rev. U ;!: am I. "Strength if; Ti ? Palee " '?! issiah. Tar-. Rl . l?r J. II. Holmes, 11 . ' ? P ? ?T'y Ever :i H;'' ig?" - : ?.s ? rord Peai e Ei| l I'unnp March a'?! Apr- It. Hi % ? nom ?j? er.ts! Rflifw. Ve?k\. '? ?! Il I?. m. sei ?fi?,, , il 0 r s,-r?irfa. i?rtOL au ' V > V-'..'" . ..,. r.nh Kthi "?uciety, Thaah, -, on aC ? *aeitt '..'? ?'?'. '..14 W? a - . Dt.,7 V ' ' ?"! ti, ?I Churchill's Mori- than n KriUurant? A Broadway Inilitutioa Broadway & 49th ?tre* REISEN WEBER'S reserve tables early J COLUMBUS (IK?, in at SSTH STREET PHOHI 9C40 COLUMBUS ?E?BB "MERRY MOMENTS" Featuring DORALDINA'S Marvelous Dances. S SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER $1.00 OLD FASHIONED BEEFSTEAK DINNER $1.25 EVERY portion COOKED TO ORDER 6 IO i<? P. M ?I B,tu,urt?. I'.ia.?!-* Dim er? O i. S?,r."?: \ . ,. (l,..?B?d &wsmeW?Gi*-. M V\ .?l'Cla- itM'IM. ll!l\li;l- XMi -1 - ? I ? I - EMPIRE a , NEW AMSTERDAM a*- IN.,?,?visT aRTSNOI i ?*** (Ma IATI ROA, MAS 111 , Kaude Adams U?? EIS,E ?!?I M ? MARGARET St lili I IK LYC.E^S ?j A?rrP ?Hi play vvrp?.:-.,?-,-^q rlE?RTefW-TIIM r_a??_??_S LIBERTY aaar an. iv ?. ? i| i i? D?NALO ii.-H'M ft ISlUbl I ?m .?s ! . ?"voA;'. ' ? ?MRS. FISKI 1 ?J T 11 I la ? .-, I ?ff COHANS ^Little \ EretWh??? Sii?.:iii ' Mii/i ?aessssssa CRITERI?!.".' ..?FRA |V|II?__I *'??'?" ? MATINir TO -IIA V."'j VmAM ?. 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BLUE PARADISE* MAXINE ELLIOTT'S KUIM.RI hlLLIARD ?M1EBH8B LYRK JUST A WO.MAN ALONE AT I AST ! I?TM ST. Tula I... - UtU Xt ._*??..- ... K ATI-NIC A llaTSa^afflMiJ? \ HIP, HIP HOORAY J r? 1 HC1HS liKMfl - .?>?'" ?SUNDAY OUSA I /<05* of* MARIO?, ! H?tt? MARJORIES Wl BATTLES? '// ?vi?"? tUtEATESl SUNDA? BUI. FVER .1? rq^SEaTTTl S?Uf ulk: .. :-hJ m ? VKM I.H ?? M I V "'./aa, ARGENTINA ?3??9 Pancn ?Jud-, ' ? ? *-:'v*# -a^ -f"lTO A SUMMON **?[ Q TRE?SLRE island I..-B?-*" y ? ? tut? - ' ? '.': TAlACt WcB-ft'S 2SUSI.4IJJ Continuous From 12 .oll-H* ,1,.4^;vV^uV;v;?.,'^'?] ?Ai; DRAMATIC ASSOCIA^ ?lf -ANlCEAlri?^ ' ? ' ? " ' . ? ?' ? bash ej* S|rr?nr? * ???.'.?'???"?? .Mal 4'c.a. ' 1? Na.? AS? * "^