Newspaper Page Text
big ma .. nulo Hai ?? I hanged ^ a ?? ? ? ? ?numb? ? - ubi | - r-iaii-- '1 ho ? ') VI. |B>', bll I rot ' " ? . re ' Gon '?'? 1 h i i ! ? ? i ut ? aai I'f Warm i f 1 ? ? i.. . ?'. all ami ? ? "?iit.-tiliite Was PendlBg. tt thi I .... ? ?; 1 ? ? . ? ' f Amei ? ire \ ni st ral found pleaaurt ..... killed wit ? , ' ? afforded ? ? . ? ml : "Wh< Ame reuril lit.- Stal . ) all pr ? f the 1 ? ? ? : i vol? the Mel I th the result the whole questioi l \ote taken : ? ' ? ? ? ;, of a ? the 1 ? onduci ot dipfom i, lotions ''4 'i asBed still, ? to 1 ? ? ? ? ? ven more : sen ha it 4, t thai what ?? ,| r',.,44 ?I V I ition 1 ? Ami 1.4 ? 4\r>uld II be sa Bei i , ? (ration 1? ? ? If the '? ... I ? h? <iu ? ? I ? ? ' ? ? ? ? : -. i e c? to 1 ? ! ? n i Adr- ? for vacillation s I ? aw a I] of i?. ? Kr : - bv Me * i aai '??? contrast ! ? -kotched t iknt 1 ? ? ' ( ..nfiiMin(t Views. tratie wr, . -1 -. r mod?r?t - ? Congi ? .... ? I v ritepei not roprei -at' ' the 1 ne ai I w^er. Uj ? ' ... ?'??"? ? i in th? ? ? | ? . . it foi ? ? . it thei ton ? ? ? ?? ? Lodg? rune. Bg ' ? t a wan ?'???'' -????la..- re." Hefen,la, PreslSsTBt eaatoi id the pol ? ? ? I ' ? ? ? ? .. . ? n, and th? I CtLU'^i ' . SENATE VOTE ON TABLING OF THE GORE RESOLUTION Ashursl \tit. Bankhead, \U H < '. ham, Ken RroBi ard, I -, ( hi I to?, IrV. \ -i I larkc, \r?. t nlhero?, 1e\ t'litrhir. lia. (.nre. Ohla. Hard? i< k, Ga n,i. h,.,, i\, Neh. IN.IIiH.N M. Hugh?* Y J II u ?? 11 n g, \\ i s J,imi?, Ken. Johnooi , Me. Johnr-nn, S. 1? I^riinHf-Kre. ( i,nn Rarleigh, Me < lark. \\ 4,, i ?.n. ;?.. i. ( urt iv h^n. IHIIinghajn, > t du , m. D > I hamberlatn. Ore AYES. DEMOCRATS Kern lad. lane, 'ire I ee. *atd. I e44iw, HI Martin, \ h. Marline. \. .1. M) ,'ta, %1'in l Ne?? land?. N?'1 ? ( I- rrrnart. Y ' ? ????m. Okla. I'helan.l al. I'itlman. Sev. I'nmerene. Ohio. Ra<aadeHa Is. Roed, Mo. Shafmtha I aL Sheppard, I ex. REPUBLICANS Harding, Ohio. I ...iif. Mass. MrJ ean. (utlP. \< loon, '.inn Oliver, I'rnn Page, \i. NOES. DEMOCRATS. REPUBLICANS. r.allingcr, V ?? i.roiiri.i. V I? Jones. Wa^b. Is l ollette, Isle. Repoblicaaa l.'epiihln .ins.m -hi* WS. I'er.i. MPimon?-. Y I ?rnitb. Xri/ Smith, Ga. Smith, Md. Mnifh. S. I ????ne. Mo. S* an sun. ^ a I ,'iotna?. ' ol. 1 bonipsun. han. T1llaagB.8.C. I nrler?soorl, Ms. \ arrl;iinnn. MiSO. Walsh. M.mi. \? illiani-. Mis?. roindexter, M a?h. Smith, Mi. i -I? rliriK. V ?' Had.rlh. Y ? . W arri B, ?\ m. v, eoks K iss. 0*GormoB, S. V. M? < UP'ber. N. !? Vorrte, Neh. rh?nium. Ml Wurlav < al. 11 PcBiocral ? . 12 Dem?crata . Itorali, Mahr?. < lapp, Minn. ( uirimii'?. loaa -a I all. X. M Testal fot . fis 'I ?>t a I aeainat . .It it? 1 neu ' a meaning of ft ? ? rid l"-r ? .-,.',.. , i. ? '? p r:p' ? ?? and nppol I ... rhere are two wav 1 ion to ;..!'!, as witn? atora 1 I ' Hooae Maj \<ite To-day. ? . ? te 1 on the McL? ? i tioi i up ? I ? Pou, of Norl After an e tecul ?? ? ? .?,.??,. . ? -,. i ?? ail ? -, ? ? tabled, and pr? ? er wl ich ar ? Administi were li '. ers Bu ? ? ? ? ? i.te? ? ? ? ? i of th? ? report i the r? re res. ' en tii I '. re n ? i -. I? nt to warn el! i I tern ol tat? erchs ?. 4Vith 't be laid on the table. \ n 1er the Constitu ' . the praeti? e and pi eeedei I ? : .. h? ' ' . t of ? ploi . been left to the Presi ? ?. ' tica the eora a does iK.t feel II proper for \\.c fere MWe knoa tl the President with foreign ko- ? ? ch ha ? : ? ' "ay, report 11? and circumstances to Con? erat Af' ? gument .t the W ???'.'? ? ? tabl? . ? - report, 4'.u.? roted for ... ... are believed t Cooper, of Wisconsin, and Thomp?on oma, < bairman Flood . rhs Bali ? - - ?? ???. h-A* in con tomplation ??. pecial rule to m* re? on ? : - on sf'ernooi Admini*? ? Lader? will CI roi to Iran.i- the nil? in inch way .. ' . h ?ow the mil to, whiel i. 1er thi House will ba a for and a,- the 1 At - f that | i ;.-?? , the ts ?/ "'t?'l.i?Mi ai ? (,"?? it. On th? hand, then ... ? gigi llousi -, to'night thi ?? L?jr, j.i, ?. tat on s Of t.. A. London Kditors Sec Great Wilson Victory London, ?Taren I Hi? newspaper? t>, day d< ?.?,-?? mi,r,y col ? p'r," I.- i ri \\ a ? p ton undei ? as "F \?. ? ,. ? - i . ? , . . , ? I ? rhe Til ... - n th? \ oting m the Ho? ? Pn Wilsi ' Graphie" i empha . vhal ties of the "The pasi "i of tl ?? Americai : pie as ?a whole,*1 says "The Graphic," "have not vet boon I 1 ? wai. 'l i ?? i ni ted Btoti - hugi a large paiI "f its populst external r f there were no raeial dif ltd still he dit*ii< all to ., rui . American ti ?trongvieo ? ? President Wilson," say? the ' I been 1 ? t the ? : '::im " ? i. ' ? ??. MPr? tory i ? the a 'TIMES' REPORTER DEFIES CONGRESS < tmtlntinl fr"m page 1 l! r?es desun?? with the smug? -?of ? ongresamai ? ' ? 11,000 I ? ? ? peni Atlanta for six rr. Imme lerward .Mr. Marshall started men were t? ice hi plea .? iheir age .: ? ? i ?? pris . getting a - Ion. par- ' Hand '>i that j the pardon waa eff? ? ? , ? ,.,i no . - ? ?< ?. IK- he! Ihei ? ? lined them ar.d | rea! I I cun ? ? ribun? appealed from Jade* be Supri me I md I ' ?:.. ? ? I ... ir lua! ? i Kentila, who wrote the ti i.t del i? r. of ? he pard >n ??? ai ? ? - sas i - . ?? t all Holme Again. Mr ii' In e wa? twice before the i i v. ??-. he atai ??? \a th or any of tl ? I tea pre? ...... ? . ? ? r of R. B. C nt-at-i f th? Ho i who ? thai ? k Mr il Me? to i - ? he i n'l!d r ' ' I ? ? i Park Row wil . ezecj , . s of llolme. After I ? ? ... ?nattei ara i I ii tl ? andi ,?. ? ? .? were i i the witn? .. rh1 ] ma i relief of the 4 nice) la a d? ai ' ? em a time prr I of ta nature M knea ledge In ??'...? . | ip k'.lJ ,- al adjudged In I oiitempt. ' a', --??ad of ? i ' ? ' . ? A a*ked Mr. Carl ii ? tttoi H ?. ?. am s 1 t noi wetV ssred Mr. ??. I it was. ? . mmittea detei , ou to ei tempt e-f 'he House ef P.ep f the | foi ?rill be re?? i dy of the ser| t-at-i ?', 4on, Mr. Ho me, not hai h, and ? . v. hen Ho n ? lefl th? eourl rooi ? ? thr. ? meml i ,.rir. .1 ohn M. N? ion, i main, ar.'i v\ i r -?'? Gard, ' O? ? r l?.'lrne. "\\ , '..?? y ? : ? ? ?.- m '. ?. but "? ' ' ?? lame I i ? ? ? . f. ? pi Germana . - i - ai eh waa the belief of tha Ui I States Attorney's office, My ?rd I ?r,- pro-American s. W? do nol re and eil witnessi . ?red in Th? , ? to ,:ay. Tanker Ca?e Involved. jl.rn.^'ii' va Gard espli ' I th? >?'. ' ???ntempt to the . .??..- er the 1 and it whs for him th? ease should be s ed n i ted States At tor n< el Columbia Bot * removal," Bid; "'.'?' a ? SI tral jurisdietioi ? g the s i of the com? cpresental Ca? "\\i did not some hen of our ?^u ?'? ' we are Investigo! ara'' St V.r. Morahal] ?y 81*4 ! into .?-even jjfrcn.r . k v. \'.h the procuring ,,f t evidei 44.? re ? ?. ? ting - " ?.4. eld before w? efl fton, end will e ington ? ? . "We hoVI.?-.--? He railed for ? f and thai ske, foi Ol ! ... . . " While a I ? Disti , ? . ?? ! or sending igh tho mail to Jome? V? ? pose 1 lend you 1 g tl ' be pa id, at r forget : not, a-rd give roui sttent ? Hid i ? v l?. Steuer who tesl . . ? ? ? : ? - ? H? said - - ? - to in i formed ham tl.? : tmes W. < ? -- ? bon ??, h? '< fu -?? i to ? ? ? ? ?? '.. lid that Mt ad sent 1 I him, end tnat M -? roa ei mode s r< ni 'nr>- r itoment to th? i i .til Att r lie ,|e<- .ar- I UlOt wae Batoni'heJ 'our ?r : -e days latei t" lesrr, the >uunK woman ws? in? dieted. s m:!!:nery msn . ., . , ... er ., , toi ? lotod bow mon from Pol.r.- Heodqnortoi i to hi? float ai g li I the ? ' '-..-. As s proti etion to ei ? ' than in hi? -a'.. \\- ? ?. , ? i he bad ? shall. ... | ,.,,.,;. I BJJ aiiU arUI lar-t, It IS said, until a ?. m. SENATE EVASIVE, BORAH CHARGES Vacillation on Armed Ships Issue Dangerous. He Asserts. TIMID POLICIES HAVE CAUSED WARS Should Not Tempcri/e in Sus* taiiiiny a Substantial Rivjht. Mo Declares. ri>?? Ti ? Um da . .; .... "I i.. but < lie," tor Boral , "to | ? I .?ince ..... | .. ,? ??? ? . , .... \ ? ? ,1 .. tmeriean right to < ? n or rom; terial to I ? ? ? . ' ? ? ?? resj . i it an Ame i en'i ., . i . ad? . refore, I been pet - ?,, ? ? ? ?? h American citizen has ? ? i ' i n ? ? ai onal ?aw T tl ese 6?re hun i ? pnenl tmerica ? s and ? eompn reference to those ra ch I BVS !" ??' 10 ?one I and a i ? .... :? ? . I of ? e mis ? ' '.aere i? not! great erge ? Senats >hould Set Temporise. .thai it? of the : >'a<v, aft.r full and fair i : i "tel a presen! I an reror?! to the effi that at ; ? ? -? ...r t we ' will n? er 1 i .. ..'. mor? ? ? ? often prevent war than ? led lo a different result from that pated ? "lb? Edward Grey hs and d? ? . ? f J uly, 1914, i Gei nvaded Belg m, in all , a a i ild I the Pn . | the Edward I to wl i ? i ] m pi re, ng | ? . , as one who ki e right ? ? ' ? ? ; the Pn ' ? ? . Fi iv? to wait . I quote a!? ...-..? It i a al way i . l Il .-..f ?,. I . ty with r the t ? red, instes lag or hesitating that trouble .... true to it amer te rrupl - - eei ? . under I "In - - i Me* borde uto the ?tat t ?, T-ie gre ' i .-.-." xrean gi ' he sent ? ? . t it si the f Mi ? . A result of ? . ? ? ? ?? . ? i- . ireera! ntiary tire act upon ?? a part i . ? ? ind. tie had ' ' r Ar- ericanian of Grover 1 ? ? ? u I Finances Is Respected. "Deeii ? ? four i r all circu? r all the ? f? re, ! um r i-a ! and vi ?effect I ? '? e right ? i ? ? ? ? ? do no! iy, ai ? ' ' .... ? it ma [??.-.a er, all action, pi ,' i od i a r- ??? -? Bate t'nited the creatioi ta ? ?on of the tv ?? ?. . ? ed t?. re iched I : ? ? I. ? . | hi ? ' ' . ? ? rom the throne, waa ao free, op? ?? ? ? ? ,. ? ? . i pal ? great affaira of th? ? the tubs? ? radatioB of ? been chai the grea! . . . . . ? : THINKS COL HOUSES I?EP?RT SWAYED WILSON Londog Believes I nvoy's Trip Led to Change of Policy. !.. . . ?London, I eorae i the t that Prei t Wilsoi . >n of intern ? ?war. !r true, r.!r,n.-'. Rouse's report trip i I soi lent policy, II ie th? t | hat he intend? to ad ? ?.?-.. enee at Co| l ? economic fins ? 11 e, wh II i I are si rest and wea der 1 ' train of war, . mand foi i Im? ? ? 1 ?. . ? ? ? . : ? , . prehe m? i . tmerici protest I - Hl Lord & Taylor ?*8rh Street FIFTH AVENUE 39th Street 8 I Men's p i r I ? I S ! HIGH-GRADE FOOTWEAR ? o In the smartes! of lasts and in leathers of the * jj finest pjTa les, Lord & Taylor's Shoes met I even ' ? requirement for style, scn'iceahility ;m<l for com- ' I fort. I'rices the lowest consistent with Foot- * -j wear of such superior quality. The "Cordw :tiner" An I nusual Boot Lord & Taylor Special Simen S ?Ureas | Tiie besl ' ' Pumps in ! . i, . ' , I ni ule. in tan ? ariet) of styles I If- in, with lea hers .55.00 I 57.00 ! I HABERDASHERS Shirts ? : f i i i if p in, rcer led materials. Mad? j ?zed materials; plain in oui torn i . with stiff c ilts I I I ? soin, 53.00 I v ?..; .51.25 Pajamas ' ' I Of imported i lain lots, i ? i 11 i . -i =: I W W I ! i with si '? figures. ! I silk l< ; - ?al . - Neckwear $1.25 I and mi : rials, ilk loops, al .51 s75 I Bath Robes ? ' fine terry i ipen end rour-u | . s, ina I attern ? an ; I ,. . I I I I ? : p rings, ial . I .85c i Ground Floor lors. .^??.0i"> -1 ; -ii O)? .(>? ?o? ?o ?()? ?to C0CHEUSAYS3 TRIED BLACKMAIL Ex-Servant, Husband and Mother-in-Law Taken After On if Threat. $20,(100 DEMANDED, IS ACCUSATION Aged Political Leader Tells of Being Held Prisoner After Telephone Lure. t ton ? paper eh is |. ? . ? -a.- one . . . . olved md bla to the police ? lore < - - - a>l kaOBTB IB cub and 1 hurch err . - \ - a r lull of the cha -es i i la by Mr. C? i aeventj g , --ibers ted by ?? charitiea ?re i ard J ? . . ' Lulu N \ i ?'.?..'.? I hrer of I .mill? \rre?ti ii and 'her wer? ?.Treat? ed n? ' roa g th? ' ? ' been a .-? ?, '.?a-? am-? ? d nome, r Bridge Street ? a, he S'ichol.? I at hii hit.'? la -t : ' - ? ? ? . ? . ? ? ? . i . I he wa but v ."ii the fol ? .. ? ? ? . ? . , - Ira. 1 n enl .... hand I'm I get you, a ? . ?a\? ? Mystery In < hargc. - i \ . ? . ? ? th a rhil? rig out l . .. ? ? i ? .n th.- . ? g ? - - .?I .-. in the ???? ??'. ??>,' J n a hat oc irrad dm - K in at the t? ??'?re an ga againat ? ? . I mi r-il"-r ,iri.'i-? are ridicul - a it anj . Columbia Man "D. U." Head. v, ate ' March I ha sa? be Northeastei n ..n Fr?ter . f i i,. il eraity, a ? - ted. ?EILC&ft fcmri $c (Sat? K/ ama, eaa amaaM yi?tl?>a?nuf>^ oar-?..?r1? Bis Clothes For the \ ounq ?Yliss? Emphasizing every car-mark o? Fashion combined with a subie charm of youthlulnest moda tvpical of the Debutante, ike College Girl, the Athlete and the "Petite Miss" who dem.tnds the ultra-chic. SUITS_of u!k or wool Cijersrtte. Ss^ntlHtf, leife. 1 rtsKs. t\M?, tatfeta and smart chexlu a w??derfd ranfe o?l | - li?a] many individual effects. DRESSES- --Mornin? Frocki Tr-mm Dressei ' loth D es for Street wear or cool rJayi -it ihe SeatJiore Bea h Frocks-Afternoon tjO%rni and Dretsei COATS-for motor. tra%el. sport.? ?veai and i*mi-dr* ? ?BLOUSES - in smart hut simple styles, Marked l?v the tajbtlf I I of line sheer fabrica, dainty coloring', and ex<jui?itr ayorkmanahip. Youthful I lats .. 4 "' ? " ; MANDARIN and BONNET effet* From Le? i SAILORS ironi GeorKettr- MUSHROOM effect, fro? Latnvin and Retain togeilirr with nuriv equal!) in teresting styles from Paris ?WBIgnera "f ? ? te a ?veil ..^ adaptations and original PREFERS NEW YORK TO WESTERN HUSBAND ?Wife, Refusing lo Return to Small Town life. Is Divorced. ? ? ? ? Kan a? City, Maren :>. I re g ? ai . a New V'irk i Mi \ R, Griffith, that affi I i greater lian love foi At l?-a?t. sa A K. Griffith, a grocer, ..) before Jadge li'"tna? H ? ??? ? for a * "In April, 1914, my arife ?? I to '?<??? fork, preparatory te la ing r,,r I urope," laid Gi ill th "'I in- ? .ii hr..?., oui md ' ?? J Bot mnke the ?rip. I wrote for l.?-r He '.vete ' h Montgomery City She re? i ' I it aftei her expel enees in See forl in a urn*!! t< '?. ri d d BOl a;.' ? . ) then moved to Kansas City, but m." Griffitl ? a ." anted a divorce. MEASLES MAY CLOSE SCHOOLS IN NEWARK Killed More in 1915 than Scarlet lever and Diphtheria. '; he "i ?. of mas liai N i may neci ? i for two weeka From the of the v?-tar to February 17, 1,866 ease, were reported to the Board of Health, and betwe? and a I I ?? been report?-.! daily since then In the period thirty one per oi ? '.ear deatha fro n trie! :'? ?? r and diph ? ? ,i -i bin? d. r?., ii ? he - ' ? ?? on hecorne 'hu* Dr, Charles V*. Craater, Ael ? Health Officer; Dr. Daniel I Md ? i ? .. . ? !'r (?e.irce J Holmes, Medi? ipei . of Public Sehoola, h;r s !>eei' Inatrueted to use drastic mes to el ?!?*. the ?pid?mie. <JIlt'hlN(i <)! %.rABIr'nA,.IN> jllaSS^Hi? ROBBER BEATS WOMAN ON HEAD WITH HAMMER Bnrehi tded Suspec t < nughl Victim Wny Die. ? IMO Atta I ! ?? .' .1 4 ? . - ?He had In. ? 11.. I Atlantic Av< their to the B? ti'-ii and told th? ? i III?'. . . iS ' I entrance," the ui ' ? ?titer his ati ? been f? ! 111 ?'f 207 Leuq ly ? Use Your Brains! Yourself Alone Can Lift You Higher Here Is the Way for You to Do It: Yes, go to Church! If you can analyze your own abilities, your own failing! ?iid shortcomings, the Church can ?be ol efficient help to you. Ihe Church cannot lift you. hut it < <m .show you how to lift yourself. I hat ia why there is a Church to-day?to sound the tJepthl o? men's minds and then offer them that aid?that ?particular advice?needed to bring out latent abilities and latent virtu? Ihe Church can give you a new, a better outlook on lift It i an give you?provided you want it?a firm foundation on which to build your life, because it teaches you faith?faith in yourself, faith in Others. When things look black?when ever-, thing goes wrong?a man with faith will win through. Not ?be ?cause of faith alone, but because faith has filled him with confidence, and no man with confidence ever quits. I he Church can educate you and broaden you in every WB) You can make its teachings a tremendous force for furthering your best interests in every phase of your life. But it cannot do these things unless you wish to have them dune?you must take the initial step. You must go to Church regularly, faithfully, gladly. And if you go with an open mind? with a friendly heart?you will gather to yourself the Strength of days, and the lifting power of faith will grow within you. Go to Church To-morrow