Newspaper Page Text
iSs?RANCE URGED FOR MOTHERHOOD Feminist leaders Protest Omission of Maternity Clause in Bill. ACTION BY STATE CALLED UNFAIR tsjjas Paulino Newman Offers to, * Debate-Mrs. Kelley Opposes Paying for Stork. I? |sa jolt eome to I ? lasting. ' . ? ? . ill? tttt. vill I to workini m?n sad "' T''" ? -t ;r? ???''?' ' ' ' ** " flaej usa ha '' ' !fC ?BafSMB I ? '?' that i saat SBBjbfi ^ tassri? ? are ?4 . ? vtitcr sastrawi igue. 1 at at tlir I ?' ' ' " ' ?W bo T0,t,,j Bfaiaat I f the 1 IsrsttJ ' ? ' ' '''" ?lirther? ?assBsged thoi 1 arara rasaoBsible Urtha aaai clause t h pshlh ' ?; ??!? their ? public 1'rotest Planned. v pahl I ior th icssMed for ! " 14 Ust 1 Ight it| ?aj bbM t orhlng .... their a lada at thia ? ?mmitteo on ? ?aajsl hu in ... tta? a. . ? ? ? Is big hV.l'.h laaurai uader? ajM I that I .' from Mm ?Tlsrsaca K< 1 tary of the ? The bill a? o? K ' ally drawn up con- ; uined the desired materaity pen?ion ? Usas, m folios "Jlsteri ' ? list of: ?all ru ? ' el ar|d obstetric.. appli HM| 14- ?- ??Mr. insure?! , ajssaea aad 1 ?' insured mea. ' -\ ....... ? i ayabic t., r, p. . to the recular lick' of t ri pi r: ?d cf sieht 44-. ? - ??? hit m - nement, on roodit n that 1 : ciary shall ab-1 town from [ ? oyment during fceriori of paymenl M hin I I her opposil ?in h letter l [the eon?Biit> ? te? r.rd an minent rhers. i "OfTtr - to ?a >? earn? /inn ?," . ints to say? flsg to bei ? nto a mill, factory m tues'- 1 ,vi'.' and the factor] joa a pre 1 sb?/.' "In tat si BUthoritatWs liara is to thi ' married some!' : ire rfduc-d to ?rrrt the : a ? ? a if dee, ltd these app? 11 The men who? - Ij work fsr aragti entail?/ enWtrrc t- -. M ??? ? ng from in? (arable disei -.-? I aliei Seek? Short ^ ..rkine Day. "Th.1 let '. ? 1rs to S? '.o r.- ? ? ns; tl ?other? OO'.r.t of si? . r?ai ? ??remote tl of wage*ea 1 1 -0 get ? sin?] u ?i\ - i? ??re by 1 atjslat and ?*voi ? "i* *ag?veai ment of mol neffosng 1 a tan *. i^ome- ? League and taj hsshig ? f the city do not ?Bbsrrias. Th'7 saint out <? maternity not 1 ease the ' - women ii nduatnr "'", *?' 1 y f*'> ? ' ' ira.? ? IM? iby, and amounting to t<ao-tl irdi ? ? - ,.?? - - 1 ri ? ' ? ? ? ? ??.- ? ? ? ;ovei ? ? Jtoeesrei l ? it that health r.uropian ternity 1 v iw"r reetoi of the *w Jork ? ? : -,-, |a *"?.?-' drea ? \ Irewa, of ' v ' -ti for Labor ?' will ? 1 abor 1 ??r. than 11,200 AseardiB? to the ils a girl eara? ?r? ' ' "lir "" ?1 ? - than Mall'' ?II?* t.'ar d their '' sur? ? ssh bene ? ? CHARGES RANDALLS CHILDREN ARE BEATEN *oman Asks Court to Order Re tatH of (irandson. ''" ' ? ? ? ? . gh tl . ? / sr ?. J ' ??-?? rday . 1 - Uepart ' Br. '?*-.. " ? ? "bar?. < ?f '\,',l' ... ? ' ??*?., ... "... snd," 1 ? ? . on and am ' ? ? WILL QI8CV88 GARY PLAN Ueal Rotate Pratective ?aaaclatioa \r range? | ?a,, Meeting*. TI i Rea Estate 0 P ?? Majestic, O : It W? ire? rst ? cuaaio ? ' ' undei ?a.'io?.- . ? , (,. cond ?? the pi Oi iloi :. ? if, Mai ? Tri? editor o! I s peak ii oppo. ition ? ??-? URGES CIVIL NIGHT COURT Judge Hartman Rclic4e? It Woald til Laboring I la?sr?. rhe t?os ? ? . a < ICU ?? -.in5 afternoon a* tb? II"1' ? Hartman, ? ... and teni '!' iring Ifill lu .- ; "14.1. - '? i " ?\ com? ' of the Board of J Iren? ' ? Mr-, Willis ml H ' ? ? ? LINCOLN PORTRAIT FOUND IN BOSTON Second Hand Curio Shop'?, Am Hrotypc Without Duplicate. An ambrotype ' am Lincoln was found several weeki f?i-.i tl e relics of a r ? in Boston, To-morrow morning thi" hkcne?.3, considered invaluable by Its prefrnt on ncr, will be exhibited through the courte?y of the Hew I'r. Newel! Dwipht Hillii in the Arbuckle Institute, at Plymouth I hurch, Brook? lyn. Henry If. I.eland, president of the Cadillac Motor I'umpam. own-, the ?m ? i niai kable i leal ti< ??. rho Am? ri?*a's grout Preaid? nt wa nt to Judge J. b Humphrey, of Springfield, 111., nh? I ne-.v Lincoln, nr.d to Mr Bui of a bank i ?' at city during Lincoln'." . ? ; ; ?360. B ?tl returne I the oi ..? an origii I, a I experl the poi t agreed that it ka.l net er bei i iah. Mr. I eland'i attoi lar?., look the ambrotype on Thursday '?' u.i-hington to I av< ? . He returned 4M'li il laal night, a will be ni Dr. Hil i II e fo.- exhi? bition. OSTEOPATHS OPEN BABY WEEK* CAMPAIGN Three Hundred Delegates to Meet in Albany Id day. Albany, March Thi ? ? '.? v.?rk State will open the cam? paign of "Baby Week" by eonvenl on here to-morrow. Thr?e hundred delegate: will be pri ent An orgai ? ' ' \ teopat reduce in far.*, mortality, and the campa-,? to include the entii Women osteopaths i all over the world for practical work ? ? ? -.- ;.? d children to pi d w ise ai d to promote a constructive education in the prireiplei of health. !'?;.- ?' . ire to ?r. establ : ? ? tal \ ? . . | ? peeia topic: to be n present rention nv ? :a ami grip, heart ? ..1 mechann PRAYERS FOR NATION AT BUSINESS DINNER (iuidance Asked for President in Critical Period. ? . March 3. It the end ? ? ai dual dinner of the M ford Busin? . I ' . William B. McCarthy ?ug,:f?te,! ? cans, pause wl le an invoca! o? i i made aal the guidance ? ' i Cn itor over the deatinies of the nation, the Pn and Coagresi during t?. critical i"'' iod. The Rev. Mr. San ? ?r offi red the pr;.vr r. x'ter which all ca." James tirant, of Sew Ha nd the ipeiker wer? D. Burnes, of Gi . Sec? retary c,; State; John Ridemyer, of i anaan, and Everett 1< Hill, of New Haven. __ CHINESE RUGS BRING $10.907 Lair of Temple llaniiing? Go for SIT", Larh, Top ?Pri?e f??r Bcealea. A pair of temple pillar hangings, old . d te he of a verj n |h order of raale to ?over the pillai .... brought the top price y? I ? ' ?'urnford collect at the Al ingina rhich '" ?? ' ? tain ai a ba ' ' '?' 4. I \ Kang H - r $4 G. ? ?'. ?400 for a <1<-?!' -ain.'.n call ? Ol ' ng period. A C. Hei ?ave $.i b large | lare rua ? to J. Trei 1.1 of ! ?as $10,9 . - << PERSIAN RUG BRINGS $2.650 fija,?* ?f Tofjaakyaa Colloetlo? I?'???? Large Ml'-ndan? ?-. L.fth Aver. .<? V ' ... .,?,, aben Jara? P i begai the sal? Tepakj u i ' ?" *?? '" and art loeeph H ikoi ?gave I ,? . a n. ro? ar. Imperta ,. tea p ?? ? irpet, ovei I i rich blue p., .) ,. ?... . ., .. .,? ? ? an ?? . . ... ? eel . deep. '- ' i ? ? '.'" ? cbs : rojeve et .rpur Mi I ' Keen, Mr. ? ' . jtakei Mi * ?? "*?. , , r , ... , ?? ,.?? Di " ???""'?'''i''1'.' , , .thorn, ?ilberl I Raff? rt> Uroy Jon? A. B. ' ook, I tarr, L o Keoae aad J -'? I ragooBali 5,000 CELEBRATE Y.W. CA. JUBILEE Women Throng Carnegie Hall at Memorial to Or? ganization's Founder. 300 COLLEGE GlkLS LI AI) SONO SERVICE Appeal for $250,000 in Honor of Miss ?Dodge Read to Big \udiencc. that one i: .i Womci .... ? ? ? ai ' | ' Ha ? h ? tieth am ?a the great ' ? ? ? .... em, l ? . ?' tian A atioi In 1 ? ??-.,. ?I Dodg - . ? ? ? e-that it might com? gTi ?? natioi I - o ' ? >. I erywhei I nigh! ? '.| a".] ?? a power that 1 '" Henrj ' :.' : . ?.f the ' Madison A? enu* I'resbyteris Cl ? gai n oi women i \ ? rid." rp Greer i I I thr n ga out r next * year? : rhe Rev. Dr. Coffin ma of 1 evening, i Rev. Dr. \\ illiam Pierson Merrill li : i-i th? respon -i\r reading. . < l really a jubilee of women, for ? i-r d fa ? he audience ??? ?? compe most cntin th? m. It a woman'? chor . - of ';n'' . gi j.-. .. -, i,' ed the all | Ol . ?:.?'?.'.? i . i, ?. .- Hoadl? D ; in.,- i. thought, will cuno ' . lo h quarter of a million dollar?? dur ? f March. \ Igl tl lei '.i". flag was drape 1 over ?''?i stage last night, and ui banner bearing :-?''?' ", ? ta? i ollege girl chorus, the ? t r.? and some of the "ffirer^ of th? i ? them Mrs. Robert ?. ? ? the national oi ,'.'i';i- .', n;.d Mrs. Jame? Stewart i i hman, i rei id? n1 of the . Worn? : ' Chi ?;.!. A? ociation ol i ora ? it?, The jubilee ?enire began a ? r -? ressioi n! hymn, "Rejoice, Ve Pun Heart," ? l ludien? I inding i( on was pronounced b ? Cornelius \\ oellkin, t ? ?i \ary Baptist ? hur.-v. Mrs. Robert )' Speer, president of the national board, ech "i erecting. "\\. ? take a i""K 04er ; ......i ,..i of us. rutht-r I vet the i alf century ?>f the organisa? ? ?? .. ? ." aaid Mrs Speer "Tbli rand?, for librrly and for rejoieii y " !>r ? ffin, undre- -, told of the ir- vitiei that had made the Young Women's ? hrisl an Association Mthe tloi ? lad'O i ..? ; ?? ? ? .- ? be a little - art led al the c? I " >,?(? aid Tl ?'u'ni:!,*, ??- r ol th? lei spiril .-amp it had been 01 ? of ,; e ftrsl athlel ic . ami Hari aba t the precedent fot ? . ? Vo mg Women's 1 ? His addi 1 wai ,'. I by a prayer "' pn ?I, .: ?? .-:?? gar! 1 ushman, presi? dent of the New York organ: ,1 appreciation of Mist Dodge I Robert 1 peer read the amp? 1 ? . .- ?? id? all Bver the I 1 ? ?. last night fo 1 the ]? and the off? ring taken ; . f the 1.cial rhei . ? ee "? a - d iamisaed with a ? Hummel] G r, 1 ;.op oi \ ? ? '> ? v bo '?- 01 01 th< itag? ?tephei Parkei Mi < leve II .. I ab? tl D >dg . i ? owi Morgan, Mrs J . ird, Mrs. John Preneh, Mr . ifllli ehairman 1 1rs, v*.. \\ Rossiter, Mrs ? rice E Hoot.?', Mr-, I>a\o H. Mor v... |i ugla - Mathewaon, M re, man and Miai Gertrade 'lai. Arthur. DEBATE OPPOSES WILSON I'cnn Team Defeat! ? ??lumbia?? all? Defeace Plaae lnadc?iuate. Pei ? -. i Bnia' d< i ating U am ??? sa ?j . nst *.i e * 0 . ist nighl m Karl Hall in the triangular contest between the of Columbia, Pennaylvania and it,- topic wai : "Resolved! I rope ed Admini -ration Of al manient increase ib cie ..:' the t< : 5tat< ? .mbia ?? ? ra upheld Lie a I I tarred for 1'. I II. S. Mange?, 'IT C, : ..? Columbia !?. ? . eintained that ire did not repi re Augustas N. ol the united Statei 1 ? -t r.a t ? 11 h I ?. ?1 riet of New York; W, ii. Ingersoll and I"-..- V, Hright. ? ? 1 i - . Gu?rante? l*ruat I on i'-'-.;. i im k I' Pack? ritha.1, ly, pro? - .I? d. 1 tears 1 ?' II. ?. Manges, L ,\ ii....Jin ??''..r?. i h. Prechl 1 si ? 1. 11.1 a ? ? 1 nate. The Pennsyl M. Pollard, A. B. Lewis, M. ?.. .-ab:,- and E. ? . Gould, a. KIT KATS SKELTER BEGINS 11.1 il ?.et? I nder \\ av at 1 a. in.? lime nf w ind-l p i ac?rtala. fhe K ; Ka;- ee pored to the Palm 1160 East Fifi ? .? ? Street, n, great Bumbei foi theii ? I- ua.? called a " kl 1er," the erord for the dancing that took bel ' d sftl r "A Woodland t, pros? n'ed a! 1 a. m. ihe dani-er? had migrated . garden rora We bingtoa .-quare. h sfuted, h..vae?er, by the press agent's aotiee that tickets , . al " great a premium thai M0 . . -, pa i tot .. pair ?among II. presenl ??er?- Ma,- Wil Preston, !!"?? ard ? handler ? hriaty, I. M Glackena, R idol] h Dirke, Amia , Montague Lia-?. Loui Rebele, I lohn Ca el las atl Steel, ir-, in ? obb, ?,. org? H. ,' an, Lee Lj; b, I A VoTght j aiid lehn i.ut (iiMMiMTV KIREPLAC K, SU( I! AS .VEW YORK MAY HAVE Mo rifctov ' fireplace in public park. In insert ' I M. K mpthorne, Camp r'in who recommends innovation, ai "Indian" girls. WANTS A I I TY 1IREPLA( ? .imp i irr Girfa' Secretary \a - I ilnr- in Public Park. I ( re Vatb ' ? t piacti t art ?>l is the d ircfi i rl ' of the {'amp 1 thai ? ? ? | gu straight to 1 . . e for I ? . ? toes ai - ., van < "? :,. ?' tad that , ould be ? ? ? expei ? ' ? '. ? Irei did i best , sal i \> "A litl thing plac? cer.t to the M .- . . place of I.IOS? ton? as the 1 stesi . Ihi ? ? ' '?' ' ? r to she ' . tal lished in tl ? ? lorristosr N J., a ted to the < : I 1,000 HANDKERCHIEFS SENT FRENCH W0VNDE1 .Miss Morgan's Committee Als I nruard Children's Outfits. fn reap? I pal tic tter sei I ? i ? '. . , . m I ttee, f roi ?e Wei of the Hot l,(. hand) rdiateshi] ? ? ? . ? . . rere ?!???? ribed by Bchoi In * ? ? ? ? ,? ? the i mi " lue t.i 1679.18, arere 1121 ?" fron ; ? .\ .' ., from Mi i liarle M ! . ? '? ehs \ . ? j \\',,UI"i , ,i reporl co rlbul ol 11,261 24 g ?' - 16. rhe Bohi in War 1 . ling match i ra Housi tj .sev? nth i ? prbiai I ' ' ' " ? ? funds total - 649.71, act \. K Mai ombi r, I ): , ? . s.?.'"" . ? ? ? Mi ?ring, I "A G. L. JeweH M mi, L\ 11. Kelsey, $K I Lou a H Clarke, $100 \ ,. . ? B ? ' ? er of th? Mercy, ' ' - ? $11,171.99 \ ? . 11 d $ i. snd ehi'.dn ?4,-r. croft, $200; l hon as 11. \ erl .<;?_?.' .i . i ? . - ,n McMillin, $100; Mr-? I. H. Iv '. ?- ' C. W Hubbard, - I i - Charles 1 man. $101 Geori ? W. ? - . IK B. II. Wesi'i , Mrs. 'I '? ? odi " M. Da? i . $1,. Sj racua? Armenian Relief -.. Jo i erance $250: \\ II. '.| II? r, ?l"": \ v ? Brooklyn, 11 . II. W. Springer, $100; Amencai ' -. \\ sshingtoi . $1,500; Mi . Ho ? srd B I " $100, ... r Mi . r. ?? $100. Relief I ommit . 00 I- if'.:, Avenu? g ri ! B. H ?er, $100 R \ I I ard im H Matl ' .' il ?'. ; ' 1rs. G. S. 1 .;, .;,.,,. Mn B. " A D ibroa <v i o . $100; l. w . Sh< liman, | I . .-'<??.,?rani . 100; 11 H. I ra ? $100; W. A. B ? ? ? . ht !. S t'". . $100; "A ? Sli VI ties, I ?". Mr I. E. Halst? ? :. ' ? $100; '. M Pa E. L. Car? ter, $ 1 Alexander l $100. I.-, nrd Mrs. U-riH. . i'.< ?? ??? I for the 1 tii f Fui " ? ? irs Nal iking I total $148,670.13. rrl" Warburg I the American Jes ? ? ? ? t contribu? tions: Vj ?.. : , tte? $238 1", . ar.l i'.?i ty I ; ; - ; Con . . ' ; II"' n cm : commute? I ' ? ' ? Kai Cil ? ??? Ma ? ? nittee, II Ml; New Ki glai : Brai \ ' r, $5,000; Whei . ? ttee, I .. . ' .- ia I. Miller Movinp Picture for Labor Cause. Arm Pii ? peak to?morroa ? j. ht at the I i bar I ' istrial .-.??? W >?-?? ngton Ir\ I n g B u n t Irving Pla<*i . ? ?? i ' >? Black! .- " a ? .a: Work? :? gmei . ? rill complete prograi photo play murks I the entra?e? iboi Into I he asoi ?es, ? and u pa the Calorada ?tnks. EUGENISFSBOOS AWAIT SPIRIT SIG Wife Confident Dr.Gortc Dead Two Weeks. Wil Return to Advise Her. l'r 1 . | ' ' " ? ? in an,I ? ipe ? ?? a ho ! "d sin t two ? ? Parkway, Bi re, with "the doel round lifr . ? looking .!? b? r, h trar? in lirr . . ? I that sha in nightly e\p-< tat tfturn ?o irivr h. r ?? ,? 'i... tii '.'?'.- '.4','T Idly qu shall publish tl ?? book he left ii .1 !? .-.i- I ' ? ? Dr. G? toi ? BUtob ography, prefaced b i last ;? on . "Behind the- Veil," and "T ' ?- . 4 . - Gort ? ot to be printed until 1 <-r I, . ? ? . ? ? "The ?r? i Id m ist be she says. "1 ? ? etor1 it mu ?? yi? Id ? i. - books. He i just a-? if lir were si roon Thf two litt documents th !?r. Gorton dedieati II s eg] and rnl I rd I 'avid AII] : Leonora, the ? ? re? year old i their faihei eighty, went <^r\ playing wi1 ? ? ?' ? ? I rid clos? : ' lam romper tr mm? d w:th red, found ?red leaf anu lit fa ' ' heated e gil similar eyes, hair and rom| rose for a do '> r it the g to find i I toys laissais < an Perceive Sura. "Ai ' ire than a e do " - ' said. "11 ? ?? ? -? perceive the aura th .... j I A ri rr.-i44 \ei\ up I ' rid th? ei ... . chair . .. Most import int of thi principl? up.,n whii igei real ed thai ? ,|. "Where's papa?" he demanded. "I told you,' ? mol ime from "? ba "Yes," Mi ' " "he's con ing back." If a p< i on I sd ritual 1 ' make-u| rhei ' .urn froi spirit land feet accord l ... . th? ? t tell the I ' ' They used to - ??? " is I ? ig? era portan 1 but a both felt that before ? lust before i ? \? ?. :, tha y.iu neei el A ? ? ? playing wii tr growl? i ? ? . ? ? ?? ng MORGENTHAU SUGGESTS RESTORING ARMENI/ Says $0,000,000 Would Olvt Homes to 100.000. Henry Mcrgenthi I ?\i ... ? ' ? ? i lu terday givei ? . ' s truste? of Robei ?.-...' I - . ; tant ( ?, ? Beirut -?' as given at t l ib, 12' Broad* ay, and about ? n? 'jndrr-'. ?ir..n tv were 1 land ?? Di v red ? - ?.-. a PI im] brief ad dn -? upor the Armi the betti I .. ? I thi ment 1 It a ould taki I ? \ st th? tion. the bu r m? foi in th? ?4.,-. eai [i ? I thai ? ? - Among 1 : ? t were Art Mar; ng, \ I ?'. i . ? ngham, Charle i i S tephen Bakei Willis ttti , Jai ob H. S James -y ??? r. Dr. lilbert aw, l>t. ... rg? 1 Kunz, Oscar S. Straus, Mai ?. Marks, I <r. Ju Elmei h. l'r,.-?'.. Abrarn I. Llkus*, Jeroi ? D ', rgi i iter Peabodj. Jam? i ?. Di W h la< ? K Buttrick, Dr. Arthur J. Pi . ?? Dul trp. lir r r-. M"'.: J. r "\. Maurice Wertl Prof? A D. 1 Hamlin, Di Boyi ? | II"-r;. Morgen! i . ai l?r .... City Cl it 1 ? sting of t ? tional Alliance, 1 I aerei evening in the institu I s il Broa i? jy -,. d J 'r- treei M r. >' ,.r?i^Tithau"=? then fact i.f the ?*ar . Ii ah ;^,.p!e in Europe and the '.'rien'.. * CHINA HONORS AMERICAN John U roetei "? ? ? Higheal Dec? oration i-i ?'r' Idenl's Gift. W ?:???.' rets Ien1 ' ? ? the I t, has been hon? I ? ? thai - ,. ? ? - .Mr. ' ? | -, ? ? I of 3 r long ? ? ? r v , > ? a tmei % iiithorit . ? ere with -a--. PRINCETON SPANS CONTINENT ?iPgrrs in Deaver and 'Friaeo ?li'ar?! ;it llinn'r Mere. Pr n ton ITnivei gt fl ...,..'. ght and Mem ! \ . ? Park, lift Di ; in Frai ,:i the ' ? ' ? ? I - innual dinnei . rabie i in 1 mei tioned were --. .1 r. -. ?, phone i ? ? thi .... -. . t in ui Dr. ' Dyke, r . '..? i ? gues I '.. v York ? ?' John R. ? S| ted l . v ?. "... i aco to -, '. " good ' len d J f ool Missouri College Paper Urines ?;ditr?r \ ?.pulsion Columbia, V , ' - ''? Clare Martin, a si the rsit of Mi ?souri and > paper called t? ? i ? l'' Beta Kappa ner ol . - ? ? . ' ?. .:..'i Mart ted bv Excfeions e o?aia and Arizona Tickets on sale daily March 25 to April 14 from Chicago $40*50 ? M Modern r- -?. tourist sleepers ***<?SL~^ and chair cars on fast Santa Fe trains. Personally conducted Tourist sleepers three times a week. Fred Harvey meal service. at?" *? ?? ? ? ???.? . ?a N istias '.'. > .? .4 ? ? ? - ? .-1 ?> Write or call for detail). Ce? C.DiTtard.Gen Fat???-?? t-,,.. \f..t 3"' ?-?! :.' .' Hr?adva :?? " . it??. J'b'>n?, l rsnk.iu 21.1 sod 101. NOT ONE BLUSH FOR 'DYNAMITE1 New Columbia Peri?dica Issued Only as Check on "Challenge.*1 "BIRTH CONTROL" ARTICLE A MYSTERi Students Wait ?n Vail i?> Shocks from Magazine Which Socks to Restrain Radicalism. the v ?re lo rever':.. || up "T'a na "Dynamite" not I ' ' ' ... ? ? : ' ' ? . ling . Graft trtlele Pleases. Graft jt ? rs" was more ? ,'erag lenl press ? . ..?' i assert l i wen ? g i tuden11 , ? ? ? rent age I Ret - a good time. I ? ad ? 0 cate? that the profs IOI ? tau rani iatry of nixed drinks, l .'> ?' to applaud a', a ' "-4. il 12, and hoa- to apologi ?,. grecefull) I I ?'? pping ? partner's to? ' B Then ?ley would i ' 1 . he add) . Redman Perr} talks on "Immorality s< ' . Educational ? ? "The -...-.:?'? ;.- i ? ' le ." r?\? ?he artie'e. "enter our co i it its i oung, impressi? i ? They ? . been throug '. and 'f-cv nrr !??"uir?inr of . . tus r by the et horitiea, and i ,? ' h . >i'enre me mi H re the Im? moral How To He a Kadiral. "Dj aamit? " levotea itself ? ttrely to stir ? y Cha nge." I r ? i Columbia | radical mind it saya: >??.-.? ? in .,? . i i i ' . ? . i ? ? ? ? ..-? i . ? . , ii i . . . ? - ? ? ? To esprei red m, lbs mag says: . . - ? ? - , - . ? .. . ? . ... ? . ? .j. a - ?? , . ,. ? - ' ? j ... I | .'.??? ? a 4 ..p. riamit? " will ">r r?ar ,.? oft? editora say, aa 1 ' >i *? r'< it i i seei require il. restraining nfl i i LEQURESTOHELP FOREIGN TRADE and Commer? cial Bodies Rack < otlfSC by Dr. Snider. NATIONAL CITY BANK l EAD FOLLOWED IV. l>. .StraigH J. II. \udrc\ .ind C. H. Sherrill Amone FkOSC V\ ho Will Speak. - ? ? ' ts . ? mero I il i liai ? ? ited ? inder the ??:-... ? 4 . 4 ?Land ? - ? , ? ? . ? I v l ? v hojn'e ot I - tares nr-) ? > ? - i fat? It raight M Ib? r l'r ad? ? i "Oar I BOSS] Subje? ' ' .ri I i - | Marcl ' II ? ? i . for mer M ter i \ i - i, < "' lue Government Poli, i I reigs , ? .,,?r, ' RELIGIOUS REVIVAL SWEEPS ALL RUSSIA (irand Duke Ktuvls uith I'ims atnts for I'rifsf s Blessing. ? i , ea out t wing, i i i ? >( r.. f ? ? ? n of Varnara, ? ? ? i i cnormeua reale, i* .a Ssystie stove? ment whiel i taken hold of th? i tocraey and the 1.i If I'.-trot,?ra<I should he evaeoated, it >* '-st ths Mrtr.ipolttaii ?I'd th*? Arrtihi.ahop, enrr: -?;? tl. S"d an) ild I? "l the i eopli to prevent i rebellion. "Ar one of th? i rvi?a ', eld bj tha 4- bishop, 1,000 persons, intruding a '. ethei aril to? r?r -, ? .. ? - and l'< ggai 'oild .'...I. r. v% hen the Are?)? r ied to hie n naatei"j tha P?*ople Knelt along the road kth In Use ' t now, 44'?i the ? ? t'r.rtv 4a 1. ' . -, 1er to receles i bli "Eyesvitnaaeoe of these Batons coea? ire thai relig itaeiea #1 ?Mil times. I ,. Holy ?'.? ' '"I sud ? ho better educated portion ol the ele gy have pri out tl ? >bjee? ?? re not he? 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