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VERDUN DEFENCE IS GUN MOBILITY Germans Held at Bay by Rapidity of Moves of French "75's." "CIRTAIN OF FIRE" CITS OFF RFTRtAT Teutons tharpc Seven Times to Carry Ridj*e Soldiers Get lew Bulle? Wounds. i;? FRED it. l'lT.M;.. ? - . ? i ? r ling to the I . M per cent of the earred In ,hc pre'- - ' rdraent In scitie ardrnent lasted 120 ?? . . I ?fought j .he t- ? "R shells ara? .?o iteadj and tremendous that il ,,.. -agasibli for .. voice to be heard I ,r- ?" tho ilbcr German Infant tans '?;! '?" I ? ' ' por! of the i ].i?i.?T';.un' IB bullet?. ? :.-.- worhed in rflaM I . ?r ?? ?' ' e said, ?101T1 il the?/ I They did gjaj lhat their i ?'? anee had Irod 'be,' a and three 1/ ?bill ? ' they had ? ?,. - - the fear of God .... those s At 4 o'clock M the afternoon ? ? th? 26th they broke Bttei ipt of -. I ire I.ike I BOSlag of Hell. re| pted the at inlt, and ? ' ' ? hu*. our prepara! .:? at a ? . and when the Ceratei - point s? U-ctcd the 1rs of bel thern. 1 lor r r? were sei a? ITiej came tf .? -a pile?, red, I red a cer? ra.; ? ? ' (?al'.oped ? .t gal? lop, took the r plac? -. A barrier of G< man r?ft\ ita i then to Bj. ? A ? .-1 tenant la with his left leg" ?h:- i ee, his left ?.hurr.b sad .-.?-. . ?t away, and ... : Igt ? Is how he i asme to br li I "For r:e.' ... - v.a had been cx I lactiag tl ? r order of I the diy, ?Vei ? r be taken; Caata roi m us our role. Dm ?? ade l><??-ar ?? ? ? BHTibli ? : ? . ,-arThir wai ael n 1er -.r in. ... heal af , barrier . ! ? -?ad?? my men (0 (.1;? ; :?: l.urk IM.Ie t., | tenrh. | tion, ? ' ed 4?r fcn to ail earned that w? r left ? ? ? I had to lea? e t?". of i rea ed i ? 11 ?id pe re sent to i right ' ichod ? ? re foi ? I attle und'-r "?red cloud -? I ? -, ? - er? by thi and 44-e ? ? --?? by four - v sfled to see - iquadrons ol German cavalrv de pe at a ?allop ? .'I them !. W< ;. ? ? ' coold B> X. ?.'y-??- "^?s h i* a mark of the connoisseur to order COOKS SHi/i. rut/ /"in Xi-.-..-? ; . , fea u.'? ** J "" -?????* ???v?, the Or a a" "k''' '?'???-? bOOtg&l did /"**Ar"neai * j. ?sao -t no ( tl*??. <,?,,, ?h?.?*, to ? ? ..r*.* -?-?/? ;??,,, U .';*. A. ^"?^^?^F?*?."* Imean 1 Were ail the fltfenefoi of the village (?sHii or wounded? In another minute tl e G? rmana becan to ore ?? themselves, and ?re opened lire St? u ils and without hast n . m d ?? ? aim. I f< ? - ?? life with my glass? I toll like Ail l, lu?? Pirro W? r, ? places of tl Seven tin ? - ? e Gern an wavea tried t?*. pn?.- t',,iw?,r.i and seven timei nur j t ro drrivr them Lack, but we knew that this coir.I not la I, I oward B ? the it-' shell arrived for u iron threi we w< re takei '" rmi Fina were ordered bsel te thr rr.ain line. ' end ien we a ere aril ? ' i sal shelter T we knocked 1 ! er nh.,-.i' h minute l ?? SI n and then mj ?.turn? and i tried t e. but it wa ble. 1 .'ni not suffer pain. l?o/. men lay Bear me. Une? ara I tried te r -.- but eoald not Th? n I saw I 4\a slmosl ? ? ? ai p : 0 only by the akin ai i .-. bit ef flesh. I fell my senses leaving me from lose of !.;o,,r|. ) knew that there ^*~ ne to i SBitate, a- d to w ?th m . knife I Anished thr- work ol the shell ?iy catting oil n.; I? g ai d stanching Row qe blood wil n ade of a Mor... ? "I fr't stronger when the In.,.. itopped, but i ? i rrib ., s I old 1 he n ight 44;. p|< <?ear. but it "... that sevi ral of ? en near m< ?? ed ? rom 1 poi . 1 ?. I Mi >. - the mitrailleuses pei - tretel ? ? srera began a earch the ere in thia (food i,' ? MORE TEUTON SHIPS SEIZED \ll \ rvs?.|i in Portuguese Colonies Taken l>\ l.??.bon. '.. Lloyd Bombay 1 ? 001. Poi flap. I ;. - t" ei hoisted on all gao :.? '1 'hu: ?i,?. Gei , ? I . Pan im, 01 Goa ? ? Perl icues? Goa, Indii reeentlj reported th l the Poi ? ese g< ? ? ? 1 r all the < nd Au? trian ' " ? arbors, had . ? ? that all 1 euton vcbs? Ii in the colon-,. I e? -'? be tak? ne FRENCH REGAIN HILL LOSTATDOUAUMONT < '.ritln'i.,1 frnm |>hc<- 1 out to the Freni I ot to let the ; I . gre ndei their feet, and they,i by th?- lull preceding the fn ittack 1 i ntratinj I ? . their rar '? a? .1 .-trcr,?r- rurther the theii cea. !i. r. . fj mits the i ipture of 1 theasl Ypre? by tl ?? Hr,; ish, as wi a: ? ?' it i mer been the advanced Gi rmai *.iona. rhe itatemi l ... ".Soul east of Ypres, i the < the Rriti?'-. broke nto ? - p , ?fikor, fro ? ? n Fel lai, ; ; ?nd even penetrated i er a amal froi I ?' hat '?? ere ?'i? oui ? ,;- forward t : rr.chc<. The . w? re . : i u lately drh ei out uf tliori-, bul still occupy some parta of the bast I ? lough no fui ther progn ' Is med in the \'i : ah offli:isl ment to-ni?rht the po?itioris gained are eonsoli?Jated. British Consolidate t.ains. "Ob the i'pre--i ominei Canal." -?v. "we ! ai s consolid?t? d the pe tioi taken j '?-'? rdaj. rl elude pome two Mir.'lre.l yards of I i origina In 219 mei of ot ? ranks. nesi ? Hi ? -in i ? ? , ? - conts i ft. A h '. - . Ira- A Th? tatemsnt -avi: "III * I \; ? shown i/rrra' bard? 'I th? German linei ;.' l s I Morte snd In the < W f evplod'-i success! let St Jit Hubert. "To the nort of 1 ". ps'ro'. which had atts ? of our ? - ? i-.r artilrei . rried out a ?!?? ? r ict i '? ? r< ?p.- t Germa east of ! i d to th? ? I ? ' I'., n y?au?Bac "In Upper Alsace w< l.ave carril have takei ? ? emeni ' i ? trencher- on the right bank ol > i t.randr I.arc.ill \ counter attack "f ? ? ;a led to d?l lodgi '? the i"nq'jererl ground ' \ BtiOUS aera'. BCtivit?, ported by Pari" and Berlin. "O'jr airnier,." ^;, Berlin, "'dropped bomb* In tv.r vicinity of Fort Verdui To the cast of Douai Lieutenant 1m ? sin ?tin ?hot down hi? ninth enem.v ? aeroplane, a British biplane, 01 two occupants, on?' 44?- dead ami the i,?.her seriously wounded." Tari- report ? a fol ? "Adjutant Navarre broug it dowi terdsy '.'i the region < I Douaumo - r ;\'h arroplar.r, a craft of the albatri type. The aeror.lar.t- fr!l inside ou? Ti i- pa ? .-? who wei ? : \t ?s ( re la ten prisoi Berlin Confident Army Can Break French Line Berlin, Mar. h ". by wireleai to Sap? ? Ule, N. Y.V- Th ? rapture of the town of Douaamonl ai ? I iteady 1 ?ei ? ^f the Germans in the re^on of Ver? dun Bfemintrly ? I ? repostad . redietioi ol the German n tary perti that the srmy hsd atrength rap ?.'ole. of p?n?trant:? the Entent ? l 1 nes when the time eame for it to do 1-0. With character st e audaelti not oppoie some weak section, but thr strongest fertrei at ,: ? pivot of the tl c fall whereof would for? ? I - ?.bar.dontner.t of the whole Alans po.-i tions. Fort Pouaumor' erowni a hill 818 ? tres 1 ich ar.'i vas thr- strongest and 1 ehe?? for? of the ? ?> tern seetor ot ..' . . r , 1 ?j ?or?- ol the Verdun defenre?. Hetwer; Douaumont ?".'I Vi-rdun inteieen ? fort .?.-'?' ? rrrh, srd Ss?bI Michel, ?<?< ? etn h gh, snd whirh bel? ng 1 1 Rirdle, bul DooBumont com? r.rsndR ? visa? sf the city, the i.eart of which 11 lesn than ftva milei i ?i ,? fj,-.oriti rang" of 1 '?? ? an mo? bile moitan , . , , lets , w< ,-e .! ie to tne '?? ? .,..,.. .--,-?? lUaly under tl r- eve- of Empen r William, but 1 gtj . sk? ? ? g ol the French 1 1 ?, re airo ???. idei ?. I" ' ?? ? oiisp?. ol their r< tai sth ot lb?- "I raakfurti r /? . tioi aroui d Vei , ruatraint. It eharseterisi ,,, .? ? the ? -i-i" tipn thai Ger? 1 H.r.', 4art a decisive Mttle -1? . . h'. 1 1 isinUin that t are a s deliberate sttompt to belittle th? German sek evei ' ?v.*''"''?! ? ? purpose. 4- >? attaek on '" ? f?rt? r /? ? . ? ' ":'' .,. the German attack began. By .. ? ? 4. if il ai 1 - ?? toi - ? '"? i.. ,.. papei ? ? ,. liffirult to imagine lhat the , ...... ?f 1 art I?."- imoi and th? .- ???? r. can n main inactive , . . their gn il ' letorv, but to what -, ? 1 , . omrnander of '"?r urn.1 . ,.. V?rdun the " I Imp? . ? ? . toi attai ?. and our u ? -si ? 1 -j t.'-a ai ?? A ? ? ' ? I ' ?? l RUSSIANS TAKE BITLIS BY STORI Capture Armenian City i Drive Continues South of Frzerum. JUNCTION OF ALLIED FORCES IMMINEN (tzar's Troops in Persia Pre On Toward British I all of Trchi/ond Near. Lond i i he K j.--sian i ?anee in A ia Muni, radiating a".<-> three mi from ?- i erum to ard Tn and Bit ? ? . ice? i; ? l urki h Arme ia, 11" mile . ithes Enerum, near thi louthw? tremity of Lake Van and aim'' I ? i ? adwati n f the 1 gri , i.?'. ? ii by i ''.i ?? Among I .? 1 , -. pri oneri captured were seventeen c ?i?!-. * ? eep of the Russil ai mies t'. the north and west ? tetarded onlj by the rough eharact <>.' the country an! the ?-? rei tj "f ' \ i athci. Th? capture of Ti enl In the at tl rl appear ... e bei ? n Binly oce ipiod with a . . their guns ei i? ? the) i r ie m)y pai '. ?.- ? '? i: , liana report . crea ng ? if iapture.1 cam ? h ' he !..!.. were forced to sbsi don. 1 he Turks are said to be strei g' i ? ? on of Sivaa, whicl ? of Erzerum, th - being the only one consider? '?? i"- a serious obMrur'inn I ih? ' ? ''.??I'd pi ogress of thi Rn ' improhah ? ,t - will atU m pi to i nd until Sivai is reached. '? 11 are pouring di ? ??? ire. The o?rd nation 1" twe? ihr different Russian army gri enabling tl ma army, which ii pr< ? eed ng ? ? I I rom l ?reei urn, i ?? nue h< advance without reachiri ? too :;ir al ead of Iti sup| ? g ?uhject to Ra? g at< ick froi i the I ? ; ... has I" en n?> i ecei I officii ' gard a,- the progi i ?an force in Persia, bul a I K? rman ha i i n theii poi ? are now reported moving louar th? I'.ritisii for???; In Mesopotamia, junctioi o? ' two forcei ed by military writeri here si egon? ision. "On the western fron*.' Ruai ..? off!? ? ? ????? a '. "the enem al tem pi ed an o T' n live in the di ti i north ol 1 tartorysk, but waa ?Ji?pcr?e '? ) our artillera,. "im the i aucaaian front mir I i ontirnin th? ii pui sui "1 the ? I lie fighting in this distric' is pro ; ng undei exceptional diff:^ . ?? ing mplete disorga zatii (.'' <\ ? ... ost and dee] i i." . "'I h . ? n- ' . ghl an ed B I . , \ '?? .. ? Reel including a colonel." llrilisli Deny lurks' Stor) of Engagement Near Adei Loi don, March ?". The ? HBc al Pn ? nigh! latemi i i ?''imu- 'he , laimi ma?l< n thi ? ? offli tatement a March 2: "N'<. engagen enl "r I: - nd te f?*i r<*?l to in the last par* of the Tur i?h official communication of March taken plac? n th? ol A.b i 11 . i, an "' it? Ij no truth the r i or? contained ii " ? c? n n ini? a* ion ? Tered bj i troops. It '? nol understood ?4hHt tb< refer to. " | h<- tatement tl ? - .--i u ' d I?;? oui ' '??"?" a untrue," FRENCH PICK UP GERMAN SEAPLANE Machine Drops Off Belgium Al? ter Bombing Lnglish Coast. London, March 3. A (ierman SOS plane returninc fron England was r irked up ye.-terday by the trench three iriilei north of Hiddelkerke bank, the Belgian ?-"a?;, it was announced -.,'? menl led this ? n ng. One of the observen of the machine -. rt droa ed ami on? '?? i mad i a Beaplan? dropped Wednesday. An official announcement : sued in London *A dn? lay night i tated that a ?. rn an seaplane had bombed u part <?' east coast of 1 gland 1 j ...... was no military damage, It wsi .id.uJ. TELLS OF BIG GERMAN PLOT TO INVADE V. S. British Ofticcr .Said t?> Ha\r Plans tor dreat Coup. B? Ca ?I Londoi. March ." An article -.. . "44?1 {.turtle America" i?. to be ? i by "The Sunday Pictorial" to? r.orro?-. Ma or Stusrl Stephens will, it is said, rev, a! a preat l.erman plot fur Invasion of the United Stati All the (,rrnifln plan.? ar?\ Stated, laid and \4orked out to 1 he lft?t lter; when they 44ill land, boa i they will ? ea from munition factories, bow they will ?ir.a-ii t...- Ami 1 raey all th? : ? ? si many 1 1 1 ave been del nlti-1 decided on, It AIR RAIDS CONDEMNED IN BADEN PARLIAMENT Useless Butchery of Peaceful Citi/ens. Member Calls Them. Geneva, March 3, Tht bombardment of open towni m Froaee and Kngland ? "a? iharpiy eritieisod yes? terday Ib the Parliament of the Dachyj ,.f Baden by the Progre live Deputy, Herr Hummel ?? :"' ' bo 1 ..... ed the dep il ? ' remarks. J llerr Hummel declared thai i."^'^ ob the pretest of n pn a'?. rere only usel? aeeful I t it ii. na. Deputy K"!b. Socialist, called atten ; ? |pn to a bat ha t? rraed the br ital enl ".' the eew reerulti -.?ho art I .iinr?? io btVeent to the treoches. PORT DOUAUMONT \ ED BY TUNNELS Pain?. March 3. -The mystery of how 300 Ger? man?, of the 24th Branden hurs? Regiment have been able to hold out .? V4eek in the ?uined Fort Douau inonl against th* attacks of the f rench, layi the "Petit Journal, probably may be explaii ed bj their havin| extended the luiSterranean ps ?get r>? the forl ?md thu? established cornmurr vith th?* <?d,'<inced hn?*?. SEA GRIP PINCHES FOE, SAYS CECIL Trade Minister Declares (ierrrwtns Surfer from Food Shortage. Th? T ; , ? Lord Robert ? ' . ? I '?rie. told | thai ? . ? Germany was beg ? ? to feel the: rfl ? . the ' -.ade. " ; ? :..: Id fall of I nark ia the I il ' ur economic pre? ire on Germa ? I ' ? i I Lord Robert I d< ea ia ero-? I -aTl people a! - Ing to feel 1 to 1 of ' ?d " Lord that a com on, head' Bryce, i4s? P"\ng to America t ocksde problems. "The j te sal p I \ pring? R i< ?." , ?? de? tared. Referring to he i Ian o| ? go? ernment to el n the \ - ship? i . , p.. , . ? . ide, Lord Robert paid a to < ? to adopt," : ??. 1 il Ami rica the hand rould h ? .. ? . Vmerici I to ship this end Mr. SV ? ; ted out thai fs was harder on small the big; I corporal io i -. bi .. slier the ? .. ,. . ay hi ? 4. ., - ! ot ? te "a I Li? the ?? a bureau ' ild be able ?. .. ? ' on hipping ? ? ?? - ?that in all probaib to pass, '1714" tara 44 ill ;?? ?' rough, bei au I po alv ays pn lion m igl l lubi equei ? t the gooi lest , ,.. ;-. -a', th? rea ble proba pari lo." Roh r' ? il ? ? si ?? . ? I . . ... ? . ? , ; . , tO P BRITISH REOCCUPY TOWN IN WEST EGYPT Only Tvvo Killed in Recent Light Turkish Loss Heavy. f air.'. March ':- Sidl Barani, a town in Western Eg; pt, sra reoccupied srith* out opposition ! . Brit h forcer, ;e?ter day, after being for three months in the hand? ot* tribesmen commanded by 'I irl ill ofllcei l-ur?l?fr information indicate I ?* the Turl on Fehi ?Thirty?-! ... s gui fty camels snd * . ren - \ ng th? pri i ,,?.. rs wen Gs far Ps< 1 the ? ? ond in 1 ommand: \?: ad Bi : .... oil I and ? 44.. . BRITISH BAR CANNED FRUITS AS LUXURIES Will Stop Importation to Make Nation Save on Diet. ! . I'nited K gdoi aft r M irch IS, of canned 1 I preaerced fruits, < unit ll :p!;ed from Britisl , ?arill he pro !,ih'.''>,i by ? mation, sccordii g te . I l?tei ir, liren?e - .. ! for ,; ? importation ef these product in . 1 I 1 ceeding M per cenl ef th" amount in; ported li 191 ' a n il a development of the government ? * 1 nuke the ? in imall house expensi 1 nteat to lin v tl 1 ut luxuri? FKENCH AIRMEN FLY FAR On '.'1 Hour? from hatowlca to dulf ol Sni4 ma la Raid I uri??. -????. French s? roplan? 1 rlea 1 to the ., . ? ?' feu days ?tr ? .... (0 ;i d -!'?.' ' ' ?.1 rhe sir? ,:,.'? retui The corn 1 thst the ? ey lasted ? ? , ? on record. KRUPPS LEAD IN WAR LOAN 1 Make I ir?t Mih-np'1,.11. | |O.O0O.i?0fl. to I ou ri h G? rman l?-ue. Berl nd I V >. \ . snnou ... ... ? fourt ' ? ? ' ? . ? I r ?.Ir.ih KrBpp, uhlrh lUbSi r ? || .' The 1 ? x il Loan Banl - bed *- ! .nd th? s ... rlavinaa 1^?- KjD??u.j.uu. BARLOW SEES BRITAIN REBORN South Salford Conserva? tive M. P. Forecasts Vast Industrial Changes. GOVERNMENT TO HOLD CONTROL OF RAILWAYS Trenches Have Effected Democ? racy for Aristocrat. Capital? ist and Workman. A: 1.ngli . . ter e terna! i ?? : rr.ber of Pa itl Salford, ? . A. . ge i an outline . El gland ai I ? : . ? . I ?th? B ? eil of 1 . Chamb? r o? Com ? . .. eat Parlia? ment foi an ss s C< irvs though ? . titucnti a: men. Al th? i ??! reak of the war he organ . alford Rr gade of the Lancashire h isllieri and ra bal taliona i r Kit? hen? r'i i ; Eaglaad Aims To Be lair. "The entire polic. of the Bi tish go?. . M Bi to trade bel . .?1 countli' ;..? ; c <" i ? i ? .i . tus bee.. . ted by on erTot* ' to cor that il a'Ould ? I '" ' itral na? tions, irmony ?j establ ? , ? -?a'. Isw, BI : St th?- mii-.c time with du? I gai ? ' itting off trad I Gei Mr Edward ('ie'. mad? 'in.* ab . .-. . ? ii great ape? ,. "The 'ral bai be? ked out Ib p*!*- Ion ? indinavli . luntries. and ha.? been baaed on the ,,',., , t ol mporta into .-??.. before the war. Impon . n excese of that - uraably destined pay, and I'ngland ? |1 i n th< i, with regard to into llollai ..'... heard ame oil the ground that thi I COB ?i i. eel?ed from Germi in time o?" I ? aci . t off, and Holland a iheret require to im| it amount i i Eng . l.iiaranters \nteri?a Ngiiin?! LOOO. ? I- .. ',?!?':. aportanl thai \ ,4 hould understand that Eng? ? i i trj ing le . ai du? t 'ne ?.? nr on a pi?nciple 'hat -.? fair to neutrale. A ?5ei .i' i I. : : a- Jiarin'.e.J out, ? .i- ev? . agreed t" guarantee ;i.' United Stati agaii iterial ;? ? .,? , ?? re-ul? ot' tne so-called ? a.!'- 1:. topping undue trade '" ne itral I Btioi - near the enemy using tl ?? rigl I that the North exercisi d Ta the 1 ? Wer." .Mr. Barlow a as enl ? aati? in ad? i for the ? inner in which the m ri ? ? and the mui ??N. as ever \.->lun , ? .. , ? . ? of trad'? uniOl aril organised laboi I .' Kng and," < r.? <(. " \ .i.mi.. 90 men i ffen ?: I - ? ? ?.'.-d 1 ?? II ? total |. -, bei I re the nav; <? ? ents, ?id i arrangemei ? - t" ?a in i ibout 1,000,0! accordanei icttr. the a?*cepted rul l il oi ? an pul -i' the moai '. 0 pei een! ol li population into if ai ? ? e . h land, ab? ut 12,000,000. See? Induetrlal RevelutioB A-- the ?? . lid Mr. Barb r, ? ' ? ... the i is t ol ?/ .factor ? i - i :... ? ? engineei ?he country row are di ? .-n*r--!!".i bj thi government, .? al! railroads arc being managed i ? ,i -'...r.' ? ? ii aittee of d l ,..,. ,-^i-rril of the go?/. ernment. It Is doubtful if t'-.e ra-.l waj ? ' . g back to the old cor ;.??. ti\e management. "It : not unlikely that a system will eventually be created for the ra:>a;. like ir, force over the great dock? of the Port of London for the la?t tci. ] ? ire. These have hee.i combined un? der one li,>ily a ailed the Port of Lon? don Authoril . representing three is: 1 ?. p ownen und shipper . the shan Idera at ?! the govei ni enta ilgamhtii of th? dock i 1 le ompet? for I rade g ? ' '. ?? ??- into a ling!? '.: ?1 trad? i disti ? : according io faci ti? is mainly th? : ? ? r i. garded -a on? of his great t < - I' not exactly i aliam, and >??? , . . . . to il ?? ould i a ' be?! i 1 I : tl e BS ? "There is SB SCI IIS com gement, whiel ?*?-?. the met? od a itl i h id .' ' Bg ?'. great ma terpris? during the war, ?*l i real y o f pea y ? i gh I a ibat terril) \4??h a great fall of a .-? pre?er.t higl itandsrd Bui If thei ; ach di pression, or - ?? ? t? neet .y more eeonomii si . Ised management f 1 ri en the mini*. ?IsjaalMj lound in the Trench. "The 4aar," Mr Lar!".?- added. "4till n ?? all memben of the community Into a greater frlendlinesi than aver bef? re, for tl i trench ??? the mo?-?, dem ocratic place in the v.'rid, and th?re the ?corking mar. the ariatoeral sad the cap."a. it I i a learned ai never b> - 4- each "-'? With regard to the discussion be tween America and England in refer? " - I ??- frei the I r- nch bi h governmi? ?- a ild ri intrj i ? i orn ? Verdun r,:T he said "I doubt if the ? ? ? -? front eai be I r< -.? n \? ithout a ? f life too appalling to t" .-??>? tcmplat? i ? ngly by sny country." SAY TURKEY SEEKS A SEPARATE PEACE London Papers Hear Rachmi Bey Mas Approached Allies. T ? ?'.??? Mi rch i rhi raoi liapatches fron ? ? ? ? ? . ? igi ta1 ? nstanl favor of peace ;? be eoming io pror n ? . ? - ?? ? . . . ?UrpriM r o on? il Tur'?.?;.- ?ud . ?? ? ited to tbe I Btei U Alliei It is n ported also thai Rschrr governor Of the I la; I of Si ' r- I Irving to arrang? parate pea ? termi ???.ii thv EateaU * I FORD VIKINGS PAY FORPEACEDENNER No Henry on Hand to Sign Checks at Gathering of War Correspondents. DRINK MILK TOASTS TO ANGRY PACIFISTS Survivors Of lamented Junket Revisit I amiliar Haunts in Pathetic "Horse tar" I arce. . - mted ? - members ' I ?? .a - ? . erinc I - lition for foregsl ..?;?? i..... ? ist night ' I ?? .-a- ;. for by llei Th- . ? their i >u.-h veters '?? roui ic UcClure, orator; . Herman Bern Pale "< Btthreata" Gather. ? ? ? ? ? ? ., ? . f Erroi " fiai when the r bickerini ? ' . : By ire i leai t th? That dart ? K. Besolu ? i festiviti? He surviv? .- ? . ' Vori ma " I'1 the ? oti one id a plaintif! ? . ' ? ' S'ew Kngla ? ? i ? ? ?Then ?'? \ ik i ga lap ed inl .. ? injr of ti, grand ? Vit .. ? . ? - , i pros the evei r ? ? i (n the Horsecar II, . , ' t< Lim snd the se ; Norway, l ? Drinking M?ng Es? uied. I '.-'?-'.. i, I .-??.?? i I part luced Scrooge, I . . . for I '?'... litoi ? " ? ? '? Denms ? ' die R ami I i :' - ? '.-.i Pr ? . ? ? I wit I ... Hague and Halg Present, If) Bl : ??' pilgrims, v visit - ? -,. tomb or ii i thi ent, ? ? ? ? a\ hero of Mollai d I as I e turned < s with great uinrr fhe ? i ? ited of 1 ?reces? na ' ..,_., that's th? r us," inza : ... M a ate 1 i s t n i gh t ? ? LIMIT BADEN TAVERNS TO ONE MEAT COURSE Austrian Bread Must Contain 20 Per Cent Corn Meal. rW::-!, March 8. Growers who hold hark potatoes until they are expropriat? ed will ios* b? lues action la future under t;t"v regulations of the I incil. Heretofore 80 marks extra have been ; , . on expropriation as the "-akinfc over price," but this >um from now on will l"- reduced in the hope of compei linc a better tribution to th? suraer. The Minister of tro Interior of lim!? n me I orden l it n I ? iranti may serve only .1 single meat course. In tl Kii -- " of W 11 te m berg but ter ear.! 1 will b? introdu March ?>, allowing 125 gra per capita Viel ' ??'??? eorn mesl must '.-?? 1 ry? ai 1 wheat bread after March ?i j .-? '?'. ingai a I - led ? >rte requiring annoui ? ment ? ' ill stocks ot rial parer un : . . 1er g ?minent con Off to school, full of Vim and "Pep" Don't cram their little "tummies" with greasy meats, starchy potatoes or other indigestible ?oods. One or two Shredded Wheat Biscuits with hot mil!: make a warm, nourishing meal that supplies all the mater? ial needed for their grow? ing bodies. The perfect food to study on, to grow on, to play on. The crisp ness of the shreds ?encour? ages thorough chewing, which de velones sound teeth and healthy gums. Being ready-cooked it is so easy to prepare a warm, nour? ishing meal with Shredded Wheat in a few moments ?no kitchen worry or work. Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y. pawn 4IFK1? ? \Q- isia . n-^M pabis in.110 - . ? ? ?? - ? 1 ? ? . v . . 11 -., ? ? ,.? ?.??? .... a- ? a , jaw I -4" . .. A??. Makes Honte Baking Easy ROYAL BakingPowder AbsolutelyPure No Alum?No Phosphate DON'T BELIEVE WILSON MADE FORD CONFIDANT Official?? Doubt He Said (icrmanx Must Be Crashed. ? | a tVsi gton, Mai 4 I'ii iid< -." W on told Henry t'oi.i -ome montl - ago that "the A ? - i ? ' ? ? rmany lu- cm ? Carl - report, l coi of the highest i ? led or ?. the epin? or? raili Pre lid? nl ? . t, but that he hardly : be -.1 indi ici sol a- to laj t>.?? ! to the Detro t pac While t;,.- Pn rd here publicly until within the laat fea days, imonly has boon asrreed almoat ^ Of the \a?r that ".r,' stro \ \ ii . ? |o a i" ? , . frii ? no sec i et s bee : i ranea and Great B ta eutralit polic) i h !.. i -i te? hn call f impari .. I i ?. a exen ..''a ?? than ? . ' a id I svor of tha I ? It i that Mr closeat i r,?*rid . . ' than I rclaral houl'i , . Hi ni - l ord tha? arded ? 3,130 DROWNED ON PROVENCE < ..iitiiin?,! from |,u?r> I . .. i,. rman ra i ith of aeeoi ?i.r.e to ? I Oil! I ,,pr>" I ;,?? rkage 1 ? ? ' .., Delta wa .',T7."i tonnage i II feel long. i , ?? r- son ? with four Ami r ? .,? 1 !>'? arm>- I .,' ' , ' r., ? ? | ,. I ? 1 ? engera tiin' rould b pul oi b< ar,: for tha e ga ? - i ?? the Adr?a armed er first trip gui it th? tari > - , ?- , lid at I ? ? of the Im.' .. ? it ereafl all boat in the e ai r ng-er bi ? Ir ships ii the Li ver| ervice April i ' i'apta lid aould miit-.c ? ? ? the u . ?m? cai citizens on 'r."?ir,| are I Mi ' ?????' -? : ?? ? B. . ? . and M A. P. Tile ton, ol Bo ton, aod William : ?eat for the ''. te Star Cine si the Asorei Mr i ! ? ' n* ba ?r d bis v. : fa bad ed th? ; inger ?'>r.o three I i? f f,ir??, and a - r Ot afraid to do it I ? ere were also on board ten second <'i.-r paasengera and ftfty*aevan in the steerage, including seven deported aliena who signed a paper before em I ? ?? 'r.-.'e.l Stal ci ?.-. rnment of s *y In (,.-, ? 'I hi ' BBopic carri'-a Il 14,00 f ?rara A dispatch t'r the A lid that l Boston Fel rs, bsd sr i ived Mon lay ai ime da ted oi board iibraltar <?n srd trip a gun tski i .boar i a\ .'...; I? I ived BATTLE A GANE WHEN PONY FELL Keeping Mis Eye on (ioal, Me Clattered Over la Hassee Plain. ALMOST WINNER AS DEATH STRIKES Master Cltwb In with Dis? patches. While I onu Island Meed Rivals Heroic "(at.** "Keep syo? the ball and m say ave been the philosi icks, a Piping Rock ' ? pen,. m I . Ipp? i 'Ing mall? ' a and ? ? . ' r, para/ with I i I a Ra i France, , to that pi .'.: i. . Cal Piping R. ? ?? ' t >, .? ma ? 1 ..?<i read t bin Snuck pi ek ear i a otb* ?! ? ? ? .-.. ? little I heard of t ? the 1 ?' ? i ? . ' be . ? ,. t, of the di nd the mustering, and 1 Isafe that ? ? a "Cat" i ebb ' ? ? life "?' a deeertcd ba ? ? ?' "I'- i ? ?s, "I guess . i te b . hero.'1 Then trame Augui t, I9H - ? g th? be sh:ri|"'d to ... ' i ? ' . of East VI l ! ... .. i i. Boo ? \ , leered th a Ca ? ' In ? the Atla ? | ?? rti44?ly , 'A. item range hors? had ? , ;?'?- at n to hi ' B ' ht? ? ? ? ? | ? . | i a - ;.lrv, ? ink of steel, the . ted cannon, 44 re. I ? i cottages .,n?l barriers ?.:? tun ad not ? hair on their roui I But Snueks ? ? -, ?I ? -, I . ! ion j, too. I li? ?. La Bass?e his bm 1er, n? ? ?? ml 1 ? steh tu broad ' G? him ai -i ped away 01 nimbly .-? ever ' at Piping Roek. "I''- al! m tl > gam? ' ' ? . -re!. His ey< were I sod on the dial line th*? spurted friendly smoke, ju :J a? in the ol?! da; . BtSCB ' '/ on th?- white goal posts Death ?bi ?/l and screamed on the g*!f ???;?? breaeted. ? loda of ear'h erupted '?> - > rper'edly. Ya?t BO?BC ihOCkl SI hi? tucked-ir. ear?. Put Snueks did BOt ? I ' A -cr<\-?m, th? Kwift impact of. a falling bod} and Snueks shivered a little and la After he bad clawed ?o hi.? line., an I delivered the dispatch, Lieutenant B- ? n*:!, uith a few men, returned si 1 buried -i.;ii-aJ VON BISSING REPORTED ILL a \m?ter?lam Hears l.erman <?04*rnor Is in Seritiua * t)nditi??n. ?? ?reara. March 1 'i '.? "Tel?? . . - from r> Gern ?? ' 1 il von B .? ' ? ... - ?, ? e 0 f th< .- .?- - . ?.? ^.-aai-aa?a??-~??-????a??? ' I???a? More Men Are Drinking Milk The manager of one of our popular restaurants remarked the other day that .the number of business men who order milk at lunch times has increased enormously. Many of the devotees of coffee and tea are turning to milk regularly, and when you think of it, it's the most natural thing in the world. Nature-made milk, a delight both in taste and aroma; and more than this, it is the most nearly perfect food that nature has given us. But it must be good milk. BORDEN'S MILK Is good milk, clean milk, safe milk. Any Borden wagon ndll serve you. When taxing I ^US-a.,.???. ||