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BOOKS AND "AUTHORS ? REVIEWS AND COMMENT LITERARY CRITICISM AND BOOK NEWS Two Books About Colonel Roosevelt: the Man, His Equipment and His ?Achievements? A Sound American Idealist. THE Cor.ONr'l.S rUEEEi:. rHKODOHB !:..'.-, \ 4 l.T ;n? taOOI? OS BOT ' > ? - : .? . . ? ...:.\ VI V, AM BJCatN H4 I'll!?'' ?-?- ? ' The of Mr Wa ' burn'' book |i II ni "h r , 4v and intim,. raphy. ? tarasting effort I and c lowe ' ? '.lit ( ;,r. . - interest. He 4\<a t?mate friend of M ' Har ? (ird : tba'. hi? fa tionnl ? i ii.'I 'ah- Bsarkad for l-\e,.|,r I.,--., ! ', , . . .... . , . from I ar disti le? o ? vclt v. ml He disagreed many of the < : olicios with the tat . . cf jur. I decision* He 1912 Um Judgment ? that of n CH'i'iid critic, ii"' What be ... OUI t.. arrive n* ., ,i , s ?nd fa ? ?'? of Colonel The Bird Refuges of Louisiana, by THEODORE ROOSEVELT The wonderful frigate-bird and others; whnt the Audu? bon societies have accom pUshed in bird protection. In the March Scribner e Mil NewtttAndt A Story of the Hovhoai oi >) A Warwickshire ! Lad I Mr .,? .,c.- Mxltlea ?a?J-ttn .lairicr of "hmm: i.ou." "," etc The Ocean Sleuth By Maurice Drake Author of W ? I An Intricate ?.fury of thr steal ing ol ?Sank notes .?nul the com? plicated task > ?1 tracking dosra the absconding ?banker by a ilrvrr and in?genlous detective. ^ , '. ? / I .In > /i',?M?', r? E. P. Dutlon & Cr... 681 Sib A?*.. N. Y. Beoaevelt'i ruling motives a? a publ man the kdaai which have km? i an i of Mr. v> ashburi ?) i have bei tunes con?ider dang? < Il i? the ? larly to that Colon? Roosevi ? ? ? in" in tl the rad e which ? nt aid m the ca? sis i bon ov ? I fro Mr. Bryan 01 "careful ? for many yea befon tl ??;? found i prei i ?". si ? ' . ' ? evelt ? . Btpaig . i t Mi I ? "I ci laa he king to I not ai aal i In proof of 1 first burn preeei ' Roosevi - it s j ear. He retired after thre? '. ? i r ? ? ret as Federal < ? i Com i or New York ? ? . h eould ha? ?? ? ffei ed n? ectation i ? '? i. y, and then tidier The Govei noi ' p oi Se ? Vor feil to him without hi. ? - !" C ? ?n In? part, ai ?! he a s I Mr. tVaahburn furl ei that no "politician" in Ro ???rvelt'a plac would ?ver have invited Rooker '! Washington to a meal in the Whit lid have .?'?' lagon ised I ?. Senate for over two years by ? he negro r< gi ment at Hr.) ?? i li denounced th ibu ? tol?rai ed i r pi ad ised by organ ised c '[Mtal and organised labor; bee t-o regardless of si. in deslin with Congress, or would have visite Home in April, 1910, after the Vatica ha?i declined to receive him unless h would promise in advance to accept n courtesies -'iam tl e M? thodisi i pa! missioi irv organization ? itablishe? in that eity. Mr. Washburn might wel ii 11 !? added thai i **j in wool affronted I vot by coming out, ai I R ?osevelt di< t the very beginning of the ?, li favor of inter n by this g ? ? ment to right the ur I I . I. -? r many to Belgium. Regard the recall of iudg? ? -, Mr. Washburn sa) nel Roo levelt' di ipproval o i narrow judicii ..... ? proti ng ] erty right the detriment of I uman right*: am ?'.c:a'. progri ? bad l ? ? wl ?'n the Court of Appeals of New Yorl declared u . :.i. ture or prep b of tobacco ?n t. nen i - Mr. Rooaevelt wa.< intereated in th? age of th ii evil resulta of tl ercwded houaeholds. The courl among other things: "It cannot he per . d how the cigar-B aker is to be -r,? proved in bis health or his mora!; h-, forcing him from hi? homo n ,? hallowed association? and beneficent ? nccs to ply his trade elsewhere.' This ghastly pleasantry nal stirred Mr. Rooaevelt'i moral wratl . laid a l'.-i-.- foi h - Inter eonv Ctioi that "id c:;.l decision! Should never b. :mmune from reversal when t?, ed ag ? go? I government and popular wel fare \ for Pn ? ' . . . dustria and corporation ahueco, .i ? ?'?? ?.:? r is bob prai I ? g busin? is" ly a cents whal then seemed to il a harsh ? though, In fact, a benel pro? ? ? . . Il i atill too aoon to I of all abades to riew the Internecine strife of 1012 with i ? Itical ealmi 11 a ard ? ? ' ift lil Mr. Wa rh was : ? mel Roose?. I I make 1 ? Stories tu Illustrate the great ra? fe t?f Colonel Roosevelt's sympathies and the appeal which be Bakes to men of ire innumerable. Mr. w ai; 1 urn tell? at least one new one. While hunting in Color-ido the President BB? i rboy who had served in the Rough Riders, The latter came up and aaidi "Mr Praaldent, I have ben in jail a year for killing a gentle? man." "How did you do if" a-kej th<* ?-?resident, meaning to inquire a? to the e rcumstancea. "l . .tj eight ' -i a fort' frame." rt-r! ?-d the eowboy, think? ing that the only Int? real preaid? ni I ! ? that of a com? r:i.le ?c* . ? OW with what k::.d of tool the trick had done. Mr, Waahburn I; i r lllu? minating remark. He lays 1 I t'olonel pan i'r. -idency by pi nal mea ler/al > or busin? ?? experience." li - his fn mula? of these two vocal ona .?.d to M H 111 M t U 11 t"t"**?iH??l ?!?>? I MU MiHi?"HH U1-4H ! PATIENCE WORTH: A PSYCHIC MYSTERY t By CASPAR S. YOST, EdUot St. I. mi? QUA Des 4? \n account of the ren irkable pat hk'fal ex?peri?*ncr ? he wife "t t fonner -r Ii . ition < '.>i.iiii'-Muncr ?if St. Lrouli '1 W rth" baa dic X ? ? ind 4 iri-mv trii-nd-. through ?? on + ibbd ' . "t arhich tocas ufe of high literarj merit. V i - ? | ibliahed, i We arl h are lase] ? oalja hnnrd ?ml that Patien ^ orth would <"n T ti ?' M ? par 8. Yost boa made ?? boob of I + l'< riiaj.s sniiirliiMlv WC know ,il| BbOUl hi (SOCK Bomrtll : II J .,),;., ii,i, il \.r>. 1.4 th, toast body ?a,- kri"44 nothiauj of, bul t.,,1, + h i, ' B it: + "Ah, God I have drui unto the dregs J \rid fhiiir? the COO St Mi'i. ?I be ?dust i>f crumbled righteianaaras H .'h lin. .1 ind - - . ( .1 mt.i Itsell T i ? n the ?irnji I spilled to Bsechus, + ?Whilst 'Ih 'i, .'ii i' ' J Standest purple ?.?nti.^r tur % later harvest J Ms- I'. P. \ . '" Th* Tribwno. ?? 4 "\|i \gi ",t ?if the d.?rkn?- s Hut ni4<r link to the ccenna?mp?ace. ? Their high level of Uteraf] quality, tl?<-ir flaahra ol genius, the distind ?ml + in?, r?- ling personality reveahd pul the arbole affair Immeasurablj beyond I - . ?!' it;,,n h h.i r\ir pr?testied u ihr other I . /. /??... .'/, I ,', in'i.'i.r, ?I |0 i . ' yENRY HOLT and COMPANY M Watet 33d R Nrw Yurk i II IBlaES G. W iSHBl RM ?H LOI i> uni??,!. .ri- m "ScribniT j I ' im?."i FRANK DAXBY. Mr?. Franke 11 ; ; Head A ? ? Il ? ? I ' oes tl i ?serva ? ? - ,' ' ' . point'': truth ' ' ' were oi ?aort oi attributed to prod ig irVe quote 1 ? Ri veil of ?. it a he i- ? living | in..;, d ? i u ' ? : i ? ? . - be made a bo> - fe< ling 1 is! Out of a meai ?k er. Out of a era . ' Pn it a i ri A moat ? ..-:? Rl record I ? for th? A RE.U SECHET AGENT Britain and France ill (be Revo lu?iiinary .Ira. OEM l:.4,' 1 ,. 1,1 ' 1 ' - - ! 1 : a cation bj its au II ? a? 1 ? el ' iah S? ' n t Service 1 in 17. Al ? ? . 1 war. Withal, ? Revo ol " the w der ht to make 1 ta 1 m :t 1 m Continent in th? ihr u- fett? red XVI. He main! trality wh vie*. ? ? three! lelgium a He joined the of th? in? Low Count 1 kingdom 1.;' tl ? . , f the 1 ? v. ? 1 ? |E over to Pi hand in 1 I preoccu] ? farther / I I1" ' ? meant I . . earned in 1791 ter 1 with ii ' M ? A inatru ? .... ? M He ' ; ' eign ? . I OLD FAMILI?R FACES By Theodore Watts-Dunton Essaya on the great literary figures of tli- ?"i?i L" ?i? r i?i n \4 ritten m a <i? In ate nil dig nifled English, which 1 ? ??.? ?? the I????!? :i lit? r irv monumi nt of fjr? ii ?? lio? - ,. / E. P. DUTTON & CO., binaelf a ma?tfr i' com. ? he p!<it, the can-, , ? ? ttatioi ? ; - , . , the ' depart ? ? presa the ?nutual ?.hum .?:.'. | ? ? | new r?gi i poverl tion ami I ' ' In, ?.'endet ill 1 ? with a skill turer ? . interc? lous es? age ' ing ?hem. How dou ? v.-ou!'! Vi EWS AND REVIEWS OF CURRENT FICTION A I ?rst ( lass Detective Story?A New English Novelist of Distinction?Zends Romance Vi ithout the (jLmour?Good Short Stories. ni?: n? l.w SLE1 TH. ? ? ? ? e Dm .v? torj baa been stai d? damental I te formula They all ? : . r? AH a ' Icome, there! a eh prove I be a n ' ???? ? ' I mechanical ring ?' 'f it.t . \ London banker al : with ? ind I ; nda In 1 , kae ? ? . which he ia ? g 1 \ ".erica ia wrecked; he rs, his be ly i? no*. ? ' ? the i ?st, but hia ? and turned ? ... in thai| re il ? ii ia both I ban) ' . ,,- their numbers What . i . .. . . i Th? -i .. ? ry one ? | from the papei ,.???? the mj iterj . . adventuree, oi i ? real th i ng i i ? ' AT THE HOOK OF THE GATE. AT T!. i-i - I . " ' the j >un?ger . kl OWn to u.? in fr.i- . 0 IB? therto "i. | by a volume of ?it? eran . This rel ". hie te publiai ed m America in >?.:.??. ?? th distinct .; art ..i the ? ''?'. anal) tieal : | author follOUTS h.s ? I ...?? of the moment, from ranee n life, . Door uf tl ?? Gate." the brother whom e has lin. A prel? . -, trien, to borrt - which dealt with a similar sil ia a i! rercnt way. It la I Reid e y a iii a ?? qai . ? r worth oui i : a cli b Belfast ??f a i an ????, . ? rel bei elder ? ?J a to ? i this younger son, : mal; I and ire f ed - ? ...... nd th? from a ' iching me like ! ? fa'e. \ K TOR VIC1 IRI:>1 >. . I I? Tiiaiol - By Carl ? in j ??, ri ' ? ? ? moat t to eompar ia with ? ? : I' i ? . tfl to the rule. It mi ehara? tel . ai: the ry of 1 i genre, but the i triai and leaat saeeeaafal la to Btr : . - h ? ? ? .cation of a prince In this case ,v. '?"? tary, ? ? ??? tl ?? youth and a usurper occupies the - . ? rdera i fathei I if course. Btill, ' .? ? - 4?,ir with a aeighbor ? . and to an, K ? ga ? Biarry. Hence a romance ? eatioa 1 bat il pr i . ? Hut rietorioa - Victor1 ? ar?' not rel over, for an at ' ' i lainste 1 "n and rn ii state - ? ter i diabolical plo? i? frustrated by ? :? ?! lach Mr. Jal -? the make - toi ge with the ?44 1'.g which ahme could carry it te i opulai r.>a 'IHK IMPRISONED SPLENDOR. - R 41 .-. . < . ir !-.,. sine t..?? >ur. ?n iti.-.' . r bu ????? ri athi r word irncd ! rad ? ? ? of th?. situai ? ending ? ????!<? r ? proaehi ??in to snd fi the book's colleel re titli i the t? luid sei it I B tl ?? ' :, U4 Mjm loes take il 'nestorj ? la spart "If" Craving," wh rh i? a poor ? I ? her l en .. ? : of lictii :S ? '?' eompa of honor isoned bina. He cerl I ainrei i for ti ti ' IHK CONQ1 I 1 ? i the fruit that tu ' 4 ... his ' He has, in the - .?r the | h:ni. he ? foreseen the grovrtb of hi i in its large rid ;.'. i the I ? ??; i id I, at 1 ? | ' y h mar: r of the ?oc; ?and bow .. t, but - . from all exc tent? nts. Th? h.i.l filled to hin for v ? ? ? - a ? of 1 and ei ens, a won.' rs ai ' ' ? ' . ? .-.? : a. ... ? .. . on a tec ma?*.- v neve given practica I ? ?. Hi i - , the : r.ev? ' '? ' in a somewhat - . il ? man r.ei. V THOUSAND l'\< H A TBi 4 4 i . ? i M I) I This is a novel of ? to all of us in s ine saei . that i ? ' ? ? mad; that I . ? ? . .i RStttUl i . ? . . inventor whom ?. : to ?n ? ?? . sxtra-legal, avei ........??:? r.?in:r..- ? .. ' remler an ! re ???.'? attend ? exposure ... brings a few s r forgottei ' .... publica ties ? f the im..?. v ng to poss. I ? "A fascinating and astonishing heroine' Henry Kitchell Webster's New Novel The Real Adventure It has a clearly denned yet delicate intent ; a fascinating and astonishing heroine... It describes the pilgrimage of a soul, which is the greatest tcpic in the World. ?C?kicttfO Tnbun? A well-balanced, ?idmir ably told story. ?flojron G.ofc,? Webster has written a novel that embraces a genuine situ?t on... With Thr Res! Adventure he emerges as one of America's most significant novelists. ? T/i? .Ve?r RepubUo A brilliant novel, one far above the average in concep? tion, power, and originality of thought. -Revitw of Roviowt In its characters, in its mode of treatment, it is delightfully and genuinely new. ? Botton A smashing, gripping story, written with a sure, virile pen. ? St. L ou. ? Poat-Ditp. A story of endless thrill and romance, of actual human relationship. ? Ptui*. Pros* Seventh i?rinting Now Ready Undoubtedly the best novel of American home life that has appeared in many a year, ? .Yew York Evening ?M Achieves the sense of actuality, of being a bit out of actual life, without sacrificing imagination, beauty, spiritual truth. -New York Timtt A master craftsman is telling this story?one sk ?Baa] not only in the taechnique of his craft, but also in intricacies of social observation and analysis. ? PtuUdoJplu*. North Amtriot? The Real Adventure By HENRY KITCHELL WEBSTER I /Vfurw by R M C'oi?y Price, SI 50 net At til Slort* -THE BOBBS.MERRILL COMPANY, Publishers-J ing to the ? the end l'iche fell under end '-va"- r>' at hi own request, before he could strike thi blow. ? ? 'h;?< eurious hi? mar ? and agaii the readei - that form part of th? ? ? AMERICAN IDEALS A Sane Optimist's Inspiring Lit tie Hook. .' ' Here are a words Urea Majoi into u-\ "Wl o drl lid I it." Who write of id ? ? " ?? ' ? ? ? le ill \ iredly, Mr. Cooper has them H . ?. ry ? ? the fact H? i : leal ? ptioi of what il ' ? Aa i attitu int, in hii consideration of 1 g and tht real! ... n : m put. ? Idealism, and again ad yet in. He t pra salial may ! ?? as pi m ? .. ai Gra Igi nd himself. Tl ere are tho ?? a bo ??? : , and the vapors prevent them md them and ? i things that irefore the things around them, and i -. lie doei fh thai I atn . n his level. Hut thei a ??? i no vapora te b il hu vision. II" sees the earth at hi? t as elearl] ?ugh h?> lay proas i. on it tnd he t n rely tht of tht things abou bim, but a r mnei . : ; ower to tell Be | eon ngly t ii comparable with hii power to see il Am? in a ? . pon id il rthy and . .- ? Who does? To. ?? . -. or ;,re, like ' ere'i :' ?i ?..- er, a ? noi lia -a bi al mcea, time hem < . extent as to del thej realii ? ? .. it A i id actually sr?-, oa' should l?c; nex', ? ? i ... bee rea ?b J m| at ... in, . ut o:;.y ti.eoreti i'j-.; ? . . .- ? ? ? th? ?nt; a -, tly and | I hem. The boo. riel to meet tl t an Amei . ; ? t always the rast 4 leal m. It iniStt., . Bed n -"in" "f th ? ? ? ? . perl a| -. o ? ?uc? ?yst? | bal pi ? . ihould mtra? the A - hool ' p.r t, which ever. ?? r night ; -? udy it m i..- er-i start) Bg t : A lia ;,r ? ? . ? Amer te that ? i. ii- ,r:nn training f n .-. i 'a n.rn th ? . ni ?? in the con.pat rorld. Yel the?" ?se two im irably surps n g o f 11 i ? ' I 8 ? ... an ? On the a el I Cooper la a bos ? ? .r na lalnly enough, bul h r .? ? .. ir a ej tentialil . and ! e h . to ?'ir< - thi i - I tl '.jw and then to ? ire all to be J?"Ter?.o-i >ur school gi .?: ? .??'??'??? : : the north by '.'.? AuroM . | | ? . -, rece? f : he e i ,.r.. -,c -, 00 the e . seal 1 ? ind n the 444 s? ; neither e to 1 . rt of St. Simeon r the nati? r? B? |??. - two Mr. 1 ooper traverses .1 mo?? ? ife ..'i . sae es irse, ?nd bis conven? nvaria help! il a- rj ,n || !.. . "ii of those wl that the n al ?4.'.! bi 1 bai - ".'.'? .t resta ob th? a-,.I in this luminous little vol 1 ' :.? . ??: ?? [? r making 0 - eve that, and for ifl ptrtl ^ I all to work in turn for the establish? ment of the natijii upon ,ha'. basis. Alliance with Great Britain Equal to "Pan-Germanism' in interest and timeliness ThePs. c ?tic con? ceded to Japan The Challenge of the Future By ROLAND G. USHER The first attempt to formulate an American foreign policy that will meet new conditions and lave us the burden of huge almamente. The startling accuracy of Pan-Germanism, Profet* sor Usher's analysis of European conditions, makes, unusually significant his proposed .solution <>t* our own problems. Renun? ciation of Monroe Doctrine "It \4,mliI imt be <? IS] ' i hum??' an .iiithur in the Initiil Slat.? who writ?0 with murr in.nil r it ion ae has n wiil.-r r.uipc o( lii->t.iru'iil \i-.i>.ii than Mr I -in r."'in Sjxctat- r. .1- a ! lr..\kitorr.t. 11 Ti n't Houghton Miii.ia Co., 16 East 40th St. The Strong Hand in Mexico SIXTH LARGE PRINTING The Text-Book of the American People on All the Vital Affairs of the Moment FEAR GOD AND TAKE YOUR OWN PART ?xsrxt-xtxa.'i-A'it THEODORE ROOSEVELT says: "A nation that cannot take it? own part is at tune?? almo ti* f r ile a source of mischief in the world at lar?re sa is a naiiri w hich does wronj? to o hers, for ils very exigence puts a pr? mius on such wrongdoing." A book whirh trenchantly outlines America's ditie? at horn? and abroad, which recon-truc:n th.* p>li< ies of Washington u? Line In to meet our now ?uti nal crisis, a bo >k whien nouodi the clarion call of Preparedness. lag ' ai SlU A I ALL MUOA. t...?.i K GEORGE H . DORAN t OM ?P AN Y, N ? w Ytrl Pukllihin In ?mir'li li' ! tf ?> ?i 4 ? 3f H , ' * ,4A capital mystery stcry ot a higher type.'?A Y Tribune CertrudeAfier?on Author ot '.ru- i.oiaufor.' 'Pfrcti o? 11? Oev.?." f: Published by STOKES aSBSSflBB^BBBsS?SBSBBBBBBBBB MaaMapa|MAa|^MjraaJBBaa. Delightful, Racy Records of a Modern Diplomat LORD REDESDALE'S MEMORIES MA cultiv?t? ?1 iniiiil. CiperkSrCej in mmy pirta of tl" SSlM Iiumour, mnialit\. an?! u \ i^nrou-? nuniorv li.-iw- enabled I-0" Redeadale to writ,- one at tin- lust books ?>f tri\?n?ECtneet asssa? I, il i aptpeorcd In mint wars. ihr Sneetotofr : velnm i Net,$tt.00, It aas booktton , E. P. DUHON & CO., 681 Fifth Avenue, New York