Newspaper Page Text
lOOMS'AND AUTHORS THE LEADING FEATURES OF MARCH MAGAZINES a rrie.inisrn?Civilization and It?; Control?Europe's \nirrl( an Pd'-sf'.ssions, Their Purchase and future ? The Month's Fiction. IHK VT! wrn HONTHLT, V't? l| -v'are March "Atlanl ,Vr . fnve si ountry ' v rh Am? ' *??? r'a'nned and can f(Vj, I j lacks com len "Our Drifting ' eeatrel we I ?. ?sell -' . matten ?? "'? ttle . .. 1 the ? asea I ?? 'neu? tral' ?< descriptioi 4'f the ' the inter brooght ' - ? ? thus ' ... ?0M that I ? to 1 ? control ?cier... . . ' ? . ? . - ? Wg] p..; ? - : ' ( ' ' m "K ' tl ? . 1. Kellogg ' lisa for H prob ?r, in both ' I ? ? ? Gif for.i. sn Is llorte- le 1 ? ALgtkr, 5 h wing of vax dar? I woo tl THF KORTfl LM1 RH AN RE? 11 \\ Chailei "Streng?; | ??-.".? ?n? Bt ? i ' i.ic? ier.-- S foi their futrir-- ta, of cour? . ? I r.??-?. bases for the pro! ? ?, \. ? ? ? 1 Ecu . Ire froi ? S fedei ? ? . ?- tina. 1 Mr. Shi badly afi ' I \ ? ? f the ' irrite t of h,r ? " < >?? W. "ii '? ? i? \i.\\ t nii.i. EVERYMAN'S ENCYCLOP/ E)IA 4 ?? \\ .ni . Knot? ii (g m a i : let ll ?hell ? - - : ' s., ? . ? s,. !,,,?,,, at ana l..?l,,|..rr E. P. DUTTON & CO. m ? n . m avi S a ." ? ? ??'?'?'tat m.?ii?:u ? aatet Books Bought >"-??? ? ... . ' 0. ??A' I -Ol I -HI -PRIM-HOOK?" r ?rtraf THE H0NEYP0T -ty Coutlrt? Karfynika ' ft If liuttontirf.o ,!,-alliil|,Ave ,N.Y. wales eeaUBaea h thi ? the affairs el Europe . ? Il I BOBdl if lia ar.. de ng, what . beea our eaarse if m lead? ? '? Bl I Command i | 1 '.t tha haad ?f the ??at? f'uM.? .Km,., nul. an ? xperi ? tai ot tir.' "i >f ?tnei iean Citisens" 01 Mexico, an?j asks ho** far we an prepai . protecting I and propertj ? on land sad -? a i an . - ? ? ? - . erica and II eatmi ????," by ' linar. ?a still another ron' o? ? ml economic naattei elebrat ' I.'.,1': am Iversary of tin- arrcsH-.on 0t Ver B,on? on -,'i '?'Hie spirit of a SUte"; a British authority, Arthur ;' " laset the need?, of our si d ? ? one] Harvey considers Republican candidates, tha hyphen, pr? par? ... ? ,,,<??! i ?Ir. u m's ] erp ex ties, ai d otl er ? ? ?? M iii?iii's m\i.\zim;. Trae to a long tradition, "MeBride's s ? ' ? eaed ta bc "1 tinuea te vary Ita fiction and veraa with un occasional seriooi Tha old "Lippincott's" v..,- th. of ail, or almoat ail, magai thirty years ace, V\ di r its and neu editorship It manag? il .>p up the ?luality of its ?' ries ti en established, It i March ? - with a novel? He, "The ' ! i \. R. VI4 rnagai ne Action, a i ? ? ? ? ?? villain-hero motiv fcnd tl ? toi ? - by Doni ! McLeod Raina, Abbie I name* Loui - I nter- I ol?an . !?"??' ? g.J nam? a| ?ii and tha Ber? t Why We H B Mei nan I Mai ne," by I'rowthi Carl I ttei . econd of a on 1 he r...l Japan he ? ? ppearancei put on Thai Amer? i r., impreaaion ? lapan has r< i ? Mr Crow, ? ? . to that I i:v ERYBODVS. hai 0 many iror.-a in ..-?-. all "f them, in ur>- deep that a s onthly glane?, Ht least, at iti I ever 1 ng of inter* 11 the very front, hid advartisemeata, ?iiat iron about which we wen to eathuai* ernoi I!ughea Brat put ind hammered It I i an in-- - ice, i'ublic , tl riamp. We ? .? b? lloa |, then all about it wasn't that . ? ttle I fore?) er ? Now are .- the ; ron twisted ? -<\ cd it bark into th I : r. and shall forget about it a?ra.n to-mon Kathleen Norrti be? in tbis number a two-part story of a country club colony of young niar ried pe ; ?le* wl o ajrrce to call in a con estie i IB? ieaey an 1 ? ? ; -? lad] telli t th?.eeting ? h 4..". ? lay - ? h found .' ? ? . Bj ire ? in their n I It is . ? d then la S? .i prophet's i'racy, wir, ida of muddled ' he first in ' 7v two-par? ? ?'. ? ? :t. , "Tin 1 if conditions far m ? he efa still 1 ii ? m?le H ?trains! Pal ? ?les of two p." ni? idventui - ." ' ? worh ii \ ea of the Pa and r ni ta pai ? THF SMART Si I ??? :?. the March numbei Caroline Stii Hurn-'s "11, r Ey< Were Blue," Il a wort A Garland, "A1 I ? . 44, ll, pris? r " I .? '? , ? Luxury." 1 am, shi aya, "? t ? eii | ime ai 1 wi th? ?>, and certain! j 4. . -, ? g 1 ? return of an] ? . . \, -, ?? ! .4 ?-.-, whom their rela? ly more than tho.?e of snci... and theli aaao? ? tional, We ,. pt it a.l as a matti - " ? n and the 1 plaj f < I I ? ? s ir?an gets leaa ? it-.::'. r?:? fa.-? thai It la 'v,r ? luxury. But ?lid ?ny elf whj they answei ly." Men 1 _. . . because he likes Iran itic and lit? nevar fail to be 1111 : MKTROroi.ITVN. ' ? humor of ? '? -r("" ? If lova. And, for , ,., ? ? .. ?? through thli ? p be h?? n?.r forgott? 'i d.i. wi a, telerai I a I A new 1 ., , r, that of 1 kin| ? h ment, all ee the . ? in reeon ?? . , sie of V? 11 Hax . 1 -,,'\ 44, II . m's del nit ion of riefoi Ule ?>f Mr. . .., perfection J< I n , , safui oa ai " tr< it OB Wit ;hf.y el?Ways tamed ?p ',! r el have baea, and ? , Mtft bound '? ' ' I " ,"';'1 M , ? can . ?. tt. po nt? i oui tha? .n reel wo v . , ji. seemed ?t a lo?s. "Where .!., you want to go imposai Ah!" 1 lid "Thai Kalu??. f.r' He I' ? ? ? . '.?? 0 1 ? ? e, . . . ,.. ?? ?ei . t 1 which il of (,'?:?. inj in pi n Ai ! Bg! Roardman Robii oi '-. storv of ; ? ' mJBLISHERS' NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENT G?raldine larrar's Autnbio raphv David (jraysnn. Ferrar: The story of ? ' - ? .i r* win :"? ied on March tt by the nought M '' I ompan?. It will be .. ly i'lu.trated with portraits of t I of oth e r ? ri t i ei l?a\id 1.ray ??on. The March number of "The Boi man" reveal? the fact that Dai ? Gri son, the author of "The Friendly Roa? "Adventures in Friendship." 'Advei nre? in Contentment" and "H p ? idonyme of Hay Stanna Baker, ttt<? author, under bii i ol 'I he Boy1 Booh of Irr ? "Our New Prosperity," "Seen in <i. man;.," "Following the Color-Line," a other books, at ops time associate s ?tor of "Mr( hire's' and now one of I editors of the "American Magazin? l ? ?? popularity of Mr. Baker's "Gra ion" buck.? has been great. In I loi a club m' Graysoniam haa n ; ? o| by ?if life its own, and, in? dentally, falae claimants of thi authoi h p have not beet, lack og "Shakespeare as a Playwright." A pop iilar ? d t ion ol Pi ? i ? ?'.. - ? i - Scribnei Dickenslana. "The Pageant of l?Icki Crotch (? eribnei 'a), pi novel iev,.\v and . harai terisa oi Dickem ' grou ?hildi m, thi actors ? ? the ecct the hypoci itea. th? ? ' the blil . - ?oi.r., tl,..- endurance under difficultiei ill, the trust in the common ma tu? , coi tanc) .. ? I ce i theae thing-, which Dicken n emphasised. American Dicken ??eleome th>- book i"> Ita oa i l.iMith Tarkington. "Seventeen" is the title- of Mr. Tari ington'l ne?v book of ' '." i"- pul ! -} ed I?>? the ?? ri Harpei on tl tenth of th m? nth. i of com e, to th? age of the hero, W il . utter. "Who's Who." The 1916 edition of the Englis "Who's Who," its records carri? to August nf laat year, has ju I be? iaaued in this country by the Alarm i i ompany. Thia moat uaeful ref? enee book, the father of many nth. t m many countriea, continuel to y<" with each new iaaue. The pree? taina S bci e of IS ov? r laat year, h may be worth or moat 1 . poet of 1 he ? ?? ? r found u place pi g - of thia work. The Fourth Dlmeaalaai. Alfn I A Knopf, of thia i ity, si t,ounces for the middl?? of this mont "Four Dimem si . iataa," by < i '? Bragdon. According to th? : note, ' he b ok "a il] be of inb i all ?a I ?. care for th ? fourth dir and theoaophy. In it Mr. Bragdoi trac? t tl i . ? her -i ace a I ? ure will have on km elds ol i> , itioi neon th of Westen a orki rs an.! ? I '? dream, i : . ' Thicr?'* Memoir?. Fifteen years after their sppearane ? 'i memoii ? of grimage through Furone in 1870 li . . ?ii of help for h ia country hav translated Into Engliah. His ar g< r ?.! Ihe growini ? - of Prus - ia, but it wa 1 . ?? cord <'f Napoleon IIi ? ,! thai the cr. it ? the Gen i ould be ?? i , to give An - \ . tl ... SUI ? understanding betweei ? i ? . a, and i gei I i ..l to Italy, wht re, how. ?er, I hii i . amall comfort. Engl red far fi Th? book, which includes the record i fhiei '- Pn dei ej. furnl hea cui n adi'ig at this moment, Reary James's Com ersatlon. In "Ob the Trail of Starveaaoa" Clay ? r Haml ton n eordi hi? impreaaion ?? Jam? a'a ei :.?? ersat i a, received in th? "The fact ia," ?. g and hi? fates! literary period is merely i literal recording of the mannet of hi n, 1 ha? a n? v. r listen? 4? .th ?ueh rapt Bttenti? n ' Ing a talker. \ ? h Mr , ? -. . eted thought: it [a alwayi ? ? ? itable doi. ' .... ? renl ating pari - ' I yet winning its -.?ay at laat 1 ! and eompli ted eleee." WyclltTe, Wesley, Neaaman. The Macni'llan Company am for Marc I "Thi fhl ' Leadera of ???for?! and i ment-." by S. Parkea Cadman. Tbf hi oh three men who. In t the for? moet I relig life e ty that Oxford 1 given tO th? World Wye!?''.. the r. i! : originator "f European Prot? itanl i : Weal? y. the Ai ~-... an pi tat, a i ame I he found ? ol Method n. and I ' and Bf El king nal ,-? ? [century, who re-intei nreteii Cutholici?-m, both Anglican and Roman. Stella Hciiion. tells Bai soi. the author of "I Poaa," reviewed m these column?, is h ??obi g Eng h girl, a niece of Mary ? holrnondeley, tr,?? novelist, and, it ap P'-..r-, eei v > ? b sf sa ii i-?iid 1 h.? [a not at all 1 by bar elevi r I svel, arltl trong auggeatlon of ar eutobiographl ral ?-i.-'Tient ni !?i?- character "f the l.eroii ih< amblttered militant ?utfra gelte biee'hiiig arson. GIRL STRIKERS ATTACK POLICE ? Shirtwaist Amazons. Re? senting Interference, Bite Hands of Two. CONFLICTS M.ARK INCREASE OP TROUBLE 12,000 Tailors. Out, to Parade ? Roosevelt, N. J., Fertilizers Quit Work. I-i h d -'ranees yesterday .?'rn rr-, 1' : ea ? - .? itruif lice in t'nelr attempts to attack .? ? who continu.- ; t ? wort i )?.. ? Brook .. ? ?aee ?n Tin.- Bn ? ? ?? shirtwaist Jeanne I'Arca I '.ho hand?. ? ?f oSJ Foi ? ? -? .. s "'.ice Kuard ha i been | arorken in th?? Na? tional Lace .?cry ( ompany from the factory, at Hiver Avenue and '.t troiley | \ ? ? I ? a - . ! of strikers, raan, i- a?. ? r .-'ii up the H4 .-nur. A boy, ! 52*3 Brooh \ ??? ? .??. ,.-? ? ril -'nr'me the . B the a ii doB o? .'.i ar loaded 4s ith factoi ?? indi l!. got the wont of .'.. and ? ken ? i-> bam >a Hospital ?.'? I1 ! up I'nlir?. .?a.-rtri-.-int Has Hnnd IlitH-n. ,.:'. i. eph Rey i oldi aad three ! Btrolmen 11 .1 '..> break '.?< tha ? ' red. bul Rej : ola rec< ?? ?! SUCM i? . .... I to be nmc ? .'.. ?? ', ?-f ... %s i .. is held i.'- I ? ' ? | i -?.nit; . ? v locked ? I ? ,,ry ; i '?:. . ? ? , ;.... 21 IlilRhi'S \. I with dngging Ai i ?> ? | - roa, througl et; attack A. r Avi le, for Rabbi i irii-l 12 for latarferiag. \ ? ? ether -?.r'.* ? \ ? \ .. ? tl? Bl 1 . ? tnet fot erderl ? the workeri : he?j ?ei ? Am s l i i..-- 107th ?. and Beaaie Ovine, nineteen, of 215 I .' ' 103d Str? A- tha) wen bring taken to the B Jaffe, of i .8 I The Brons, Inter? ?i eat on t;t> brad, alt \4ith a Bight? ? then to the night < eurt He admit? the i I ?ta that . i ;t was "i Y\ l.. n ur-ked to that the girla asm dragr d to 1 ? !he;r hair. He sad each sf the girls "?'?re . $?_'. Kmpl?i4e? in AatetS Attacked. Armed with bstpina, r-tirVn and i .. women i ta ?>? ' itrik? rs of ?. . . ? , at V? ytl ? ,\ n .'? and North Nintl 81 n at, will? ?amal .-. ? i th the police yes? i ?tempt to attaeh em? I ?. ien ." the factory in . if supposed itched, I loners wen tha Bi Thei ir traabla from atria? 'rs in front ol s shirtws st factory at M?senle snd Lorimer itreeta, when on ?mi es in autom ; by the arrest of sevefl ? ? 11,. teta in front of 502 Bi ? ? ? ' tai acre kepi afternoon h ' trii ?? t past left by th Twelve ThoBsand Tailors i<? I'srade. i the Fifth A ' (fiib-r -' ? ? will appl) ''"r ? to pande pas! their employers' ihops. : They now number 12,000, ais having been deserted by 2,000 r.r.i' will be extend? ? to Bn okl] n I ?-day, whea l,0i 0 pick ? ?? led posts. Thi ha In | ternational Merc int Ta ?rs yesterday ? | ? opi e thi sti ken' da? i -? ted thai the) did Bot ?'.e unions, but tu the union als. Roosevelt, N. J-. Pertilisen <lu'< Work. I'n I with l tl< aent ?if ?, 44 hen twenty-on ? of i r number wen I v "Hudson dust,!" ? -' fertilisei work American Agi ' i !.. t. J it when th? y failed 'o | Hungarians, sad they lemai ding $2.'J6 for u nine-hour , ay. Ii Pa ale, although tho Pontmann r ?. "'? les Company off? n 1 b 15 | ? nereaae yeatei lay, the ?."in striken n Fused to secept *?... ? f the R, N Ba . ii ? ? | the pi . , ^-r>rday, end one was injured. Two ai asked by th? cornel . their 'rouble?. ? i ? list I ? , va bal rs wai ?? i. BOO'FUL BABY'S TEARS DRIED WITH $40,000 Twelve Oood Men and True Go Former Jury $1 ?.000 Better. Mi C< rs H tad I lark, who ws ? '?.." of .'.,hn Leon Mart?. formerly a - r, was a i Jar] the I ipnma . swarded Mr-, i lark r brea?th of premise suii for 160,000 daasag Thr- . | bas brrn tr id but It I the jury ?m hour y I ?Tf-r',-.c ' ' : endan A TI I ral 1 verd et in fs of Mr- i ?r*. wl eh up.?, ravened bv v ?B or. h Ity 1 iltad ia a die? . agre? n Mar'. rited a p? i ??iteJ fortui ' 'athl r. and Mrs. I all in ? irk 1 ? Red thet Martin bad ?l BBS on that occa ? ia, bal iha did i ? - it art in asked Joatlea P ?aide the v< rdiet, but tha r,'.r- ral I "1 nm -.en baapy," ??id the aacaeei fol plaiatifr "I woald like t?, thank ??eh member of the jury pcrsonslly." ETHEL CROKER WED TO BROTHER-IN-LAW Marriage Was Performed Quiet? ly Last Week. News ef the BUM IBM sf Ethel 1 T'luvr, ioggbtOI 'rrmer bos? -.many Hall, to Thomas f. White. ? ?' CodarhutSt? Long became r riown among I08M sf the fri? - ? your.g couple yesterdaj t mony, accor Hag I - raid to ha ban 1 ? .- ? . : ich, it waa b? - - .: | few The ei r I I ? t me be ten roa a- ?- ' ? ?'? bet brether-iB ...? t .ude, is the a ? Nene of the membe . ' !??? r. ? ! a result datai ? of th? ' - ' g It waa aa a? ho seemed fan; that the ceremonj .?..- performed at < old Spring Harbor. i, ? rel ???. er. Ethel Croker* mony ara i antei I with her ridtn? r, Ja Breen, ia 1 ? d a .it,, n an la- - REMINGTON COMPANY DROPS MILITARY SYSTEM SI.000.000 Loss in Munitions Re jected by Europe. ,Hy 7- ?,-.. I ? > T? ? ft Bridgeport, Conn., Man Ifter a year*i .tel at the Remington Ara Ammunition Company >'? i the Metallic Cartridge Company, the t irv -?. item thai a i.g on Mar? h I, i C. . ; ? ierit of : r,.- ? ? ? . of tht- Kemington in! -.-.orks manager of thi ' ? on M Company Major Waller ?i Penfiel I I ? retired i, who ha l bei mai ager af the Ren .-? became -?."rks manag ton Arm- and A: Major W. A. !'?. . etc I with ending their en ?? ion and ? . tl a latter ? l he ehai get f< in New York. I . ooB? eted th the ? official capacities wen bef i ? i of the concern. Report sayi thai 11.000,000 won braSl and (topper riv. pp M have 1 ? I to the coi ? ..-rap. r? ioeted i". the Inapeetori ? ,. ?.,,,. ira g? whom the R< Tins i? given is ai reaeoB for ? ?' 4l .' 1 | . I'l ??:?? ia I i plant is Major Peni \ ?a-, other thaa the ? llartlev Dodge la the larg holder WAGE DEMAND BALKS COAL PACT Agreement Delayed by Ul? timatum Making New Rates on Day's Work. OTHER TERMS HAVE OPERATORS* SUPPORT Committee Hopes to Settle Dis? puted Points aid Reach Understanding Tn-day. \ - Ige demand ultimatum delivered yestei ? ? the bltassiaoas rainera aearly ended th" asitt ? ?? ? ? ' ? '? fareaes at " '? FheB the cosa i i a ? ? renty? 'ont honre. The ultimatum three rrda meeting .: ?oar, and il WBI Only after of n - a that hope? .. tared Mil del inded an in B ton for Weal ? '.??? cent? a ton ? ar'a and Ohio, three reaae of ? ? i. ? rork, und ."' rorl ' ? ? rune other than digg ? g were made ? . , i w .irk" del 1 11 Hei ?? ? - al once itarted Tl ?? d i be heard i ? ? I ? ? fh? il n ainl remit* - would be . en if 1 i tgrceraeat To-day. \\ th the rejection of the miners' ? ? ? i i I Ohio. The miner i ? -?? d at 1 .- i tandstitl. Mem le ' and "' it to be die? ? \ . Penns) ? e committee . . nail groups par? ir? shortly ? began, Th" ? i perstoi met la different re.)*-vg. r'o diaeasa the demands, late Is the afternoon, ?ahen tKe eorrnr tteO adjourned, both miner* and ageratore ? . .., at a aal .i probablj be reached today. Roth lides, it waa -aid. want ?rr , If an ?,"? e-n. rr. ? a :? . t r..! eonl ' ? 'a' fj : It a ,? ? . ;. |,l ?, r' .. . j . . bor aad - . r dii I iner- are i. ... ? FORGETS MAGIC COAT; DETECTIVES SPOT HIM Fugitive. Clad in $10 Cloak. Eluded tamers Fu o Weeks. Ons RIO overcoat, ordin?r) ;m - ?cloak ! y M .chae'. Mittler, fugitive fr.un jas tice, mil weeks ago. Mittler didn't ?n..w aal lerfal sewers when he deaaed .?. ..: l r. ? : ? ?ti ? ? .?? |j .? hen he ? ?? searing it a fea mis?tes yea? t?rala) Mitt i thi a'vet! Bgeat, was ii with .. :>. Deteethe> ?v, re ? ? . ? . loot i?1?.? 44 hen tepi ' I eut ut a real Breach Bureas and ? Th.- - severe, and he ? ' East Side etor C?a i -h.? toot, be ?. - : kng f?r 'mm unmolaated. Vesterda) M tier grea irel i and hurrii out 1 - . : and Bo) le "V\> ??.' l you wail uit '. I g? ? ' was 1 request '. rar) d? tecttvei SAYS CHICAGO POLICE SHARED IN B.\NK LOOT Robber Charges Sergeant dot SI.500. Captain a Gift. ' cage. March :; Charlee Ki I .tl 44 ith three othen robbery at I ' gton Park \ i ? Bank, testifli i 'api is. Hunl Detet tive Han Kavai ' ? ? ?.' ' eipated in the cy to I -k. I thai '?' . - - ti.ld him '? at > .?!?' tin Hunl vas I I but . ??..,?! ehan was to tenth ? ? ? ? . . tend ? Kramer pictured M ? K Mack left 1 loot ' te, at s ??? I 1 an. ASKS PROTECTION FROM DETECTIVES .Mrs. P. E, Anderson Has One Arrested for Annoy? ing Her Persistently. X :. r?on. wife a>f 4 m r .? 4*e?lthy whol. ? -. rha has la Lea ?u.-.-. i i i'ivorr ? ' l-?.f >rc Mai?i?trai?' in M? a's N.itht ?.'?art Is?' ,. aaaayaaea i : u ?hadaw her. She 1 I ? charge of disorderly .- H) Laad. of gM Park PI ice, Brookl) n I1. ? , li?t aart forth that Bytaad bad jostled h.-r when she ?raa cro??i?.?; Via,! - \ ??.?? l i -.?.??>r.,l Str.-. t afternoon, h>- had persisted in fol I .a win g her, and bad causrd her snaoyane? rke ,ief.'ndai't ??.4 arrested b) Patnlaaaa rowers, al .:,?'. I I: . 1 '?V44er, J. {',. U , -, >? ?.???. th?- piain tifl . ' '. MBit in her lirnou ? , ? ??>!>. , : .- '..--. houa?ted by d< ? ->.." Mr ni...?-? said. "?1,-r IS K> n made miserahl.? feat for her life." itrata I n 1 Ig si itpoaed the e??e Ian ' l'1 in J?'f Mai ige to the head ?>f P i: \- en ?I ' hfl S'rr.'l. \ t in I pp? r \i ? ? . r. N I - 1 ' heir marital difllcu 1 sgaa a l'?-.? aibar, II 1 when ' sorted s seit ice la ..t SB - wife a-on r racti ... ?I Ingiag sait . ? hat hei bu ameag fast ^-,-ii that a? ; i r to ? ?m r4.n1 it m Mbb? sai ?d Percy E., 1 ibc BSf 0 fol eoun , ? ? >| 1 ma * - la a m eoad action and EI?HT POISONED AT FEAST One Mi?-?:?Other Plomabas Vtetssas >i-r:iiu?al> 111. \ .- h Sabbath ??? a diaaei at 11 ? : mon I, I'M St.m ft ! fi." 1 theil ' . tern ptoiiiairi. , ? .1 < d to theii 1 was railed ? ? Bl I'rui.i ' aas remov? If ?mi Tib ? . " un .-? SS "' . I 44 n - ? , . ' 1.1 r I auaa WHAT WILL IT COUNT FOR? With the results ot the Germain efforts still uncertain, the correspond? ents are speculating over their meaning and the motives behind them. Does Germany expect to win a decision in the West, to force France to make peace by taking Verdun, breaking through to the French line and again moving on Paris? Or, is she merely fortifying herself against an expected Allied drive, acting on the principle that the best defense is an attack? Or is she merely after local gains, or trying to regain the ground lost last fall? Or, as some French writers hint, has military strategy been subordinated to political or dynastic considerations? In THE L1TER.ARY DIGEST for March 4th, the views of the Amer? ican press and war correspondents are incorporated in a comprehensive article which also includes maps, showing the Allies' losses. Other important articles in this issue are: DO THE RAILROADS WASTE MONEY? They "Co in Too Much for Gilded Stairs and Marble Ha'.ls" in the Opinion of Mr. Charles Evans, Chi*, f Commissioner of State Railways, Queensland, Australia. The German Press on Our Armed Mer? chantmen Stand Japan is Wooing Russia Turkish Finances and Feeling Our Chemical Industries After the War A College-Bred Polic Force Wagner After the War The Theatrical "Star-System" is Tottering War As an Educator of Literary Taste The Democratic Plan for Slreng'hening the Army Buying Another Canal Route A hinc Collection of No "Booze" for Eig Business English Editors Dissatisfied with England's Irregular Blockade How to Drop the Tobacco Habit How Much Is a Stenographer Worth? Edgar Lee Master??Another Walt Whitman The New French Kipling The Cost?es* Parish Church in the World Hope for Unbelievers The Americans Killed in Mexico Child Labor and the South Dealing With the Present Legislation Aiming at Conditions in Some of the Southern States Striking Illustrations He Who Hears But One Bell Hears But One Sound Independently thinking American! are applying this Belgian proverb to their own reading. The publication which strikes th<> Mme note inces? santly, which defends one Bide in right or in wrong, which presents arguments always one-sided, nat? urally is sounding hut one bell. That's one reason why bo man., ?people are reading THE LITER? ARY DIGEST. This non-partisan weekly picks the keynote o? the eonti-ntions of all sities and builds up a harm?jny ot the truth that maki's its read? rs apprei iate ?the value of every version o? the news. Get the news-chimes in The Digwti March 4th Number At Your News-dealers Now?10 Cents TneJitera^Difest FUNK <\ WAGNAL.LS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous MAI' Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK ?>>????*.?--?????s>???wn?a?j??j?a^