Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTEE - " if Von Want It Kem??trrlt ,?Q& nV ^?#?j4wpjm s rtr^-aVr \&ag?. Pf airt?unt WEATHER Pa ? Bald v arme: to dav and to? morrow Moderats ^ouihwetst winds. First to Last? the Truth: Veas-Editortals-Advertisements Vol I.W* No _.?..? i _. ? ..[.. ?,?i i m?a I?,? ??limn? Va. n SI Nl>\ , . M ?Kl II im?;.?>i;\ i:\ i\\kts? pag&s. i?rh i: iix i: i i:\rs. House Delays Action; Fight Against Wilson Bitter FRENCH HOLD FIRM AGAINST VERDUN DRIVE Hand-to Hand I ignis S?ll Rage Round DouaumontVillage FORTRESS SAFE, PARIS IS SURI \ol onger DouW lhat the Kaiser Stakes All on Us ( ;iptur<\ - an -- . .-? ? ? ?r? ?Til g .... ?tints da'! .... ? . itiative i; p the ] ran? h, w ho ptm ? ? ' ?? ???' s. ? which ralasd tl sti . - The Ge the n< va pha*<- ? -' yirit ,, heaviest force ?t present ? salient to th,' r-1- is, n which ? ? .air. Here ? ? oui r Fort D ,, ? . tO the ' b Bi.d srounrl ai i violence! there . ... warn . use i re \-.- ?'? the ? .*w | da* ?-???? ? . .. rt t" est on won and leave . atl e to a ' ?illsge \ksii i !iani*fa Hand?. Usase," say? las Bei eh la' rt*asa ? ? their artillen .- ? : teat 'i the vol .rt of the i i sge ef 1 ? ?.- ? ? ? ? .:?.-. -o'^ more I ? ? Pa? is ol laur . "In ? i ? ? - g m fool ? ... ment fr? ? i I ternative a ? raaans K?-ati? tor *.*< i.ti. e ? .... . ? Cots ' " ' ?' f Cot? 11 i ? ? ? " r in th? ? ' I thai ' rown Hnnre '? ? ? German at . . ? ' ... ? th? 4 ? . ' e I 11 * reci, llf.fri?, ( ritou? lit il ? ... Mill < c . ... .,' ' ? ? .''??' g Pai r.? '?*??iri..??I ,,? ,,.,,,, |J , ,,i??,? | Human Race at Crisis of History This Spring English Write. Expects European Stmggl?* to Show De cisive rrend Possibly Within Six Weeks---Verduti attack Irrms with Lessons on S( irn< e of War. Bv J. L. GARV?N. i ..? ?/? igl ' 1916 Th. Tribune A**'. I By Cable to The 1 rib i . March ?. Verdun m far Is an overture suggesting the ?piril impending conflict, not th?* plot. The pausa srill doobtl? 1 '" ov< cored srlth thunder and eruption, is enough in itself . ? ,i trilogy in Hell'i amphitheatre or even to split the eai of devildoi "i ' ' with even minds, io steeled a- we now are I thai ? " and wj hard to disturb, we persist in regarding this colossal -, the prelude to the irai climax. The enemy't last hope . ? forcing s ?ctory or insuring a draw must he. ?realized or rn ned '????n now and autumn. After tha' it will 1.? too late. Krom their own point of riaw the Germans are engaged in no blind rhey are playing their carda well and doing the rieht tilings Ii -?? isj '--i remember the words of a foreboding Pyrrhii? at Heracles, "Another uch victory and I am undone." The analogy ii tempting and may prow not altogether incorrect, Lut cool .judges regard it as onlj partly sound. The Germans are proportioning their riaks to their objeel ?. I? may well be the bes1 policy to accumulate loaaas in supreme attempt dur ii -' the opening of a campaign rather 'han spread oui the cs ualt through a loneer period in a way that rould only m^an final failure and llapae ??-? year through decline of effectues, in the field, lor these - the Germans must now put forth their utmost strength by la d, sea and air. We expect the next three OT four month?? to he a' critical a ?-qua! term m human history, and we rather believe personally that the next M? w? e the biggesl 'imp that any one now living ii - '. \\ \I ? OUP POSSIBLE. With tlle naval iasuc it will he Letter not tai deal to-day. \ regards .v piracy we mus? first see what follow? the advertisement. From what we Still hear through Baltic neutral.-, it would be no surprise to the British navy if the German fleet came out into the lower and narrower of the Nortl Sea in ?in area sown with ?nine fields beforehand upon i partie ils ;??-< n of lin? and -pare-, enabling the full Gern st it ? , uisera a= well as submarines and Zeppelin'- t? take pai ?ana ?Wet might sweep down at short notice toward the south. Thai indeed would Le an episode second to nothing but Arnraggeddon, iu1 1 re? frain from ?peculating further at presen'.. Incidentally we were profoundly interested in Praaident Wilson'i d ?? a ?, t vota in Congress upon the right of American? to Ira erse ( tajUiourd on pas' It, column I ISELINAUTO ?N FATAL CRA (lirl Killed. Cars Wrecl While Miss ?eorg.f. I sel in Escapes. ... ? H ? ?. Rochella tly after .- tl :eupanl '?'..i.- re? Hyl . ? \ . ? ? ? . r aother r. I h e ! 1 ? ? ? be i ' home mil ic? eeded onl; the impai ? letely o the sou :. . ? ' ?. ? .. ?? ?'. ead. By a fortune ? . ? . to inji .i ? ? TRAITOROUS TEUTON LANDS HIM IN CEL Patriot Resents British 1 lag ( I ilin (ierman Cop Arrests Mir art 1? ?4 | ... Powei the sarge ' the Hymi la! nigh i tag Englar ? . <?ten at ti ? . i ? |. adwaj It we ? ? .. j ?" tral ? ? in hi ' nr: si - eon? erae? ?? ? ? ? . . at 1 ?" Wei ? . ? i reel tas? to the Wei ? by a tra ? WII.SO.NS OFF ON MAYFLOWEI I' r.-- i.|a nt *.,.!, Real Over VNee!, I.m ritt I beMOa .ike It.i ? 1 I'.. t tO-1 ' . ? . .... I'oton ? Cheaa ?. ? ? ? ta . tsjVS ? foi real after ... ' ? ? rith Con ? ? ? gitation .- Aaserleana ? SUBMARINE BREAKS DOWN OFF FLORIDA Ktf ?Being lowed to Key Wesl Hlast on Destroyer. i1-a- .- ? Maich 4. Ihr lubina a K ? ? ? t Key Wi engiiie trouble uff tin east ! i .,:.-? .ar ,1 ?? ill be towed to hei I? tii by the naval tug Pei ... p ..a.- rampa, whic K< \ West B. Th? -.. r MacDi nou( tai ling b the K-6. ?ahici - in no danfei K ' . K - Is . ? . . <- based at He, Wesl vith th , asset The -;:'nr,,., e is I 100 msjei north o'" K?-v We l Po day' .- ? ? K ? .... Fork to Ki ? (. when ;>? K ' thi K tad ' ender se? rai ble forced ? ? '" .- into Charleate gine 1 ibli developed aboar.i hei i i aboard the K-6 i re? iien< i of the pi Sai i ?!?:? - Su -'?? king the I ? he I'nitc. ? , ? | of . ?., ,... ? ? ?? S ,i ? ? \.r I! .. I ?.!?'?: ? . ? ? ? ' . : . ? .:?...???? 4 A . ; a! tl ? . ?4 nari und? ih' .r.i- . --| iagr,,? rudder GASOLENE GEYSERS LIGHT NORTH RIVER 700 liarrelv Afire on Standard Oil Barge. Explode. ..i:- ,? barn of th? Company's mn?-? inflan , : of gasolene, <-i uising the v^- tl ?: ? ? ? "i. the dach ef s burn:: ?: barg :?-,l the W i ? Sida with ntei ? i r;,r !n?' y.'.pY' The barge ?a. lying at the fool o We ? 1 "i";. eigl rh ^rr?r- . ? lieasaa : ? I the Are The -? i. Iiroucht half ?i ? ? agine i ? rapan iai and l i bfisi? Thomaa Duane ami u. si srriv? ? gaso exploding ?irith greal ?rr.dirp- a p. ;. SCI ef ? ? ?r,i rrif a i.iuH^ In tO<B ot 'he I'uanr. the I .<???? tha <!? eh v- ? ., . r? of :?" ? ? g tl - h had been playir,ar fut?I? ? tans on the Mare, deposited t' ng < iplosies an the Jersey mu-1 flat? south ef Weehawkrn l'hf-r? un, , .??ii .um' barrais naeapteded a. mid night bal 'h.; vnr? or, t h ? . r ?*?; VOLUNTEERS FOR DEFKNCE CONCERT the progrei ' * ... [ ; !. . - KUI ? ? fix erl lire f'n-rer . I If ?' SI ' Herman Waasermaa, ihe teche - Ir'-ne l'en? ira. of "Pa .?">?< ph *>an?lr? and the xia^a/ine i.. r 11 fron ' op! I.< - I ? l'rimn I ut Rrtw'?e?. . ? ? | V* Mt.r, l|la ', i . ? ,11 th- B r Ilu- ?,irl (rnm Xlilaaautra. Sej mttiir llrrt? n. ? . | ? ????-? , \nna I il lia, pril '?''?? r a i?t ? ,? (lpera H Bl Ile Mure. .p. , ? - Hippodrome ?-" Itanrl anH the Mairh ot Ihc l;.ii'l.-|. i Male* ari'1 '?' . , H ? ' ? nhle Inlerniis-inn ? . M i Guatemalan ba I ? n t h. ?pr^"?< ? ? \ Minna .mil Nathalie lin?hl.o. o list and i Sophye Marnarrl. Ki ' Will Rogers, "Hidaighl i rolii ' Marione vcrrrit. , idel ' the Ba tleehip I Sat M. Willi Hippodroms \llr-d Hcrgrn. bai rtoi < lairs l.'itilii.ifi I aitder ut Roses ? . s sddr? e) R?rpri m atatl? e John !.. Tilsi.n. o \ 'r.. ? i .inlm Hays Haraaaond, Il :.<?-i-n Masiia C?ptala Jars ? rae ford Mai ? as M Mark WARSHIP COiN?RT THR?LLS ?TS CAST Actors Feel The) Arc Do? ing Their Bit ior I ncleSam ?Full House Expected. 4 . . . ., Marjorie' .... . ? ppodi night sent th? tel by the ti < ip. And jus! . ; ' \ ? ' ? ? .i .. ' '..-? -*ht the gi : . ? ' ? ? ? ? can ? ? ? ? ;. nd Count lid I'. ? fun? ? ? ? Patriotism i hrilli \ ion ? ? , great eve i! - ? . ? ... ? ... peri? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? el - I ..til iinia.l "'' pea* '.?.mm I MARSHALL HITS INVESTIGATORS IN HOT ATTACK Deliberate Effort to Intimidate Mini, lie Writes to Committee. ADMITS TALK WITH REPORTER Lawless Tyrann v. Federal Attorney (alls Arresl o? Holme. H. >ri? |i ? Mars ? ? - .. aUtomc ben resterday upon i tee of 'ho Hou??- Jud eiai oda and practic ttci Ibb prarr ? ? . . ? bin b| Representa! Bui banan abo 11.i ?pn. ?r.'l the il gal fn in p : nj... ibou -.' ? . a this i ? ? , ..-. an ? ? tronger ten I !: Holme,"Thi '? . lay f ...... . ? . ? . , ?., : si ? ? . \dnnt? Talk 4?nh Bolsae. Mr. 1 ? : n .- ?? Mr. alaraha?! r? ? ?i m! obligation yes. ,? . .,?.-? | ?? a', n 4-. a- BB ,.u i. b rent tv "? ? ' tintent to the i ? ? ' He ? " . ? - ? - , ? : tody u ? ? ... ... ? marshal I .. ? the pi ? i it ? our ll , thr awka .r d lit IB! on hv - ... .... "Yi, . , til -a .ni a charged a ? ? the bankr ? I r. i . ? ? : . - ? ? , t oaimittee Uta lied - ? :? ? ? ' ' ! is estig ? ne ol ? - ? . ? m,iiii?d ?n t.;i?-? I i i.l.inin I '?-aBBBBBJJBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBJgaSBBglTaBBBJJBBM Traps for Home Workers ?Beware the 'ClassifiedI"?the . IaiMiieri advertise ment with H-- ??firr "t "eaay horn'- work. Altei *tefl years ol experience Samuel Hopkins Adams li<?s ye\ to find nur offer thai is thoroughly genuine Mr cites tin?- morning 'nine recent .mrl typical a amples O? how thr traps are baited. It the bait has ever intereeted you, rr.ul the story. It ".?.ill intcr^t r/OU m another *?? ?tv and mayhap sa\e yoti money. Page I" ??hi* ?>imimg Snlitmr Flrtt to last?the truth: \fu ?_-f'dltnriats-- \d\ ertisemcnt*. ???? Df th* ? ? I . ? a . ?',-.. . rO RIM W PETROi l!l DEMANDS ON VIENNA \> u hington Man h ?? I - ' nited Si ttei ?i prep i ing to ni.!?e formal d-mancl? upon \uilria I lungs y ?c a r ." u k n iiibm irine upon I r I? n .i? sutliori .in.e,\ itated lo nigh the I nited States would stand bj ill original contention* ?n?i isk I? foi the it!.?' it, punhlim?*!.? ol the lubmarine ? omm indei - and reparation foi the dam ",r done t?-> the ? easel .?iirl injuries inflii ted ??n .i membei ol the crew, " M II flit by i pie, J .,| U-BOAT SINKS 3 ALLIED WARSHIPS Two French (.misers and a British Patrol ?Boa? Sent to Bottom. Bei '.:.??? ? ? i.? ?a re .?? 1 rh? German A.. n March i G? off Havre two ? . srs, escfa armed li ? . ? i ? ? "The !.. S off 1 SI i ?? ' Itateaten! ??-ne "hu? ??? ?-more.) crtfiser Ad mirai ? haraer si reported b. tW rr tented . ibmarine." meal ?'?o -.?? ? 1 >i the sinking of ? . ... ? rea : ? i I as an aux Bei : .??? ? ??. aid to h Paris ?? ? i ng. Man h i ? bal ' Gern ? tdi inri irmcd au , .,T I i . tels? Loi Hard I f; ? - ? i, ha AH I eghori . Italy, Man ? [he steam ihip Giava, of 2,1 which left . \ irim ere were no ? .. . - ; ' Reutci ' A i sayi a Bi Pira i e Its La Rochi II? i ' .a - ? " rhe p Lakme, ?.lied fr i Bav of Biscay, i ? rthwest of lie dTeu. She ia . the twenty-two mi ? WOMAN HILLS PRIEST AT CHURCH ALTAR Shoots Polish Pastor in St. Paul During Services. Caen here, by a ? ?ral membei congregal i .' ?man ente I ? Cal ... ? ? . It, two tal -? ? ' t ai tant mee w? ried 1 e ata itanij . il 1' . . ' : nterpretei had beei DYSPEPTIC'S $700,000 TO FIND PAINLESS DIET Sum Lett to Rochester Univer? sity for Chair of Dietetic*-. If tl * could educed ! ? ictiom : ? - ? would proba the extent of I thir th 1 ? . ? | repr? . ... |700, i turned to th? ??. ? .if Roehi rtei trastees, Mi R. lent, 1 ? ?'?? h a depart ian< n t li e t for re? i . - ?. . rabiaa) thi bring in their wake a \. ., n ??...,.? ? of the .??-? ? ' made aal ; -' I el th? dinner . N't?? York h; .mm of Reaekeoter is Keen? ( hop House PRESIDENT SEES VICTORY; BRYAN ARWVES ON SCENE Many Democrats Seek to Avoid Going on Record on Warn? ing Resolution. VOTE TO BE TAKEN TUESDAY; DOUBT AS TO FORM OF ACTION Five Senators ?Add to Pleas Thai i nitcd States Surrender Right of Citizens lo Travel Seas - ? '? : -i v\ .-i gt March I.?Fivi. - to plead?* surrend ef America ? M . -? i i smms Hs an I a p??.? ica . at ntrivii slay a "'?, as th? q ic lion : .... . Presid? i ??? m ? igaii postp ? ?' ' n ???' props all te aran iBMtieaa , ? armed merchant ihip defeat of which baa baca nt Wil ion 1" strt .? ? the negi liai ?oi with Gei 11 aras decided ? idaj irotjld a vota ht .-.;.-. ? ? ? mancsuvring ft ? re doubl ? | , , to . ' a/hal '"nn 'ho 11,., ? the time ?nall) .-nn,?-. woulrl take. BRYAN VISIT STIRS CAPIL Says lie Came to Lccti Intl Talks with Anti Wilson Men. u ashuMl 4 v S to-iia S"BS*ei ' ? ing;. Admit? ( rhether Mr. B ih? d ? ? ? EIo . ?? er with t.i- ? ' . Mr. Hi?-.,.: rains* a time -'? i 1 ?X94 ? ? . ' ? fo: .' I .. la 1 r .: ? , ??TU. I .. ? ' . .... i 'oni/r ? men and d< Mr Brian aeclarad Mr. B ? net lion tha armed ? ? Vilsoi -. i I Bail I ?- - ? loaa p ? -, ? ? ? ? Mr. Bail*] isted ta Mr. Bi tal ' r v h r. Li-Pi aro - ? Mr. Bry ? ? -? . . - !(?? r ? ...- ii imbu? ? | he wou . . ?? Brys ? it s er, ai . i . ted thej . ??. ? \ sad? ? ': u ? M Brys might brine. ? Mr. Bl ir*d Mr. Krvia ere wi ? ? but t Hailr4 llenie? Br>an Plat. .. j ? . . Mr. Baila aid ?> on '? I? H OUI ' .1 sited, ? , .? com- to th? pitol i .- titude towari enata act < iinrlni,?,| un pas? ' lolumn 1 ? WILSON DENIES STORY HE WOULD RESIGN Secretar) lumulty. for Presi dent. Declares Rumor False. ''??R I . Msreh ; \- . report ' >? : '?'? -'???..?.?-.. sis of the foreifl ..,- ?-.. v.a? :? ? - - ? irniritj from offli . '.he White House .,rma; eat: " ?'? ratai appeal ? ..; th? Pr? ??I ? ?-.". 'Ai laaei -.-i-, newspapei thai i*h a story of l t kind in a situ ik* the nr?, which no-*- confronts America dishonor? it;e?f.'" nt in Ilia i i'?i? of ?nt? ? ? n mg i .? .? ? '.'? thera ? rust ill*? H" i illow ihc tea ?f the ? i killing tlM i i .1 I'roMeai la i i aming- ri?n f . | i pi Ham? . huwi'xci . xa hii'h .. ? ? ? ar) ? "iiimni"? .m rTI'.-i and ?Arhltfh '?'??11 lie as iired of seceptancc b, tin H tss taelf i mained ? . ? '.. -??! ii the .. the es ?its v\ an lei ?, Bryan, ? ' l,<-r. ??:'?' Iii?n it ipil \ the -it latinr ing P .'i??'!.?'- |i|i' rl ? any < : Congr? . dii : ?ne more) ? ? are* ?lOliR. 'n e denied I w?? ....... Presfd eade i re? api or! ? He, ?i?,r. igaie ?-day < m on ?lav e-i ?I e ." ? I ?,?? | ? ' , ? , ti i Mi I sssi -i arning -? ? ? tabled Prom' nt among ? te 'aiiurr 0' ? ?? ?fi?? af??" ? Ol on ?? Ha- or" ef ? . ? to govern de ? ? nier ?ith f'rc?irjcnl ?tel - Pe it ;?'-?.* tal ret? the i - ttee ?real te the ^ te House .? ? ? ?Jit iai ?-a- 'ca? ./. -.? ?h Pr- ildent f Othi rea til r I ?tas r ?ora? D ? ? .. - Leader Kitel ting rn Af .. le ?'?,.. ?f, or-a<| a lUbetll ' ? . raraiag ? I ? scratic i ? Clari ibling eh ich una liana 1 at ae rete be takei i -l ?? a sa Ses i re of i ? : the hope thai I hare te re ? ?? on th? te the terape? ?I Re? , | mea i afta ? avene nay Acting I rmar Pe ? aan<Mi thai his eeasi ?? ? ? I i ? ild ' tb. perplex i tu ?. g ' .... t res ... ,. > the pr? posai up Moi isa il ?? i ? ? Im ?aoriste Hoi?i Msstiag, \ ? g of 1 rstic Ralci ? omn ? ??< V? a m an I .'>"<; ramittss sr.d ? ' . .. ? g the result of a '? e . a itra gbl ??r'. ? . . \dm ?tratio leaders .... ? ?: ? : y ici ... rhat 1 Rcpublicaaa .-, proposal. Re can leaders a-e *ad to l>e wrlliag ? . a ' iblii g ?hr MeLemnre re?ola . ,,. ,,. , . , H . regard tha? ?* niore .,- leas ?'f ;. negative action, but t.,nr i . .. ?r ?- H waraii g propo 1 ?mon prohahlv aveulit bc ?tir?rent The chief object???.. U? the McLemore