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INDIANA MOOSE BACK IN G. O.P. New's Victory at Pri? maries Snows Republican Party Reunited. MEANS LIKE TREND IN OTHER STATES Democrats Sore and Downcast at Prospect of Almost Cer? tain Defeat. By HOWARD I>. HADLET. [Br T?:?-rai,h T.? Hie Ml -I Indianapolis, March !). The victory : of Harry ?-;. New uv?t c\-R> prescntativa Janea L. Wataoa m on<? of the most remarkable or.' I ?' ?? nomination for Unite! Statea Senator toot held In the Hoot'?r State tcr-Mtiag la many way??, but In no v.ay 13 it more interesting and than in ets phasizing the completa leor^anization which baa taken piuco in the? Republican party of India"??, alace ''e s.hism and consequent d astrous defeat in 1912. It became known in inside cir? cles that "?"mithin-; like a year ago, wlun "Jim" Wataoa Brit spoke la hit friends al".ut entering the race for United Statei Senator, l ? ire i ?'.rongly advired by then to wait fur a more propitious time. "Jim" Ihmenway. as r'an.-h a friend then and i ?** ??? W?t? ton e\er had, adrited bin 10 k?ep out of tho rece. "Uncle toa" Caaaoa. being ? ons'.iHrcJ. gaTt Il a leo ?s hie juiignent that Wat ' battei ? .. ? while, until the elouda ,,<? ti ? bj Other? < ! ? n, here In ' * ' ,.0t ??-. '-ar, bat he fU ?.bduii.-- ;'- ?Hj ' ?' : then that all he asked ran to be let ?lone. It' they ?/agree rry ob noth ... . ?;.- an ami? - ta ait in th< and orged on ' r~ '? ? " ' " -' *?ome. ,, i,H' ial friend?, nt at il I , apoken in praeti**all*i hall, aehoolhouee, hanlel and vil? lage ill Indiana. No man is better ? -ee that 1 Wateon'i def? I all tin?? the o'. publica iblican uid Pi '?^?"C ?K?'n dread ?.re in other ate*? party can truthfully be said to be In better ahapc for a winning fight againi ? r, (j : :a-ra*.ic enemy ?han it been In twtntj year?. "loung Blood in State tommittee. K. .- rl?a r. and out polit? i ???-., ? .? no .:?? ? ia com? an d more progressive men, oniv two o; three of the ?.-..i erom i reraalaing on it. Iti . huirinan. Will II. Haye, a bright, able, ?lean young lawyer from Sullivan, Ind., vas never identified *vith the old ma? .huir. The aProgreeelTei are back in republican ranki-. Horace !, ;h?- real backbone of the Progrc? , chairman of the ' Btral i on ? litOT of "The Anderson lleraKi," are back in the old party and are freely . ?'.aally given a prominent p. Ita councils. Kx-Senator ?Albert ' Reveridge, .-tauch l'rohT?-'.<: ive, is a.< ailent as an oyster, and that's ?saving u good deal ?o- AI You knot? AJ H?-- aponda little ,c -. In 1 ea fei ? ? a . is mm ? I ' ? . ' : r.*f. on th< Wa?'o;i || ?;. I to b? | over ?h? failure of hia old politic?' ?ades to aid hirn as r.ueh as he think? 'bey coo'd and should have don?*. But "?Vataon la not the orr'y man In Indiana that ia ?.oro and downcast. The. peno ?*retic party is full of such men. Her' In Matron ?"ounty. In which Indianapolis is situated, the Democrat-, ??hould have cast even at a primary ilection somethinc like I6,nnn ?o votes, but they cast ?->nly abour. "?.no.? vete?*. Another aigniflcaat thing is that, al? though thia i" Senator Krrn's hone c.ty and he \.k- a ?ar/Hldate fir re aoariwatlcn a I'nitr.i Statoa Senator, ne actually rar. something like three hundred bchr d Wilaon here in the primaries, h ? m m the More*. 1 t lapp of I".) ai a. II? always manage-? to get upon tho fence and s!-add!r? ever.- hotheraon? question. There U vary little doubt even amo-ip Dene? ??rats tha* Hr.r r-. ' ? ? K< m ? t tho poll ' lb? r. Tarrgart Hein?.? ran. Baoa. "Tom" Tiasrgnr* |a in ahaolnta con ?rol of the Democrat:-- ratty la Ind? iana. His -p-'p wa? never so sure and ntrong. He has eomnelled Wilson to d?-fer to him, while (?overror KaNt-". would a? t think e( making ?r . portant move ?;-, politic?? atjtil 1 ? hie orders If S?'n?'or Shnelv ? verv ab', man, by the way rnttValfv 111, should di" i ?rn-r Ht.!??"'? t'-r-n. that I January 1 . ? ?ana ?-nil be r? pr?? ???nt--d ir? ? . United Statei Senat? bv ?"lo-ti" Taggart, of Prencb Li-*k Spring?, hv anr"'nt'r,-?nt of (iovenior Ralston Taggart could r.ot h-- eltMtod to ?rythlng at the pn'i- He wou'.' ? t .?hi h ???y mer? e-s?. ? f-reenko'-e *n Verdun? But ?lr rag? csrt ? . . to that of ? . ? I he I?'. r?ng *' ? ? ? i i? < ca . ?tria;.? than ? . r.? At ale? I India/.* ia itandlng ?behind K? rhanki more fir-mly and mor? geauinel** ?lnn ?ny o?.L?-r atate ia atanding ihe "favoriU aena." I'?> erill i v.-c the d??lega ? be for him Ha ?aril] e? < 'hey rot?- for hin, i.*:d -*. ? r? ady to -. ?.- ? for ion . ??? v have -.II ? ? ? - ? ? ' . and a--). ?! ? 'hut and er Fairl.?? cam? with.i "' ? berng tka? F' . ,r, . h ai i bar i paif/riipg a f-i tar', be ? ?jjam?nei ce to I . ?souri wu', gooa ^getting gruua.4 for the Republican party- He, mora any one el??, has . hang?d thern Democratic to doubtful states. lor Hughes Atter Fairbanks When th? time COnOB, h.oxvcver, the delegates a*. Chicago, 1 released by 1 airbanka, ????H:?? to an? candidate. It Will he to either IK or Roosevelt, and in all probabili will be Hughes, for indications mul that Hutrhe? will more surely ? this state bv a pood, safe majority any other man. The people of Indiana never have gotten the speech made by H ighei in tho campaiirn of 1908, foUowini Youngstown speech. It was mad noon, before an immense throng, from what is ?aid here now atiou*. speech it was the. mo.-t effective drcas ever maue to an ir.diana audi la a Presidential campaign. Fred A. Sims, of Frankfort. **nl the next member of the Republican tional Committee from Indians. He been chairman of the State Cei Committee and was at one time S< tary of State of Indiana. New's Victory Shows Republicans Uni Republican leaders here declared ti-rday that the victory of Harry S. 1 ex-Republican National Committee from Indian?., in the primaries ?he Bosalaatlon for l*nit?d States S lar, was strongly indicative of a ur n?seessfnl party in the cor national campaign, ft left no J te the rush of returning Pi is BIVOJ in Iri'liana, at. leant, they BB '?? --xas indicative of a similar situa wl i?*h Would develop ifl man;. ?tato? wberavai the chance to united forces oeeurred. |( v.-aa pointed out that Janier i.. ( alanel Marw's Republican ? in the primaries, had Incu th? enmity of the Progresivo? by ; ?art in the Republican National ( D of litl.!, xx'neri he xxas om B as1 active pro-Tuft men in ?tin against ex-Gavernor Hadley in, tho Rooaevelt candid 1 New, x?hile a member oi (ational Committee at ? timo ?i delegate I ? the convention, xvas rr .- m ? re liking and the to xvhom the Hull Moose would natu ly turn for a choir?. Coloi . tory x>.a?4 ?pparei ? id'd relief to the Repub!; '.?aders-, a? far a? the national ail .na is concerned. The c nel was a national eotnmitteomaai ??cars and a delegate ?o the -.- National Conventions of 1 and 1912. JUDGE^ARY TO ESCAP? GIVING BAIL IN OH Prosecutor Will Not Want H ?n Youngstown Until Trial. lurch 0. .In Elbert H. C.arv, chr.lrninn of the Uni States Steel Corporation, x-i.e. xxas . jresterday in connection tx-ith aliened cov. ? h? price labor I mill? of 'hi? distr .to Ifonngstcwn . A. M. Henderson, prosee i?.p Bttorney, announced to-ilav. Ju? Gan will ? ? red to come i-1 ? - trial herr?n--, probably wltl thi in - ? montl ? weeks, proseci "Aha- to hav? b? ? agsinsl the liv? i o Pro ? ? uting Henderson and < ounty I .1. Kane was discovei to-da;, when an automobile o pu.r in 1 . tigatioi of 1 Ka?t Youngstown riot? x?,,. taken tc garage for repairs. Workmen fou that ga.-ohi.e had been mix?-.; u?ed in the machine. Automobile m ?ay thai irk from the bearir had reached the i I i mar,m would have been blown to pice Kane admitt?- . that both Hend? ..on and he !.. ? - ved threaten! i"ttei i in th? machine th? to I county. 1". 11. Gai>, . ha States Steel Corporation, commenti: turther yesterday on the indictme? handed down in Vonngstawn, Oh charging a conspiracy to keep dox ? ?l- IS, ok'.il : ? rag?! of our men have not oe ed aince January l. 1904. Th ' on April I, ] ' i irtl sde -.nee th ? me as follows: Ob January l??. 191 by sboul ?.-a per cent; on Februar) i 1918, by l'"? p?r cent, and on February 1918, bj 10 per cent. The percental Of increase an .-'??t'.d applies in eve ease to the rat?* being | aid at the tit inch intrca?" was n,.; I? CHEWS IN CONGRESS, BUT HE NEVER BUY Colleague Betrays How "Alfalf Bill" (jets His Tobacco. tftam T*m Trll?asi Tn?*?.j l VI asbii gtoi. Harah ? P at] Senate was engaged in arnor ?nla? phnt matters and the State Depar ment fretted oarer in'omstionul compl catioaa. tie House r,; Repr?sentait? to-day listened to praise lor tobneco imoklng and ehewini by Repreaenti tive "Alfalfa RUI" Murray, of Okli home. Something n-as ?aid about it I revenue, leading up to Kentnch ceo, and thereupon K*pr?*??*ntativ klfa Bill" aro.*t; ai d ?aid: "The ?Dutch l.a-.o th? ir ?.auerkrau ? lia and th iiK'arette; t! lb? lierman likes hi? gia-s r 1 ? ? r. but the real gonuin? sborigiai ?;i like? tohae.-i*. " ?'Wia' is th? gentleman'? ?-'imi nt***s k?*d Representativ? Barkle; i l . ? -i ? i - - . "My ?timulant, ''ihci-rt ?? -kerl in the form of rear or pip i know tie gei ? s e?Jl *o ? hja! barcauee h. ? ?arettei hlc] I despis? th? re I <noug tobacco in I ? 1 uretate, Kentucky cannot deny that ?1 outstrips all th ? of ths Union lor tobacco and coin it ' ill nt' colonel? an . the colonels are full of corn ?i4 tobar ' ?' n! Rer.Te-er.??..v<- Ih'-ms' ? ? . - mnl ? ! r' pli? 'l ? Bill: "Th? gentleman told the Houeo, * eaii "thai he u?e tobacco In the ft-mi of cigar? or |i 'r, : I'.-.ik'", I hnv, girei 1 him ?ince 1 ? op? i ? i al l'-a 140 worth of i ring kind that I hold BOW hand; ar. hex?- ' ? "I ? ? ' |gh to ju ? the answer oi the 01 "And I ??-ill ;. ther !.. ? ? ; - - either hurt I I l ???ntnt "?".- ? CURB REORGANIZATION N.i More Member? 'In n?- Vilniilteil While Ha? I? Poadlag. lew York Coi \ n iViie r i ?? r. organls? 'I ! ? tpt eial i i among othi hoaei I rb Mai ed to 1 represen ' ' ? "that in fs'm' I to 1 ' memb ? t spplieatioi bai b? ef,ni).]er?d by the membership 1 ??> Msr ' " ? plant ired " T h ? t a I ? ar. former members <*|v? could no ' vxhlls ICUi/lo^lX BLAMES WILSON FOR WATER RAI Clifford Pinchot Bitter Denounces the Measur Passed by Senate. CALLS IT ASSAULT ON PEOPLES RIGHT - Bill. Ho Declares. Gives Avv Knormously Valuable Prop? erty Without Cost. . ?? 1 -?? :? a | .-, | . Waahington, March 9. Labelling i Shields water povei I II, which pa-: th.- Senatr v? terday, 81 "the neat a? ous attack upon eonaerration ef.Tt to t'irn Ala - the G ge-,h?.im? v - 110,*" Gill }'m el o1 I ?the bl?mi foi I pa ? nl \\ ilaon. . ""??<? a? aull ? ? a right? the peepl? baa been conn tied In Ca the potts of the Shield aatei powei Raab bill by the I ? i at?. aid Mr. Pinch "The enter power nonopol The people loal becauac a n their repr?sent?t ivea in tl went back on 'hern. "This apecial intereat bill could n I ? ? . -..] rf th< pre? '. m-.nd ba?l not beei ternational criaea. Neither eould II ha ; f the tdminintratii : ... . The crii - of the bill waa a* ita height prevent, popular knowledge oi tl?.- rad on p;?t.; property. Ir the people trad knee about it they wi ifd topped The Adminiatral n.d have stopp? it at any time, but failed to do ??>. must now bear ita ahara o? rasp?n rtack r:p? con ervotion since the efTor I , over to tl blocked in 1910. "In en open letter of January 2 'when the pr?sent International erl till in the ?" Nation; Coneervatio** Aasociation laid t . . before the 1'res The lettei I out tl.. i the Pn ? ! tiie hill . i na--. il? wai ? learly inform? 1 that the Shield use ? v:.i table | perty : the water ] at ?-o?r , pensa'.ion. Osi.r.' bly, it provides tor g ita ? i.ropert ? ? nd el fiftr .?.ear I a matter ol a been a . ? it pracJ icallv impor? iblc for the people i Ir ow water powers back lianth ? ? ? ? li ? "lui-, and . ? nade in ti-... to the President ha . ; during th over -.' inch the d il a .? d. an.; in ? pit? t oth? r appeal .... thai 1.1 \ n renained ailent. A combinado: between Administration Democrats am reactionarj Republicana drove the bii "This raid or; the public arater rowe eded. Thes. a'?r powen .-irf not yet lost lor ^ood The Shields bill haa paaaed the Senate but it I a n? ' pa ? : :'.-r House. Ir. th? water pow? r i ..r and la I : House stood firm the pub)? ?? i **ht Our hop.- . that it will do ?o again ? bone '?' the raiders, 'inder th? rules ? I ign to rush the bil ? throug .,? hours of * ? sion. as l.a been done -.vith many raid ii.g bills beton. If t... j r-r.ould buccee? o?.cr ? ? : aepower, li We accept tne estim?t?? of the S.-nat? commit*?-'- : srted the bill, oi nr: anount equal t.. twice ;. ? much a.-? all .ri th? to da] ? a out oi - - power monopo; T. R. TO HEED CALL OF HEROIC U. S. ? ..??I Iniinl fr??m yatft ' ? .- ?'?.. with i.. - . Irive ?nd sha'l eoi 10 1 ' I a? t 1 igfate Marred 'I uill not enter into an-, I ght io: ; the nomination and I will rot, pcrmi? anv factional light to be mud- in my befa" Irid"ed, I will <zo further and i aay that 1t would he a mistake to nom ! inato p;c anleei the country has In ita I mood aometl ing of the herole, unless it Ifoela not oniv I a devoting itself to | ideals, but to the pi:rpo;o r-pasurably i to r--ali'.ir tho? ideals in action. "Thia i* one of those rare time?. ? ? <.r.!\ ..' lor.j? intci-vats in a ? '. . i ?>?'?.. deten .ch times a era thoa< the ?lay? ?.' \\ - ? - .i.-.' ."I "It r- for ?is of to-day to <-? with ilie tremendoua national and in ternational problem of our own hour ?n the ?pint nn<l I bil? 1 by tl upheld the handa r,r wi I ington and I. ..coin. "Whether "r do or do no? ae.-om nli-.!. ? lia feat will largely depend on ' ? .v can n..d Progi ensive nat ional i ! . . | '," tx ' ??!?? .I ? ron the present administration, and the ??tru g\, ' !" tween the Pit ? dent and 1 pari. i? ad? i ?ni **n ire to-ri ftrugi!?-* a- to whether th?* r ??mental r?*pr lopt an a" ' .d.- of a Ii'' .. 0re oi ' ? ? ?",? *'' lova- a policy Of |t ? Zir&trr ilig leaser baa? -A.i ? ?Ter na ia a c tween d"trree- of hypocrla* and degrc of '.rfamy. Hut disgust with the u manly failure of the present admini '.ration I believe ooe.-? not. and I krr ought not, to mean that the Am^rr.-r arill vote in a apirit of mere pr ? "They ought not, and I believe th? not, h" cor,tent merely to chsni the pr ? "???? ?. *<? llatin ?. ? tegril . a-l in high reaolve. Th? dr ,ro. I h' do desir public ?ervonts and public policies ai| nifying raor" than air..*, c ?verness. e ?action behind clouds of fu words, n refusal to face real intern need?., and in complete absorpt ?1 I every faculty, ii constant! shifting band te moutb and ?lay to d?. r . rnr,e from inten il duty, bj the abandonment of natiom honor, naaaures due to fh?rr dread < various foreign powers tempered hv aometimea harmonising and ?oi.flictini? dr?-al of various Urs, est bjr**h< nated -? oter i Would Clarify f'nli?-re? " W e n eies. We nust show that our b? ? governmental id real t wish to nake th-rn count in th world at lare.-, and to make the DOCS order that they sha t surt '.;.. We of this great he ha-?? a contribution ,r> i it mak it unleai that we ca Secure prosperit) ad ?air dealin tl .-n ar.d WOI "I heluue that '.n a en-:- <o grave : i- inpoaaibla too greatlj to magnif t h e r ? ,,..-? : .in i m ? individuals, rhe delegatea who tro l ... .11 their power t ? nias the chararter of the admin n which is to do or leave undon task >.' tl e next lour v.-ar.? 1 i.?* adnlniatration can do an incalcu lab!?- amount to make or mar our conn rture. "Th?. men chosen to decide such : quest:??n oti-jht not to be politicians o and paroenial outlool Still le.s should they be politician nflui fror * ithin or without ; bei a] euld be th. i very ber-t men that can Le ? country, whose or.?, great I should be ?,, d.-. lare in ?inequ?voca for a programm? of .-'."an-cut traightout, national Americanism, n ? - not le-.-, than in words and ii inti i and It nal matter . ar.d '.. chl. i.- S candidate i nan who v..',] not mere!] >.ta:.d fe .-. pi .?({ramme before election, bu will resolutely and In good t'aith put i t h r?. : : . "'I bees nun should be men of rugge. pendenee, who possess the broade? svmpatl.h and understanding ol and d? ' ? o? their fellows ... ?it. . ! be n? ither t< but to the who!*) f th? ted and the peopi? liiev ahoi ..i bi ? and no inti : he open. "June ?i .i ... - raj off. Man] . - ? ay ...?? ? between ? , t#rlj ?npoaaible now an. now witl any degre? of certa-.:. should be nominated at Chi?**agi cryintr. the vital need now is that th? men who next Juin? assemble at Chi? cago from the forty-eight states and mingle the views of the entire country -hall act with the Fane arid lefty de? votion : . the lat< rest of our nat.on a? a whole wl li h ws sb?"*wn by the ori? ginal Continental Congress. They their task Bihanp? ?red by ny pledge, exeept to bring to ir. accomi . ry oui re ol courage, intellig? nee and integrity the;. p03.,c aa " SUES FOR TERMINAL BONDS. Baltimore Man Seeks to Restrain W'a bash-l'ilt?bur-;h Reonraniratinn. .I..-, pfe l Bn nan, of ?Baltimore, brought ri i. irgai .' < ourt yeaterday ? .1 '. .' Hi ley I -? , Harn Bronner, Gordon Abbott, Rich? ard Sutra and the Central Trust Com? i pan y in h. half of himself and other I Brat i? "i tgage 4 per cent bond-* of the Waha.'h-Pittsburgh Ter minai Railway Company or . i rt .:>:,'.. . of deposit 1 .-. The eomi t statei that e> lur.e j, 1908, I ''? "-. Haley Fiske, !? lordon Abbott, with Pe ? r | ' P But ? . . -? tee foi -gam bo be deposited 1 . or th? Old ? olony in * ? onpany, of Bi and that br'n?)s approximating I '-..-. ooo wero so deposited. Morton and Hrr'ler Yt'-e line? died, and W.-illare, Riske. ?Branuer and Abbott, T'repsn srv>, have constituted the pro'. C0*nmi" re On July 2o, 1910, the complaint sta'??, James <**. Chaplin, Meig? If Whaples, William R. Nicholson, Ciar encc U Harper ard Richard Sutro ?atc organised i rito a ne-.v protective com . ,-??? l a. auch eau? d t?.r ?'? : ? "f bonds with the ?Columbia Truat V?irV.. Thr : thenselvei ?ri'o .?? w; ? I pi i p;?r? d BI d : to o M., i ..f firat p.,.iri-ici> boi .-i they should eoi K) in . ash at the i 1300 tor each $1,. ? Brenan asks th? court to direct Wal lace, Fi ike, Rr...,- . r ai d Abbott t.? hin the bond which h? i a un the ' ? i.? ; h I ?Truat i ' the tl ' .i.-rr. men? ?,? ' '.. 1908, be tern i nated and ended, a? ?! . .- ' ? ! ? ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS -. r rat ? , x.,..-h I . , - I..' - ? ' ? Mil ni'.OU I! M! BPII1 ' ? i . i ? . '??-. -, ? ? . ??. * HMifF.1.1. I ?. i ., ? -? ? a ? . ? .11 i - ry (a... Ar? I ; :-- "? '.a. ? i. . t.? Utt :, ? ? | I ? :? ? ?? ??f a ? > .'? ft f.lj.l l ' H1.I.WVN I? ?I ? ? n ? ... , i ? ? .;? ? xx 11 1.1..?? ? ... ' ?' I ? . t ?'", i "Ml-. It || 1.0 . ?? k . . i ? ? i ? ? ? 1 i"ii . it jnii ao> . ' . ? X' i x *i -.?-.l : ir ai.l I in I I All ?if '. ?'ill: i Ivn.B >?? r? ? . ?t i.\|..*r ?. 'I I.I.I XI. ."?'!.- i . ? xxi: ?.I XX| V i O f ? i . ?? || I . , '.IX ... ... Ill ?!X(4\ . . . Lois x xx alU'l ? . '. '? r,, ., .., | -, -:,.. ? i f m |.? v in ? i '? : ? ? i. ?? . i i ?. i- m. ? . . . ? ' I? Cu ?.-Is L-a. i? .i* ?MSI tu., risa ?a ? ? - . .- . ? ? ' ?W " ' I \s r. s?**nt**T rnrr. ? ?. . "???'; . for ft, ... tact on ' ; I , . ? i 1 ? ? ' ?-, - - ? ? ? . a I IV?! ? * . I* ' ' ? . ? X' H .. 1 R i -. Ill li< - ? A'uka-i ? : i n l? ?? ir.hi-Art.KK i-'vri'l - I I i i- i i i ?!:?. ??,.. x., i ? ? ? . -r . ,?i .... . - i i ... r 11 ..i ?. . 10 ti ? ? i . ? ' . Hi ? ? ? ?,? , - ? ? ? * . .... ' . . ? x ? ? i , ... . ? . - ? a - ? , ? ' - a: ? 1 ' ? * ?-. ? " , . ??,.... I R |- li . - ? ? ? it , .. i . h ???*?< r . n. i , . - ?X ' a ? I? . 1 ,, ? - -i ; i Ml I M ? ? , ; ? , ? .. A/??4oa? to T??u R.R.WENDEMAN1 EIGHT-HOUR DA1 400.000 hnginecrs. Fin men. Conductors and Trainmen Vote Aye. ROADS HXPtXTED TO DENY RKQUKS Committees Will Then Bo ?*. pointed to Try to Settle the Question. ? sg . " ' I' was officialI ttinnuncH here t?, right t; ?? the ' '1 M'"11. i ,?.,_ ?Bremen, condu. - ? I rimen of Ameiienti ral loads o -.-"'. Bter roads f ? ? ? : m -. "While el n? fr i th? merr ir ergs ition at ??ted,'' ?a--? ? meat, "; i? ?-xide-.1 that! ?te is overxvhelrr '?i favor of presenting to th rapaaiea of the United State n queets for the eight-hour da iif for overrun? Consequently the movement with tha objei-- ? ??'1 he carried forwar la it? regular eoi "The prasernl ?ote ha* no ?ignifl ranee excent at sn indication of th di ?ire. of the ? t tj mstte sl ould be pr? ised to a eanelueton, an i.ll reports tha' it ha? ?igniticanoe a a ?tnke voti an erroneous and mis lading. In trie immediate futur- th. raquesta will he presented to the rail ?a .?.- m?nagement? and the Boeaesar, -.-p. tab n to make the ?ame ?gee The Statemeal was ?igr.ed by A. s Of th? Brotherhoof ? ? i as otive Engineers; A. B. <;?r ? ? of the (?rder of Kati ? W. B. Carter, proel ?nt oi the Brotherhood of Locomot-.v? Firemen end Enginenmn, and \. <i I Rrotiierhood ol Railway Trainmen. Hag to Mr. S irni th? r. lull ! he presented o th? railroads in s few days, and they xvill ?-.- days la which to .nake replx. The'roads Luve made i? plain that ?hey intend to fight the proposed eon On theii ral bob! to accede ? th.- re. taken as a I'oreg? ? ?- on, committees rep icsenting both tide will be appointed gOtlate a if on- .o.e. '! he railroad . lid, will Insist on ? r the Erdmsn a I BEST MAN SPENDS $9 TO BE LEFT IN LURCH (Jstar .Mad W hen r rolic ?irl Just "Stays Engaged.'' I* isn't often *hat the best man of a wedding party 1? the one left in a lurch. But that's what happened >e? terdav t0 Oscar Shaw, singer and ? - of "The Midnight Frolic." Oscar had been aaleep only a couple of hour; yesterda;., when he was axvak ened by Florence P-jress, one of the Ziegfeld girl?, de look?, who invited him to be beat man ?t. her wedding. Oscar eonsei "The ear artll call 'or ; on at 11," mid Florence, and rang off. Oscar forbore al 1 dit t?, but no car arrived. "There aras I wattirg on my stoop, with $9 worth of flowers for the br.d--. he said. Miss Burea? ?? the ?all one who tits f and ung?, ^he was ''rpeett'd to marry a certain Chester Thompson, .?aid to be an oil magnate. '?ver the 'phone last night ?he said she had changed her mind and had not yet been married. She was still "only engaged." and didn't know whether her prospective husband was with the Standard Oil Company or not. "N he rich?" she was asked. "I don't know," she said, innocent like. Miss Rureis will be remembered ir. ";-."" as the grr! who wore the ?Ire.--1 v thou* ? back. "M> ! what a long neck you ha-.c'" Mitil Hajos u-ed to .-ay. THE WEATHER REPORT Official Records and Forecasts for the Last Twenty-four Hours. WuMaaM?. y???-b ?> Tv A'.a."-i- ?Meal iSots af Waaaaaiai t-u r-*,*,i tm<y.r(\ tti? CaaaSlM p.,--.- | ptUltMtt. I ? ?? ??.-?? ?? -,. - ? x--r lake ; i ( a r A tmtt ?/ ?rarVe.?. rr-i'Vv tntt 0? ' M PUS "a., hi, -a .!<?: ?."*?- M ?? ? ? f ?- . ? ..?? '?- a ... I?) (ht -, ;-? laK? V't Ott* UWtt la I t--.-? ?>. ?ral ..... | .-. T H - ? - - a . a I ' . a- a: ? i ? ? ? ? ' . ? ? ' " ...... ? -a . ? '? ? ? ...... -.?'.- MO ?* .... ? ? ? rjoat U1-? a ?? ?,.??:?.... ? - -. . . "?? '? j ,.?. 'a' r- it ? ; M irdas ??' '??' ' -, ? ? Atlti ? teat ?...'..'? ? .,,. la... fir ? ? ? , . ?? , ,o, 1er Xaiur-lrur li. in? a ? -. 1 I I : ? ?.. I . ' ? Nur? 1'aa-a. . - . m ?i? - ?al , i ? . '.'"??'? * ' "1 ';* - \ . Mttlns t> j -? ? ; ? ... 1er? i ' ,, . , ut; East Gulf. | ? . ? . . s upper Mlfhlma moi i ? v ?. ippst '.a????? ttroot n<--ta?-?t ... ... | ra-r ?.- I ? ?o.. ?n?U - i - lamer !?*??,. ?<vi-?,?.????. it'?a Krlday. ?alih -fl*** "* ? ? a | i:i?rk.?.l Jl.-'urban-e ow .- ?a. Ferecttta tor S???lil LooalltlM. I .?- 90s . -.?r Irflir PMtaMl rain or SatuM?? fair a- 1 MM ptttt SIMM ? Krg'an-1?Partly <-'? ard warm-r i ..?.. ral - -r ? a- alffat; BaUudai pr 1er r?an I. Mawara \rP?t ira lar fair, ? . ? ?.rill Cttu?l tut warrier Vrt.-la n . ?? l ??? .-a" nit*? fur - : . ? ' y i Frt lar, aaaa ?? 1 - - .- a- ?r r*rn fad ?trr?i->r . a ' ;?? a - .... . ? .. -?I, ait ind South ? aroilr. I G rail) ftlr rriiav a : ? j'->? laetlttlng ?;oitIr.r?a tr.?i ?ramer Frll-v. probtb'.T '<'?-. t?J oi|tt nor"" ti:1 central: --a ? ?.:.-. . .? r L?<ral Official Hecon!.--The faKowltif officiai HO or?l Ir i t.i Wet Ptl |WM ifcMa rj.? -!.?.?.??-< I.i - ? r ..- ?! ? '.a,' ?..??? ' ttt . Um naiaaamiillaa i?v at i??t year tail, if?'.-* - ? - a a i ? In a p. m ? -Ml p. n . ? I I :... . ?1 1 ?uedi . rtatna-, a ? r m '. !?.?'. IT <\T'-r* i*'. ,: a. ni.l; avr? ?a? . '?.??: a .. ' . ? - '? ? ? -. -a a . . Barometer Rea-ln-i. Sa ? :. s i i p m . :. ?? y p ? Humldrr, ? t m ?* : p ir. <* ? r a ? L.c.1 For???, ..??it. a: 1 t?artr?.-. procal- t ;ir. - f I. tS '.A- it!" a:^ ? Mia? ? BUNS tOOOt ?If-1? 1: r?a-:r.| '. wait ftfad arr.?ni to-B . Ratify Yukon-Alaska Trust. Shareholders of the Guggenhein Ex l loiatii'? Conpanj at a special meeting , jresterdav voted to ratify the creation 'or' the iukoa>AIasha Trust, which will ? take over the assets of the exploration I company remaining after distribution I of $12 a share cash as part of the di? I solution plan. The shareholders also Shipping Intormation and Marine News of the Worla xiiMAll Ri. M.MA**4?' ??? -..-?t ?'.*' ?r1 tiec.if 1 " I .... mi,it WATOB I ? l\i OMING STEAM1 i:* 1" l ? * Y \. . *a. ? 1 a, .j I ? .x. .. G - .J?ii a . ?*?.?? . .I??l1'0 I? ?? ... . ? . I ? \'*-.?rrT ?teatnaB - i . !,?.-???'.!.. "??Ilie? .J'0'i ? .? at Kl? .Hull .r?h l* ' i .-?? cir .Hruu?) . . l '? :.-. . . - 1' ' H?rtala- . - K?rtb?.Mi i-'-a . ... I ?" -i ? IT . I?v : i?ir ? ? ' : , .. ? - ? -, .. , | ?.,.., pu ? i . ppA? USB 'I ' . ' I "14 ' t. ? a ' ' ' I I - .;. 1- .; ? 1 I ? . - *i Mux. ?I ,-?1 U ' : . I I ? ?.. I. I 1 . OtTTGOINO ?tfEAMERS t.. DAI - ? 4 ? ? ? - ... , | ? I - ? ' *. I I? ? ' . ? ' . - , I Rl I R W-I'X.? h 11 MAILS. Ila?ail v I 4 I- ? ?? ,'^> ?- I ?. . . I.I? Va i t.. .. t X ? ? .??.? H I I .1 Ira ? I Hawaii. ... ' a ; .?..?' a I. , i-. , ? al H M Ti ?If i r,. ? ' ,.,.-.., .?.., 4, <Tt? I B i 11 .*? ?Ich U Ha* an ? . || | ? r . -. t nil ? ?? . . :?: . . |?11 . ... . . ?.. 'I h I? H??i ? ...? ...r, '? i?i-?r? ? ? /?? a I irl? Hi ?? I . I ? a X( i || I ? . . |(l a ? . ? 11 .1 r ? >- >la'.. Il X| h If I Mio Kr?li??n-n irltxM ai 11 : ? y sil-I' S Tria.?, rt....lkl. 11 ?UU1 . D Rio < Bi .-.-? a ... ?. i r tasterla 1 . i . . ? ,. ... , ? i i M . ? ' . I tl ?H II . I ? - . '??.. . - \'a ? I Hook a' 4 ?> p m. Arapa - ? Mar h * and ? har'.e?-- ' t . Um ? fd- r? ? u:?)i ma,. w.14,- ?t 2 21 p m -. - ? .??...-.?' .?-?01 n >a ? ., ?*!'.. U..1-. ?f... t.' . "?'? p m Mariait, tcvain? ba??-. g y . . * . T^m-d'o F?* j?. m ?> r aVard s. miu miio au. lu at ift u a m ManrMaOMl Ufor', Sa-.Uar?. T"?b t Kmnioa l?o P?. Mar. h 1 ao?1 the ?'r.i'.fJ trait c.r. wtm nids? H?r a' 9 10 p m, 8'K ? CtrtWt -??-. si, r? J w TAwni A i i ii - Ta'-.-"a M Arroyo - . . , . ? ' ?. a 'Ii l . . ..- i ... ? v . 1 lo 1) T W ? i -- 'a .a. a' - a m ", ? ??..- s ariUMrn . .- , ?>, a- ? .? ?I a r i ? Bar at '? ' a n? > ' -..(.a! Mareta a R, il ... - Bru i' y m ? ? | i Pain K l . ? ' - ? ' , ' ? I a . ; I I ? i. I tot fire ion - . ?.int? ? ? . - il a ? ? i ? ' i ? ... . . l'iitu . i BT?AMEB8 M FOREIGN PORTS. ?. 11? , -i. . ' . igra ? ? ??? - ira i T ? -...?,. ? ? ? . . ? l . ? 'a ? ? -a ? . ... Il ' . .??, li .? ?, ? ? i ranaaeni ? ? ** ? . ..... ? 1 '?rti .la - I ? naj ?. JCe? Tara - - ' ? D l Mr ' , . , ,. ? -, . Mil ?'. Sen ?.-., .i.-. Mar'?. ? i: ? -. '?'.??- H- "roM ??<?? \ r ... ? | ., .,. ),, itw Vori i ' MI?. C V?, \1aall ? ? ' ? \>.a V??rV FU? Ja?. ??nil ? - a i'r-.m e?t'?l? <la ?... (t ? - - -k ,'-,,. ,j(t .... i ?,--. i? " t- ? T - ..... \... ? ;' ?-? Toti. " ? Hull I a ?la? r? -Ka.?, I..,'-!, . ttat b , , ...... I Pasa Ma si . aafl tax). Xt* Xor?,?sx ??. TRANSFER OF 1,700 TEACHERS HALTE State Board Enjoins Econorr Plan Until Appeals Are Decide {Trota ? Btaff is*f*RBB9aa?sa' ef Isa Irl Albany, March 0. The State Kduc fon Department has issued ;-i ord restraining the Hoard of Education New York City from making a..y the 1.700 transfers of teacher? co templated by action of tho Board a fe xxeek? ago. Three appeals from tl pction of the Board are pending befo the State Department and the injun lion .*r t.i !>. effective until the., a >ct*:.-d. \ - imenl ob one of the uppeal?, thi af Anns elementary toad er, xvr,v- S-ard before llionias K. I niega Deputy stii'.- Commisaloner of I t'on. 'his afternoon. I'nder the ord? of the ? ?_. lloard. kindergartei music, dra?? B?J SI 1 .'her special *eac? ers ?ro temporarily designated t h'ght-r petitions m the elementar | school? and elementary teachers to th high schools Without any it-crease i -alary. The teachers dec?ate that, the tie?, ir, the elementary and lug ichoolfl should he tilled from eligil?! lists of thoM ? and tha* tli . ? ? pro-, ided for Oui i Fliould be paid. T a Ro;,rd of Education sa? it ha? BO to..o to PB] th? r.'i-x.'n ? transfer?? ??? oi. ?he sitaatloi The Hoard's action, it i< estimate?] Charlee Meint?, re. Deputy Corporruioi Counsel, represented the Board o ' Kducation and Thomas O'Brien ap i peared f^r tui teachers. t A committee of the Interboraugh A? sociation of Teacl era. eompoeed o Misa Grara Strachan, M;*- ? olburi an? Miss I.illisn Powers, xxa.? present, to g|.-!n?r with r.i-?nrii Mandela, of the As loelatien of ?Principa - D?rputy Com miss.oner Pinsgan reserved ?. cisi?n. BAKER TAKES OFFICE MID BORDER FLURRY Says He Will Do Whatever the President Bids. F- m I*M Tr.buu? Burtrt. , Washington, March f?. Secretary of War Bauer'? induction Into office to? day xvas celebrated \xhiie the depart? nun?.'' telegraph wire? were hot with news of border troublas. Me spent , mo?t of the ?lay rarab ng goad Irishes from colleagues and po?ing for noxvs paper photographers. ?The thing he did xxan to report to the President. tfter thi i Beci ?tary Elaker want I the Navy D< ; artmi 11 to cull on ?Seere? ?tary Daniels, an old fnend. ?Secretary Daniels led the aaw War Secretary to i the desk antil recently occupied by Sec I retary Garrison and saw him taba ft 1 oath of office. Physically, MrjL? the big awivel rh?J* .. :i* dr. l.arr-.?n did ?B ? rhort and slight ' '? "| am an ?mocent." axa.? his ftm??*. lie atatemenl a? h? ?at d?r>wa ?o,f? the de-k ?ah. :o a month's accumulii?!? ' of xvork axvaited hi* att/m'ion. "1*?,? know anything about tr. ? job. ?JJ means, too, that I have no pr*?jn4?!? und no obsession? shout polie????," "What aie xou going to do?***? ho?a??i a.*ked. -Whatever the President Ullia??.^ jo." eras lbs ssnrwer, * The BOW Secretary's desk tr?, ^ rated with a potted plant ?rom ??? mirer In Oh ? 'The rirr.ii-: who >ent me that," B? Baker ?aid, "know? mj pa.?ai?a ft, flowers i ^^" a grarahessaa sjS my r\? ? MAY CALL MARSHALL TO EXPLAIN LETTEI Committee (an Make Cnnte**-. Ckarge, Capital Says. i ? ?-. Waal " ' ^'maCi? |in of the H -<?e e\?? - 11 X- ' icts Of VsjUaj Sutes At1 ' New Ye-i iry r?,. ? Batial a 'V BBBJJ?J are of ta ttee eay be asfl to ?splain the '? I I hat the . ?1SBBBBBJ Marshall's Impeachment aft?r ta? t?, ? I etsnmt Cm far behii .'. ". it Minji*?, ! opponents or, tl ? committee, it l? aM may nee the letter, ihown to-dsy, ?? hax'o him found in eo tempi arthall a ?jit h? can be ri pr msadsdata? bar of tl ?' !!"-.-? I - ?a*| ' :ied in contempt by - - p,.-?, a the grand ; D Ttct of ** I umbia Either el these ."unea would W I reported to the ExecBtt**e, of ?oar?, ' and the Pr ' -*moT? y*. : Marahall tram stlee. I'nited State- Attorne?- H S-?-?*> " . rai ?H issaed i I yaetaali ': denying alleged testimony, ???d to I-?* ?been given hv M'?? Rae I'an'er jr. ".'** Of tat rntstives oa V.'eda*. rlay. This testlmoay ?*.-.? h..?n raj] ?j have baen, in crtec-, tl tl ?he a i paa ? .ed Immunity If sh? iwore that u, ?i? mistaken when ih? IdentiflediMi ft, <? hoi ne ns Olix. r Oi "wne, thi ar who promised to marry her. ?ltrtui said that the only B?****ement his tit? ever made with Miss Tan-er *m , waiver of ?ii -**> ? ne?sed by her BttOI* I . II .rol ' Spt? | berg, and other*. 16 Days of Restful Cruising Day? o?f aunafv-oe and soft tropic brer/-- froga the scented forests of \oeuj Porto Rico lW.d\ of. Ea? chanlto?*i.t f {err sie the life, t?Se ?*utt4-*ms sitA f-r-reriM-a-ar! I?m..iinga of a civilization tfv&t waa ?aid befas the '?States'* w**-re *?ttiod. PORTO RICO CRUISE, $94.50 ?g Jnclvxlin? AU K?p??nK? ai? aofxarat?! ^nnmm, kanJl fer Ir-tx.' ?am?-.. CU?M, ri^v>-<M?'?'iar'?a-. mi ??*? ?t Tut ?-?a-?-1 a? ??* ho?? OS ?He ttStt r-nw? fc?HI Uta* Y?tk ka ???. amarj Pa?*) I ?-?a. ?jomfcrt? ?MO? a:, of ?Se t Ftiwradret-trr ??.-?;??.? I.a wdhfal rtttt \t pot* ?V ?n-.'t etttp "?>?? ' ?- N?w *1 or?, -nom i ?e, ttv. atorv oi th? e?'h?-i.ei ?or???. ??"? PORTORICOLINE 'IStT D?partm?->nt ?CHICAO ? ?LA TOURAINE tLAFAYETTC . Compon? General? Ti**-ansa.l.y1?Ri POSTAL SERVICE. NEW YORK roa BORDEAUX SAILINGS B*mt SATt HL'AY AT P. a MAR 14 ' tROCHAMBEAU... .APR. I MAR 18 ?--CHICAGO ... APR. 8 MAR. 25 ?ESPAGNE.APR 15 ?BERMIJDA 12 .lai. ?i reori *>k-?' ,"5 Flow ? NATURES FAIRYLAND Round Trip on r?'?rnn?,rr. f?*. an ?I Tp. S. S. "Evangeline" rr-jin I* T. f.te--a"> T--? Itan * **'* S. S. "Bermudian" Msas in? a. i ??? ? laweaf. W. ? 1? I- -a ?' ' * ' est Indies ? ? ? HA.' *P1 . Ou'be?- S B. Ct., I2 Broi?l?a>. fa ' a Son. ? A II. r. -?. I A aVhll '? *" ?i. i; m . .. I| - a ?' .-a a. ?i tann'i T. in i . ? it m FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $3.00 a ?-, |? i? . ?? . :? n f i ?'?"> a?. ',.,'--' i" ? - Net? I ?inilnri (.N??r?l?h) l.ior. Str. I? i - ? -. N ft, Hoaetea .c'. ?*?*'-? ?lav? ?ral**, l:SS P M . Pias io. ft lt.. ft I.. IM St. ? "i I- M \..v Haeea Uae. str I?. Pl#r tl, k. it. BI. tri al lays ** P M. : Hier ?a, ft B, IM BI 1:1 I ?' M 'ir??i?x?i??.r? Line, ?eel lajre ? -?- ? , i r:. ? i "i a. m . r ? - re. ft a \ M ihi ii Hilf *?r. ri i \?r.?> " BOSTON $2.65 PROVIDENCE : S1.60 COLONIAL LINE fMJlfMDK M iri.KODM? SI'??? ITeefe ,]??>?? mi.?i Hundaya ?? i P. M rroni Pier "j. N R fool .v. ?t HoiMton Bt 'PhOB*, : 'pri???{? 0191 ^y?OSTOH*?: Waroratri. K.o?'. l'r*.id.?ca direct II ' ) Ot'TSlDK r-rATEKUO**;? si.ou. I'.til... un I...Im?; .-?iimiiia. A DO ,, ,,, ?.') 1 ? ?? |Ir, a I...? s 1 l -a?oa I. ket ?;ITl.a?. 1, ear aol l I M Swedish American Line In.l.r mtttUtta lliv ?lu? ..r ? ?r Mat S. S. STOCKHOLM, ! ?ru- " ?"?r.. r Ifl S il la-??*? M--.H *?OKk. MXHIII I*. ' ..-? le? *****ANDINAVI.\ l" ?? .?. - ? of ru ? *. ? :- i ? ... i ara - ri inn i W CL. H ??.::>?? ? ?MarilUli \inrrl, in llnr. ? " T RE0*'D" LINE ? ?? ?' ? nuu u Maat . ?Kl, s ?r i f m ..tTO RI' '. ? ' H.?> A" e, ?I\|/I||| ? ? Mar ' M VII V \' ,. ( 4F1A' ?arl Ma? . IHII ?. [ ? : rula a ?> :-"?li??r A..- ? ' ?? ? ' I ? . |?ra BI.1?-f I'M LETT a CO ??? *!?:_? ?i.i UaMt^lU. *: ?Alia . ?' WARD LINE Winter Cruise* T. th? ?Vsaarrkaa Medite .1 vyerat' ?rar ?"-??Ws??*' "*-""? of 10 ?s tt?srja. HAVANA ?tarad point- BH Cuba Excellent golf or the nottd Havana *Country Club cxnaat BpiVnciic*} surf bathing at & MananaoFW \<\r?.e**> fortablc hot?*K NASSAU UttrveVenirnxn?* . A ?awv??-i?ul <-''invlfe"TJ? brf*n?-s arvd baJmv air. TaW* motonng, golf, pon?' rttOtS} Thr fin?-** -rnm?*-nshing ?* thr Atlnntir. r*?r*r~*? em*. Tr**.1*! ?? ma?*mjfaga\ amma ?? I I ? <**? ?""**. X**^?-*a? ?or-?, *?*-4C?aa?ri*?. I0/J?O e~*r^Tm0" BBifea aV ?t.*??-*-?- ?W B?*-*- **"*?" tana, ?ltd ?v????>?lal ? *????*? ^A U??w*-al?oii4??a4a?^eJ^ and ?t4T?t4-*X>Oa-JT aTKftaiiTtn?^--***1* ??r-hV'???" "-**""" K AND CUE """" rswr* ' Ot ?tr? ?j??t ??*.???i m a?i i iEW YORK AND CUBA WAl 11* PerlUt rswre'-n? m CUNARB /..aiiiO.i? ? "' nDi*Y)l EUROPE via L1VERW O.Htm,. Sat.. Mar 25. It M x ... ill? ?. . 1 '! fl M ? . ;?.?.? ?? ? '? I NEW YOU- L0-J??? I'x-.M,.N1X -AT.MAlA.l-.j5tl* ? a.m'.xm \ Turns. Ari tl ?;.:. tl ar II. !*B". HOI Ml Till ?VORI."* '?^*?a-? company s orrici ? ti '? *iT"'" BRAZIL ?"* '.hito BBAiiiiiao. i" !?*??? "' --Jjija HTt\M-llir II? hi l* I" ?J* Oitlriil Aseul? sailI IJ?**\ aeja% U?; muud A W blU?Bib Cu? ??' "?*?,Mr"