Newspaper Page Text
Jack Dillon Thinks That He Might Stake a Claim on the Jaw of Jess Willard Jaek Dillon Gives Bi<? Jess the "Dozen Over" Indiana Wildcat Casts Speculative Eye on the Champ at Pioneer S. ( . Jack Dill? i ? ? th? asoal Willard quai altnoji ma' I '. ITfd one?, and h? m?v l?'? ? Morer. "lie r* ? < r: fi |l for ?a -*,d D ? - he hau aal champion go through hi? d?:.' ioandi *H Iced. i kendii . ? I want to . It il - . cate which ? the thia vi - ? ir.r! Willerd rly in fa? or ?f the ibs1 ? mainl ?? ai it ? I, if the | nad Fwent?. -on?- yean ago Robert ?'aul. one <>1 our valued sales uii-n, left ii? and joined tlie New lork ( itv Fur Department, win? h ?he "-till ?frvr- with a de? tened promotion to a ( aptaincv. We arc forlunatf* in having a ?on of hi** in one of our retail organization?, through whom I aptain Paul kindlv sent us a circular we issued \r. our selling foice April 6th, 11595. Mr reprint tin-* to remind our ?rider friend? that there has been no change in the methods of the house and to emphasize the fat ? that the principles of our busi? ness are like truth, unchangeable. Incidentally, the remark*, re Karding personal efficiency are as pertinent to-day as thev were a' ceneration ago. New York. April (?. 1*995. To ?Oui Sri i ixo FoRi i . ? ? ??ar* r>?*?; r,z apon i ??? and abjolu'e btvnest** a? ta) ? how ? - ? There eafl * n< mpre* r " I :? ? d?.r ?nti e of honest* ? i act si rg th it ia ap ? ? . .- - Vnd when a gats through lr?? ag ? ' , bina loag to gel ? my '?;. - - . irr'? of haasaji eharaetei ? i.o 1?. n.|-tr?t -our W01*dl SI ? on? to ? he a a- 4 sra, > of o-hrr . n??, - a'?,?? >.? ? . 4?niors c- ? ;ear? or experi? ence. Aho\e all, ?tudy yourself. A W of vour modo n' har.d'nnj? esrh rustorrer ?a II hr ? jr p**ar"t "rom both ?icce-s?? and failures. f?Ti?cia!!y if one ha.? h . ? ?Ugh to admit to Biiasaelf his own * Your m?ritai criticisms might take ?onn? ? ' ? v ' .- IBB! "I -?a? too fatni ;a? ?rita 'ha1 man" or "*'d bettei ? ?? talked so mu.-h ?hst time." "How foolish of me ?o boni an Bl - mportant matter." "1 mi|*ht have been mora cherrf',1 tftat I ' Yte ' red." "I lost that sal? by not know "g Ute ?'??'? tho**ooghlj have done he'ter far that one if I'd '??ken more tlBM I BSt what he needed." The?* hiata nig plied "ely, but the po I I ? sin ? with your ? ? -e.' trust be the nil lag* -r ??? ' If I would ? - Trade ?'?'ementa are noto? ? ertala. k? careful 11 ' "-?'ii' the "aaaagasaaal l*i*eely ami ..-ep your elaleaiente ?afeiv sritl ? ?.n A, ?ermirif-ly IBBpreaahl? 'ruth had laid people a?e | sa? l.ver\tliirig men And boyi v\rar in the .Spnngtim** Ready now. Rogi i' Per. ( ompan. '???'?v BtaMdaray t . ,, . ? mtot?ert ? men Fifth Av? ?'Warren ?4 ' ? (liare ? To-di ' ' fht \"i mea art i g undei . m Of course Mi * mill Mr. Willard i were ? te. Albert ' the padded ? '? lit' will \ ? ? ? ... ? ? ' Mora .. . . 't tall er n? ? ? .' ? tha I m ?.. l..- put' ?t'.t- added ipeed every day. tl o', the cou of Trainer Alor.ahan t?? rr-ar i,'?? rr oon. Willard s??omed ling to take more punt ? he (-five And ht- ?miied m? the apan .? . era landed. \ eml mai Mart? Me? lie, ? I rr;il ? ?. Il ' i" r' ? ? .I r^k" a peek at th.- ch? t r i mor oves ?.? ? , | . ? i ? ; ? Ihe rinj .... .. ? ? terfei the arrang? ? as brou . el . the promoti \? ho ? 'o be the m ! from ' ."?? l'Ut a |l tie," he ai me n whole lot ir,. of Willar ; skill, but it look? all rif, \ ',?!?-,??.. do to tr?. o." ?. that i? all the.? Y rn W1LL0UGHBYWIN TITLE ON LINK Defeats E. H. Bankard, Ji in Finals for Florida ( hampionship. I ?larch ? Bui ' ? ? r" 'o .?. ; ? ? ;. -1 V ? h o ough Banks I game, V ? ? i| . .brilliancy. Bit r ?rniiikali Hi.'l !.. : he mon kard * ???i to 'he fore ? : pod rr.any i OCCI exceptionally err.' the greet < fore I ' sd pro* e_ twenl IT t . r ?' ?. Bi -j il . ? . ' V ? " n 1 y The Midlothian pli noir ;n the hf'' I ? ghl 1?H.I Thf mutch wa the tl tecnth PENNSY WRESTLERS DEFEAT COLUMBIA -? lost ' ? - r. 11 it thi ? : ' I m siioare oi .? ?? . .... a a ? P? ? . . .? - .... WORLDS CHAMPIONS START FOR SOUTH I;..??'?? . '?la??-'' 10, ' I ? ' ? I p. Art ' ' ? ? at r. o-,.. : ? I ? ? Somebody Is Always Taking the Joy (Jut of Life . by rrigcs BENNY KA?FF ON WAY TO MARLIN Takes Three Trunks, I ive Canes, Two Hal Boxes and His Trusty Glove. Probably SCea Tort to you th ? It is I . . Limited at ! ;. ?' an I nay :;" I hi IT tl u y, i, ington r.'..: the ! [ h.' i. net bare ? fear a* to Benny'" condition, H?? leemed I excellent If on?' mBst carp, it nuch' I.?? aid ? Be] Tion.l . ?a th quite the I ilance. 11? r, a a t rick now of | ? still there, and Kauf! Of " r;,r,Ui; itp I'M * ? . rk. The ...? - 1 oui ? ' o h e n. ?ir I Kauft ..'. ould be 11? ? d for- the Ail I.ut on.' car will bi acht will bi ? pan ted Ihe natui with the Sew Vori -ood authorit ????rn and ; ? ata ted that Kau! . ?j. ii?? i ? . obb ? ? ? .wing contempt for Ih* liter ? ave mrt.1?? l.'.rr. ... "The A I ; ' ? . ; .??"..? . i ? meraoii ? . tub whieh | ; COLUMBIA WINS FINAL IN TANK Blue and White Swimmers Arc Victors Against C. C. N. Y. Rivals. a? imming meet e mee! ? . ? ? l'olu id next we? n mpi. Chai ? the timsh in the ... *. t .- ?. ? ? ? < a | , , I' | ? ... \ v I 1 . I 1,111 . . I I .'.?._ "a ? I.? Janowski find J.ifTe Draw i. Jai . ? iki. of Pa of tl ' met ii s eight a of th? " ? ? . I ?.ne ha'f i ?. agre? 'ii .-a ?? Heard at the Sign Of the Cauliflower ?_By W. O. M'GEEHAN ? i iMMii ron? ro.v, th? - - ? prt I ?? ? ? raen, ? i ' ' iftei \ par! . of . ? Hey, I ,-;ie?. . oi and e? ?I?*s* ? il lard tra in.' I? . . ,. . II? ? r I | ? -a> d ;..-<?? |h. ? ? James J ; ? ' ?' ?? '? ard rind i mi ? He came r | and .?? ting do? non ? ? ? kins II I am nlorif and lielplt ipaciou *i m h. \\. ?,?>-? ?-? inder ? ?? ** I e I had Bo . mc ? ' t looked IX full; and i aid 'So, ? ' ? ? ? .. | gotee r., -. '<-d. I ha? I to of my energit to a real just a hum g par! ? d I . ? lortunity km ? nstaii ? 11 tut? ', i rk, pulled inch '. I? now ha v Anderson. 'I here ?. || ??o. H || why watehinc I a ii hira orroo to lai I tt i .. ' r! |4 tO0\ .... ., . D\ . M l.'.riM K ? ible ii'i"?? Danmack, V \. < is another fun Ii' proprietor of V rar. the ard S ord . u'-.i : . .. P -nn. bject of M ? id tunes of . ? , ?ri? n' 'oned gure. the .and. 35 . come to me," i- he lap???.i and dignified ? ?? poi cen? if ? .. Di i notion ?' **! ? I ft? i ? I'M! I appoint thi tsk? Willard-Moi esi tha Bo ? omn lid decid? I ??: I. ? til ( .' ? ? R rkard mildl) treated ? ?.. anb? tatt officials '.. pi Meed alonf nei ' taep ng * fe r ame of holder secret a ould Im to ? ? ? ? ?? a?-ama' due the tighten "Of . "Bul roa . .).. in t ha a" ' I ? ? .. but il . be ? ii nahen r? si en now i gag laop I hougl A? t?i th? powei of the ?Basing ? ommiaaion to withhold money from ? n there ii alao some question. ? ? formai i ommission .!? ? ' ? ' ? sad ? la hi?-, had t th? ? . -i"-: d? 'I the "or 1 '.a ? but .!"? I? i ' ? ' thheld *he monej ... . ? ?. ? ? sbl fot their pa l h ? i g exhib? ? hip and ' UM>> ? .mid ha'. ? ?ii tha? ?hes ga ?? an exhibition .'.; '??i ? ? ,c cided for them. Hat I r??ft]nd?* I in '4 com >? d ?m? ? of the Bot f < ,.- t,. r,, ? n.cndahio. bul for 'he rortin; look too far into their stai s moi ? ' .it the ' ng ? .? . ? would - ' more p.;,, ? at 1 ! ? . .<*rr?> chain | I ? -., Moran "I do no? think ? ' ? ? , ? or give "I ? 1. doing , when I .p in V? r itch? iter. 1 and I ? ? I pulled them e -nin? 'What will youi iy. I asked. ? 'We don'l 'Tha''< the ere ? H? ?ubI rol ???- now, ami he dun? i'.iie for 1 V? .? v .1 ? -e I ranI? '? ran.' "So I I '-.-'?..? two tykes on m> km t and tell Frank Moran, and .. . ? ? ? 1 .-? said sg to ? > ads bet a ... -?-v,p |.? ?.? ?? ?rr ? ehsmpioi "' "' ' 1 pon -o i- V. illard i? gatl ?ng tamer. II ?-? .1 ? .>'.', ' r il ??. 1:0 all ? ?? - from hotel ??? th? ' ? srter? iceompsni? inager yeatei mi?. I". Jones ? .-?-.,,-? : ? .? pro? sdvsncement continue? J? PRESIDENT WILSON TO ACT AS PIN BOY By 1 .- elaxctrie bu1 '.'? - t? Hou??? or. M;i' , ' ? Pn u ; on ?rill -??' the pin 1 01 1 t the Gra Pajac? ? . . m ? . ? 1 ?i 11 ? ? eon re, and the PrS I Will .m m moti > up the pins for the tournament opcruri?,. I ? id eal ion? nou point te the ? . tournamenl ever ia?;rd in the La?t, ami with the exteneion ef the entriea to h many of the out-of town star: ers a iv? rtlu in. There ? . be .? me? of th<? tour- imenl mmitti gO< I 0l ? ii"'.-l sften 001 ? Colmate Five a Winne: 1 r.i-,. \\ V., March 10 . - defeated Rei Polyl? titul ? ;ht by a ?i ore at Cobb Will Not Shine So Much I iaeiaaati, March 10 ? |? 1 tek ?time*, on a di.ntionil. and ? diamontl use?! la shine on Tj. Hut it 1? eonr. Some piare he?, ?cen her,- and lite ??oiithern ramp T? lost ? big ring In the train. He ?ame b?' k here to da? in an effmt I? tind the ?lone, bul ?ithnni ?tail. II 1? exlimaleil ihsl I? ?ill have to pi?? m .. -. ,-ni mi anil one half Bnnir? hrfore he ran estn rnoiifl m.iiie? |<i repl?i e lite Btiseiag ilia mond GEN. WINGATE IS AGAIN HONORED Unanimously Chosen Pres? ident of Public Schools Athletic League. (ieneral i.r.irj:? "*' U'inca'c ?'?? re pre dent of 'he Public Schools ' .- I eSgUC at the annual r.ier'ir,^ eaterda] afternoon. II" aras unan ? ir the place by 'he i sw board rectors as ? tribute to h?s rth of the or ? ' IJustavui l. Kirby, Dr. John H. Fin? gerton 1. \\ inthrop, jr.. and Mot 1 rhael ?' Larelle were >'ho-en presid. S. K. ?iuirjrenhi?im and Dr. C Ward Crampton wen nira. n appointed to act a tr?>a<.-.;r?>r and HOC retar). respect ively. ?\?-<-'>r? 1 ng to tho rrpnr? of '" ? ??rue enjoyed a prosper 'H-oi!. In ever? h''an?-h of "-port which comes under the jurisdiction of ? ,,.. there was a noti. ? toi of compel ! her- IS in the leag'.ie . N 0.1 < i? nei.?' Vi i r?fate mail army. rhe ? itudent of the elemoi and h:j-h school! hit takm; to ath? ?' ? - srge number?. Th? I u'a-n wa ieen in in the rlas? compel -- hadi-fa \\ .?'king, as a rerrea t ion. ? trong hold on the | ?'udent?. It ua?i pointed out that snd \fi00 girli took part 'n T Weslcyan Swimmers Win. Midd >?????? ??. i oi n . March 10, The i ? . ? ? iw mming ??am defeated Springfield ? .'lie?e to-night by - ? ? 22. Amateur Billiard Tourney Standing Carca?' ? B?0?n ? ? t ? ???!??> ' ? N Maxfiiar ? i ?' Pt>?l?ntfur? I a ? T *?ol?b, I Kllnicr I ? I ?A.?ra|?l ar? fiaan I? '?u??! nunMr?. GARDNER WINS BILLIARD TITLE FOR THIRD TIME Defeats Brown Aller Long Battle E. T. Appleby Conquers Poggenburg. H? PIED H \\\ IHOKM. rard "" Gardn? r, the Sen ?' ? . . ? ?. de* si ? g und v half houi ? ? ihe room i of th? Irioi - ih? i-nr- ?? .-. - '..0 361 ir..,| his USUS ?''"? ..,.,) rauch time befon g his eue to the ball, i.ardnor weal into i? tho ?tart ami IUCe?Mded ?B holding ?h'* ad vantage until the end. BroWB msde B plucky bal vain tjrht to ovortaki- hi ?o'eran t ? Gardnei completed the match ? ?\erage ?-if ; .".d 52, while hit hig were 4'.?. 1!? and SO, Bl "" I Ml S 46-61. and his best Bra? B 66, along With run- of M SI The vietorj gave Gardner hie Ural leg en the new trophy, which is no?? ii. r,.r compel?1 i? Th? a? er? bj i nnings roll? r \\ 1.4 ? : ? ? I, i ? . ; ? . i . ? ,. ? ?. i- i ? rhltet 4. ? < ).l 4 tl l .1 I : Poggenburg, of the I.iederkrai . ? ? . by .i - coi e the afternoon f-aino. His I 71-57. and I and 32. Poggenburg ployed "? inn n\?~. tot an i i gh .?'..?.!? aere 12, 35 ai I Bj hie ? ietoi v E*dgui Ipplel lelf into a tr I place h ? brother I rai Iferltlon. The la"?"- returned t? Michigan Ironie ?.t, Tl- rsda .,. . f rq,. ,jfj uriii have to difference? with the on? at date. The came ?? ? . de? sid of fe? ind ?ppar? ntly th? ed ?va? : g | -.- ? throi . ? ? ,. ?- V player at less! gSB ,'-?' ..-., it Jbi Kling? ??horn lie i ? tied foi last plac? Appleby played brll . lecond leered in* high run ? ... . . he nursed the ? out af ball ('"?'iron burg -.?-.. ;? ? -? i-i...? - most of I and could not I '?-'? . : ? him. In ?coring hi? high run. ho? 'he %?.r^r^ played a eli jra""*. but i? gr?ai e?. seemed to b? fl mak ng ran hot*. The lummary ef the sften y r a- . ? - : ? I a , ? . , ' ?<--.?. I ? a ?:-?? -. Leonard He? New York Boy Will Lead. ?'amhrid?*e. Ma*-. March 10 ' i' Morgan, '1 ?. "f !*?"?**? \ arli ? reflected ipts ' hockey 'earn at a meeting ef the -?r players 'oda-.. L'i Morgan'? leadership Harvard wob the intercollegiate championeh p *'r ?\?tho.- ' tra-'i?' and ? loss of onlv t-* o | Dillon Outpoints Flynn In a Sham Ring Battle Jack Could Have Knocked Out Pueblo Fireman, but Stayed His Hand. Uj M . O. M.t.KI H AN .' or. wai ?Mntl to Old lira enerablc I'ol., thi ppodromed fight ?? M inhal rting Club last ri'.phr. . . , ?eked out. Flj i ? round, bu? h. .er I im -.fay the limit. The reason, of course. . = thai ? ? fireman i? billed r.>r a i ro? .. . ? the Wi ianl Moran tichr. !? .. wanted to let the older ma? ? . ;. But if that the pair put ui? .. ipectaculai -la .1 battle, in the ? .'; : I lynn, a 1. faca \?n? oni imeai -I charged ' ki a wounde ? and the crowd enl .'i ? ?th ?I?'. , ?.?.. ? ,, nid. Y i?, -i ? ushed. and h<- .i".t Dl and ? from ..????r.'i; face dripped on Dtl . .? a ?a ?? ?.' C .led tou.'h But it UBI impossible to at ' ?? man ?ho floored Tom ? owler in one hard punch could no* ? put a ? h ? ? ? aid and eorpul? tit '. 1 "inar S'ot thai ?.\e ?vere anxious te sos I The crowd -?a? rnerrifu1. too. ami ?? i 'he battered old I olorsdo boj 1 . ' .?? eour.f the fight I n at bio? known to the Queeneberr) ait. bul be grinned almost amiably || ? .. lalkS that ? ? ? I I i Neison. he came back r. r moi a, In the tenth l?llon CSUghl I'lynn a right croas and ha?t 'he old mat. reelinp. Hut .he Indiana boy drew ??ni ea?ed 'ip I? was a de'.ib erafe "pull," hut IKlo- ?l??erves ?redit ?' 1 ? ??? knocking out the old 'ir??m?n rtainlj it Will he their Ina! I?,,' I . It would not h.?ve bl .! t memorj for Prllon tS have .. plctui? of old Jim I ;? nn counted out h? 1 ?m \\ a at h.'in thinking of Ring 1 ird hit' itorjf of the foungatoi who I apoiled sn old pitcher's chanco to pitch I I a no hit _aine llillon would have bees evori a ?hade meaner f re ha.: r It Fl>nn out. There :? no dou'n* I remai ?I an old ?" ' ' -' ';?' ' ' ' Bui ' gar da\s he fought them all, ion. Langt d the r? it rhe crowd seemed to rememb.'i that and wer? pleased .? hen it endl head bloody, bat unboarod i ran* one point of rio** I ? Fli nn'i earneatnei i mi Dill? I the ri ng ? lie venerable fireman wai wheeled up the aisls Flyni . IM pounds ar.d the M .-?a'? St 171. In tiie opener "?I ke > ar'fr to sleep in the i o may Glj nn end Vouni boxed a live!? dra \ ? ? ? being .1 ? ??? It by ( i II .? .... ? ? back s< ten : ? Frank L ppe si d Bill? M ? '.k'.il?e.l Irtrlom ii ju-tl?. .- ? ' A ? too weary 1 rid m in isterod th? reatei men? and ? srned l he drei - ion \ !.. p'u Badow, ?>f Switzerland, was du? ?d, not si i sample of the rheeae f tha? c.n'ntr?.. but a? I knockout king. ' . to h barrad, but the ?a? warm I ? relee id a Zulu Kid and McCoy Box Ten Round Draw TfOBBg /.ul'i Kid and Bern. .? \|.-i , . boxed ton rounds to a fa?t draw at the Vaaderbill Athletic Club, Bra? last rii-?hl. Showing little reaped foi clevernea?. the boxera wen1 ,, myigr on mans occasions during ?he bout I he Zulu sttempted '?" ga honor? l.\ ruahiag hi? rival in the laat round, but If? ? o? sas si capab'e ..f I? n ii ?ii UK out hard blots In .? ism! ' sal boat si tot roa Hopp) Mahone) suc?.led n outpo i m* the aggreaaire Vouag Hawai ? ten Heel) round?. iri?SS BJURSTED? rows NO SUCH WORD AS DEFEAi Continues Her Triumph*' March in Tourney at Heights Casino n? i IMI ? - ?i \f \i (,: : ''?"'o-?..' ?**? aver il ? .'* -' itS? . .. [ .' ? . ' * BBJ ? i *** ? ? fj. ? lassa ? .?ment, ?V .?il i.-. ? - . .? -. - , 4Z I .r'hfrraJ? '??-. ' ' a , ??g Il p.,. ? - P?r-*. B| l ?'?la* ' ard >h? ?nil ' ? jackrst. hit. wil a I Ebb ?aal. Tl i . ? it tl? fsllj ii ?a ? 'hialta la! ?-" ii "ni'' M ?? Pitan Ratlin y ?#?.,. ? ? .-, ? ,-, Mi?? R," , her r.?"it i 'aught?. lasas? ? '?? ?i ? i 'bin nt tner asga] ? ?ir ?> I f'.er ?I, - ' ?.???art te am la - g ? 1 ? r r"?d: H<% Mis? : ' ITR' ?>. Bi ? ' ? I ? ' .- 4 '?? ?-. I .. ... ? . . - ' ram? ? ? ? . dt wa led? ? .?. . leass ? .. -. i -... get? in th? ? ' ' up, ?SI* ? At tim? pert " ? ? esta ' . _? .. ? .- i -?' :." bet y, id foj" ? i " ?Vrtbiii,- , . ? accour th? ? * ? ikes t the gam? Me fasJl i ' ? or ? ?. .rr '? ? ' t*m M ".'?' ? ? te tl* ?? fi te m OB all o? er ? ?MBit, ?** ? ? tu ta?i ???.?t shea ?he -ai 1 he point acere * n ? a ? i r did i? M ?**? ??;| *4 '? ?.?at th? IrS 1 ? ? i ? IM ?lin i i I H ? I M Miss Bl gsv? r?re-Jt ? their a? . nf i -i lis? IM ?ridf** sad ?sai red a i*** .. :o?k u* next two gam? '-. . v-"*"*'*?"?, ? '? '" n'*' " bbb? -? ? . B? ' ?-S l .'4 RELAY PACE WINS , MEET FOR TIGEI5 """?" ? ,1 ?-* :., l! '*'! ?1? ' H it?'?' ? ? ' {? ".,, ?4 . j?. , - 'i 9 I rttf ' * ??Im. , ., easare '," *etf. '. tl -**?? ? ...... ? ' , 5 ? i Son ? *?" ''.'.i? "'* r',? i , . v\ . * '?rr ?T* i ?> . ?. i i - ? 5* if """? i 4- ?" ? ?, I ?. . ??a ??. II ?**???