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' ?al Kunr-ton that no detailed infc ? lea be pub' abed G?n?ral Maintained strict ?ecr?cy conce' iiit.po*:t!on or forces. former S?cr?tai of War dur I at the War l?epartrrent ? ? ? ... accordance with an offer ..mde wh? i?*?-gned to assist hi? successor n eaatntltvg bims? the dull? the office. Carranra's Oppi>sitlon Feared While th? ? ? ?.rtmer.t an? White Bo IS? t that thi I'aaon to ?XJM ?Is in touch with the ? will r? ' ?(?iido, Ambaaaad r I)< igi a'" of ?..ry ? ,.t to t1.?. attituds his ? ?J e e Admini?tra*'on I? not askln expecting i from the I nail il ' cTpc-rii ?ill be undei . nn??nt of ?rt-'rfi .1. ar d movem raei .ri troop? xm?i lu- t :..-? -1 ?*? v. nee to Carrai ? pt that the lattei ? a probebl? aaree of danger. Army offifr? farni?sr 1 tiens In M nsa wanli \ ilia at a time I ran, thry *ax. x?.i!l proclaim Vil! 'io ?nil Will ir>in ?x-ith him in war ?he "Orlngoes." Should a ?'arm ? rarded II i .1 rlcter Villa. In Tarrariza circle? here Villa'? On thi In ?ri'a'i csr'ip a' ? 'ell i .1 pol 11 ' ? i of ? i rra' . 'I tiink I BTraass Itrgime Doomed. What? government \ ? ? ,. a ; lui . ? Mexican popul .- xxould de - i ? rthroB ? ? i'Ii an orgai ted si '"I II ffXV ?l . . War r ? . ..i-- ? surpi itcil ' Villa troop?, xx ho ac ' known 1 < olumhn? rd< i \ "e m the ik'h BUl ? not mil-. >. trol i en mom? hey i i lary. ? i rhen i minent, a i has been t S an 1 border for - and night, para?t? ling tl ? mo? tiei ti lean force:- with equ (any ? I cei m for h - ..-'?4li prai*ii lera and invs ' t of th? Villisti 1 "iin*-t?rni 1 rges Drastic Action. \ ?Ha to 1 ave shoot 3,?fJN ?en, according to a dispatch from lie' . i .?I Pun ?ton re the I rdei a--..n of Mr argument? : ening. He throv r, on the a. Can BBSS autlioritie "Il - I Dori anil wl Ich I concur. Thi j ii 1 o-- s. Villa ' relentleaslj pursued ?n aie fore? .'.?-?-i. o h? ? the Mexica tovemm.nt an lung aothini ? . ? ? quently a ? ? trstion? will he ran .strike i< . ;. i i ill-r, x? ? bring ui ?hi?? t<? obtain ' 'ormation a to bis whereaboote, "II na fi :'-' away the ?thole com i >? .1 guarding towns, ran tl i i und rail load*, it will accomplish nothing if I /ar. the line af ter aver) raid Although probably no ?mere than 1 ono took piit ?ami ? . I.r.'i-vfil to hav ? 10. Ex en if he e? lina? ? ? ? ? polir f' raerd - Imei I co. "To *l rm th? apathy ar.d gro?s in efficiency of th? Mexican gevernmer ?roops, an American woasaa, held pri oner by Villa foi : ne days, who es rap?ad ii ? ? -, tha ? tune ha was ar ? - ? ai .-an. a troop tact with hin and not even informing us as to h il whereabouts. "If de.*.re.l, T shall personall?1 .om mand. It weald I.e de?.trable to N place as soon u. possible from ara;' able cavalry In tha I'nited States th? cavalry taken from the border." Raker l-sues Statement. The Secretar] of War to-night 1* aoed the follo??1i.K statement] "There 1? no inten?ii-'?i of entering Mexico In fore A sufficient body oi mobile troop? will be sent in to locate and disperse or Captare the band or bands tViHt at'nckid ?'okimbus. Se soon as the forcr? of 11 e de faete get ernmer.t can take control of the situa Tlon, any ferees of th? I'nited State? then remaining in .Mexico will of courte he withdrawn. T! ? forces ???' the United State? no??/ en tbi border will be im? mediately recru ted, but only for the. purpose of safegraarrlinf the territory ?>f the I'nited States fiom further raids." Sl?icom Report? on Porsnit. A detailed report of the Columbus raid received to-day from ?Colonel Slocum fo'.lowsi "When \ ilia troons fell hack |ae1 before daylight, wo followed th? a dismounted line. At the san? I sent Major Tompin* with thr?e THE STORE FOR ?MEN Men's Soft Hats A new .shipment has just arrived from Paris, from the works where the making of men's hats has eontinueil for 75 years. HAND-WORKKD. $5 ?Soft felt; liglit velp-li? : fnur at vie?; bliifk, pearl, -fray -rrrcn, ?lark **r?,n, ?lark brown, iriti-rnrtal -?ray; all lined wKh a lij-lit white satin. Thi Hatte lie Hurlm-fton Arcade ?Soar. Sen Bllildiatf. John Wanamaker Broadway at \irith Street, New York Carranzas Rule Doomed, Best Mexicans Believe American** in Mexico City Also Declare hirst Chief 1 Power Is Crumbling and No Man Appears Strong Enough to Restore Peace. I -. TV - - ? p ?. Washington, March i*1 His leade ne longer a? krowlod-'ed by go? ernori of many of tral ?<?>??' tes of Mexico, who HOW r0C0| nice I ai tro, the Const allai "re* Tv. a, ??..tiv-?" in Mexico City,as thi Pie Carransa li doomed, seeordin to reliable adrices reaching s prom ? ? official here fron *i?\i.'0 American?, ???id othe' Intel! k'r' I a, a? well ai the upper elai Mexicana, the-.? adrices de.lare, re alizo that < ? ed the erei ? me ago and ha e been ?growing rapidly *? i i ? * Nor ?io they ?..ok with much hope o? tl p i ol Fel is Diaz. 1' ar. strone man i ir. Mexie* I e K??? not yet go* his h?*.' nho?-f ? i ei*owd, arrordint* to these edvlcee, ma the coi ditlon ?* oi ?? of hope . ? . ? While his power ir. the central and south' . Villa b'irii?. ?ar.d loots Bl will In the north, i ami ' ng. He has i ,ot yet da red, I he ad? ce poii t out, to i-o to Mexieo ? I ppoaed cap itulof the co'.nriy of wl ?ch h? : Pres? ident. He tran?terre.i the capital to Q'i'TCtHro, but do? - not .'?Hie cu ? ?The Firat ? hief ia quietly taking H .acatioii ??" I iks I DI ?a. - ? St? ? Irnpre?sed with < arran7f.'= ah impotence, many of the governors of states in thi.then eenl -.?' I,h e openl] recognised an their Fir'* ('nief Casti repreeei tet re of Cs F irther south I ? ? ? I ir? - these reu i on his pews . state ai turbulent h? Me ? - i ten for mai ?o revolt Carrai nger. H time. If he n?.. any control, even in tin i or'h. r ? pvidencei of il ; avepei 'i, Mi-'X ?CO ? .'tv. ? h? : ?- ? ? \ ? rom thi old Fli ? ? ' ?? ( tin: lait vest .? auth. r no! quid . the woi l from Slei co Cil gtrong en? t of presi tions. At th? th" Si ent th? ? ? ' by Villa on Colum M. M., had 'iot occui ? the inti ? . for a reo I ?? : . . ? ?? . . de i ire I ? g from the raid on i t rigid . - pei prinl raid a . . . ?i ?. troop? mounted, to attack. Tomp followed them for about Ave mi l?xico, having three runr. with them, and : nail** mak 1 ?: ?ii ei tire force, tl and lie '.ierf. li;nl 01 I . 't.oral Id! ' can? dropped considerable r terial and loot, ? thej had g to?vn. Am r???ably inl tvaa \ ilia that made the atl l.."ii?0 men. leaving ?boot 1,000 nver e.-st of Hoca Grand? From n Columbus, h? was that theie were but ''our troops h? with three machine gOfl troop , ? i capturing tosrn, looting bai .- nil Americans. a- laltif . five wounded, s?*v killed. Lieutenant Benson shot mar i aptain Williams, adjutant, ?lighl wounded in hand. Eight elvlllani kill m town, including one x.oman. Many Me.ican Dead on Field. "We have slresdj burned t ?, most them killed in camp, some near t bank, ?ind tht i? are mai r,s on Villa's lino of reten lain ,:t une mile west, not yet collect? "Mexican troops, under Villa's pe Ommand and by his orders, ma. the charge through the camp. ? >? troops turned out c|iiicklv. drove Mex cans out, killing seventeen in or abo' the camp and about ten or twelve town. "While our people a' ?hat time i the morning were ?urnriscd they d the r work well. Villa's attempt ' capture camp and town xvas a complet "Recommend one battalion Infantr one squadron of 'he Bth Cavalry, 1 sent here, then take mounted trooj to folloxv up Villa, leaving infantry t protect toxxn. "Do not believe Villa will make ar other attempt here "*-everaI of our families living i town had narrow cacases, .-s 'iie sttac was fierce. All peaceful as summe morning at this writing." Message? Appro? e Net ion. President Wilson x?a* enthnslastice ly applauded late to das ?Then he en tered a theatre to at'e-,d a concert. 1 wa- the l.rst time the Pn id? I I I left his study for more than a f? Utes at a tune daring the da;.. With.n an hour after the word tha troop? 1-.fa?! been ordered to Mexico ha hen given "Ut. massages coi gratulat Ing ?he President en hie aetion begat arriving Bl the White House l?r;e "i ganization In New Orleans offered lam for concentration camp*. Wilson Has Precedents for Crossing Bordei \"A?hington, March 19. Tn orderinc I'nited States troops mto Mexico U hunt down Villa's han.itt arniV Prssi d"nt Wilson acted on the principle o? ! International law sanctioning pnnitiv? expedition? ?gainst factions in a for eign Mate which cannot be or are no' prevented by the constituted author ities of that state from attacking it? neighbor?. Authorities on international laxv ar.' practice pointed to-day to many piece d?-tits witnessing the gen? anee of tht? principle, it was ?ri tt? ? i? treaty of II ? ?! ttr 1 nited State- and II? -, eO, has lapsed, in the form of u pro?. nadar wl of either country could pursue marau? ders iicro?-, th? international lii ? where "a hot trail" existed. "Erren be fore this tnaty wa? BOgotiated ? I.n-vton Bunued a band of I Apache* in'o M?tico, and all Mexican government preteated it r?-. ogntsed the principle on which Lawton acted in acceptance of lb? treat' ? Daaiel Webster, a? Searotary of State, accepted the "hol I pit in negi ni dur b ? ne F? n ?an t roublei ( snada. I thi I ' ' ai i to i edit .... : to Canad I ? || rotary w ebetei nol ?a that t? eomplaii if . a?ada i.ti.i raed il equenl . r the danrrer : o < ..r?:i.l?an te ritory waa 01 sucli imminence tl , . wa conoid? "??! p? rative. In t its ? fis ers ' Jackson headed punitii ? i into 1 loi ds ,. Spai ' again ...n Lu -rd ? I land .y- -I ? the Ui ad State destruction of the town ?>f Indian expedition e Unit* and ?nvolv? I nited State troop i of a Br I jeet, ? ". li , by the ' r?-"-?.- i 'Die British governmei dent, but novor pro! Officials to-day i ? ? . here 1 o1 trail" . .[We had be? l.y this and other governments . larad I ? be no doubl of it bility in the eaec of Villa. GENERAL FUNSTON GETS FREE HANI ? ..iillniiril from Pate I. i g his way to see heiter il th.? hill?. \h' ia ktiouii t pre? ticall] ? re and in tl .? fiuerrero, are the peopl . Ammunition Ma) Determine Issue. I toce !.??? - friended by tht ta those who idolize 1 the ban dit's es : timer -c-.n In ponuity. 1" biding and dodging frei ??nized as a a as n popu II i Robrlqut I applied to h m 1 i men th I n .- a ould he ticipal he i l in? mosl promiaii . the Amei swpoint, i - ,-? ' ? i knowi that A men have been eonsen h i theii lock of carl ridges ami have no source from whicl .ire. Their gui ? arr I condition, bti?I man> weeks apo thi lost practically all their artillery an machine kU1'"- It ' doubted her,' i 1 Villa ha? uny eanm ? ? I more thai two or thr??e pur?., with little ammui i tion for then?. The killing at ? olum , baa, of Pablo Lopcr deprived hini u 1 h most efficient alas -, through which Villa wi! he toned to trght or flee has be ? harri? .1 i . the last few year?, of civ: i ; . for forag ? ? . ? ? y reduced. H ? i ?-ellintr herds . rthei reduced ais rn> Mr ?. ' I fight, I arran/a Well \rmed. ?out of I huahua, arro. sand ? ' stretches . there operating i.n an ? ;. number of Villa's men, aloLi Torre?n al In the State "r ?Dura . :ted darini kid to )?(- in better ?hapi bim. < arranaa's army ht tht present li " ' ..Mil Ulli li ? is approximately 2<M ? ? ? n . ? millimetre gum of ?i French make. II. store of am I munition for the>-e is r.o?. K*rf..'. hem ever, and the ?run- have seen liare ? .. years The de facto government force?, ?re rlniost, evenly divided in the north ai . M'U'h. (icneral Obrej-uri has in So? nora, hi? owri ??tiitf. mata than I ii.:" the beet men, and an eciukl numbei ? operating against rebeli In the fiA**n of Moreloe, <>ax&ca and Puebla. ?Mata of M?-- . ? ? h the rej ere Villa ia now . . ? ? toa.-.-? aloi ,; i!ie ra : It ad : ron. Juarez to Chihual u ??nd on the Northwestern Railroad that rep westward from Juares to I i. This iistrict melud-'i < asa? Grandee, where there is a Mormon eolony, Madera, when '.??>? si and Ianadiaas am : by a lamber cancera, an.l Pear ?on, where foreign Interests ah<> hm located. The (?MM troops Casran .. ? j?.in in the : ..??,'. . v ill b. t .? ??.ose pan t N<? Krouot Made for Invasion. U ?as ! raraed te s cl t that the D partaient did not ask Amba f'.or An 'Monde to request parmi M ?f bil icovcrnment for American : ko enter Mexico or for the cooperation of the .1" '.?.-t . ?.r ; .. boeaaaa il ?' ? I ti, ?void placing Carranza in an > Mh..rra<?in?- position. Th?- depart I sod that he ? ere fore? .i ..... rxpediti n ...... I ? ., ? ,.? ??hil<- accede i ? si elemeat, alw?T? ?!!><?..? to t? I - IB ?r.'.?.-rieren ce regsrd.t . e ? - ".?redondo merely ?.. islag of th? . : : a? Pr? ittient, and to-i tl - i'.furmation to Carr ? - - !. ? M t roop ; r ? ? a band - ? ?The g?"lera .-. i lafantr I ? while . be released f? ? 4.4-.,) ?agebrush t te weaken the de! ' ? ? r ay b- r.ece? ?roo; s from U ; ? ic ved to-day 1 ., .m or one ?hattl inadrofl of - \ mer si ed at Colamhus, N. M. \ ? . . . said, go after J im," refer to Vili? and his bai ; No prr.'pfct of using ths natii ?r.-ir-t ' .-t. ,r tr.e Mtuation to-ni .. ? a ,-.-? e of ope rat ? c ?t. rt ?. been to r fleet, wll.. more than 10 and marine?, available on the arinter c Guantaaame, erltbln e . t Mei leas era* II denior.strati or uprisingi endanger Americans ' I eromeat counts .? ,-. suable, there I? ?" . nothing Is the ? ral demonstration which mi ?arded a* mena? bc ? srrai the United State? he .-. | e.? - i-"..p. rath ?airead] ? . ','. -?'em 1 - readinc to 'ir* *? ? - ght. ng the ' ? !.. Crock U , hold his re ? . - ? entent at It' oriie ?" ? . bord? ?Uli m a '? ? 1 I ' : i i ?I M i 1er .T. F ore'ii, af | I st < ilrj ? It! H ' Il - - : he a*'??' ?'? I ' t e u t s -?????' the bo-.1er betwi ' : ' I ' ? . th forty?? - rd of th and ,-?-.. ? ,. ? i da? " : " ?<r,,i s battalion of moui artilli , . i - [.e, ,i I .... -er af nghtii which ? expedil . null! be assembled s ith ,71 , Stl snd lOth ?avail ?red ?. otas the border hstwe? I? lltli. 181 I ry, the Ith f ?-.Id Art i -n of the Itti Mom s at Douglas. At I lei from ? '?'inn I ine,.?? uf Infant 17 111 1 and '-?"i- 11??? 121 Kogale . between < lolnn Iglas; 1st battalion, 201 Infant victoria, thirt; two n I? it the bor . three mile? ?oii'h ?if Colum of ?he 13th 1 .,-.elr>. 4. platoon at 1 " ? ?tat?o' . ? rail 1 o.atl line from Ha ' ? 1 ml Three from New York Among Mexican Victim* V" .. 1 :???. March 10. War Depart I reported killet the ei rsgement wltl ? ter ...- shoe tbeii "?,..'. : hilled. Sergrar ' Marl ?V Dobbs, ni?c'nir.? ? ..i che, i e.. Frai K sil, hon asheer, i rooj K, Ja Y. ' "' P Simon, band. 18th Car -. ' ' ' . h r f d ll-ii.? linele, (,.--. '. G. Ni? --ergr!', har.d. \ 1.'-.oiiver. Wash. Corporal Marry K. Wiaewetl, Troop '?? 13th Cavalry, Kdgemere, Long I?l Fred ? Griff? a, Troop K. tlth ?Cae* In e, Ala. The n ep K. 13th ?"?? . ',. . I reap K. Pittsbero, ! ' erporsl Michael Tlarmaital, machine ? o A. i-t Cavalry, Cbicage. W nunded. 1 e sel Rarma-.el. Trouii A 18th Cavalry, i'hieago, ill. John tarhmugh. Troop K, 13th -. . Richmond, Vs. Katxorhe, Troop r,, ittl Cavalry, \ Inc? unes, Ind. James Venner, Troop M, ]?,th ? Cavalry. Peterson, r?. J. I Jame? Veeder. not fesnd on record? <f Troop K, 13th Cavalry, or army, last three years. j John Keogh, Troop C, l'i'ii Cten'.ry New Vor" ? ? ? VILLA TERRIFIES BORDER TOWNS Uprising of Mexican Pop ulation Feared if the Raiders Appear. THREE VILLISTAS SFJZtD IN EL PASO Suldiers at Fort Bli*-s Preparing fnr Invasion by Way of Juarc/. - . u. . ?am .- ~ ? Paso. 'I?\., March 10. Mel ic?ns of all factions are silent on the decision of the American .rover: ? p? into tiic.r country after Villa a: d hi ? baadit i,and ob I of ?:: Pn--o thon il a marked absei - i asnal Mexican throngs. Everj kno? Villa sympathiser in f.i P %t\ are loverai hundred of them inder surveillance by po-, 1 ,--, ?Jeteetivee and secret eg Geaeral Manu?' Banda, eae of Villa's ehief comma: ders in the campaipn against ? arrai .. ?ras ai i st? i here ; , ? ? person. Two ?.,,: v \ [a all eon a. o were arreste-L Be bubo of l .-? on all Villl ' g ai rested Arm. Prepared for lavaeioa. liera at Fort 1 ? * for the arm? a? on ut : eai lly to - ? .i .-my men l . . ? to M El I'aso and ?III - had been ? o border. ? P - ? - ' - ? iiar.'i' pTObal one I - i? ia kno? that a ??ill oppose an . ican invasion. I" fact, r i . .. L- i ernment, ? ? i Ami be in Jus i ? officially, it ha I here that another fores et Amei toi ti numbering probably t? o 'i'" i weald eut? ? I the two foreei would ei dee or to , '"t\?een thi I I -here othei ?i (ro in i? not kno'-. ?? here. Unes is 'ett of all toi i i Sew Mexico and even . bei der in Tes felt to-mj;-h!. ?Threatl 'nave been made II l.(. mal ? raid of ho? rns, sweeping a'.?rip; the border and striking at all of the tu.hi.;' ?learns oi ? I i< rs? ..n aide, Moot i ' ave . ?lexiean pop ? 11 ' n . the American resident >. and in event of an attack the Mexico - ng on t would, in the opinion .?;' ti inits - th the bai Carraaxa t?i Ogpeae lavaaiea. The ?Carranta government will ? ? ? t.i All'.. : lion. I??K..| i arrai efl ? ?? to be quo*.? ?!. ? ? ?? ,- ? it the Cs,r vernment is prepared to eope with ar.d doe > nol need Amei ican aid. n - ? ? ? he tand t. .... A: ir?' ? <. ireia, and it i the ?ta-iii taken I pi act!? ally all ? ar ?us here and i ,i ,1 nan?/.. In the opinion ot the Ca tas, thi mo \ ? i enter Mexico ?I ? i nited States is et war with Mex? . ". ard Americans tuen lore a;e ?? - ol Mexicans This is the attitud ?-;.rii<?il lipr?- that ' cane BlUBt p run? i'i.r. Bl '. it promises (-? trouble. ? ? ;? Bromen refugees film < .. lumbu?, N "l . arrived li.-re to-day. The party included Mr . Maud Hauke Wright, who, after n ne ,?ay?; as | pris Villa's army, escaped during the I raid, and Mrs. Ril ECOmpan Sd her here ?'?,r burial ? i body of her haebaad, v.' r, Ritchie, the hotel proprietor murdered b y thi Mi . Mr?. Ritchie v.A* mffering from a biui.? h< eft ho ed bj S bandit " -.? re?.t;r'?-; from her ? , . 'I? Lat? r ?Ve rece\*)e4 i rom th?- hospital arhere 'i? woanded M ra? ?-era. carried the following met sace, In Eaglisl : ??f sorry i take the riaga." The writer wa? the man who struck nd robbed her and later took part in ordering her haebaad. "Wc were awakened by a fusillade," aid Mrs. Ritchie, "and ?mon afterward be bandits broke ?n?u our room an '. lemanded money. Mr. Ritchie wu- 111 He told me to l had. II?- -pave them IM, ?? StsaLa ****n I ?ia?i Eight Magnificent All Steel f^SSn^^ Electric Lighted Trains Daily MOT WASHINGTON nOTash iB*TffsW M or! er n roaches, Pullman drawing-room, H parlor, slrrpinf* anrl observation ? ?irs, -jg M?y??fB with excellent dining car servil r. *%iZ' *sm la. I *' j*ag4wL ^smi tras*.m. i-sev. *s ? r. \ sa. xi eaft?ammam^.^M " ''" l *' '' '" U" * M <<:00 '' '' S^^??-^-?l*?^?stt^^ 1 V) f X| n .-,i, r ?i !:<?;l r.M. i.-'M x| J&" Blf \ Ticket f i;fi.:e*. 12"*) Br??adxvav, : Cortlindt *-' l ?l*????*L ?s\ ; "*' . 3r-8 1 " 2K, i - *?? "I"?!, 2?'S1 HroaJ 1 vLaWLmW^ ?a? u?} ; 2 2 5 Fifth Ave. 4 Wei 1 2 511 *t.. i i ! t?^?J?lv-L l . Brooklyn; and Stations . oot of I.ihertx t JfkX ajffh?, " Mini, Ooa aaaat. Perns a?? i.-:s nr,.?.i.. ,. ||KH Baltimore & Ohio ? ?-?I WE* [ "Our Pee?ngerm Are Our tftrmmtm" ADVERTISEMENT. Business Manager Wanted For manufacturing and engi? neering organization. Position offert substantial ?alary and excellent opportunity for man of suitable qualifications. Ex? ecutive experience with indus? trial product thoroughly essen? tial. State details and salary desired. Replies considered as confidential. Box M. M., 200, Tribuno office. all I could must?r ?> n?. f. This -.??a? not enouc-h. so thev a't?CM>d rre and robbe ? m a? of my r;". d at the . ed oui ef the room. My daughter, Kdna. found him dead ;? I the foot, of the st.-.irs." VILLA MOVING ON 500 MORMONS ?on tinned frnm page I ward rrior'inrT.r by V "h and his column Even mm In is and even small boys were alert t! roughout the ? ipturad fiom the Me ? the it ean troop-- di ' the civ To-night the report thai Villa was , gained , urrem -.. a. .1 ..? s. supplementing the two i ? i at everything th peal ed to mov? eeert ?rliiiK the town. ? 'P ?? ? - . rang l military camp? M o'clock, but half mm hour late? i pp? an d no ???.-'. reached the boundary with h ? The cntue militai*} fen b al I ? h owe? During the Ha;. after l I known tha' the United State meat had decided to lend I Me? ico aftei Villa, an offfcei their wives an?l other worn, away. With civilian women als !.? report parr ure ? numb? i ? v iad of ca to investigate h repor: that Villa diere bad croesed the border and sur? rounded a patrol of the 7th ?Cavalry returned to Mexicans had he??., teen '1 is side bordei It 8 o s re? ceived .?' headquarters o;' the ISth Cav? alry tha? fir ' g heard s few m ? ? ?? - f the t ewn a s ? the re-u!t of ?ho failure of a Meaiean to halt i n order of a patrol. I he Mexican was A few minute? later the lights age were tu i ed on In th?? es ?imp aad the town. Suspected Spies Held. \ number of Mexicans rounded op ? , ;. patrols were e\r. ... daj and to-night beraubt? of th? had furnished informa tion to Villa. A few were held on - ? of eapionage. iine of the Mexicai ho ?gave the name of Pablo (I tli re oi eral ? over a Mexican Militan uniform, lie insisted, however, that he ?ras n peace? ful ran ?her. bat was held '?'" t'"* mili? tary ?guardhouse with a number of other luepeete. Several of thoee lib? erated were eeeorted to the border and told to cross, with the injunction not to come hack. It is understood that American military authorities are list? :-"?(f ail Suspected Mexicans and arc pre pared to order a uniera! round-up. Taper? dropped by Erancl ... \ Is in his flight after hi? attack on ? ? ? yeeterda* revealed, It became known to-day, tl al he had decided la it i : ?tober to arega s ai fa re i hi? step, according to Villa's per -%WLff?it??tm&<iti. K\? se* ?i???>..0???j ?f-ifihApr t?or ?*?>?' ??*? ????w-j-aTi, SM?ART FASHIONS The house o? (Siil??riiJ speculizes in a separate edition o? super-smart modes emphasizing YOUTHFUL EFFECTS iron, Lanvin,Georgette. Jenny, Premel and other designers who delight in the creation of Styles (or the lithe, young figure. alt presses Si?to(?oabp&loum . document*, WBS taker inn ! ly folloxvuis; reei . I nit? -. and began orith the '?'-.llu's campaign h jo.ioru. which end ed disastrouB.j" at A,rua Prieta ??n No r SO. ?Manned "laSSOCtS of I ?ilonx. x. mg the panei' fOOnd xva^ wh? i purported *o be sn agreement betweei ? i ? ? i . i 1 '?o?r OS, BOB1 ! ?' 1 is"ie. .--o'iora. i ? ? ?ui mutual support in an effort to oui [.Mormon? and o'her American-. COI ?este their property and opera! j mine - and ?'arm? Th.- citfsens, sccording to the aller?c< agreement, promised to take un ... ??> fan iah 'he Mexicans of the . , ? ?th Itveatees*, to be delivered bj I 1911, "after he ha l overcome Carranxi and eatablithed hire ? tprem? ; chief in Mexico." \.Hit net of the paper? acknowledge? receipt or ... !?,000 ii gold from the ? or. solidated Cananee i opper l ! S'aco, Bonoia, I -' ?? after \ .. i. at from Igua Pi ieta. The - - ?credited the raoney to export ?luties or coppei ori n..n- Caaanea, bal e nota -.i?-* ? .1 i he an?n? ;. real 1} wi ?for the livea of t'lree Americai I a? prieonere and who, at i"?e time wen ' r? ported to I B? ?? I.n marked for ox? An imitation to llenera! Emiliane Zapata t.? march north and join in bb aitai-k ob the I ni ted States era? ent by Francisco Villa in January, accord ne to i copy of a letter found among Villa's captured papers. The leite ?? ? * dale.i Sen Ger?nimo, Chihuahaa, Jan? uar-, I, !.i|>>\ "l il all not ? ?pend snothi i ? ,.. Mexicans,** Vi?ra wrote -. "but will prepare and orgs Im e i . ' ? I of the fr, o :irr,l ? thornles? crown? ami traitors." Villa j roj? I th? the jot ment nth Zapata against the I'nited States -hould "? ?'? .? : Jnnuar;, H Zapata, so far a-- kno ? . no mov ? to as? have . Villa' do? ! els on to mai en o i ? VUls, m the :. tter, atlr bat? defeat al Agua Pi ?ta lasl November, to tb? government in I militai American territory, reinforcement? I for the Mexico ? p??^. A r .. ,? i-t |, insalt '.? ? "A' thai I me \ ? ?? ?te Zap??a, "I i .? ? ra tied, bo ? zre?t?|. ty, the impale? - troo-n ?, attach ' I ? arransa. he had sold Ml ted r-t?'??] ... ever te ? ? \r>> Raid 9eat9 in Town. I reaort gs ?- >,, inar Ville ba'i.l ? - had : imbu . ?.'.?! ? whom ?' : n ' .-? ? I?r. Han . Unit. . ' hy Ville ' - . ' t'olumh ?? ? ? ? :. 11. S ?tat? I ??tory \ il Ii ' ment of ?Agriculture. I ? r. Hart al ?? in the ? .?e li^Dariraea? -, of A ,.-? tag of the r.? I i \ -, ('. graduated from Ohio in i!??"', i nd '?'? as well ki I . i Ihio. RAT'S ATTACK BRINGS RESCUER TO FOUNDLING Police (n>i Six Month o?d QM n ith Feeble Wail. -. ? of Gal ?! A? aad ro m t li < ... ? in which the child ? . ('., ol? tai l ? ' ? girl :ii" not injured. ? ?????????????"a?OiiiiiiiBii MAKING MONEY What Is Prosperity Doing to Youl A real man has his own disynity, his own confidence and hid own abilitv. All of these may give him power if he but has the opportunity. If this man makes money he is given his opportunity to use that Power. How shall he use it? Does he not need a steadying influence?something big in his life to show him how to improve, to show him the good that he may accomplish? I hat dignity and self-confidence of his are liable to be turned into the sour milk of conceit, for every man has his conceit and too much success, too much money, coming quickly, arc liable to go to his head. He becomes too self-confident, almost too able and often too independent. He grows selfish?he feels his worth and does not hesitate to let others know that he does. I lis finer sensibilities become dull"d. 1 le grows callous. He forgets to do good. 1 le neglects God be cause his vision and outlook on life are narrowed by the very thing that should give him a broader view. If you have been making money, if success lias overtaken you, keep yourself well in hand. None of us can realize what may be the gradual decay of our best selves. It sneaks into our souls?unannounced. Guard against it! Don't become wrapped up in yourself. Grow with humanity, not away from it. Do tilings for those less fortunate and above all be kindly. He careful of your actions. Don't forget that your example will lie followed. Set a good example. Keep learning. Go where you can have your thoughts, vour abilities and your faults analyzed. Keep a check on vour actions. Go to Church every Sunday. If you will do it in the proper frame of mind, if you will take unto yourself what you hear?whether praise or blame?and act accordingly, you will be a bigger, better nun Go to Church To-morrow No. 21 ei the .Secoad S?nei Pakliikcd by Tk? TltWsS Re-mati ?a R?q?ie?t With-?! CkUt*