Newspaper Page Text
Allies Refuse to Disarm Merchant Ships; Lord Cecil Assails German Nott ALLIES REJECT U. S. PROPOSAL TO DISARM SHIPS Reply to Express Appro ciation of This ( ountry's Humane Motives. WILL NOT CHANGE INTERNATIONAL LAW la I ollette Attacks Wilson's "Secret Diplomacy" in For? ri;**i Affairs. *' - '? ? j>n?il ?i ? i - lug's recent : ? I ? ?han? - . '-or! the ADh \r.'.erirari Advire? rtment ? I Ondon, Parti ?nd Ro???? ?? It np parent that the diaanaaiaeBl r>inn had . nd the ?It partmeiit has ) ? ding on the anumptlnn ?hat it woul.l Le ?rejected. The ???? tioa tlie ritrht under int? I I I rehant nien ?o iir"i for defence, ni ??"< rro ? ? ? it HUl'h an agreement the I I Is as it i' of this princ pie that the L ?nfonaed < ? ? ?.a. nh ?'en in ? . . . r it is under uched in tl ? rnrr. e.? , ivemment - . . eai ?>r to ? ?.?em to the. lives of i volun ? defence -. e'rar.jre in [ | .-. viewed hy tiie SUi ? partBsent. Baerelp a chan-*ti .11 th- : of rhe r.i!. the 1 I be diree' a cal ?? pr.n :-.l law in I ? fare dut progrt.? of hostili* ? ? ?. eh to the S ef Congre to wai > I . ?-a-eret Diplomacy \ n foi ter I . . r ? power .id have if. - . which ?.? ?... I i*aag ? "1rs Congress wa? ? views ar.d ?! mif-ht t a pi "In I ?a ? . . ?her than . ? ' in de ' ? ... ? only ju.stll .' varning r? obtiou? t ? ? ? appealed ? atoff ' '? Re* ihl can, ?polie ?atain<t war- g America;.s orf ?.rmed art nhips. BORDENT MILK Plays such an important part in the daily life of the com? munity that it rises to the dignity of a public institution. As much as we dislike super? latives it is difficult to keep away from them when dis? cussing Borden's products and the more you know of them the more you will understand the temptation to .say "Best*' when speaking of Borden's. A Horden u agoa pastmtt } our door every day. The galaaataa will he ?la? ta fttrva ymi. When buy ttf? milk t>r milk prttdm /? he ?.//re they 're Horden'*. GERMAN CASUALTIES TOTAL 2,667,372 l.'ind'in. March 10. \< - cvdinj* to oficial iv lists which litix?* rrach?"d London, tlir total of Gennan casualti?*i for Feo* ruary xv?s 33,1^H. 1 hi?-, brings ihe total I 'ten. I \x ir, as shown in tlir?.?* list!, 0? 2.667372. RANSPELL REPLIES TO ROOT CHARGE Denies I!. S. Should Have Pro? tested Belgium Invasion. W'sr-hintrton, M?,rch 10, I -.' ,t ir.-i,;- by : ? i ? delivered is the Sen? "Kar he it from m? I the rru*hini; of Belgium by Gen ' - sa.-lilra* evenl ? biatoi i ? fork cav? I'ruft ?i . ... duty. "The I sited State? . ml.? r 15, If tvir?. France, Hu I ? treaty era? pur? ?an affair, and ar out i ? ? ? . that o? of them i ? - ? ? ? ? on? MTh? ras not ? breach or the Hague Convei . by the I '? It? ? | ?? en l m war." ICE TIES UP ARMS FOR CZAR Arrivals Basa Keport Ship? Uaable te i.'t ,.? h Archangel, * in Kola rl ernmosi Rn port?, to i. nltioni Bay ' ? ? ? : \ ingel won a uni i Russian lin? a building h ra \\ h i ? because th? Russian l ?vid? ti ???in v .ih enougb id 11 ..mi Ko B to I'- ? rograd i ?ported, x. On? idiai . r eyage. His body era? not r? errd. Ian fovernraent ir? Import iiantitie? of auppl . . ivisto left X?-w York in 1 . ree or four ? ?t round I ifflcei - ?aid. CECIL RIDICULES GERMANY'S PLEA Berlin's U-Boal M?moran? dum Called "Same Oki Perversion." MINES PLANTED IN NEUTRAL WATERS reutons Set Preceden! ot Stop? ping food Supplies, Sa)s I.<>rd Robert. . g te Th* Ti ' ol per reraion. It's a ? ? i their ? amJ the meaaun ? ? ? - fa ? arith 1 -"'I. ? I ? ? .1 for ? - ' - ? t>aT: 1 ' ? ?-mit.? Of I -, ? Kid mil - ? ' of internal : Singulai l ?Bo ;t Idea. of the .. hich . ..r. ? i ? ? ille i Britain I ? ?91 '.. a* grs une not ? ? ' popula! I allow ? ? eiril ia **opi latiea to leave the try one knot*--, that a bl ? en ? r.? Bees t enl -.helling a to\?n itate ti ti l| -i con ? a iin T'l .". ? I ?*? Laeitaaia ad neu r- ..' I ?? i . n the i \nothtr ?-dap at Fleet. it the] Bosrhers *h?ta of n'.'Utrri! true thai their ? ol had -nany opport' ti ? ". warn n< terlng the \.;?r zo:.e ink. "Ha ? Bowa a".7 rec-aM < . ? ?. ?.f ?rnoce ' the? ' uph they are no: a-.! Ifpally p.rate?, their - af rarfare eertaialj aro thoFe ?Jonbtfal if the edo? Gen - .?--..m of our I ?iceord.ince "vith re s-?1 'hey cer ii aal ? ? ' SAYS AMERICA MUST INTERVENE IN EUROPE London 'Nation" Foresees it ?t Only Way to Lud War. |0. "The S'al .? ? ' I ? roold I ? ? ? ?. s to . . ..'? I ? ' . I *-th, Loth mal ' I moral, will - .." greater ? -?n her ? inust, oper the policy of re ? ? w??ek in both ' II ibow tha' tha in? ' of G? ?S kecpin*- the I of ] ? ment in America lb beei ? Entente A ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?, ; obabty r 'oi th? ... t| -. 0f it ii rven , not ? -, but of ?? ?PPLETON MUSES ON WAR Colonel Telia i-io "Gray lach?te** II t| Mi,urn if The) Manned Away. ? ? 'th rang last ni| H o te 1 \ I a part i n g "I Apple'?-,:.. ? ' ition. He bad joined ''otnp:iny F - i - "( ?nee a Gray Jacket, '? ?.. ? la hi i n,|e re? : .?,.- bj wonder e regiment to I??* "I ?am now Torn you; ? away in ?i few extraordinarily ? The regiment, which had weleomed boom ah" ??. be ei lang "The Stai I Ban ' 01 to the ? ' ? ? onel Robert McLean, r . r Gi totesl ? ? neral . V. (i. V . ? TO CUT BUILDING POWERS OF P. S. C. ? i.niltnifil from i-t? 1 IB ? rfw llr r th? h ? ? I t ara) ?. i '. . ?F ? rvice * on.-, it eity rind n?.- mi ilfal iri this matter. Ho said that i r?>al satal ? i ? : ? h? ? ' ma - the lsno value of th .Mr. Whitney Mid I i I sure, hu? believed, ti ? nicht i'f xvay through the ? .if Ave ci - dispute I I rooklyn Ra] at th? tim? .is for invay contracts ? "Pot One r>v?*r." Whitney ?l?o ??ti.l he ? \r * prior determination claim. eh was eoneee ? I 1'cr.n? to Prriidcnt Shonts, of tl ?? I:.' ' I ?nsol, who wa * lid i that if il ? ? ? ?nid Mr. *"? can 1 ? i eonf - sel a vor-: ' - - ? di -r. -, which i ting it R. Ro| ? . ? ' ? ? ? "Wl -. If. < referring tion da Alien Minds Hi- ?*'?,,* alty. it th* in ir* Hitl to K. .1 .1. Saj nur. t1;.- I ? ? ?? i con? sist of?" "Mr. Gl to hrinc I the same i ? -.? . ? -... hr.i ? Mr. 1 ? ?if ilr. Grout' [? said 1 nfei to eoncee ? ? ? . I ? - II? said ? ??* 'i l'ulilic Sen ?? ? ?'- - ? - ? - ? ommi laim. I hn obj? ' ?'.Ar. ? n that 1 Interboro ne ovei -? thi? Shonta ti" . '?'i)S? lrrt*<jrnnn 1 li?*rl? -. Pf"S*?satee*. "' ???'.' I ' Mr. V.l.?'noy. H,. ,t plained that his reason for hi? opinion iras that no mention of Mr. Bhoni . ..? ?ry note aecom? | equest for $1,6.1 !,000 for expei ee. It that | 900 waa a!- , aires l? pa .1 to Mr. | ? ;.,'er . redited to 'he Inter? -i. ?|h.' matter of the Thirty-eighth ?h? old ' aleer ?team . - aras thei ? ed b; thi I riipar.y, a Fuh- ', . . , ' ? m I'.apul Transit j "Didn't th.- p ? South Hr rorul ?" a a '. ? -i.-eout ? .i -i Mr. W. . B. R. . yard on thi and tl "I" no pro.ision I a yard of iti j i - ?, = ,. "Il..u ab? rty In MaUh ?? -i." Mr. Freed man owned treat eta He i ."-i'... na iiiinwance ?o the B. R. T. 1 right of way ?hroag M.-Aneny. William i: ? raer cbaii ? ' ?'oionel Wi : ami, president of the B. I ?:. T. ??!> . i know whi m s' u Ulan the H. R. T. wa the * ? - Mr. M ??I do not," -.i -I V.r. UT, taey. At this poi -.val taiO'H. peniag the after? tad iato I record .?ut by the ?i to the late eemed I be : . -o a ro'e mari" r ? ' ? ... ' i i: ..?ry 10 . Bl i an? ta 11*111 K?hru : til W? n- .!ri\.?.n .?n the . , . .,???. oui t the 1 - " i to 1 or." ? . .'? ? ? : ? ri-or?! -? of ? ? "ib-eommlf *ee o* t Ms _j i ? i '-.. u. Be Sure You Get Deerfoot Farm Sausage 'hey f i ? . . , BRITISH LOSE TWO WMISHIPS Forty-five Men (io Down with Destroyer and Torpedo Boat. U-BOAT DESTROYS FRENCH STEAMER Louisiane Sinking First News of Hostile Craft Between Boulogne and Havre. - h 10. The Hr.?. -h tor I I' ..-? ? !. sad H I' No. 11. I. euti il John A. 1 t>gb, R '. ... i. : i ,,. ?.f SI l . mea." ? ? I ordinal men. She She ? I of on? ? . flee ? : ' s - I . - : tons. She was ai ? and three torped ? ? French ha- I Havre, of 1,109 ? The bark ???? n baila * Tsrenty sli of the crox? ?aor. iai ? I : . being lost. '1 ! . lins, a h ich ia ' ?brusry 4, ? Three i were . Msrch 10, A Hava? ?1 -- frctn I .ht at, II o'clock. All 1 H ?? pre sumi d thai th? i.i ?rating ? II..v..e, and a pedoed 1 Her? ' British ?team-hip Hanaal bad boon running between ? ? its n" ?! Havre ar.d Bordoi , ? wa. Th" Hi.rniat am '.zed freighter. ong n the Oriental trad >, i nd i | in ? |oi ??h? it SJSST U '? ?den and 410 f"et long. * -ported in IV/ic^t vember 1". IBIS. rhe 1 liaae had arrived ironi Si ,?h port ?he left on Feb? ary II, entering Kewporl Sews irj 17, and leaviriL- or the folio ? I !?>'; '.' ia I'.-? ar Dunkirk and wa- ow?-e,t by the Coi agn b ?ienerale Tranaatlaatlque. s 178 feet loi beam. She had tor mai ? fed ' n ' ran?at'.ant passenger lervice, meetly to ports ? Golf of Mexico. Thi? is the Bret .?ord ? 'n-.? bas be? piven eat regarding the preeeaee of it ;..i rl el 'he Fren? \ .-.niable shipping ree.irii? ma? im mention ? ;' a reeeel naaaed Henai ? - ? COUDERT SLAPS CAREW FOR ARMED SHIP STAN1 Calls Him "Merc Ry Product o Imperfect Nationalization.*' ederic R ' ? idert?the aathority e ? atonal law. replied yesterday t rhe letter I ' Rep ??' John i ? mew, of the 17th District,a?d*/iainghi titaeata. of whom Mr. Couvert i Anierr.-an ship if >'? . . to Ma" aad saying that ? ? el ? ??n h belligeren "i? gailty oi h treaaeaaale i - ?d of the sapreme patriotic dut; .--.??r. man owes to his country. "I i.?' airead) aware," wrote Hi your viewe ii eraraeat geaeratl] were in favor of - impending A'riericar ? ?hts at the beheet of foreign pow? ra.1 iting that, except in cac<' of ex treme neeeeeitr, he would not venture en Mii'h i, periio':,-? aadertaking a.-, the ? i undoubted rigata. Mr ? oudert continued: "Nor have I any tion ef Halting New Meaieo or -, lor th^ warning g.ven by yowr great chi??f, the late Secretary of State, to Americans to suspend their rights to truTel or r? side in Mexico his *?? ed that country of American cit that thp innocent pantinie of i sughtering them has been necessarily 'erred ai?ro.?rs the Rio i.rande. "It wis kind of you frankly to t'aie your political principle? othcrv? i<.? you m:?l ? have pH-sfd the limbo nonentity us ? mere neg ligible incident in the political ma -. of the aatioa. "My own impression is that yon, and >0'j'- kind, art- a mere byproduct of an ;mperiV.-t American na'ionalization. and thai you will m time dieappear from the body politic as the unhealthv humors are thrown ntr the body of the inralid ander sanitary ami w,?-e med? ??al treatmeat." The lettercloeee with renewed thank?. for Mr. ? are'v's SOlleitOdO. BOND SEIZURES IRRITATE DUTCE Bankers Say British Have Taken Over ,S10,()OO,000 U. S. Securities. Amstenlam, March 10 Banking sir cle? here give lin.i"loejeOO to $l'J.i?O0,i?Oi a? th? ?frri-refrste x?|tie of American i? uril ea 11 d eoupoi * taken b British governsseat Irea the Dutch ?tesasen Xoordani ?'id Iloticrdani on outward voyagea itnee be middle el .January. America) purchaser? of the Securities and coupons. It - -? eefved empty or partly empt) envelopes eontaining a Bnti?h official aotineatio i thai the musing content.* would he brought before .? prise court. Banker* here batiese the Brit - ?ire to p'l*. sn end to The aale of rran-ownod ?ecaritie? throijrh Holland i? 'ustiffed, but complain ?hat no* only r*a\?. Ar.rerican bond* whsee i.ern?"' stamp? might sroos? luspicion of (?er man origin been ?eired. hu? thai' parel) Dutch property baa ?'?<i aaffered the Bar - '4'?. T r .?> ael irhj Great Br.* aifl co'ihl no' have rade enemy ovmed leenritie? contraband at nrst, ??here upon the banker? would have ?.-te.1 a cor'I i ugly. The banker? !<iay that Hollaad'? I vestment? in American r?ilro?a. enterpr -- total llSi?1 UDO. ?i d p- nl .? ;T* ??ouid -.t ir *** tere*t due by neutral .iehtora U -ZJ creditors could be ri,??r,,j^J) banker?, haxe large accumuUti??. ' teetu ' A?!L! X? Inch, in ' ??'aiSil? 'Ht* ? ? . |T?I1 ill ?run ? ? -a In tin? n.raii tiSM .. Am,',.. banker? continu? !>?? coupons, in the I i ??n re!????. ?. ?J** major' ' *-*r? v '? NON-COMBATANT DKAD. Isa, \s,..|itli I,ne? I igai ? .if I'hoa- SL h?. Ilr l.i.ii i-i l-xi;'?'' ' ? rh? iiumWr nonce ain's eneniien ? neo tho h?K the war ?... l.nuith wri'o? i resl? ?. ni.I ra combats - ?n ba?. Bril ?g y???. b..:-x?'- - V -? . I, II I Karri| Ifli %pF fj&Oi t\wLm 5r_?tb c?tAef*B? BAKING POWDER Absolutely Puro Used by teacher? of cookery ?and baking experts because they know it makes the finest and most wholesome food. No Alum?No Phosphate ,-plWWIW'l .'Hi '. ' J'*??-'WWW g-atifca^^*-? Where the United States Stands on MESS P? A babel of op'rions ?I heard throughout tbe land, to the ?bewilderment of citizens and legislators, on ??rhat is considered by many as "the most important question before the American people since the Civil War." You rend of ardent advocate? of national defense wanting An Army and Navy Big Enough "to Lick the World and Keep It Licked " Their stand is revolting to those of pacifist lean? ing who claim that after the European War we will be ?safe because that great conflict will keep hitherto powerful nation! "bled-white" and unable to fight again for fifty or a hundred years. In order to explore and map out this jungle ot conflicting opinions, TlIK LITERARY DIGEST made inquiry of the hundred editors in every State of the Union on three points: How Largo an Army Should We Have? How Largo a Navy? Is There Any Reason to Fear the Peri! of Militarism in Increasing Both Branches of Our Defense? in The Literary Digest for March ilth the result of this nation-wide poll is given, it present? a graphic and correct gage of public opinion on this tense subject. 'I here are interesting and comprehen? sive report'?, personal and editorial, from even State in the Union, classified geogr-aphicalVfro-fT* the Atlantic ?Seaboard, the Gulf Region, the Central State*, the Far Wert, and Pacific Slope. For the first time, the ?-Vrnerican people, b*** reading this article, will get a reliable and weil-in formed idea of just what the Nation wants m the way of preparedness. Must Manhood Service Go With Manhood Suffrage? Whether compulsory military training will be a necewrary corollary of an adequate system of de? fense is answered in this article, and this phase of it is particularly interesting. if You Would Know ALL SIDES of tho Vital News, You Must Road The Literary Digest The big Preparedness feature in the March 1 lfh number of THE LITERARY DIGEST does not. by any means, constitute all the good thing* in this Dumber. As usual, all important news in the fields of Science. Politic?, Invention, Literature, Art, Religion, Educa? tion, Industry, Sport, Drama, etc., is thorough!?* covered. More than 1.500.000 people read Tur LITERARY DIGEST each week, and this numrvr is increasing materially. Ruy this week's number and see if it is no* ju<t the news-magazine that you have been looking for. Get the March 11th Number?Al News-dealers, To-day, 10 Cents ^rar^Etoest H INK \ \V.\< ?NALLS COMPANY I Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary). NF,\V YORK