Newspaper Page Text
french Repulse Fresh German Assaults on Douaumont and Vaux BRITISH DRIVEN BACK BY TURKS ON THE TIGRIS 2,000 Killet, in Futile At lack on Trenches. sa\s Berlin. \\\ HER RETREATED, ? ONDON ADMITS dcrman Consul Quits Irebi/ond ,i* Russian Troops \d\ancp . ...... ."* - - by a t ? ? ? - : - . *h headqi.? ?rs: ? ? nere . Iistsnl ? gri? ' ? ? ? ' " ' ' - ? eft il ? ? 1 ? ? ?: " i . ? lylini . rho -.- ? r, in coi tener -. rie???? >. . nfter :eu.'' German Consul Quits Trebizond as Foes Near Va'?- - ?-,- :? -a, ? ? to a the -ople. ? Allies I ose 21 Vlanes lo Germans 6. Says Berlin ? ? ? ? l ac ? seks and 1 "ese* . ?"-?.; nd the ei leral itei than1' '?'* :--.? ? ' .- luperiority, but assei . * ? aer .? ?aria- ?cause our aero '. '.hre, to flj oxer enemy -.. - i western front - ' re ? ' ' ' ' i ? mi " ? ' aviator? - - ADollar*-Meal For Five Cents. Themost expensive foods are quit" -Aw entirely lacking in food value. They do not build muscle or supply ener^-v. Measured by the cost c f moi>t foods, a brr-akfast or ?oncheoti of Shredded Wheat v. ?th milk and crr-am ?*- worth a dolto end tost L Dot fjvf.j- fVJ(. tents. Two Biscuits will supply all ?he stren-'th needed for ;i half clay's work or play. MaVia st Niagar-i hails, N. V. Haumont Defenders Die to Gain Time for French I roops, Lndei ?Hail of Shells and Liquid lire. Give Liven to Mold Village Until Reserve* Come? teuton factica Puzzle Experts. I. one of th? ' I i-orr? --".??ill?, ho ? * un de rated fire of hea mass? i time for ?the i ? m concentrated their ? r ? ? ? th e ? y Ihey muit haT? ?entra of our r? .Manee. II? ndertoo) . .?< prepare '?r th .' ey ha. ? ? ? ? ? ? ' ? ? rro-tsroad tha ? ' by a dovas -lellinj ?ttle by little ? ? I lines weal .? of February 21 th? ll-umcn! woods ?aitc imadcd. ef? . m on local me oi ? ?? ? incrfh ng I ' - ' ? c - ?o count?'?- attack, increased ? projectile? every yard ireei and der:.. French ( au*-ht I we-. ? nower of '.he eannon had ? Men or. the trenches ' ? tars, vrhil? g 1 .r d the ? . .. ? . ? ? ? ?'??. ' of 1 ii ble ? rear. ?? ? . to p ere? per mil o'clock the number went to twei j o'cli ? " ? ed to s ? - ?. crumbled and bur.e.i i | no one ? | ?n a - ? ' upheaved arid transforme , I ? ,if . u. i of - ? The oi g i ?.?- ? '... ri r colons It ! - i Gen ii battalion a? the ess rthwesl nos? a> ] ? [ ? p ? ? ;? ; .? marna ?? - iiach.n l ? ?ere I tact w?re flre ipeed giag tbe ?Gai man | ? our barbe tr? ard right, hewe-ve: rano or. and what as? left of ou . ?-??*' ? ronches louth ?-.ont. ? th? rere too i nmeroua The gol f tbe ?tr? an ? post :n the real the re ie jb?1 V-, ' -, il thl Bgh a ce'iar ? in tad and ?Tere bem .,.= ?>??<- on th raptured or beini || ? t of the redoubt wit) head? erect, marchirj* through'he g-all ? 'nurhed and the re're? thout furthe th? 1 d harred th? t.. the German? fro? the Sanio ... - th? ith of Hau the fli ? ? t on." \ ?. - . ? . I jrestarday'? fig I i | r-t;srd?-d a? murli better. T'r.- t.errr.a'i xxav? ha? is far ai sowei ? wastage or ? ?eneral Btafl ... :,;i fi-.-.r ?rm rr,r?.? aire? -.-t.on -n th? ghl '.ay?. lioiibt a? to l.erman Tartit?. ?hp gre? n battlei * have beer, trhired by mear.? of ?? iolenl ? ?red 1 fresh ; -eparfd ma*?e? I In -a- ? ge r era '.iv beer, Of I ? a r- Bractei .nnsB ht-ack on Verdun itself againal I ? < on February Jfl. The **B1 ------ " bs1 ? metimes st one ? ?; anothei made on the extreme E ' irl ? G< m a bios? Xu.? iti id ?' . . .-? ? ??? Freenes; and x -hete ?v?re ittaeks, tarried OUl I pablo of undertaking sert ? ?a--, observer? are at a the? ? ? ' le ai etb er 11 n gi the Frei '? re lr x ? ? reg ?rhich, beg nning ? diniir. hing - ? fsr I '?* June, or si - ed oui by I ? l power in? end " ?? singleness of .?reldes the victory. BALKAN ATTACK TO BEGIN IN MAY 236,000 ?Allied Troops Ready for Great Drive from Sal?nica. 5. The ??rear HaiM?r: tha Allied arm. ? a la pr?,. ed to be arranged for the ? ? ? r ? ?. favora? The . .-?. ettt ,. move ? ? ? ? ? ? PI ?ei an i g in 1 ?? in an . the constant I I work of General Sarr-ail and his ?Uff. the activity trt tha Allied icouti ? d a?ro;.lanes and the cheery faatarei n- | iplrlti of the French and Hrr'.?h Roidrer* and the ea-jeme?.?, of tha Sarba ?o gti themaalvaa ia Aghting trio* acalr ?a?. tve earliest pos?ib!e moment add to ?aha eenviel ?n "ha*, ar A';:??d fron Sal?nica in the spring la a cer , - M) frerich and '. ... ? ? . . r . .. . , a|a.0 rbt ? | the ? ? - here ar? re French on the;r wa* . D| i **ai ? ; ? ?. peraoi ? ? ?? In ? ? ' ?i to be ?i ibl? drawn - ... ? i ? rfa, there an ... j , . j, ; ??-:?.''? ' . I ? I ? , -. . i era) im ? that thev ii , . bree **at ? ? ? ' ? ? ? ? \ ? : ?. ? to th? ft i -t ... | ' ? ? M'KENNA BANS MOTOR AS ECONOMY EXAMPLE Is first British Minister t.? Saeri lice Automobil?** for War. Id R>tg 11 I Mc ,,..'??? la give ?j| ? ...!..? amenl ? 'Mum , ?.' . GERMANS RETAKE CORBEAUX WOOD I ..mum?* from p?g? I through the wood?,?; i.r'^r'i.'"" . - <a*t of ? nil- R?-rlin Claim? l'aise. Th? ; ? a! note de: J .- I - ? . m ? : : n'.rh??? of March ' ' ? a glorious r ,- ? ??? i?,,.<? reserve regiments t si I ? ,- - - i ..-? ?-?ormed imbei of ad This assei tion ii At the very htiur ? itaff foui ? 1 and ? - rdlftg t their i .tie * ' lei . . . f French trooi Corbeaux V thai ' ? ?? Germe .... ? ? ? ? ? \ | ?. | ? . . ? ? ? ;hr enemy only eecuplei the eastern o f C o ..the greater , art of ?rhich l? held hy u? Germa ex inter attacks failed to ;? from It, The v.ilare of Va'ix. sttaeked during the r.ight oy German troops, xt-a? \ i?oro'js'.y defended and r. mal:.? In our hands. The G*rman infantry xvhlch succeeded la s?" ' ?: into tibe ??".ace xrere a'.! driven out at tr e on.- t of t-io bayonet. "I* ha? been remarked that sines the failure of th? offensixe ???"linst Verdun, tiendan offlrift' rotrn-,-:r :rs t on? *r fall of false statement? the Frrni-'n troops withdrew ?*? IS, Uli German Ifar thai taken and then S that the number rnn inte ... -, .- ? ? ?,-??? ? ?rom the ? ?Hag '?' tb t grea fl iltj I '?ir>. on r'nre?-. :. .-- *- | ins Wood the Germans de had made prtor.ers ?' -? ? nr d ",27 7 men. ? s ?r?rr.?' i ? at -! egner ill? wer? in ?il ?bout ... -hat i? ail th? enemy PO Sibl '?? ha? B rtar' jre-| ' Income Owner? of real estate want without interrup? tion the maximum in? come their properties are capable of producing. Our organization and familiarity with neigh? borhood conditions en? able us to perform this service with greater effi? ciency than the individ? ual owner can hope to approximate. The individual owner has his finger on the pulse of but one or two propertiea, whereas our conclusions are the re* suit of our experience with many properties. Wm. A. White & Sons Real Estate 46 Cedar Street. ?i**?i ?? '. h ? "??*????????? WAR ON PORTUGAI PIQUES GERMAN Editors Assert Foreigi Office Could Have Won Over Lisbon Cabinet. KAISERS ENVOY MAY Ql IT SERVH 1 German Steamers in Portugu?s Ports To Be Used h> English Lines Londoi Hi " The / curre?:* i I ? ? s-*:?'- ? ???' pan) ? a ? '? pr? ?ading article! 1 I ton of war on Portai ?erahl Jiaaatiifaction preaaad ??? fa i ?Tree. ipapei '. ibo Cabinet from Great I Bf of the 1 ? - ? t, Mil abl) will retire I el : ? Mil tar, with tha pai '..on. will !?av? B.| G? rmanj de. lared wai a - ?? | a Brit piornal ia I th the i tan thei might ?* ha: Portoga of Gei pa makes a ihnipaig-n much ? ?-;??- tha ? ailabl? I i i agf I .1 declared ? at I " .cal only ex ?-.-.afd bar right if ei and took ?'? ? pe with a prot al ? - : vital need ef more i m i He pointed To 'r,. which r? rn| a' ?ar . ? ?he -.ame thing '. ? Berlin, Mai lie, N. V. I - II," Uli I \ci- ? ? a irmi - ?ar- II ... _. . . ?????? rtal a- ? ? a I from a Portuguese | * a r for the wai ? a ? a -may. for a | - ' SWISS PRESIDENT JOINS NOTE WRITING CONTEST Germans Raid, He Protests. They Apologise, and So On. Pi ? lident *>*? il toa - nat baa*) nata writer ta the Germa | ernment. ta JnltM '? >jr Middletown, Long Island rived yeaterdaj on the ? r.:ca--o. Pr? ??'??? , Frequent orreipondei ? H i a n o 11 a;r raids on Cha? ? Swis? v - .. acknowledged by S| . ???? "?- ? ? nicht and day toi ? A11 iei 1 .? ? ? s ne ? the go [ht to sell am ?\ where tl I "!i. r.i ise of the / ? ? ? Ca'iceis Sailm-- of Lafayette t i earner La f aye tu Vor., The Lafa* on Mar? h *>. having been If eral days on ? Van WINS M. P. SEAT ON AIR DEFENC Pemberton-Billing Hlecti on "Lp with London lights" Slogan. AERO MINISTER BRITAIN'S PROBLE Mltl) Prominent Men Mention to Direct Nation's Sky Fleet and Strategy. B] i.ORDON BRI ( ?.. R- . a ? ? 7 ? ? Noel Pembertf | ?ouR-hout Englsr.d It? for I'arliamen ? member far I-1 .- or ?-. of '. ,031, d*'*'! Mr. Hi ilil nn randid? rst time ? .tory th Par ?menI has be i direct rasait of bii - rrton-E ng recently End and lost l margii It that tira? isseii rould keep en tryii ? ? ? ? ? scant se? - - ? - i ? ?? ' defei ??? ?gam?! Ze - . r the be ...... ... the outbreak of 1 war. He knows ?'.' the ran :si - f ths i . .. ? le acquaintanc with everybod *h it It ia that hi? aresentatio from the view ? sal airmen whom h ? ? N'eed <?l \ir Mini?ler ? - .,-.-? ? i *orr, BS th a ? ? ?? -r luSt 1 g ter and thor . . ., B, 1 of Per - . - ggestc a ? ?tel for the p ? of them gctl g an Ai BUt il 11 to do. -' i in agreeing 1 ... d be ?iesira ble. But 1 ignoi ?of aero -..?ire? in i ? -. argui tl Bt the m cumbent ? lary si B il there '-as beet ..-_??? far, as to ist ? nister would b? ? snee ; ? <? - ?? ? ? more tangible form. \ e to have the < r are we t< I tha cour. ? attaeki " aeked * Itlcer recen! R?? ? the 11 <?' -i?e of < ? ? ? ? beei atei eating ruetiv? British llnaaa'e idea?. prehi ?plan ? ? ? - - - f th? England, mai entire s? ? ? i ? i ? ? 4 the me .. rend ?' ? ? 111? .'?:-' ? . ' i ( | rhethei save the ma redlted with, and ? ? are capab'e ..' a of the en? w? ha ?nt got then the I i_ i i Lord&Taylor ! ?>th Sircct I ara ? _ m u ?? II c 38th S?reci lilil? \\ I \l I FURNITURE Specials for Saturdax - *. '- \\*?A,m -rr. ^'l^M?fv**-:.-*-^^,v'V>-< | ? pholstered Ho\ Ltmches I I Deep tufted Bos ( ouch, full size, interior of i I solid cedar. Upholstered in cretonne or denim I ? | 1 I i ! I $24.50 j = j I ii ? I ? I tewnsa I j^p ?I fireside I apestry | I P 1 h\*tn.kcr or \rm Lhair \ larnc Indian Splint j i ! SJi?.;.-" , /'?*rt/i k'neker ^4.0% | 1 1 \ r?ry ( 'liaise I -oil/gut . . I *|?li(?|st? r< ?I ( li.'iisf I .oiiifii, . I |? r?.l l).i\ R< .1st. ;n| j I .;? Pfl*t I |iln ?Istcml 1 );i\ ? ii|?. ?H $35.00 ! I $48.50 I I $70.00 - | $55.00 ! I ???:? gei them. I' ''? ?? I? st on?*? ParliamcBt ? txpla x . ?- _- (bal th? i .seaplane streng* that th? . tei BBg br'rro ' '?;, rosrh roast If the r.axai people te thai ? eannol be don? he -- ?? o- a full expisra'on. being ?atisfaetor the fsc's - - . - - -ed. Zeppelin? *uc?-eeded - r0' ting i n thi - - (Beient battle? ?he i ? readiness 1 j- I 4." placet should I and . I hav? fac ti? ? for I .- ,- ?ending a mar: a'. ??"? ?? the nark -a --?-' ?: MSter *'or bin ai ? we ild etherwiee. th? Hil Minister cannot cet all things hs ? e government th? sctusl conditions, ? ? : acaif' the f ibllc xx ' ' ?? Itatei t thai ee ?re mai.-n?* rap:. gresi ? see Bteaai we ar.? is I dark b?a? r- - - nenl .: a* '?*? as roa? nie.' ?uevi an ne ?? cementa are m?slesding snd give si false ?? ? -? ?. H si se ?rant ? a man who xx-ll tell .... . - : . troth ??bother or ? -ear? any glory out of SAYS CHURCHILL WILL RETURN TO PARLIAMENT English Paper Thrnk* l.v-l ii*a1 lord Will Quit Army. March IP. "Th?? N , says - rat i s 'one' tVinston *.jrchi'.l. former'.? Fir? r th? Admiralty. Intend? to reaigfl - - the arm.'.. loi mel - ? rol irn I - ad re Par ? meatarj '. to, the period layi PRITISH G.-UN IN AFRICA Urne l.crman? Iron, l?i>?na of Ta-Cta and Salaita. i??.. March i Lieuteaaal t.en rriman.iinj the ?ar. ... ? ? German I.a?' ?Vfr oa. ha- - r the eecupatiai of - . ? I ? ? was announced "aft? Acial -'.?.'ement, ? I - rta that, after ("hala N'-'eritay, ... ?-.. '. ? r'l ferren pushed Ta\eta ?? partially ?r. *-.-.;i',e 1er - irre-dered ta General Bertnger, \s e row occupy Tave'a ? , ?? . ?or-ward -?, righa --? . a- I on the Salai"* .?er attached and ed The ?peratiaai ?re out* '?J??. ???_?! ?I ? __??> ? . ,l?_l|' ?^ia .>?"?-? ?*???? *y a^,^*':'?*' ?ff- ?* ?*? ?? S; ~"gcf. Columbia Records o? male < not merely perfect reproductivo did form of musical expression reflections of the thrilling wa tine voices joined in song. Call and re^-ponse, back? ground and theme, tenor and deep-toned accompaniment are brought out with superb effectiveness in these Co? lumbia Records. A ]gl6 ? THE OWL AND THE PUSSY CAT ?'?il'in, ? a Millar (,?uarTe'.t? 10 ;.. , T1?E MuSICAL TRUST '?* Colu abia Mile Octette . . .?..CARRY ME BACK TO OLD VIRGINNY A 1820| ' turn ?Stellar Quartett? ' I OLD OAKEN BUCKET '? l "'?'*[ . *"?:?r Quartett? I HEIDELBERG STEIN SONG FROM A 1852 PRINCE OF PILSEN 10 m ' "; "?1 ?* SUutt QrarttttS ts ? MY WILD IRISH ROSE * -- ?- <J ..?:*:te Calaunbi? Cr?ieaola I 10 Pnc? 1110 Play ami plav them again?thebe records will never lose their (.harm for you. They have the subtle human appeal that attract- people again and again to hear one song rendered b\ the same quartette?and in addition, thev have the purity of tone that dis? tinguishes every Columbia Record. Hear them today at your dealer's, and ask him to play others selected from the Columbia Record Catalogue. New Columbia Record' on tali the 20th of every month. Cttnwttio fteteettl in eil Frrrtcn L&nfuarey. Tkt* sdvrr*\ entr?t t??-' rfi-f3*>r tr ''? DsetSfttttt. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS and DOUBLE-DISC RECORDS FOR SALE BY "BELOW 14T*S* ST.: .? , , . ? e S? * ..?ai St i ra, - .' ?? ?? ?? -? i "?-??,: ?. ? ' "*. ? t .-?"?? . ..?- . a ? tart toe spiral I ,-?-??-. . ?..-?.??>'.-?? i II '.-a-1 , ,4 l.".?l *' ? ??? , , ?-? M i Hi raua ?'.i Va- - ? I" a rjn ...?'. ?. i* A?."-. B il Birr? II *?? -?? ?? ??? P i-.-' MTI ST. TO ?3D ST.: tarai i- ? -s ? I a ... K '.?b St. ????.- l'-*> . M - . - - -4 ?? ? * III *-?? ; ? -? Bri ! a *?, SI I, A.? ; ???? ? i?-.? *--.-? ?:h St a B -?' T ? . ?? - - ? i . ? ?. ,-te , ?? *-. a a ??- ? -,...; T. 3?ih S - - . i ? . 4V ' - t Kr'-i. A.? a. ai '-? ? I,.,. : . IB. ?MS? ; ii?. 1--.i *?'?-? ?Ira I ? ?an IT? ?'a . . ? . A . ? ? I ?'? 43D ST. TO MTI ST. > . ... h a H Majar - '? A" H ? . 4 - ' - 4 ? 4 ?... | -,-. , - ... f. . ? ? : . ?:?.?' i . - . ,.. ,, ii ?? .. . ...... UVe. ? t ? A. ABOTE ?TH ST.: r .-, -a- a ; a . r?, a ? ? t I .4 A ! ?a ?>? a . -4" -a * ? B ??? ? j,..?-. i g m k , ?i. t- ???? R. a'.?a. ?4' i - r < ' i ... P. -, ?. <? .? Ith St K . A ? . . K I -ll'l , ,.-?,???.. I In . t ? . . .'. ..J - a r At AJOVE *6T**? ST. (coat.): ?( i. ..- ?? ?? ... ? t, - ?- A.?. Hi: ,a ..... . || ,:- . Um' 'a? ?' A'? ? ? .is Va A Or ?at?. ? ? ?? ??? - "?-' I ?OOILTK .--a arr * - -. ? ?-? ' ? . ' ?? . . - 4 ye . t . ? ? . , i -?.-.-:.. ? . ? ..- a >? ?anu? ? - ? ?to ?a? , i c ??,..- I . - 4" A?? ,????' ' ?? ?' ? a ? . : - -??? ? A K ?A ????...? * a ? ? A?. . ?>.: F ' . a.? 'it r.atoutb at. ? . ay.-- '.? ? a. i A.? n '. w.r ?- B? ' ? a,? . .*?-? ?... I? a - - ??? " it .... it?? ?? ?, H?a?. .." ?. ?v. ... 4 * .4 ? . Bf? '. ? -i ?.' - 1- ? ?? ? - .. " I r- | .. ? . | -4 p.,-??? ... .... Ra ? 4 . . . '"..-. 1 V . \! ? . a-, ?r r?* ., a??. . ?< .- ?? .., ?.. ?I F H ? - "'? 4 4 ??? B?:rtr E- . ' . a ??? ' ? 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II?? I .?? ?' ' A??, at?' \?-. p- i * i . ..??.? ?. i-, ? - : : ? - ?* ^'. ? -u. ?. ? ? I - ?a