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D AU ^?TT* VIEWS AND REVIEWS OF CURRENT FICTION fharles G. Norris'a Tale of New York ?Art Life?"The -r'rs{ Rt: a) Novel"?A ?New Detec? tive Story by Misa \\ ells?Other Books. THE UtATEl K. atJAfS *"K>' "**?? 'Mr x? rlai .-?? the be' ? ' uThli S,* York'? a.*: ? :-t-ha' ' - . tcci?ti - salab - - . .-? for the'r c -jrf" be- the rag -; ? ? ?jes and i her treaaei name to a ? ?aaily ceveie proiperou? to f?"e ;e'.er,c? ? All " ? diminish *.: lor the 1*1 with M Uf?, it '?"? ^,-rhout see U kr.o-ro i.'.-i-trt: I ?-.ti art edlton ests4 p? the Amer"-' They eome to New York In their hundreds, seeking fame and fortune, this? young men and women imperfect? ly trairez at a--. ? Ini the I teachers' warni ??poo iotas lone local success, some piss alanlni - r.g-r.*ttes for eome r. circulars lissi. ha* world srlth ? ?Is 1 or acting. A i ? so do take I 4 s. It "- ? a ? A I I ? I done, ?a - to ? ? ? - a n< [ME. A El' Tm ?-. < ?T . a a Mr. .-. ry epprop: ? - ':: ? fhsegb not b? ai ti? A: -, RtlH.o ter.t, i ruij : ? '?,.-? f.'i' An w Old Friend, A New Novel: FLEMING STONE n ? - *???? - ? Hi ( I lead { k,*vr' I and s ? . . I rny?-*> '*'--'' AT A' LIPPINCOTT ' ? 99U :? .: I , i.'.l EVERYMAN'S ENCYCLOPAEDIA ... l P. dutt? n . CO B a? '?' ' Letrmontor ?s on? of th?*??' elssaic?, far greater as a poet than bi ? ?? ' thor of thi ?? hlch i? eounted a?*1.' on. It . . Acers cha ? ? ? ? ? -.-?d Lermor.? bim. ? 1 Our Time" ha? been de U psycholog ' I is tl ? ? ? t a<) ?n, the ousnesa 11 f evei hing whom, ?ion fron : stance, one ? only as a poseur. It * dey, s'ror.j-ly Influent? lesa Rnssian, sad S, than ol I.ermoi ? \\ con - and imm? :a:d througl si saatiee and indei l.ons furnish son ? ? -? ng pages. NOTHING \ YEAR. ? . a i r?M a * a-I *?j (;.??:?, B - Dar.?, lsn?. pj, ... llar-asr 4 Uro?. This is the ?tory of sn adverrtures?. testare, told srith the cynicism of thorough familisri'.y with this phase >f the life of the world's lnrre cities. The woman deliberately marries a lit? ther of the rich to get her start in New York. She relies upon her own e'everness to keep within the pale while r ? g her ncBt snd his. But he, a -"-?rakllng, is s gentleman, and rebels at her ?fames of extracting stock market tips from millionaires, taking ? * from fake art dealers on purchases influenced by her, at all th?? dishonor . ?ids of os |ti eonseqnencea. They ?ries a hat shop in with a rich man, plans a ? ? nnection irith a I ? fertile in -, bat ?orn? . ? ? ? i sort ? seel et r- - ? .?ncies and from ent as well, ' pteode? disposed eminent ?ryers, . doubt, ? ? ft? 11 ! OP IRON. i -.,. > ore warning to ? marriage of the em ? iliza tin ? ? ? **rada - doe? ? ? The r that lil t h a oth er I . ? ? ' ? ? ? ?i >ul all this im n the mil ? his ? have ich of 1st? ? ?? ?rt in ? Fella ? . r . * casi prot? '.or In h?r s'rug rnenl As a piel* ? ? . ? . , north ? TU! CTRV1 I? BLADES. ? . ' ? ? ? ?".pan- , ard that eh? ou?'ht to ? ? :onrh count whom, though shvi g? i mar- , ? ' .'<*d he fore hei ill 1 -i" ftn imashed in. . end one of I band And I ? hour? ? ? ' I] : ? ' s Long ?' - . - Brge upon the nit ret of 1 i - ' - :? is a ? for the denouement, and ?f. Hut on th? way la keeps 01 U rest? - case. ? THE GREAT I NREST. - B? F r M a T - y -_? .???. r!-:?4,?h'"n'i The MAKING MODERN GERMANY at BY I Ferdinand Schevill Qt the L'mventty of Chicago HOW the Ger* man Empire came tobe and what it is at the present time in State and Society is simply and clearly presented. Portraits, maps, etr. Price, $1.25. A C iHcCLUPG l> CO Fnblithtr? GEOKGE M.Mlw ? Il \Mi;i 1:1 UN ".t'.hn Hogardua": The Cvnttu-y C ? real boy and a ? ? - ... '? f the 1 ? tor short has !. South Africa during the period FT. at unrest of labor In the c Darn become?, a locil Johannesburg and a Bhilan curiously mixed social v orld Young evidently knows the eounti-y, the diamond city and Its life, with :ts dl??reg"ard of ths most cherished Eng? lish conventions; and the p:t*turei them well. Dam gets hll head broken in the riot?*, and gets a scandal ?hat opans his eye?? and ser.'! home on the eve of the Great War. It i<? creeping into all our fiction, as is, ?perhaps, only natural ? I '.as ttie cataatrophe I romance i the T' i i ? ' .';(! r.e?v Irfe the war bruin end her ? perhaps a little too much upon our knowledge of the South African labor troubles; hi in ihe iptni long trailer from ... RARE OPPORTUNITIES FOR BOOK COLLECTORS Autographs. Manuscripts. Flrsl Editions from famous libraries at Auction. ' ; ? tndei ? ? noons and even.-. .. and ' ? h SI, The raphs, S] ? ... ' ?am K. Bii of t. I ? E. 1?. , The sales ? ' ble Arncrir.'.' Mr. H'.rr.t.nsrton Yin for rrnnv ?been ?ihe largi ?? pr?' ? ' -r of ? ? libran-, and line? hlor the c of the Do! I?evor and Preder ' nal f which he ? c aTra'l f'd by him in tl . r sales ?Colored Plate Boohs be present of on the flrsl consists chiefly of 1 ngl sh c ? - first ? '.on of ? ' ' ... represent ? ? ? ; ? ? ' "The " an?! "11 ir and the fonri ? ? ... ; ? the "Lit ? I ? tees there sre i Janata," ?f the Hunt:- let of ? iitlons of I Autograph* and Maaeecrtpta. The moat ? - ? are, ? ? ei I ? a pagel n hie autograph, un 1 and an u ? - i ? I est Itera, mai ' 1 -blasted! buward I bi repu? tation ?is a n i viga tor I \ iis ?hip was arrecked on a Flor rl.i rrrf on im first voyage ,n chit"f olti'er. " i? the way THE LONG ROAD HOME ?ni I \-.e thrillin ? In-. ?? rith ?i tenet ei foftnoct, .ind <>{ his love foi the K'r' v%fK) fill-illy t/ii t .itrs l.i-n, is a te;. rallv* P.une novel. THE LONG ROAD HOME ?y KAI I'll I> ?'AINE ...? ? I ?t? H't CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS - . ? ?--;?? ? : ' ? - - ? ' .-? ? :;a-v ? - Blather, arte, Hc-irg, PayBO, . - original T;'r'v r ? ' .r.cil of th? loeonenta by .- ? - graph dealing :.iehmond. Lett* i .-.??i at Traiai And lllomlnstad rr.anusc- ? I ? Early i'ngllsh Books. The eonsigi I ? E. T'wlght ? m in y rari a ear Engtti ratare, Moat ? art ef the ? .-?? ? . - ; ? i ?.? is in the Woe or Bath .- e of tali a'.? ? ? I amea ?a one of four known - ? - Mr. Hu'.h osraed Epi? two known of " r is in the 1 ? W. || 1499 ' ? - ? eon and Racine, a loni '??? ? ? ... ? ites sad ??e*d on ex? hibition at the Anderson gn?eriea or. March - The library of the late William M. Franklin, of I u*, N. J., which comes under the hammer on Mon.lay, Tuesday, Wtsdnaaday and Th'irs I I? notable for a n markabls etiOB Bad for lie many ? I - - i ' Ipoloj i Franklii PUBLISHER^ NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Professor Usher's "Challenge of the Future" Bishop Satterlee. G. A Canon llannay , ? a**a*St"eSSOr r?.her's Sow Booh. Pending e ... ?? ? rit h G i .- ? . unr? ?- '? the r? ? the Mor.' ? rica. Th? an nt 1 ... ?al? Whatever its conclu . ? ? . - I it learned "to think in la? th? A Shakespeare ?Play for Children. I.oui?- Ayree I Master been es] ? ?nd normal schools plsi - ? nera Kider Haggard. "The Ivoi ? the f Mr Hag? i. ? ? BUImp EUtterloa. ? I ? . ?' . .' th? work of th? bar?es H. Bri p of the Thilip 1 ath^r Tubb's Poetry. P I'jrns" announced . .New Lyrics by HI is? Carman. h *o, "April a now ve ? arman; "Of On? Blood," a no "The Hc?t ? ? -. J !e's Magazine. magasin? ? its A; - taimen! - [Il ? .i . . ? u? lordship and ' ? ? raed heir. The ? h'-ir'. ? this i umber drei ? .. ? ef a desperate si by a gre? in in dell'? re taken to ?Puget ? i a Bei ? story of a 1 ?ant to ? r, i Bt "When PRACTICAL STAGE DIRECTING FOR AMATEURS FU KMF.RSON TAYLOR Choice of Piny; Organization; Re hfiraini?; the Actor'? A B C| Mak?*-up; The Stage and Scenery. pies on I t it i tactil : .: ccerallv avail : ? - - ? ? . ? vitlllj I tCtOt a'lj l- a ; - .. . F.. P. Dutton & Co.,?a?! M A?.., N. Y. MUSEUM PRIZES MORGAN STATUES The Entombment, French Group, Considered Price? less Acquisition. VON HABERMANN PAINTING BOUGHT Landscape by Truebner Also Added?Hoentschel Collec tlon Nearly Complete. Thi famous monumental (croups from the MorgBB eoll?rction -"The Ertomb mer.t," tai-ten from the chapel cf 'he Chftteau de i re-.. ;r. Pir.j-ord, and a ?mailer group from the earn? chapel - ---ser.ted to the Metro; im by J Pierpont M^ri-an. form, In the opli - ?' '?? trastees, ex preeaad In a itatement -riven, out at the museum jttttrioy, ons ef the most WHAT'STHE THING THATGALLUWPHS? Illustrator's "Stone Age Cabaret" Turns Out To Be Problem Play. TERRY M'GOVERN ASSISTS AT PIANO Citizen Plucklly Defends Pet Authogasincsaurus. Treed by a Lady. By turning to page 648 of Profei?or Rlevitch's "The Second Interg'.acia! Fra; It! Sigri*c-\nce and Development." you can find that "Aurignacian and ar' is the work of one race, and that this ruee was the Cro Magnon is now absolutely demon- , ? -.i." Manaban of the Society of Illustra ? - to now thoroughly convinced on performance and interpreted the char? acters la the order of their entrance by appropriate -natche* of munc. .-? a ere sterling features on the bill, which b?par - :. the Enterprise Quarte?. :>...?? unr.g E. M Ashe. Alonzo Kis -e 0. Faker ar i !.. K. St irt -ess ?u:*.? tirr'.ihej gv Gats, of 194 Main Street Then there were C. Aliar. Gilbert's mei bouett? ? ? --? time :'.-. New Tori - "The Murder in ? M |t M ? the Mystery o? r i - ? dan, there wtre produced . - it say displayed ?. eertoi i " - among; other ob loBl ? ? each one had a real idea :n it ??> barlesejaes en tj aell known and were po?e? by regular posers who d.v mind it a hit, bat, thea, ere ? ipposs one pets u-pii to anything ir. Una Those who thought they also witnessed-a playlet cal t \ Gran I the rii le r anlbil ' - whirr?, was na?*??.?! free* another amoaf Edward Elite, Stet h ?? Malay, ? H. Bt I Frank McCoitnack. The ca?t for "A .?"'one Age Caba ret": B? KOBVRT J ??' .. . . ... ? ? ? Cg-..gA ? I ...v a. . ? ? ? ? i I 1. H a B I t ' ?? - : ! ? ? n Y.W. CA. OPENS MODEL CAFETERIA Working Girls' Paradise Out to Beat the High Cost of ?Loving. SITUATED IN 111 \!<i OF FACTORY DISTRICT New Fatim* ?Place on Tii'rty sixth Street Will I i'l III the Functions of a Club. A frisad r. door 1 p-.rlj itanda IVei ? - - ' lorj PRICELESS SCULPTURE GIFT TO METROPOLITAN Ml SKt/M. fi ..m til.' . !.. , ?riven to city by J. P. M ? - ? ?ir p? .?f* ** ?? ? ? t," rank? I . orki af ? period, coi gui - ? ?.-?? : ? a el .. : pi? ? ' I I an i di ? I part The kneel: ? ? er of ? ? I i - ? - in dab? titled "In tl Hubrrmai 11 which : of a pai ? I the Is : . .:.-'.?': ? of late Greek tr nee only a ra cottas of this or ,. ?. three beautifi : lie of th | , the gift of 1 r, and an Eng ; In eolers, ith centm ? iculptui t tesa 'ie Biron, J. 1'. Moi ? ? ? - ?ry deeo ?i icing . | I .?rtr ari It I ? ?? . rarity. He hai u:?o given to th . the beau" ? : which now tangs In the rentre ot' th ? ? ead of the grind stair ??-.bmoBt" ar.d its com fianion pife- are not a part of thi lection, having been ac d later by Mr. Morgan from an ? .urce. COMMITTEE FAVORS CHILD LABOR BILL Measure T<> Be Favorably Re? ported to Senate Soon. ? ? .:. B.r-au-J Wa g\ . Maarch 1?. Indicatinj favorable r?por' the ? Id labor bill ? i ti.e House o? linean Ne ????-.?? ?onimori-a! : t'i-.lay its re? ? it ion, of Arkansas; ith Carolina, and Cum ai i'o-Aii Bator? lli'hmson a:..I I'.mmius ?ru ti i labor Mil and I OPI ? I tO il S'Ml ator ?\'? .-?? i that the ? I a f?\oral?le la? ? a Into Tall. a ill look moat ch- ? i? the ? of th?? child tHbor lull rui.Lii.a* fatal of the ConaUtuUoo. that point, even if thore .ru if Robert ? B the su1 connectror. \, ? '-?."?? : - -? nted la lociety*! stag smoker i rai ?ais. Hut ' at I* troublir ? - i hing thi up on ? || . : if a head thi rteei f< it h gh sad making I OUt of a tub Taylor said that he had rei about lometl i g ? milar l?.-;ng dug u . once or twie , but tha- g. Tn. i ii no i. it that .I OB tribute t '? .- McKay has nade ? men I the ? ? The ploy ???elf was dor.? entirely i pai th Mr. v. ildhack, tfa - ? f ths book aloud froi tho the actors mad orrespor.dmg ge?:ur?. ' .'JUS. Eater an Autogosaurui. 1 bs li-g Message the pis? tuff ras th? une eld Interi Era, and that tv." bey who cherks your hat a the cahar.'t per.?ra!'y owni a control! ir.g interest in the ho^.'"?. The first ?cene is in front ? f Mir may'?? Cabaret, er.trance to -.Lieh rs si itting and ? I self through cave opening into an immature Pali A rarrap?? eallcr out'ide. clothed in a set of braei !? it tor.?i stuck to hil otherwise ur.hamp a th - urge la's plaste? .- a Stoi e ?age taxieab. ar Autogo .-.-?.? -'rar-.. i?t, which gets so discourage. over the treatment it rtc-lvee that i lown and Italie Itself The action of the piece eOl theH? i upstate t , rosea the Heroine 1 tho cabaret villain. It will at once b? that there is a quaint novelty ir ?latatioa. Mr. Wildhaek made th? mast of his unique plot, and wbOB, il ringing toaos, he led his characters tc ??? denouement, where the v..lain, ??s eap ? . ? of a W B llaSI - hurled to the ground, owing ?? , the eleva'., i ras tan lag thi . r : i in fair ! way to tearing otT the chocolate cum ths backs of ths seat? through sheet Benroai .-tram. Terry McGorern Plays Piano. As a part of the cabaret a Stone Age "movie was flicker.-?!, consisting of a rith foui | la gra-n chool drawings carved thereon, wheeled in quick inccoeolon acr ? by a couple of primordial rail? rith the ale? i of ? fei ' authogasinosaurus, e led bim i the desperat? leagths of using his gla-.s ? a? a areepofl In del faithfal fncr.d, who wai treed for his i feathers by a BtyaterieBS woman in black be I ?!? Th - I Im had the ap? ? the r"*rehlet? rie Boerd of F i ? . ? ? ? - ? r "That Prehistoric Rag." . ' ? ?? Taj ? r sad ??>? rdi bj i B J Wildhaek John 'l ("Terry**) MeGovern was at | tho plane or the violin throughout the - ' Prof ? - . ' ? - . ? i ft M .- * ? - --',-? ? C. D VT H i. ' ? - . " . . ? ? \ : ? ??-4? SUFFRAGE SCHOOL AT NIGH Prominent EMaJTragtstS (o Tea?h idtOH of Sijui-lfhing Ilerklers. I iufl ???:') schoo has made nece??ary tho forr evening classes in vote? argu j the sc:< - [heckler? frai ; tox. Dg school a April 4 ai v the ' I the edeoal tion of the Woman Suffrage . and won*.--. ? sdnfltl out entrance examina'.on?. The r ' will be held on Tuesday and i evenings from 8 to 10 o'c'.oc?.. teacher? tn the public schools ha The elai ' - ihart l?1?". Miss Beatr i, Professor a , of < ? sad M ? re for *he course Is ?-.. An ex I a Bsld n*. ? the ? I those passing; ??? mark will be b***sj them to rr? ' any "?' 'rage party head la RARE BOOK BRINGS $1,825 Work on Raconlan ( ontrxrveraj Get* lop Price at U'alpole Sale. The sale of rare first editions of fine .. ist Port? ? end buyers .- . Thi tap price of the " 121, was paid by E. I). North for the first book 'on the Baecn-Shakespeare controversy. ad "The Life and Adventures of an Historical gory." The Mil - bast ?Lawrence, s sargaon. Thi? . ? atina ership of the in | to bacon, and pn - ner book? m the Mn travel nearly u hur dred ".?-ars. ? sad bf?t price of the ss'.t- ta at $77.*, ; . . ? G rge D .th for a ? letter . . ... by B? - ?' IS. In tter fceai - ' : ' - " the?e letter? were Brritten at Para {vais Ina. I - It ? ? ? ? ? . - ? ? tena? ? fr." ? oc I ? f a I i . . . ? I red and ?' Her warnt . ? ' is t?. a'i," .?tory .sias tic ab'-'.- ? i plan. ngs to eat,' ? 'lars to vould - ' ? ? ? irs.' ** make ; Breathe... Be Well By William Leo Howard, M.D. You can bri:?4 to your h<)dy the Ghry ?/ /A wk and to your mind the balm o? (Con? tentment by jiM knowing how tu use your breathing power?, it is ?nteKtrinaiy* t?>?d in thil v.ilume and it's only one dol? lar?and nothing eue to buy. At at'. Bookitllert, $t.00 Set EDWARD J r I ODE. 151 R?V *????? '-'??Ta??,