Newspaper Page Text
Yct-i QUARANTE! ?v BaX? If You Want I?. IV^itorli ?t***, r**S-*3P^*-*4-i r&Bim?f?. ? Ws 'JlV-* ?W .-r?li'"--?wral is' a?ribun'" WEATHER. Kim to-day. fair ?ind warmei to? morrow ? . ? Frrsf to Laat?the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertisements \o\ IW^ N. >~ ? ?. ?, i ?op.rir.ri? im??. I he Trlliiiii? ?.??n. ' MOMMY, MARCH 13, I91<i ? v -?? ?? ? I? V l*|S In \?a Yorlt ? II?. N?at?rk. let-aeT ???.?. " ' Is I . I?.' I ,n ' WlBaBHS. I laeaahere Taao ( rn'a Carranza Says War Will Follow Invasion Unless Mexico Gets Riaht to Cross Border ARMS PLANTS RUSHING BIG U. S. ORDERS Factories Wake Record Time Turning Out Munitions. 2,000,000 RIFL1 S AMONO ORDERS Makers Ready to Drop Other Contracts to till \mcricaii Needs. ;. ??-... ? ?"- ? ' rmia-le^hci. March 1-. Four of ?-? s c it 1 plants in this .,-. ft\ a?- -a rl ng on ru?h oriifr? ? - .-.-? sheds arnl riflr*- for the -?-?vt-mnient. a?,.*nH r n?ar?> horp to-night x-\h\r o* ?V.ea? companies, who I tt ' ? n a position to ?' ? ?'.Ii of this _ w i t h h-ir fcrci-**? orders. Remington Anns Company, it m stated -? 2,000,000 rifles m Aminu ? . 2,500,000 .-.hell? 1. ? oniotive Com ""r-;in<rs. while ! .tr.d Ordnance .r , . g ? ad tracl ? aging tii .-? ? ? of the Midvalp snee i'ompany, and . president of the Raid? \*. orks. ?ai<! erns had received arg* the jrovprnment ? Resd?. t'. (?ive l'p Ml Else. . -re a* C>: ' ?., ?- . their rectories pea to ?S? .'??- l il AU.? Johnson sard ??.?? ' ???.motive V ' tjtst -.??. iheuld --.??? (.factors of my ?-???-? ? Hurt? ' *!-*.-.->? r- ? - harder task than is *r\n**te<? > - f ? ?? y emergency ?hould ir?? I ? ? 14 place b' the dispo?a! ?' ?-. -f. -^-put'st plant | ????---... ?? gsfembled under V? aattei i .-?'? M?dsn may H, ??> the captains of ir,?r i? -nstte- -> ? ? ?? - ? ??h, they will be ?Ms le I eil K.urope-in' contract? ?"? ? ? re? ? want and rc ;. ..-.,- ? f their own nation an quick fSSTM ? *-A.ry \* sh'.rt, 1t is p\\%ttMi * " ? tries each huj-t? plant? "?' '*' not en If maintain the' rough any war, but j ?.rop? ?- ? ? -, -.?/?? world cor ?. "At ?? . Alba ?*."*?-? ria company ie ' '? . . ... f-ov "***? sie gliso la ae oillnri '' - ?? Of two months and ' ' ? .-.- th.s time | --e, we . ;fac?ure of ' par?.?? of shl Ms ?nd ?..v the i ? for our chii rh?t * - ? ? .r* i?, h ; ? as well as '"?r-n '?d fr>r ('?irk Sen. ? e la devote ? . Ik? I.* ' ' '' - g ? ? ... f? ? ? ? ? A. - . A ? ? .? r.r?. Vm' OfRcei Dinics '? ,' Munitir-ns Ordirs V;.. i ... ' ... . 50.000 DIMES CHINK IN MARJORIES FUND Ih* Rymbei o! c<r?ntnbu? lOn In Maiintir't Battle "iiip I und patsrd the 25,000 -nark -resteitlay. At the MUM lime the dime-, num hete? nearly ??0.000, keep? mg the avena*?* at approxi? mately twentv cents per per SOn, where it <.'oo?l wlirn lilt* fund reached $l.f)0i). An enthusiastic audience li^kn-d la?t night to a acore <?t 1 rench and Belgian artists. \th<3 paid a tribute to Marjone al the Theatre I "rane?is, under the direc? tion o? Mme. Blanche rXrral. The receipts go lo "vard huilding the batHe snip "America." Total to date. . . $4,()83.b4 Number of contributors. 25.281 File story of yesterday's developments will be found "ii Page b. SAYS BULGARS FIRED ON RUMANIAN SHIPS "Daily Mail" Dispatch Reports Buttle on the Danube. Be ? ?'?> la Vas 1*1*1 i Ilion, March 12. Accord,ng o an " iessa dispatch to "Thr Dally News," an engagement Is reported on the Dan? ube between the Rumanians and Bul? garians nesr Rakovo, twenty-two miles north?MBt of Rustchuk. A Bulgarian frontier guard 0[ re from its trenches on a Rumai.ian ?hip which -??as loading from a barge in the Ruma ">ns. Ths B'.ilgar.ars ??gnalled to an Aus? trian gunrViat. which orilercd the Ru? manian **<*aBSela '.n the Bulgarian The Rumanian?, ignored the ? -i- order?, and the gunboat then ? a heavy irre with machine gun DBS. Rumanian troops replied. ? ire ersre many casualties on both sides. BERLIN MUST CUT USE OF POTATOE?. Cards To Be Issued limiting Purchases by Residents. Berlin, March 12 Potato cards. Is? ?nance of which has been made r.ece? ?arj. ),y -.jig shortage due, it is ss -rr'cd, to ??peculators holding out for higher prices, will take their place - ie bread and butter can: - la en March 20 The first canit ?arill cover a sixty. ?ay period and allow the holder? to ? urcha?e ?lever. Knglish pounds of ' el*/S '?ay?, probably at the uniform price of sixty-five pfen rigs The general v potato situation ?hiring the ?ix*y day? will determine Il the plari must be continued. Owing t<> the recent st.ortage in bread, the military authorities to-day ' ?baiie rhe production of all cakes he March 1" and March 1^, inclu? sive, made of white, rye or potato flour, their ?ale between March 15 and 19. WOULD CALL BOWERY CENTRAL BROADWAY Merchants Might Accept Peter Cooper St. if Aldermen Insist. What's " a name? The Rowery by ?er rame would be the Bowery, this idea i? not shared by a body Of merchant? and bankers who met yes? terday a? 42 Bowery in the hope of comp?lling a change and calling the ancient cow path l'entra! Broadvtay. This propositiori will be put up 1" ?he B"?r?l of Aldermen. If it meet? ????approval Peter Cooper Street - Hiw??" Avenue w'?!! be BShstitUted. The aggregation that met yesterday ? , ??,.- ittafl Bridg?- Traaail Improvement Assocatm- Its ?im is ? , improve bnainess in the Bowery. ii.-nrin? BB heller/es 'hat If one sjf of 'he 8,700 trolley esrs that come i,.er Brooklyn Bridge on two tracks trted U 'he four track? of ? ? , Manhattan Bridge hu- i the Bowery could 1 Charlea II Bhulman, Henry A Bade. I II lube J?r?.r, 1'ir ke!??eir a-..i H V ?r?. prominent ? l?sai ? . ? orgHnw?' ' YEGG LINGO DRIVES SUCCESS TALK HOME "Don't Drill All Over the l'lat?V Advice to Sing Sing Men. ? .? i MS ?? >Balsa "f Mai on h-.*? la alta ? ? ? ???* " r"' ... ,,,??>? ptisaa ; ? i "lito?, priais in t ?",,,.; rann??? drill ? ?'"> IB ? safe ?r . . ? the plata You m tal . ??, ?pel 'i .. i ?hi rot Mudge.m . if vu scatter your blewa .,. ?, ,| ,,, Otilia a' the called eue? ? ? Vou ere bound "? H ,h"" '"' '' ? ? ,i , ? lake I '""- " -a'-sllaet. and "'* nf fh. ngl.-tt thorefare, ?o? ba ellasbss i?r GERMAN DRIV; HALTS; FRENC ATTACK FAIi Operations Nortli Verdun Slacken, hi Big Onus Arc Active TtUTONS REPULS MASSED CHARC Bombardment Continu East of Douaumonl an in Fort Vaux Region. Ion, March 12. The Gi ? north of Verdun ha1? "No infantry action during the eon of the day," says to-night's I rencl Ida! statement, "ha? taken plat'e. T bonbanlmriit. however, ha- he??' qu ? on the phrt el the leries on the two hanks of the Meui The French endeavored ?.. rar," I recently won (?erman tionitlon? w of the Mease "by meeeed attacks,"si tu fiay'.-t (iermau official fttatement, 1 ?Tere unsuccessful arid suffered h?n loste?. Referring to fighting in tl rej-ion. 'he French statement ?a "Around BethiOCOUrt the bombardrn' ???a?? ouite intenee." "Our heavy artillery." ?ay? I French BtMtmea* "took urder its f groups of tbe enemy in the ravi north of the l.nte ?le F'oivre ar.d (Ji man batteries -, 'iie roglotl Douaumont. A ?mal! Germen ha grenade attack near tl <? I ote de Poiv wat easily ttpolto?.'' "Kant of Ki.n [?ouaumont a reg of Foil Vaux th.? en'-rn;. in the day before yeeterday hei new attempt to reach the plateau win r?5' s abo* c thl f"i ' "In the Woerre ?' the close of y terna;, the Germans after artille preparation from us during an . tack a small trench adjoining the Eta Road, to t he rrolh of 1 "In the Argonne a coi on the ( hepp\ Wood II I eral enem) obeervatoi ? "North of the Aisne tie art lie ?.truifK'.'* wai veri active of the wooded hills south of ? ille-eu I'r? "South of the Somme we directed d struetive flres on the enemy are '??.:,? of Maucourt and between tl Oise and the Aisne ?m the defeni jvron Ti,?- Brilieh We ? ? nmun o. ?,..:. leeued te-nl?ghl says: "The enemy to-day sprang mine*, near the Hohenxoll? ? and grenade fighting ensued. Thei -.. . r. very few Casualties and Very litt damage eras done to our trenches. "Our trenebes about Loos and th Hois-de er wi re shelled. Thei have be.'ri heavy artillery h'.mhar? menti by ho?h fides ?bout Ypree." The ??erman official statement ? I fol!ou i : "Northweel of Semille we o-rcupii a crater caused by a lUCCCSSful e?.plt : .11011. "In the region ?.. the west of th Meoec the enemy endeavored te ta* our new- position? by massed el but they were not auccessful. Th enemy suffered hea.y le "i?n the heights to the cas? of th river and on the Woevre plain ?h ?Sf-htint* activity iras hrnite.i t.. mor or less violent artiller;. batl "Near Ober-Sept (Aleaeej the Kreuch despite repeated attache yeeterda] were enable te sel fool In their form? position. The;. '.ire repulsed, Wltl sanguinary Teuton Artillery Miles Deep, Prisoner Assert* Parle, March It A brilliant r.iunte attach bj French chasseurs ??? re Sponsibls for tie ?heck which up??'* th. earefullji laid plans of the l.crma- I fo ?he cap'ure of Verdun, accord ne to at ml of the batt.e . ? D1 NL Journal" from seven Prussian officer taken prisoner wh le ?.n Special parr?, duty. All these officers were brought bn. ? from the Serbian front te tight F'rancc TWO of them, one bcloi . the artillery, aere wounded. The) <? .'?d that ?n order to reach the (?er man front they 1. d !o MM (JirOUgh concc ? Me? of art tilery '?? ? ? tin* of them declared the i>umhc' o' run. used m the ?Li gn was :.,,? ??. ?,?? . onipan d ? I h I; ? .? ? lenes assembled for ?nr assault upon Verdun The tremendous Preneh mitrailleuse 1rs ??-rpas-e?! anything h had ever kno?\n the German is quote?! as sayiiiK. He as?e??e.j l*.r Kr-r ch *r tillery a? Douaumont was ??lual in gi i. ?t tim? p. ' ' to ? ? ? ?? rmaa hu? the! it ares the ga ant charge e' , ?he Vrerri, . i,.? - . them La.rk The pa?? Iht'r progress to the front ... ?lajre es he Ina been mad? ?. ?. h?ap? t of dead comrade? CARRANZA HURRIES BACK TO CAPITAL i Will Remain in Qucrolan? Until Crisis Is Past. Mezic? ?"it*.. March 13 ?.rnrral I'ar ranee arrived ?' Qaeretare last ,: hurneil ?.i'l I ? from (jueda lajera The Ktrsl ? hief frill ir?na'.; in t??? pro. i.i'ona! ? ?apt ? III ?in?l UM rriilS IS ? i" I INTERVENTION CERTAIN, VIEW OF ARMY MEN War Department Con? vinced It Will Fol? low Invasion. CARRANZA MLN MAY JOIN VILLA Troops Pursuing Bandit Would Join I lim to I ?gilt Americans, Is Relief. ? I rasa ' Practici thai the eampi gi tc Vilia" will d to tl .- goinr CO, the \\ nr I'e partm-r- ?a Risking . b the rre*;. . t Wl ? be? lieved bI fir ? I ..? .-. ??.?'' detachment could .it of Yilia within twenty-four hi three day? ? . t a single Ai . . ? , * si >a'! the ? I it would .. mall force m ?/lera ? . ? that Vil a'i ai ny of .... ? 'eil and the piobability iha' Carranza troop? ?row . ng him will dcs*rt to his ??de as a? 'he Amei .er ? anr.iai ih.? argument haa preraili ? my coun? Secrecy i i 1 unston's plan? for i ; against ' lia ?-? d i. * band.- aaforead at the War De] i i high official? of ? ment are in do'ibt er ABBei nan fro. i ,'..? have er? : 01 de: Prepare (or Binder I rouble? Secretary lin'?.' ed late la* . '..i Infant r,. no?v at ton, I' . had been ordered to 1.1 I'a.*.o. i ? of Mexican many town? along the ... Dl ?-., ai'out 1,000 stroni at points il? s?gnate.) i instan, i ?rtiei i eau . si ed ta oomplete m de? tail every arrangement neccasan foi ..hen- Imerieaa fore? ? into '?'? the variow i eaus of the departsseat, Nu? i inf haa l>? ?? n I be pro? gramme r ?comm? sded i ? Gam .-ai Kun* Major lieneral Tasker H Bl IS, chief of the Mobile Am-, Division, in r'orrni . - - ? II late to-day that machinery ha?I be?en perfected to geney tha' n is campaign, and could be set m motion at a word. Sim ? poi ' ? i'*' . the adjutant ral, ?'?'? ii ipector general, the i quartermaster general, the largeon .-. i si, 'he rr.'.ef of ordnance ?n?i the other dlvi ion .: officials, N'en . Bcial and clerk at the War Depai si been bnoy ? ' .. I'r? ident'a annoaaaamoal 1 I be ?enl nun;sh \'i!ia arid his bandits. Ever] more bj the depart? the Pre? lent'i order I in ?errei-r,. in aieord !.'-?? tion. Sundaj ??as a ?la? of seti? t\ ta? day to ? time sines the nn>b ,?? ? .-..". ob the Mexican border two ) irs ago Secretary Baker t?- t.. ' ' famil; ** I ? lev?'In? id and *pen? tlie day conferring General Staff rs? g?rd | ? 11 ova phases of the ?it ? ? - - ? 4-r,ipvi.- i osamani? ratioi ? ? oartmenl ami ?ho .?lied. Offieiali reiterated expressions et ? the forcea already along ? ? to carry out the campaign. It si? ?a??l t' no ?di! ' for troops to pro used ild ht> latnrd. at !???*? for t1,?- pi e three ? a- airy ?it? ordered south will i-nus'l tute the o? 11 oop? "rom ?: posta 'irle?., the pri'.cnt arrangements ?ere altered, Should ? ? f.' a?Mitional iHitlnn?? ?.?i |iit?? ? .nl.unn S REPORT GERMAN FLEET READY TO MAKE DASH it, . ??. i? rsa ' I ?melon. M ?rrli I J | he "Daily Mail'?" Rotterdam , m rcpondrnt telegi.ipli? that (a?-.rn.?nv i ? anal l??und iMttle ?)i ?I i? preparing la mosr. "1 m ni tuv .?.eeka." lie wires, 'I ii.r.e lic-n rereiMng infor? mation SIM irn ii?.?* able lo al,?te that thr vaunted High >i fleet is to make an al lernpt lO i?:?tifv it? proud Mile I l*arn llial the famous loaat. "To the d.n .' of vthich ?\r ?Save hear?, lilllr during ihr \t,ir. ?a l>emg drunk ?a ith an fnthuMSRI that heralds imminent action TEXT OF CARRANZA MANIFESTO TO MEXICAN PEOPLE. Mexico City. Man h 'j.?The text of Gen?*;;?; Carransas mani? festo follows "R*. a'jse of the assault which Francisco Villa and the '?.audits who accompanied bin' trade on the town of Columbus, in Amer? ican territory, banting houses and killing some of the inhabitants, soldiers a-, well as civilians, the international situation in these mo ment-, is re?**- delicate, as the North American pies?, have excited then people against Mexico, and the government of that country has discussed the situation in the American Congress, memhcis of '???hull havf advised intervention. 'The Constitutional Government, which 1 have the honor 10 rep-c,erit. i? also occupied diligently in an effort to solve this deli iate situation, trying at all costs to maintain the d'ei"?. end ?ov eretgnty of Mexico, and we yet hope that this lamentable m.idetit may he detorously arranged, and th-?? there will be no reason fo? an international conflict "T have addressed the government of the United S'.ates through the Foreign Office, stating that the invasion of Villa has historical precedents, as, in the jretrs ''8<80 and 1886. two parues ol India,?-. ? oil? ing from the United States invaded Sonora and Chihuahua, commit ting crimes and depredations on the lives and properties of Mexicans. "It was then agreed between the governments of the two coun? tries to permit the respective pas-.-age of armed forces, resulting in the extermination of the Indians. I have asked the American Gov? ernment to pursue a like ?ourse in order to solve futurr difficulties. should they arise, noting th?t Villa and his companions are a group of bandits, whose act-, the Mexican Government or people would not he responsible for, and that his i eproachable conduct is due. to instigations of the reactionary element that, lacking patriotism and convinced of its defeat, is trying bv all mean1 to bring on armed intervention "I have not yet received the answer of the American Gov? ernment, and. from the reports of my chiefs along the frontier. I learn that the American forces are mobilizing to pursue and capture and deliver Villa to the Mexican authorities That the expedition is in the nature of a punitive campaign and that the sovereignty of Mexico will be respected. "The Constitutional Government has given instructions to its confidential agent at Washington immediately to make representa? tions that, under no circumstances, will any motive, be the reasons or explanations of the United States what they may. justity the armed invasion o? Mexican territory without reciproca'.! rights bein^ granted to the Mexicans, and that not for an instant will the invasion of Mexican territory or an outrage to its dignity be tolerated. "I am sure that in this I interpret the national sentiment and that the Mexican people will worthily comply with their duty, be the sacrifices what they may, to sustain their rights and sovereignty. If, ?infortunately. we are dragged into a war, which the United States never can justify, we will not be responsible for the disastrous con? sequences, but will serve as instruments for Mexican traitors within and without our country, who have labored long to produce this re? sult, and upon their heads will fall the inexorable justice of the Mexican people." NICARAGUA BARES GERMAN PLOTS Blue Book Asserts Consul Fomented Zelaya Revolt. Hf Ji.rt'irti 'o T*i? t . ? u aanmgton, March I" Tha' <?er many, in onler to secure control of the interocean cana! route, ha? nought to foment a revolution in Nicaragua and return the ex-Picta'or Zelaya tc power, OTM revealed in an official Blu? published in Managua to-day. The i.-r mar-, charg? and consul are even de? clared to have been involved in a con ipiracy to eeeaaeiaate I're5ident Diaz tod his I sMael a? part or* this pro? gramme. In the ?mblicatiei ef the diplomatic correspondente far tne year 1914 re? lating te the \rc_raguan ?lebt, a t?l?? graphie summary of which has be. n received here, these fact? are lard bare. They afford an official confirmation to | persistent reports, current during re : cant month?, of ?he extensive Genaan ? ntrigue in Latin America before the i war. While the Haytian and Nicara- | ?r?an traatiee vers before the Senate? recently if is understood a momoian- | ?ium of these SCthriUss was laid befor-r , rhe rerr gp Relations ' ommittee. Whether there was : ,,v connection or net, the Surt?a'? promptly ratifie?! an agreement by ?hrcii the 1'nited States, pay ? to N.caragua for a canal r.i.'e and for naval base?. It else ap proved the Haytiae ?rea;y eetablishing an American Ananeial pretecteratc ' ?he island republic. 1.erman.? Hailed Zela? a P'?t h rhesr iira'ic had been per ? ? ? .the admis ' ' ? tion of Preaident Taft, by whom -.a?r? Bret proposed. ".o report has ever be.?ri Tia'le of the evidence laid before the Saute, yel the mfcrrnre from II at i on i| regard? d as unmis'nkabe here In ad?in on trie eiecleenrea of the Hlue Book thro? eeneidernhlc l,?/1 ? apan the real influences behind r.t laye'i attempt te return to Nicereg i in I'.'ll aid start a revolution. At the time t' .-re Wh? considerable n- ? surrounding the event. Owing ?o the vigilant, of the United State?, ho* ever, the el lictatOf*! plar-s -ve'e th verted. Me was prevente?! ?rorr landing a; Htm York, and on wc.l ' ? W ?slvrgtor.. ? uba and other Latin American countries denied h'r>. en!r?\r.?e, i'orrm_ h ? "**i to return 'o Spain i ii.-, Frantaiu end ' lane i! , Kar Ueocreeaig are lamedhyth*)? -? regruen t>'or"gti Minietar a? head ?? ? Ger an eel tiee in Nicaragua, net ? are declared ??. have been irtimate.s Sf I ' ?nlln.,?** on r?4j? t ??-laimi. ? SHIP TORPEDOED, SILIUS CREW SA. Consul, in Report to Wash ington, Confirms Rumor Bark (iot No Warning. Pal I, Van h 11 J. H Osborr.? American consul a? Havre, n hi? re port, to Washington on the -. the Norwegian bark Silius, is unoet stood to bring out clearly ?hat th Silius ?.as torpedoed by a ?ubmar ?is. The ?even Americans who wer" oi board the bark were looking afrr cargo of osts which wa* eonaigned ?? tlie French government. Theae mci snd the crew have heen questioned b; the eonsnl, who has cablnl a lumm.-i*. of their testimony 'o "?? asiirig'or Their testimony, it it said, leaves n? doubt that the Silius was torpe loo. without warning. A full report on th? sinking of tne veaael will he mai ? Washington. lour (iermin lubmarinea are repor' ed to be in the Enajlish Channel, pre pared to enforce rigidl) ?ettnenj't re eently announced polu-y of naval -a. fare. The French pr?t' is engrossed v?r the battle of Verdun, and publish* withou' comment the latest GsrmSI memoraadam ragarding abmarii fare and ine newt of the sinking ol the Biliaa The "Temps." howevit. re raarka thai the torpedoing at titt .. cannot fail to reopen the ? lonflirt between she United Star**? and Germany, laeldaalally. it remar il oh o' Mexican bandit American ?err tory bears ?he ttan--> ?' Ge rma Silius Case to Mark Crisis in U Boat Issue Krim T iaa ?? .-?a . u .?nington. March IS The Siliu? eaae, In tne eplaion of State Depart? men? officia at - '? marks the rr- ? of the whole ?uhmarin? i a ? ? p.. porta from Paria I the ?t?te-, enl of ? on?u( Oabocni a? Ha- re that ? - '? ??' ertaia my ?? ill be ? ailed to lay harr he? pol ?-? toward ?? ? country or faoe a breaK ?a n lationa |i ?lew of ;Vi" nee -nformation it is probable tun? Meretai*- Lansing will po.tpone hi? intended va.-T.tmn, which ?ras to h' gi ' te-morro? Pre.nient Wilsofl h? ???? incertain ?. t.. ?? ? ? ? ? : ? ?nan t Arm stand " " ? ' '"? ?' a ?? - ? ??"? s at a bluff or i 'd eat ?I a genuine s lingo? .., break with Ihe ? ? ted latea rather have the submarina eai pats hampers?!. Th? ? rped ng of tac SiliUS, II '? believed, will fore? lier ?B ' la make her posi'ion clear MENACE OF CARR.4NZ1STJ_S HOLDS BACK U. S. TROOPS Commander Delays Pursuit of Villa Until an Adequate Force Is Mobilized MEXICANS POST ARTILLERY ON HILLS OPPOSITE NACO "America Faces I ong and ?Anxious Task," Says General Funston, Urging Public lo Be Patient. Mexico City, March 12.?General Carranza lo-nighl issued a manifesto to the nation, declaring that under no circumstances would the Mexican government grant ihr right to the United States to violate Mexican territory by sending an armed force in pursuit of Villa without con? sent and the reciprocal privilege being first obtained and admitted. Word was sent to tiie confidential agent of ihr Mexican government in Washington to make imm?diat*? representations to this effect. General Carranza aays in his manifesto: "I am sure that I in? terpret in this matter the national sentiment and that the Mexican p? ople will comply in a dignified manner with 4k ir duty, be the aucrtitcet what they may, to sustain their rights and sovereignty if, unfortunately this drags us into a war?a war ?vhich the Unite*! States can never justify. "We will not be responsible for the disastrous consequences. Upon the heads of the traitorous Mexican? who within ano without this country have labored to produce this result will fall the in? exorable justice of the people." San Antonio, Tex., March 12.?It becam? lay I for tue campaign agair.-t Francisco Vil ? i ? n affected bj tli-? bordei Mtuati?-.?) elsewhere than at Columbus, S. M. The situation, it i mid nportant a^ to have hindered ?rapid cone? ntration of the punitive txpth ?tiu.iti ?ha* will i*'? after the perpetrators of the Columbui outr ? tVniti'.i States Army officers to-day located four ? ? ? placed on hills about the Mexican town '.f Nogales, opposite Nogales, Kris. Several pi?'?'?1? of artillery were thereupon pla?ced OK hill Ml th? \inr-i can side. CARRANZA MEN MAKE THREAT! Openly Declare They' Attack U. S. Troops F.ntering Juarez. .,.,4. . . T.. T. Pa3o. Tex., March 1.'. ? arraai army offieisli in -Juarei let It be know >o Americans today that an a'ten.r the United States to send troop into Mexico tl rough Juarez will l * with determined resistance there, i also has become kno day that preparation? have been mad in Juarez for resisting what the Mex cans there term "American of Mexican soil." \ l? .ce ; received here to '.he* that Bertani. 'he Ml general, with 'J.OOO men, is ?.tttione on the border opposite Palomas. \. M SI d that the (arcar.... iplayS ? -tl;. hosl ?le attitude. Juarez, i? filling ?p to-nigh 1 w tl Carraaaa troop the horde from Chihuahua City and garrisons 11 ra! and Southern Chihuahua. 1 of reinforcenien'? .,-? lUBI B( i o'clock from ChihttaBBI ? it;.-, bring.i;g 5"'J handrcd men, will eqnipmer.f. Of the command of ?er.era irret. ?ieneral Benjamin GarSI was in command of the detachtne- ? I ? was a laager troop trail bringing ????"> mes and several piece? srjr, al?o from Chihuahua, ?len oral ?utierrei was also exeaected to ar r -.e during the nig l and iher troop ?rain.? ar?* -ad to he OB the ?BJ U Juare from the louth. rhe ?? - - , ; by ?,enera! Gavtra to be mte.ide'i for MITlce in Weitem Chihuahua to aaaiat la the capture ot Villa. I!'- Saya thai most of them will go ? 11 te Casas Grasvles country to? morros Ravs Mad "immtiniilon. It thai the luarei troops a- - shundani ippl ed wit h am ? of it former!* belong -? I the Villa garrison which to Carrants whs the "tats of chi h us h u a w a ? ? irned ? ?*r withou! \' ilia's comer? Inctuded In the Villa ainmu ?rer? 1,600,00>0 ?-ar'ridges, nine good condition, seventeen machina gtas at,r| a large quantity of ?h?-lls and machine gun cartridges. This ammunition has rot been sent ??ut of Juarer.. John Churchill, of 111 Pan. ?a. h ? ar rived in Juaret today fron I 1 ? laid a - r hi ind nre other I rii.. n vera waiting for their train in ? hihuahua a Mexican threat? ed him. '?)?i| that all six American? would l?r hanged before they reached ? ..nlln.i.a nn |??S? 1 rolumn s and Cl ? ??i ti las tirai tU ?ir- ??,?. H . . - ? ? . ,. rar.7a ?arrior.? af Nogal??.?, orr the AHsonS r.? r.)rr tOUn ?t a\ V i Irai Negral, ?*; Paea. Tez., f ..* -I .ar- ? . ??., m ?! ?r ? po?nl tht ?ht? .? ? io??r? of the First Chief an ?m Waiting \de?iiiate I '.r. e 'We 4e net oorselves I the exped?! thai ses ' Villa ?? ii ?rar: ?ato tttxieo, although, of eo . ? "If will go forwe early as a missar;.. can be I I ?' artM no' erdered to ??.< bordei bev? ? element i ide 'oda by Major ?.??'"ral Frederick ng at Fort 8am Houete ithen Depart meat hea-i quarters, ai eleeeli an military ei ? mid ?perm,? pU' Ike bandit l?a'l??i led: ? re i? r.o use KOir.(f ?' this thing half-cocked. The tash ahead of us will be a long ami ai.xious one." 'ihr . eloag th?' border hau nr-?r \\a can popula \ ? v. -i: .',\a Troop? i the herder town* are i any situation that, may a- '.' -a\ It unitton says. ? . . ? -v tien ?o ees these ' * earch for Villa ..? h? moved until ? them ? ;.,a'r<i1 comple'e ?ar-. forre'y ut hr patient," se 1 ?lenrral J- :. ?'?>rr. "'.?.> must be ade .- prepared for thtl k" "In th* trat i i it, or. meat u*?, a? much an possible. ? - ??> pre a?-rii??o?T!??d to Mexican border dut? These men ranro' he rei ?red from ? , . ? i atil th?jr are re? . ? i drei ? ether de* .r-r.c.j ?o the bordar. ? rr-w;?portatio'i of relief pat?ela Is i'i?r. Many of theae ?r..op. ,-..?? ? ..' ?.-*??,>?.: purtmr-i'i that hd\r ?>. bc concentrated, some? time bv mean? of d'nVult "--.rr'ies, be? fore t1 ? . eai 1"- ?'?ut southward. .Nothing to (,ain by Haate. "Concentration an.I transportation of troop- I| not all of our problem. **/? ?r, (-? ? ? ricr to imrrh into ? COUBirjT that Will afTor.l ii little ?' no forage. The Commi a^ ? i 1 b.- ?,|?,?iuately ittp Di?.| \ Villa ft.l'.iwer cen live M ! Uli or nothing. At? \nieriran aoldier j must be v. .?II fed if he is to give go**'! ?irvler ???A?, areat'geii anything h, ho"