Newspaper Page Text
-F? ^ City Railway & Light Company REORGANIZATION err ma tufOJ RAILWAT AND ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEMS AT KANSAS CIT? .?.. n--,??lt<iri ??der ?h? r?an Ante?! loir 80. "tMO?, ??re'avai-od T* it?ne--able Wlllla?l C? Hook, larl-i<*ln,_ (Tie *r' -. fiv-l* OK ' KHTIPIf ATTJ OK DF.POSIT Imnrl by ?Id Oal "fOl?""r?* f r?myii7. n? Deiao-lter?. or It? ?s'ttt?, ultr the ?4*Ve?mret alatli .?.?r M 1 i 11 . lor ?Ve'rop?li'3-i Street Raiiway Cofpiny Consolidated Mortgage Fivt *??r Ort. Gold Bonds tin* m?i i. *"????-? trailed ??Mun .,.ln. i .-.?ni?'* t ; a_ ,,, m?, "f < KBTIKICATK? OF DVPOflT laeaed by the \. I* . ,r,?i niyuD.t. a? I)fp-ill?rT. or It? 4??bii, aider tho ?angas City Railway A Light Company Firtt Lien Refvidiof Fhra Per Cent. Gold Bonds due w-y i?. ??i? '??ana? -r?uw ???? ? ?in! HI ?1*? 01 I KBTIFKATT.?? 0P IIKPO.MT l?i'4 by T*ha ,,,,. .npinl, a* He |?o?l f ? r ?. or I??. Agent, aadrr I - . ? .1 \ iicnei 1 .'.. I M I -'. for '? f.aiway & Light Company Six Per Cent. Collateral , .'.?ar ?.rpiembrr I, I'll.' ..allrd "nall-itii ?a" ? i . ,,, ;?, 0| ? i HIlKir Mis or ni Kill lamed by the ?1 i oi I? Iri.l i uiiinonr. li Ile(.o?lia r. . or Ha Agra!, ander the ?.?'"*"""' dmuA Mar.-b 10. 1?14. lor Centra; Electric Railway Company (ef Kansas City, Misuari) F te Per Cent. Mortgage Gold Beads -?? *-__r u in. <?-.ii?d ( mlrnl l.lei-trlra" i i ..,.,?1 K? or nnTiFirtTics ok dkposit im??4 kr Tki l?| tonipan?. aa llepenltar r. or Ita ?Beata, aader il?? ? ?'?' ...? 'utanr.l Plan, for eny of llie foregoing aecarltl??, m Bon |H Consolidated Street Railway Company First Mortgag? Fin P* C. n ? G*?!d Bonds ii-i- i-aij i, iai? .?ailed "rorn Ej.: Side Electric Railway Company First Mortgage Five Per Cent. Gold Bonds due j-iy i, i<mi ?raited ???oat -*to ?*l?-?rlrli ?'' ? ; Notts ol Kansas City Railway & Light Company t? kism ott-? Bank?, aer-ared by alue? of Kama* City and *?% eut port Belt **?ul-?a? Company trailed "Note? to Hank*".; Kansas City & Westport Beit Railway Company Firtt Mtrtgagt rue Per Cent. Gold Bonds dn? jniy i, i-?_o <raii??i ?'?>?? por?*' ? I Kansas City Elevated R?iir.ay Company General Mortgage Six Per Cfcfll. Go'C! Bonds Sm. July a, SMI iealle? ""WnateJ 9sTr% Kaasas City Eiewatcd Railway Company General Mortgagt Fob* Pw Cent. Geld Bonds *."* j-it >. 19? (aanai l*_nae?oai ?f)i a-oT'iTI IS *ISl"tBT Girs-4 that Cke raterait t. ?rt?eh tb? D?*?*)ten art OOtUOoA ?' U -a.-tr-ipr- 111? ef Dl-i-Aoa It ?f tt? ?t?rr?.omrwr-kd Pia? toi iJa? tko t_ M Myit"? 'A-?UU7 S. lilt, ?aoa two aa? ?**?w.o??_ lavaita* la ts. D-fontiai otott ?ATA* ?- ta :??- ? UKRVU 18, Ibxa, 1: U.? oOki *i THE NEW TOO-i TSrsT rOMPA.1V, **???o??t-a7, .? tW do ?f N?w Terk, ?U_i ?*>?? ef aar ??eat ?f fa? De-.o?ltary saiar tn-s PW? m ?-rrda-at-?. tain! by ?a* A-nat, ?a IH_i?j?i ?/o th? Holder* ot Oorttaeataa o* UorgomII to? HCTaorOl.ITA *? ?OMOI.I, at tbe rata of OT-kO? far oaab H.auO far? lam? of bond? repreaeatrd by a ?ach ??rllleiMi BA11 V*. - 1 *Va. at ike rafe of A77 Su far each ei.e*?0 far? aatoant a?f baada rrpreaeatad by lack rulllriiii ?All ?A 4? ?ia. at ibe rat? ef a*..'.S3 for earb Si..?**?*?? faao ? aiaajit of aolea repreaeated by mcb eertlflratc; rOTHAI I'll.nKK.S. at Ike rate of ?00. for eaeh ai.OOO late? (a,?aDi of boBila reprea?B4ed b? inrh rrrtlflratei roKli i ?? *? *? "? ?? ,he rate of A.%-..*? O for earb II.HUV faeo aanoant sf Ucud? ri i.rraei.ted k? aaeh rrrllHraiei ?Atl HOB K LU? IKIl >, at the rate of $5 7. ft O for eaeb il.tkae tg. e HBi.iuui of liouili repreaentrd by ?orb certifleaiei ?40TI s i?> BAWKa, at tbr rate of a ? ?**>?.? for each ll.eeo Caco irneunt ??< B*l4M repreneated by aarb certiaeatei prKfTPOBTS, at ibe rate ?( tr.U for roofe fi.l>"9 face a-aoaat ?f tximli reprraeulrd by aoeh eert 1 flea t?-j v[? \ kTTCD 4>a. at the rate of e.*>7.60 for earb $1.000 fat?* aaonct ot lioada rcprataented by lick erriifleaiei LgVATTCD Aa. at the rate of $41.5*? tor each $1,000 tar? ? aioaoi ot buacia rrpruenliti h > au? It t-ertlHratr. a .. ;..-o? ? MpMaaatlaa *.?* feMgtfae ?-nr'.?m tn- <? h? r-aM?st?d fw ?a ? -i?-?? * iBiereal nd m_?t t*i aceo?-;.-an'a*j sj th? i--jiT-)r"l ??r . ? o -i ?4ei 'L. re'.er?. iDcaeM ?Jl jvw ... - . m ?; id."- o-? ?? ??.r pack i? moni tuer? . > . ka paid n t_?-ut St . - - . ? i ?? tfc? oari-i'. Ui .aip^sel t_eca ?I -Tu I^w. . ? - . na ?<? ?'?? r>???j7?-a"or? ?-? ?utltied arv?a? tfcl .... ?-? : ?iiratien o' tfc? nto? tan b* ??oapl?'.eO??rota? it Mir. . KIHN. I OK H 4* CO.. I UM, HI(.?.11SO> a CO lll UK* ( (> , Reor-caalaatlea Ma * \a ?Ttaai. ,? H?vli'i *W?m?-a:. <? 1 ? It-Tiiry I h*a lira. SUVI 4 ?>* * PKRK?>8 . 'n_a*el. WHY SUGAR SHARES ARE RISING ??Cuban cane sugar production to tak?; in a all Street the old place of sugar refining > ?"-Tay the Seligmans, the Guaranty Trust Co., ?ht .Morgans, Investors and Cuban Sugar mer -hants have been pouring money into Cuba. The paat, present and future of the CUBA CANE SUGAR CORPORATION with map of plantation locations. See the Dow, Jones Bulletins TO-DAY or THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Monday P. M. or Tuesday A. M _a't leading financial newspaper ; leading in leading tn editorial expression, leading in rculahon. Financial ti-r-w? i? finaucl-J inkuranc?. ? Dow-Jonea Financial Nerwa Bulletins in Wall eat wcTc never bo valuable a?> at the present time. In eiery util *'/ui/)*"*^ ?*?nanct-ii ofTw GOOD Y; AP? IN CLOTH KILLS SB Hlant? at Fall mVeoa arfcs?? l?r*r?r V.t ' .. ,t .?? - '??Hl. ' .? in th? ,rk and ?? * ? '?lb **?-, ?T***- - ?. t \a\^Jh' *' l ' ^^'M v. ? ? {:.??'? i ?fFT'/t? J?'?**'' ' ' ?RJ** the can ?any r? ?'? '" ^fat? *.?. In ?Urldendi $10". O'Xl, Mtal ' ' ***" '?', c?"P|,?Hz*' tioa of t.. . . n, ?ved the sanlus of - i ? '? ?/??'**?* .' la, |ta ?tock^ - per cei ' ? i ,. ?a? ?..?I loi ? 1 ls.?t yea? . ., ,. ? from .4sV><'" '" ??.-?.. ' I ? ?.-.Mr,' aasl >?- <" ? * -?' ^_. 121 Ambulance Alarms Taha. Of ta* ' E?.HJ ? 3 % ? ? the ? ?* I ?cHptlon? Alie ?i. CHARGES HOLD-UP IN LIGHTING BIDS das Expert Says Commis? sioner Williams Blocked Contracl Award. M1TCHEL DIRECTING AN INVESTIGATION lauders-Mouiand Sland? r Suit. lavolviif I it? Official, De? cided for l?cf?ndanl. Boas? nforssal -? to 'he al leged cfV'.rt of the United Has r-r.prov? paay sf Philadelphia, own. uii* most of the street lighting com - in the country, to prever.* lower - by shutting off -i - | ? larcellus I ? sals s i former Ms I . I Baa*] .- ! M ? il 1, a Ras lig-hting expert .. . -.-.'ir ?-.f lamps, for siaadar. : Landers of favoring tl e Ph laiielphia eoaspany while h? was ? .? r-?-t?;r? I/ght'ng ? . . ? ? -:-"s. . irse of the seven-day tr?l '.sus hoard the ??'?>? of a crushed rival, whosei offer to light the si of Neu York and c'her cities at ? lower rate 'han the United Gas Improvement. Company would have entailed a loss of $1 ,'?(."??","?< ??j a year to tbiU powerful cor? poration. Incidental!?-, the. trial revealed that the i ID .'..- h Williams of the I'epai-rmeii' of '?Vater Supply ?.-??. and ? - r Wallst? ' ?' ? I S .; . w llllama Iccaaed. . put in a ; - ? '. lis ? ? ? ? - ? - . I ? ??? a com- ' . It was points . that si . 118 a yea -. ?if t ? . .. . ger, aa we! ? a-pi . ; P tl in Collusion in Bida < hcr-red. .. i a Pressui arrotc ? the Com? ?-'upply. Gas and Elect to an award to the Preaaun '. ? ompany o* t.. si i of tl comra ? !' ; under . Brooklyn lighting. Momai.d sa. i that, i? had ? arrang Light ir. u 'ompany wa to 10,000 Is ?!rea<!> operated in Brooklyn a' not to exceed 110.80 a Hi that ?Landers had a bid of 112 sub? mitted, kne f thai slphia company would ?ubmi*. a bid ?t>i , ? "rac'io: ? Mon.and charged that there was c??l is'on in the 1 ""?end ttept the bid.? "would ho ?t . lus'on ?n the ? -'? . -o ac? cent the b: . taKo and a costly one to I that it would be giving 1'-*? ??.-=; 1 proval to the toUuar.e and fra;. :. ?r'o o? .y-,. b.dd?rt *' I go i+r ? - 4,* the ?': tad ?'"" Impi . 'ore ti.?" r ? "i'f.rk City gas light .- is en - the writer l -K ;hting ? ompany into the situai t year ana ai in I i t for 1 Uya lamps st a -.??'?: redut-tion in the pnce to the cl1 ? ter ""??? turned over to Lan? d?r by the ... ' aside ( The ? ? Tl. TAX WAR CROSSES BRIDGE BlOSkliB flvlc and Heal "batata Bodl?-s tall "?lass Meeting Th a ?ami I ' " ? ' -. ||?f of th. ? ?*. ? . . be lead t Music Wednei , f the civic . t?-. ,t the] -,. ? .1?. ?it, < Klini-k. pre?id? ' I I u liiaauburf Ti -t l ? ? . i i ;c ( lab. i? cha <e (,t nftOCfl i ,-?' ? tl-.. Br*"aas*sflseats ."r the mas? moot] _? ? u . tat to stay," said v "red 1 -? - i i.. . ' imitl da? "We are rec? ee by evei y ...nuations that have ?a introducing our pl.tfnrm end ?i-cihriniK' tl. I ?,;,. (upport \ij it W? ?im atill heaim?; front ike legislators alto. I P 'o th?a afternoon I ty-tWS tars m d BBB??klym?B have I I ?a* thai t'r.ev nne unquali? fiedly teres, <?( oui i grnin ??,?" . '?fi more h?' ?? "?>? 4,-rnrnine, but T*eie doubtfu? 1 ''*", ? ? ??. ,< maani tl ?? forty-two or th? dalaaatloa m Albany ba?*4 ?xpreiied th?mselv?s In favor of r?li|f )?</ ?lit'ion. ?S'veral other? 1 ft aot yet gi"-"> Miursnces of any kind/' ATTACKS HEALTH TNS?R.-i? rt\ir rodoratiaa r>?*?r-'are? Pnsp Plan Is I ns<iunH A voluminoaa attack si * i na aory health lasara ?as i? >*it?rdsv by tie N's'-o- a! Civic Ked tion. ht i V?--?* I ' - ? . alto ?t?te? that I poied I is actual ? such ls| he ba?c A ?eon I ?'or Li "erial g . ' ? - I ? N. Y. U. TO C00PERAT? IN BANK TRAINI] Students Probably Will I Credits for Work. Dean Joseph 1 I bsob, of ? ? ? ? [Ian to gue college Itadenta a tn li ? their coi! work. The univer al?o a? in supervising the its ai bank und bringing It up to colleg atsadsi "Our main corcern." said Pc?n Jo - ? la "Probably the aaiveralty will be s ?o tUow ?orno cred'.' t<jr work in baak ' > e arUI reeommend th juniors from the School of Commei who will wort a? tho bank during th summer vacation and complete t,ne quired year f preparatory Tain after graduation. I am also ?ugg? ing to Dea- Bouton of the Arts and Pure. Bcieneo, at H. ?ghts, that he s? eel three men fr the eo. I ? Irctor of 1 I SWEDEN HAS SHORT AGI IN ?AUTOMOBILE H .1 Heilig Olav Passenger lells Taxis uith Patched Sli ?. ? ? - -??*. ? ? ? ? ? . ? ?? ? it ? : : ' I ' * i ? ta lu? ? - - ? a ? - ' ' ' been 1 doed * . It . *? ? t ? ? "li? can . |i a:, i 478 . v.. r? ?. COTTON GOODS MARKETS SHOW FIRM TRADING Mills Have Mure tlwti [ r Orders to O vertan Hachinery. Pall River. Ms good ' goods mar ? . ? need trena, ? ' ? ' ? <?,;e buyers bought ? ?ateeni ka have booked | - ? ? is obi ei ? ? -. I ?.? | aa I .'-? warp ? booked some h Uve erden tas a Is most encours,--,- | Tl ???? raesiviof dal ' I nil eat aase I ' businei!?. m re ? Bvertaa their i tren??.' Baj?ala tt?'<? tl a the b? ? ? Saisi -' pieces Quota) - '?al-, inch. 6.1'il. 6t4c? lt-ia<k, '? BIG APARTMENT ON AUCTION LIST New Twelve Storv Build? ing in Park Avenue Will Be Sold. ment I ? I ' ?! a' p? lb'*< '.? ? ? it ? - i i ' i ' Hr>an L Ken il II i ? * ? tor* ... ... ? ? and I . tat fe*** - ? . ? thai iTerinfi fot tl i week It I downtown ar?) The B' I I ??? ???roam? a ... - . ? s ? . 14th I I i l I ? , . ict M a ' I. . 1 ' ?, filliio??e ?T i. ? - tttyrt i ? ??? ?? a. ilk. ft. (4 1'? -?-. ? ? !? 4 i. I'.k. ft. I . a . , S ' " . . ? .-.'AM t M ! '- ? i 7TM kv .??'?? itM, ??-. '4 '..?.M. 5 ?-j r-a; OUt? B?ak ii ? Ct?. 1 ???'. i: i. ittotat A l. ??-. I'M. tait t, Tii'.-.v. rat. in. || ::: v .uto. U*\ l-> A! Oil '??? - i ti-mrm P? Jaoat J. rw/i-a. ANOlllWt AV. ?OT. ? a M 5 0 "U*i ?f tun*. in'.X. s it; ?-'t'.i r-"?"ir a ?i ni i I ?_?_ tf. u ' ? n ?**?-'?-ii--i t? t . ru-hirj a?; >. . m .?.-.. ??a*, ii?, i.2.'?i??. ? a >? ACKSOS ?V, ?'4 *.??.-*-? '.?M lt. Mtx'.V ?i i". ' " ? a .:4 . MM ?*-. I* t" rria.ii . a ' - ... | ? ?. i ' . ? ??,.;. A. ? .? I ? ' . - D? I75TH ST ? ? ? ? ? ? FULTON AV. I. ? a " a . Ear. ? - * ? i v . : i : i en?! ?v. i . : ? ..- . I ? . : . . . I ? ? ' ? ? ' l ' ? ? . . . i . ... < ? ?' lilt CAT.U? IE tl - ' ' - - ? ? r h - s 20 AV 1*1*1. i l - . . .?-? - I ? ? - ? - m 111 r a ?, i I r . . . . , < - . ! . KELL* - * P.?: .... ? I PROSPECT AN . I. ? . ? ? 4 ' ? h. ? ... - . ? V . ? ' ? 4 l| f '???'. Now Building* Plans. MatakOttOO. ?? ' T ? . ? . : "'? H? . ? * I ?-.-? ' LORTLAHOT '?L ? ?'a. ? , ' 1 | ? . .? . ?. . I? *t ?... . "1 ? - ft ' ? ? ,? ? , . r Mi MANHATTAM AV ? a I . -?. ' ? ? -. ? . . . tl | The Hr-mi ? a ? , " ? ' a - ? ? ? . . ? ? -, I ? ItCO ?T a ?1 4 ? Uee-ir'ra-jt I? ' ? . t . 4 ? t .?..-? ? ? .. -?...-? I ; TP, v ,\T AV. i ? ? " t 4 '.4.17 ... <j .,,-.. . . . - ' . ? 111 K? a - r i . pi if ? -..?. , ! 14 Alteration? M a n tint tan l4*llE'iWiCM ?,T ? I W L*U*' 9 -_ ? ? 'i-qri li t. I .-. pttnl4?i mrnti L C U- li im *????? ??. i"M'??4-t ***-*>. KENEFICK ZINC CORPORATION rotated u:.der the laws of the State of New York Authorized Capital " shares of I' Preferred Stock, par value $100 shares Common Stock, without par value Transfer Agent * rRUST CO, NEW YORK EMPIRE TRUST CO. NEW YORK SALIENT 1 EATURES. as suniraa.ucd iroin President Kcnehck's letter ajid from the r?ports of our Engineer and Ccrtiricd Accountant. PROPERTIES AND BUSINESS. The properties owned by the Corporation are n??w and have been tor some time in active operation and consist of one of the largest Mil!"? in the United Sta'-v whuh was completed in December. 1915, and t rer tr-e.- large Ztni Mills whi h ate fully ri-uippr-i and amply maintained. These mills with their ore . ? ?oa..itcd in the Joplin District of Missouri and in the adjoining ?. ??? I e District ul properties sre sbout to be acquired ? portion ot the pro? ceds of the ?.ale of ?Mock. WITHOUT DEBT. No outstanding honds or other indebtedness, except current expenses. DIVIDENDS. The earnings of the properties now controlled will enable tha Com v to he rlaced upon an h'-mediate dividend bssis. NINGS. Based on the a\cr?<e nice for the pa;-t twelve months for Zin? .?t pr?*S?*-nt ? ? c rate ?>f approximateJy $900.0tX) per ,c i raai lent aal It witii the a?.quiaition ot the new properties and at the present market prue (Sli?) per ton for ?tine concentrate??, the net earnings, after ail dividend requirements, should be about Si 000.?00. RETIREMENT OF PREFERRED STOCK. As provided in the chart? of the Company, tiftv per cent of net earnings remaining after ?Hvide-nds have been paid on both classes of stock, tt-ay be applied to the retirement of the preferred stock, at par. CASH BUSINESS The pro<?UCt O? the company is sold weekly for ?.ash at its MANAGEIIEN1 fhe "tresani management, winch has successfully operated thes* properties in the past, will be continued. Tht UeeUit ul this issue) ktS atea passed upon oui apprortil by Misses. Yorker, Davit and Wagner, Attorneys,of Stx York,and *?y Mr. Arthur Miller, Attorney, of Katssat City, Mo. This advertisement appears as a matter of record only, as all of the stock acquired by the undersigned acting aa Syndicate Managers has been sold. RAYMOND, PYNCHON & CO. CHICAGO 111 BROADWAY -ONDON ST LOLiS NEW YORK LIVERPOOL MILWAUKEE PARIS TO I..:.' POR Bl aiXESa IM BPOSES i" I.E. VOH BUSINESS PURPOSES. ?TRIBUNE BUILDING . , \ ???? r?? 31 r)ierlooking til ? Hall Park EASY OF ACCESS EXCELLENT SERVICE ALLLILIII julllivk. " ? ? ?- .-. t l*l_??]?_? MODERATE RATES 'A? '" sVggggiJ .'" * "ri_?_rW*-3 ?,n ;>r? ? lia? ?....-? Til : i i? . '?*-*?'__5f!__3_naSS iT?t?; t%t\\\wr* LOFTS TO LET Rhinelander BZdgs. C <ir. Will-am, Duane ?nd Rmr St?. Kill "a F.I \M'I '( RI M I ?I \ I I III VtftM.%1 BT. REAL ESTATE FOB *>\! I OR l<) I BT. ll??li??l ?.Il ni M \MI \l I \N EAST 78th ST. I2L\ Be!?t'?n >ia S, Madiion A\?t. ? i i.i r Bl ttlOBfa n \i "81 "< K ? ?r/ e?M? r,... rea?MaaMe -m ???.??.m '??h Maalred Heckscher and de Saullcs rii-u? SSII < im?. ..i* nfth a?-., v \ lovi l?-l IM?. - - t - . - A ? 4- - ... . (K ? ?il M UV ri(??ri.KH. !*? ror. t ? i H-- - ? . ? l'->cia t ..??-. ? ?? . ? I S: BUSINESS CARDS. ? ?i ? F' t. ? ?. - ? meat c? . t ?? ? . . 4. i ???. ' ? I a .? Fa ? ? ii ?... i.cmcr.s sh ?. i i on a v.: an ?? t. . u. :. i ?? lor.K i JJU ? " ? ? ? ? ,. ? > ,- ?? *i?. riNt ni ?.s ???>?.: D ? ARrrra 1? f ?? lu 4 ? -?:-.-. t* T?l if?: ?<?J Hn?.-l *'? ? ? i">4 ?'-?o St M? riov S\I KS. j t ?:?,,-. a mr ? ? . ?f- luraa? ?tu, ?-, ? - '? ?'. ? ? M !.. I . I ???/??fc II |al It ??. ? ?j o W4LTKB S SOOIT. *i fl ICA'CC t-'i'h'? r-in?ln? f-tim . . t.. ?"..? i?rr month I - ' ?i: s \? r <n< TO ru m x?. n BaatY. , . . r r . a . -.. . ..... ? . I Urge ' 4 ? . I 4 - . . i A -, '. ? '? a FUnUai n??-. BHERirrs auction -ales. ni ? ,? ? -c r ?? ? Ooeot .ri Im ? - ? I ? txput) ? . .:*r ?l RROG ITES' VOTICE?. ? \ ? H M.t.'.i-; A ? IN ? ? Job-t ? rrogat? of '.y of ?-?',? f ?r. to ?'?1 ? ... ?-. au aria? i ? - .'/->' r*-?* it th? ?i-r* f to t h? aubaei t anaacUog t ..? -is at *? - ??? Mo. 431 ? ? borough ?f st. bat? t .-- I ?_-'?-. yt. or '.?c'or? . . :i-xt. ?ork, tbi :?tb ta/ ?f Va -? IKI : . VER INC aTBVEN K??cttUra -. ?rrt, Car Vu ? r ' * ? .? N?w Torfc ;t? VM RI HARD ?IN l'Cn ? . ? r - ? r. g p ' ? ? et N?a lo ail ctrion? ? ?? . |? I *- * r 1 \ . ?- r N?a York ? ? ? ?.? ? ?."h ? o. ' ? - '-? ?. r!?-? . . ? ?? ?r? ???e? ? - *.o ltl il - . tort .' t?Pt? ? ?r i.iit ??'??/ tf ?>b ; g * TRUST ? OMPAVT ' :ti* Col WIN MOFFAT* F* H-CK. Aitornty? for Eti'utora lio N?_mu ? N?? T?rk C.ty. SI BSOGATES' VdTTiT** t&ADDKN HAROt.D F IN il n? I of an .--?*: Of H :.-?'.? John I* ?toh?l?n. ? Surrogat? ol ih< ???. mty of N?? Torb ? harina ? 11 ? ?? ? 1 I' l;.?i.n. ?. - .-?1. to pr. a'*-' r* f ? ? ?Ir pi?. ? ' ?? i tb? - ? ? Hr al -n?). c a v. r ?ae?.i |is , ! ? f N-? Tor?. 00 or ' ? : ? . p?t? I'?.?' N?S la, ?-,. <h. Il lu da/ cl October, ., : HAKOI.l? r 1IA1-DEN. JR. ?.A\ IN HADDEN, Ei?oat?r? Dr*-.- ? ? ? a s rtnui ?? . ? ? ., ? ?? ? ?'taa. N?i? INC8 or ? : ? a-i a - . . i ' . I a . la-. ? ' .., ? ? a ? , * ' a- f.? oa Ma?* ? .. .... . Isa ' '?''?. 19th ?Jay ef L>?c*-nb?r. ( H T/l/illMAN, ' ru KM ?*:. t.??? j?ir% t Blfi'H ? : ? . . ?. '? ' ??: . . - ? I L'RSl U of ... abt? loba P halan ? . ?f *'??? ? ... A IrTlns ! X<| ? . ? ? - - ?'. r I m. st tas ?t**B?*e , ..???J -tte'. . or, or t?.fcr? th? - IBl i '. -a, . ? ito? HEB ? . ? - * . - l| Keeee ? .. ' ??t.... : ?a? t IN p v r AN ORDER Oaf BO ...?... ? Snirnsste ?-! ? c ? - '-> ? tur?*- c l| , ?? c: g??. ? ? ' " ??.??!. to lira ?r?e*2 to Um . ?? :,',<'. trtr.?4rrlr.s t.'??, I .?r a i ? .-?-.u . ? ?? 't, Bor "? v set? ?"? 'a/ - f 'lay I ?st. Use Uli '.'-r of <3?to ?-.ATII? "i u?.''MOsrr, Lxecutrta. bu r.v. .? f --'.H * hitter. ? ; York City. N?w Ton? IN PrHSfAN? E Or* AN ?"UDKR OF HON a - cat* of th? - la h*r?trr ? ? ...a afstnat . :?-.? of th? County cf .. ?? th? ?an.? ? ? f to th? sut ritiera ?i - ? ?? a ?'-'.?.. thitf - p.a?:? of rr*i4??ct'.8S ?vi F'rr.aL 'a tha ' t.'tar Vork. on or t?for? tb? IU? .... ? Cork, tha nth t\ar at p?bru? a? f I :')TT, : ?.?"ST CtOMPANT. au??s-*e*aB I -??? A ?ton t/a lot it : a?_?*j Bttt*-**, M??r _ ?:?' OKbEB OP ', '? il ?'?r.. a Surrofat? cf "---? N'otlc? ;? b?r?by a* ? alma ??? f Nat? pr ??? t lb? err.?, a?Hb ? ?'it?crtb?r?, ?I ? ? ' 4- v.-.c:.-..?a, at th? rllea *,o. II "P.'?il ? : ..." iU hat'an. City -- on or b?*or? th? 2Itb d?r ? l sua? i reek, ?v? llri ??7 of Peb rul - -?It j ?-.HV -v BTrPI.tMO, I OCI*'. IJ S'.OTT. a? Utora, . I LINO, Attornty? : ? : ? .lor?, ?," 'Ti.l Btr??t, :.'??? _ OAT1 OUVEB C?tN !"'Rr'AXCS of t?r. or<3?r of H'r.-r?!.:? Join P. Cc - if ib? of n?* Tork. r. ? ? ? i ? ?Jlven ?o a 1 p?r?op? ? ?? C Gay,?-,, '-??a???"-. ? . pr-ii ? ? - --a tn?r? ' ?-> lbs aubarcr ?r.?:?. ?t tb?'.r prt.-c'p?! ( ??--?. No is lir>a4 Btraet, In t ttattan, cu? "?? !?? i ;?t day ol S'pt? - '? oria. th? t? t. <J?y of P?b r ?HE :?'.'.". TOKK TRfST ' OUPAHT. HUSKY BELL GAYI.ET. EKKUTora Hr.tT B CATT.rT. Attorn?]? for Tf*-s? ? it -. ?i v ? ?-??-. No?i York ?-ley. Uil-A*.' ? OF AN OHUKR OP Honor at ? John P. Coh?.?n. * ?-?rroeaia ?f ??? I N?a? Tor"*?. NOTIC"* la her? ?" ?n to all poraon? h??.r--e claims ?<?.->?. Earn? W. Lockrow, lot? ?I the ? ?.?a?i. Nat? J?r??v. <*;*c?aa?4. ?o p-??'- ' ??mo a?'.th ro'ieb?ra (tirool ? a1, pa'?? of tr?n?actlr t .? N?. . t.tb?rty S'r??t, la Tb? a?r of New Torb. c or b?for? tb? tust day ol ?t ? ? : New Tork. tb* ltd day ?t Ooto Ur 1)1$. LEVI S TE.N..ET. axeettat, JOHN 8 ?'OLRUaV. Aitornsy wr Va? ??ulor. II Lib?rty Stroot. jSoreuSt eS itsatisttsa, No? Terk at/. f