Newspaper Page Text
Moran Says He'll Give Jess No Quarter When He Sees Him in the Garden Sport or Thereabouts Ry HEYWOOD BROUN. ? . ; ?.?-.i, ?re did that wi ha*?- irritated our d | ic. Por that we are orry. Here i tin pwttet ??'?' " H I * ' ni?"* r Stodcnl 'Alliance i " i ? ?? "The way you wrote aboui Mr. Sung g Kwa rrho '?T T. T. In tho Indoor [ntercolleginti la I Sa1 irdt a Httk 'in which hi piish? The Tribi "In Um flrst p'a' ?? ill ?Chin? 1 ** it to you to And oui whether tho bu n-itional Industry. WI ? '?? ?ou lugged lh< in m the I whtn you wrote ?he Boston I ild like an expri ?on of thai to OXM oi ? rej re* ntal "Second y, Do yon I now thai th? i I cui off rhcir ?-''i?-!,? more than '"rrjr yean ago wl ' ' *ind f)?? you know tl it th? poin? of Ihr. sword?" Mr. Kwong i quite right. We ha China and 1 wri) thai t nui em| ive the great? I contempt for washing of any kind. Well 'I" we know al ??? tha? tht? Chino ' ?heir queues "ft f"ji<- - . '?'? ia any numlirr ? f aueu? cui off in the street of the walled citj of Shanghai. In fart re liad the gi ' ty ii . vny withoul buying a fre ? rroeuc. lira Kwnnjj lin-, n"? understand 'he conservati m of the l ni ted State-. ? lima forget . Few jokea of the. M mil* dynasty remain. We of th?? newspaper are mom loyal to the traditions of oui once I hi-> ? i n grandfathers are good enough for us. China may l.-.w ofl Um yoke of the Mai d discard the queue, h it i* cannot from tho thrall in which ?t ? bound by tti?? ni i , iprr humori ! I ? e thai ;i n ?lution to di associ?t? Vmerican mind from the impre ?ion that China i nol one vasl laundry entirely srurounded by chop iu? . ?? tau ?Germans, for instance. They have cui their way through ?pposing armies, burned Louvain, blown forts to !>ir and won trenches Ht the Myonet point anil yet nobody over here ev? i German as anything but a stout man flank??! by a stein and a dachshund. Joffre is a master of strategy, hut h?, will never ho able to flank or surround tho impression that a Frenchman lives to drink absinthe In those brief interval?* when ho i-- not exclaiming "<>u la! la!'' Tho E..glir-hman, of i-ourso, ha? a lar-*-? mustache arid a small sense of humor. Ho would iru**7.1e himself to death on tea and marmalade if he did not pause now and airain to My "Hah jo\o, that'.?? ripping." We think that Mr. Sung Smg Kwtun i?. a darned good sprinter and we'll wager ho has not tho remotest conception of tht? manner in which a shirt f-hoiiM rae laundered. Kt tot his queue, we doubt if he ?even had one at birth. Benny Leonard reroi\e<| rhe majority of the newspaper deci CT '"'? ? f I>undeo in their fight at the (lardon lasl week and Leonard ?ffnif t.. be the Letter man. but jusl the ame ??? are of the opinion 'hat Dundee was the winner in th? ting ?Leonard los1 by his failure to get going. He was not cool, bul cold, and made no adequate attempt to check the rushes of Dundee. It is true that tho litrle Italian foughl wildly and missed a number ?f blows but on numerous occi landed hard to the body when be rushed in rlose. He gave more blows than he received in those early round?*. Later Leonard did much bet 1er by forcing the fight and ??ompelling Dundee to cover- up rather tha'i rush. Dundee rame on again ar the . r..l and had all the be ' i I final round. A knockdown is a knockdown and ?Leonard floored Dundee ?ruly enough, but the fad that Dundee oros able to leap to his feel again and rush in immediately should count in bis favor. Leonard'' -kill and coolness may bring him the light weight championship, bui he would be a greater tighter if he had some of Dundee's aggressiveness and enthusiasm. Perhaps Your Own College Is Mentioned Right Herel Cornell II havin-- p bif* "-ear in ath etics. Every on? at Ithaca apparentl** Velpi. Tomorrow three one-act plav? trill be (riven in "?h*? Portmanteau Trie ?tre. I'tiaca. for the "benefit of ath letle.i and Interaeholsatic track." a? "The Cornell l?ailv Sur." naively puts it. Head Coae? R. I-'. Herriek, "M, of the Harvard rr???.! las? week from the Pacific <'<??**'. ?here he Va?l been spending the writer, arid at one? 'poV complet? claree of the Ci I While we wouldn't lie writing of our pood clothe? for men and boys if it took 23 years to con? vince c\eryone lust how good thev are? Still it's gratifying to know that there's t umulativc power in our ad\er.ising, the like of which we never dreamed! Write*? a friend upstate : "For the '* ' twenty ' ve rears I have read your *?1 la the New York Sun, Stt?J 11 lui juat da?*, ver! on ?nc tvat . ' ... ? of Toil ever. U I did net <? n the bi| to. ? . . . I am -. ' ? '?Ve a . r?? ? are." Chance! We've absolutely < ut <>ut the element of 'Yhancr." \K1iether DOUghl Ml OUI More? or through ?oui Mail Order. everything we ?hip goes f<?r ward, not only ? ?-?m.-ipe prepaid, but abo subir? t to return at our expense for exchange or refund. Sogeu Pit r Company Broadway Broadwdv M.t9 . ? -rhe at34th St. hour Broadway (orner?. Fifth Avo. at Warren at41 St 8t Billiards isWf Bowling Prie*-?, i..d I cMir?, if, ;,ua ULPAIR.s BY EXPERT MECHANICS lh? |J- III ? a .. L, Hath? I ?.llniil.r ( ., VI 85 Uf.? :!'.! -A ?.?, M-_>. Sew ?, ? | _*^_____""*""fr ' ' ' ' ' * I''-**? ??BSn 7-' *v*'"? ?? - - ? ? * ??.?>- /''Jjrf w- ? w . . . ?a *-?*?**>?i oarsmen. A?pi?t?np him to super?- ? the practice ?i ? iach Haines, who w in eontrol while Herriek ?as bwbj Three new shell?, two four-oared ;??, m eight-oared Ward ?hell hav Leen ord? Syracuse * experiencing a * i i??* i boom. At the eighth annual intcrcol ???p?ate trnck nrirl field moot last Wdnei men ??ere entered 'i hey eomp? ted 248 ? imea An additional baseball gam? has ben added to the University of Peansylva '. It ?vill he played at Worcestei '. ?. l'a' r ota' 1'ay, agaitii-t Hoi] <ro.?<s. Tcnn hn.? changed the date o? I ? rrew race with Annapolis from Ma\ Ipril 29. Non ? '? tor of act ran? t Barker'i "Iphigenii in Tauri-.'- i ???!-. I'ir.'.ilar at Yale H? Haven thai the Yu!? had the he-? SCOUStlC propcrt I Great sders. Prineetoi as lost most of la*t year'. . ? ?.i?? v- .. Hayea and Mac ? three, with prised the re ,..i ?-. ,. ... . .".;. 3 ;.. ? '. he low hurdle? i ule. and I and i the half No on? ? ind to t'il i the hoe o ? ? ? ? rs. " ? ? ? m ???"."? men, tl ? basebal outlo - \ lama i; en . d Daly. Dick : ? . thinks well ol I I two \ear?. 1?clio Foster a th. Miehler It i a i . . ? rt ?at r.?? and ?rsrden? re I thei vetaram A ? ? Brice ?o rnablr t.? watch the I n of each oa troke has b? ? eombinatioi ol ' . 1 he mech . red - the a ork ? I ., ? . inasjer ol pra tlee ?? Pi .* ? The dir? hav? a ? ? ? iseum lai ?i. I ? itball cob ? for the] grid ? h ha? ' Iniversity ' I ?re hrart I ? ? ? . 1 ??' Kansas Ci! tei id will ? ? until April 1 . . arrugad to go 1 metro] track ? ? , ntcrurba fare ess than th? I t-j ? Vale .- ? .*.,..,? ? n Tale and ! ' ; : ?-,.. . -l ? ? , ' ? Kirke's Stick to Slick?. ... i, tasas. BOXING SOLONS BETTER BEWARE OF TOW JONES Barber of Kev, anee Plol ling Insurrection For Loss of Those Quarters. n* w. o m ?.ri n w Tom .In-, ... . r g a . ... ... - ... ; : say I u illard f It was extr? a. - -ira'? ?,? ??.-*??. ? ? behind the tren? h? nial. < sptain I ' the Willard a? isde . ? . Jack Curie) ? ? i lonel liai i I ' Rar I y in I he a ft' ?.n I he fol lo unique ?... ., isrter? : ?when '? Mai i i 12. Plana for the si?, now under way. There have beei some ligh! Isis th? ow? floor. The \?nrk of our artiller , somewhat ha'npercd bj a'i BCCident | th? corkscrew. The damage ell hi rever, and quickly repaired pages of Willard'S ?iiarv ?acre found to | he missing, and the camp i? 1 searched for ?pic? Otherwise there i , nothing to repi.r'." To Belege Pioneer 1 lub. According to mill! plan of the Willard fo -n the mOl .' P irate Willard an? 1 ? ?.,' ' . ? ? -, per oi ? lead I ' ' izors, t Id? . i of the Pii ting 1 lub. i . U ? nek, eomi g the s . . ' ?? - the Jon? ?? s i i:. ? - '? A General 0 n . ? ? inborn bi : ? rary t?i i . Reisler John, the Barber ?? rveail neutrality. "I had one rui -in a Boxing Comn that they .... ni ," raid i nel Re;*ier. "V .. |] b< mob ilized along 1351 but 1 to preserve the the Mar lern Sporting Club." "It it an outrage, this BCtiOB '?' the g Commission," General Jone.? i? ted to hav? " Here arc . andi of people snxiooi to con ?e a iriartcr I'lic'i to US, and a tata < (Be ??' won't let them, it's shorn inable. It's tyi s - people keen quarters in the! : ts when want to. MWe will make a stand to-morrow for scred and . freeborn American eit two-bit pi?. ? rdanee with the principles for which their forefal fought a- Banker Ilii!. Armageddon and tl o?<" other place.-. What doc ' Arnei nan flag foi. 1 ?' Bl ? ' I tell a lot of people to t??r? in their pockel i. It i redu -: the generous snd freehanded h ten people to a race of hard-boiled egg? "We hav'- jual i our minds ITS will do 1 I, but we're going to the Pioneer Club g had happen? d. 'I hen ?I ?? up If Mr. Weneb ?-tar?? anything le will b? sponsible for \? 11 were 1 | , right over to ?Long l land to tn save thi? Bat Ai d, by the Lord Hai .. ? .-. ?1.? \\. - . ? en 8. New Re srd is an ang h? d, and 1 a i h? took sons? i that, "Everybod I ? think ar.\ more of a quarter tl ? do of our right < T?*ring Of the people we consider, Think of them rushing up to ! 01 their heart ? ? ? .,. r srhen ran leave their 1 . ? n In* . ! r ?. . -, ? the box ? office by a hard ? . Ificial and insulting that I go in rree! I am a ? ?e and my razoi been us? ? o ? now I am I wi! polic? ' ? ?. Tex Richard Ncatral. Ind so < time. rity I ? ? ,- i tor, 11 i Inight. Cap? ? flight i.?it Cen?ra' Pa ' , - i . i ?.,1 . n '? ?- goi * ?rrroa? :? r before i i tain that tlie r ? ? spectacular, ha ? anee. ' g Comn ?lay. ' I I ? . ? ? ?i ? ? . ? . li?' HP'".. ? ? . ' ? . ?-.lure may l>. ...? the mor?' importar,' dl ' '-ir pmei I v - ? ns, 1'ranci? ? Iforai ? ?. .- ? ]n -, '? \? ork as though so ?? nr .?. ere not imminent '; road? o III! . ? . . ,1! house in the gyi ? io big I I to at??",- \ t his ? '??li' ei) | . - .o . ? ? . door ? si I quarters end dol n "Mor? I ! gut for my three .* ? ? rii. Bert ? ? ; . I f tar a i ? | i ? :'..-. i ?. a day'* work," hi said "I nrr? iu?t t ' ? ? ? : a li??Ir -1 ? .'? ? 'ake ', ilong Foi set this afternoon. Voran will |. i I | . Rttfhic Likes Hal Cheat, But Hugh .Li. i bul ?Hal i? a ; g good aa> anythiBg sgs When a Feller Needs a Friend . ??BR,GGS Heard at the Sign Of the Cauliflower _ By W. O. M'GEEHAN - lU W. 0. M'I.KKH'.V \ terr bli disaster bai j-at hem averrii Jeai Willard altaeal left ? ><"* Y?>r'?? flat yeaterday. Think or* the BUf ?; thar would have cajne.l. wi?h th?? renultant depreciation in real en aiue? and rhe inevitable panic on Wall Street. Ju?t on rhe heels of a tough winter, too. ? 'lie danger pom' .? pa-.?c,'. .'.ist ? ? ' ampton rh?? cranked up i ? ? ' to heat it he pai?e?l on the fronr ? the I oloi al Hotel and went to thi i.a.-nn and ejjg? Broad humanitarian feeling induced him to stay long enough to collect sit..."... Aa a f fact, Wlllard ? il vet to rerr.a'n ami go through with the M..r;-r bt .;? nr hit value ai a ein un at II drop to about SO cent.??. I1 ? ?-.?-irr.,.irr ?i mo?r earnestly desir ou5 of ' . .':?! if the match ?hould be cancelled because of Willard the champion will r'r.d rhar his circu? au dience? will become ?ingularly unre i ?ubi Willard ii in earnest when he say? that he i? no? particularly de :? ? ' 'if- Moran, but he Va-. eon idered ?hat r.?n?' ruction ???? r ? might pu' upon his ? . i - ?(.?.? ard a return !o the ring. Of ro-irae. a i*ud?ien ?hutting On of the flow "r quartern into the eolfen of Jon* i Willard ij ndieate I ' g to the financier?. Bal "o? ?. ?? the Boi rig ? "iwni? It - righte, < barging h r. guiar ailni?M?ion male? ?he *A rig routine a boxing exhibition inder rhe la? If it li ennounci Willard ii to Lot ?Aith a particular rig" nar? arid he fail? to pro ??uce the advertised exhibition he ?? .. 'he rules. If the champion want? to do a? he plea?e? about hi? sparring he ha? no ,ri?e ar eamieaion. Rut while eep a' the door of the Pio poi ng CI ji. frisks the hoi polloi ?? apiece, the rjonor? to the trreat < urley Jone? Willard chai ' tome rights, a? ir-a?' two ' ? if acti.r ehargi ! fi - ? -?al the audience could al leoal il th?? thej rehearse a.? they ad ? tieed "The people who hollered for their bark Saturday are a bunch of ?ka'e?," l? ti e attitude ' I ' ? :ir^v Wtllard-Jones syndicate. "They . ?! v^nie measley quarters \el ? i irle Willard Jones - 'he measlei tfliarter. neat little hurdle? and tie ?.? them in the bark !<> the rre?|'t ? ? ? rporotion A'l tl bered. Um?, thai Willard .' : rate ?! PI ?? ? f..r training expenses before the ?? ? i pe ligned. Il mast n a champion than ;? ,)oc? ?.. mobil ??? .??, Bltn) Ti ? pi'e of th? fad that Jenes is ti a? \?. illard needed eery little training. I? ma) be rubbing it in to pom? eu I W Hard ?Ire-?. ;, | fill ol quarten under the fal ? f.r. ? ha ? a? to box ai Ri ieh Moran < I nr? left for nothing and collect? .i : '. ime M i ?on, on the Bowery, In training M'>r..r. g exhibition, though he i? under r.. obligation to do ??. He re arrea the I ' to de 'i" ! a plea?e?. hut he r. from ?ha? Itttli thing because be the power of hi-- gallery, and for ? irther ri-i.'.in ?ha* he I'Ve? it it i? not entirely Willard'i fault tha? the infifit? .1 ....?.,. ,.? '. |...rt?r.'e *n.| that he i? ????ntulent that . "i . ? i .. i.. i. la m r h rea? of quit) '"g il ce i . Jack ii'Hr . n on? of th? ? ?i rha boxer?. sisad up bl ? . profei on rather aatlj once Joca was arguing with a promoter. Fight Log. I O-Ml, II I Cli?~?jnt * C. ? J ? h n n ?, Ertl? a? / Ola-tll- A. C. ?Tammy Ttuh?v .a MVIIII* Jem?. Car??, Ph?lan ?i. G***g? Klri*oort VanD?r?llt ? C, ?Chl/ley Smith a- L ?? Jo?n.?n n E8DAY. B'oii.i- S C ?lack Dillon >. (.uitbaat Smut P?lir? A C ' Y??tk??n ?Battllni lpvlntk> M, I. a Cannar. FRIDAY. Finally the impreaario said: "Now, what'? the use of all th : " Vou are a i ret??? intelligent fell.. ?. Jack "N'o." Mid ?>'Hr:rn. firmly. "If I had ?. ? ?ntell !?'?? ''r I wouldn't be a ? ... i h ?t.- :.'? -n?-i. a thing a ? air intelligent i .. Ar any rut.- Jess W Hard igement of the syi :al nol nra'-ac one believe 'y..' Jack O'B .:-am ??a? har?h. Jack Dillon, the Indiana W re-unie hii elf-appointed taah ?>f cleaning un the ret? ran at the Broad araj Sporting Club to mor-. irree? Gunboat W .'..?cat teemed ro be under tome re? fining s ?' ? his ia-t tight with Old .lim Flynn, for the veteran fireman ?m pe? get OUl of the ring on b'r? own feet. v. th 'he Gunner it is understood thai p i ..r. will ?how no compassion If there j? a chance to torpedo the antl quated craft whieh ???< once 'he pride Of 'he I' B. I*. Il an? flret announced thai he ilunner'? an'ngo. || ?a to b? ? ?.?'.? Weinert. the popular young ? n ? g picture actor of New Jersey. H il il teems ti.a' Weinen g"' seasick "r ?oniethlng at the ?hnugv'' of ireine in against the lailoi So Dillon, ?rho got Only gentle e\r?ci?e with Old Man Flynn, agreed to ?B:i 'orr'. ??? hv ? formation again?? the GunboB) 1 ,y' ?o ?how ?ha? prirefight pro motera bava no f*i?e modest] in bo.-sr ng '>eir waren, we print the following ? ? A < | ? I | . , T?? aeaaall ef Verdun util be a ? ' I :<;.red to I he ?.?' tering velsh will re... ?re from Be? I . ? ? ela h th Sham us porting ? ub, on Mar. h IT. a".I then the ? ? a? assault 01 Mf I rederieh Welah fo- ?he h'g IT -e g OH tWO feet < an ?t?.p m ? ? "Bhamus 0*Sriena, Parnells r ..r *->-. one nor inything from Ireland will in? .?.???ep? .j? ,,., ,,,,? niarci. toward ?he championship goal \ fee da?.? ago I r pp. I you all ? Leonard ?a? overlooked during the n?.i?e of the \\ illard Moran bOttt, Now then take thi? one that thai re? nown?. 1 ?...n (,f Krin. Shamu- O'Brien. ?? next, h'.\? Y?- . F'ennj will Ratten hrni ?l?i? ?une. and. funnv to r??'a'e it Rhamui picked Ri Patrick'? Dnj him ?elf tor th? killing; hul he'll _?,, |'*?a ? ? reel the- ge? ready for ','' big cra?h ?(th Wei?!, " Murphy Won't Aid Connie. Danny Murphy, ? onnia Mack-- old right band man, mas manage Werees ?er. ,, ? ?(,, | | ., , I . .J." i , ' Wiltse Hooks Albany Job Hooks Wiltse ha., signed to maaag? Albanj. POOR SHOOTING BY THE N. Y. A. C. Only One Straight 4String of 25 Targets Made? forbett a Winner.' at ring of 25 targets ? ?cc?. end *hoot of the '.' 'i . ??'-? Athlet:.- ? ?un at Travers lal -.-?? te ras ] 1.1 orge J, Corbett, who the high scratch gunner, captured the !"" b re event with 93 out of a pos '.arge?*?. The score compare? ably with those that usually uin ompetition, .? gh1 gunner a?. n. H. Owen, ??'? o won the rravers island trophy I run of 25 target?. He also wa.? II one of the snecial trophy 'hat ended the programme. The . cap gunner was 8. I.eighton. Hi- won onlv after a shoot-off agair.'t T. If. Lawrence. Roth had full scores of I"" targets in the flrai time a? the | trap?. The shsence of straight score? gave an unusua ? large number of legs to ds in the ?arious regular ??en's. In the shoot fo? 'he Haslin ? up. 8 ! ? ghtoi s ; s?. Webb, .ir. eaeh ? ii a leg. They both had full targets, Mr. I.eighton reg ?nrr..j in rhe ?hoot for the tournament cup. as did L. W, Tliomp 1 ? ? e ri. . gui.nei- had full score? in the ? for the ai-i-uniiilation cup. Thev -. Leighton, T. H. Lawrence. I.. W. ?TI ' i Braadenberg and i: h ? ..!?*. -core? follow : 111 ?.' I tK FIXT1 BES ' IBOETS HAADI I >'? : -???-a H?i r- . - t us I.ijr. i un . up Il T H T H T ?I T , ? ? II n ? - ... ? ? -: ? 4 i ? ..-..? i < i i :?. . r n t , . - ?? / R. |?r? i ? i : II) *i n i ? '4 " U M,,,?- - ? . -, i n i. ? . ? is ? in i I Ir-? '?i ?i : I? ? I? - ? t du - : it ?I M-? - - ? ?? ? r a ? i ti ? '?> ? i? it it ? ? ?!??.,.. .? ?. n n i a li s ?a s SB i 9S ??? i? ? -? ?- i n ? .; s ;; ...?t.* a 1? ? l? ? s MOST GET HONORS AT NEW ROCHELLE I nd?*r condition! ?hat were ideal for tl .- *por?. aeventeen men face,) ?he trapa of the New ?SacheMe Yacht club rday, with the result that full ? . were* returned la ?li of the live r, eonte teil. The high ?cratch mar- pro' ?*d to he A [.. Burn?. He re ? ; a card of '??'' ?!*t of his p?>??ib!e I??'? and his -traight score of i1.'. ?ton him a leg for the accumulation eup, ??th?r- who W??B 'rg* for that trophy ?.?ere E. .1. < '?irrrh, ?ieorge P, l.ranbery and A. E, K?rper, The high handicap man wa? .1 P. I?onov?n. aaith a total of 100 or. his I alid'i-ap of 12. I N, Mcl.oiighlm and IV I?, .-toddar'l tied m 'he scratch shoot at l?l "hir<"?." and Hi 'he bont-off Vcl.oug'ilin \?o-i Stuart Scott \?on the 1 ."i "bird'- -.-rs'eh prise and l'on?i?an the take-home tro I,eg? tor Ihr monthly eUP ??ere ?.or-, bj Nat Webb, C < Moore, .1 P Donovan, A P, Bennett, A Rekbein, B R, Moddard and f, M. Wilson A *pe cial prise for a match at H "birds" ?t-a* won bv li. P, liranberv *??? \? A? v ?I ?. ? r i- ., is I i *? il i?* I l -? -il.- i. i - S! i ?is i | |, | l .? 4 ? ?-. SI S S* ? , ???lih I r s M i. |Mln 1 IMS-? ? ? M I IfM i i ?I . *. 4 | H 1-1 I 1 i ? ?r:?:. r? u a.? I'i,-' ? ? I- I ? ... , , ?II. a i , - | ..- IT II |? t ?I ?Allan -it ?, i.i' . I I :a !? .? a I. i,...?i.. i .! t ?, i SI a? ?t li a I l. .?rlli? ">-:i s-es ?-:l 61 U II I LEARY MAY COACH HARVARD ELEVEN Lfforls Will Re Made to Haw Rricklcy as Assistait . brider, Ma? . Mar ' 1 kl ?? ? made I uh, . . 4.i.v . Associe meei m ?non ?? ? e-. ? i rntirj ? eon.te,?'- ?election of n ? A-n" tO dit****! football affair- 101 Ihr In athleti? t relea al '"' ?T belief ?as rspre led that 1 f??? mai ears i he in chara** of the act ,? r. -??-. i? llaughl coach, whose contrae expired , . ., an a?h iaol re.?, gti Tr i ?m much the nan that Waltei exercised for a ?' ? no at 1 aie It was -iNo reported thai ?a.ire he.?.,? mad? -i ith John II? te -ecure ?he i -1 t Char - I- Briekloy. who has tev ? . re for another ea ion, -? he eould return to Cambr '. ' e'op .Imp kirk??? ? iin.l ? "V " the h .? - fel?) niT. N. Y. A, C. STILL LEADS BOWLERS Roseville Players Have Best Average?Roberts Individual Star. Although ?ta e'oie?t rival.? did well last -4eek. the New York A ? rham p?op team managed to retain the lead in the Athletic Bowling League race. The standing of 31 game? won and 14 |o?? Is, however, only a game each way in ad' anee cf the Koseville and Ilderan pin men. Tioseville, rolling ail games, including a postponed ?crie?, won four. ??.hile Ilderan made rt three ?traigh* in if? regular series. In the matter of team a -erage Rose ? |c eo ?? nues to show the nable margin, arith a r?iar- 0:' - - \ bUl tlil?'C Of rhe fives have Bt some tune ..r o'h??r rolled better than a thousand this ?'???on. but R? m ville, with an exceptional 1,127 made la?? week, ha- place?! all o'her rffor" in eel,p?r Individuell] ? ?"???m Rob? i "icrk A C. man, goee pinning along at a ,.??,. (bal ??tl! -.?.or place him 'ar in id'ance of hi? mOSl ?larigorou?- | I .-?a\ bowler no" lead? with 196.24. the next man to him hi g Ha i, with 1 O.S. and he ean'r nua!:*\ (?rover, of F:..?e- ?He, ? | really second, with : The r-ror.l >?'i<| ?vera.? -i 4'.mm; ..(?? THE ? l.i Bi ''. I... ?a?-.; ?..?'-? 11 I? '-'i HMM . ? ? a I .-. ? ]a;.- !?? .1 \>a-ark R?t i ??? ? Ml (. a '041 j 'f I?.? 1 f'"l ? I - a ? Pi f *? rND?viDl ai. _? : 114.. ' , ?? a .' . . r , . - ? ? 4'. || I Rarrti ? . < i. .?? n .rr ? < I U .? !:,-..?.! I? a ?. ?,.-;?. ?.-. Tort ?? (TatI l;r.?rt > I- |M I ?4 - : ? . ? . --i 4 i ? . ? .- ? ul ..-a. c 4 . 4 I? ? ?.?a ?, ?rk 4- I r ??? y _a- Orai p ?' ?? Mi - : ? -. i Utt.H | ? y - I - I I 4- -4 ' .1 ', II -i I I - ? ???..- It.? I I . ? 4 I I ..-- i?-?-,- (:?? ??..?* :il r .?????? i . - ? ? , | : r- ... Citj -i M ? r. i \a-a-,' Bai ,. - ? > li .4 i .??? Va v - 4? r;r i4 Kiln?. Nat? Tor 4". 177 34 1? 4 ?...." | - ? nil ? ?fiwitrtilr Haff I ??? Ora <- IS 1". Ie Va ?><?? R -??? ? D . H to Pttati 4 ??? ' A ? I I' 4 i? III ?- Nrwaf ita^ II Fit ? 4 Pi ?--? ? I I.? ?; ? r . ?? ? i ..? i.-a: f? I! ?-. | ,.' ..-. ., 4. "trail l'a..ta' . ? Paaaal. II H-?-k ??.? Mont? tir 4-i .... 4-4 t - Ill ?? -1 . FRATRICIDAL DUEL IN HARLEM RACE I. is a long lane that has no turning. but when the trail eventually \c?r* off the ?.poils of victory are much BWCeter Ar. ! such was the case when Edward Lehman finally succeeded ir> defeating hi? older brother, Irving, and in< tally won first place in the handicap race of the Harclrn Al i.cague yesterday, h'orty runner? went '.'??r the course, which Started from '.he Maeoiabi Athletic Hub. On four previous occasions this sea ?ori the brothers have tested each other's tleerne?-. ?,? fool In each meet? ing Edward had to suffer the conse? quence* of purchaaing the ice cream, a ?ager made between rhe young a'h letea, when he trailo?! home h'?- brother. Hu? fortune ha'- finally smiled oi Ed ward, who won by thirty yard? Although they captured first and se, ? riti place.? for the HarbrooV \ they ??>rr poorly support".i I their team mate? Their orgr.r. finished thrnl with forty-four points, ,vith the Morninffside and Ma? Athletic rlttba m a tie for the prize arith thirty-eight points each A | .lames Terty nnlehed in front ,.' i harli V ood. the flral members home for Maeombl and Morning Idle elubs re sportively, the rule? awarded ?he ban or? to Maconib? f**Um ?... j., r laahman I??r' mod A ? i ? I i ? ? ?? '.-.41 i , i i ... . , j I '? '?.?.? | ?J ' ' ?t Mark , ? . ' i ,. ?? ?. ? , ? t <- " . 4 . ? y r...? <i. 4 < i i. n -, t?. ?> ni.ii a r I ;? ? ,v ?. *.4 . v .? ,, III. ?'. 4 ? ? ? Mil ?r. imana ? 4 ??.?.,?? M. 4 . :? il n.. . ... . a . ? MM.--. Mara.ll 4 ' POIS r m ?nu Hi ? . | . ?? . ('LSI || ??:?-. A I I S II I ' MOHAWKS TAB TEAM HONORS IN BRONX RAQ Jack ?Dolan Gets ?p riaic ior Winners k?. Windmill Spurt. n - .. *. ? ? i -el'?'" Il '4, ? - af ^^ ? ? VI i Irai ? ??'.'.' I It ' * ' ''?,'r tun . ... ? -'? <??*, . . ." rum.?., - _.._ J* ?- - .. '"' ??IM? ?- r-raila -?.-?, in ??? c. . W-'"1' ' " bt-TTTlt-tt . tl ??-,,_ - ? .--. ' ?" "?a ?m ?-? ? ?;..,? ' tree , -~. 1 *' f SSBSj? ?.? ind '? m fort ?? ... tents. Thr rarg-. ,t?. ? DoIbB, of till ?a"? hawk Itl tie < car ???nbati'v? thrilling the From latem race to hi long stride little J|Z Phillips, tf" best taaea rvraaTa the Bronx < hureh H? use, gav? hu-*,. foot rival a fight ? al will 1!ti >, I in hj? eiTorta on the track The Goliath and the midget ru, stride for ?trido r\, ? for prvt;??", th?? entire distance, with Ph<M'pa as* ? ? ' ' ' '?'V*?**?. I rent i? 1 fuhr.??? ?a oar '' - Hoctded t? ?-,*? .v, .. ?, ? I'. leg! re, ?? tr?caaa, it? Phillip . titjt ,nr, Mohaaki? tiers b . ?<*??'?. and, bftaiiij I I lie tape, hi p.?? 0' ?!?? is little TTTl! 'I ?rai??, ??. ?? si tsir. hi 1 our:h - - ??. but ?i?? h?ck. aasasai rar -er :?'. k h igk ?cb?< performaet? p r*?? by r? nin?g awsv I aeats la 8j ??ther caont decided TI (,r*ti for,?. te bit 1 *j snd, bo . th ?p<-?d. an happer, reyrassaSsa the Ninet ? sag Mw'i 1 Hebrew * ition, I ad?*d hoti? tfc? ' 1 tiier . ? ? ? , mor? than 1 stir? and a ... If. T Kit:, sgj toe ? rd po tioB, ?i? ? full nuit? in the wake ?.f kapper. I eon spies competitor ia tha no ?va? Harry Hcllawell. of th? New Y?ri Athletic Club f/here wseataasaas eral year- back when the Mercury I??? ? runner could *a<e the r?ce of SSSJSSl ruaaers la the 1<ki ttettt Wl't ? . ? long? the 1 u re for ti? ?old sport and 1* a I raptisg a "<**.??? back.** In spit? of lack of trainisf I Hellsw II ninth plac? i- tl? ? sf 44:11 The su ?l\ AM? InKI... Ql ABTBB ***U aV '? \ v.. ? - -p? ?:? . a kapp "H* ?a;. ?i ? ... an ... ?I i. ? -. ?1 n a ? a .mi?. m j i ?e Il , ' -r 4 A tlti ? ! , t Y M. B. S 1 II II. * ' 1 -, 1 ? ? ? 1 Sa- . ' . - ? '?' H. A 1 M S A ; I . " il ? . 1 M -. ? M n 4 HZ . ? * " ? v y H A ? I sa? sera ?-an- Il sa ?ri ?1,1 ? ? ? n ?i*. u. ft. a ? ' : .1 h? / . ? l. M ? ? 1 ?- t . A ' ? ? A ' p. , ?? ... A < ? , .. R .- ? '. u r :. v ? ;? r ? a ' ? 1 . ? A ? I S? et et ..??s et ? ? ?. .*! M S u DE STEFANO BREAKS A RECORD IN H? ?ha? ' I M*5lX when "'"" of S held sa? ?** Gre? ? ? ' " ''"?'-?? ?-*"*" S Silverst? n, lat? ? ' ' Ji?' lus ?u-- n tm Immed ite ifl ' ' ,ueJ!. - ir-f*-aw kept abr? . ? ''"." *\* ?heu i'*?"'***l*5 speed dt pped Wg The ?1 . ' ?*r7^L rd. "SBB ? " "d ' 'Jt ?"he summai ?-. , |.. . . . . t . . ? MS A A ? ?? 4 1. I? ? , -.. ?? \| * .' ? . . * ,?.-?? . ?? t r .. . . ? ? ? a ?? a . * 1 i' >'? 1 11 HI? "Three WeekT it Billiard? ? hieagtt. Man-; |J rh- thij-JWj ee\t* pionship loin ' ' ?"'""J j.,,!? r *..?? ?? tadv. >?; the lead ? ???"?J Georae ? lark >? terday, **'?','** Maturo -?a? ? ini ? .r^mm ship, gave the lead to the neataame etnert. Kin*. William IV. VOP Scotch Whisky Received ht^hcu Award sf Merit and (?old Medal at San Francisco