Newspaper Page Text
?^=fij Conducted by Samuel Hopkins Adams. I h.? department hai entered the ?econd ?tage of lerrice to Tribune readers Primarily it was intended merely to ?eparate the sheen of advertising from the goats and hang a bell on the Boats But now it foes beyond mere identification. It embrace! . human nature itudy of both ?heep and goat?. You are inviletl t?. assist. For every letter printed in thu department descrih ...i. esperiences ? pleasant or unpleasant?with advertiter? of merchandise, excepting only patent medicinei. The Tribune will ?end $2.00, payable in ?nv merchandise of any Tribune adver li?er. ror the molt important letter each month * ipecial prue of $50.00, payable similarly, will be ?warded. Name printed or withheld -aa you prefer, but must be signed or we will not know ?here to ?end the prire order Address: The Ad-Visor, The I ribiine, New YoiU. . ind loi 'ne roui ? [? we c.,,,1,1 have n wie that would I . . i He s r the i ??v, ki ????." he wenl oi . "aboul this tims ' * ever? job ot, ejected ord? ? ff .uld find, and have 'Clearance Salee" that iceri e.i and tl ?ti- . , . ersation that lace ..... ??partment store and th? i ? Vnv Year's, 1915. es, pure and i imp i top and ? ertising es t and inl ? i... . | momei I re are i neat Clearanc? . ,.,. ,. hen'i teeth '!i-?ior.' no ? ego the a rlter ? |j ? r.. t hicago. talking l ??a f t. -?..'.. who was i ' . " fiager of thai itere, ai ? ? i?,,i i Januaj a aali?" was asked th. ?||?.?4 ?ong did end if I do a? I hope to, ?he July ?aie will la?' but \.,,j ?', ,._ ?g .y-f. biggc ? ? ?? ? in rhe world hen t.ri" mm? to think of It, thai two oai be devoted ? | ' "r orth of goods that, through pool ..-e accumulated in five ironth?. Perha) I ht.w ruch sale?, are -.tactil would he blic. on of a let of c?io?l? of nli k i r. ?i ? ?ha? ?? ::p r?. the itandardi a?:?I thoae goodi ? Depi .?? ra Out to pet these um?!' al i pr?? e. Then 1 lai ? theil itickei . rnixin-r th?' ? i loi v. th the left-oven and ? e job lots a ???.-? ma oril lyle of in ? ? ? trut ? use of '..fa ?nit is .iu?r what that suit ? petition with other suits; and il that if 1 ? rig $40, it would not bi on "he "I - Oh, that gh priced a- ? r of i poor one want t, thai ? i * 15 and 117.5(1 oiti to il and ??. prove to th. i ? v and reliable ? He? ? rttptrtablt stores nothing ? ? educed in price; merely the ima-f .'.;??" is q.i..' s fast dying out ii N'ew York City. Some of the moat tratOI of tl | "the TTianellou? "J or' modern r- ? out of bu I have seei of their wa?. ? and refoi ib dim er, thai a prominent lifts rchant, in d -alue" ?tyle ?f advertising, merehandise I c pnl - i ?? - I want to ;ire' If yea are wa * ng roi ??? ?he advertising ?*"? fully. ? irriter to i ? ? ? and i ? '? h literal ?ran? D. R. 'I. I from tin hei toi tomea this letter. It i.c ?. ' ;i "'?'<' u!?" '? ' ..-.. ,.Jirf. _usinesi throuirh and through. - ? worth kcepinp* for r?f?ren?a when next yon read tho l'ire " ; a "clears ? he alters you W? re gi - ten? oi the fourth ? ?'?f-: "l* cannot be denied that every-i ttinff customers to return good? i.? will." rhrough h ' , | . say "Merchant-- - ' .. ? ? led to em] i : 'an ? ' tided to ai ' "' ints ?hould pern-, l goods to not? frequc I'. -, yo ir col th regard 1 the a : I i i ? t aa a matter < the heat intention? in th? ? ??? generally termed in mere? ?rood evil." ..fTcr from rhe a'r.u^e of ? considerable. The ? ? ? ground thu' ? ii P"r- good will. The small ?tor.? hit f ft ?? on??, o'ten nt a sacrifica which . an ill a*T'?rd. ? i resale of returned c There are many people . hich have previouslj iry, or which have been worn by people us i]:?ea?e. ILPHOXSUS P. H WHY. One Tieeil not ajrree with lhe Ed The I 01 ' and Ul ?wear ami The Ad-Visor do? holly to perceive ami admit th-it ?? which he bo ably advanc? ? The unitary coi n undeniably lias wtijrht, thoagh epidemiologi grei tly modifying, if not abandoning, ?he theory that contagion is largely ? g Quarantine, however, should take tare of that phase. Fundamentally, t is a ' of whether or no! ? customer u entitled ["hat a returns ?4?11 !.?? abu -.??! ii unfortui Still, the percentage of hon? ty runs iai*-]y high race. \no, ?''.part from the question of ore that maint whan thiy are , ? Mr. Hain ' '??". fi on* ? diff? renl entile. ? . ? not patrons. For < . an mpunity, bii i - gratified, I 1 is retui I ?? I ?r\ to i.. ?n it Ham worse than lor.. . ?. ?hen Let eacl . king ?S to me III" B] -tern ? ? redit ad lib. la del t tempi ? the merer Oooda eould 1 ' buyer and - ? ... ? ?. .t '. : nain" (the ?.... .r?| ? | ? ' ' ? I like J. '.. '.-'?. can wa tl ? of hi \4;,v? nnd re<r ? ? of this depart men! f.'ntnr olumn; l"it the chancea arc rodii. e.J to ? minia***. , I, an in inch ' rcnanl , ?ofore the "nattai g? I AD REFORM WINS PRAISE Hr IVilliaau ?Saya Pabllc Reap? Rene** lit? at Neat ?paper?' hipen??, h?r tlie rerer I ? form I ami the reject ? ? -?-. Di raleott '?' ??? . ? | m. He " 1 ? ,r?-h. "H ; ? i rert a the | .-. g for their i i ire r 'Ar . On? MS ei liter? ? - ? I con t iually becoming .rate. ? ? papei ? ?' . ist ? on ? . welfare. - sg CATCH BURGLARS NOW BY PRESSING BUTTON Police Stations lip Off Patrol? men with Signal I.amps. The sound of footsteps cau ed Mrs , .I,-)?*., ,..- .., , ? ,.n ? he Was ren?) ing. >?? ho ? ? " M?e ! . . an h I ?? knot? of th?* d .... ? i phone. "Spring, 3100," -h^ whi pered. I i o ment fat? ' ; I Po lie?? H ? preriri. ? Five minu is a **uflle in the hall, and then; "This ia a po? liceman. Ml ?loor. 1 ha . ....?." "IM like t" I..-, i- ; "ii ?? ? h.n po,iceman ?.?' t here froi ? - ? hand asked th? ca "A? h result of sai neta ligna tern," ? . repl ied. man I . house i to sr? past lie wa? o*, po ? irai," "Bul laci i you get quid "When th? I to a t who ? ' ? m at s an.) rolil I ll I burglai ? the captain i "NY. ? ? ... sig ? ' i ,'-.. ho?* I to S P" the 1 ? hirh is a lamp. ... ? . ? > ton the gre? ? - The patro' lamp. He hurried to the ho\. I if tard the re re i i 1 i ? es i ved the ? .?m. - he time tak wife'i .?- .? f w, re ffleei walking to yoar I The sois i aper: mentini siting for s po?re I io t h :r. ??' a policCIBBB is ? on duty at all times. QUITS BRIDGE TROLLEY; LEAPS INTO ICY RIVER Suicides Body Not Recovered? Conductor's Pursuit Vain. An ? . - 'rom ? |ven ue ti g tha Viliismsburg Bridge yesterday hip'. pursued by the ictor, ran to the ? Mi.ri! rail. Before he could ??? reach ed he thi hands aboi s his 1 .. : snd dived into the river. Hi? body not beei ? ?vered. Passengers not cad the man hecau-p . ? He was ai * mche? tall, of a ?lark eoflspl? wore ?i brown overcoat. H .ear the i? ?r door When ,l ? ???ached ? i centre of ?he bridg m his pis? e and jumped o:r ? ? Detl? r, the i enductor, - . mo.-,; caught the ed I r!o*ie to ?i la rire ?. ? he aui ? reaching the Manhattap ei ? ... ? ? Battle larhor Squad I. ? launi , for the bod] HAVE YOU GOT THAT $300? life BaviagS of n Poor Woman Picked I'p In Eest Thirl.? -third Slr??et. Three hundred dollars in B roll nf bills was four.,! -.? torda) on th? walk in front of ."_'l Hast : ? Th.- finder that ? represented the entire life ga ?.f a poor woman Mrs. Rose; Moracco, of the above a<ldret?. a p'?*. -, ? ar old hoy ran into ? that ' ' t OUt on ?he ;.!???? Blk ' Witl g to pul ? ? ind hor? [ ne?! use with him An hour -' ? I '? ? ? that . ?vil! h a u m' the 'our d \ ' I e "re ? will ''????I decent all the rr?? DR. W. TOWNSEND KILLED BY FALL Noted Surgeon Found Dead in Courtyard of Apartment House. DIZZINESS BELIEVED CAUSE OF ACCIDENT Physic.*") Had Suffered Recent Attacks Was Secretary ol statt- Medical Socict? I>r vv mer Robinson Townsei as ? i lead.njr pli - si ? n d largaoni foui iteniaj morn rtyard the apart r ?? - hanse a- ; "3 '?' esl f I fassilj h?-.-? rte? ears. He had been killed in n fall from h:s bathroom, on ' ? ? oroa? - Israel I Pelnbe . j;ave a ?rnlir- th.v r'r. Townsend's death wa - rid. I "> oning M re, Toa ; lend and fi u the phj ?loan had g for tea ? -e fell lili while leanmf? gol air. The iceldenl I ight to have or re? I and 4 s ia. i? wa? 9 a. m. whei . '? flatteries, who hat -, ha first floor. lo..i-r.? out .-r the windos ?? <! saw the body, clad in pajama.. 1 . - Patrolman Bj n e, of the ?- ?ta call foi aa ambulance to the Polycl l,r Lowry ? ?... desd u era Hii lull wac fractured. on, Walker. ? ? ? ? ? ? until ? ? ? ? . that th? I \\'i?n. -. . i-hool. \\ 1.? n l?r. I . led I" her. I.wnsend '.-. . rsken? ? " a? ?? ? ... i ipei ? ? . father. Dr. v ?Lambert, of roner ? It I it l ?r. Toa nsend was Bck of 'orrnini* an e Hospital for Ru ? Iren Rs had ??? turn ? ?pother sur|?? Dl Lamben ai d Mi , Towns? nd .... ... m | . the phj ??? ar, should havi I -.1 him ? ' PPeai ed to be ?n cheei '?*nd? on Sat . Purr, in ." ?i.t'.n l-?'.arol HugUSt ?"?. 1866, ownsend w?? graduated fron < 'harlier Ir istitute sao -' Hi- rasn l'slkei I.oui? 'i 1893. ..? ? pra? tice, wl eh neladed '"a or ill"?, he ?.or? ed at a : ? ired ami < rippled <Children sn< sr orthopedic ?urccon nt the H il. He ? a s member of ? ' i Amerleai '? ' ate Med ?cal So? ? CAPT WENMAN. 92. HONORED Old I.uard EI?*CtS Mini la I nmmand of Honorar? Mali. Folks thai V*. enman on h ? n nety-seeoi ... March. 7. at n ? . f which h? . - \- ? . ? tain W< ? 11 to be ab I? m ?? ilar,. ? the or, Bui f"i < sptain W? nman'a f. rm Park ? ? v ? i . I of adorn i ns i i r : ra! Park, i ? i ?. . ' ? - 'or life of ' II urn ?if Art. ? 'aptain in declares pc i? the only 1 ?? rge Franela Tra i ever hsndi i ? . les b? -r s member of the " I " ? la ? on, hi? son, h,. ? '.' Wenman, und his grandson, man, are siso membei .... n, Byrd W :l?on ""? si i n.ti i. for membi ? he reach?. - ; the r? Captain tl enman i iulick Guard in 1843 11 mposed ent fren..- I I . - I ? racter. It was the first coi . Irsena and Franl - rat ts, ??-hen or- \ dered I th? ti-rent th? ?tat? Caj an wat ahortatop of i the Knickerbockers, the first baseball ' ?'.- York lie h ?" ? ?? eotl Lu* ness in 1 i cil for Id was preeident of 1 I tl ? .. - - si d ; i ? : ? ? Rector's tlFHETHER l-OR LUNCHEON AT MID ?? DAY OR FOR DINNER IN THF. EVENING. YOU WILL FIND AT RECTOR'S AfllCriCfl S a SATISFACTION that somehow be I.ONC.S EXCLUSIVELY TO THIS PLACE ! .CilUI 11^ SCORES OF DAINTY DISHES FOR LUNCH EON A LA CARTE AN UNOBTRUSIVE KCStclllPilllt IV WATCHFUL SERVICE AND DELIGHT FUL MUSIC. A SPECIAL DINNER. I Ml FINEST IN i HE CITY, EACH EVENING, ?dk I TO 9, IN THE REAUTIFUL BALI. ROOM. ' Al 11.80 PER COVER BrOflOWfl) WONDERFUL CARARE1 I ORCHESTRAS 2 DANCING FLOORS. at 48th Street A La I ??te Vrih? in lite Mami Dining Room ACCUSE WHITNEY IN NEW CHARGES Sub Committee Workers Dig Into Resignation of M. B. Seaman. THOMPSON ON TRAIL OF EDISON CO. DEALS Morgai To Be Examined This Week Governor'*- Appointees Virtually Assured. rhempeoa declared last, I thai r.e hail new evidenca te pr. ate Finance ? "tnmitte? >? ? -4 h . >be Seriar?? ? the appointment of Travli Wh ? ? ? . Sen? ee ? ? ? ? - |b rom of the Thonpaon committee Henri H Beetnan, formerly chiet en-jine?"- of the Pttbl - v? r re Commit ? ? iti - rhompeon ?aid that Mr. Seamin r?>!H the lub-eommil icai turdaj r.rj-ht. that he had l.eon practirall-. forced <vj? bj Mr. Whitney becau?e lie favor??.I thl tf borough subway plan. A referen. new ?pan? i I IH10. when M r Si im?n **ineer, iho - tion of Mr >' ? ? , ? of 'ii?' I'iihhr Si ? ommii In letter! an.i n'arpriip??.": prnraifil Spamar. who. he reeigneo and aftenrar ? .?.I 11 at he liad resif/nfii becauaa of th<- ?omims ? a-.'hr.i ..' ??> era] hundred tliou land ?lol'ar? tor?. I|. ? : I ompany for 4?ork m ?h*> ? i Street loop In all trir?.? itatementa and lettera, a? well an interviewi riven ou( b) Mr. :-ean\Ai, a' th?> ?? . i ?- ??. the Onlj pi irho met with critieiam ai a ha *.',i Seamai ?a? l ammiaaioner Ha? Oi September 23, 1910, ?-hen tha f-;' ?' friction between Mr. .*???? ? i commiaaion wai mad* pub lUed to ilit Mr Seamai ' I '?'.-< arroll of the com m I --are ou a re| ta t I hal tha : i iked for nia reaignation. iti - . ?' Mr. seaman ? on resigning ht: w a.? ?uapenJed from doty, 1 he reason . ???'?en ?n Mr. Seaman'? ?talement of? ? 'nber 23 for reaigning ?a? con paragraph: .- to control ai management i I I .;. pei tment, ??? .'?hour . e? gur? to re? f the chief ? ?-. hae led to ite uttei I If thie condition continuel m ?i..- proiecutiofi of work il will mean -, - ? ? te the i- ? I ? oateni bly responsible for i*." !? le tl ?? belief that Mr. Whitney'i ap ? ? icai will be i or :: rmi d I te, together witl thai of I Kar'.-1 S. Hervey, '?'ho is aleo oppe ! ? ham pson, this s ses ' -ronip?oii committee ? i big sorti?.?' i " tali ? ? ?? dual subway contra?-* - I .?' ? ? ?. ee\. n ho- it imina J .-an. "?? niarl ?hat h.- I like \ery much 'o h'l from George W, Yonng, The Best aal I for the eommttt*"*e inquiry i? 'he EdiMfl ( oninany. Th committee believe? that th | ?. I er?t Rgreernry. between th?- Edison SB ? ? . : -, -i,. -,. i?. hich prevente *h -a Ian ' from di?r>.';ing of it . ? ? - - -. ? -. lay eonfi - i* tehel *nd other eity off rtrgarding his proposal la "ake th rrvisioB of 'he dual ?uli"*a\ lyete? ther traaeit work frai ? c Public Service ' omm?ssion se er it t T'??* chairman ha? three p tp? i mind, all o' uhich ha? e received til naement Of the Committee, rhet be Snne e- er in .lea! I th ' '" Ma) i" to da'. Whitman Due to Win His P. S. C. Appointment? reata a S aS ? ?-????..*? km) ??' I ? Trlaiasa ' I bany, March 12. Asid? from th. Bent, i he n osl Interest I ng bef r. ?,-.-. ! oj--.!ature th" h?? rhe disposition by tb? Finsnc* Committee of Tra> is H "A hit ind Chal?es S, Hervey, lio.ernm '?\ ??nan'? nomination? to the Publi? --.on There appear? .' be lit?'- doubl 'hat the name a reported, probably without ????< mmen Here. arra.n. Senator Rro?? r ira a? the ?-?adint, man. for it il ? ' ho really ha? b?ien responsible foi holding up the r.ame?. and il ?rai not gB ? the bare" an I riday s dec?s.on wa? reached to repor' th? in It is also probable thai set ion ail ? :a?.or, o? * i Governor*! appointments to th" Induatrial Coramiasion. The aituati? egarding Lynch ia rather critical, most ef the opposition being directed .?-air?? him. It ii generell) ed, however, that all flve of the Industrial Commissioners w-il be te ?' from "he finance Committee, a? ? is regarded a.? h?'i polit es by ?he Republ ean lenders to hold ?.ark O?'.t ?ame. and thai belonging to a I'err.o crat. The Rrown committee bills afT*-.-'".?T Sew York ? itj s II get some action t1".?. i - ?-.-,? Cities * ommlttee manier them or, Tuesday and O'T V. ?dnesdaj report a number of th'm III of 'v.'?e measure? may be ported, fnr 'ha' matter, but it i* likely IC BgS 's? which there ?- no ion, inch n? the Courthouse ia bill, will recel?? considera ? The o i'i?T--1 ? ? n sud ihsp? ? will he reported to 'tie and the rlssembly not Isier than Bent I Appropriation! this rsar, while ? mcllc? 'ha r. B ill BS" Briba? ess < orig Bal I garas pre? ; by ' 1.rnor H hit man His original budget b II appropriated ion? ?: over 167,000,000. The appropria- | illy )_-o hefor. ? be neighborhood ?, ? '?'. I| ? : . the m BOI ty le.lde.. snnoui ..- tiiat the I ?em ?->?? r.?' pa-? Bfl the re apportionment b I SI lOOfl a? it ij li? claimi thai ?. now pro* p.. n\ ?I diacriminat?H against the <-:t; . ?uc?i*ttrs 14th Street, near Fourth Avenoe. Century y*** Tomorrow, 2 P.M. ?i??-??/ 1 extininnin! to WILLIAM WINTER . h.. ... -, ? . ? . pat i i il?p .. i .? . ?? I . ? a \ >'-. - n , i . , R? - . 4 i: ? . | . r.r ? ll >?.?' la .? . ? Hi :.? ? ? . Kid l?r. Miar t-> 4 H .4 . . Il? I .s- ' - ' ? ' ' I ....??- A . . ? ?- . . ttt ? i ?? - ?? a > nan SYMPHONY ???.?Itpr |:_mr?Ma?-h Thl. *ft?fr,xi?i ?? 1 Ca?n?ol? Hull FAREWELL CONCERT Trans-l cmtinrntal Tour JOSEF HOFMANN . - BO LOI HT \\ ??I Ml . Mar. IS?larnrarlr Hull a IK' I? .^K V H KIFTH SI Mill"*-** , ?. .:.:rKii .?n ? i ?s? ! ill ? .- Ottt * T H .-\, Ml >r i HtM'lS Erlkl ig." Kill HKItT l.\</.( I ?. .-. | .? ?1 111 art? >la ,..,.".? ind METROPOLITAN ??JSJ TnnUM a - Aid?. Um: \ a - R Ml ? I.. Bit W??l. II ? Tarnl?! of th? Shr?a? r '? . Uoriu. I_ irait. Octal ? ? B III i. Thur?. ?: ..a- ?? . A ? !I'? a ? 1 L?h??iarlia ... ... |( ? .- I ? . 1 . 4-1 faollar l.a. 1 . ? Hi!.?-' ???.:? erln.? loor ? Tliurt. ar a- I Sanaa-Bula. ?t. I ?? ' I. Pull r ?I a? 111 Sana n?aa. K.rra- 4i. ? 4 i Ml In ? ???t 4|,. .- ? Sa??.?? ?t tl a 111 a. Haatrt ? a a , .;-.., ??a? ' ? i Walkurr. ...;. h il ?- ?.-- ? la ???it Mo?. ? Tarni?! of th? Salira?. lUIU'MIA PUNO I PKD Healae Hit.???'? rii?mr?. in;h ai ?. ? u.k ItiIK UM \ M VI IKlH.HVMMI YVETTE GUILBERT < ? liai in . se, a lia | ?. ? . l'IKI < I H?N f XIII \IIIM \ Il \4|M \S l?i.T?TLT?a n* ? ? na-,?a I? :.-.|.-?t? MATINEE DAILY ?S?S $1.03 p? p ? sousA ,*,";? ^V.NiIe ,/ -a R 'i B ir ?I ? tune. "?????-ir? Btu -rBh sous* : GALA BENEFIT- c^\NL?LQ,e FRENCH MUSICIANS ?V?pS. PADEREWSKI FLONZALEY QUARTET MURATORE TRIO DE LUTECE STOJOWSKI SCHELLING rp KKT8 AT ? ?.BXltCII ?*1 '? '?OXATIONS 111 MM B I' I'A.MIl.TiiN. in T _ r,,?.?? t, Inrlii 4 -'? ? ' '* erarla, H?|,in, Punen oiijuay m ti*??. Mr,. h???i?, _7*irs A SUMMONS MATEY"! ! \ TREASURE ISLAND Mata. S S Si i ? :?*????.? CENTURY ??"SI"? . ah ANNUAL VAUDEVILLE star BENEFIT 'SAB BOX Olliri. OPIN ?USUAL THEATRE PRICES. IIS ACCOI NT OF ILLNESS. RECITAL OE MAUDE FAY ?NNOUNCEO lilt? AEOLIAN HALL '??' POSTPONFn UNTIL TUIS . . i rxjj ? ruiTCU at r . mar. 21 ,i ? .?.? ' refui ' 11 *?-? ?f *.?*? Herman I?. ? < Hi III ???? N T \l.?ll I \N II M I .Til?.>.??.. Vliarrhl?. at SIS FLONZALEY PB F K?ITH S IOAN MATTIF B I B A -PSAWTIR WILLIAMS fa L A Is t ??? "a"? lEwis BICKEL i WATSON. 1 ? *. t - * BELLE BAKIR and Ma? <: MAURICE A WALTON OLGA PETROVA ^mHHl -? ? Burin? Mal-??* T??v?l Pl?lu???. LOF. WS NEW YORK T.7*NTF\f COMBINMl (APACITV % 000? :?- -. t ?? ? 1 ?t TO-OAT WM IARNUV In -'Fl|htln| Bio? i,??r<i? Pin? Organ ?Stephen-, On-h?,?*??. Loew's Amer;c-n Roof ' '? . * : t Mai ? ALL SEATS A " - RtSFRVEO ? I? IS? |tr ?.0? CM Beeeasaas "?TBa T?n?r r?. ci???. V 1 . r USS PUSS . . -. BOOTH T\\? ..i., i eve ? ??? In m lltr G lot,. With Irn? l.n.tirli anil llar'ttl ?rrraltn Tb-p fiinnii'el mo\ in-_- pxinr? p|gj rvrr *ir?K*iuri>ri ?rilhunl ha ruf t'haplin l.ntm-en-r Reontrr, >?/n ?]il-LL_JL?_J_*j_!i*^_III^ A SATIRICAL MEL P AYHOl SF ' - coaiov. ? a . ri,rllllUU?lL H| ! ., _.?_ r-r?p MADIiFT 4 I Oi?M r*p Art-' rFf**iRr*FT M ? f * ? ?M r.?i\ 'fin*\i\r. i ?__,, , ,? Vhi ?turtV.%"?\.^ ; .... MAXINE ELLIOTTS ,.. . ? : :;?? ' ? ROBERT HILLIARO o7W-?'-M S IV 11th St. Th?a. Mal? .4 , JUST A WOMAN Wl 5" ?ffiJ ?THf UNI " ?? I . M I 44TM ? IHI? ' " "' e_ t i VtKl \iUULI tiUUllL raaieM iietn PiaioanaNci suvanina SMI.HIRT I- ?'? ? ? - l A . LYKlL ??, \I.o\I VT LAST ? i Mui . ' m?-li P at la !? EMILY STEVENS KATINKA I'.ASINO I ?a " ? '? ? I ? A - THE BLUE PAHADISE ???" c_? l IAH POTASH* PERLMUTTER IN SOCIETY WIFE SEES PLOT IN DIVORCE SUIT Penniless, She Was Driven Into Street to Trap Her, Woman Declares. HUSBAND ACCUSED OF LOVING ANOTHER i Offer Made by Men to Assist Wanderer Called Frame-Up of Detectives. Neglect and persfcurion. laoo* arhicfc i-he ?ais (Iri4'rn penniless an?i homeleoe ?i?o rhi? ?tre*t as part of an aM?g?".i piel ?o ?rap Irr >n a cornprom'?ing ft ?ition. ir? alleg??.! hv Mr?. Munrsr?' Ryan Morgan in answering the sji? for divorce brought hv Ralpb < Morgan, i ?tori? brok??r and ?on of W'lliam M. Morgan, wr.o ?as a tin plate manu?-.?-* urfr. Mr?. Morgan .* th? daughter o4* Philip Rvan. o* ? V.i.ago. and i? well known a? a concert sing-r The couple were married in I'M?, tu?, months after they on a steamship oier, wh?>re the*f had gon?* to spf fnend? of* Wife ( harae? "Frame-up." R??forr the 'ncident on which Mor gfin now base? hi* ?ui?. his wife a! lege?. hi? had hire.) ietoetlvea, two r?i??n an?! a woman, to indue her to npn.? herself to charge? In pursuance of ' this alleged plan the woman r]rterti,e r-rr'i n?>.? thai lh ??,, T/"* Mr?. Morgan, and oS?r*?al ?.?**" I p.ecessitie? <-,<? \lfr ,.^?cn ."**<sy able t,, purchate beeaui? ?? i*1* V band's neciect ???? ?,, ?***t? this plan, say? Mr- M? ? r?-*r\ ***-*, ?tarterl on ? ne? -chume ?. Z**m 'o be r d of h*r, ?,;er*?'*N' marr ? ,?>P '"* % ?rt the-office - | ^^?"?ij I ., ? Pn ember Mr? Mor?. Atlant..- .- ?j?!**", lowed by a ,?,, ,?,/* *ii wa? "acol ' ? ? rhen ,?J "S^ Thilaiielphis V ? ? -.,,., ,^"***ii a letter fror?, M, r-jan, lnr^.J*?"1?] Wa? York ?? ? rh#ir d,f ? ,*-he ref?>?ti red ?* 'he |- ., "" ? ?and ? n?n?i'i 4aj **,|t-?l Mr? Morga .. *-r*?n*?i-l v"r*'' vaH bsti? "H i !ri-af*o Hr,) ? . .,, t*?l,41'l,l purpo?? . .?. , -^ ?^?' V **?? tviti ... Mf?,r**?i 'he fi - mt).m Mmft Yete ' '?? Hun?-rt ?m-l ,\ if host M?,,, "Ob I1 ? layi *,?,, ? . ? -..,,.*. ?? *... .>' **l*r" ?*<???(] ??"?. tllieri m* 'I as? ill I .,;,? ,. I a ',v Bfld tl ? i ?ja-5 ?*ome. I ??? ,,j B? ?r**" SJ rr?m?-?n? dging t*^ * me [ .-?*-.?. and rest until I - . go sat ?ieavor ?o cet ful* ?Hr ?i?l'!r. is of thi ala ?t..? >. bol th< m< . ~. ., -_j r ?...?? ,... ? .., rt__ _, . If??- Kusba d '.??- ?-ed '*Tj???J'T,r? on a-?-- tided Mn \].l, rnpeU!d?aa5 even net I ? ' *??p fr?.B ,T* inp. Mortr?-* s?1- ?'??? h. had his ?a ?catch? ? th* r*i|rn ,,^ ?r> r?r . s ' * . Itaei ist S ???eeW alimony, ?h- ? i ?? k?jr*-a*Q I-mi ?" M8 ii ymitl tice Fine 112 S as* | PINS'P.?t al ?'hiir? hill's injure? t h <* ? t tt O a t in r n j o ?. m ?? n I 'Store than a Restaurant H ?? I H in Uf| . ? - ?, >pc?-ial I.un.-h-, ? TV. ?n<i fttr its Aftern...... I?, Dam nki*. iorr's itiiiIm? rWfJkTUta ?.m? ?h?i??ii _ Em er ?-a ? Tr"*? T"*-1 ru It-?l l\/I r** I l*C t*1 M'iHi.?- ?: A.W M. 4% M, ?-_, J___ CHARLCa PROMMAN v|_:i r TO-NIGHT! 7th BIG WEEK B___ FERGUSON IN HALL CAINE'S SENSATIONAL SI'CCLV MARGARET SCHILLER A BIG PLAY WRITTEN AROUND A BIG THEME, AND WITH A BIG PURPOSE .... "?-nil ni I. ( ?, nletMa '.,r VI? U (nanti." "\n ?i.|. - '- ir.; j..?.n>p'?tM .T.rti.1 ?? "Uott I.'lH ?4l.ll- ' ?irr???! At t* | ?.iinirrr -.Hr. ?TriMlnit!? n >up?>r*i ' ? ftm "II?? torrean _r?,it?r ?hso is '<)?? ra?t.' " ?N?i ^ir... ? I ntliah .fftkSt ?tage hit? ?ii< It nfii? rang? of ?I*?*.* . 4*M*| \pt>?nl? to ta..'?r r.!" !?._? -l?| l>ritt....ii h?? ?i?r r. ihr.) h?f#-?" | -..? *?M I E>riri NEW AMSTERDAM r(iK?iTRr;. ?.-. i?ir MO ai al.AV? ? FRI.AM.Ul 4|I;. TO-MORROW . ' K.?rr r*?? ? HMWf ?lr ???? W??< ?.??i Sal : SIR HERBERT TREE'S SHAKESPEARE TERCENTENARY FESTIVAL. HERBERT TREE "KIN6 HENRY VIII rRnpl ? Tins PIRE? r 1R<>?' HI.? MAJESTY'S tiOVO<? It? H?4-??jrt Tre* . ???..-. I? ? lulaai: fOITH WYNNt MATTHIf.0?. LYN HARDINr, CHARLES DALTON WILLETTE KERSMAW LYCEUM ' SLRf ro si ir The Heart of Wetona THE BEST MUSICAL SHOW IN TOWN -i?*? c liberty ;j?; : : :v; ;? y ?t?. IULIA D?NALO lOSEPM SANOIRSON BRIAN l'AWTMORN I', tna TV .tn-? a I O V D I I 4i ?leal ? i". o 1 ? I L. HUDSON %?_?, ',;. '*./?;??;? The Cinderella Man 4 ????? <?rn?1.l I?. 1 r?.?1 . 1a I |-|? :.. ASTOR ""WM ' *M r'" ?,nsM?,,p LONGACRE ,.r;. ?"??????_ -?? ? - n_EigK--i__saii?_a ? ".THE GREAT LOV'R ? BELASCO "?J J,T" ST ;?'.;?**? ? ?? UTR* MAtlNEE TO MORRO* | ... THE BOOMERANG EL 1 IM" ;r~? ; v , , - r? .?. lira? miAii st' PiTRirn"'? n4> _ ?**?*?? GAIETY MKS. FIS1U I. . o?n . ' ? - -?'??' <___ IN . , ?...?.. 9ue Erstwhile *>usa-L CRITERION Owing t., Mi Ha?b-f *'? th?? opmlti" t'?t.- tee ' MERRY WIVES? will occur MONDAY M*J*r ilend of on Thunda- m|M- g_j a a. J ? - 1 riaiO I MM I _?n ' WINDSOR' '?;," COHAN'S Mitzi " in P0M-P0M HARRIS ITlXA?y-fti^IlM?M LANDLER ?"jg ?MIJI?H^ ?la-> Ria? a 1 REPUBLIC " ,^et PARK ',? a|? ROAO-stMANOAUY [_c?i;1 ... 4 GL01 GABY D F. S L Y S ? wfi MUSICAL ART SOCIETY ?RANK PAMROBCM ? 1KNM.IK HIM. T 41 M <i H K <> \\ >'?'"l ?? SSO Tl.-ltel? in,- ... ? . *,,, Mui ?I II ?A.,, f-M_ ? hS*i . A NICKERBOCKEI._ DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS ar. iitnil ?ir ??.**, |-|>t?f?-4 a?... '?-i '?' ?? ..* TO NICiMT ?T ? ? Cerf THE BLUE STANDARD ' Strand sa r???t ?a-? ? .a A II ?*? ,?M M H 11 IS te '"?? V.I--UI ??*" ?iacnJgi SASlliP t.* aj?) ?art*?! ?**% 1-MlaaSl