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<*ud an inade<*uate force insuffi? ciently prepared after Villa would hinder and not I astea matters" Regarding the course the campaign will take, C neral Kur.iton said: .re will be more than one expe? ditionary force, although T am not at liberty to r-ay how many or from wl at points they will ?tart They may make simultaneous entries into Mexico, or they may be sent forward at inter? vals They may all leavu from the ssme point, or they may depsrt from All this will be left to ' , -.?- "-ni.r?e? whs will ? ? ete charge of all the forces in the field. I don't Vxlie.e m swivel chair campaigning. New Cnntingtncies Likely. "\eer???rilv, (he ?.trnpaign will de veiop new situations and the d of the troop is cor tingent upon these I may ut interval*; visit the held force . ' Kl I'aso, nsfjrally. w:ll be the baae IppliOS for ?ijr army. Kl Pass will polled through Port : ?m BOB ? tor. MB Ant?;* ? tho .... aero squadron and th? regular scout* of th.* army woul ! not do all of the scouting of the expedition, "We are hiring civilian scvmti," h* ?aid, "who ar?> f-irriliar writh ?very foot of ?he t< rn'ory ws will pet.etrate .?.?neriean- whs have been working alorara in thai country for reere." it m ||( g. :n tal ? expeetat on that the aero -.quadron wi'l b?* of great ser 84 ("an Render tatetat Send?-*. "Of coTjne, ?' . f?ie-~? have ' ?en duty do*a*a on th?> border," he said "They couldnl aecompHeh much, for thicket? and *trrtr'c el mad" observa? jiffienlt Oui in the open ? i ' territory vre will tra-. ?rso the machines will render great assistance. Ailr ee 'n the small detachments thai are thrown oat by ? i the most ".menean BOldlSrs ? ncounter, .'eneral Punstoa be "\'illa troops srill ?t times ?nirpr ? theap scouting parties,"' ha ??aid. "la ordinary warfare our men might, if ? .?-!>? outnumh?>Ted sr.d resistance futile, surrender with safevv. ? ?> *urrend?r to Villa would be worse than suicide. Villa's nun will kill every MEXICANS TO RESTORE MRS. WRIGHT'S BABY El PaasA Trv. Match 12. - -An act of courtesy to-day by General Gabriel Ga.ira, C arran/.i commander in Jua r?**, won praise from Ameri? cans. General Gauia gave to M? ?Maud Hauke Writ-lit, whose tSiihy was taken from her by Villa <md later found in Prar*oii. Mrxuo, an ordrr for safe conduct for the cliild to llic border under escort. Mrs. \\ right's husband was killed by \ ilia, and she ap? pealed t" General Gavira ?hrough Hi*h?>p Hurst, of thr Murniun Church, to rescue her child. Gavira authorized Gilbert Ducic, an American, to go aftrr thr baby. \ erican th?y can lay hands on. Kvery his bandit? means a to the death for our mer," \vrtt Squadron l?i Hut rain. It ha?, be?., decided that th?- firs! aero .piad' | I attempt . "toes, the se? toreycles snd ? he;.)! roas? ' The squadron will no; gc? sway when it v? ' I ; proceed Pose llo--pi?al Company No 7 and Ambu lsnce Compsnv N'o. 7 left before dav break to-day for Fl Paso t?, be d,? patched where needed. They were f?.l lowed shortly by the '-'?' nattalion of Knginoers, ? ompanies E, <? and H. There will he |,, other movemeata from Saa Ant ?? Monda/. 1? -.?aJ repo^ted here that a g-usrd en plaeed o??si the Southern Pb? kduct s1 Del Bio, over which the various detachments from Fort Snm llou.?'"n will pas?. Commissar-. Problem Serious. ??ne railway line, running southward, ran be ut-!i*ed by the American force during a psrt of the pursuit. I? wa pointed out. howe**er, that ultimately ? e chase af'er Villa i lay lead the ex p?dition mon? than ron m'ilet sway from the railroad Thi? ?? ill mean that a long line of communication? must be established trongly protected, that; supplie? for the searching fore." may be insured. Transportation of food, fore-je and ammunition will become a serious un? dertaking under such conditions It li probable even water will have to be ear ried. Hay for the horses alone will run into millions of pound*. TILLMAN WANTS VTLLA SHOT Senator Says Every Precaution Musi Precede Meiiean Intervention. Atlantic Ci'y, March It/*"-**"] want Is ?ee Villa stood up again?! a ??on? wall as he has stood up Americans and shot them dead But I don't want our troop? lo enter Mexico until every precaution fas been taV?*-, <o trnard against a mi? hap or sethsck." sa?d Senator Ben Tili? ntan here to-night II eon-in-Jaw, ? Moore. Pios.'Ci" tor of Atlsri? c Co The Senate] strong] ntimal "? ilia waa baeV.ed by men of wea I New York, who were an? lou?- to ? rnbroil the United Sta'e? in ?ir. Whei II what he thought of the l*n ted States eatry be replied, "it wa? never tn litter shape " VILLA CUTS FORCE INTO MANY BANDS Some of His Outlaws Said To Be Nearing Sonora State Border. OTHERS REPORTED HEADING SOUTHWARD Concentration of Force at Co. lumbu-, May Require Several Day?. Columbus. V. M., March 1 _ innltiplled hero to-day that Francisco Villa Is ilstntegratlni 'he forn, et 1...UU to 2,600 men which h* used to ?t or to mah< tl i Colomb u lay. tmertean military authorities I said It ?e peasiblc that it would been advisable t?. ?o after Villa Thur-?. d?y when hii raideri fled ?jouthward They vai-iR ? ralized and were dropping loo? j.rid -.var material before the attacks, of r fty-iui.c men under Major Franh Tomasina, Requeets of Colonel Herbert Sloeem, commanding' th? 13th Cavalrj here, and of Major i I Tompkim to b.- allowed ?o renew the pursuit Friday with a Iwr-rer for? ! pending orgai ?zation of the' large punitive expedition. It was stated to-d.,y thai tl ?ex? pedition, owing to m '? re read xacilitiea ?tul the widely scattered po- ? of th?' trooj necei arjr to cot etitute It who bave been ^n petrel i fluty, might r. qall ? ?"-eral ?lay?-' prep ar lion before it could enter M? ?it. ,cn?t frorn this '><>int. Villa llrrakinc* I'p Force. Meanehile n : "lex-can sourees stated that Villa apparently was carrying out a plnn t<> elude pur ?ult by breaking up his forces into t-mall band ? i i ling in the moun? tains, Seme of hie fore?? were re? ported to b., approaching the .-'onorn H*ati border. Others were vnid t,. be rnakini* their way ?"outhwnrd arid southeastward t.t-day toward the moun? tains of tin s?n Ger?nimo diati from which th.-<!:? chieftain ed March 1 with ihe announced inten? tion of Invading tin' United Btate Information wan received here to I da 1 thai two ref-imonts of infnntry Hnd a battalion of mountain artillery were , being; cien', here from the Fast in ad? Of 1 8th Artillery ir, m Nogalea, An?, und ? lignai rom pa'ny. < olenel Slocum --aid ho had b?en ad? ? thi flret cu" .dron of the 13th Cavalry ?l*-? bad been ordered to re|(.??i r regiment ; account of Its exploit Thursday In heat .- off an overwhelm:';? number of j Mexicans after u stiff flght, in whieli they inflicted p?. :i tim-'i the number of their ??^n casualties, is laid 'to have been aseigned to the duty of | taking Villa's direct trail. <>?? the . ligenelei of the patrol duty to 1 which the army hac h'-en iHsI?ne?; ,.vrr , (rince the outbreak of the Mad?re rove I tut ?oh in 1910, the regiment hr.? had i on duty here only two-thirds rf it ?.troiigth. The first sq'iadron. under I.ieu'em.'it Colonel T R'??? rs, h ?tationed at Marta, Tex., more than ilei r-.' of here, and aesigmed to patrol a stretch of territory eighty. 'lea in extent. It might b? eral days before this squadron bled bore l'nlt? \Vidch S.itterei*. Other units said tn have been natetl for service in Mexico are .?uite U widely --."ere.I, because ?if de? fer protection and patn various point;. Infantry, ai cavalry deemed heeesaary for th? ex? pedition are Mattered at intervals of 78 to ).=.n miles, from Myrena, Tex., on the east, to Yuma. Ariz., on the we??. : There II onlj one line of railroi ' 1 which the concentration of the I ' ran bo accomplished. This II i closely fruurdeii, to minimise any .? Irresponsible persons may It ?a?, announced te i'ay thai I 'two squadron?, numbering about 100 men, of the 12th < avalry, under Colo nei H. C. Bickel, who were ordered 'from Fort RoblUSCn, Vebra ike, II terday, will take the place of th i Cavalry in post? here. One squadron of the 12th is at F.f.ama. Pr-?adier General John 3 Perahintr, lit 1- i Faso, according to military otT, .-? rs here, is con i wide? |y scattered troops as rapid | I sible. It appear? to be the opinion of ? tar? men 1 ere that, when Villa is ,' found and pushed on both lides, he "vill , not stand arid ft?fht. Thi* b?-' i baaed < experte? American troop? It- the surprise attach , Thursday, and the iiibeequei * pursuit of the bindi's by Major Tompkil - described therr flight as practical!*.' a rout. Say Villa Won't Make Stand. Although Villa'? itreegth la the battle h'-ri' \. a? ? ? Ited at fr.>m ? h indre I to tw< ! n.en. Captain kudo : n ueorge Will ? i ? arl iei pated hi the purauit, deicribi I - t rear ??r? precipitate. Pi ii tured declared the r -.-?, t - ? J ??? were 'en by fear. sHhoogh. when they dis? covered the meagre force of : r. w;*h which Tompkinl entered Mexico j Thursday, ? tend with nine ? hundred men. Although the V lia trail Ii gett . coide? every da.. n pr?s?e?i confidence ipprehend I v 1? St '? e. ipedal agent of the D? partm?- HI of Jui ddv tha* the lis v.ound'd Villa ? held r. | ? oneri would bi turned ; over b he I - .... I itat-a. courts of New Mexico for trial I on charge. of having murdered t I Civilian I -'.sin here Th'.irs d?iy. ?' ?. ? ? . intent! n ? T H ? S T o R i: F 0 R M E N The hat men wear 'with a dinner suit. Ligfit,, black felt, black silk faced and lined. ?fe ??' At-?*? gleet, ?'??.. et ! 1'r| John Wanamaker Broadway at Ninth, New York. a?OINT ACTION CAN AVERT WAR, SAYS CARRANZA ORG.\N. Mexico City, March 12.?Undt-rr the c*p"Jon, "The Columbus Cas*?? Roguery of Natives and Poreigr.ers," "El Pueblo," the official organ of the Carranza government, saya: "The infamous and traitorous work of reactionaries in the United States has finally reached ita most abhorrent point Because they were impotent to stem the military and political triumphs of constitu? tionalism, they have tried to force armed intervention by the United States in the affair?, of Mexico, in an endeavor to re-gain their lost power. "These enemies ot d**ili*ation and liberty conspire against the harmony and peace that ought to prevail between the two peoples, who, berauee of their Inclinations, culture, ?deals and geoffx-rpbical position, are callea udob jointly to share the task oi working out the destinies of this Western Hemisphere. I "The invitation of the Mexican government, found?***", are it is? in international practice, is the most efficient means for -ratlsfying public vengeance.] We are profoundly convinced that the American govern? ment, maintaining that serenity and judgment so necessary in these unhappy events, will follow iti initial policy of respect toward the Mexican government and will combine with it to take ?auch sction 8 . < ircumstances warrant. 'In this way the misery of war thus provoked by the criminsl man?uvres of the enemies of both governments and both peoples will have been averted At any rate, we can assure the whole world that Mexico will never lose her international citizenship, because, before that, she '."ould prefer to succumb gloriously in the rough sea of an heroic struggle?the supreme recourse of a people born never to ha slaves." of muHer ?ralnst the bandit? ifl the | . r.,?*-., ' "in- for the District of New Mexico It ????? susjMstsd f? day thai 'he ?t.ate su'horitie? would al*o indict Villa on charices of murder nn<l formally demand hia extrad I Francisco Miranda, on? of the Mead? c:'1' prisoner?. wa? B?m1 IS F"?r* BIlSS to-day for the amputation of n gan prenv d leg I IffleSra Of the med ral corps here are makine Btreauo la e*T"rt* to save .lesu? Bayes, the lf?yesr-ol?i ho;,, -.?| o I...C wounded nmone th? Villa ? doting the fight badly ahattered. SEE INTERVENTION IN NEAR FUTURE I ?T-ntlnne* from p??e 1 force?, however, the 5th Cavalry, sta? tioned a* Tor? Myer, Virginia, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and I ort Sheri? dan. Illinois, will be f?nt iinrii?-d'a'elv. (frder- airead) I ave boon nven to the co in m ?m dir. ?r offic? ra ? f this regiment to hold ? to move. The dels 8 ' Bg farted, it i? realiz? : g trrently to the difficult ??? "I tl rarnr lign It Fumed thai Vil d t-ufflcient ? , ? . nous p?"i o-intr1. - . ? asa of the ntry pi irsl hiding placee from which ?urpr. ?? > - Did b<" made ?in the American column. : erretnry Raker ?aid to-day that iiothinn ha 1 come from Gsasral Fun? ci?n or from any other aoarce indi l that the ad | iard of tha expeditionary for,., was already on IB lolf He Said h? WOUld make kntrwTi th?. Tact that tl ? . idltien was i ? * as wan s new?, reached him. Ma> Have Craased Bardar. t.? lestioasd n? to the rn.*??ajre? that ! that there wsa nothing dir? ng re? port? ? i4?-"?- hsd been cro*?ed. Ils said ha bad oothins to add to <?? - ?? itatement ? i,? nsral Funston i>h?i full h-.- I . preeeed wl ? never he wt i ?? ... the fact thai .- arrnj would be IB full rtfeognition of Mexican sov ry. He ?1 ???. I. r, < ?I In diseUSI furthi-r the qoeation ? '* I at aetioa the ?? -fOVefnfflcnl might t.ik?? a? a of ?? and ng of Imstrlean troops In p ?r--n;t of the bandits, When Pr? ?idem Wilson re! ? ? to Wai ton to-morros . ?. ftei eel end i on the ?.acht Mayflower, he will tnk?. up with Secretar; Lai ng ai once the froi Gen? Cai ?ay roques! de facto troops to pursue bandit Imerican territory ?honld the neeri arise. Adminiatration of?e i ate thai a prompt answer ?dll 1" ? to General Csrraass l hey believe ? ??.;) b? it ' -?? ry to the de fad - I emrrv N'o arrnnpemr-nt? have been made, ?*??> ca? be learned her... for cooper? ation between Carranaa's tro?m and li .' force?. General runsten etalli ? . ehargs, and he la kBown lo be of th? ? ? riid of Mexican trio-? i be ?itele?*? eve-, if It eould BX led i ::. It il helrevrd, therefore, that he will mske no ???*?"rsnco for Bta'l ?tren-rth. except to regard M a? a passible SOU reo of dsnger. I.on-f I ampaien V.sperted. I '??-.. prepai it iOBI a inch are lent!) f ?pe? ? here ?? Iens*t1 ? r declared to-dav : a needle in s haj l ? nning ' Id and I s ? .1? had ant ? i? to ehoosa hii ereentW atad to-night thst ? imi : . c'. of cali ?' .rtac. of re^'ihrr troops, particularly .-sTalry? ?a admitted. It 11 ??.-%- foari I th? e8 airy, the only Bn I ?? that -? Villa. led alrr I ? II? for the and art,, ? ? Mm rn, orneen 1 that ed t rmination 1 late eavalry troop? will IBlly have to be railed o?it. If imaaigB la a long- one it will un tedlj p-o.. !,???- ,-, "o ?end ne** "ther points I olumbua, even if farranta sue ? ? troll Bg hi 'nrr-M ?nd p' renting war between the I'nited S'a'? rnd Mes leo. 1? is "aid tr Navy Department r.rclt that tne marine? will be held in man ness in case it becomes necessor) ' l?nd ?roops at Mexican ports. Th? doty WeuM be to guard the has,- whi the regular army troops went into tH Th? general instructions to Ganen Funston. it nnderoteed, lay itiei upon th? nec? ssity of In preying '?!> x cans on b'.?h ?.;dc of 'be border wit it the United 8ta1 I ....:, in defer ding ite own bo del?., a- d that troop movements now ? progresa or contemplate?! have noothl object. ???Tici-r*. of th.- expeditionai Will 1"' directed to make th rleir to civilians as well as officials . the de faoto government with whoi they com?- in con'art. Inatructlofei ai explicit, it la snid. to capture or dr pcr?e the bandits and return t., Unit? Sta'o.? territory immediately. The President Ii eoneidertag, 11 known, laying the whole situation i?? fore ? - . ?.mo Of hil a' hewe* ' ??? 'his might have hanrrfiil effect, it? that his purpoi mlgh* he mi eonatrued hi the Mexico people i ongieaa ii the only wi mitkiti? power and however earefull the Preefdent'c wordi might be lelecl .?.?.. ? ; und? r I.I theee ad-, is?-rs b? ?'?... m il'1 * be distorted whe they reached Me*ico. ...lid the Fresident finally rarr ? itter to th.- Cabinet, he will mak, ?hat operations i Mexican territory to a greater eitert tefy neceeearv to stum out the border bendita il the further . it from his mind ind that he pre ? t.? the fullest exten the complet pe? lenco ind sovet eignty el M? xi?-o. OFFERS TO TRAIN AVTAT0RI i \ero < luh Would Send Man from F.n I State to furtiss School. The governors of th" Aero < ' ,h rn, in the belief that 100 wel 1 trained and well et|uipped S'iato?. would tnako the task of finding Villa the Mexican bandit, an easy on-, hv? offered t?i defraj the exponm of ing an officer from etch state te 'hi ("urtii-s Aeroplanr? < ornpany's icheol. In rome state?, it ?.?.as e\y' there was no appropriation foi , i irpooe baoaeei the govern ment I as only eight l?w?nowored eeout Ing aeroplanes for service m luh governor? acted yesterdej The effet of the Aero flub WM by Wire ?as? night to the twe: t -, -i. v. :. ted aero cluht and *o the heat*1' of the national guard and naval B in the forty eight itetoo. Six members of the rlub. with pline il wa i ?aid. would lee ? Newport News ill a lew ?Ja training on high-powered ma? chine?. -a . CLERGYMEN LAUD WILSON Maaj Make Fleas for Preparedness and I rge Support of President. u for preparedneei and ? tai ? Prei de il Wilson in h of affairs with Europe and hie handling of the Mexican iltuation ?.ere made in te* eral New York pulpit? yestefdev, The Rev H eery A Stimson. of th? Manhattan ( ongn-ga' lonal Church; the Rev, Prank M. Goodcbild, of the ?'en? trai Ttaptis- Church; the Hex. 0 R Van de Water, of St. Andrew's Protestan* 1 piscopal Church, and the Re?/. Albert I. Keigwin, of the West Tnd Pre?by terian Church, were amonir tho?e who eddreeeed their congregations on tneao ?etS. Dei enctatiea of r.,?. Now York mer.i ? ot ?'<! againet the I d? al "i. tl ?- McLemore re? formed a rn' of the ?orrnor..-. ar-l tl names of :?.enator O'Gormaa anti Hei r? ntative Waiter M. Chandler erore meritnjned. Political parties '?era ?dm the demande that the Ameri? can puople stand by th? Preeident. CARRANZA TROOPS TO GUARD MINERS F.le\cii Hundred Reach Naco on Way to At*ua Prieta. I'ougias, An*, March If*Eleven hundred Csrrania ?reop? from Hermo i silla, hurrying to Agua Prieta, on the , Mexican side, reached tha border at Nhco to-day. M 'vas said the ?mope were to tu ? di"nbuted alone, ?he ?.astern Sonora boundary te guard mining camp? HOII9EKEEP0VG UNKNS Table Cloths. Napkin*), Towel*, -??heete and Pillow Caeea of our regular High Standard? are hero in Identlful assortment despite difficult conditions caused ?v the War. M McGIBBON iVis CO. ? IT TU S1 -KMr.-r WH0T, Nkah Kikiii AVBRVfl NEW CRETONNES Paintr fabrire in beautiful pattern** and colorings for anorning the Summer home? have iuat come from Furope and are now on displav at Moderate Prier?? INKXPKNSfVF. LACE CI'RTATN4*? Sl.ll? COVERS -tw\iv;s 1WDOW si! KDtS VWW-_V-^crAV_\?VVW**rVW ARIZONA TROOPS READY FOR DASH Strong Cavalry Patrols Close to Mexican Border at San Bernardino. FIRST CAVALRY ORDERED SOUTH Al8o Tenth Cavalry and Part of Twelfth, Now at Chev enne. Wyo. F. Pase. Tex., March 12- ?Senorta Isjaa to-nigb*- Indicated Important Amer ?csn troop moTements on the Aruona ?"?onora boundary line Ftrong earslrjr pa*r"!s ware rspartad c!"??? Is 'be boundary hi the 1 if San Rsr nardino Those 88evsSSS1 ?? la ! to per? sistent ero?-? that smal' American force? arare prepared 'or a quick daah ?"re.? the in'??rnat?ona1 line in that re g?on Rapd concentration of cavalry, in? fantry and artillery ?*?">? under Bray "> iiionc th.? border an - oppafsite the torrit? where \ ilia is ?Opposed to be hiding. Thron baf toat-ies or" the ||*l ?? I ' I , A, !l und < left here U | I border rhe eonceati ' ? point or po.nt? Wore BOl rear. that one or" ?hem was ?"elumhus. |N M Three eompaales of the '"*n Is fan try le'.' heie under sealed l ? ? r the Southw.??tern ? savalr) stationed along the bor? der to the west. .*: v bund cavalrymen are OB their -'?'.'? to CSBBS <irande? ? ? opera*?? ?'? Geaeral Bertanl against Villa and I Mormon colonista in th?f dlatriel from the dan? ger of Vill .' ' -. BSd attack, it WBS announced hoio to >algh1 Dou-rla?. Ar;*.. Marsh 12. The 10th Unite?! Stat? - Cavalry mid one battery I 6th Fie', I Artillery left here to? day, bound cns'?\ard. OB as itinatioB was r?d U "??! Prepara tiona for taking illy ? empleted by the army neadqnarti rs here. American army patrols, taita three ?lay?' rations, B ? - ? I to-night to triiard th.? border s de of ?he Americas town of N'oiralcs, Am. -? Blley, Kan.. Mareh II Major 9, -,.* '? ?? i ? aptain Itarrv r McAfee, of the raedieal corva, with a detachment of l ?? ? Ian Ant ? ' for ?? ? | ? boi 1er. 1 i ?nao, Wyo , Mai rind II Of the 12?h Cavalry, at Fort l) v. Rai ell, have boon ordered Mexic ? ay ara i etad to or '.er. have been ? I by the 2;:h Infsntt*] further ? i be preparad lo arave on ?bort notice. San Franc r?ee, March U T?e ;?? il oned at Mootorey and Baa Diego, reeehred ortlera to-day from Major i Pranklii B? II to pro leed I ? ? . . nmedl .-? a. i snge mrnts for their 1rs hsve boon ?mplefod. ?The sis ?mops at Monterey, commanded by < olonel Prod Is, wen to get .-'it, and the San Diego tee tingenl '?ill h" rend" for r? start Rt ?" ? , laorraa The ? tir? lai ' avBlry, exeept Troops M ?rid M. whil '-1 aaaemhl - il The Sat. Die?.-' . ?le snta will take tl thoin pnek trains, honni'als and bl sry I.nro'io. Tex., Maren 13 Si-, mem? bers of the ?iirnal eorpa at Km! M< intosh, Laredo, lafl hi re lat? to da-, ? . ' ? Brebua, Pi. m . with a complete I In?? n no other troop mo-, 'ens? uta here STATE CAVALRY READY FOR ACTIVE SERVICE Officer?. Think Regular Army Will Not Need Help. i 8**alry trtofra throagh?**ut the r *? snd sta'e. who Ban he ?all?<l upon by th? eovernm?nt for sen-ice alone; th" Mexican border, ate debating the por ?/ of participating in the hunt for Villa and his band of outlaws. Th' .' ha?e been drilling every W?SSk during tho winter and even the a?sw comers are said to be sufficiently hardened to the sad.Up and broken in to war. Oaaeera el Straadroa A. however, <lo r cr loi e ?? the) edil aoe active ?er S?rveral I ? .i at t'ne.r armory, Msdiaoi I Ninetj *n d th' ? ? ? g th ' csn ? rder will v Major William IK t whil? aojaadroi ??? ?? ? re-?,-? ? rrow, if ttmn orders vere re? ceived, he did not etteel them "There is no reason for thinkin?*; that we will b?i called upon," ho ?-aid "I believe ?hat the reg-ular arm-, aas handU *he situation, but should the unforeseen happen and shcild ?hp who],* division of the national ?.;..?.I be ? 11 ..- i idron whieh 1 rom mand would l>< in readii . ? Iran v .??;?? men 'o a clubs whether they would s? to the front. The impre.ttMr n la that tlw ?rill not hav?? a chane: yet Robert 0. Dernck, a men.ber of Bquadron A. who live? a' the Yale f'lnh, seemed 'o express the genera! feeling ed teere' whes h? said ?thai he feare ! * rie of leoiflg ?er ' VILLISTAS DYNAMITE CHIHUAHUA TRAIN Pul tip Hard \rlgW at Conejos, but Arc Repulsed. Torre?n, Mexico, March 11 \ LllistaS under O'iersl I'rbalejo made an une* ?? "'"'" " at C ? ? on a train which arri- ed ' an ?? da ? *>???? i ? ? ? same th ; I . * * . ra lue day? tf, t||( . I/ical authorities ?? Torre?n have h?en adv,led of pre.ideTit Wilson's a tion snd ? f i'en.rsl PuaSton's order?, Shaw none of th? alarm that it? s? fir?- foil on the news of the < . raid i tme-al Raaaah help? * o f * h . g , ? < : Its?.?.aro yonisl ? .? ??. rhlng hard to secure the ?au eoOBeratian of the out?oi?tits snd public in ree.orln?* ?We-*. AMERICANS TO QUIT MONTEREY DISTRICT Uredo. Tex.. March 12. ?American concerns op crating ?a the Monterey district and in the vicinity of Napimi. ?-t?te of Durango. ha\e ordered their en) ploye?, to leave Mexico at once, owing to suppressed excitement among the lower clan of Mexicans, accord? ing to Americans returning from that lection. 250 of whom reached the border here to-day. There is no apparent ill feeling against Americans in Nuevo Laredo and the border in this vicinitv is quiet. WOMAN WARRIOR THREATENS VILLA Miss Simonton Says Her League Was Ready to Capture Bandit. Fr'i s r-pr?d thing United - tatet troops p-o ehaaing \ ilia. women, led ?! ' i-* Vera Bltnonton,I armed *r!?!i honCSt te gOodne I rifles, miirl-.t bo hof.footing It through M Ir, pursuit of the bandit el ? * ?-? - they'd have got l-m. I ? ' mon ? ? Mies .Sirnonton in secretary of .ne American Women'* Loagrae for He!* Defence. Yesterday ihC lent 'v lowin** tele-fram to Mr?. Maude II. ".??'rierht. the aroman whose husband waa ? b) the V lia hand, ond who her i solf was forced to ride nine dn>. I fore she 'v.-i< rrl? I "The American Woraen'i League fot Belf-Defenee '.'?'' pride necease ? of your di| eonrage d?nn* yoor terrible ordi as a Villa eapti* v.r. otfof our sincere sympathy lot I loaa ot foot husband, and wc regret ' with you that -ft did not have a on at harrd with whi? h to kill Villa, Whet sld ean we render you' nnd your babyV Miss Sinionliiii Pushes ? -.ninait-n. Miss Fmionton killed one man. a ^a *? ige, in Africa, and hand!??-. ? rr-u ;.? a? ? member of h Wild ' "est ihow and as nonchalantly ai most m do n darning needle, s.e 9ss\ \>een in every country of the world ex? ception tiros?, of Booth America, ;? *. quainted v,r',-, many of the crowned : head?, .- I ??? r;'er. ant! 1= now bti'V preparad:-..-.-s ca?r-piiii-n for women throughout ?he country. league, which i? indorsed by Major General wood, aims to drill women in armories and pispar? them foi active wotrh In times of war. Any woman |Oll I igv will learn how to ase n regulation rifle, and ? il be tau-,-:.' m trap-?!.ting practico to! bit omething. In time! of war the women will tro 'o thi? fr,??' nnal make up the second lin? rive first aid ? an soup l I tener ? ?*. .< <i n ( oarage the men 1 light I'tv .' ' - - ? onton rire n of lif? : ble f;i.'''?r?. She 90S liern Into i I of an an ? twenty-nim \ - lea failed t.. lure her into that. , ? .,'. ri royal python. - ? kir,.* when ihi eoke he . II ? I I Bhe the ck-ri in 1er apartment, at 33<"> th O collec , ?ion ?. ?? "? rould give a] aightmarei to the average m. The ikull of i ??'??? a ho wai 11 ? ? ? ? Breptaeo. restinr? beeide a ?-???ape'.; ?del, eeverod liman ikin. Itan_;n{; from wa'ls are Mahometan prayer atete, knives, ni? .?.{-?tamed skins of blue monkey.?. ' -tali, man-hunting leopard. Africa sting *,fi ,ti bush cow, pelaoaod ar o .. ,k ? ipeei . arrow head? and African death ma Its In eobinota are COHtba, WOedOO toil?? ???m-toms, small Afric-n pianos, ??ar?*"! ? ?. o r i o ?,, pb?, idoli mid baskets mat!" in Central Af lea. Her sofa pillow*, ar" made of ,k:n.< i'roni tki "?ivoi of Boll,11 a?- 'he Niger il known. They are died with I ? process. Mis? Sirnonton penetrated Africa right to the equator, and went tar in'o the jungles where Pu I'haillu discc7 ? r- I the gorilla. A small body ?"?* S? ne-ralese troons the drilled when she 'here is BOW t':|"htir.|r for the French. It was in the Aahira forest he awakened in her ?ent and ; a nativi rob' ng her trenas. Bhe m dead with .? tingle bullet. CARRANZA MEN MAKE THREATS f.inilnneil from p?_e I ?hi? bordei The Aliene??,-? made the ? borse mi-= in .luar, had i hrj-ei erowd Of Amervan, tiran usual to-day. apparently attracted h-.- Pome U< ? ans for the most i |.art remained silent about the Amen I can expeditionary force. Some ex? pressed the hope that Carrunaa sol dien would catch Villa bef?te t'nited Vares troops en'ered NoXiOO. Af'iv ..v of Cur- ?er? about ?ome back of ? reeled ? nfint; H ?? I i-n. ,ri the Old Aral troops to leave Part for the invaal a of Mi deo pa--?? d , through El ?'net < n a ipeeial train to? I ni(-ht. 1 he trst troop movement from ? Port Rllss eenaiated of a Latferv of the 14th Field Artillery, -which ?eft fhortly before 7 o'clock for tJolumhua, N. M. ?.?Here |t will be a pari of the exped? . go int., Mexico Rt ,f\?: ? ? iptui s I raneiseo Vllta I 94 from Port Bliss win ? irning. It ii ? v i epad ion . be n .. i?i I i are sent in thrOUfb .Jusrej., and il is possible it may jr*? in ! morrow. With the exception of nuch artillery ? as may be deemed necessary, tlit. army ! which -roes Info ?fettet wit) he a cav? alry force almost, exclusively Army ..- onlr ravelrr could be used to advantage ,n flit mountain eouatry i s s ippoced '.? i"' 1" lii _ i ? .-? enta, the dth and ?he lath, br? it ."imp i- iIm at ("amp ?. la r.l Tsso and are understood to be under order? tu seize and taka charge ot? the Mexico Northwestern Railway, in iuurei, when ;_? movruaant ujto Maetoo rta-rfr. The 0mtX^p?k PIANOS Kor those willing to pay the price, the Mason & Hamlin Piano offers \alues beyond compariNon. . First, the tone quality of the Mason ?\ Hamlin M un? equalled, and i? so generally regarded bv ?.?mpetent ludges. 4*?econd. ? longer life of tone is assured bv our patented Tension Resonator system of COtMtflM tMta than is othcruisc possible. Third, the touch, or action, i* M *? icntifn .?!!>? and delicately adjuited that it responds to the de?re of the player without imposing phy'ical fatigue. For thrse reasons, brought about bv a willingness to spend enough money to build the moit supremely beau? tiful of all pianos, the Ma??Tn & Hamlin has earn'd the distinction of being the Piano Dr Lure of the WorU ittuomivxliumlintfa. ]] 3 Fifth Avenue ?it 3^!nd Street f.sfimatrs made of allowances for other pial ? Cr r?????_Bse?'ifik>e?nii?.*?>? ?a*...??cm announce ?[ENFORM.'XL-'DiyPl.W'S rs ? - v inbortations porOpnn? and C'am/ncr in (BoiOns *U3rai.ii5 ? Suits (?oute-Skirte-iO lous? rillillincri] Mexico Korthwectern ruai te ?"asas Orondee and into the '.vpsterii < hihua 1 'ia country, where Villa Is expected to make his rendezvous Artillery, cavalry, Infantry, corpi and hospital corps command? a?. Pett lllrss an under orders to he ready for nn immediate movement, and all offi-ers are ordered to remain in camp or barracks, pending orders from (.enerai .1. .f. Penning*! aoaflojeartera. This action follOWM a "uar confer p?,,-?" ta day at Peel Bliea, it i? ?aid All of the '..,f officers of tire border district, beaded by (ieiieral I'< r 'er\. When th? 6th and Kith Infantry re-fimerts move in*o Mexico tin? 7tn try will occupy ?"amp Cotton. All army "tTicers who are on leave or at ? emce an.t other tramir** school: have been ordered to report to their commands at once. It ia learned. Men familiar w.'h the Mexican tra ' and location of water holes in Western chihuahua were being employed to-dav by the army a.? scouts. Six America:.? reached 'he bonier 'o-dav from ?hihuahua City on a tram -married by (arranca troops. Th?'\ rr pert fifty Americans ?'ill in ("hihuahua City ready to come out. but -vaitingr for a tip from United Btatoa Con?ul Marlon I.etcher. It became known m Chihuahua City las? nisrh' ?hat American troops nre to entpr Me .ico, and amo?--* ?he mn'? tp. r.orant soldiers there was bit*??r re sentaient, aal no outbreaks The ^menean-- commtc otft sav they were threa?pne?t p?- t'nrranta soldier? he '?.r?- 1? avln-r. but -acre not attack**1. ?ican.* arriving on the ti?:' v.?r.' Henry Wein, A<>',i)er'. Itjiet David llofwits, C tueet, harchill and one named Barley. Tb* train which br. || r.Ut hu ? ? iiua. but found the railroad destroyed and. after beiag out *\sy ,|?vi, r? r urr,< ,1. New Btrrall were mad? to-di?; tc General < 11 ic? ? R traia *?.?? troop protection to hi II e SOt th? J* American Mormon coin- Lets ?t Cm?i Grei lea, who an I bv V:l_ i.eneral Oft". ?0 laid that I would b? ImpoaOihlO to send a train now, be that he would ?. > : be dew Si sal it later. He . ?'? " s f? weP protected by ?"if rensa troops Mexican City Bars All American Papers Brownsville, Tex , March Ii". ? As o! ticiel decree ban'?: newspapers fron. KotamOtaa, the M?. iCM town acruss the R e Gi '* Browneville, was isaui d t.. the n*.:.tar authorlttoa th? n I PtUM ????as given. Two ariefts re? It? HO Gar* ?. boatman on the 1 te I -'? '*rr eae arrested tn-nif-h* bOOMM M 99 ried a bundle of aowspepers s*roti U* n?ernat.oral bounder.- foi a ???*??? morag reaident. v a- 1er tot ? HrownST?lp pape-- W?e d? tslned ?"*t**t ';me and Ml piper? c1?*1***'?d PjtEPA&Dl?SS nu? be for many tb_->a> Read, "%%. time of war prepon for peor-e"; it cor tains ae on**-cb wi-rdom m the nadfe farnii-ar phr-p-*?' ?Leery pr?tent condition pointe toward gound er-d lasting prosperity for the "United Statei. I rc-rpcrta arc rttrote for try ?rrrrtr' cr-rio io these basic cc-nditkns likely to affect value All signs pointed to the turn of the tide, and the ecmmerciaJ pendulum was due to swing the c* her ?ay. Kecall?nf the-favorable factors in current trade corv? ditione, we cen'i?ok to the future with equanimity. .Each of these factors spells PREPAREDNESS for good limes?the seven fat years following the i'ven lean. IL/iscrusa now with the Harriman Nat*or_sl Be*nk euch changea in your banking aa the futura may call for. INccesettoua d<**ma*-ds are not favorably regard**-* by bankers. Early pfo-Hait-m fot ?future needa la the part ei wttd<**ni. tjound and lasting banking alliances arc not reedtly formed ot the last moment. Oervice is the feature of the Harriman national Bar t, which ia always pleased to d-ecuse with ptogpectiv? customers their *eqt3?ri?j-neTits. MNKINfl HOURS rtO? I ?. It T9 I P. *t UK Df POSIT fAULTl I * M TO pftmW Harriman National Bank FIFTH 4VBNUI AND 44TH ST. NRW YORK