Newspaper Page Text
GIUL?A MOROSINI WINS ANNULMENT Werner, Former Police? man, "Despicable Char? acter," (ourt Declares. SHE WANTED LOVE; HE WANTED MONEY Heiress a "Weak Woman," Oc? cisi?n Says, and "Easy Prey of This Forceful Man." Justice Haahr fourt. In Bull ran ? onty, .'.andod ?' ? ? ? the ? | Italian hi n I W. Wer n?-r. fens? t?rr"< '1 r> ? " lot O? neually d? annulled. The decision I divorce at ' Alice Redd) ig, absolve- Mil Moreelal from th eharpt? of 1 ?man's first wife to 1 Woraer*i " 'Tor oil the ? ? the court of a subjected to, adequate rcrr.t ? con? cludes. "T ? t thai is a judprrr. . I After T-. frt.m the 'all of became BUBI ger of t until, af*. r ? Nevada without eatablla** residence th? n . he married eini, and lived with her until April 1, l'.?14, loriga il I I nek I ? con? duct of the "Werner1 In*: willing * fe; to receive from ? a di? vorce whii: ?racy must have known ti> be illegal; in pul ing his wife's < ing willing to r? cenre larg money from lllai More . prior to his marriar*e to hi r; it forcing ment from her for 1 . year by a representa' ment in the police foi .ily in inducing htr to enter into an agreement to pay him 156,0 era .in of a relear-e, KTeali .. tracter un usually despicable." In di?*cus---,r.(- the eondoet of Miai Morosini, lie says: " ? ?he knew of tv ?? n srr -? of W ? Alice Redding. i ce li inex orahle that the l sent to * of the plaii tiff hen may be, 1 i.r ? Morosini k: ? in-- used by W< vorce from Alice Rt dding. "I am sat has no in? tellectual iti l woman; that 1 of her mnt-.' ?? love to her and that, r - under the apt of ?ion,' she hi can the 'forceful man,' tl "She wai *? d oi wanted not! Ing 1 whatever ai | -cuiri itances up te Tie the defendant after I resent. Soeh I rama in real 1 difficult?,- in ? player. AMERICAN EXPRESS HAS $25,000 FIRE Fifty Auto Trucks. Part Owned by Westci Its, Destroyed. 1 el raea ? drnly ?ranched I th? MC01 ! for aa 1 the bn?, mi ( ompany Bull Forty-sec the tifty hu'.r. truel and soppliei destrr;. .... and their loads. The fin pi ->n of th? building xoi ment, wale_ the cloud.? of i froi leno that f..- lack aa a coal mine, 8tr< it until |t a Police line?. -. h :? Forty-seco- '. Third Avenuei prevented ?? vices at St Batta Chief Martin estimated 1 damajre Westcott 1 .-? a gas itOl the streit deiti valued at (8,000 b'it no trae? of the work of New Romance SEVENTEEN A Talc oi Youth and Summer I imc and The Sextet Fewlly ?Especlelly William ' igA How re -.nee invaded the u*H ' ^ trouhi. ' ^ del,. I auth. ? r,ur,. ner. ! bei I ?ieg HARPKR & BROTHKRS fetafcliehed 1*17 ?: SIX HURT IN NEWARK CRA!..a < ar Hurl? Jitne> IgS Iniii Stanchion. ?.un?; W . - if? . -, i - n-.ncti ? ?? ? .., narro ? McLai l'i : n ?venae, 1 ? ; Thoi ? r ?;<*, 1 . S'orth 1 ? Miss Martha POLICE STOP^IRLS' $84 THREE-DAY FEA? Philadelphia*? Champagne a I obster Saved by N, Y. Man .; ' I ? ? 1 in ii room ? the g New ? ? ? . r and Miss B' had run away fi th for?*. ? ? ? of B. T. v.. ?? r ? ? h- Mr ''? B ... the 1 : -lico had ng persons nothii g ? ' ? ? ? ASKS MORE FOR EMPLOYME? lit? rinh Urgee Lrt*t*lalatare t<> Kai Bureau A}>|>r<'T?ri:-.ti??n >-'7.".i'<?. T?. prrv'r- r Club hi a appropria?? .- public employme ? . ,500. the eonfe .... r .h be economical!) ? tend? on the basis of ??:??es c ? the Buperint? ndent . f ? m now in with oil ' i.y. Syr, ? ? ? ".. ? hing labor to the rur both tl ta are ii ? !?;.. . -.??Il established system of ?-n : been :n exia < nee du year that ? ituation could hai bean handled with much g ce: B." ? SENATE INCREASE OPPOSE ; ?t? \\\)\ Be Lower, Cltlscsu Into l'olnis Out. ?m of thr i ... * . I plan of bership of I tlon He? in 1 . ; ' ? ? ? ? i *.,?-?. . \ rui ' ? ntation fo only. In nnicatlofl V en1 <"orn ? forth that the in ?uch a nei ? . ... SUBMARINE EXPERT SHIFTED Seer? lar? Daniels Order? I ?( Nimitz 1?. < ?.llicr Hut? ? - for two years ? oklyn Ns? ? the n?*?? ? ? ? ? ig] th? I'.i am ? ? : ?lort next month. 1'po? conr'' .? ? worl he will b I the c 1 las ' - ? art' t( ' ' two : ? ? JOFFRE HEADS* WAR COUNCII PrasUas ai Marstiag of lilies' Kepre ?sent ai h ??? at Preach H?Mcdgaartcn 1'ari.*., M i ral Je?re I '. ? presided over th? - to-day at I ? While the council i? In - ' ? ? 1 BUFFALO RECORDS QUAKE h l.T.o M li?e Away, PrabaaJ* la I'fTrihlienn, Shotrn ti? Seismograph. ? ihock thai ' ' ' rri'd a' I EaTrfjiah ?8vffraa-i*rt to Lecture. ? ? ? -4* ? :arch ' ? ' fi tt. 1.1 ' VETERANS SCORN CONVICT TAILORS P. Johnson, Prison Gar? ment Defender, Is Unpop? ular as Baldness. KKARNY WARRIORS ANGRY AND ITCHY Trousers Bag and Socks Won't Stay Up. Added Grievances of Jersey Home inniatrs. ? ? ? . . I'ncle army. Next 1 haldneis, I'hiland'T In the '?npamons i ' "Like a bull, I . name is mentioned,*1 John ?? en ? - ; . ? - trred mcienl ??I ?? mutiny," ? punished. How dare him, ? ? ? ble in i in re? lation to cot Iff ?" i loth? - H?? < Baaed Row. .Jo) n A ai -1 ? . ? ? the lape] o n coat ' ? "T?.i? tail ii not worth (he wearing, it you tl I " ? ne? ? ? ?? the shiny elbowa for a 1 1 he . .... ' || k V. :.-?], I "Ti... under-.., ir r "?? ?? I ea," "I e in Joh "You're . " an noune, . ? ; moved hia at ... . . i . : Klapp. "Ar ;. ho** . I ? John Johnson N Eieotiat? I ? t thievei and : mi merittl las! . ? to al aa I for 'H" ..r_-. ,! ??old:. I Oi *uh." ' ? : do you know ' ' ? ? Aloi . !? r Jonni on. it I ? ? tion, If" i ? ? he an ? a I ? i not t g made by them." LAUDS GERMAN-AMERICANS Weiamaan, al Bazaar, Diapates We? loyalt) trgument?Fund Nu? | ? trs and oi ? ? a day. Brooklyn and Qneeni day, and it ? . . .- ' ' tho police , i n an a J? - ? . de ? and Thi ? ? "H. v PRINCESS HERE FOR DIVORCE .??a?, h r-hi-'H Sac Victol id' Thurn and Tails m Newark. ? I l '?I? Boui ? "W - for ? ? I ? ? - ? CONDUCTOR PICKED UP DEAD William Gaakill Believed \'I -inn or Foal I'l.t- tin 1 min. ? ... . ?? ? ' rife, 'wo deu? ten ai.d ? : . fur.. Tiffany & Co. Antique English Silver and Reproductions N. Y. MILLIONAIRES SEEK HAGGIN ESTAT! Plan to Found Wealthy Colon in Blue Grass Region. I anlag tl ? . . ft(a-n ifico: ? ? ? ? . t of an ? ? ..rid after * ? ? | ict i i H. rTJ man, ? up. ?ihl? i of an Im Blue ? ,i.*h i u.xeii ' SWANN AFTER LAND FRAUD Ha* F;,cc!?i*d Fifty Coaaplaiata Agaiaa Real K?tat?" 1'irin?. !' -. Swann la h reel ? i ste 1 ? com? ? ? rat m make a M | ' il ' . plaint?. The ' ' ' with 1 t ? r be i ni ? ? to a i '?. whi? h : ii (i-rji bad ' I '. lar???" ?r?, of land, of which the loir? purchase, a part. Attempts l" ? s will be t ? \ ? ? ? There a-. - ' I :<-r this 1 ? I ? ' ? ? . md In ? ? 11 steed ! ? ? to the s . ? 1910 GOOD YEAR FOR L.-U30R Msny I???? Passed Iffortiag I nem I ?n? aient and Minimum Wege. . >B1S were | IT, BC? 1918 labor I y the De? part men t of Lai i i ? i eoi ' I ith it ? ? . .? on i" th? ? GIRL. IN BED. SCARES THIEF Barglai I aaghl w !.?-n lie Trie? |? Hid? in Mun's Bool - - l'il Mr. ? h lid in ftfttJO hail. CHINESE TROOPS CRUSHING REVOL" Government Force?? Msrchin on Yunnanfu. Says Pckinp. Wash Mai ' ' ' ? ? from I'ekintc in ? ? ? me. I I after ha? ? ? in, has .? en Sa ? ' and are rm marehini? ' aaanfo, th ipat rill ten that Isolated region. Th betweei River and V ? rch. "Ti ' ' ' ? K . ? ? -. ael ? I Kwangnai Fu. ne Yung els ou ? ? ? i I tion of the opium **t enir-'.- ? ' " NEW CARD INDEX FOR SWAN1 District tttoraej Seeha CoSpeeatlaa *x i'rimin ?!??' Re**ee*d* ? - ! ? , ef erimlnali Diatriet W torn? ? cm ?' th P Comn Woodi, the ? Char : ' ? record rn*** i thoda .h ?? ! re mo : war.' ad t eei . handicap; ? [| ?? the D ' ? ird can h( I ? - ? i. Tn ? PASTOR ACCUSES OT/ORMAN Betrayed tmeii? nr Honor, Saya Dr. ?.l.hlld. ? ?ch ?"are??" ? ? | by the R< tor* of the made a few ... ., . | i ? ' On *' . ? How lound whi r ? the 1 notes, and tin n aee t oi Amen-? tho'e w^ : nor in the '? WOMAN TO COW STRIKERS Jeraey'e Star Under ^ft-nff Sent t?. Help \',< I? .-n-u-rei! t ,rnt. : ? ' i . labio r and ? man down ' nn Si ? ? ? ? I J A flood habit cannot ?be formed too early start the children on Drlyon's PERFECT Util A Standar J Ethical D.ntifnre "*??nc1 J.c s?,?mr? f r gOttoeOWS samp!? I f iv.hrr Dr. L*onl Pertocl Dental CroatB or Tooth Powd?r. I W I von A .Son*. Inc., 514 W. 27ll. St.. N. Y. City MEEK SCHOLAR A TOY FOR LOVE AND RUM "While I Breathe, I Hope," ?Mur? murs Learned Mendicant. boel Shir.a. scholar, Stood '?.,?? 9 la court In er?, hand lie '? 'la eeaerable derby. "Has this man :. record, officer?*' ta-* i the magistrate, impersonally. "Ho has," put '.n the shabby pel "Ar,! this la it: "Bon in Dublin. Ireland, of pood ;? and ??"Teat nromise. r.radui'e of Trinity College, Dublir-.; form. :i in St. Krancis - . former rri feeaer of *e I'll former teacher of book I, Brooklyn; formerly" ? "Korm.-rly twice arr-a'drned on the same charge "/aeraney," the polieeaaaa for h ? t I Dei aKhan. He ? end shameles.-' are before hii ?a true en? "But remember ? effaeti tuse of ? .-. , ...i a as a IB| '.nib I ? .? ?my years a_-n. Ehren then I was liar, but I knew of many ? I ft tl aa of ; lost her. She lilted me. 0 the eonio ! the ? Jdagietrate i-> beard "he ?cholar through. Hil comment was brief: ? The ?cholar murmured somotrrr.c* In i itarted I ... II. Another - leholar in tl ? B n lay morning lUght the v. irai Latin, all right.** he said. "It .- i ? I hope.' - ? ' himself " , WILL PAY $1.000 TO BE SHOT Woman Hakes Offer to Polieeaaaa? tie Takes Her to Helle?ue. rdaf thought of a new I ..? en. She wee ty-three, of ? Brooklyn. Ac.-, Dougherty. ap ? ? Battery a 11,000 If . ? tal. Hi?l St reel Hurray had ? ? ? ? ?-V did not I ? ? id th.? mot ? 1 HITO RAHE DOG IN RAT TRA1 Bellboys Save !?ost Mairie?? Mexlcai ( hef t ailed "One Biff Rat. For a Mexican halrtasa ,?f? weighing *hr?e ar-.! pour.d\ he create?; an aw:'.;! uproar in ths Ho'el Majestic Seventy second Street and (entrai Pork ?Tost, earty yeeterday morning* He barCBBM lost in tlic lobby while hi? owner, Dr. R. H N'ewBaaua, an American Kill Cc*oaa director, of Knoxviiie, Term., returned to his liBBOaslnS for a paekaga. Ar. army of bellboys and guests, ?roused from sleep, joined in the ec.irch They hunted in \-ain. T'vo hours later Jaleo Boehaira came up from the pantry. "Mon Diem! I have - heeml** he cried. "Ze une irrnnd rat," The Mexican llliptatiaa won Ha wr?f?? in.. S? der, in search of food, had wal?-??* l.rst into a wire rat trap. H? , stored, unharmed, to hi? owriir CAR FENDER CRUSHES r*|? Kc.Il>. Workmen Inder It and Trart Skull ol On?. "*? .lohn Meyer? and Patrick n^.t member? of a track repair gar.? rolled under the fender of ? ""'??? i*" nu.? stre?t car at l?"7th .".?,-?,{,'" night, and so badly hurt that ?v.?. *? die. "***, Two nol'cemen and ? cr-ow' .? ^ ns Bpended the car and drag-aL*? >? ?'????: men Mil before ?he a?tr^** !*? traction ?-.Teckiii?-. crew. At th? ? mgton Helghte Rosi ital it -*M ."*** ._?--_-,-. it was fa?, that Donohue'? akoll had hetn ??* tured ?nd I Meyers ha.) n^i"* '""?HS Spring Styles, $25 At Two Stores The newest 1916 novelties. Irish Homespuns, p|ajn and fancy-weaves, finished and unfinished Worsteds and Cheviot?, fine Covert top roatinf-s. Fully 500 f?ibr,ra in a variety of colors, weaves and weights. Samples on request Suits to Measure, $25 Top Coats, Silk Lined, $25 Arnh-rim js? Arnlmm ?A-aa Exclusively Custom-made Clothes. $20 to |M \OU Per MONTH ON PLEDGE 1 ^ of PERSONAL PROPERTY THE PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK M AMIA IT AN. mirth Avenue, cor. 25th street. dg? St., cor. Hivington St. _l$t Houston St.. cor. iissex St HKONV Courtli-idt Av. ccr 149th St BROOKLYN. "*" Smith St., cor. Livi-ic^tt-.n St Graham Ave., cor. De!?evo!se St nth Av, Ivt. 48th cv 4'ith Sts.j Pitkin Av., cor Rocluwiy Ar, |ton Av.. cor. 124th St. ?| PER CENT CHAF 51 ?rand St cor. Clinton St. *%*. LOANS REPAID WITHIN 2dSt.,bet Lexington* JdA-v ' & rWO WEEKS PROM UATE. H Why the Student Chooses Keros?n?? GOOD ?eyesight is a most im? portant asset to a student. His eyes are the tools of liis trade. Hence the almost uni? versal use of the kerosene student lamp. Of all artificial illuminants, the light of a good kerosene lamp is most like ?sunlight, and consequent? ly the best for the eyes. -Oculists both in this country and abroad testify to this most emphafically. For purposes of general illumina? tion, tin' convenience of gu,s and electricity is uni'iit si ioned. Hut lor the quiet circle of the reading table, nothing is better than a krros'me lamp. Therr are m am* pood oil l.-imps. We reeommend tie RAYO, which does not smoke, smell or form wick crust provided yon J'll it with a uniformly good grade of kerosene. To make sure of grtting reliable fuel, say "So-CO-ny" to the ??-ro cer's boy when be eonv"*** to take your oil can. Socony is the name of the Standard Oil Company of New York's best kerosene. It is clean and clear-bum i ri-? alwavs, wherever and whenever you bn?' it. ]?mok for the Soconv sign in the windows of the grocery, hardware or general store where v??u buv kerosene. It is a sign of <? ii:ih? : and one ot the easiest ways t ? recognize a reliable dealer. We recommend the following oil burning devices as the best of their kind: Net? l'erjWtton Oil Cook stoves and Water Heaters, Per fection ?Smokeless Oil Heaters, Rayo Lamps and Liinterns. Standard Oil Company of New York NEW YORK-BUFFALO Principal Offices ALBANY-BO.STON