Newspaper Page Text
p?A MOOSE -ACK IN RANKS AS REPUBLICANS Reunited Party Certain to pefcat the Democrats Next Fall. MRBA\KSO\L\ CHOICE OF STATE ut Friend*. Insist He Will Be y-nrnated in June and fleeted m No\ember. I, IOWARD ?. BAM I ? - ?j-???' w T*-? I. 12. The 's---.;: . d.rect, . - ! -.ay, and . M Crar.d re had i rae to - a b't and take ac always traf that ? ? ? ? ? abrad and ei**ht ay are sub .: i?, to ? A ? ? been ?A - ? : | ? -? treei1 the dam - ?td-rtie- ' "p N'twemher. B-'t, i ? be pn ber rs aery etroncly u> ?p l?verai *?* ? Bad ',?? the Rep-?b r L? \ ves are ber. be Prc ? - ? ' Repub'.i - cf nuh .?[ .' ? . ?s E. Wataon .-??at? re q u. r ?? bv the ate he ee vot?e la T?, i - eHt. ? -, - ; grow ? n -. ? erei - )p?r . in ??-rjocraus r,ow *J-.ere, ? . ? -. Saw will ?jr [| ? ..? the ma in th< ??wer teed i f ?'.a- d ? u ?--o P.epub -.--?- at least and not over ? i reasonable eetii mee of the Re xra ?? of i I . * in delegation, sa ? ? - ? ? ? ' by. the a rea! car. : ? : ? a Unit? --?'.es ir. for who-n e*UI *.? and ?tin ?? -..?? itanda test Saj r.arr.ed - Pro ? ? Rej -- for Fair !-?? - | ? i r ? ? ? . rr -. ? - ? - md choice. ' :',.-??-?. and ?ij ? i ? ? Tv ey ' ? ? i en rare hi**., '??i a . -. ' ? I I ? able to c'.ect him i Bern! tua oaf ? More? tean i ' --.r-?ire-' ' - the Herri. ? -H. i. -?-?,-? ? I Kar. ( oiorado. '?'?? a? '-? -ron and ? : lfiO rotei. ... .., ^Call l! - -^,n_ MrKinley. refer t? I <.:rbar.v?. ? .. .... ? .-? ii the yiarr? of . he .-. rain at ? i and ijcce??s ? and .... p?tent, * ?,-?.-, be ? ? ? -. .?-?-. the ' ? ? ? f Fairbai Kent ? ef? ' ? ? ? ? ? v- ? ! *??.- i ....... i . * ' ? ?.i of the ? . .. ? ai .,. ? ? . ad? < ? ? ? rr hi?, war. ? ??. ? - ? - ? ?..-? ? lai ted Ir, Ketorn. .? ?sis a ? - it ? re ?a,., pa,, ta n t Pr ? *., .,' t?a'' ?, d u '? i? ? ... - , ?- r*-< ? , ell '?r. ?* ,'.'??' ...,,.,??-? ? ?? -?i and tl - ' - 'a i */ V? ^' If' led f-?.f ??,_., ?//Xy ?DUl at the primar.o?, ??vherea? 1T&,0(Vfl vo< ??ere cast Ifl the Republican eolui for Fairbanks and the three He* I ''can et ? r United State? S? star ?a I r.ur:?- 2t6Ji ? ? ' ? toi f "The A ? man of t ' ?? .- ol tat. ? Pi igr? *? -?. no *n t most sei ? ? Beils of t reorganize.; . organization sectioi ?to Here ' the Republican non ? ? Segle) ' .--? re, w ?" the foui B I nitrri In V\ ayne I'onnly. Wayn? be thrmi is located, a of the t ". ' BRT **? ? S r.ot i r ti lata s the Progressives electing; all coun Been s the ticket both >car The R? ; ".b'.icar.? cast or... ? ? ? a ,' .. ? 12, while tl in 1914 the Pi . polled 8,81 to the Repuhlieai Last Tue ? ? Bl ring direct primar, ? | - . on a disairrecable day, the R publi?*ana polled no fewer than 4,7( as th? cast at a President.?1 elo?Ctl01 ' year? ago. In Elkhart County, op I. tre-.. - rner of the state *.ear Chicag in If] ? ? Bull Moos? - i 3?4' ? i Republitran par*. ??? i ? ' prima epul ca- ? eaal and ? Progreai - ??? -s Jr. Marion County, whleh mclud? i. lit' Ml : 11 ,(KK) vol Tue? laj haver hanr ? an?. f the 1 t*s that s I help 1 , - ? ? . : , : fall is the enormoua increase i '-,???* ? ?he state since the l?emo? ra' came It to pos re Bjht years aro on ?rn demanding economy. Th State Haass haant teen big enou? to held the arid".-onal Pemocratic oi *"-reh(.lder? si ' ' hare had to hir room? out TSJ -v. ?v? Pror-resca-et a ' hack In th rp..rga-!7ed Kcr"jh'..can par'r 11 ? B< thai there - ?entiment in Indiana than i ? - ?. thai - ? say, l?n le n 11 men t favor ?? ,. a?? ell I a? hoi * of ft - the -?a*?' and thej ? him as a f"*? ? feel, es-Progressives and ? ? ... - : ? Cl capo would he ? v'o "*e?-ond Choice. ?"-??? an t ,- - The They "??an ? . v. hei asked what ??.?ould b i-s?-e Fa rl ? ? ? "? ..-?-'? - " \ s-Prai ? - ? Ma I i hs? her-. - il day?;. - ' | .- wher? -??:e a .veer- | 't'o??. ? to ho us? '? ? Mon a al ndiana poli I by the Vice-Pw ' from the H ta Hause ai iha! ? open? ng that ti ne i sHnve %/ i ?? e-, - * feai J... - ?, .1 Bryan at Yoongetowr - i Taft cam* . ?. me one sueco!ded ir, ? ? ? i frnii ri,- n- He -x ' 8 - .- who ha-. ? ? - -? " - Mot 1 "?her W? v ? Wt .?? H OUI I :-*'* had >*<*??- r? ?? 11 limes, nig ndsy, to tall ? abject 4*,V SlTFRAGISTiTCHIER SLATER *>erator Defend?. Bill He Introduced at Xnti?' Me-etlrif. Weg" aster ragists were stor George ? .: ?-er fr.; -.he - :.! tu ff ra?,' . - ? s i at i - ' - .- meeting ? . ? mator Bieter ? f a - ?ver be re .... ??X>-.- - - :.o.ocii*, --,? | ? heater Con .vate? I tt ' -. . ?rislatoi minor the greet nu majority are entitled to represei s true repre ? v. . ??d ?. -poke Bg was a ' . ? ? ' ' I '_? - ' MOOSE DEMAND T. R. OR EQUA This the Price of Unie with Republicans, Says William Flinn. PATRIOTISM MUST DOMINATE PLATFORM Ke>stone Leader Predicts Pei roses and Barneses Won t Contro! Convention . March 11 R. "a man somewhere near hie er-ua!" f President, nominated on a platform ?- tien, :? the Beam of anialj-am tion which th?? Progieaaivc party w offer the Republican ; ertj when ? national convention?* meet next Jqi Chicago, .- : ? Penai vaaia member of the Pr??gn tional Committee, deelari 1 here I li "The ihip etaad ?i i Mr. ntnn, referring to his i ?nark, made a month or two ac? : "T rule of the ,-eas app?e-t to rre. I tSV be the last or one of th? last to ',???, the ProgTi that ia, pro? ?'?.a other? decide to leave." Progri ef that the cal move for the Republican! would 1 'o non-.-r.a*' V ?? ??e!t, expressed t day by ?-i ?., him been voie? before by men active in the party, hu' S'.r Fliafl added: "( o!on Rooseveit practically say? that he wr . accept nothing ihort of a unar.'.mot call from th? Convention." t'nlon Depends on Rope hi Iran?. TV? ihip itateaMBt et?l stand? Mr. Plrrn eontinaed. "1 an a Pr f-re?? ve a-d will remain a Pro****eeaia ... ?.? there is an ama'.-rnma: on h ? ?..??? ??.. | ? .- i < ?tad Republic! partiel ?hen the two nat u . ? ? - ? meet in Chicaf "Whethor there li to be at en ?'.?? nation reete with *?r ?Rep. The Republican partv al ? conv ? n a ? ? offered ; , * i to nominate a cs-<' late for Pi"s den? the Pro-*re??ives can lapport, a I f itf -- ? ? ?v can indo-?' the Pregreeeivee, aaaembled rant on at the tame time ? be e hand 'o pass jndgi ??71 at eai Rooeer?? but \' not Rooeerell t i i lomi where near his I ? ial who ate . -, ipprov? "It ie i tirai ' ' K le -?? ? i A ? ( ?invention 1 nronf rolled. ng pi ttle < - - partiea at i ?ake. "The Barneaei .-:.-. .. n V| becauee the exia ft - ? ? ' - - nal ble N ?ill con ? on." i . - i be een t f ? Pennaj it the roe a Ne n, and m terated 1 ?? be ipeeted t? attend that convention as a delegate .Minnesota to Name Choice for President To-morrow Paul, March 12. Minne "? re? dential preference pr;rr?\r? . will b? I next 1 ... w hrn dele fttet te *hc Republican, Dem and Prohibition national eearent HI 'will be chosen. Ti? Progreeaivi ?? ? ? fled far. unopposed liai of ea&didatei ? ? be cert he bi < ' tea. i ,,..,?.- ?- . _? , ?, - doraemeni i ? . . ? - . u ... tereat ? lent Wilaoi without Dee rat .... rea ari ritl out a though 1 - -? - Hiram W Johi ' of Californie ?1 fac? ?ni ?tate color to theii galt . fled ? ? R< r nblican t r. their ? ce Thej ?. " ? bert B. Cummii Iowa, an?! W an ?rant W< r . ? -, r ? ? ? m I eh bai Eugen? form? IV ai ilier, former ? N e i entii ?t^lllllnl'lV'llllllllllli Coward ?hoe Wm\m^yW^ tike I? merits of an article make it famous, it is sure to be imitated Dost people prefer the onoinal. StU Nowhere ?I?a James S. Coward ?J6-?- 874 ??.iri-aaasHeh 8t?, ?H? T. ????ear ?VVf-TtO Sti*-?ni ?4^l>-W?.-**i 3-IMCaUWs BROOKLYN BACKS ENBJGHT Citl?**--..?? to Prote-it l-raln?! Tailnre ?o i'mmtAe Lieutenant. The lmh Assembly Dist*ri**t Taxpay? ers, the Easter-*, District Crete A.*so i-iRto-., UM North Bids Board of Trade and several miner crgar.'.zatl'rr.? ? Wi'.:iarr.?bwrg and Greeapoil I ??"' of Brork'.-,-i ar? prepar. .-...* to p* '? Mayer Mitrhel the refusal t? I <~orr.r-..? "o premota I-? 1? t-r.a:l1 Richard Y. Knrirht. of the vat..* * ? * * ? tai r?-. y rl :??? ' called Enright, 1 I - for the third tima for the g e " He sp; ointed f -,-?? -.-??. ?--.-? i ?b** eau-ir-.g .? - ? - s automatitca J - ? ? ? from the Mayor Mitchi aturda the Commisslor ** ? strtion, whlcl ri'..?-!, "re Ma>er add? mental reason?, the nature ' be refuse I se i?se 'T nnderstand thai Mr Wei Is ; a - : I over Lieutenant F.rr-cht becanee he is r*e?'.der.t of the Lieferant?' A??oc:fi t:or.." Eugene Ruoff, a pwlaeat ? - -t T^.Tpaver?' Ai it ? . . to know || t right t refaae promot ioa b< to i - aerti on i Job Hed-fe? i- rg tf ided Enrigt. ? - - . ....... ... accomplished would result :n h ? - I maki *nmei - ? - - ,.- ? .......-r ? ? ? ?;.??. it the a. ra. Dinner for Koer.i?* > ?er will be ii mittet ... ? - the thirl ... . ... ?? . - ' rror - [art ? BRUMBAUGH OUT FOR PRESIDENT Keystone Executive's De? cision Means Fight with Penrose for Control. ? - .?. Mar-"h. 12 (iotrrr.or G. Brumbaugh, in response to - r ."- ?, Heaty ?> Wa??on, Re raa Katioaal Committeeman from ?. tha* he ba a can ? r the Presidential nomination. ?o-r.;ght his reply accept? ing the invitation. Mr. Brumbaugh's - je\j he platted - ???rent.?', bal'.ut to be ? - - ~ary electron er. May 1 <5. ; Mr. I 80 was iled? I I rational committee by the followers el Theodore Roosevelt in 1912, urged th* Govemor to assume the leadership in a movement to s<v--re a delegation to thl Republieaa National Coareation which weald be a.-c. ptable *-o the Pt ** ?tree, as well a* the Republ ii - I leaders be'.:e\-,> tha* ?M ' emor'i announcement presagies a fight -.n the Republieaa primary bet Brumbaugh and Senator B- ? ? - for control of '.he ,'..? legal ??rate. ( Br_rx.baj-r;h doc'.ar?-? letter to Mr "A'a??*ra of thought an i the Republican forcee of thl kith aa to prrsaj-e a re01 and a Rep ' l tory in \ ba?r cannot be accomplished adei that .??.,. been i ired that "i e a are held ree] lible ng togel r the broken force? and it 1 s I ?? e v -????? YOU CAN AVOID the pitfalls In the Invest? ment Market and add to your Material Assets by purchasing our GUARANTEED FIRST MORTGAGES LAWYERS MORTGAGE CO. HI CHA HO 88. HUR O, Bi**tl?**4-,t Capltal.SurplusAPr $9,OM,IMt?0 ?. ?nil Sal VT It? M'l'tr,?' BIt. ?U'e the Governor i? ??id to hav? been ?,?"prt-?ents ??>..? u II ,?. S Vare and >m brother. State ?Senater K Iv? n H. Vara, -ehe ?r? eel leader? ? ther ?up port the ?????' e rn oon / ?imp Annie Laurie"?not with but with my own feeling/" THF AEOLIAN -VOCALION "THE PHONOGRAPH OF RICHER TONE THAT YOU CAN PL.fY v if \ ?V: F - '< *-; - : ?e Other bc<::.: abinet model f from $75 upwards. Payment i <;< low as $5 monthly. ilso a group tj magm art cases in Classic Designs. ?EXCLUSIVE FEATI That make the Aeohan VocaJion musically and irl pre-eminent. ? e ''?.uil BtS, m I new scientific discover ?es. It pro .: IC? a richer, deeper tone than anv other phonograph poxsesses. Tm Sympktnttit Him ? scout? i v perfect in design an.i mat?* I* ?lira nates sll ; honograph stridency and presenrei the beauti ful tonal characterist ? of all in? struments arid n -? r.e A'-:; .-/?.?'*?*?7_r.-.-. >'.-*. W I ?wo simple movements it a record to stop where desire : ?.-. a ao starts it p!. T.t Rtvtlotitner* Gradu?la, .; es M)ii the new phono? graph privil?ge of tafrtmt9 tsntrti -lets you ;..-?. the phonograph. :n fact. 1 feature to what other phonograph* give, hut you onlv need _>e it t? !<**? "iu nant .??. I HAD stoppet, for a moment in a beautiful music wareroom? and on my journey to the door I paused. Some one was tinging "AnnieLaurie" behind me, so sweetly, so touchingly, that I turned. I was listening not to the human voice as I had thought, but to the Aeolian -Vocation, the new and greater phonograph which I had never heard till then. That was _ wonderful moment forme! I was listening to a ?-ong whose depth of emotional appeal depends on the delivery of every tonal shade. And yet each tone was sounding co beautifully and with such a delicate significance, for all its richened quality, that the tears came to my eyes ! So I found myself sitting before this newest type of phonograph, and the ??alesman was asking me. "Would you not like to sing that song yourself ? " I merely stared, for how could I sing ?t ? I who have no voice but merely a ?cert feeling and love for beautiful music? He smiled and passed me what he called the Graduola--a sceminglv simple device operated by the fingers, fie showed me how, ?with a graduated pressure upon it, I i ould fairly melt the tones away to an ex? tremity of plaintive sweetness, or swel them forth so that they reflected every deep emotion thi? tender old song roused within me. That afternoon I sang "Annie Laurie,M not utth my oun voice hut *utth my an feeling ? through the Gradu?la device which has revolutionized the phonograph. That musical experience I will never torget. I never had one like it, and though I never expected to buy a phono? graph, yet I did buy the Vocation ? to infinitely more wonderful than any phono? graph 1 have ever heard. For no phono? graph but the Vocalion enables you to play the phonograph yourself. and soto become? far more than a mere listener?a sharer in music. Of course, the \ c i I it - r, exac*'.y as r?o the older fashioned phonographs, though w*th far richer and fuller tones. Ne * ei w U it ?? try a record in an?, way. unie?.? you w ?h it to. The self-expres? sion device is limply an added p- i le *e ???hich. when \ou exeror ? a : :? immeasurably to the intere-t of the phonograp* // tr iuvitt ?-?_ - ? tier thii ana tthtr modelt tf tht ./'? ir.n-l fa.tin irrttpftttVi tf any ?urifion tf euytUg, THE'AEOLIAN COMPANY AEOLIAN H ALL, 29 WEST 42\n STREET. BETWEEN 5th and 6th AVENUES ..fair" tr :\r fttottot Piant*?/-?---f-'r Manufactwer-i t/ Mutual ln<t-umtntt m the World f?*t*f*f*|fMb '? " ""?? tOPttOS '?'??um